Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1946)
BEAVERTO N ENTERPRISE Friday, October 25, 1946 y STOP! A N D SH O P '“ A L O H A CCT v o r n PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED at the ALOHA PH A RM A CY ALOHA, O lii:. Electric Home Store ALO HA, OREGON “ LOOK FOR B e G ive S&H SPECIAL - PHONE A LO H A 6454 THE P h ilco SIGN” G reen S ta m p s ONE WEEK ONLY Johnson & Johnson 6 inch Single Face RAPID FLO FILTER DISKS Box of 100 for 69c ing areas are available near the marsh. W a terfow l shooting is prim arily m arsh flyaw ay hunting at Sum m er Lake. D ecoys are som etim es su ccessfu l but often they are not. R etriever dogs are recom m ended W aterfowl Season T o to cu t dow n the num ber o f lost and crippled birds. Som e small 0|>en In Sum m er l^ike lakes and potholes provide the Management Area m ore usual decoy type o f hunting but m ost sportsm en hunt the large Opening o f the w aterfow l sea m arsh at the north end o f the son on O ctober 26 is expected to lake. a ttract a record th ron g o f hunters to the Sum m er L ake m anage m ent area in Lsike county, part Elk Season to Open o f w hich is operated by the Game E lk season will open on O ctober Com m ission as the only public 29 and extend through N ovem ber shooting ground in the state at 20 in eastern Oregon and close on the present time. A fee o f $1 a N ovem ber 24 in western O regon day is charged fo r hunting. counties. A small area along the Pheasant hunting also will be east slope o f the Blue m ountains available as the entire Sum m er in B aker cou n ty will rem ain open L ake basin was declared a pheas for an elk o f either sex from N o ant study area this year. T here vem ber 21 to D ecem ber 22. will be an open season from O c A large part o f the area east tober 26 to D ecem ber 31 with a o f T he D alles-C alifornia highw ay bag lim it o f three birds o f either will be open for an elk o f either sex. sex, with the northeastern corn er B oth pheasant and w aterfow l o f the state (north o f the N orth hunters will be required to ch eck P ork o f the John Day R iver and in and out o f the hunting area. the north line o f B aker cou n ty) A ccom m od a tion s for hunters will open fo r bulls with antlers only. be som ew hat im proved this year In w estern O regon on ly bull elk although all reservations are re with fork ed antlers m ay be taken ported to be taken for the first and the season will close on N o 10 days. T w o parties have cabins vem ber 14. or barracks within one m ile o f T here will be no opep season the ch eck in g station and several fo r elk in Jackson, Josephine, ranchers have room s and meals Curry, Coos, Douglas, Tillam ook, available. T w o unim proved cam p- H ood R iv er or W asco counties. N o person shall possess o r tran sport elk in areas in w hich the season for such anim als Is A LO H A BEAUTY SHOP not open unless said anim als have been properly tagged w ith metal W o rk Done seals w ithin the area In w hich By Appointm ent Only they w ere legally taken. Metal tags will be available at all State News Reminder» For Sportsmen Aloha, Ore - H O L ID A Y S - SHOE R E P A IR IN G Thorough Luhrieution Service with 1 Day Service SUNSET PRODUCTS See U» For ITie Nerfosary Ingredienti« B EST M A T E R IA L S R E A S O N A B L E P R IC E S Aloha Super Service GOLDEN WEST Market and Grocery Aloha, Oregon C H A M B E R L IN S in ALOHA, ORE. We Give Civic Group Okays Basii* School Support Bill tee's conclusions as follow s: 1. It is the constitutional duty o f the state to provide "a uni form and general system o f com m on sch ools." 2. T he present m ethod o f taxa tion and distribution does not dis ch arge th if duty. 3. A dditional, stable state funds are necessary to discharge the constitutional requirem ents. 4. State funds should be d is tributed in a manner to assure m inim um educational opportuni ties throughout the state. 3. T he basic school support bill i provided for this purpose and d i - ! rects the legislature to distribute the funds in a m anner to achieve this result. 6. T he bill provides on ly fo r nec essary funds and does not im pose an unreasonable burden on prop erty. Besides Oorbett, the com m ittee included A rthur A. Goldsm ith. R obert T. Davis, Irving Enna, Jay R . W ilson and C. E. Zollinger. O ther groups recently added to the list o f supporters include the O regon L eague o f W om en Voters, the O regon C ouncil o f Social W ar- kers and the M ultnom ah County V eterans Council. T he P ortlan d C ity Club, a civ ic grou p that m akes a specialty o f studying carefu lly all state and I f you want to bu y—sell— trade, city m easures and an nou n cin g its T R Y A C LA SSIFIE D . fin d in gs fo r the ben efit o f the voters, has endorsed “ alm ost u- nanim ou sly" the B asic Sch ool Sup port bill. PRE-WAR A com m ittee headed by A lfred C orbett that had studied the bill and listened to proponents and W ORSTED W OOLENS opponents made the report on w h ich the clu b took action. Custom Tailored for men's suits C orbett sum m arized the com m it and overcoots by HALLOW EEN is Almost here -• October 31 .05 Mask* . Pumpkin* .10 4li*t Lantern* .10 .05 Halloween) by W ATCH REPAIRING Long Established Portland Firm Napkin* and Tahle- Rem nants For Sale Thomas J. Lukas Alteration Cloths W o rk Accepted • • .15 We give S & H Green Stomps on all new purchases and repair work B. T. W ALTO N Party Needs of All Kinds M E R C H A N T TAILO R at W alke r's, Sat. Afternoon in Special Halloween Colors in in at - J etceler h Games (Special M ASTER C RA FTSM A N PRECISION Phone 6125 WE GIVE Better make your Fruit Cake Now P olie« patrol o ffice s and at Game C om m ission tagging stations lo cated as follow s: T w en ty-fou r hour tagging ser vice will be provided at the Dale R an ger Station, ju n ction o f the C hicken Hill and P eavey Cabin roads, N orth P ow d er R an ger Sta tion and M edical Springs, fo r all antlerless elk being transported into or through the northeastern O regon bull area, and at H ood R iver, Maupin, Sisters and G o shen for elk being transported to w estern Oregon. Metal seals will not be available for taggin g each package o f meat in storage after close o f the sea son. H ow ever, w hole carcasses or quarters must be tagged fo r tran sit and each package stored should be m arked with the name and license num ber o f the party w h o killed the animal. W a tch m a k er S&H Green Stamps WALKER’S A loha 6551 We Give S & H DEPARTMENT STORE Green Stamps “ The Complete Shopping Center !» Phone Beaverton 3461 y t h n Have Your Radio Repaired Before the long winter evening* begin Grown-ups, Kids Have Gala Time Our Prices Are Right (W E DAY The H allow een party given by the C ooper M ountain C om m unity club last F riday night w as a big success. M ore than 100 attended this gala a ffair. T he 45 ch ildren w ho were there w ere treated to gam es with num erous prizes fo r same. Many new m em bers join ed the clu b and it was voted the best par ty yet. D on ’t forg et the card party to be given by the club at the school house Saturday, N ovem ber 2. SERVICE IN HOST CASES ROY'S R A D IO SERVICE ALOHA Both C L A S S IC A L and S W IN G OREGON W e hove new ones in each D on't week. Get Behind! Ehrlich P LU M B IN G and A PPLIA N C E Phone Aloho 6411 Aloho, Ore. Sunday Services It was a special day at the C ooper M ountain Sunday school last Sunday. A good ly attendance o f 19 and the h on orin g o f Mary Lee H art and Mrs. C harles C lay ton on their birthdays helped add t o the day. E lection o f Sunday school o ffic e is and teach ers will be held in the sch ool house N o vem ber 5. tur# o n d W o llt w h * n y o u R I C H A R D S « o n r * d t c # f o t # •• » o n ly Barber Shop FISHERTHORSEN IHOn-O-LAC T he A ll-p u rp o s e Interior Paint Goat on q u ick ly C lo tt oo tily, w ith dr»#» B rillia n t »Ho t » o Personal Attention joy to lo o k o f Mr Owned and and Mrs. Operoted Alfred b» Richards New Hom e Mr. and Mrs. W olleigh have com pleted the new hn,.9P they w ere building on the 30 acres a- cross from the H uber place on Hart road. T hey are now located there. \ isit> O l d Aloha, Ore. Phone 6332 O nly an unlucky few m issed the regular m eeting o f the W est- dale M others club last O ct. 16, fo r w hich Joan F ibiger w as the hostess. T he ladies spent th e evening discussing club business and stu ffin g cloth toys. T he ac cum ulation o f these g row s and grows. C olored slides o f last sum m er's Fourth o f July parade w ere shown by R uthann M cK enzie and Dessie Siegner. T his parade w as a pro ject staged by the older boys, who made all the floats and decorated every veh icle them selves. A fter a busy evening the ladies w ent to w ork on the hearty re freshm ents (h am bu rgers) provid ed by the hostess. INsliil Position Still O p « ‘ i i The United States Civil Service Com m ission announces the am end m ent o f A nn ou ncem en t No. 11-21, for Substitute Clerk, P ost O ffice Service, to extend the date for receipt o f applications to Nov. 4. 1946, because o f in su fficien t ap Friends Call plications. Mrs. Mary Cavaness w as am ong E xam inations fo r this position the many friends w h o attended will be held at both the T igard the birthday party fo r A1 Butt«. ' and B eaverton post offices. He is a fine n eigh bor and friend o f m any people. d i n g y W o o d w o r k , F u rn i ( '.l i d Home F loyd P rice just returned from a three w eeks’ visit in Illinois and Missouri. It was his first visit in 15 years. H e m et and visited with many old friends, and re ports a very en joyable trip. C o m # in o n « lot v t » . p l a i n th o wn- wtwol « » ( o r a l ivo p ottibililiot •* Ok O ku o) b y Nora T H O t -O -lA C ' FISHERTHORSEN J. B. IM L A Y and SONS Hardware and Feed Phone 6311 Aloha, Ore. SEE US FOR ELECTRIC HEATERS with and without fans ond ELECTRIC TOASTERS To Uritifg O at Y o u r Iti'st Points I «> 17 xs Specializing . . . » in Wr*t Siili* Properties EABL S. B BI GGS] S hop R e a lto r A loha O re tHONI CHorrv 3727 Rte 6, Bao 121* P o r t la n d 1, O ta . VV A TA ILO R IN G CLEANERS and PRESSING Courteous Treatment Q U ICK SERVICE Opposite Post Office ALO H A if / A big step tow ard gettin g a new 4-H clu b building at the P a cific International L ivestock exposition was taken du rin g the recent show when 4-H club livestock exhibitors con tribu ted 2 per cen t o f their fat sto ck auction sale receipts to the O. M. P lum m er M em orial fund already started. B ecause the auction broke all records fo r high prices, w ith gross receipts o f $86,839.0- fo r the 423 head o f stock sold, the fund was sw elled by a g ift o f $1961.78. T his represented 2 per cen t o f total sales plus an extra g ift o f $225 by OSC Recreai¡oni*t Give* Charles C olegrove, C orvallis high School so p h o m o r e . w hose grand Halloween Partv Idea* cham pion lam b sold fo r the w orld- T w o kinds o f H allow een par record price o f $25 per pound, or ties suggested this year are the $2175 fo r the 87-pound Southdow n. progressive “ house-to-house” party Y oung C olegrove turned over the fo r you ng children and the "L en a entire price o f a secon d lam b to the H yen a” party fo r teen-agers. the building fund Jean A. W illiam s, O.S.C. exten The decision to add to the m em sion specialist in com m u n ity and orial fund for a new building was social organization, com m en ts that reached by unanim ous vote early the "h ou se-to-hou se’’ party — ar in the w eek when present housing ranged by m others and others — facilities in the top floor o f the is interesting for children. At L ivestock E xch an ge building were the first house, nam ed “ P um pkin- seen to be highly inadequate. face Inn” and decorated appro Small space lim its the num ber o f priately, the children file past a m em bers and leaders at the PI. gh ost to a dim ly lighted room and while lack o f show ers and other hear a ghost story. At “ W itch es facilities m ake it undesirable for T avern ," they will be greeted by continued use. a w itch w ho tells fortunes. T he The m em orial fund, already con - 1 end o f the even in g’s jou rn ey will taining $10,000, w as established be “ H ideout.” where the children earlier this year to provide tw o hunt hidden “ treasu res” and play $100 scholarships annually fo r the active gam es. tw o ou tstan din g b oy and girl ex T he “ Lena, the H yen a” party hibitors at the PI. It is adm in fo r teen-agers takes its cue from istered by a govern in g com m ittee a com ic strip. All guests com e con sistin g o f the 4-H club leaders dressed and m ade up in the m ost o f O regon, W ash in gton and Idaho “ scarey ” m anner In vitation s and and the president and general gam es and refreshm ents are m anager o f the P I. planned accordin gly. T he idea o f a m em orial bu ild ing originated w ith a com m ittee Cripes. mister, w ho ever heard headed by W . E. W illiam s o f the o f a guv m ak in g foot-p rin ts in P ortland U nion S tock yard s com - the sands o f tim e settin ’ d o w n ’ / «*3»1 HOUSEHOLD HINTS A new jute or rubber door mat will save you many hours of sweeping M adame! For you nun y good fortunes arc in the crystal bail! Best o f all you «« ill find at | Now is a good time to train your children to put their dirty clothes in one place All metal clothes hampers or wicker ham pers with pearl tops are now available in m any colors Kingsley's. They just got in tome more Colotyle for your kitchen and bathroom wall* They have a fairly complete line of builders' Hordware. lin ilt -in l b til r il - ALOHA V pany, and Including R . L. Clark, B urton H utton and W alter H olt, all o f Portland. T he plan was pre sented to m ore than 400 club live stock exh ibitors on the op en in g day o f the show, with R ich a rd Larkin, B enton county, Ore., club m em ber, m aking the m otion to back the plan, w h ich passed unan imously. T he plan calls fo r a com bined housing and exhibit building as present space fo r both has been outgrow n. A m odern clu b build ing with housing and exhibit space fo r at least 1000 clu b m em bers w ould be an especially fit ting m em orial to the late O. M. Plum m er, for m any years m ana g e r o f the P I and friend and ba ck er o f club w ork, it w as decided. \CP llamlhook Final approval o f the 1947 hand book o f conservation p ractices for O regon has been received by the state PMA com m ittee. It will soon be In the hands o f cou n ty com m ittees, who will consult with com m un ity com m itteem en in the preparation o f cou n ty h andbook s to meet local con servation needs. NORAS D ressm aking l l a k k c n 's GLEEFULOS Oh ¡Utà H ave .1 ('.ostarne . . . CUSTOM MADE 4-H Members Back Memorial Fund For Plummer Mothers Club Of Westdale COOPER MOUNTAIN W e are now able to give you a large selection of these items I r o n in n SI 0 .7 5 parli K IN G SLEY tUVinON IUMBIR Co. PHONE All purpose metal com bination kitchen ladder stools will lighten your kitchen work B IA V C H T O M 3201 i A V ^ A w m ^ V 9 9 yz'uuih.ina. -¿oï the 9 /omL P wone 3 5 3 5 B eaverton n F o b Cl J< 51 a: fc 11 01 g< ti la b< hi C8 P« P* a su as Pi lo a all tii is be av th Ï II C < CO the ty 1 Be ag dei ty is of C dei ine boi I de- on for sor paj fo r pre est G rur als* cou his C opr Ma cou rep and lies rep tlv« Sor y rue his nep