Buy • Sell - THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS Count eoeh word, including Nam« and oddrtu—ONLY 2c A WORD No Phon« Orders Taken MINIMUM 25c AN ISSUE We Publish the BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE TIGARD SENTINEL MULTNOMAH PRESS ALOHA NEWS Complete Eastern Washington County and Western Multnomah County _____________ Coverage_____________ A FOR SALE m E LE C TR IC PO LISH E R For Rent. Richey Hardware, Beaverton. Phone 2481. 41 WOOD FOR SALE: 4 ft. slab- wood, green or dry Hanson Fuel Company, Beaverton. Phone 2828. 34 tf COM M UNITY AUCTION SALE and lunch every Saturday 10:30 a.m. Clackamas Stables on 82nd Ave., miles south Foster Rd„ Portland, J. L. Walters, owner and tioneer. tf A T T E N T IO N ! HOME BUILDERS and OW NERS You may now purchase new steel clothes line poles (3 sizes), mail box posts, and playground equip ment at the East Beaverton and Canyon Rd. Junction, or write Rt. 2, Bx. 94, Beaverton. Also ce ment mixers for rent. 38 For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. FOR SALE: 12 or 16 Inch green block and slab, mill run, $20 load (2% cord loads) $20 load in Bea verton, Multnomah, Tigard, and $17.50 in Aloha and Reedville. Also 16 inch dry, mill run, block and slab (2M cord loads) $12 cord. Harold Keller. Rte. 1, Carlton, Ore. Phone Portland BRoadway 1986. (give delivery directions). tf 4 FT. WOOD, 3 CORD LOTS, $22 deliver anywhere. Give location with order. Stanford Laughlin, Carlton. Rt. 1. tf SAWDUST, Light Slab, Cull lath. Reasonable prices. Your haul. Call CHerry 1682, or I?eav. 2465, eves. A U T O M O B IL E S W A N T ED LOST and FOUND Services Calling All levers You send her candy and flowers and at last she names the day that is to make you happy on through the years. Dr. Norm £. Johnson Now for the oldest love story of ail. A father had two sons and Veterinarian the youngest pled for his share I s m of Beaverton Hi way • of the family wealth. At length Beaverton Portland th e 3511 l OM. 9914 the father divided it and young fellow packed o ff into a far country and there wasted his F I L L D I R T F O R S A L E all in a wild life. When he was down and out, there came a fam L . H . C o b b Co. ine in the land and son found Phone Beaverton 2881 work feeding hogs and was hunt gry for the very pods they ate. Then it was that son cajne to himself and faced about to travel IMMEDIATE SERVICE back to the hills of home. His father saw him afar o ff and ran WHITE THREAD 8c yd to him and fell on his neck and COLORED THREAD 9c yd. kissed him, telling the servants to kill the fatted calf, for they must SPECIAL RATE eat. drink and be merry For this For CLUBS. GRANGES, etc. my son was dead and is alive WHITE 6c yd again. He was lost and is found. B IB LE Luke 15th. COLORED 8c yd. Christ spoke this to make clear VETERINARIAN Open Sundays REWARD Top cash for your car or equity. Bob’s Used Cars, East Beaverton LOST — Lady’s black envelope and Canyon Rd. Junction. 38tf purse containing identification and important papers. Return to BABY S IT T E R wants work tak Marion Pattullo, at Beaverton En- ing care of children week ends 1 terprise. Phone 2321. and after school. Prefer Aloha- Huber district. Lorraine Mick. BUSINESS SERVICES Union Ave. on Johnson St. in Alo ha- 39 I PLOW ING, DISCING, garden W AN TED — Musician with good I work. Large or small. C. B. knowledge of popular music to Wooden. Phone Beaverton 2697. 39 play for tap classes Tuesday af ternoons in Tigard. Helen Wick Garbage Collection Service Walters. Phone Tigard 2485 or By month or contract A T 3402. 38tf H O H N STE IN A SCHAFER 4073 N. E. 16th Ave. OFFICE G IR L — Experience in Phone MUrdock 2805 general office routine desired, but West Slope. Beaverton, Meadow- knowledge of the Insurance busi hurst and Elmonica tf ness Is not required. Contact Leon ard Adams, Insurance, Beaverton Phone 3831. tf CESSPOOL-SEPTIC T A N K O W N ERS A T T E N T IO N —Added equip W A N TE D : Salesmen to list and ment allows faster service. We sell real estate suburban S. W. Can pump & wash septic tanks, comml. FLORENCE GVRRISON Rte. 3, Box 395, Beaverton be experienced or Inexperienced. or residential. Guar, workmanship. See Bert IMller, Tigard Branch Sewers connected. Cesspools and Approximately 2V a nules West of Office, No. 2, in Tigard. tf septic tanks constructed. Schulz Beaverton on Farmington Road. Fox Realty A A cot. Service Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland, 2tf W A N TE D — Single or young mar TA. 3235. SCRIPTURE TEXT ried man for retail and wholesale milk route. Must be hustler and HIDES A WOOL, CASCARA— A GREETING CARDS » .WIE BROS.. *5 8W have ability to meet public. Write specialty. Attractive offer to agents, chur Clay 1 ‘ortland. AT. 5334. tf qualifications, care Pioneer Pub ches, other organizations Act Now. lishing Co., Beaverton, Oregon. P A P E R IN G — PalnMng A Kalso- 806 Panama Building 40p mlnlr.g, neat, experienced work 3rd & Alder Portland 4, Ore. L. L. Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A R A B B IT FRYERS W A N TE D : man Phone Beaverton 2516 W ill also butcher your rabbits for Beaverton. 40tf the hides. D. P. MacDonald, Ruby Avenue. Phone Beaverton 2260. 33 tf B U ILD E R & C AB IN E T maker— Store f rents; school, restaurant L A W N M OW ER SH ARPEN IN G , and t . 3re fixtures; school furni Piano Tuning. Cleaning saw filing, tool grinding. Fred’s ture; unit cabinets of all kinds, Shop Wheeler Avenue, Aloha. Ore including kitchen cbbfriets. Of DEM OTHING, R E P A IR IN G gon. Fred Kahler, owner. 41p fice furniture rebuilt, refinished Phone: ALOHA 6613 and completely renovated. All W IL L P A Y CASH "for W^ S. kinds ef building and remodeling. Vaughn. 9835 N. Hodge Ave., R. J. Woodworking of all kinds. Seethaler, Portland 3, Oregon. 39p Also Landscaping, dirt moving, WOOD SAW ING —CH." 29697 A~C. terracing, plowing, discing, harrow SpHitgel, Denny Road, Beaverton, ing and concrete mixed on the Jeb. 40 p GARDEN TRACTOR L. H. Brawand, Metzger, Oregon. tf W A N TE D FOR CASH—Slightly Phone CHerry 2929. Crawler Type - S.H.P. used car from individual. No deal and Implements er. Address F. F. Fisch, Rt. 1, Box 1031. on Erickson Ave., Bea INSURANCE- Low rates verton, Oregon. 3gtf All Risks - Any Coverage H e m s titc h in g PAYS TO F L Y George F. Gordon WE LL TEACH YOU HOW RUPERT F ly ing Service BERNARDS AIRPORT CEDAR STREET AT WALKER RD. Phone Beaverton 3840 MITY MIDGET M O R T I C I A N Beaverton. Oregon ESTABLISHED 1910 PHONE BK.AV K.RTON *411 De Laval ifím oek M ieli facilities w ill increase the value o f your farm. Greater efficiency and expanded operations mean bigger pro fits. You arc entitled to those profits. The First National Bank o f Portland is anxious to assist you along the road to better farm living. See our farm representative or your nearest First National Branch about a farm loan. Your needs will FIRST N A T I O N A L BAN K OF P O R T LA N D ALSO AFFILIATED BANKS AS FOLLOWS First Notional Bonk at Forest Grove Bonk ot Sweet Home First National Bank o f Cottage Grove The Scio State Bonk Coolidga ti McClain«, Silverton fri CHICKEN «.„STEAK D IN N E R S » A C a n y o n / «ÌW A V " - .a7- R E S E R V A T I O N S Bl.OM W I E K DAY N ¿ - I l ‘ O PEN SUN D AY 1 - 10 PAINTING OR S A LE —2 pr. 5Vi ft. skis with V IN C E N T LUM BER CO. ndings. 3 pr. ski poles. 2 pr. “A Complete Lumber Yard” omen's ski boots, 4H-5- Climbers We Deliver Anywhere id mtsc. equip. $20 for the lot H O W AR D W. SM ITH J. Schllker, Box 1037, Rt. 2, PA IN TS — SASH — PLUM BING 388 CANYO N ROAD Phone 6191 — Aloha, Ore tf eaverton, at Elmonica. 39p Phone Beaverton 3931 or 2462 A T T E N T IO N OR S A LE —Rhode Island Red lllets. Rt. 2, Box 247, Eertha- See MR. SCHULD at 4014 S. W. DEAD or Worthless Stock picked Anywhere. eaverton Highway. Phone CHer- Marigold St. in Multnomah for up Free of Charge buying property or Prompt Service. Call collect UN. r 3 2 8 9 . _________________ *0P listing or call CHerry 3494, Tigard 2523, Fox 1221 or UN. 4502. Western States OR SALE 9x12 Wilton rug and Realty A Accounting Service o f Rendering Co., N. Columbia Blvd. id; 6x9 Broadloom Frieze rug fice located next to Joy Theater A Hurst Ave., Portland. (Suc tf cessor id pad, both excellent condition, at Tigard. to Denley Rendering etal single bed. spring and mat- Company.) 3tf PROVE IT TO YO URSELF ess; occasional chair, platform YOU DON’T PA P E R IN G A P A IN T IN G —10 icker, used light fixtures for llv- NEED A T R A D E years experience, reasonable rates. g and dining rooms, lawn tnow- No Hidden Charges First Class. Free estimates, Call fair condition. B. F. Kilgore, All Makes and Model« BEacon 3546, R. W H ITLO W , 019 t. 1, Box 1033. Beaverton. Phone ’32a to '42s SW Hamilton, Portland 1, Ore tf eaverton 2500. 39p See Us Before You b u y —SE LL OR TR AD E HI C AN FU R N ISH CEM ENT for The advertiser—Tell him yoa limited number of concrete Jobs read his message In the (taper. Irst come, first served. United D a sk a lo s & W illia m s uilders. Inc. Phone Beaverton GLANT USED CAR C E N TE R m 39 WM CURE AND SMOKE Three Lots YOUR PO RK CUTS 6501 NE Union 5600 NE Union j EC TRIC SKW ING MACHINE 25 years Experience 5500 N. Interstate—Portland few Home) $75.00. Mahoprany- ALDP.R M A R K E T ilsh glass top coffee table. Like WEbster 1175 or GArfield 8432 Lewis Brae w $15.00. Mrs. C. F. Scott. Rt. Cot. 1st and Washington NL P A IN T IN G A PA PE R H A N G IN G Bx 414. Tigard. Ore. (Oakburg PO RTLAND . OREGON tf Work Guaranteed I.) 3»P Work Done Promptly SEPTIC TAN KS, completed $100. C A U , CHerry 2175 WANTED 46 tf anywhere on West Side, 20 miles from city Portland SU. 1737. 2tf Any organization wanting a sure M E TA L W E A T H E R S T R IP P IN G . fire show—Get the Big Fun Sh*w Rock wool insulatloa blown In Call Jimmie Hahn. Tigard 3486 40p for free estimate write R. E. Ell tf W A N T 5 ACRES of clesred land son. Tigard, Oregon. SEPARATO RS — M ILK ERS seeded, will rent on «hare crop. LIV E P O U L T R Y W AN TED : Any Phone TR Inlty 8251. 14 mile« size lot. Top celling prices. Write COMPÌ.ETE EQ U IPM EN T AND from Beaverton. 39 or phone Clarence Hunt, WEb- SU PPLIES FOR THE D A IR t IN D U STR Y W ANTED Woman to manage «trr 2540 3600 N. E. 44th Port 29 home for working couple. Pre land 13, Ore. tf pare evening meal. Pays only. Hours to suit yourself. No Sat PO W ER PHONE SP R A Y IN G urdays or Sundays. CHerry 3062. tf BEAVERTOJi 2188 evenings. 40p *< g i Distribuì For Stove and Die«*-I Oil Call j f V« R V T N IN C p B AB Y S IT T E R W A N T E D one Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231 day a week. Prefer some one In or around Multnomah. Call CHer- Real Estate Insui ance rv 2047. 39p Mortgage Loans Henry H. Jeffrie.« E LE C TR IC PO LISH E R For Rent. R. A. Peyton AT. 9461 Richey Hardware. Beaverton. on Highway at Short S t . Beaver- 1 » NW Fork tf 1 — -------------- Phone 2481. 41 ton. Phone Beaverton 3981. N ew farm buildings or improvements on existing WILLAMETTE VALLEY BRANCHES AT HILLCREST GROCERY Member Federal Deposit Insurance Cerparatlen SEE US FOR Wavy Composition Siding Thermadore Portable Electric Heaters Tarpaulins — All Sizes McCreody Lumber Co. BE-ELECT Old Canyon Road Beaverton Phone 3821 COMMUNITY £ 9 * RlJIJi Gardens 1000 feet East <»f Kant Beaverton Junction on Canyon Road G E N E R A L H A U LIN G OF A L L K IN D S A N Y T IM E CUSTOM TR A C TO R W O R K PO R TA B LE GAS W A T E R PUM P TO R E N T Phone FOR FARM BUILDINGS Albany Gresham Hillsboro Molalla Newberg Oregon City Salem Stayton Woodbum D e liv e ry Beaverton Transfer Co. So many people are asking how to make homemade soap that the extension service in home econ circular giving a number of reel pes for turning fat into soap fo omics has issued a mimeographed use either in the laundry or bati With one recipe six pounds a how God yearns to have us turn fat and on« can of lye are needs« home. Turn, believe the Bible, to make nine pounds of hard soa| that Christ died for your sins and Other recipes are given for whit that you are in the clear . Right soap, abrasive soap and soft soa] there, God gives you new birth This circular. No. HE 1975, als and becomes your Heavenly Fa contains directions for increasin ther. Being born again, born of the quantity of soap by mixin God, you should press ahead and with sal soda and soft water. B prove the new life, looking utter this method four pounds of whit ly to Christ for victory over old bar soap are run through a foo ways and worries. chopper or sliced with a knifi The chopped soap is boiled unt 1 dissolved in four gallons of sol S. W. McChesney Rd., Portland water. One pound of sal soda I 1, Oregon. This space paid for by then added, making a mixture thl is ready to use immediately. a Seattle family. receive prompt, sympathetic, and friendly attention. FOR SA LE —16-in. green slab wood GLENN E. PRINGLE FOR RENT 2Lfc cord loads $8 cord delivered. 255 Pittock Block CH-3640 Res. Reuben Johnson, Newberg phone 10th & Washington AT- 2777 Demonstration on your Place FOR R E N T -T w o room house, un I93-J. tf Portland 5 (Day or Nite) furnished. Mrs. E. Lenz, Rt. 2, RT. 1, BOX 102, LAKE ROAD BEAVFRTON. ORE For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Box 47, Tigard, Ore. Phone Ti 39 LAN D C LE A R IN G A Excavating Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. gard 3235. Work done by hour or contract. E LE C TR IC PO LISH E R For Rent Phone Portland UN. 3395 for es Slob Wood SAWDUST Richey Hardware, Beaverton. timates. ’W ork guaranteed. 51tf STOVE AND DIESEL OIL Will Continue Phone 2481. 41 16 inch and 2 !/? units $10.00 P. B. 1IAGG 4' green slab C EM ENT M IX E R for Rent—$3.50 Coorte - Fresh Hauling Contractor Metered Oil Service per day, with motor and trailer. East Beaverton on junction, Bob Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons write PHIL WILSON Sand, Crushed Rock and Used Cars. 4op D ELIVE RE D Rt. 2, Box 74, GASTON, ORE. Road Gravel Route 1, Box 28, Tigard, Oregon MISCELLANEOUS Phone Tigard 244« tf FO R SALE — Montag circulating wood heater, first class condition, DEAD STOCK picked up free of 2nd and Angel Sts., Beaverton, charge—Highest prices paid for KEPLER DAVENPORT CO. 11102 SW Capitol Hiwjr CH. ISIS Phone 3473. • 39 old live horses. Day and night We Specialize In service. Phone UNiversity 1102. B. R. STEVENS Any Group contemplating an en Evenings MUrdock 4261 or TR. Remodeling and Recovering tertainment contact Jimmie Hahn, 6137. Phone collect. Portland Tigard 3486. Moving pictures, mu Rendering Co. 48 • All Furniture Custom Made - sic, Magic. 40p 118 NW Broadway Phone 3762 Genuine R O T O T IL L IN G by hour or con Beoverton, Oregon MUST SE LL—10 tons oat hay, tract. Geo. Charneski, Rt. 1, Box HOLLAND BULBS $22.50 a ton. Heavy used lumber 423, Beaverton. 33tf You Can’t Beat the Dutch 2x10 up 20 ft. Almost new table In order to have Superior Flow'- cream separator $42.00. Rt. 1, Box TR A C TO R W O R K : General gar era, hull»« should be planted 200, Beaverton 2386. 39p den work. Plowing, discing. D. P. within the next 30 days MacDonald, Rt. 2, Box 218. Phone CALL FOR ESTIMATE ggtf SPE C IAL O FFE R ¡'OR SALE—Baby buggy, deluxe Beaverton 2260. of Topsize Bulbs rhayer collapsible model, used 6 ELE C TR IC PO LISH E R For Rent. Phone - Webster 2571 Portland 12 March flowering Crocus $0.65 nonths. $25. Beaverton 2387. 39 Richey Hardware, Beaverton. 12 April flowering Tulips $1.65 41 ¡'OR SALE Kitchen sink with Phone 2481. 12 April flower. Hyacinths $3.00 lack, $5. Phone Beaverton 2514. 12 May flowering Tulips $1.45 LAND SCAPE—For the best in A L L ARO U ND 39 new lawns call W. A. Green, Mail orders will receive prompt attention, or come and make C AR PE N TE R W O R K I 7tf ?OR SA LE —White enamel wood Beaverton 2967. your own selection. Finish — Remodeling — Repair >r coal range In good condition; FO R TOW C AR call V E R M IL Y E Over 90 varieties to choose from A. H A R R Y Mac IN T V R E dontag circulating wood heater, MOTOR CO.. Phone Tigard 3381 tf Colored pictures on display Route 1 Box 435 Phone Beav. 2828 ike new. Rt. 1, Box 584. Davies Bpuvprton A fter 6 p. m. — Leave Order. tf Hd. Beaverton 3166. 39 D E C O R ATIVE ROCKS BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, October 25, 1946 W. E. P E G G Immediate rOR S A L E —1930 Model A coach, For GARDENS, W ALLS, PATIO S >xcellent condition, new paint, also food rubber, $300. 959 S.W. Main ROAD G RAVE L, T O P SOIL 3t. Beaverton. Wayne Thurman. F E R T IL IZ E R 39 PH O NE: CHerry 3107 tf OSC Issueti Recipes For Soapinaking WALTER e NORBLAD CENTRALLY LOCATED Close to bus trans port a t i o n a n d walking distance from downtown. AUCTION • Valorem of W orld W a t D • Educated In O regon • Experienced Legislator • Provan Ability Every Saturday 11:30 a.m. BEAVERTON, OREGON BRING YOUR - REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOB CONGRESS tor Conf rets Commute* Pd. Ad D E Weaner Pigs, Feeder Pigs, fat Hogs, Day-Old Calves, Veal Calves, Steers, Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle,etc. Form Machinery, of all kinds, Good Furni ture, Produce -- TO THIS SALE W uoJrtnf. SiU m , Or*. SELL At AUCTION To Get The Highest Possible Price J. P. Finley & Son MORTICIAN SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMF.R ATwater 2181 OREN SUDTELL BEN T. SUDTELL AT 3390, Portland, Ore. 0138 S. W. Palatine Hill Riverview Cemetery W EST END SEJJ.WOOD BRIDGE CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS SPECIAL “ V E N T IL A T E D ” Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverside is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800.000 | RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I am free from pain j and able to do my work that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information Mrs. Anna Pautz. P.O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. See your Building Material Dealer I RE-ELECT HOM ER D. ANGELL CONGRESSMAN ON TNI 100 riCNTINC ION OR ICON Full U. %. Coopotation Pd. Adv.—NTTE-OVO Laboratories fo r W orld P e a c e M1QHT-NOW CLEAN KM m v V O T E X 12 ^ C M>M Ho hm __ ■I ____ •Mho« Law»4ry, Wow*w«rfc Harmlat*— Soni*«ry - mt Um • *•*•' ««■ * ASK A I L GSO CISS K —Co—* o in - ,»« I L, ” 25e — 50c — S' 00 ^ ^ HERMOSA PRODUCTS CO. » 0 « N t. « « i t a l i Sf-rat, SarHaae. O r a fo » „ N A4. H a m P. Fanyth, Jr, lacy Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. h f . 8384 5819 SW Macadam Ave., Portland, 1 Oregon WEST SLOPE ACCORDION STUDIO DICK KOKICH TEACHER OF MODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION RECORDINGS MADE Have a Record Made of Your Sliming nr Playing Rt. 2, Box 381, Beaverton, Or. on Canyon & Howatt Road PHONE BRoadway 4702 » ' T i «i - F •’