WEST SLOPE PROGRESSIVE VALLEY CENTER l Visitors srn visitors in the home of id Mrs. Sigfrid Hirsch, of i Hills, are Mr. and Mrs. •e F. Morse of Ithaca, New Mr. and Mrs. Morse made rip by motor. West Slope RADIO nd Appliance •fixed PhilcOo.oi,, D IO S E R V I C E /on Road PHONE lowatt Ave. BE 6624 >e Our Selection of BAGS »tics and Leather — ack and Colors -- All High Style te Dress Shop 20 S. W. First St. erton Oregon 'here Parking It Easy Given Shower Isabell Navarra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Feduick, was honored with a lovely bridal shower Tues day evening, October 15, at the home of Mrs. Carl Mattsson, How- att Road. Her neighbors and friends who were able to attend were Mesdames Ethel Vradenberg. Susie Gumm, Joe Falcon, Sylvia Halladay, Evelyn Mitchoff, Helen May Fischer, Helga Mattsson. Hel en Spencer, Jane Harvey, Helen Yeager and Frances Agassiz. The wedding is to be some time next week. • • • Ashland Visitors Dr. and Mrs. Walter Weller flew up from Ashland Thursday, Oct. 10, to spend the day with Dr. and Mrs. Harmon Harvey, and to at tend the veterinarians’ meeting in Beaverton on that day. W EST SLOPE W w k Knd A t Home lim it iug Trips Prove Successful Mrs. I S T O R K C L U B N E B ’S Carol D.. is the name chosen by Mr. and Mrs Byron F. Walton, of Beaverton, for their daughter who was born on Oct. 3. • • • Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bleizeffer. of Beaverton, are receiving con gratulations on the birth of Mi chael J., who arrived on Septem ber 30. Dee Eddy, son df Mr. and Ben Eddy, S.W. Cashmur Dane, came up from Corvallis for the O.S.C.-U.S.C. game, and spent the week end with bis parents. « • • I ’ p From Beach Mr and Mrs. Carl Beirdneaux of Oceanlake, Oregon, were recent guests of their relatives, the John Bl&kelys, Walker Road. The for mer neighbors of the Beirdneaux when they used to live in West- dale, enjoyed visiting with them very much. Mr. Ray Mueller and Mr John Klerk were fortunate on then re cent hunting trip near Bend They shot a three point buck, which may not be the largest ever brought down, but still niikes mighty good eating, according to Mrs. Mueller. Bill Grauer and Floyd Hayes from Manning. Ore., had excel lent results on their recent hunt ing trip, each getting a fine buck For photographic purposes Dr. Welsh shot the deer again with Mrs. Charles F. Hunter, and Mrs. equal success, so that Mr. Grauer D. D. Hamilton have organized a e • a has very fine pictures to show ev Brownie troop for little girls in Go To Game Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fishcher erybody as proof positive. their neighborhood who go to the • • • and Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Spencer Raleigh Hills school. Seventeen little girls meet every Tuesday and and daughter Janet were among 1 \ isit Corvallis Mr. and Mrs. Norton D. Peck learn crafts, nature study and the West Slopers who attended the exciting O.S.C.-U.S.C. game and children. Donald. Roger and simple cooking. They plan to do Susan, spent Sunday, October 13. Red Cross work later in the fall. Saturday, October 12. • • * in Corvallis with Mr. Peck's par The leaders are taking their troop INSPECT GE APPLIANCES ents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D Peck to the Civic Theater to see a pro No Deer Mr. and Mrs. Joe Falcon were They were surprised by the sight duction of ’’Cinderella". unsuccessful on their recent hunt of Quonsett huts scattered over the campus grounds, as well as Re joins Husband ing trip. Appliance ★ • • • the living quarters being con Mrs. R. H. Moser, who lived Phone Conyon Rd Reeovering structed in other parts of the city with her sister, Mrs. D. H. Ny- T R in ity 8 0 3 9 a t Ellis Mrs. Edward Oberst, S.W. Sun for the use of students. hus, of Benz Park, during the • a a set Road, has returned to her war, has recently flown to San home from Providence hospital, Visiting Antonio, Texas, to join her hus where It was necessary for her Mr. and Mrs. John Comfort and band, Major R. H. Moser, who is HOLLYWOOD to spend a few days. Mr. and children Eugene and Judy, S.W. in the Air Corps and is currently «• y • *« Mrs. Oberst were in Burns, Ore Crestdale Court, spent Sunday, stationed at Randolph Field. glamorizes • • • gon, on a hunting trip when she Oct. 13. at the home of Mr. and stars by accentuating their best became ill. Mrs. Guy Musgrove, Tillamook To Visit Daughter points, through individual hair Mrs. Saren Nelson, Woodhurn, Mrs. Musgrove is the sister of Mr. After having spent six weeks styling and m ake up Oregon, mother of Mrs. Oberst, is Comfort. The menfolk spent the with her son in Seattle. Mrs Vic Let Us with her now helping to take care day hunting, saw plenty of fawn toria Mead is expected hack in %« I • M of her and the family. and doe, but not a single buck. Portland this week end, where glamorize • • • • • • she will visit her daughter. Mrs. YOU Visits Sister Have Visitors Ralph D. Davis of Benz Park Mrs. Hardy O Howard, who Court. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crellin of West Slope Beauty Shop • a • Dakefield, Minnesota, were guests lives on Benz Park Drive, has re 8717 S. W . Conyon Rood the week of October 7, at the Dr. turned from a two weeks’ trip Married Recently to Spokane, where she visited Harmon Harvey home. Phone BEacon 9492 A former Canyon Dane resident, The Harveys and the Crellins her sister, Mrs. D. E. Harting. Mrs. Gertrude Parker, was the spent three days of their visit at Mrs. Howard made her trip to guest of honor at a bridal shower Spokane and back to Portland by given by Mrs. Frank J. Kenwood Dong Beach, Washington. • • • plane. a week ago. Mrs. Parker was • • m Visit Farm married ‘n Tacoma, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Newman Ward From Nebraska Monday. • • • and children David and Douglas Mrs. E. H. Coon, of Juanita, spent Sunday, Oct. 13, with Mr. Nebraska, is having an extensive Here to See l’l and Mrs. P. T. Frizzell on their visit with her niece, Mrs. C. F. at West Slope Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hurgett farm south of Amity. Gestring, of Canyon Road. had several house guests last • • • • • • week who were in town to see Have Good Weather the Pacific International Dive- Going To Move Among the guests The H. E. Maders spent last stock show. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Orr of S.W. Maryanna have bought a week at Seaside. The entire week were Mrs. Nora Darby and her house in Troutdale and are plan was one of completely lovely wea sister-in-law. Mrs. Minear, of Med and GIFT SHOP ford. and Mrs. Hurgett’s sister and ning to move there soon in order ther. • • ■ her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer to be near Mr. Orr’s business. Mr. Dorence of Silverton. Orr is assistant chief chemist in Aide Visits 'GONE W ITH THE W IND' • • • Major General and Mrs. C. A. the laboratory of the Reynolds Darkin of Cashmur Dane had as On To California LAMPS Metal plant at Troutdale. West Slope residents, the Hut- their guest this week Mr. Milton ! * * * , Have Birthdays. Rush of San Francisco, who was chinsons, recently spent a week military aide In California, where they transact Mrs. Dale Viar and Mrs. Don General Darkin's ed business In Yreka. On the way Dennison were honored at a Fir during the war. DECORATION N The Darkins are spending this south they stopped at Ocean Dake Grove Garden club birthday par to visit Mrs. Foster who was form ty Monday evening, October 14, at week end hunting at Bend. SUGGESTIONS T • • • erly a neighbor of theirs. the home of Mrs. Paul Mead, S.W. • • • Have Buffet Supper Sunset Road. E • • a Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. John Yachting Children Visit The R. W Pointer family took a son, of Parkview Dane, entertain R Randolph and Janet Francis ed at a buffet supper for twelve of month's trip north aboard their spent last week end in West their daughter, Ixiis’s, friends, af- 55 foot boat. They spent some I Slope visiting their parents, Mr. the the football game last Satur time at the Malibu Club on Prin GREETING CARDS and Mrs. George D. Francis, who day. Dois, who is a student at cess Douise Inlet In Canada, and O also had as their house guest, Oregon State College, brought two j spent a week with friends at Pen Phone A T 6951 Ronnie Jones of Salem. While school friends home for the week der Harbor, B. C„ where they all R enjoyed trout fishing. he was home Randolph ushered at end. the wedding of Miss Martha Bradtl of Aurora, Oregon. lirow nie T ro o n DOUGHTY'S ALLEY VIEW CENTER Canyon Road HFIELD ANTIQUE ÍRVICE ATION Specialize in . . . TOR REPAIR and LUBRICATION OPEN ) a. m. tol0:30 p. m. 7 Days a Week }N E ATwater 6951 West Slope JROCERY & MARKET Shafer and Neer For Best Service and Better Selection PHONE YOUR ORDER EARLY E 0733 — BR 9998 WE DELIVER — S. W. Canyon Road FURNITURE PLUMBING SERVICE "Emm" Loach SUMMER CUT FLOWERS PYRON & SON NURSERY 1 Block o ff Farmington Road ON LANG AVENUE LE A C H «£• BUCK Crushed Rock, Sand, Gravel Mason Sand, Lawn Dirt IM iim hiii" & A ppliances Phone BEocon 7542 8801 S. W . Conyon Rood “ Plumbing — Better Hom es'* Immctliate Appointments for ORDERS TA KEN at West Slope Plumbing Service Phone Permanents HELEN S BEAUTY SALON S.. W . HEuron 7542 Canyon Road Phone BRoadway 6 7 8 6 Call U* liy Phone For FREE GROCERY & MEAT DELIVERY ORDERS. Phone Orders Not Later Than I p. m. W E SERVE — the Entire Beaverton Area. New and Used i l t j t a R e s itle n ts ! The World's Most DAVENPORT SETS Wonted Pen Canyon Hoad Trading Post One Mile East of B averton on Canyon THRIFTY MARKET PHONE BEAVERTON 326! Road THE BOSS MAKES AH ANNOUNCEMENT PARKER 51 B r it e » D ry it it it IT et In k Mr«. Allen Has Guest Roberta Allen and her guest, Jean Graffenberger, spent last week-end in Benz Park where they were visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Mor The annual meeting of the Cor gan Allen. The Allens and Miss poration of Gabel School was held Graffenberger were among those Monday night. Mrs. Thomas Eliot, who saw the football game in formerly the head of Gabel's pre Portland on Saturday. • • • school department, was elected to Hcco\erin£ the Board of Trustees. Mrs. J. A. Hiller returned to her A picnic supper was given by the parents last week to raise mon home on Monday from St. Vin ey for the purchase of audio-visual cent's Hospital where she had had surgery. equipment. • • • During the school's recent paper drive, over five tons of paper was BRUSHES BEST DRIED BY collected. This money is to be T U R N IN G B RISTLES DOWN The best way to dry all kinds used to buy a new record player. Gabel was the only private of household brushes after wash school or college in Portland to ing or using is to turn them with have gone ‘‘over the top" In the their bristles down instead of on Community Chest Drive fit the I their backs, says Myrtle Carter, report meeting last week which home demonstration agent-at-large Miss Gabel attended. Miss Oahel at O.S.C. The common practice of turning was presented with a blue vase for brushes on their backs to dry al the school’s good record. lows water to stand where the bristles are fastened, tending to Week-End at Nelscott The William A. Boorkman fa loosen them. Brushes with wood mily of Sheffman W ay spent last en backs are most likely to be week-end at Nelscott. They were harmed by this practice. Many brushes, brooms included, guests o f Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gaf fney. Several sea lions were seen may best be hung up to dry and a very short distance from the kept in that position when not in use. Flat brushes including paint beach. brushes and brooms are hung with • • • bristles down. Many brushes are Return Home Captain and Mrs. H. Weaterling made with a hole or screw eye at of Canyon Drive, spent a few days the end of the handle for this in Seattle visiting friends and purpose. relatives. Captain Westerllng has just re turned from Japan where he had B est Slope gone via the boat, J. M Carey, which was carrying a load of wheat to Korea. (¿uhcl School A ctivities Cedar Hill , Aloha , West Slope , and fru tic e to B e a v e rto n am i BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, October 18, 1946 Announcing FOR SALE BBOARD DOORS - 1 Panel W IN D O W FRAMES Kramien's Palm Canyon Beauty Studio Drug Store in West Slope SASH FRAMES W INDO W S COLO-TYLE in I Colors HILLSBORO, OREGON Prescription Specialists Registered Phormocists Stop ond look at these special items. fOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO FINISH YOUR HOUSE! WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD Portland 1 19 S. W. Canyon Road THF O PENING OF Ot L. C . Kram ien Ray W Meadows ON CAN YO N ROAD H IG H W A Y Cold Waving a Specialty Phone ATwater 2893 VISIT OUR LARGE KODAK DEPARTMENT 24-Hour Photo Service Phone BRoadway 6122 TH A T NEW shade O F R E M .O N IS 15 MINUTES A WEEK WORTH $25 TO $50 A YEAR? LIPSTICK, N AIL POLISH, and FACE POWDER ASK US a b o u y y h e WINKLER tioal Stoker A Truly Modern System of Automatic Heat. Let Us Show You How Eosy- to Hondle DUSTLESS Coal Will Save You Money Q‘ Adzefuttan ON CANYON is at ROAD BEAVERTON 2699 HEATIN G - HOME APPLIANCES - AIR CONDITIONING ULTRA VIOLET DEAN'S DRUG STORE T H E G E N T L E M A N IS R I G H T i > ■ xnd w e’re meeting his demands with Dacro Pro* tected M ilk . . , the safest package o f milk you can buy. The bottle is not merely covered. It’s SEALED with • sturdy metal cap . . . air-tight, dust-proof, taarper* proof. There’s complete, scientific protection for our milk after it leaves the dairy. Let one o f our routemea show you what this protection means to you and your family. B crv u M thè D u r o C a p is a te n u i» « m i . Il muti be rem oved ihe i n i uni« w tth an «p en ar. A fter thac il m ar be •nappcd back on ih e botile a i a r e - m i ia t i rem oved aaaio and apatia are a witbowt an upenar. ALPENROSE 6149 cp S g rg f I § Double S & H Green Stamps on all prescriptions S .W . S H A T T U C K ROAD DAIRY C H .r r y 2424 1 Vi mi. Eost on Bertha Beaverton Hrway to Shottuck Rood