BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, October 11, 1946 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Stanley W NeTTvervon, Publisher Published Friday of eoch week by the Pioneer Publishing C o ., at Beaverton, Oregon. Entered as second-class m at­ ter at the oost office, Beavectos. O e . gon. Beaverton Office, Enterprise Bldg. Phene Beaverton 2321 Payable m Advance ----------- $1.00 hm Y c a r __ ----- 4fewt4es O r e g W P l I l l I R E ÿm sm .STATEMENT OE TH E O W N E R ­ SHIP, M ANAGEM ENT. CIRCU­ LATIO N , ETC., REQUIRED BY T H U ACTS OF CONGRESS OP AUGUST 54, 1912, AND MARCH 3. 1933 O f the Beaverton Enterprise, pub­ lished weekly at Beaverton, Ore­ gon, for October 1. 1946. STATE OF OREGON ) COUNTY OF W ASHINGTON )ss. Before me, a notary public in and for the State and county a- foresaid, personally appeared Stan­ ley W. Netherton, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the Publisher of the Beaverton Enter­ prise and that the following Is, to the best of his knowledge and be­ lief, a true statement of the own­ ership, management (and if a dai- ly paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act o f August 24, 1912, as amended by the Act of March 3, 1933, embodied in section .">37, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and address­ ee of the publisher, editor, man- a flog editor, and business man- ajers are: Publisher, Stanley W Nether­ ton, Box. 118, Beaverton, Oregon; Editor, same; Managing Editor, same; Business Manager, same. 2. That ¿he owner is: ( I f owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders own­ ing or holding one per cent or more of total amount o f stock. I f not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses o f the indi­ vidual owners must be given. I f n r owned by a firm, company, or oth­ er unincorporated concern, its name and address, as well as those of each Individual member, must be given.) Stanley W Netherton, Box 118, Beaverton, Oregon. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securi­ ties are: ( I f there are none, so state.) H. H. Jeffries, Beaverton, Oregon. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and secur­ ity holders as they appear upon the books of the company but al­ so, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trus­ tee or in any other fiduciary re­ lation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain state­ ments embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions un­ der which stockholders and se­ curity holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securi­ ties in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any interest direct or Indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. 5. That the average number of copies of each issue of this pub­ lication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the twelve months preceding the date shown above is 1079. (This infor­ mation is required from daily, weekly, semiweekly, and triweek­ ly publications. Stanley W. Netherton. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of October, 1946. Adaline A. Jeffries, Notary Public. (M y commission expires Feb. 17, 1950.) IIO T CO PY Memo to writers of Letters-to- the-Editor,’ ardent lovers, people who bought mail-order merchan­ dise they do not like, buyers of stocks that went down instead of u pand those who are for or against a law: Non-inflammable envelopes are on the market. Liquefied petroleum gases ac­ count for approximately 50 per cent of the components of syn- thetio rubber. More than a mil­ lion gallons a day are used for this purpose. Superior Fire Place, with Grill R EA D Y TO IN S T A U , Heat hy Radiation arul W arm Air Circulation V ALSO WE HAVE PLASTIC SEPTIC TANKS -- While They Last -- 2 Sixes..........................300 and 375 McCready Lumber Co. Old Canyon Road Beaverton Phone 3821 From where I sit... Jy Joe Marsh Are Returning Veterans "Different"? During the war you heard a lot about how hard it was going to be for returning veterans to get ad­ justed to civilian life . . . how they’d be “ different." same. Nothing more exeiting than fishing Seward's creek or pitch­ ing horseshoes . . . enjoying an outdoor barbecue with friendly wholesome beer and pleasant talk. Well, plenty o f them have re­ turned to our town, and a finer, steadier bunch you couldn’t ask for. Most o f them are back at tho same jobs . . . going with the same nice home-town girls (g et­ ting married, some o f them, and setting up families) , . . renewing the same old friendships. I f they’ve changed at all it’s in the direction o f maturity and tol­ erance . . . tolerance for everything except dictators, and those who would destroy our democratic principles o f live and let live. And from where I sit, that’s another reason to be proud o f them. Even their amusements are the of large food supplies News In The \ \ oriel Ballon • Preparing I availability from adjacent farms. plentiful spring water supply, stand-by elec­ power, easily mined nearby Of Religion For World War III tric coal veins, and the number of nat­ Babson Park, Mass.. October 11 ural gas wells, all in the imme­ I am an optimist but do not diate vicinity! This is exactly the like the way things are going at type of opportunity that I have the Paris Peace Conference. It in mind when I say “ Decentralize As a service to veterans in the looks to me as if the same old- before it is too late.” There must community, this newspaper will game of “ power politics’’ is again be many such attractive spots in publish a weekly column of ques­ being played there — and with America that would appeal to I tions most frequently asked con­ a vengeance. Unless the nations men o f vision and courage. tact men of the Veterans Admin­ supporting the conferees rule out should like to hear from such lo­ istration in this area. For more selfish motives and get behind an cal it iea detailed information, veterans are honest-to-goodness movement for a to contact or write to the nearest world government — unless a real V A contact unit at 1019 3. W. 10th spiritual awakening develops — the groundwork for World War Ave., Portland. I I I is being laid at Paris. Big Cities Death Traps The malaria section of the Unit­ Q. Under the recent changes A fter talking to men who have to the National Service Life In­ studied the disaster of Hiroshima ed States used to be described as surance Bill I have designated and Nagasaki, I believe that some ranging from the latitude of Rich­ that my insurance* be paid in a of our great cities will become mond, Va„ to the longitude of San Texas, including 12 lump sum. I f my beneficiary pre­ death traps in the next war. Un­ Antonia, fers monthly payments, can such less there is a decided change for states. The return of many of our arrangements be made? the better in the working of men's fighting men from the Pacific may A. The beneficiary may change minds, young people should make change all that. Many of them the form of payment, provided it plans now to move their homes have had malaria. Some of them in is to extend over a longer period and business to small communi­ still carry malaria parasites of time. The payment period can ties over 25 miles from any large their bodies. I f these men return not be shortened. Thus, if you city. The best situations should to areas where the malaria-bear­ specify lump su mpayment, your be self-contained communities with ing mosquito — the female An­ beneficiary can request equal with populations under 25.000 and opheles — is found, new cases of monthly installments o f from 36 located away from the seacoast. malaria may follow. This is how the chain of man- to 240, in multiples o f 12 (three In a report of the Civilian com­ to-mosquito-to-man works: When years is the minimum period of mission to President Truman on the female Anopheles mosquito payment other than the lump the results of the Bikini tests, it bites a person who has malaria, sum). was clearly stated that “ distance Q. Is it necessary for me as a is the best defense’’ against at­ she sucks the parasites into her own body. I f she bites a well widow of a World W ar I I veteran tack by A-bombs. Our present to file a separate claim for my setup of production concentrated person some two weeks later, she puts the parasites into his blood. child? in huge centers of population A fter about 8 to 14 days, the well A. No. makes us as vulnerable at a “ sit­ person comes down with malaria. Q. Does the Veterans Admin­ ting-duck" to the attacks of any The Anopheles mosquito is dif­ istration assist veterans in obtain­ enemy. ferent from other mosquitos that ing re-employment in their former Atom War Inexpensive do not carry malaria. She does position? Let no one be fooled into think­ A. No. Selective Service sys-1 ing that other nations will not not sing, she has small spots on her wings, and when she bites she tern is charged with that respon­ soon be well stocked with A- stands on her head. Other mos­ sibility. bombs. Russia is reported to be quitoes bite in a position that Q. I am homesteading and wish holding her first “ tests” in April. keeps them parallel to the skin. to get a loan for farm equipment. It is my own view that the ob­ Malaria mosquitoes bite most­ Is this possible under the G.I. structionist and delaying tactics ly at night. In the daytime they Bill? of Russia at the Paris Conference seek a cool dark place. You can A. Yes. Loans may be guaran­ are due to her desire to hold up find them in barns, in stables teed or insured for operating cap­ the final peace treaties concern­ with the animals, in hollow ital for the purchase of farm per­ ing the Dardanelles, etc., until she stumps, in brush near the water’s sonal property and all ordinary is able to manufacture atomic edge and in stagnant water in farming purposes except construc­ weapons. Until Russia can turn shady places. They do not like tion. Loans for construction pur­ out a satisfactory A-bomb, she bright sunlight. poses, including construction of a surely is at a “ trading” disadvan­ I f you can avoid the Anopheles home, farm house, or place of tage. mosquito you can avoid malaria business may not be guaranteed It might take only about 1500 — or “ chills and fever” as it is or insured until the veteran ac­ of the A-bombs to wipe out our sometimes called. Here are some quires such title as will enable capacity to carry on war! Com­ ways to help you stay clear of him to give a valid first lien on pare that figure of 1500 bombs mosquitoes: the realty. with the air raid efforts of World Mosquito proof your house by Q. I was drafted into service, W ar II. Daily and nightly raids screening. but after only five months I re­ of 1000 planes were made. Each Close chimneys and fireplaces ceived a dependency discharge be­ plane load ran from 3 - 8 tons of not in use. Yet, many Euro­ fore our country was actually at T N T bombs. Cover cracks in floors, walls, war. May I receive a course of pean cities were only partially de­ ceilings. stroyed. I f A-bombs should cost education and training? Find and kill mosquitoes that A. Yes, it could be possible. one million dollars each, the to­ get into your house. Clear up mosquito breeding plac­ Any person who served in the ac­ tal bomb cost for some enemy to tive military or naval service on wipe out most of the productive es near your home. United States Keep any malaria patient in or after September 16, 1940, and capacity of the prior to the termination o f the would be only about a billion and your family behind screens so that war, who meets the other re­ a half dollars. It cost us that a mosquito cannot spread the in­ quirements for eligibility, is en­ much to fight less than one month fection to others. Your community can do its titled to a course of education. in the last war! Selection Most Important share in malaria control by drain­ where These are the plain statistics ing or filling in places Places that that make me so worried about mosquitoes breed. the present location of our pro­ cannot be drained or filled can be ductive capacity. That is why I sprayed. When we get rid of mos­ quitoes, we wipe out malaria. I been reading about meat pri­ have advised my clients and my Methods for getting rid of them orities. Hospitals and penitenti­ grandchildren to move to small can be discussed with the local aries get top rating. So any­ interior cities and there set up health department. body wanting meat, it is easy if their businesses. To be sure the In the next article, the symp­ you knoto the ropes. I was gas- area chosen should be self suffi­ toms of malaria and its treatment sin’ about it with our R.F.D. car­ cient for an extended period o f will be discussed. rier. Stick out your noggin’, I time. Transportation will be cut . . . says, so I can pop you one with | off in the next war. That means This column is sponsored, in the that access to water, fuel, food, this hoe handle. I am hungry for interest of better health, by the a pork chop —■ I gotta get my­ etc., should be very handy. In answer to my pleas to decen­ Washington County Public Health self In jail. Not so fast, he says, but if you was to do it kinda easy tralize I have received many let­ association, Zola F. Morgan, ex­ just enough to get me into the ters. Most of these have been ecutive secretary. hospital corridor — it might be most helpful. One of the most A year after the world’s largest good okay. Then we could both eat constructive was from a dis­ friend in Oswego, Kansas, editor oil field, East Texas, was meat — I will think it over. But all funny business to the of the Democrat. He points out covered in 1930, it was estimated side — priorities, ceilings, ukases, the desirable features of his com­ that total recovery would be about etc. — somebody has gotta think munity for ail who are sincere two billion barrels. It has pro- a- I duced well over two billion bar­ up a way to get some publicity about protecting themselves re­ on how big and costly the Govt, gainst an A-bomb war. I am leav­ rels already and remaining at about is getting. I been harpin' on an ing here this week to call upon serves are estimated three billion. idea for years but getting no him. . where. I propose a sign a foot Concrete Suggestion American oil companies printed I f people write me about other high on all political cars — where this gas is free — so we can see and places they should stress the ready 150 million road maps for summer’s touring vacationists. judge our pay-rollers, and h o w smart they look, etc., or hand­ some. Well, says Henry, how about the million or so extra who do not rate a free car. Quite simple. I says — let ’em wear a fez. and maybe the fez could be pink, or white, or red, etc., depending on their leanings. Are there any more questions. T says — or ans­ •iV*- A EVERETT l. BOWERS, Pastor ¿1L — wer a Yours with the low down. Res. 1002 W atson St Telephone: 3 4 0 5 JOE SERRA. Malaria-Bearing Mosquitoes Low Down From Hickory Grove D u '*e l C u r* I n lik r !\ According to T. R Rendel, au­ tomotive engineer, there is no prospect that high-speed diesel | engines will be used in pleasure automobiles and light airplanes, tt is hardly probable, he says, thaj the overall economy — tak- Inc Into account the increased weight will enable It to com­ pete with the gasoline engine. W. E. P E G G COMMUNITY AUCTION PH O NE B E A V E R TO N 9411 Beaverton. Oregon ESTABLISHED 1910 11 a.m. Morning Worship Service SERMON Homebuilder* Supply Co. T u a la tin Highway and Bertha-Beaverton Phone BAVERTON 3951 Have a limited supply of *t reo mimed tyle-boord in two beautiful colors of opricot and chartreuse, at the excep­ tionally low price of twenty seven cents per square foot. I W dl| Don't sit there gawking. What are you waiting for? e CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS S P E C IA L “V E N T I L A T E D '’ See your Building Material Dealer Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. a V. 8384 WEST SLOPE SELL At AUCTION To Get The Highest Possible Price RECORDINGS MADE Have a Reeord Made of Your Sitiftinjt or Playin# Rt 2, Box 381, Beaverton, Or on Canyon & Howatt Rood PHONE BRoodwov 4702 AT 53««, PertUad. Ore. Urges Return To Free Economy ’’JESUS,- CHAMPION OF EDUCATION ' ACCORDION STUDIO • ! ) • S W. PeUtvoe Milt • (Special gift for everyone) BRING YOUR — Weoner Pig*, Feeder Pig*, Fat Hog*, Day-Old Calve«, Veal Calves, Steers, Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle,etc. Farm Machinery, of all kinds, Good Furni­ ture, Produce — TO THIS SALE OREN SUDTELL • Confidentially: 9:45 Church School Rally Day 5819 SW Macadam Ave., Portland. 1 Oregon Every Saturday 11:30 a.m. BEAVERTON, OREGON — • ‘ Like the Protestant church in America, the Philippine church is a bit stunned by the magnitude of the opportunity it faces and the Freedom to hire, work, produ challenge that these days pre­ sent,” says the Rev. Ernest E. buy, sell, make profits, and Tuck, D.D., of Seattle, Wash., su­ vest them in business in a fi a fi perintendent of the Methodist economy controlled by church in the Philippine Islands, press, is the only way this coi recently returned from a survey 1 try knows how to earn its livi of the churches there. “Spiritual­ and keep its living standards t ly the Philippine church h a s highest in the world, accordi passed through a very trying or­ to Professor of Marketing F. deal for three or four years,” he Harper of Cornell University. Professor Harper points o adds. “ But the resiliency, the latent spiritual resources, and our that this has been forgotten, particular form of church organi­ intentionally denied, in favor zation have produced a hopeful­ alien “ control techniques" that a ness, a resolve, and expectancy, bound to defeat their official th and a unity that altogether spell professed purpose because empioyme victory In the hard years ahead. penalize production, The Philippine church earnestly and profits. Controlled prices, he main tail seeks all the cooperation and spiritual help the older church in are false Indicators that hide t truth about loss o f quality, *u American can give.” • • • stitutions, black market dealing Officials and constituent church­ subsidies and all the rest. es of the National Christian Coun­ W e all know that prospero cil o f India are considering pro­ business makes a prosperous coi posals for a vast educational and munity — which, in turn, hel evangelistic program for the vil­ to maintain business prosperit lages of that land by way of the | It stands to reason, then, that tl radio. The plan Is ambitious; It j sooner we get away from gover calls for the establishment o f a mental controls, subsidies and o religious department In the pres­ ders, and return to competitit ent All-India Radio (governmen­ free enterprise, the better it wi tal) ; the establishment of about be for us all. First Methodist Church M O R T I C I A N •KN T. SUDTELL The new president of tho Re* public of Hungary, the Hon. Zol­ tán Tildy. is also an ordained Presbyterian minister. For twelve years prior to his election he was pastor of the Hungarian Re- formed congregation at Szegha- lom The Presbyterian church in the U.S.A. is planning to send emergency relief to Hungary through his associates. • • • During the six-year period of World W ar II, the American Bi­ ble society printed and distrib­ uted more than 14 , 500,000 copies of the Scriptures, in more than 40 tongues. Of this total, about 9.000,000 books went to members of the United States armed forces through chaplains. Three million copies, in 23 languages, went to people who were or had been pris­ oners and residents in the “ occu­ pied countries.” At the peak of production the society’s presses were turning out 10,000 copies dai­ ly. . . . Sponsored by Jewish education­ al, religious and civic bodies from all parts of the United States, there is in the process of forma­ tion & secular but Jewish-directed university to be on a campus at Waltham, Mass. A foundation, known as the Albert Einstein Foundation for Higher Learning, has been established as the direct­ ing body of the proposed univer­ sity. The head of the foundation is Dr. Israel Goldstein, president of the Jewish Conciliation Board of America; other officers and directors include some of the most liberal and best-known Jews of the nation. Dr. Goldstein a n ­ nounces that both faculty and student body will be open’ to mem­ bers of all races and religions. Dr. Einstein, approving the project, says it "will attract our b e s t young people, and not less our young scientists and learned men in all fields.” 130 new transmitting stations key centers of the country; the placing of at least one rei mg set in each of Indies 70 villages. AU-India Radio aln has plans for such a wide us the radio, and the N.C.C. h to help mako it an educatl rather than an entertainment vice. There is being envisU programs of Indian Christian sic, Indian Christian drama, tures from the universities, a en’s and rural and health provement programs, etc. “ can see thousands o f people thousands o f villages gatherec round the radio in the quiet ol evening when the day’s work done — much as they gathei some villages for classes and vices today.” says one officii • • • The Board of Missions a Church Extension of the Me dist church (150 Fifth Ave., I York 11, N .Y.), which for n than a century has been sene young people for life-time serv as missionaries to Asia, Afr South America and Europe, is i asking, in addition, for sevi hundreds of young men and w en for three-year service overs: They will be missionaries of church, working alongside the service missionaries, and it hoped that many of them ’ remain for longer than the thi year period of "enlistment." ’ fields open for three-year ser\ Include teaching, group leadersl preaching, social work, religi education, building construct! farming, business managemt nursing, medical and public hea skills. Countries o f service elude the Belgian Congo. In< China. Liberia, Malaya, the PI ippines and Southern Rhodes others may be included later, j plicants must be single men women, between 21 and 25 yei of age, college graduates, me bers of the Methodist church, a have had some experience In I service sought. The Board v give them specialized training fore they are sent overseas. DICK KOKICH TEACHER OF MODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION Cu tu/w Árcu/J- 7 ‘XV" - - J " R E S E R V A T I O N S BrOtU • S H i m D U S s-l I OPEN SUNDRY 1 • 10 T H E R E ’ S A L S O A L IN E U P F OR TELEPHONE S E R V I C E . . . BUT you CAN'T SEE ITI Today yon line up for meat, bread, butter, nylons, shi and many other scarce items. You wait patiently for th things, because you can see the line of people ahead of y At tunes of peak trafic. telephone service is o f t e * ,[ particularly long distance service . . . but you cannot the long line of other calls ahead of yours. We ask you tty to visualise this telephone line up . . . it will help yos letter undentaad oar tituiuoa. WEST AST TELEPHONE COMPANY