Y I 9 .... " '“^ 4 0 Volume 19, Number 37 ESTABLISHED 1927 BEAVERTON, OREGON Beaverton Downs New berg l o - 1 1 With 14 points scored against them in the first quarter the Beavers came back with a shock­ ing tally of 18-14 in their favor. Newberg's first score was made on their first play when a quick short pass was thrown and they scored the first six points of the game. The conversion was made Their next score was made when they caught a long pass over the goal line. John Thomas started the pig­ skin rolling for Beaverton when he broke through the line and sprinted 60 yards for a touch­ down. The conversion failed. In the next few minutes John crossed the line again to bring the Beavers six more points. The conversion failed again. On the kick off the Beavers recovered the ball on the Newberg five yard line. The Beavers fumbled the ball and recovered it again over the goal line. The conversion failed. This tallied the score 18-14. In the second half both teams were pushing each other back and forth across the field, but neither team gained enough yardage to obtain scoring position. F rid a y, O ctober 11, 1946 Restaurant Men Mrs. Vose Named Nov. Ballot To Famous Magician To Be Here Oet. 1() McKay Principal Request Local Oirrv Annexation To fill the vacancy caused by Lee Grabel, famous magician, death of her husband, Mr. B. Request Buie and Inspector will be in Beaverton in person the Saturday night, October 19, at 8 A. Vose, Mrs. Anne Vose has been IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADORE* PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR PAPER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rr- Community Chest Drive On; Support Your Home Chest This is the week of the Chest work in our own county, support- drive in Washington County, and in.j Boy Scouts and Cubs. Girl the Beaverton area is expected to s<.outSi Campfire Girls, and a new do its full part, as always. Soli- Y M C A. project for older boys, citois are working this week call-j Th h th# che8t fund. wc are mg on the homes and business ^ ty maintain a full time Boy '°rweS" . . „ _ f Scout executive in this county, a 1 he Rev. • Fran-,,-, .■ „ , , , , leader, j ... area chairman, . , rr Campfire Girl professional cis Sturtevant, announces that the . 1 . .. , , . , i “ ” V. and provide necessary incidental greater portion of the community expenses for only your g ift at will be covered by solicitors, how­ home helps this work in our home ever, the lack of help may make community in their work. it impossible to call on every I f we fail to support the Chest, home. I f you are not called on, will these activities wil lnecessarily be you take your contribution to the cur*a**ed at a Gn*e when they need First Security Bank? This Friday i to be exPanded to help check and Saturday during banking I juvenll<‘ tralninK f° r our children hours Mrs. Kieth Denny and Mrs. and y ° uth- The one-third that goes to the Florence Ehlert of the American Women'» Fellowship Meeting Legion Auxiliary, will have a ta­ Oregon Chest fund helps many The Bethel Women's Fellowship ble in the bank foyer where gifts vitally necessary social agencies, O primarily of service to children, will have their regular evening for the Chest will be received. meeting at 8 p.m. on Tuesday Many seem to have misunder­ such as W averly Babyhome, Boys evening, October 15, at the church. stood the purpose and significance and Girls Aid Society, Childrens’ r The speaker of the evening is of the County Chest program. The Farm Home, and five other wel­ To-night, Friday, October II, These serve to be Mrs. William Genne, Port­ Chest is simply a means by which fare organizations. Tillamook will wrestle football the people of our community al­ land. Mr. and Mrs. Genne a r e funds may be collected al lat once head of the Family L ife program with the Beavers here on the home for certain necessary social agen­ though not actually In this county. This is the second league sponsored by the Portland Coun­ field. The Junior Chamber of Com­ cies. 99r4. of the quota will go to cil of Churches. They are recog­ game for the Beavers. child welfare functions. Approx­ merce under the chairmanship of During the jamboree Beaverton nized as outstanding authorities imately two-thirds of the Wash­ Don Hicks, for the Chest, is tak­ in this field. Her topic will be played and beat Tillamook 13-0 in ington County funds are kept at ing care of canvass of the busi­ the 15 minutes of play. Tilla­ ness houses. The American Le­ "Our Christian Homes and Their Relation to Community Problems.” mook runs its plays from the *'T” gion Auxiliary, the P. T. A., and formation, its line is rather light ladles of the Beaverton churches, Mrs. L. P. Putnam will have de- but fast. are cooperating In the house to votionals. Her subject will be Because of injuries in the New­ house canvass. The Beaverton "Motherhood.” Mrs. Robert Barnes berg game some of the Beaver canvass group met Monday morn­ will assist at the piano. squad will be absent to-night, The City Council at their regu­ Refreshments will be served dur­ but the team will still show a The Oregon Veterinarians Medi­ ing for a midmorning snack of lar Monday meeting passed a res­ ing the social hour with Mrs. Paul good hard fight. cal Association met in Beaverton doughnuta and coffee at Bethel Church to discuss details with Mr. olution to place an amendment Knepp and Mrs. Roy Mangus as Next week the Beavers play on Thursday, October 10. hostesses. to the city charter on the Novem­ An all day meeting was held In Carlton Travis, county chairman. West Linn on West Linn's field. All women who are interested the Masonic Temple from 10:30 to ber ballot. This amendment will specifically are cordially invited. 4:30 p. m. and a dinner was serv­ * * • give the city the power to issue ed at the Methodist Church. A report was given by Dr. Stare bonds. Remodeling Home Clarence S. Beesemyer, vice- Lt. (jg ) Theodore J. Pllip, This action is necessitated by Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wilson of USNR, son of Mrs. Camille Pilip Phillips on the American Veterin­ president of the General Petrole­ the fact that the new Beaverton ary Association conference held um corporation, announced today Spencer Ave., Beaverton, are com­ of Beaverton, has been presented sewer will need a bond issue, and pletely remodeling their home in­ the Air Medal by Secretary of the last August in Boston!; election that as a result of testa conducted of state wide officers were held, by Bud Winfield and Socony-Vac- the attorney approving city bonds side and out. The Wilsons were Navy James Forrestal for the and Governor Snell spoke on the uum engineers, a radical engine has questioned the right of a city formerly of West Slope before President. changes made recently in the De­ and car have been developed with using our form of charter to is­ moving to their present location sue bonds without the addition section, Lt. (jg ) Pilip received the medal partment of Animal Industry, re­ which Ab Jenkins, present holder of a specific amendment granting for his daring skill, as pilot of an lating to the replacement of the of all records from 50 miles up­ this right. observation plane, in carrying out state veterinarian with a lay per­ w ard will soon conduct a series Congregational Churches Meet his mission of directing his ship's son. and an open discussion on o f experimental high speed runs This Sunday the West Willam­ batteries agatast enemy installa­ this subject was held. and possible assault on his pres­ ette Association o f Congregational tions. Dr. Rod McCorland. formerly ent recotdr rn the Bonneville salt Christian Churches meets in the Salt Lake City '^Ja- The text of the citation is as of the Oregon Department of Ani­ flat mal Industry spoke on the feasi­ Held, head o f an engiheei log arm« First Congregational Church of follows; bility of veterinarian« doing ar­ Hillsboro, with Rev. L. W. Flen- cern at La Canada, California, Is "For meritorious achievement in insemination outside of a veteran designer and builder of ner as Moderator. The Rev. Frank aerial flight as pilot of an obser­ tificial The reception for the Grade Carlson, form erly superintendent vation plane, attached to the USS their regular organized duties. high speed cars, motorcycles and School Teachers given by the Bea­ boats. of the Oregon Conference of Con­ Idaho, during Naval gunfire spot­ verton Grade School Parent Teach­ gregational Churches and now ting missions over enemy-held ter­ Whereas the "Mormon Meteor" er’s Association on the afternoon Bursar of Pacific School of Re­ ritory, from June to July, 1944. in which Jenkins set the present of October second was well attend­ records In 1940 weighed 4% tons ligion. will be the principal speak­ Cool and courageous in the face ed and highly enjoyable. and was of prodigious size, the er. The Rev. D. Elmer Nourse is of heavy calibre and automatic Two beautiful accordion solos the new pastor of the entertaining antiaircraft fire Lt. (jg.) Pilip car­ Due to unavoidable causes the new "Mobil Special” weighs only were played by Gloria Rawles, fol­ church. ried out his hazardous missions Portland Hobby Symphony Or­ 1900 pounds and is but 36 inches lowed by vocal solos rendered by This meeting takes the place of with daring skill and accurately chestra will not appear here at high. Mrs. L. W .Coleman, accompanied The engine is hand made and the evening Fellowship Hour in directed his ship's batteries against the grade school as scheduled on at the piano by Mrs. B. Randall. of such precision as to make a Bethel Church, and many are ex­ the enemy installations and tar­ October 15. The date they will Mrs Boge presented Miss Davies "Today's dial telephone service pected to attend the meeting. watch look crude by comparison. SALEM — Congressman Walter gets of opportunities. His out­ be here will be announced later. the Grade School Principal, who s • s may be compared to a baseball Outstanding among its features fs Norblad (R-Ore) recently nom­ standing ability and gallant con­ introduced the teachers Refresh­ game in which there are two To Visit in San I’edro the use of water Injection which duct throughout contributed im­ ments were then served at card inated the following candidates to pitchers, but only one catcher," increases thermal efficiency and Mrs. Charles Kepler left Wed­ measurably to the success of our take the examination for entrance tables, each decorated with a said Harley J. Barber, manager nesday October 9, to visit her horsepower. A supercharger that in July, 1947, to the U.S. Military Naval gunfire and reflect the beautiful bouquet of flowers. Par­ revs up to 38,000 rpm builds up a N e w of the West Coast Telephone com­ granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. John highest credit upon Lt. (jg ) Pilip ents and teachers appeared to be Academy at West Point, pany, today. “ In other words, Williamson and their son Michael manifold pressure of 2% atmos­ York, and the U.S.NavalAcademy and the United States Naval Ser Guest« "getting acquainted” as conversa­ there are simply not enough fa­ in San Pedro, Calif. pheres (90 inches of mercury) and She expects vice.” tion flowed freely. Mrs. Maurice at Annnapolis, Maryland: cilities on the receiving end to to be gone a month. results in a compression ratio of Julia Kauffman had company U.S. Naval Academy — princi­ Romig and Mrs. John Robinson handle all calls during busy hours. • • « Inst week. Her two aunts Mra 24 to 1. This compares to 7 to 1 pal, William J. Juza, Salem; first poured. This overcrowded condition makes STORK CLUB NEW'S E. A. Kauffman and Mr«. Parks, for the newer model passenger A. Seagraves, it more important than ever to Cherrto Club Notes The collection depot for the rum­ alternate, James her uncle Mr. Parks and their car engines. Cheerio Club met at the home of Felicitations are being extend­ mage sale on October 25th is Milwaukie; principal, William F. wait for the dial tone before dial­ Mrs. Jay Gibson on Friday. Startling is the fact that this Her daughter Jean were guests for Thomas, Valsetz; first alternate, ing a telephone number.” ed to Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Le- Roy's Fixit Shop, opposite Beach’s 183 cu. In. motor (those on aver­ guests were Mrs. Hedberg, Mrs. onetti, of Beaverton, on the birth Sunday dinner. David A. Lewis, Astoria; second Ordinarily, dial telephone sys­ Huntley. Mrs. Newman. Mrs. Don­ Market on Broadway. You are Also her grandparents Mr. and age medium price cars run around urged to collect your donations alternate, Norman Gubser, Day- tems are balanced so that instant aldson and Mrs. Effenherger of of a son, Gregory J., who was Mrs. M. P. Nelsion came Monday 260 cu. In.) produces 560 h.p., with born on September 29. service is available at all times. Tillamook. and leave them well before the ton. night and are going to stay over water injection 30% higher, while • • • U.S. Military Academy — Rich­ However, in order to satisfy the 9 9 9 the 260 cu. in. engine develops above date. A daughter, Candace A., was until Wednesday. They are plan­ around 100 h.p. ard M. Turley, Forest Grove; first demand for urgently needed tele­ Garden Club Meet O ct 18 High perform­ born to rM. and Mrs. Holly V. ning to go the Livestock Show, ance aircraft engines average 1 alternate, Frank K. Lightfoot, Jr., phone service, the facilities of the Beaverton Community Garden Tuesday night Holcomb of Beaverton, on Sep­ Chin-Up Club's West Salem; second alternate, Je­ telephone company have been Club meets Friday, October 18, at • • • h.p. per cu. in; the engine in the rome B. Hayes. Salem; principal. filled beyond normal capacity. 11 a. m. In the Odd Fellows Hall tember 28. Jenkins car develop« 3 h.p. per Visiting • • • Fair Booth Success James R. Semmens. Tillamook; Thus, during busy hours, It may All members will tall by rhyme Richard Clancy was a guest of cu. In. The engine la of the V-8 Mr. and Mra. William C. Lar­ Gene Walters and family on Sep­ type and only weighs 470 pounds The Chin Up Club of Oregon first alternate, George A. Sundlie, be necessary for telephone users how they earned $1 from their sen of Beoverton announce the tember 29 for one day. appreciates the wonderful coop­ Salem. to wait a time for the dial tone. garden for the club projects. without the transmission. Peak September 25. eration that everyone gave their • • • James R. Semmens and Frank power is reached at 8600 rpm. I f dialing is done before the The second lecture in the botany birth of a son • on • • . organization in helping to make K. Lightfoot are both overseas dial tone is heard, wrong num­ series will be given. Spent Day with Cousin« Mra. Geo. David L. is the name given to their club booth a real success at with the United States Army and bers or no number at all will be Martin will demonstrate corsage Janise Briggs was a guest of her Receive Special Gift the little boy born to the Donald cousins in their home on October the Oregon State Fair this year, took the qualifying examination obtained. It is then necessary to making. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Doane of L. Jenkins of Beaverton on Sep­ according to Miss Ruth Dimick at their posts in Germany. Mr. dial over. I f calls are incorrectly sixth In Portland. Their namea Farmington road have just been The club will hold the annual of St. Helens, advertising mana­ Norblad stated that If these young made from a pay station, the coin fall plant sale, choice shrub«, pe­ tember 17. are Yvonne, Mtckl« and Jamea presented with a granddaughter, • • • ger for the booth. She also ex­ men are found to be physically may be wasted. rennial bulbs and flowers will be Coal. little Miss Marilyn Eileen Rex, Mr. and Mrs. Irl E. Matheny of pressed the club’s appreciation to qualified and so desire, they will • • • The "busy signal.” a repeated for sale to the public at 2 p. m. the daughter of Mr. and Mra. L. Beaverton have added a son. Ste­ Moving Away the Oregon State Fair board for be returned to the United States buzz, is sometimes heard after the Plan to attend this sale. V. Rex. ven I, to their family. The little letting the club have a booth. In order to participate in the pre­ dialing has been completed. Mr. • • 9 Everyone will be sorry to see Mr. Rex is a former Beaverton boy was bora on September 21. The Chin Uppers sold $711.40 paratory course provided by the Barber advised that better service S t Cecelia« Voting People Daniel Perin move, which will be high school student. • • • worth of merchandise such as War Department for candidates will be obtained if three minutes in about two weeks. Their house • « • The young people« club o f 8t. Congratulations are In order at ia for sale now. needle work, art work and craft who are members of the armed elapse before dialing is repeated. Cecelia's Parish had a weenie Visits Slater "As soon as new telephone e- roast Sunday. October 6, at the the Beaverton home o f Mr. and work made of leather and wood. forces. Mra. Schoene visited at the quipment is available, overcrowd­ residence of Mr. and Mrs. Dura- Mrs. Bruce B. Plath on the arrival Went Deer Hunting The club kept none of the money of Anne E.. who wa« horn on ed facilities will promptly be re­ bach. Gene Walters went on an eight home of her sister Mra. Ethel for it went to the Chin Up mem­ Plenty of rake and hot September 19. lieved.” stated Mr Barber. "Mean­ dogs were enjoyed by the mem­ mile hike while hunting with hia Hansen on Thursday. bers who sent in exhibits that J • • • while. continued cooperation will bers. Rome very tasty apple elder father who waa hunting for deer were sold, except that spent for TIG A R D STO RK CLUB assure the best possible service.” wa* provided by the R igert fam­ on October fifth near Scappooae Visit Friends postage to send back the articles Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Van on Dixie Road. Sorry to say they Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Miller spent which wi re not sold. Mrs. Walter ily. After the picnic they went to The Community Club of the Mc­ Content Time Extended a week with friends at Ocean M. Pierce, wife of ex-Governor the home of Mrs. Amell for sing­ Winkle announce the birth of a got no deer. • • • daughter, Kathy K., on September Lake. Pierce, gave a beautiful American Kay school is holding a commun­ PO RTLAND . OREGON — The ing. 18. • • • Tcnderfeet Flag during fair week and dedi­ ity auction tonight, Friday, Octo­ $1,500 will drafting contest o f the A daughter, Rue A., wan bora Two of our seventh grade boys, Visiting In Michigan cated it personally to the club at ber 11, at 8 o'clock at the com­ Attend Women’s Fellowship the booth. The flag will be used munity Hall, to raise money for Trust Companies' Association of Mr. and Mrs LaFond have gone Mrs Milton Metcalfe. Mr«. W il­ to Mr. and Mra. Loit V. Junkin, Gene Walters and Jim Forest, Oregon haa been extended from the school cafeteria. joined the Cedar Mill Boy Scout on a trip to Michigan visiting at different meetings. lard Ericson and Mr*. Francis Jr., on September 28. October 15 until December 2 to Everyone in the community Is troop on October seventh. We relatives and friends. They plan Sturtevant represented the Beav­ The club is an organization for Each person Is accommodate many appllcanta who erton women at a statewide meet­ will be looking for them to do a o f staying two months. physically handicapped persons. It urged to attend. have requested additional time to good deed daily from now on. has no membership dues. Anyone asked to bring clothea, eatables or complete their wills, announces ing of the Women’s Fellowship of wishing more information about "white elephants" to be auctioned Richard A. Welch, Portland, pres- the Congregational churches In off. Salem. Tuesday The »e»«tons it is Invited to write to the club That hymns are truly of all Those serving on the auction ident of the asaociation. were held in the Knight Memor­ churches because they have a uni­ headquarters. Chin Up Club of Welch aaid the committee had and First Congregational versal appeal to people of all de­ Oregon. Rte. 2, Box 336. Salem. committee are Mrs. Frank Fanno. decided to set back the closing ial chairman, Mrs. Scott Horney and churches of that city. Oregon. nominations was brought out by date in order to give as many eli­ Mrs. Fred Monohon. It will be ap­ Mrs. Barrett Randall In her talk preciated If you would let any gible contestants as possible an Ynnng People Meet to the women attending the mu­ opportunity to compete for the of the committee members know Pilgrim Lutheran church’s young sical tea given at her home on In advance what your contribu­ $500 $400, $300. $200 and $100 cash people met at the church Sunday Wednesday afternoon, October 2. prizes. Miss Merle Davies, superinten­ tions are. Present were Sylvia Dur- by the Women's Fellowship of the The contest la open to all 194 r night dent of the Beaverton grade This is a worthwhile cause and "raduates of Unlve>witY o f Ore del, Maxine Huth. Dorothy Jel- Bethel Congregational church of school and her teaching staff and deserves real community support among them "Shepherd Show Me their wives with a social evening Weriflinjr 4nniv#*marv / l PRtVfV Í0KLM I RES s »h ry > 1 fe A *M * V» e r j i t c r V How To Go” from the Christian at the school Monday evening. Oc­ *“* V .frt«n *eg. e- 4 a«* « hi | c th e Mr. and Mrs. W E. P e rg cele­ Mr Harold J Gregory, who wa« Science church; "Rose of tober 7 Gale Enger played two • . S a e' *e lx r J p . *• 'v a , 'orm erly associated with Al»en Crosa” from the Catholic church delightful piano solos. "Fog at brated their fifty-fifth wedding an­ - * v »s fce-oese a partner and “ Oh Day of Rest and Glad­ Sea” and 'The Music Box.” Wan­ niversary on October third w‘t*< ' “ - “ "* r^'Vr~ia- In th* Signal ness” from the Episcopal church da Benson did a very clever Rus­ friends and relatives at Nende*’» -*»t'i*s ! « r,eaverton O- Mrs. Paul Knepp. president, con sian dance The film “ Unfinished for dinner. ’ ~ ■«< r»e«d d’ic'sd the business meeting, a* Among those present, also com­ Rainbows" furnished by the Alu­ aw • V - e ^«*-a y faeMp»* th* h- dc^t was approved minum Company of America was memorating their October ♦' '* * tf **»-* m ^ to rn*- enjoyed bv all The rest of the wedding anniversaries were **■ r means of a e -'a n d Mra George Drake ter evening was spent getting quainted and partaking o f the and Mr. and Mr« Lloyd r_r#frMhm»ntR City Charter Needs Amending Teachers Given Reception For some time now the restau­ p. m. in the Beaverton High rant and fountain owners of this School gymnasium. vicinity have had difficulty in The American Ixgion Post No. conforming to the state sanitary 124 Beaverton, is sponsoring his inspector's demands as based on appearance. the state sanitary code. This was Grabel says. "W e must have a due in part to their inability to variety of food, a variety of work, get equipment and materials and and a variety of thought for a in part to interpretation of the healthy mind and body.” code. So he gives a pleasant new The restaurant and fountain trend of thought with many hear­ owners of Beaverton met Wednes­ ty laughs, for laughter is both an day October 2, at the Heidelberg art and a medicine. Cafe to discuss the Oregon State A good dose of laughter is more Sanitation code and more specific­ beneficial than one of medicine, ally item 6 of that code. while at the same time it is un­ Item 6 states that any incorpo­ usually cheaper and always pleas­ rated city shall not be governed ant to take. by the state sanitary ordinance So do not miss this show, keep provided the city has an ordin­ the date, October 19, open and be ance of its own which conforms at the High School gym and get to state standards, and an o ffi­ this cure for the good of your cer to enforce this ordinance with­ soul, laughter. in the city limits. The restaurant and fountain owners decided at the October 2 meeting that in as much as they Expansion of Portland Gas A had been put to considerable ex­ Coke company facilities to meet pense under the present set up the increasing demands for gas in and due to the growth of Beaver­ the Tualatin valley, including util­ ton, they would petition the City ity service needs for new residen­ Council to enact an ordinance tial areas, accounts for approx­ conforming with state standards imately $333,500 of the company’s or adopt the state code and have 1946 construction budget of $1,- their own sanitary inspector ap­ 500,000, according to District Man­ pointed for the City of Beaverton. ager Fred Ehrke. So in a body they met with the Major projects in the Tualatin City Council at their regular valley areas, scheduled to be com­ monthly meeting Monday, Octo­ pleted early in November, are a ber 7, and presented their case. new transmission main and a They were informed that it compressor station. The new main would take some time to draft crosses the hills to Beaverton and adopt such an ordinance and from a point near the company’s make arrangements to secure and gas plant on N. W. St. Helens road pay for an inspector. tieing in at Beaverton with the However, they were told by Paul present main serving Hillsboro Patterson, city attorney, that and Forest Grove. when this state sanitation code The new compressor station, was approved by the state legisla­ which also includes auxiliary bu­ ture that it was understood that tane gas and storage facilities for until equipment and supplies were carrying peak loads, is being in­ available pressure would not be stalled near Cedar M ill The new brought to enforce the ordinance tie-line crosses the 2000-home Ce­ to the letter. dar Hills residential development Also it was learned that Wash­ and will supply this and other new ington county seemed to be hav­ homes in the area. ing more difficulty with this ord­ The Tualatin valley district is at inance than any other part of the present served by the company’s state. compressor station ” E ” on 8. E. Portland The restaurant men made it Milwaukie avenue in very clear that they wished to which is being enlarged and after conform to the state code but completion of the new Cedar Mill they were not able at present to station will supply only Vancouver, secure the necessary material to Wash., the Willamette valley to make all the changes recommend­ Salem, Corvallis and Albany, and Portland suburbs. ed. appointed principal of the McKay school. In addition to her duties as prin­ cipal. Mrs. Vose