BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE 1) I StTOP! AND SH O P "ALOHA »fl 95 I 8 T Friday, September 27, 1946 A LOT OF THINGS have been, and are »till un­ available, but we're trying to r>t you will find at Electric Home Store ALOHA, OREGON PHONE ALOHA 6454 “LOOK FOR THE Philco SIGN” W e Gire S&H Green Stam ps______ » C BEAVERTON MRS. S T IP E E N T E R T A IN S Mrs. D ora Stip e entertained a group o f frien d s at her hom e for L a d iei o f th e P b iU U iea Bible dinner Sunday evening. • • • class of tbe V alley C om m unity church surprised Mrs. C. B. W al­ E N T E R T A IN S GROUP k er last w eek w ith a canned fruit Mrs. C harles Straley entertained show er. a group of la d ies T uesday a fter­ Mrs. W alker, teacher o f tb e class noon a t her hom e on W atson St. for the last tw o years, has been Ice cream and co ffee w as served ill during th e sp rin g and sum m er a fter w hich bridge and pinochle m onths. were placed. there being tw o T he show er w as given in the table* o f bridge and one o f pin­ hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. George ochle. Pichard near the P ortland Golf Mrs. F ish er won honors in bridge Club road. and Mrs. D ora Stipe w as high • • • scorer in pinochle. A m ong th o se p articipating in Mr. and Mrs. Verden o f K an­ the U nion M issionary S ociety of sa s City w ho have been v isitin g Portland o f the U nited P resby­ the S traleys are returning to their terian Church last w eek w ere Mrs. hom e on Saturday. George T aylor and Mrs. C. B. W al­ • • • ker w ho led devotions. Miss F loren ce Tyler, su perin ten ­ F A R E W E L L D IN N E R Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Brookhardt dent o f th e w om en’s d ivision of the U nion G ospel M ission o f P o rt­ gave a farew ell dinner Sunday for land w as the m ain speaker. Mrs. Mr. B rookhardt's daughter, her G eorge Chandler o f A lbany, dele­ husband and th eir baby, w ho are g ate from Oregon to Tarkio, Mis­ fly in g next S un day to their new souri, conference, gave an inter­ hom e in P en nsylvania. estin g report. Mrs. C handler rep­ • • • resented th e W om en’s M issionary HOME ON FURLOUGH Society o f Oregon. Mr. T h ayne Sm ith is hom e on The m eetin g convened In the a furlough and w ith h is fam ily M ultnom ah P resbyterian church. h ave gone to T illam ook to visit • • • relatives. Mrs. H. A. Conoly, form erly of Beaverton, and now resid in g in Oregon City, accom panied her son and daughter-in-law . Jfr. and Mrs. Burt Conoly, on their return Mon­ day night to their hom e in H igh ­ land Park, M ichigan. Mrs. Conoly. a n ative o f M ichi­ I t’s a very hum an failin g to take gan, w ill rem ain there for a three m onths’ visit w ith frien d s and it out on the m erchant w hen you c a n ’t find w h a t you w ant in a relatives. store. B u t th e counry’s retailers • • • d eserve a large sh are of consum er R obert Sayre le ft last w eek for Salem , Oregon, w here he w ill en ­ ter W illam ette U n iv ersity to study law. has a retail industry as efficien t com passion. T he typical store today finds it­ as our*. self besieged by eager buyers at a tim e w hen it has little to sell, C U S T O M because strik es and sh ortages are holding up production <•* all those m arvelous post-w ar g ad gets w e were supposed to have com ing. MEN and LADIES Experienced, cou rteous em ployes are hard to find, despite th e all- SUITS OVERCOATS tim e high in w ages. T he m er­ SLACKS SKIRTS ch an t goes to bed night after night w ith h is head throbbing from the UNIFORMS i com plex and en d less reports he m ust m ake to the incom e tax offi- Some Remnants for Sale \ cia ls and other a g en cies o f gov­ ernm ent. H e d oesn ’t know from L im ited Alteration Work one d ay to th e n ext w hat OPA I policy w ill be. And h e’s faced A ccepted with a price problem over w hich he h a s no control. • SEE D esp ite all this, A m erican retail­ ing has perform ed suprem ely w ell. It h a s stretched su pplies so that MERCHANT TAILOR as m any people a s possible g et a share. It has m anaged to k eep at Walker's, Sat. Afternoon good standards o f service going, and is grad u ally b etterin g them . It has done ev ery th in g in Us pow ­ er to lim it price in creases. It is providing vou w ith » 1 « ■ you w ant as fa st as it can g e t the goods. All th e w ay from th e big chains to th e little corner store, retailin g has perform ed a serv ice it can be your FALL CLOTHES proud of. T he con su m er can be with u certain th a t no cou n try on earth TAILORING B. T. WALTON Brighten up Problems Of Your Merchant GKT YOUR D ESCR IPTIO NS FILLED at the ALOHA PHARMACY AI.OIIA. ORE. First Grade Mothers! ALOHA CLEANERS + TAILORING and PRESSING Courteous Treatment QUICK SERVICE Opposite Post Office ALOHA ANNOUNCEMENT . . . To Resident» o f Aloha-Beuverton Area ROY'S RADIO SERVICE (F orm erly Herron Radio S ervice) OFFERS Guaranteed Repair on All Home and Auto Sets AUTO RADIOS and AERIALS INSTALLED ALOHA OREGON H AVE SEC O N D SON Mr. and Mrs. Irl E. M atheny of B eaverton are th e proud parents of a son, Steven, born Saturday, Septem ber 21, at 11 p. m. a t the P ortland Sanatorium . T h is is their second boy. Mrs. M atheny returned from the h ospital last W ednesday. CLEAN Y O U R CLOSETS M ike Grabovack, local fuel d eal­ er has heard from h is rela tiv es in Europe by le tter recently. In th is letter the people told o f th e very great need for clothes, esp ecially for children. Look around your clo sets and see If you ca n ’t find som e clo th es you are not using, for Mr. Grabovack to send. H e w ill pay th e postage gladly. It you have any, please leave them at I/eonard A dam s office. It is a real th rill to know w here your g ifts go and how m uch they are appreciated. FISH ER-THO RSEN "CLIPPER" E namel A l m o s t l i k e m a g ic — you ton give your Furniture and W oodwork new beauty and cheerfulness with this smooth Flowing, quick drying enamel. • C o vers Th oroughly DRIES • EA SY TO KEEP CLEAN SM O O T H LY You'll want to remember GLO SS Barber Shop •rv d f e e d » • •I« . FISHER-THORSEN J. B. IM LAY and SONS Hardware and Feed Phone 6311 Aloha, Ore. SEE US FOR PRESSURE COOKERS and Fine ALUM INUM ond STAINLESS STEEL KITCHEN WARE Have A Picture Taken • RED Thomas J. Lukas • PLAID SHIRTS Jeweler - W atchm aker • W ATER REPELLENT PANTS and JAC KETS We give S & H Green Stamps on all new purchases and repair work • H EAV Y WOOL SOX a t ★ Beaverton Where you can get FIRST CLASS MATERIALS and WORKMANSHIP FORBES' PORTRAIT STUDIO You Can Have Your Shoes When You Wont Them in HATS # 6 " & 8" BOOTS in S&H Green Stamps WALKER’S We Give S & H DEPARTMENT STORE Green Stamps Phone Beaverton 3461 The Complete Shopping Center" y» ' V ISIT IN G B A R E N T S A lfred H ig g in s and fam ily of C ouncil, Idaho, are v isitin g h is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben H ig ­ gins. F am ily G et-Together. Mr. and Mrs. B en H ig g in s had a fam ily reunion th e first tim e in 7 y ea rs at th e reunion w ere: A l­ fred H ig g in s and fam ily o f Coun­ cil, Idaho, Clinton of B eaverton, and A lice Brelin of O swego. L ois and Jim H ig g in s of Aloha. • • • F O R YOUR P L E A S U R E B eaverton Sportsm en R od and Gun Club are h avin g d ances at H uber H all. T h ey exp ect to have a dance there tw ice each m onth during the w in ter season. T he Club Is also w ork in g d ili­ g en tly to g et the v o tin g public acquainted w ith th e v irtu es of fish bill 312. T hey u rgen tly ask your consideration to p reserve the sport fish in g that Is so m uch a part of the N orthw est. CUB SCOUT 1TCNIO H U G E SUCCESS T he cub scout pack all day pic­ nic at C am p Adam s. Sunday, Sep­ tem ber 22. w as a g reat success, w ith everyone, in clu d ing the w ea ­ therm an, tak in g an en th u sia stic part in m akin g it so. T here w ere about 50 people pre­ sent. All took part in the hiking, bnsehall and h orseshoe gam es, and eating. E ven the g irls w ent hom e from the picnic feelin g th a t they w ould lik e to join the cub scouts, th ey had had so m uch fun. G U ESTS FROM C A L IFO R N IA Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Gobbell and fam ily of N orth H ollyw ood, Calif., w ere recent g u ests of Mr. and Mrs. R a y Mueller. Dr. Gobbell is Mrs. M ueller’s brother. SPEN D W EEK EN D Mr and Mrs. E. C. Fofri and daughter. Jean, of San Francisco, w ere w eek-end g u ests o f Mr. and Mrs. R a y Mueller. VACATION IN W EN A TC H E E H arold M iller le ft for a vacation goin g to W en atch ee and other points and m aybe to Colorado. A num ber o f years ago ear w igs • a a w ere becom ing a bad pest. T here E N T E R T A IN W IT H LUNCHEO N w e is a united effo rt by th e people Mrs. Ollie K aupilla o f P ortland to control them ; m any id eas for eradication w ere printed from entertained w ith a luncheon last tim e to tim e in the new spapers F riday honoring her cousin, Mrs. l w ith the resu lt th a t there w ere Jack Cole, (nee R hoda T hyng) less ear w igs. T hose present w ere Mrs. Geo. Then th e late w ar cam e and all Thyng, Mrs. M atilda K elley, Mrs. effo rts w ere cen tered on w in n in g Geo. K lein and Mrs. M argery B ar­ ron. the w ar for th e allies. W ith th e sh o o tin g stopped, again the public are ch eck in g on som e Specialising . . . . dom estic troubles, w e note ear w igs in W est Sid e P rop erties are becom in g too num erous again. A subscriber w rites about this trap; “P lace a n old gu n n y sa ck on ground som ew h ere near the k itchen door. E v ery m orning sa ­ turate th e sa ck w ith scalding hot w ater from the tea-ketle.” PHONE Rte. 6, Box 1218 t h e X thC Cnd ° f 11,6 *ar w ig . CHerry 3727 Portland 1, Ore. Dandy Trap For Ear Wigs PIC K IN G F IL B E R T S Mrs. Arthur Eaton o f Sherw ood H O LID A Y AT T H E BEA CH Mr. and Mrs. W illis Cady spent is helping pick filb erts a t the Ha- w ry E aton Orchard on Murphy a few days a t the beaches recently. R oad, south of R eedville and the R osedale Road. CUSTOM MADE Owned and Operated b> Mr. ond Mrs. Alfred Volcanic Cinder Building Blocks by Nora Wood Lath To Window Frames Phone 6332 D in ette and D in in g Room Sets D FINING SET 5 pieces Your Rest Points N O R A ’S Dressm aking Sh op Aloha SETS d in e t t e Rring (Put Richards ALOHA BEAUTY SHOP Work Done By Appointment Only Aloha, Ore Phone 6125 k e lp r e v o v k ie * * p e r f e c t c e le r k e t e e e r started to school. Personal Attention Aloha, Ore. • C e le r C o rd tfcel w ril Complete stocks of all Necessary Clothing for the hunter REPAIRING how they looked when they C H A M B E R LI N 'S SHOE REPAIR SERVICE in W A LKER'S DEPT. STORE Have I C osttim e . . . R I C H A R D S Ô BRILLIA N T Going Hunting? WATCH See Our W ITH A pj□ li 1 C •*** >e o n * LU N C H EO N G U ESTS Luncheon g u ests at the hom e of Mrs. R em o Arpke, o f 8202 S. W. P arrw ay D rive, W est Slope on T hursday o f th is w eek w ere Mrs. R uth Soule. Mrs. Opal E isen hau er and Mrs. H azel Paxson. Precision ★ FOUND! Mrs. P earl N ew m an g ave a party t her hom e on F a rm in gton road last W ednesday aftern oon. Mrs. R obert Sum m ers being high in pinochle and Mrs. C harles Straley high in bridge. Lovely refresh m en ts w ere served. • ■ • FLO R ID A G U E ST S Mr. A. R ex D a n iels o f 7215 S. W. Canyon D rive has a s h is gu est Mr. J. C. C hastine of M iami, Fla., who flew out on a b u sin ess trip, arriving here T hursday m orning Sept. 26. Mr. C hastine, w ho is in the building and supply b usiness, hope to be able to buy lum ber in the W est. a TO M l |>v | \ HAST Mr. and Mrs. V eldon Boge, Jr., and son, John, left Monday, Sep­ tem ber 9, for th e E a st w here Mr. Boge la resum ing his stu d ies at the Boston U n iversity M edical School. Mrs. B oge and th e baby are sta y in g w ith her m other, Mrs. E. M axwell, in C entral Square, N ew York, u ntil Mr. Boge can find a hom e in Boston for his fa ­ mily. LAPEL PIN Ore Front Doors 9 light 36M x 80" Underground Garbage Cans 8 pieces Light Finish Notural or Wolnut, Honey Inlaid or Plain _,VE'iy.thinç. -¿oï the ^/ons. P h o n e 3 5 3 5 B e a v e r t o n Come in and see Be Wise Like the Squirrels Put Away Food for Winter Buy in Case Lots Now and SAVE Wt* have som e of last year*** vanned <;oods available m o m at last year's Prices. Golden West Fcod Lockers Aloha, Oregon NO 118. SPORT KINGSLEY Be a v e r t o n Lumber Co. Telephone Beaverton 3201 Beaverton Oregon C. A. Bakken, Mgr. fm w BM m m m m WITHOUT HUNTING PROPER FOOTWEAR FIELD BOOTS 16" LACE BOOTS W E I B Y ’S ------