Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1946)
> 1 Buy • S e ll. cash THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE: Montag Wood or Coal Rang«. Call M M. Hickox, $ 5 p Count eoeh word, including Name Beaverton 2261 . and oddress-O N LY 2c A WORD No Phone Orders Taken W e Publ ish the BEAVERTO N EN TERPRISE TIG A RD SEN TIN EL M ULTN O M AH PRESS A LO H A NEW S REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE * FOR SALE—PICKLING D IL L - For Sale 10 lbs or 1 Ton. Earl E. Fisher, Box 1, Beaverton, Ore. 35p COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE and lunch every Saturday 10:30 a.m. Clackamas Stables on 82nd Ave., 34 miles south Foster Rd., Portland, J. L. Walters, owner and tioneer._______________ tf FOR SALE: 12 or 16 Inch green block and slab, mill run, $20 load (24 cord loads) $20 load in Bea verton, Multnomah, Tigard, and $17250 in Aloha and Reedvllle. Also ich dry, mill run, block and ,(24 cord loads) $12 cord. Id Keller. Rte. 1, Carlton, Ore. Phone Portland BRoadway 1986. (give delivery directions). tf E 4 FT. WOOD. 3 CORD LOTS, $22 deliver anywhere. Give location with order. Stanford Laughlln, Carlton, Rt. 1. tf SAWDUST. Light Slab, Cull lath. Reasonable prices. Your haul. Call CHerry 1682, or Beav. 2465, eves. FOR SALE—16-in. green slab wood 24 cord loads $8 cord delivered. Reuben Johnson, Newberg phone 193-J. tf For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. SAWDUST Slab Wood 2 V 9 units $10.00 $15. Coarse - Fresh 2 WEEKS SPECIAL write 3 cord load 4' green slab PHIL WILSON Rt. 2, Box 74, GASTON, ORE. FOR SALE—3 slightly worn for- mals-size 14. Call CH 2857 between hours of 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. week days. 35 WOOD FOR SALE: 4 ft. slab- wood, green or dry Hanson Fuel Company, Beaverton. Phone 2828. 34tf Beautiful home —2 acres filberts, _________ excellent yield this year. 6 rooms, CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK hardwood upand down. Full bath $2.75 per Hour down 2-3 bath up. Full cement E a rl By« basement, automatio oil heat. Park Conner Road near Hart Hatchery like grounds. On Bus Line. Hard Rt. 1 , Beaverton S 7 P surfaced road. $22,500. A. KRUGER 3 Bedroom home. 1 acre ground. Beaverton, Oregon 2nd A Betts St. Building Contractor Conveniently located to grocery Remodeling — Cabinets store and schools. Near transpor Excellent Workmanship tation. Pavement. Owner anxious Prompt Service to sell. Call Bert Miller, Tigard 35p Branch No. 2.. Phone Tigard 2523. SHEI1A ANN FROCKS Fox Realty & Acct. Service See attractive suits, dresses, shirts, sweaters for women A teen agers Branch 2, Tigard, Oregon Mrs. Holland S. E- Corner 3rd A Pacific Phone Tigard 2523 1 block east of Lombard BEAVERTON Business corner for ROTOTILLING by hour or con sale, 6 apartments. See Mrs. Pien- tract. Geo. Charneski, Rt. 1 , Box ovi, 9 to 12 a.m. or evenings, 115 423, Beaverton. 33 tf Farmington St.. Beaverton, Ore.35p TRACTOR WORK: General gar work. Plowing, discing. D. P. • WANTED * den MacDonald, Rt. 2 , Box 218. Phone Beaverton 2260. S3tf WANT HOMES the best In The working man can afford 2 & LANDSCAPE—For new lawns call W. A. Green, 3 bed rooms if open price is right. Beaverton 2967. 17tf I can sell them. Phone collect BEacon 7853. Port land or Mrs. George Keller, 3102 DECORATIVE ROCKS S. W. McChesney Rd., Portland 1, For GARDENS, WALLS, PATIOS Or®. 37p also ROAR g r a v e l , t o p s o il WANTED—Lady with car to share Walnut job. good money. Call FERTILIZER evenings South end Greenway Dr. PHONE: CHerry 3107 tf Mabel V. Jones. 35 p >R SALE Small enameled wood )k stove and Hotpoint electric lge. Phone 2182. 35 >R SALE!—30 large packing les, Beaverton Bulb Gardens, nyon Road 1000 feet East of averton Junction. 35p R SALE- About 2 acres In od River. Including a 5 room )lex house would consider ac- ge or town property In Beaver- . See F F Fisch. Rt 1 Bx 1031 Erickson Ave Beaverton Please Sunday calls. tf R SALE 2 end tables, 1 book e. 1 library table suitable for ne or office. Phone Tigard 1 . Mf LL DIRT FOR SALE L. H. Cobb Co. lone Beaverton 2881 Canyon » ♦ X Cu tu j< rrt À tY 'à l '1 ' U " - ^ 7 -___ RESERVATIONS Br.OIU W LEK DAYS S - I I W E'LL TEACH YOU HOW RUPERT Flying Service O PEN SUNDAY 1 • 10 BERNARD'S AIRPORT CEDAR STREET AT WALKER RD. BUILDER A CABINET maker— Store frents; school, restaurant and store fixtures; school furni ture; unit cabinets of all kinds, including kitchen cubfeieta. Of fice furniture rebuilt, reftniahed and completely renovated. All kinds ef building and remodeling. Woodworking of all kinds. Also Landscaping, dirt moving, terracing, plowing, discing, harrow ing and concrete mixed on the Jeb. L. H. Brawand, Metzger, Oregon. Phone CHerry 2929. tf IN S U R A N C E - All Risks - Any Coverage GLENN E. PRINGLE 2S5 Pittock Block CH-3640 Res. 10th & Washington AT- 2777 Portland 5 (Doy or Nite) LAND CLEARING A Excavating Work done by hour or contract. Phone Portland UN. 3395 for es timates. Work guaranteed. 51tf WILL TAKE BOARDERS by day, week, or month. Mrs. Lee, on Johnson Street between Hunter A Union. Aloha, Ore. 36 For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. PAINTING—Outside our specialty. Spray painting; remodeling. Free estimates for spring at reduced prices. Terms. Go anywhere. Call EAst 2216. tf SEITIC TANKS CLEANED LINES CHECKED ADVANCED ESTIMATES Phone 6521 Aloho O. E. BERGLAND WE CURE AND SMOKE YOUR PORK CUTS 25 years Experience ALDER MARKET Lewis Bros. Co*. 1st and Washington SC PORTLAND. OREGON tf SEPTIC TANKS, completed $100. anywhere on West Side, 20 miles from city Portland SU. 1737. 2tf • VETERINARIAN * Dr. Norm E. Johnson STOVE AND DIESEL OIL Metered Oil Service DELIVERED HILLCREST GROCERY Rte. 3. Bo. 395 Beorertoe ft SALE Gentle family Guern- Approxim otelv 2 mi l e» W est of , ... rM Cow—fresh Dec. tested 6 G gf | B U M S W C a p ita l H lw y C H . U 1S Butner Rd 1 mile West of Becve*ton on Forrrungton Rood ar 8 t and Barnes Rd.. Beav- TOW CAP. ra’l VEP.MILTE I B P STKVKNa •n Earl S Patrick Rt 2. Bx 35p MOTOR CO, Phone Tigard 3381 tf Old Time Resident* In Beaverton On Visit Veterinarian E a st o f B e a v e r to n B e a v e rto n $511 H lw a y F ortla n d m o H T -N O W C L E A N ■ ■ ry w m l »■■iMry MEADOW SPECIALS SEPT. 27 thru OCT 3 Slirc<l<h‘<l Wheat . . . 2 for 25 c CERTO.. .2 for 42c 3 f° r 4 5 c SURE JELL . . . 3 foi’ 2 5 e Sweetened (irape Beverage Base 30c gt. 49c Chocolate Malt Syrup Aunt Sue*« Dry Cleaner . gal 75c Frinkie's Dog Meal . . 10 Ih«. 1.25 AH h TN Boiled Oat« • 30c MARTHA JANE HERMOSA PRODUCTS CO •04 M l _ S C R im rR E TEXT GREETING CARDS Attroctive offer to agents, chur ches, other organizations. Act Now. 8 0 6 Panama Bnilding 3rd A Alder Portland 4, Ore. CENTRALLY LOCATED Close to but trans port a t I o n a n d walking distance from downtown. S ite Î5 _______ PEANUT BRITTLE reg .r>0c l»x 40c IT'S A PLEASURE TO SERVE YOU SCARCE ITEMS JUST IN — Luncheon P.ckles, Sweet Relish, Lunch Meat, Grahom Crackers, Miracle Whip, Nestle Morsels. Pineapple, Beans and Franks, Raindrops.. J. P. Finley & Son M 0BTICIAN SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMER AT water 3181 CONCORD Riverview Cemetery WEST END SEXLWOOD BRIDGE GRAPES We Are Now Contracting CBEMATOBIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY for Concord Grapes Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverside is a co-operative asao- rlation with aaeeta of over $800.000 No Quantity Is Too Small George F. Gordon R. I. MacLaughlin, Inc. Piano Toning, Cleaning Beaverton. Ore. WEST SLOPE ACCORDION STUDIO DICK KOKICH TEACHER OF MODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION DKMOTHING, REPAIRING Phone: ALOHA 6612 RHEUMATISM and ARTH RITIS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I am free from pain and able to do my work that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautx. P.O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. Pd. Adv.—NUK-OVO I.abora tories Í ARTHRITIS RECORDINGS MADE Ask your druggist or write J. H. Casey Box 731, Portland, Oregon Have a Reninl Made of Your Sinj'injg or Playing Rt 2, Box 381, Beaverton, Or on Canyon & Howatt Road PHONE BRoadway 4702 CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS SPECIAL “V E N T IL A T E D ’’ Portland Concrete Pipe & n< — so* — $ioo This present age is to end with the nations under a World Ruler who is to meet a strange death. Powered by Satan, the man will demand that he be worshipped as God and the masses will so bow to him. Worshipping him, they in fact bow to Satan who powers him. At this blasphemy, God lets loose his just wrath in fearful ple&gues an dit those days had not been shortened, no Flesh would be left upon the earth. Those who thus give their worship to Satan's man, must answer with their lives since God cannot step aside for Satan or any other. Says he—“ I am god and there is none else.”—BIBLE. After those awful days, Christ, our Lord, descends from heaven with power and great glory and slays the World Ruler with the breath of His mouth. Christ then sets up His rule of Peace on Earth with equity and justice to all. This is not the age of Bible peace. This present age sees God calling out a people for his name on whom he is to spend his love forevei and ever. Today may you prove the new life that God gives to all who believe on Christ as the Saviour who died for their sins. Step ahead—grow up—look utterly to Christ to see you through —live by Power From On High. GROCERY LARK Located on Walker Road See your Building Material Dealer A»« ALL ceocist — Comet <0 POcVogM To Slay World Ruler Monroe k Crifell 6 COM. 9924 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, September 27, 1946 SEPARATORS — MILKERS S. W. McChesney Rd., Portland COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND 1 Mrs. Ida Burns, her son, Archie 1, Oregon. This space paid for by SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY Burns, and wife from Oakland. a Seattle family. California, were visiting relatives INDUSTRY and friends in Beaverton Thurs day. If you want to buy—sell—trade, Mrs. Ida Burns was formerly TRY A CLASSIFIED. Miss Ida Watts, sister to the late Henry Watts, half sister to the late Horace and Peter L. Spencer. Her hdnufdíturvn k Distributor* yO parents were early pioneers In G e n u in e tViRYTM ING this vicinity. The old home was HOLLAND III LBS West of Beaverton on Farmington Hoad at Snencer Road. You Can't Beat the Dutch ' F orti ano Cut.-1 alt L ake ( it y When young, Mrs. Ida Burns, Thousands of Tulips, Hyacinths had a lovely voice and sang often and Crocus are now on display AT. »461 at pioneer gatherings around Bea 135 NW Park Planting time is here. Come and verton. make your selection. Over 94 PAPERING—Painring & Kalso- On this trip they called at the varieties to choose from. mining, neat, experienced work man L. L. Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A Minnie Watts home, and also the Beaverton Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 Ziona Wilmot and Della C. Fisher home in Beaverton. 40tf IH LB Gardens dewuihmmnd Canyon Road, IINH) feet East ____ o f Beaverton Junction Phone 3271 FAINTING — Outside; our spe cialty spray painting. Remodeling; free estimates and reduced rates for spring. Terms available. Will go anywhere. MUrdock 4164. tf HIDES A w o r n - CASCARA— A specialty. LEE BROS.. tS SW Clay Portland AT. 3334. tf Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans R. A. Peyton Henry H. Jeffries on Highway et Short St., Beaver ton. Phone Beaverton 3981. tf Demonstration on your Place RT. 1, BOX 102, LAKE ROAD BEAVFRTON, ORE The advertiser—Tell him yoa read his message in the paper. SHINGLING— New A old work. Remington Bros. Phone Beaverton 322L tf _____ •< yd .........9c yd. I GARRISON PAPERING * PAINTING—10 years experience, reasonable rates. First Class. Free estimates, Call BEacon 3546, R. WHITLOW, 019 SW Hamilton, Portland 1, Ore tf Garbage Collection Service By month or contract HOHNSTEIN A SCHAFER 4073 N. E. 16th Ave. Phone MUrdock 2805 West Slope. Beaverton, Meadow- hurst and Elmonica tf Immediate Delivery MRS. SNAIDER'S GENERAL HAULING OF A l l, KINDS ANYTIME CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK PORTABLE GAS WATER PUMP TO RENT 46tf Phone METAL WEATHERSTRIPPING. H O W A R D W . SMITH Rock wool insulation blown In 388 CANYON ROAD for free estimate write R. E. Ell- Phone Beaverton 3931 or 2462 son, Tigard, Oregon. tf DEAD or Worthless Stock picked LIVE POULTRY WANTED: Any up Free of Charge Anywhere. size lot. Top celling prices. Write Prompt Service. Call collect UN. or phone Clarence Hunt, WEb 1221 or UN. 4502. Western States ster 2540 3600 N. E. 44th Port Rendering Co., N. Columbia Blvd. land 13, Ore. 29 A Hurst Ave., Portland. (Suc tf cessor to Denley Rendering 8 tf POWER SPRAYING — PHONE Company.) BEAVERTON 2188. tf Tree Topping, Removing, Hedge Trimming For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Out of town calls taken Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. Equip, for difficult jobs, Insured Estimates—Reference« PLOWING, DISCING, garden XENN’S TREF. SERVICE work. Large or small. C. B. Portland—EAst 6524 3tf Wooden. Phone Beaverton 2697. 39 I M MEDIATE SERI ICE FLORENCE ALL AROUND CARPENTER W O R K PAINTING A PA PE KHANGING Work Guaranteed Work Done Promptly CALJ, CHerry 2175 KARL'S Florist & Nursery WHITE THREAD COLORED THREAD Portland Beaverton Transfer Co. Trees, Shrub«, Vines and Perennial Plants Hemstitching CA LL FOR ESTIMATE Phone - Webster 2571 GARDEN TRACTOR Crawler Type - S.H.P. and Implements A new plan for veterans' or ganizations to serve as buying ag ents for members in acquiring sur plus government-owned property was exemplified this week by two Klamath Falls posts which sent checks totalling $3.741.98 to the Portland War Assets veterans' di vision for 803 sleeping bag covers. The transactions were arranged by T. D. Case, clerk of the Klam ath Falls local draft board No. 1, which serves as a clearing house for veterans’ information. Dave Hoss, commander of American Le gion post No. 8 , bought 731, and E. V. Zell, commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars Pelican post No. 1383, took 72. The first such veteran group buying was done recently by the Disabled American Veterans post No. 25, Portland, when Sam Booth, commander, entered an order for 86 bag covers. The Portland WAA office is en couraging such buying by veterans, in line with national policy, as it simplified the packaging and ship ping obstacle to small sales and facilitates wider distribution. A WAA liaison representative is now contacting veterans’ posts over the Portland region to acquaint them with details of group buying and other phases of surplus property disposal. Your 3rd Costs ONLY 3c Finish — Remoueling — Repair Daskalos & Williams A. HARRY Mac INTYRE GIANT USED CAR CENTER Route 1 Box 435 Phone Beav. 2828 Three Lots 6501 NE Union 5600 NE Union After 6 p. m. — Leave Order. tf 5500 N. Interstate—Portland WEbster 1175 or GArfield 8432 FOR RENT Room, Lady prefer red. Across Tigard Lumber Yard CESSPOOUSEPTIC TANK OWN gt) Main St 35p ERS ATTENTION—Added equip ment allows faster service. We pump A wash septic tanks, commL • BUSINESS SERVICES ft or residential. Guar, workmanship. Sewers connected. Cesspools and septic tanks ckmstructed. Schulz Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland. TA. 3235. 2tf Flowers — Floral Designs PHONE TIGARD 3315 Closed Sundays Rt. 2, Bos 1 Tigard On Highway 99W PAINTING PROVE IT TO YOURSELF YOU DON’T NEED A TRADE No Hidden Charges All Makes and Models '32a to '42s See Us Before You BUY—SELL OR TRADE HITY MIDGET De Laval Low rates WANT -Ride from Varnes & Dur ATTENTION KEPLER DAVENPORT CO. ham Rd. to Portland around 7 a. See MR. SCHULD at 4014 S. W. m., return after 5 p. m. CHerry Marigold St. in Multnomah for We Specialize In 2478. 35p listing or buying property or Remodeling and Recovering call CHerry 3494, Tigard 2523, Fox PICKERS WANTED—3 4 c lb for Realty A Accounting Service of - All Furniture Custom Made - 22 acres of filberts. Call W. E. fice located next to Joy Theater 118 NW Broadway Phone 3762 Gelinsky on Lombard, Rt. 1, Box at Tigard. tf Beaverton, Oregon 269, Beaverton 2968. 35p SPECIAL RATE For CLU BS, GRANGES, etc. NTER'S TENTS and Tarps W H ITE 6c yd von Hoad Trading Post. One COLORED 8c vd. s east of Beaverton. id. DIMMERS IT PAYS TO F L Y P. B. 11AGG Hauling Contractor VINCENT LUMBER CO. Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons "A Complete Lumber Yard” Sand, Crushed Rock and We Deliver Anywhere Road Gravel PAINTS — SASH — PLUMBING Route 1, Box 28, Tigard, Oregon Phone 6191 — Aloha, Ore tf Phone Tigard 2446 tf WANTED—Furnished or unfur nished apartment or housekeeping rooms for couple and one child, in West Slope or Beaverton district. Phone BRoadway 6770. 35 p FOR SALE—60x140 foot lot just off Capitol Hi way, westward addi tion in Multnomah, also beautiful building site 4 acre near Oswego Golf course. Phone Beaverton 2509. 35P EGGS WANTED: Will pay 63c FOR SALE—Good Cider Press $10. for large—other sizes accordingly. M. O. Englehart, 4 mile north of CHerry 2478. 35p Aloha on Vista Ave. 35 FJ)R SALE—Oil Burner for kit WANTED — Plain sewing. Mrs. chen ranga. Stanley Sinclair, Rt 4 John Vermillion, Huber Ave. Rt. Box 219, Sherwood, 1 mile South of 3, Box 264, Beaverton. 35p Scholls. 35p HELP WANTED—To work on FOR SALE -Wood A Coal circu pipe line by City of Beaverton 35p lating heater. Call evenings. South end of Greenway Drive, Mabel V. HELP WANTED—Girl for general Jones. 35p office work. Must be able to type. Complete details, first letter in FOR SALE—'31 Dodge, new tires cluding references. Write Box 118, and Battery; 3 Boats, 500 lbs. of Beaverton, Oregon. 35 lomicide, 1200 lbs. of nalco 680 (water softener). Rt. 1, Box 115, OFFICE GIRL — Experience In Tigard, Ore. 35 general office routine desired, but knowledge of the insurance busi POR SALE —BEETS A CARROTS ness is not required. Contact Leon —Fresh Daily for canning. Leave ard Adams, Insurance, Beaverton >rders Earl E. Fisher, Box 1, Bea- Phone 3831. tf rerton, Oregon. 35p WANTED: Experienced man to •OR SALE — Matching dining operate my farm equipment in this 00 m and living room light fix- area on percentage basis. BRoad ures $25. Phone Beaverton 2150. way 2039, Portland. tf 35 WANTED: Salesmen to list and i’OR SALE—All steel trailer 600x sell real estate suburban S. W. Can 6 wheels and tires. Built for speed be experienced or Inexperienced. nd service. Aloha Mercantile See Bert IMller, Tigard Branch Itore. Aloha, Ore. Phone 6213. 35p Office, No. 2, in Tigard. X)R SALE—Daveno, $40., library Fox Realty St A cct Service able $15, and sewing machine $20. 'all Beaverton 2968. S5p RABBIT FRYERS WANTED: Will also butcher your rabbits for 'OR SALE—Sporting goods, 2 the hides. D. P. MacDonald, Ruby rheel trailer, combination fishing Avenue. Phone Beaverton 2260 ole, fly and casting reels, hunting 33tf nife, axe, pack board, duck de >ys, kapok cushions, Vollenda ca- WANTED: Ride for child In lera F/3.5, light meter, iron cot. kindergarten. 8:30 a.m. Tigard rivate party, call evenings-BE to Beaverton. 11:30 a.m. Beaverton T90 35p (Durham) to Beaverton. 11:30 a.m. Beaverton to Tigard Monday OR SALE — Victory daveno, through FYiday. Call Tigard 3446. rong well built good cover $15. 35 p , E. Barnes, Hyland Rd.. Box 69. 1 st So. of St. Mary's School 35p LAWN MOWER SHARPENING, saw filing, tool grinding. Fred's OR SALE—Filbert A Walnut Shop. Wheeler Avenue. Aloha, Ore #k>r. Commercial machine part- gon. Fred Kahler, owner. 41p new. Fred A. Cook, Jr., 1st »use west of Jacktown school on FOR RENT irmington Rr. 35p OR SALE MISC fire- ace grate and screen, vanity, ;el cot and mattress, single bed, rings, mattress, door knobs, lock t, assorted hinges, bolts, nuts d screws, fruit jars, box of elec- c supplies. Rt. 2, Bx 601, Off alker Rd. on Old Meadows Rd. 35p CHICKEN ««STEAK CAR NEED OVERHAULING? For general automotive repair Call Beaverton 2825. 35 p Complete Eastern Washington County 4 acres, 6 room house, barn, well, and Western Multnomoh County lots of fruit, grapes; berries; wal Coverage nuts; filberts. Located right in Tigard—$9,500. Vet Organization« Aft As Bnviing Agent« for Surpln« TtendeiÀ MISCELLANEOUS ABC Washer, Spinner will ex FOR SALE Small sized davenport change for elec, mixer and cash and chair slip covered. Call Sat or Eastern Maple living room or evening or all day Sunday. BR bedroom suite. West on Farming- oadway 4760. 35 p ton Road to South end of Oak. W H. Sinfield. 35 p MINIMUM 2S c a n issue A Services Products Co. 5819 SW Macadam Ave.. Portland. 1 Oregon WW j v Mr. J. H. Casey: In regard to Caaey's Com pound I cannot praise It enough for what it has done for me. For two years I had arthrtUs la my finger joints. It was so painful, I could hardly stand to move my flngn% the joints were «0 stiff and sore. After taking 3 bottles of Casey’s Com pound I am free of pain and «tiff joints.— Mr« X Stanley M. «laughlln. Rt. 4. Box 1BR Salem. Oregon.