BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, September 27, 1946 COOPER MOUNTAIN HAZELDALE PERSONALS Beaver Theater HAZELDALE Formerly The Rif* COOPER MOUNTAIN HlrUi Three Chan*.-« A Week Now Sun. Show run» continuously from I SO to 11:30. (evening Show 7 to 11:30 Two entire show». Children (under 12) 20c; Adults, 60c; Student», 40c; IiOges, 60c PUNNED ECONOMY Birth» in this vicinity laat week were: To Mr. and Mr». Chancy Pond, a girl born Sept. 18, Hath Arie //»mi’ In M etzger erine Arlene. Mr. and Mra. Frank Emmons To Mr. and Mr». K. Santoro, a will be moving to Metzger where boy, born Sept. 16. they recently purchased a new home, Two Year» Old Friday and Sat, Sept 27-28 Nickie Tri celebrated hi» sec MISS SUSIE SLAGLE'S ond birthday September 19 at a E m p t i e d In F o rtla ru l Sonny Tufta. Veronica Lake Paddle Your Own Hlllbilllee family dinner in hia honor at the Mra. Melvin Nelson is at present home of hia Grandparents, Mr. employed -*t Oaffy Daddy New» Sears-Roebuck in and Mra. C. D. Walker. Portland. Sunday to Tuesday—Sept. 28-Oct. 1 OUTLAW Visiting at Home o f Son F a m ily t ir im i un Jane Ruaaell and Walter Huston Mra. J. K. Smurthwaite Sr., of Trouble or Nothing Cartoon-New» Baker, is visiting this month with On September 8 a fam ily reunion her son and daughter-in-law Mr. was held at the home of Mr. and Saturday Matinee O ct 5 at 2: p. m. and Mrs. Richard Smurthwaite. Mrs. Horace Emmons. There were FREE • • • 52 relatives present. To All Children I nder 14 Year« Week End Guest Adult» 25c | Week end guest of the C. S. 1 Webbers was Donald B. Brown Setrin g C lu b M eet it S. K. V 2-c U. S. Naval A ir Sta Showing HOT CARGO There were 23 members present tion. He is now at Oak Harbor, at the last meeting of the Cooper with W. Gargan, J. Rogers Whidbey Island, Washington. Mountain Sewing Club, held at JOHNNY COMES F L Y IN G HOME . . . the Parker home. Mrs. Emma Marth Stewart & Richard Crane Delegate to Convention Rhorbach was guest visitor for the - — ------------------------------- --------- ! Mr. R. Smurthwaite has left for afternoon. Saturday Matinee« Every Sat NOW San Francisco, C alif, as a dele- Children 9c, Adults & Students 25c gate to the American Legion Na- On F oration ! tional convention. Lena Lepold, who is employed in Fishing 1 a Portland Bank is spending a C. S. Webber and Fred Ander weeks’ vacation at the home of her son of Hillsboro went on a week parents. ! end fishing trip in the Mt. Hood I district. L u n ch e o n (¿nests NOW ! Mrs. E. L. Haneberg was hostess Patients The Arthur G. Higgs family at a luncheon at her home in have had illnesB in their home Portland, September 25th. Her guests were; Mesdames. Alice Da this week. vis; Christine Wold; Mary Cava- ness; and Christine Price. Is The Time Aloha Troop No. 2 19 COMMUNITY CLUB DOIN’S The Cooper Mountain Commu nity Club are planning a Hallo we'en party to be given at their next meeting. On October 5th they will start their monthly card parties, and will give one on the first Saturday of each month thereafter. An en joyable time is promised all who attend. Also a membership drive is now on and this being a large district they are expecting a great many new members for the Club. It is a fine thing for a commu nity so everyone should give it a “ boost”. •\M»v ■ h ' g V itoTr inrp “The Bureau Of Crop Control is fining as for not producing 45,000 bushels of com I «ooder if they know we only go! three acres of Liudl’ SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES K E E D V IL L E COM M UNITY L A T T E R -D A Y SAINTS Itrirlge C.lnh The Boy Scouts of Troop 219 are P R E S B Y T E R IA N CHURCH American Legion Hall planning a waste paper drive for Mrs. Kenneth Redding will be Rev. Hampton, Pastor Main St, Hillsboro, Ore. November 2, (Saturday). All resi hostess tomorrow evening when Sunday School 10 a. m. G. E. Sunday School at 10 a. m. a "FACIAL' dents of the area are urged to she entertains her Bridge Club Geiger, Supt. Sacrament meeting at 6:30 p. m. save their paper and the boys will from Portland. Worship Service 11 a. m. Elder J. T. S. Peterson, Branch call for it on that date. Young People's C. E. 7 p. m. Priest Keep It In Line With the If H om e ads always bring Classified A LO H A ASSEM BLY OF GOD quick sales. Mr. G. Wold has been confined Sunday School 10 a. m. 87 C EC ELIA CHURCH "Younger Set" to his home several days nursing 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic service. Masses: 7 a. m.—8:30 a. m.- a severe cold. Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Bible study. 10 a. m. Friday 7:45 p. m. Young peo ples service. Have Those Disfiguring I H u n tin g H e W ill Go H IG H W AY C H A PE L Rev. Rilla Mae Stephens, pastor The hunters of the Cooper Moun Services will be held in Tent on tain district are making ail pre CHURCH OF T H E N A Z A R E N E H i«£*way Just East of Cedar Street Dents and Scratches parations for the opening of the 1 in Beaverton. Leonard C Johnson, Pastor hunting season. Orville J Poulin, Minister Corner First and Tucker Street* Phone 3691 They will be leaving Thursday to Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Beaverton Removed 9-45 a.m. Sunday School, Edith be gone a week. Hope they find Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Watts, Supt. W ELDING— OF A L L KINDS good hunting”. Evening Service 7:45 p.m. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worahlp. Complete Automotive Service Thursday evening, 7:45 p.m. 6:45 p.m. Young People’s ser GET A NEW PAINT JOB Specialists In Re-Boring Aloha Teen» Club Elects vices. Hi-M. Y. Pres, Don Gram- ling. N. Y. P. S. Pres, Juanita ST. M A TT H E W and Motor Re-Building Officers At Meeting Keebaugh. L U T H E R A N CHURCH BRING IT IN TO Phone - Beaverton - 2981.. Held Sunday INi^ht 7:45 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Canywi Road Near Sylvan Wednesday 7:45 p.m. Mid-week Werner J. Fritz, Minister The Aloha Teens Club elected prayer and Bible Hour. September 29 officers Sunday night at the Aloha Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Church. The following were those Class promotions. COMPLETE chosen for office: President Vicki PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH Farmington at Menlo Divine Service 11 a. m. Funderburgh; Vice-president, Jean- Beaverton, Oregon FOUNTAIN Sermon: Teach The Child. ette Kirkland; Secretary, Dorothy Erwin A. Gerken, Pastor You are welcome. Riggs; Treasurer, Jean Bergstrom- Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. SERVICE Wednesday, Oct. 2, 7:30, Mission Sergeants-at-Arms, Bill Christen Divine service 10:30 a. m. ary Guild, Church Council meet sen and James Chunn; Advisors, Lot Us Fix It Up" ings. Sandwiches, Pies & Coffee Mrs. Elizabeth Boros and Miss Eli A cordial welcome to all. zabeth Rydman. Confirmation instruction class We Have Good Fresh Pop Com BETHEL for youth will begin next week. The Teens Club meets each Sun Beaverton, Ore. Phone 3333 day morning for Bible Study and C O N G R E G A TIO N AL CHURCH Arrangements for enrollment may "G ETITAT" each Sunday evening for discus- 6th and Watson Sts. Phone 3385 be made by calling the pastor at Adults without sion group. On Tuesday the group Rev. Francis Sturtevant, pastor BEacon 0666. PAT'S SHAKE SHOP 9:45 a.m. Church School. “All church affiliations or who desire meets for fun night. All young people of teen age in the area are Aboard for Adventure” record to transfer to St. Matthew's are 2 Doors So. of P. O. Beaverton ings. Classes for adults. Miss likewise asked to consult with the welcome. pastor. Amarette Barnes, Supt. 11:00 a.m. Morning worship. I f you want to sell, trade, or buy church something—T R Y A CLASSIFIED. Consecration service for A L O H A C O M M U N IT Y school staff. Sermon: “ Church b a p t is t ch urch worship is our Goal.” 6 Junior High Pilgrim Fellow Grayden D. Loree, Pastor. ship. Sunday, Sept. 29 7 Senior High Pilgrim Fellow Promotion Day—pupils of the New und lined ship. church school will be advanced to 7:45 Evening Fellowship Hour. the next class. Church School—9:45 a.m. Miss F IR S T M ETHODIST CHURCH Mary Antrim. Superintendent. Morning Worship — 11:00 a.m. 4th and Watson Sts. Phone 3695 Sermon—“Condemned bv the Everett L. Bowers. Pastor. Law.” 9:45 a. m. Church School, Mrs. Teens Club and Junior B Y F Nan Bourguin, Supt. 7:00 p.m. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Evening worship 8 o'clock. Sermon: “ Is the Modern Church One Mile lost of Beevofton on Canyon Rood Impotent?” Logan's Welding and Supply C a rr Chevrolet Co. //H A G /N EÍ UNFINISHED STUDENT DESKS and various sizes of chests TRADE-INS Cauyon Road Trading Post V A L L E Y COM M UNITY CHURCH U N ITE D P R E S B Y T E R IA N S. W. Gabel Lane and Fairway Dr. Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor A feature of the 10:30 Rally Day service at Valley Community United Presbyterian Church. SW Gabel Lane at Fairway Drive, will be the violinist, Mr. Axel Waite, formerly with the Seattle Sym phony. Promotion certificates will be awnrded to the Sunday School pupils at the close of the church hour, and an Installation service for the new teaching staff will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. T. A. Armitage. BEAVERTON FLO RISTS for FUNERAL SPRAYS, CUT FLOWERS, POTTED PLANTS Beaverton 2965 T h e Evcnhsrp Stream lin er 1» bark on the market sgsin l Sleek, »ireamlined . . . with M agic Frro . . . which prevents ink flex «ling or leaking high in a plane . . . *o ol course at ground level lo o ' Magn Feed ends pen mettiness . . . write* more word* with Iru refilling. so°™ ON w LOMBARD ALL,N iVINlJ‘ POPPERT - WELCH FIRESTONE STO IE HANCOCK GAS. OILS Let Vs Reline Your lirakes With EVERSHARPX FIRESTO N E BRAKE SETS STREAMLINER PEN For Onlv *3 9 5 $12.95 MATCH! MC MN Ml* MNCtl tt «0 INCLUDING I \IM>H Lrt Ue Oirok and Fix Your Tire* A* We /Are Here To Satisfy YOU W est end of Y y oar FIRE INSURANCE COSTS S«vt 20 to 25% i Mutual Relieve Beaverton 3961 « MOII » — «BIB. Tea never p I K a n Hie twrpi»* mgahed by O « » Hia faca of Ik* r »I1« t , O t * r * h Mata A F I L L I JINK OF Ever sharp PKIN and PENCILS Including— Evernharp** (jip illa ry urtion p«*n now in atork DEAN'S Drug Store Double NAH Green Stamp» On All Frrarrtptton» lUBBff KCT L M m W» Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. r. M. 7 OF M sM INNVILLI Ortamsad - 1*94 WALKER and NELSON. 52 Year* of RoUaMa Saw 4 oa ‘ R Now Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. “ ivory Form o# Protacttoo” Phone 1722 Hillsboro, Oregon A D CHURCH o r CHRIST Second and Main Sts. G. W. Springer, pastor Morning worship and preaching service at 9:45 a.m. followed by the communion. The topic of the morning sermon will be “The Blessings of Redemption.” Bible School Clase session 11:00 a.m. Christian Endeavor 7:00 p.m. Evening worship service 8:00 p. m. Subject of topic: “ Sealed with the Holy Spirit” . Midweek Bible study and pray er service Thursday. 8:00 p.m. Study topic "Contentment." CLEARWATER PLUMBING Go* Woter Healer* Fairbanks Morris Pump* Beaverton, Ore Ph 2925 I O FURNITURE MOVING servies by Call CENTURY ELECTRONICS Beckett Truck Line, Inc. Beo »ertön Hordw ore Phone 3921 Toys, Model Airplanes, Athletic Equipment, and Wheel Goods 317 FARMINGTON ROAD Beaverton Leonard?» & Ernest’s Radio - Electric for Prompt Courteous Servire on Miss Mae Fisher celebrated her birthday Saturday evening at her home in Beaverton with a big birthday dinner. Those present were the hostess. Miss Mae Fisher, and Della C. Fisher at home. Mrs. W. H. Cady, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cady, Alice Barbara and Willis H. Cady, also Ann Waara, all of Aberdeen, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Burke and Floyd Buine o f Buxton. Earl E. Fisher at home. Miss Fisher received many beau tiful presents with the «vent. Repairing 9 • t Eleetrie Shavers Percolators Intereomniiiiiieation Systems t Irollers and Irons SEE US 109 Watson St. Beaverton :M I='ll=lll= l!l^ l,l5IHSIH=|||=|||-|||= ,,|_||,=,||2t||5|||5|||S,ns|),E||fEH(s|,|5||e|||- |||. SPECIAL — IH ★ EVERYD AY i IH from GENUINE - now on Hdltboro 542 Pprtlond EAsf 3727 m & FRESH mi PO TATO G LA ZED DOUGHNUTS • at ■ ill the BEAVERTON BAKERY »! jjj IN BEAVERTON, OREGON illl»lll=|||=|||5lll=lll=HI=lll=lll=lll=IH=lll=lll=IIISIII5lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lli: R A I N B O W ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION, Inc. ! W I R I N G COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - HOUSE WIRING Estimates Gladly Given Service Colls Token Core of Promptly FRANCHIZED DEALER FOR THERMADOR t, MONITOR HOME APPLIANCES For Service Coll Beaverton 3071 or 2481 LEAVE ORDERS AT RICHIES HARDWARE V a KRAMIEN'S PHOTO SERVICE W ASHINGTON CO U N TY'S O N LY COM PLETE PHOTO SHOP AUTHORIZED • • • • • • • • • DEALERS ANSCO PRODUCTS BELL and HOWELL MOVIE BOLEX MOVIE CAMERAS UNIVEX CAMERAS PERFEX CAMERAS ARGUS CAMERAS EXCEL PROJECTORS DARKROOM SUPPLIES and EQUIPMENT EDWAL PHOTO CHEMICALS Pump Handle* Are ‘Hot S tu ff Well Folks, wherl you are out in the country on a hot summer day and looking for a drink if u a PumP in a well out' in the Held, go easy in grabbing the pump handle! Last week Bud and John Hun ter, with Gordon Halsten, were traveling in South East of Beav erton on Allen Avenue, they dropped in at the Ralph Corey ranch for a drink. Bud says are fellow*—*ee that pitcher pump, now we can have I a drink!” So John _ grabs - hold th e pump handle and begin» pumping, out comes a bunch of yellow jackets and took after John—and that boy sure can travel. About this tnme Gordon | seeing John run for the car. hurried to get a drink, commen- | red pumping, out they came— That e too hot for me fellows? hit the tia il!" Buu says; "Let's beat it for F^nno Creek—I ’m thirsty!" Phone 3B61 VOKAR SLIDE i t c F a P k ci PROJECTOR nr P r F st C Ji Fi cr only $14.85 l ‘y SP EC IA L SER V ICES > > » ) ONE DAY PHOTO FINISHING FAVELLE COLOR PRINTS HOME MOVIE RENTAL LIBRARY CAMERA REPAIRS KRAMIEN'S DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTION RAY MEADOWS - DRUGGISTS L C KRAMIEN Registered Pharmacists Phone 261 HILLSBORO, OREGON We Specialize in . . . THOROUGH LUBRICATION at the . SIGNAL STATION Radar Televista« BICYCLES— Sold and Repaired LAWNMOWERS— Serviced Bi# Birthday Dinner At Fisher Illune To Give Your Cor FURNITURE DON'S .. . SPORT SHOP Roan F. Whitman and Harold Gregory |S. W. ( Jin von Road at Hall St. Beaverton. Ore. f I f < pi I sti sp se1 an tri W FC COI rai FC c&j Ca Be FO Ho du] res ton on no FO cas hor 31b FI