Buy • Sell - THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET CASH M U ST A C C O M P A N Y ALL C LA SSIFIE D A D S Qgunt «och word, including Nam« and oddreis—O N L Y 2c A W O R D N o Phone Order« Taken M I N IM U M 2S c A N ISSUE W e Publish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E T IG A R D S E N T IN E L M U L T N O M A H PRESS A LO H A NEW S Complete Eastern Washington County grid Western Multnomah County Coverage F O R S A L E : Five piece walnut bedroom set in good condition, $75.00. 288 Franklin St., or Phone 3801. Beaverton. 34p F O R S A L E : 1-wheel navy built trailer, $40.00. W . R. Baker. Rt. 1, Box 438, Beaverton, Oregon. On Hansen R oad. 34p H U N T E R 'S T E N T S and Tarpa. Canyon R oa d T rading Post. One mile east o f Beaverton, Canyon Road. 35 Hnneer. W IL L T R A D E 12 gauge R em in g­ ton m odel 11 autom atic fo r 12 gauge W inchester m odel 12 pump. E m il B rookm an, R t. 2, B ox 446. Tigard. 34p CAR NEED O V E R H A U L IN ’ . F o r general autom otive repair 35p Call B eaverton 2825. CUSTOM W ANTED C O M M U N ITY A U CTIO N SALE •pd lunch every Saturday 10:30 %m . C lackam as Stables on 82nd Z v e., 3tt miles south Foster Rd., Portland, J. L. W alters, ow ner and F O R O V E R F IF T Y Y E A R S . I.C.S. hom e-study Schools have trained men fo r better jobs at higher pay. O ver 200 graduates in Oregon, m any in very top positions, rec­ om m end our system o f instruc­ tion. A sk fo r descriptive booklet on su bject you desire. A ccy., auto., diesel, elec., arch., all branches engineering, building trades, fore- manship, sheet metal, plumb., ra­ dio, tele., adv., air con., refrig., business courses, art. high school, and m any others. W rite I. C. S. R epresentative, 3024 N. E. Schuy­ ler St., P ortland 12, Ore. N o ob li­ gation. 34 tf F O R S A L E : 12 or 18 Inch green M ock and slab, mill run, $20 load 9 14 cord loads) $20 load in Bea- srton, M ultnom ah, T igard, and 17.50 in A loha and Reedville. A lso inch dry, m ill run, block and ab (2H cord loads) $12 cord. rold Keller. R te. 1, Carlton, Ore. lon e P ortlan d B R oa d w a y 1986. dve delivery d irection s). tf FT. W O O D , 3 C O R D LOTS, $22 eliver anyw here. Give location O F F IC E G IR L — E xperien ce in 1th order. Stanford Laughlin, general o ffic e routine desired, but rlton, R t. 1. t f know ledge o f the Insurance busi­ ness is not required. C ontact L eon ­ IW D U ST, L ight Slab, Cull lath, ard Adam s, Insurance, Beaverton teasonable prices. Y our haul. Call P hone 3831. tf le rry 1682, or Beav. 2465, eves. W ANTED: E xperienced man to ELECTRIC P O L IS H E R : F or rent, operate m y farm equipm ent in this llch ey H ardw are, Beaverton, area on percentage basis. B R oa d ­ jon e 2481. 34 w ay 2039, Portland. tf F O R S A L E — 16-in. green slab w ood W A N T E D : Salesm en to list and ju , cord loads $8 cord delivered. sell real estate suburban S. W . Can R euben Johnson, N ew berg phone be experienced o r inexperienced. Hos-J. ______ tf See Bert iMller. T igard B ranch O ffice, No. 2, in Tigard. F or S tove and Diesel Oil Call F ox R ealty & A cct. Service B a rry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231 W ANTED: R eliable wom an fo r FILL DIRT FOR SALE full tim e care o f son and charge o f m otherless hom e. E xcellent L. H. Cobb Co. wages. Call B eaverton 3751. 34p Phone Beaverton 2881 W A N T E D : Filbert pickers. R e g ­ ELECTRIC P O L IS H E R : F o r rent, ister now. C alw ay’s, Rt. 1, Box 34p tichey H ardw are, B eaverton 449, T igard 2353. 34 ^hone 2481. R A B B IT FRYERS W ANTED: I F O R S A L E : T railer House. J. E. W ill also bu tch er you r rabbits fo r I Cam eron, G reenw ay D rive o ff the hides. D. P. M acD onald, R u b y | F arm ington Rd., Beaverton, Ore. Avenue. P hone B eaverton 2260. 33tf 34p TRACTOR W ORK Kart B ye Conner R oad near Hart H atchery R t. 1, B eaverton 37 p B IG D E M A N D . A von Christm as g ift sets at thjg time. R epresen ­ tatives w anted W rite D istrict M anager, 8225 S. E. Yam hill, P ortland. 34 p A. K R U G E R Beaverton, O regon 2nd A Betts St. Building C ontractor R em odeling — Cabinets E xcellent W orkm an sh ip P rom pt Service 35 p DU M P T R U C K F O R H IR E . — C ontract day jobs. Sand and gra­ vel. L eave orders at L eila's and F loyd's M arket, at east city lim ­ its o f B eaverton, on B ertha-Bea- verton H ighw ay. tf W IT H C A R I need 3 men interested in building a future RUPERT Flying Service VALLEY T E R R IT O R IE S O PEN N o Specialized Experience 5 ACRES, 5-room house, barn, shop building, ch ick en house, fruit house, creek through property, 40 filbert trees. L ocated near Tigard. No. 1835. Required write VAN SICKLE Route 4, Box 321 40 A C R E S Bull Mt. 16 acres cleared, 24 acres second grow th timber, spring on place. N o build­ ing. P riced at $7,500. L ow down , paym ent takes this. Hillsboro FOR RENT AU TO COU RT. 6 units fu lly fu r­ E L E C T R IC P O L IS H E R : F or rent. nished plus o ffic e building. 1)4 R ich ey H ardw are, Beaverton. acres ground. 190' o f fron tage on P hone 2481. 34 Barbur Blvd. $24.000. No. 2059. 2 S L E E P IN G ROOM S fo r rent in Call Mr. Schuld at CH 3494 or T i­ private home. Men preferred. 337 gard 2523 F ox R ealty & A cct Ser. W . 7th at Main. P hone Beaverton 3293. 34p PEE R TAVERN. all equipped with 4 room s fu lly furnished liv­ ing quarters in back. Located near B eaverton, $22,000. Call Mr. Schuld CH 3494 or T igard 2523. No. 1849. BUSINESS SERVICES Flowers — Floral Designs Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Perennial Plants B E A U T IF U L 8 ROOM house hardw ood floors, double plum bing, large lot, plenty o f shrubbery, $21,000. Call Mr. Schuld CH 3494 or T igard 2523. KARL'S Florist & Nursery P H O N E T IG A R D 3 3 1 S Closed Sundays Rt. 2, B o i 1 Tigard On Highw ay 9 9 W FO U N TAIN and light lunch. New building, new fLxtures, living quarters, 5 year lease, located on B arbur Blvd. $7.000 takes all. Call Mr. Schuld CH 3494 o r T igard 2523. F ox R ealty A A ctt. Service. Hemstitching IMMEDIATE SERE ICE F O X 2057—3 bdrm house. 1 acre, in Tigard, $8,500. W H IT E T H R E A D ............ 8c y4 C O LO R E D T H R E A D ............. 9c yd. F O X ------1959 2 bdrm home, 1 acre S P E C IA L R A T E on paved road near bus and store. For C LU B S, G R A N G E S, etc. $6,500. W H IT E 6c yd CO LORED 8c yd. F O X —1790—Dble garage, finished fo r living, acre, well, $3.150.00. FLORENCE GARRISON CONCORD KEPLER DAVENPORT CO. We Specialize In Remodeling and Recovering - All Furniture Custom Made - 1 1 8 N W GRAPES We Are Now (]ontractmel at No Extra coat R iverside Is a co-operative asso­ ciation with assets o f over $800,000 George F. Gordon Piano Tuning. Cleaning LAWN SUPPLY & EQUIP. CO. DKMOTIIING, REPAIRING Phone: ALOHA 6613 5101 S. E. 17th Ave. at Super Hiway Portland 2, Ore. Phone EAst 1660 ACCORDION STUDIO DICK KOKICH TEACHER OF MODERN A N D CLASSICAL ACCORDION tf IM. Adv.— N1TE-OVO Laboratories ARTHRITIS RECORDINGS MADE Have a Record Mad«* of YOur Siritfiiitr or INayinjf Rt 2, Box 381, Beaverton, Or on Canyon & Howatt Road PHONE BRoodway 4702 Illway • Portland C ON. 9924 Ask yotir druggist or write J. H. Casey Bog 731, Portland, Oregon CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS SPECIAL "V E N T IL A T E D ” HILLCREST GROCERY See your Building Material Dealer ask all ««OCtll —Come w\ pocVogm Portland Concrete Pipe & 25« — SOe — U 00 Products Co. 5819 SW Macadam Ate., Portland. 1 Oregon ^ R H EU M ATISM and AR TH RITIS I su ffered fo r years and am so thankful that I am free from pain and able to do my w ork that I will gladly answ er anyone w riting me for Inform ation. Mrs. Anna Pautz, P.O. B ox 825, V ancouver, W ash. WEST SLOPE RIGHT-NOW CLEANKR I Attractive offer to agents, chur­ ches, other organizations. Act Now. CBEMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETEBT S+9 t h f G A R D E N - A L L in i a i r n f i i t o y o u r s e l f ! Y o u 'll fin d it m u s e fu l t o o l . . A M A C H IN E Y O U C A N B E P R O U D TO O W N ? Dr. Norm E. Johnson Veterinarian HFRM O SA PRO DUCTS CO. 104 M t iHtHll M ttl. forti»««. Or»*»« SCRIPTURE TEXT GREETING CARDS W EST END KELI.WOOD BRIDGE • A Complete Motorized Garden Unit! VETERINARIAN j You were like a dead man on a slab in a m orgue and then you were lifted out o f death into life. T o you G od has given life, says the Rible. T o you who lived in trespasses and sins, after the ways o f this world, obeyin g Satan the spirit that now w orks in the sons o f disobedience. A nd you were de­ serving o f wrath, the Bible adds. Then on a d ay you believed God, that Christ, his only-born Son had died for you r sins and that His blood had cleared your page. N ow with all your sins written o f f and forgiven, God has lifted you out o f death into life. Prove God and prove the new life. C hoose a Bible prom ise that fits you r need. C hoose your prom ­ ise and stand on it and by that you com e to kn ow G od's m ighty . pow er and faithfulness. I Here is a prom ise that has made one man rich in blessing— “ I f any man serve Me, him will M y Father h on or." So said Christ. Gospel o f St. John 12:26. Serving Christ the man has grow n rich in blessing from the tim e he taught a class o f young hoodlum s in a m ission Sunday School dow n by the stock yards in Chicago, to this day. Yes. stand on the prom ­ ise, prove God and grow rich in blessings. Riverview Cemetery • Efficient! S E P T IC T A N K S , com pleted $100, anyw here on W est Side, 20 miles from city F*ortland 9U. 1737. 2tf K an o f Beaverton Beaverton •S5U So We (»row Rieh MW FOURTH AT HONTGOMRB ATwstrr 2181 • Sturdy! Tree Topping. R em oving, Hedge Trimming Out o f town calls taken Equip, fo r d ifficu lt Jobs, Insured M ETAL W E A T H E R S T R IP P IN G . E stim ates— R eferen ce« R o ck w ool insulation blow n In J.E N N 'S T R E E S E R V IC E fo r free estim ate w rite R . E. Ell- P ortlan d— E A st 6524 3tf son, T igard, Oregon. tf P A P E R IN G A P A IN T IN G 10 L IV E P O U L T R Y W A N T E D : A ny years experience, reasonable rates. size lot. T op cellin g prices. W rite First Class. Free estimates, Call or phone C larence Hunt, W E b ­ B E acon 3546, R . W H IT L O W . 019 ster 2540. 3600 N. E. 44th P ort­ SW H am ilton, P ortland 1, O re tf land 13, Ore. 29 tf P A P E R IN G — P ainting A Kalso- m inlng, neat, experienced w ork ­ POW ER S P R A Y IN G — P H O N E man L. L. Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A B E A V E R T O N 2188. t f Beaverton. P hone B eaverton 2516 ♦Off F o r S tove and Diesel Oil Cell H arry Barnes. Ph. B eaverton 3231. P A IN T IN G — O utside; our epe- cialty spray painting. R em odelin g; P L O W IN G , DISC IN G , garden free estim ates and reduced rates w ork. L a rge o r small. C. B. for spring. T erm s available. W ill W ooden. P hone B eaverton 2697. 39 g o anyw here. M U rdock 4164. tf P A IN T IN G —Outside our specialty. Spray painting; rem odeling. Free estim ates for spring at reduced prices. Term s. C o anyw here. Call EAst 2216. tf V. E. Butterw ort, o f Santa R osa, Cal., for fou r years a chaplain in the arm y in E urope ,is conducting evan gelistic m eetings at the Church o f Christ on S. W. T roy St. Many are receiving great spir­ itual blessings from the tim ely m essages Mr. B utterw orth brings -uioui Xupung xiq u j .X uiujaj qose ing talk he drew a com parison between the great invasions o f the war and the greatest invasion in the world, that o f Christ co m ­ ing into the world and the hearts o f men. In the evening he told the con gregation that the reason for the present world turm oil and the seem ing failure to build for peace is that the nations and in- j dividuals are leaving out the ch ief cornerstone. Jesus Christ, the "P rin ce o f P eace.” The public is invited to hear these messages each evening at 7:45 except Satur­ day. QaA