COOPER MOUNTAIN HAZELDALE PERSONALS COOPER MOUNTAIN HAZELDALE New Businesses Must File With Wage Board The M. J. Callahan family are happy to be back in Beaverton T eaching A t Nehaiem after suffering a complete loss Miss Lefts Kincheloe, who grad when their home burned last Jan uated from the Oregon College of uary after which they were forced Education in June is now teaching to live In Portland due to a lack Nehaiem, where she accepted of housing facilities in this sec Thousands of new business en in a position beginning Sept. 3. tion. terprises in Washington, Oregon • • . They are now living in their and Alaska are estimated to be in Baby Born home on Sorrento Road. Mr. and Mrs. Merel Jones are violation of wage stabilization regulations through failure to ap ' the parents of a boy born Sept. Admitted To Hospital him Terry Lee. Robert H. Bastian, 18, seaman, ply for approval of their wage 5. They named • • • second class ,son of Muriel Bas schedules, John B. McCourt, Visits In Washington tian, of Beaverton, has been ad James Kincheloe visited this mitted to the Naval Hospital, Chairman of the 12th Regional said week end with relatives in Walla Long Beagh, Calif. He is under Wage Stabilization Board, Walla, Wash. treatment for a broken right arm this week. Prior to his hospitalization, Baa McCourt said all operators of tion served aboard the attack oil su ch new businesses, employing Family Reunion A family reunion »vas held Sun er U S S Cacapon. more than eight workers, should day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. m • • apply immediately to the regional Kenneth Mills for Mrs. Mill' Attends Training Conference Mr. C. B. Walker returned on boa rd for approval of their wage brother, Ernest Humphrey, M. O. Tuesday from a Scouter’s training sch ed u les or they will be sub 2-C, on furlough from the navy. He will report back soon to Se conference at Glacier National ject to severe penalties in the form of income tax disallowances. attle and expects to be discharged Park. “The order requiring prior ap next January. Attending the session s were Scout executives from O reg on . proval of wage schedules for new • Washington, Idaho and M ontana. businesses exempts employers of Purchase Farm eight or fewer workers but if the • • • Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Eton of employement rises above eight, ap North Tobias Ave., have purchased Visits Walker Home plication for approval of the en Mrs. Eva Amot of Oswego vis Mrs. Staub’s farm. ited last week in the home of Mr. tire wage schedule must be filed within 30 days.” McCourt pointed r u n n i n g lia / a . a r . and Mrs. C. B. Walker. out The Happy Hour Club met with Copies of the wage regulations governing new businesses and new Mrs. Kenneth Mills Sept. 5. They job rates may be secured from the are now planning on a bazaar to Regional Wage Stabiiiaztion Board be held some time In November. offices in Seattle or from the nearest Wage and Hour Division office of the U. S| Department of I.abor. NOW! Recuperating Mrs. Mary Cavaness received word that her mother is much im proved. 80 Years Young Grandma Larson celebrated her Careless driving may wreck a 80th birthday last Friday at her fender—or a f a m i l y ! ________ home on Sunset Road. Her two daughters, Helen Spen cer and Evelyn Mitchoff invited Louise Johnson, Millie Reavis, Al ice Davis, Laura Clausen, Chris tine Wold, Grandma Barron, Mary Cavaness and Mrs. John O. Lar son to help her celebrate. Mrs. Larson was one of the first BICYCLES— Sold and Repaired settlers In Cooper Mountain. Her friends wish her many more hap LAWNMOWERS— Serviced py birthdays. • • • Toys, Model Airplanes, Athletic Improving School House Equipment, and Wheel Goods The school house is being made 317 FARMINGTON ROAD very convenient for the pupils. New lights are now being install Beaverton Phone 3861 ed. • • • Leaves For Palo Alto California Mr. Helmie Wold, father of Leonard's & Ernest's Laura Clausen and Gunleaf Wold, left last week for Palo Alto, Cal., where he will make his home. • • • Sunday School _ for Prompt The Cooper Mt. Sunday School went down a little in attendance Courteous Service last Sunday. There were only 18 present and on the collection was $6.56. • * • Sunday Visitors The L. H. Davises and Genefred Bloomquist families spent Sunday • Electric Shavers in Oregon City. DON'S... SPORT SHOP Radio - Electric Repairing BEAVERTON PERSONALS Nnviil B(‘8«»rve Veterans Administration Phn'o Club Doings Cooper Mt. Sewing Club will meet at the Parker home on Bany Road Tuesday, September 17th. * * * Visit Fair Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Davis were Friday visitors at the Fair in Sa lem. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hart, Mr. Reavis and Mr. John Johnson spent Saturday at the Fair. • • Percolators Intercommunication Systems Ironers ami Irons Guests At Party The Methodist Young Adult Fel Ruff and his blind master, Edward J. G lass, 24, brought 7,000 persons to meir Is The Time lowship on Thursday evening, Aug feet with sp o Tane- '5 a 'at-.e during recent corrm^ncement exercises at Stan • p ford University. C 1 s, M e ine veteran of l!.e Dieppe raid who was blinded ust 29th, were guests at the Rose- during maneuvers in this country, completed work on his A . B. degree at the man Ranch at Farmington for a The first Pacific Northwest C a iifo riv a uni/ersity under Pu'o! 1 tw 16. He made the honor roll consistently 109 Watson St. Beaverton To Give Your Car chapter of RONS, organization of corn feed and evening of fun and and n rcJu sicd with c' iinctioii. P.esident Donald B. Tresidder is shown present- reserve officers of all Naval Ser fellowship together. ing .* diplom a vices, was organized Sept. 5th, a "F A C IA L " with the formation of the Port Huyride With Truck Friday evening, August 30th, the land Chapter. A charter applica tion was sent to the National Methodist Youth Fellowship en joyed a hay ride, using one of Keep It In Line With the Headquarters of RONS In Wash Howard Smith's trucks as a mod PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST METHODIST CHURCH ington, D. C. by Lt. (J r ) Paul Farmington at Menlo 4th and Watson Sts. Phone 3695 Orris, USNR, ¿525 N. Concord ern Dobbin. * * • "Younger Set" Beaverton, Oregon Everett L. Bowers, Pastor. Ave., Portland, who was elected Erwin A. Gerken, Pastor Attends Bluebird Camp 9:45 a.m. Church School. Mrs. temporary chairman. Corner First and Tucker Street* Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Nan jlourquin, Supt. Membership In RONS is open Glenia Kay Ely attended Blue Beaverton Divine service 10:30 a. m. 11:00 a.m. A Laymen’s Panel to all reserve officers of the Navy, Bird camp at Gales Creek last Formerly The Ritz Have Those Disfiguring W ELDING— OF A LL KINDS A cordial welcome to all. Presentatio n on the subject of Marines, and Coast Guard, Includ week. Three Changes A Week Now stewardship will be the feature of ing the women’s reserves. The or Complete Automotive Service • • e Sun. Show runs continuously from KEEDVILLE COMMUNITY ganization which has the approval Shower And Party the morning service. Specialists In Re-Boring Dents and Scratches PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of Navy Secretary Forrestal was 7:30 p.m. The M.Y.F. meets in 1:30 to 11:30. Evening Show 7 to The Mary Martha class of the and Motor Re-Building 11:30 Two entire show's. Rev. Hampton, Pastor established to assist in the devel Christian Church surprised Mrs. the “Upper Room” with Miss Loi Children (under 12) 20c; Adults. Sunday School 10 a. m. G. E. opment of the Navy peacetime Jean Sweet leading. The topic Fred Dalton with a shower and Phone - Beaverton - 2981.. Removed 50c; Students, 40c; Loges, 60c reserve program and to act as a party one evening last week. Mrs. Geiger, Supt. will be, “Who Is An Educated medium for reserve officers to of Glenn Ely was In charge of ar- Man?” Worship Service 11 a. m. ficially express their attitudes on I rangements. Young People’s C. E. 7 p. m 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, the Friday and Saturday, Sept. 13 & 14 RAINBOW OVER TEXAS , , W. S. C. S. GET A NEW PAIN T JOB Naval policy. The Portland Chapter will work | Ateend State Fair ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, the choir Roy Rogers, D. Evans, G. Hays — DEADLINE AT DAWN closely with the Naval District rehearsal Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ely and I Sunday School 10 a. m. S. Hayward, P. Lukas, B. Williams COM PLETE Representative in the development 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic service. daughters, Glenia Kay and Nan- j BRING IT IN TO News , | of the Oregon Reserve Training cy Jo, visited at Champoeg and 1 Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Bible study. ALOHA COMMUNITY Program. A meeting is scheduled attended the State . Fair at Sa- I Friday 7:45 p. m. FO UNTAIN Young peo Sunday to Tuesday, Sept. 15 to 17 BAPTIST CHURCH in the near future to select per lent Labor Day. ples service. SPELLBOUND manent chapter officers and to in SERVICE Rev. Rilla Mae Stephens, pastor I Grayden D. Loree, Pastor. • • • Ingrid Bergman, Gregory Peck Church School—9:45 a.m. Miss ltlnte the local program. Visitors At Dean Homo Twin Husbands News A Cartoon Sandwiches, Pies & Coffee All officers of the Naval Reserve Frank Dletch and family ar- i CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Mary Antrim. Superintendent. Morning Worship — 11:00 a.m. WednAsday and Thurs.. Sept 18-1» services in the Portland area are rived Tuesday from Glendale, Cal- Leonard C Johnson, Pastor We Have Good Fresh Pop Corn Sermon topic: “The Gentile Needs Invited to Join the Portland chap ifornia, for a visit with Beaver- PINNOCHIO Phone 3691 Salvation.” ter and may obtain information ton friends. They are staying at " G E T IT A T " 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, Edith Disney Production Evening Service—8:00 p.m. from Chairman Orris at WE 4285. the home of Mrs. Mary Dean. Popular Science Minstrels News , Watts, Supt. "Let Us Fix It Up" Youth Fellowship—7:00 p.m. P A T S SHAKE SHOP 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 20-21 Washington crossed the Dela Return To Beaverton 6:45 p.m. Young People's ser- STORK CLUB CLUB 2 Doors So. of P. O. Beaverton ware standing up because every STORK Misses Loretta and Joanne Mor vices. Hi-M I. Y. Pres.. Don Gram- VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH Beaverton, Ore. Phone 3333 UflM hr sat down somebody hand ton have returned to Beaverton ling. N. Y . P. S Pres., Juanita UNITED PRESBYTERIAN I Betty Hutton, Barry Fitzgerald Open Daily 10 a. m 'til Midnight a r ___ and Fairway _ ________ Dr Inusual Occupations News A Car. ed him an oar. to enter school. They have been Keebaugh. S. v.r W. Gabel Lane in Grants Pass visiting their f a - 1 7;45 P-nv Evangelistic Service. Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor Defective or over-heated heating ther. Wednesday 7:45 p.m. Mid-week Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Ser IH=lll=lll=lll=lll=lllslll=lll=lll3lll=lll=lll=lll=lil=lll=lll=lllslllalll=lll=lll=lll=lllslll=lll equipment caused 60,000 fires In prayer and Bible Hour. mon “Importunate Prayer.” ifi l 1944. Check that furnace before Visit Brother's Home winter comes, warns the National L A T T E R -D A Y S A IN T S Mr. and Mrs. Burt G. Conolv ST. MATTHEW Safety Council. American Legion Hall of Highland Park, Michigan aie LUTHERAN CHURCH Main St., Hillsboro, Ore. ■spending the month of Septem hi Canywi Road Near Sylvan ber in Oregon. This week they are Sunday School at 10 a. m. = Werner J. Fritz, Minister hi guests in the home of Mr. and Sacrament meeting at 6:30 p. m. 3 Sunday, September 15, 1946. Mrs. J. E. Conoly on Lombard St. Elder J. T. S. Peterson, Branch HI Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. This reunion of the two brothers Priest Homecoming Service 11 am. jjj for is the first in over 20 years. Sermon subject, "The Call To Ho ST CECELIA CHURCH FU N ERAL SPRAYS, C U T FLOWERS, POTTED PLANTS jjj liness.” GuesM Visit Masses: 7 a. m.—8:30 a. m. You are invited and welcome. ¡H Guests at the home of Mr. and 10 a. m. By ON LOMBARD Mrs. Tom Graf Sunday and Mon jjj ill BETHEL day were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cheerio Club Meet« jjj Braun, of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. Í The Cheerio Club met at Mrs. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Fred Braun and son. Bob, and Fisher’s on Friday. Mrs. Pearl 6th and Watson Sts. Phone 3385 jjj Mr. Orval Thompson, all of On Newman and Mrs. Straley's friend 9:45 a.m. Church School. “All tario, Oregon. Aboard for Adventure.” Miss Am from Kansas were present. • • e • • * arette Barnes, Supt. in Return Front San Francisco 11:00 a.m. Morning worship. Norma lVntz Bride .H Mrs. Henry Mayfield and daugh Miss NormaPentz became the “The Church as a Fellowship of ter, Dorothy Vastleff, have iust bride of Louis Fllbrook at a sim Prayer." jjj returned from a ten day visit In ple ceremony held in Vancouver, 7:00 Young People's, Topic “The HI i T i San Francisco, Cal. with Mrs. Washington recently. Quest for Adequate Authority.” _____________ iii Mayfield's daughter, Lnurene, who jjj The bride wore a yellow sheer ----------------- ■— 1 s is living In San Frnncisco, where dress and a corsage of yellow CHURCH OF CHRIST jjj she Is working for the well known roses. Mr. and Mrs. Flbrook will Second and Main Sts. floiest, Angelo Rossi. Miss May- make their home in West Port. jjj G. W. Springer, pastor field used to work in Portland Oregon where Mr. Fllbrook Is in Morning worship and preaching j = jjj for Tommy Luke. business, as soon as a house is service at 9:45 a.m. followed by ! Ill e • e in available. the communion. The topic of the jjj Returns Home morning sermon will be “What jjj Mrs. Carlson returned from San The advertiser—Tell him yoa Think Ye of the Christ?” Diego on Thursday evening. She read his message In the paper. in Bible School Class session 11:00 had tieen with her father who a.m. I passed away two weeks ago. Christian Endeavor 7:00 p.m. LEG A L N O TIC E • • • in Notieo Of Scanonal Dr termination m. Evening worship service 8:00 p. A tten ds Shower i T i Notice is hereby given that the Mrs. Wlllhanks. who lived here Bible study and pray at one time, attended the shower employers listed below have been er Midweek jjj service Thursday, 8:00 p.m. determined to be seasonal em held for Miss Rhoda Thyng. • • • ijj ployers within the meaning of IPs A Roy _ Section 126-707 O.C.L.A. Any inter HIGHWAY CHAPEL liny I our Tickets from the Hearerton iii Mr. and Mrs. Norvell are the ested party may request a hearing Services will be held in Tent on proud parents of a baby boy born before the Commission within ten Highway Just East of Cedar Street in Merchants days after final publication of this in Beaverton. a week ago. hi • • • notice. The "off-season” (In cal Orville J Poulin, Minister Visiting endar weeks) of each seasonal Sunday School 10:00 a. m. AdmiftftionSl. per Couple Including Tax 621 Conyon Rood Beaverton, Oregon Miss Tillie Kelley is spending a employer in Washington County Morning Worship. 11 a. m. few daya In Mllwaukle. is as stated below: Evening Service 7:45 p.m. W ith our dry cleaning we are featuring R. D. Bodle Co.. 40-21; General Thursday evening, 7:45 p.m. IH=tlt»ill5HI=HI=IH=m=n|=n|3|| Seattle \ Isltors Foods Corp. Birds Eye-Snider Div . Mrs Jennie Alexander and sis 50-17; Oregon Nut Shellers, 19-31: ter, of Sacramento. C al. have been Portland Canning Co.. 47-23. OREGON ITNEMPI-OYMENT visiting relatives in Seattle. They returned home Monday evening. COMPENSATION COMMISSION Dated and first published this • • • Visit Ormnma chapter 30th day of August. 1946. About twelve members of the Date of last publication 13th day 10 year guarantee O E.ft. attended Friendship night of September. 1946. at Orenoma Chapter Monday eve ning. CLEARW ATER PLUMRING • • • O. E. ft Meeting Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE IN SU RAN CE COSTS Gas Water Heaters The O E S. held a regular Orogoa M utual » a lk ie . a fa NON A SSESSA B LE. You N EVER pay meeting Wednesday evening. A Fairbanks Morris Pumps m aintain* mere than thro« tima* th# (urplu* required by Of*«*n pot luck dinner was served pre mare than i k t premium on Ik * taca • ) I k i policy. Ore*©« Mutual 3eaverton, Ore. PU 2925 ceding the meeting In the down Insurance Law«. stairs room of the temple. Officer! Organise SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES Logan's Welding and Supply Beaver Theater C a rr Chevrolet Co. SPORTSMAN'S BEAVERTON FLORISTS Beaverton 2965 DANCE sou™ " ALL,N AVINUI Beaverton ROD and GUN CLUB I POPPERT - WELCH COME IN A M ) SEE Huber Hall OUR COMPLETE LINE OF Waterless Flavor-Seal ALUMINUM Saturday, Sept. 14 9:00 p. m. Toasters - Irons - Breakfastrr W est end of Y r Vote Fish Bill 312X YES Beaverton 3961 IDEAL CLEANERS Berlou Mothproofing For your garments, rugs and furniture Ü Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance C o . 52 of M c M innville Oeqgnited ia 1894 W A L K E R and NELSON, Y e a n a« Reliable Soevka Aqant* New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "Evary Form of Protaction" Phone 1732 Hl»*boro, Oregon MV f. M R Television A • I M I in D I service by Rader O I I Kf TIU »Ml " Beaverton Hordwore Phone 3921 FURNITURE MOVING Call Beckett Truck Line, Inc. Hillsboro 542 Portlond EAvt 3727 We Specialize in THOROUGH LUBRICATION Ross F. Whisman Si IS. W. («an von Koiitl iii SIGNAL STATION Hall St. iverton. ( )rc.