The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951, September 13, 1946, Image 1

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    V O L U M E 19, N U M B E R 33
BEAVERTO N , OREGON Friday, September 13, 1946
Large M ineral Display To
Shall We Live Beneath An
Be Seen A t Aloha Garage Legion Bldg.
Fund Drive
Overpass? Highway Survey
Proposes East End Crossover
The State H igh w ay C om m ission
has surveyed a new highw ay to
becom e H igh w ay No. 9», through
B eaverton, Oregon.
T his could do B eaverton a lot of
good but as it is laid out now it
w ill do the
n oth ing but
T he sta k es in dicate th at the
highw ay would com e through the
east end of tow n cu ttin g o ff the
present B ertha-B eaverton highw ay
w ith a fill leadin g to an over-pass
over the east end of Broadw ay
and th e S. W. C anyon Road.
The plan is to have the Bertha-
B eaverton h igh w ay run parallel
to the fill and enter B roadw ay un­
der th e pass.
T h is schem e w ould put us in a
position sim ilar to som e of the
tow n s and all the
traffic would w hisk by over our
A nother im portant objection is
th at it w ould
cu t through and
ruin som e o f our best business
property. P roperty in w hich sub­
stan tial in vestm en ts
have been
T hree w eeks ago
th e E n ter­
prise called attention to th e need
for w id en ing the present Canyon
Road to four lan es from W est
Slope to R eedville to handle the
heavy traffic.
Surely th is is a
V eterans A ttention
V eteran s in terested in ON TH E
FARM T R A IN IN G are advised to
con tact Mr. Garr D ennis, V eter­
a n s’ Farm Instructor, Saturday
m ornings In the legion hall at
H illsboro, or attend the evening
class Is th eir com m unity. Any
w ill
tell you
w hen and w here the n ext class
m eeta
T here are m ore than fifty now
enrolled, and under th is proced­
ure m ore are enrolling every w eek.
Mr. D en n is sta te s th at h e would
be glad to go to your hom e and
explain th e program in d etail to
all in terested veteran s ju st as he
did w hile organizing, but due to
the expansion o f th e program his
tim e is fully occupied in m akin g
supervised farm v isits and con ­
d ucting classes.
H ow ever, after
you are enrobed
and start a t­
tending class, there w ill be som e
provision m ade to include you in
th e supervised farm v isits.
AVtr Pastor O f Villa R idge
Church Staying Here
Mr. V irgil Savage, of Tacom a,
W ashington, recently accepted the
p astorate of the V illa R id ge B ap­
tist church near Tigard. Mr. Sav­
age w as form erly associate par-
tor of th e Calvary B ap tist Church
o f T acom a and in th at cap acity
occupied th e pulpit of the P ort­ 1
land Avenue Chapel in the K ellogg
h ousing project there.
H avin g earned h is B. A. degree
in June. Mr. S avage plans to con ­
tinu e h is sch oolin g here by a t­
ten d in g th e N orthw estern B ap tist
Sem inary.
Mr. and Mrs. S avage and their
tw in sons, Jim m y and Jerry, are
residing tem porarily in th e C. B.
W alk er hom e on E rickson Ave.
Ttco Tigard Horses W in
T rophies A t State Fair
Tw o T igad h orses w on first
place trop hies at th e Oregon State
F air held in Salem , Sept. 2 to 8.
Golden K ing, a tw o year old
stallion, ow ned by Art Mason,
placed first in th e three year old
F in e H arness class. H e captured
the W alter Zosel trophy w hich
stand s tw o feet tall. It is topped
by a bronze replca of a saddle
bred horse. The trophy stan d s In
the w indow o f Mason's A ppliance
Store, so be usre to see It when
you go to th e store.
A nother G olden K ing, a regis­
tered seven year old P alam lno
stallion ow ned by Chuck N estlen.
o f the M-Bar-C ranch, won first
honors also. H e ranked top s in
the P arade H orses class to w in the
trophy donated by S ears R oebuck
Co. This trophy is about tw o feet
tall and con sists o f a saddled
horse on a hardw ood base.
N estlen 's Golden K in g recently
w on first prize and th e Shepard
S ales Book Co. trophy at the 1948
Portland M ounted Poese
during th e Third annual W estern
H orse show held at G resham .
Piano S tu d en ts In Recital
P ian o stu d en ts o f M iss A lice
C lem ent w ere presented in a re­
cital T uesday even in g at th e B e­
th el C ongregational church.
Those appearing on the pro­
gram w ere: Mary
Sm urthw aite,
P aul Choban. B everly Besm ehn.
B ernard Y oung. Gale Enger. Caryl
Jean Short. Carolyn H odapp and
Barbara H arris.
Beevertoe Post No. 124
0nd 3rd Wednesdoy eoch month
Temporary M eeting Ploce
I 0 O F M A LL. B E A V E R T O N
it C om m onder
greater need than the present pro­
posed H igh w ay 99.
In order to p revent th is action
from ta k in g place w e urge you,
the citizen s o f B eaverton to a t­
tend the next m eetin g o f the State
H igh w ay C om m ission before they
go further w ith or spend any
m ore
m oney on th eir present
plans, and protest this action . The
tim e and place of th is m eetin g is
not y et know n but w e w ill tell
you a s soon as w e find out.
A nything as v ita l to our well
being as th is YOU can't afford
to "let G eorge do it’’.
Of special in te /e st to people In-
1 terested
in m ineralogy
is the
display in the w indow o f the
A. A. Carlson G arage in Aloha.
H e has long been in terested in
| collecting odd sto n es and woods.
R ecen tly he m ade a trip to eas­
tern Oregon, and brought back
about 1500 pounds o f a gate rock,
petrified wood, obsidian and fos­
sil. Most of it cam e from th e P ai-
ady R anch ea st of M adras and
from the P lum e Beds near Burn*
Mr. Carlson is in stallin g equip­
m ent
to cu t and
polish these
stones and w oods ,and plans on
m aking ash trays, paper w eig h ts
and other novelties.
He also has a display board of
m any d ifferen t m inerals w hich
is very interesting.
A nother R ibbon
Installation By
For W ashington Co Legion Post
A lthough
W ashington
had no exhibit at the S ta te Fair
held in Salem
la st w eek,
C ounty did not go w ith ou t honors.
E arl E. F isher, o f B eaverton,
th is w eek received a ribbon and
check for second place w ith his
display of garlic grow n on his
property. Mr. F ish er subm itted 12
bulbs w hich
according to Mrs.
A lm a A. Knower, “were beau ti­
ful sp ecim en s o f garlic bulbs, so
large and uniform in size and
th ey su rely attracted lo ts of at­
The bulbs subm itted w ere of Ta­
hiti va riety and cam e originally
from the South P a cific. Mr. F ish ­
er raised tw o bulbs th is year
w hich w eighed lt& pounds each.
T hese, however, w ere not sen t to
th e S ta te com petition.
A pologies w ere also received as
ap paren tly som e o f the v isito rs to
the F air w ere attracted by the
exh ib it and tw o of the specim ens
w ere m issin g w hen the F a ir ended.
E ightieth B irthday O f Mrs.
Larson Is Celebrated
Mrs. E m m a Larson, a form er
resid en t of B eaverton for thirty-
tw o years, w as d elig h tfu lly sur­
prized W ednesday, Septem ber 4th,
at the Im m anuel Lutheran Church
In Portland, honoring her eig h ti­
eth birthday anniversary.
A beautiful luncheon w»<i served,
rcilow ed
by a short address by
R ev. Carl W. Sodergren. A read­
in g by Mrs. John Olson, and a
son g by Miss S tella Brown.
Mrs. Larson w as then m ade the
recip ien t of a lovely birthday cake,
flow ers and gifts.
IF o m en 's F ellow ship To
H old First Fall M eeting
W est H ills P ost No. 66. A m eri­
can Legion and A uxiliary w ill hold
their Joint In sta lla tio n o f n ew ly
elected officers, W ednesday eve­
ning, Sept. 18th, at 8:00 p.m. in
the auditorium
M ultnom ah
S ch o o l
In stallin g o fficer for the P o st
w ill be E. W. Anderson, D istrict
Commander, D istrict
No. 9, as-
sited by H ollyw ood ritual team .
Mrs. LaV illa
K ehrli, D istrict
P resident, D istrict No. 9. also a
m em ber of W est H ills U nit, w ill
be the in sta llin g officer for th e
A uxiliary .assisted by the past
presidents in stallation team .
All Legionnaires, their fam ilies
and friend s are invited. A m ost
cordial invitation is extended to
all W orld W ar II veterans.
6 1 0 Student* Enroll In
Tigard Puhlie School*
290 pupils registered at Tigard
school on
op en ing drfy.
Septem ber 9. P rincipal Errol Has-
sel reports th a t th is is th e sam *
num ber w ho registered la st year
on th e first d ay o f school, but
an in crease in enrollm ent is ex ­
pected during the year. The 6th
grade is the la rg est cla ss w ith 43
pupils; thirty-seven first graders
entered th is fall.
T he first
three grades
d ism issed a t 10:00 M onday m orn­
in g , th e other grad es at 11:00 fol
lo w in g registration. The regular
cla ss sch ed u le
began T u esday
clo sin g w ith a 1:00 o ’clock a ssem ­
bly at w hich tim e a m otion pic­
ture w as show n th e stud en t body.
320 stud en ts registered at T i­
gard high school during a three
day registration period, S ep tem ­
ber 5, 6 and 9. accord in g to T. R.
F ow ler, principal. T h is num ber is
slig h tly sm aller than th e 324 who
entered at the b egin n in g o f school
la st year, but Mr. F ow ler exp ects
an in crease
in the next
tw o
m onths.
T he class m em berships are as
follow s:
F reshm en -89Í
m ores—84, J u n io rs—74, and S en ­
An assem b ly w as held T uesday
m orn ing and w as follow ed by the
cla ss schedule
w ith
T here w ill be no school held
M onday and Tuesday, Septem ber
16 and 17 at eith er Tigard grade
school or Tigard high school be­
cau se o f T each ers’ In stitu te. The
grade school w ill also be closed
Septem ber 18 for the P hysical
E d ucation In stitu te held at. B e a ­
The W om en’s F ellow sh ip o f the
B ethel C ongregational Church w ill
hold its first
m eetin g Tuesday,
Septem ber
17, 8 p.m. at the
church. The n ew o fficers w ill be
in stalled by Mrs. P aul A. D avies,
w ife of Rev. D avies, w ho is su ­
o f C ongregational
C onference of Oregon. Mrs. D avies
is also in ch arge of the devotion-
The g u est speaker for th e eve­
ning w ill be R everend R aym ond
B. B lakn ey. Mr. B lak n ey h as been
in C hina for m any years a s pro­
fessor at Fukien U niversity. More
recently he w as a chaplain in the
U nited S ta tes Arm y, both in Chi­
na and in Europe. In C hina he
w as C hief o f C haplains over a
very w ide area. H e plans to re­
turn to China as soon a s co n d i­
H om e
tion s there are a little m ore se t­ R. G. S h ep h erd
M iss K athleen P arm eter, P o rt­
land, w ill sin g several num bers
N uptial vow s w ere exchanged by
and w ill be accom panied by’ Mrs. Miss H ilda P atterson and Glenn
R obert B arnes (M axine C ady).
V. P atterson in a lovely w edding
cerem ony Sthnday afternoon at the
R. G. Shepherd hom e on F a rm ­
Bride-Elect H onored
in gton Road.
The cerem ony w as perform ed by
Miss R hoda T hyng. w hose m ar­
riage to Jack W. Cole, w ill he R ev. F ran cis Sturtevant In the
solem nized Sunday at 4:00 p.m. in p resen ce o f a few close friends,
the B ethel C ongregational Church and w a s the cu lm in ation o f a w ar
in B eaverton has been honored at tim e rom ance that started in the
m any social a ffa irs given by her su nn y South when Lt P atterson
met his bride-to-be w hile stationed
m any friends.
Mrs. Clyde E. Sanders en terta in ­ at Fort Benning, Georgia. Mre.
ed at dinner for Miss T h yng last T h ayne Sm ith played several se­
lection s on the piano.
Mrs H. M Barnes. Mrs. W illis
Cady. Mrs. Mary D ean. Mrs. M \a r ie d Projçram
H. M etcalfe and Mrs S. S, P axson
w ere Joint h o stesses at a show er
A ppearing on the program pre­
given h er on W ednesday
sented at the in stallation o f o f­
At th e M allory H otel last Sun­ ficers for th e B eaverton A m erican
day M iss M artha E n gelliardt a sk ­ Legion P ost No. 124 W ednesday,
ed friend s to brunch In honor o f Septem ber 4, in the B eaverton
M iss Thyng.
Grade School auditorium
A b u ffet dinner w as given on B everly Jean B esm ehn. w ho p lay­
T hursday by M iss T h yng honor­ ed a piano solo, "The Gumdrop
in g th e bridal party.
T oday (F rid ay) fo llow in g
N adine
B oettche r who san g
w edding
refreshm en ts "One A lone,’’ accom panied by Mr.
w ill he served at the hom e o f the R. H. Besm ehn M iss B oettcher
Mr. and Mrs also san g th e “S tar Spangled B an ­
G eorge Thyng.
ner” for the opening o f th e In­
stallation cerem ony.
B esm ehn also accom panied
China Pheasant Crop Good (th e Mr H ollywood
P o st D egree Team
C hina p heasants
seem to be with Mrs. Marie Cum m ans p lay­
quite p lentiful in E astern W ash ­ ing for the A uxiliary In sta ll¿I Ion
ington C ounty again th is season. Team.
Y our correspondent w as am used
M onday afternoon w atch in g s e v ­ M p:iiio*lark G rtw rrv O prn
eral C hinas h a rv estin g grasshop­
Mr. and Mrs D. W B artholo­
pers in a w heat field The g rass­
hopper would m ake about tw o mew, w ho bought th e Stover place
jum ps and the C hina would grab on W alker Road a m onth ago
him As w e passed a cornfield on are planning to open the grocery
the property
the low lan ds near Beaverton, se v ­ store located on
eral old C hina roosters w ere h old ­ Tuesday.
As new com ers to this area they
ing a pow w ow A s w e slipped up
closer to the edge o f the r tm fle ld report a keen Interest In th e de­
up flew eight birds. 3 roosters velopm ent o f th is section and a
desire to progress with it.
and S hens.
T he A m erican Legion Post 124,
Beaverton, launched its cam paign
th is w eek to secure the fin an ces
for th e proposed Legion R ÿ ll to
be located on their property ad­
jacent to the K lngsley-B eaverton
Lum ber Co., in Beaverton. The
present drive w ill end w ith the
Carnival to be held in Huber H all
on D ecem ber 4.
It is planned to m ake the facil­
ities of th is building available to
all veteran
oth ers d esirin g m eeting space in
the B eaverton vicinity.
One o f the outstanding parts of
th is program w ill be the inclu­
sion of recreational facilities, the
lack of w hich is one of the pres­
ent seriou s d eficien cies in B eaver­
A nnouncem ent
made regarding the annual N a­
tional oratorical contest w hich is
sponsored by the American Le­
gion. . In past years Beaverton
H igh School
has had tw o en ­
tran ts w ho w on the State con ­
test and w ere advanced to the
n ational contest.
It is possible that the building
m ay be secured and be situ a t­
ed on the property in B eaverton
prior to the close of the present
building fund drive P lan s are
to secure
one o f the Federal
buildings w hich have been declar­
ed surplus. Included in this sur­
plus m aterial are m any fine build­
in gs w hich
w ere used
as club
room s or gym nasium s during the
Iia rd rn C lu b T o Moot
Friiluy S ep tem b er 2 0
The B eaverton (^m uuunity G ar­
den Club w ill m eet Frida>, Sept.
20. Mrs. John H olm es and Mrs.
J. G. E isen h au er will he h o stess­
es for the day.
Mr. Carl M askey w ill be the
and h is topic w ill be
"O rnam ental
P la n n in g
U sing Shrubs and P eren nials.”
In the
year's program
it is
planned _to
h ave
a series of
stud y p<l'iods devoted to an out­
line of botany. Mrs M. E. Soth
w ill in augu rate the series.
A rrangem ents o f flow ers w ill
| be brought by Mrs. S. S. Dalby.
Mrs. T. W. B lak n ey and Mrs.
G eorge D avis. Door prizes w ill be
in charge of Mrs C. D eY ou ng and
Mrs. H edge W estcrling.
The B eaverton Club w ish es to
thank all en tran ts in the flow er
show at the W ash ington Couny
F air as they appreciate the sp len ­
did cooperation of Clubs through­
out the County.
W ilson Fam ily Takes Tiro
If eeks 7 rip To Califitrnia
Mr. and Mrs. V ein W ilson and
daughters, Barbara and Shirley,
o f Aloha, le ft on Sunday. T hey
drove to C rescent City, Cal that
day. The next day th ey drove to
W illets, then on to O akland and
San F rancisco. T hey visited Mrs.
W ilson ’s au nt in O akland, then
drove on to Los A ngeles and v is­
ited C atalina Island.
T hey had lovely w eather In Los
A ngeles. Mrs. W ilson v isited her
brother in Lam ita.
T hey stopped at Mr. W ilson ’s
folks and h is brothers ,at D ow n­
ing and visited H ollyw ood. T hey
had a lovely trip and a grand
tim e and enjoyed th e trip thru
the Re woods, especially.
The girls were so glad to get
hom e and back on th e job again.
T hey all said Oregon looked very
good to them .
T h ey w ere gone tw o w eeks.
H oneym ooners Pass
Through Beaverton
The form er
Miss A udrey M
Koenen, o f M ilwaukle. W is. and
husband, Mr. Harold F . Cady,
who w ere recently m arried at the
bride's hom e town, visited B ea ­
verton on their honeym oon trip
In a new D e Soto a cross A m erica
on their hom e bound trail to their
new hom e, M cIntosh A partm ents
in Hoqulam, Wash.
On their trip through Oregon
th ey visited relatives at Y arhats,
H illsboro and Beaverton.
The bride, daughter o f Mr. and
Mrs. John
T. K oenen, o f Mll-
w aiikte. is a graduate o f M essner
H igh E chool and
S ecretary in
A m erican A ppraisal Co., M ilw au­
Mr. Cady attended W ashington
S ta te C ollege tw o years before
Joining th e Marine In W orld W ar
IT. H e Is the son of Mr. and Mrs
W. H. Cady, of Aberdeen. W ash.
H e la associated w ith the Grays
H arbor D ye Works.
E. L. Dreir Passes Away
The C harles L. D rew
fam ily
were saddened this w eek by the
death of Mr. Drew’s brother. E d ­
m und L. Drew, late o f 4234 S. E.
16th Ave.. Portland.
S urvivin g
are h is w ife, Clara
D rew and daughter, V irginia C.
Drew. 4 brothers and 3 slaters.
Mr. D rew was em ployed as a
m ach inist in the Southern P acific
Shops in Portland.
F uneral s e n : ’ *« w ere held on
T hursday at 2 pm . at th e Chapel
o f th e Portland M ausoleum with
vau lt entom bm ent. R ev.
F. T.
S tu rtevan t officiatin g.
PuMic llrariiiLf On
Fluid Milk Prices
Younger Generation Started
On Year’s School Career;
Increased Enrollment Shown
A public hearing to considet
revision of m inim um prices paid !
producers for
fluid m ilk
and |
w holesale and
prices to
consum ers
in the
W ashington
| Raleigh Seliool To O pen
C ounty area, w ill be held in For­ Tlir«*»*-Day M olitlay N ex t
S ep tem b er 19
est Grove, in th e Cham ber of Vi t‘«*k f o r C rn tle rs ; I wo
C om m erce at 1:00 p.m., Septem ber
The R aleigh School is not y e t
17, 1946, according to n otices is­ Day Ke*l f o r H ig h S eliool
open. T here is a 55’ x 77' au d i­
sued by the Milk Control Section.
For the
m ost part, the east tion being constructed w h ich w ill
State D epartm ent of A griculture.
schools are be three new class room s and a
E. E u gen e C hadw ick, field rep­ W ashington county
new school kindergarten w hen it is fin ish ed .
resentative of th e D ep artm ent Is
is in ch arge o f arran gem en ts for year. The excep tions to this are H ow ever, they hope to h ave o n e
the hearing w hich is expected to the McKay and R aleigh schools room fin ish ed by C hristm as so it
estab lish o fficia l data for m in i­ which are being held up until looks a s if the present accom od a­
to do for so m e
mum m ilk and cream price sch ed ­ Sept. 19 by construction d ifficul­ tion w ill have
ules under con d itions now p revail­ ties and the W ashington County time.
T eachers Institu te to be held in
School w ill open here Sept. 19
ing in th is area.
H illsboro Septem ber 16, 17 and
The W ashington C ounty hearing 18; and Sylvan School w hich will after teachers' institute.
is one o f a series being held by not open until Sept. 26. This de
the S tate D ep artm ent o f A gricul­ lay Is also due to unfinished con­ h in t on School
ture to in v estig a te co sts and other struction.
The K inton School, one o f th e
factors a ffe ctin g th e production
The grade schools of the county sm aller schools of the county, has
and distribution o f m ilk In th e
28 pupils divided evenly w ith 14
bottle and can trade follow ing the are g ettin g a three day holiday
rem oval o f ceilin g price regula­ for the Institu te w hile the high in the prim ary room under M iss
H azel K uiken and 14 in th e up-
tions o f the O ffice of P rice Ad schools w ill have only Monday
room under Miss Oneita.
m inistration and the cessation of
W hile several schools are over Dooher.
m ilk subsidy
paym ents by
Both Miss K uiken and MiSB D oo­
flow ing w ith children others have
Federal G overnm ent July 1st.
new this year to th e
not increased enrollm ent as much her are
as they had anticipated though schooL
each school feels that their full
O re g o n Molly G ro w er*
enrollm ent has not been reached llazi'ldale School
nor w ill it be until the crop pick­
T o C o n v e n e In I’u rth in tl
The H azeldale School is a 3-
ing and h arvestin g is over.
teucher school. T otal en rollm en t
Oregon H olly G row ers’ A sso c­
here is 56. D ivided 19 in the 1st
iation w ill con ven e at 8 p.m. on Beaverton High School
and second grade under Mrs. A n­
Septem ber 19 in P ortland Library
The Beaverton High School has n a R asm ussen; 19 in th e 3rd and
H all for fin al adoption o f their
4th grades under
con stitution and election of the a total enrollm ent of 559 which is
about 75 more than they had last M ack; and 18 in th e 6th, 7th and
board o f directors.
8th grades under M iss E lva H ow -
Members of the com m ittee of or­ year. They an ticip ate an increase ey.
ganization are: chairm an, P . E.
A lthough school
started on ly
The enrollm ent is divided as la st M onday th e w ork is w ell un­
Lewis, Tigard; Irm a Thom as, O re­
189; Sopho­ der w ay.
gon City; T. Y. Sm ith, T routdale follow s: Freshm en,
Y oung C itizens
and Am brose Brow nell, M ilwaukic. m ores, 155; Juniors, 119; Seniors, League an organization o f pupils
There are over 100 m em bers of
to handle the various phases and
the association and it w as form ed
There have been no ch an ges in problem s of the school is go in g
a s part o f a cam paign to raise the sta ff since the list w as given strong. E vidences o f th eir w ork
standards of the Oregon crop and in the paper tw o w eeks ago.
w as seen in the p leasan tly decor­
increase the interest for it to eas­
ated bulletin board, and in th e
tern buyers.
Beaverton Grade School
play ground control.
Oregon represents
the b iggest
An in terestin g scien ce u nit on
The B eaverton Grade
School Insects w as being carried on. Sev­
holly producing sta te in the union.
has the very large enrollm ent of eral collections o f them w ere in
children. T h ese are divided evidence and a very large beetle
H ua nier* K***t P a r k D ance* 485
as follow s: 77 In the first grade w as thriving on a d iet o f spinach
w hich is divided into three rooms in a glass jar.
M eet W ith Sucre**
of 25,26 and 26 each; 72 second
A com m unity en tertain m en t to
Mr. A. S. H am ilton, new m ana­ graders, also divided into three be put on by the upper grades and
ger of R oam ers R est P ark w ish es room s; 63 m em bers of the 3rd m em bers of the com m un ity ar­
to announce th a t he realizes the grade divided into 2 room s; 69 ound Hallowe'en has been started.
need for Saturday n ight ballrpom in the fourth grade In tw o rooms;
H ere is a school indeed w ell
d .in clag is very necessary in the 54 in the fifth grade in tw o rooms; launched on w hat holds prom ise
surrounding district. T he a tten d ­ 50 in the klxtb grade divided in o f being a very su ccessfu l year.
room s; 47 in the seventh
ance o f
last Satu rd ay’s dance tw o
proved the public’s desire for good grade In tw o rooms and 56 in the Cooper M ountain, Dist. 9 4
m usic and a place to dance. The eighth grade in tw o rooms.
The Cooper
M ountain School,
T here has been a late ch an ge in
hall is equipped w ith a highly
polished floor, so you can “Jitter­ sta ff, sin ce Mrs. V elva W heeler, D istrict 94, began school Sept. 9.
Total enrollm ent is 53 in tw o
bug” or w altz, to your h eart’s w ho w as to have tau gh t the 5th
w as
come, rooms.
There are 33 pupils in the pri­
K. Sm ith, recently
As soon as conditions permit, Miss Louise
th e alteration s
for the com ing graduated from th e College of mary grades under Mrs. Louise
the m anagem ent w ill Idaho w as chosen to tak e her R ychen and 20 in the upper grade
room under Mrs. C. J. Dernbach.
build a new hall w hich w ill a c­ place.
T hese are divided: first grade,
The m usic teacher, Miss Jucht.
com odate an y sizable group.
D ances w ill continue every S a t­ has her m usic program already 11; second grade, 11; third grade,
urday n ight
at R oam ers R est w ell under way. The band m et for 6; fourth grade, 6; fifth grade, 5;
sixth grade, 6; seven th grade, 5;
Park, on H igh w ay 99W at the the first tim e Friday.
eighth grade, 3.
Tualatin R iver, w ith popular or­
D av es,
th e
principal, j The Cooper M ountain school has
ch estras and nam e bands from stated th a t things w ere g ettin g off
installed oil stoves th is year w hich
a fin e start and
the year!
are a great im provem ent over
sretch in g ahead had every pros-1 the wood burning
variety used
pect o f being a su ccessfu l one. ' before. T hey have also put In a
(>>1111 1 \ Ghc*t G liairm eii
new ligh ting system and secured
ApiHiinled T ill* Wrcek
Sylvan School Often ing
new desks. So the school is all
S ta ff o f seven area chairm en D elayed; C onstruction
spruced up for the new year.
for the com in g cou n ty chest drive
F eelin g
that a PTA did not
w as announced th is w eek by Carle- P roblem s R esponsihie
include enough of the com m un­
ton T ravis o f H illsboro, county
S ylvan school, w hich w as ex­ ity in school activities the district
Chairm an. T he drive w ill be held
pected to open SepJ. 16 has been has organized a C om m unity Club
one w eek, O ctober 7 through 12,
held up|, because th ey could not w hich included every one in the
to raise $20,000.
com m unity
to work
w ith and
M elvin
G. H leber, a ssista n t g e t construction m aterial for the through the school.
W ashington county d istrict a tto r­
T he club, w hich w as organised
ney, w as nam ed chairm an for th e th e basem ent. It is hoped that the in May has had a picnic each
H illsboro area. It w as also a n ­
m onth during the sum m er and
nounced that Mrs. Carolyn D. so that school m ay sta rt then.
w ill have its first regular m eet­
W hen th e tw o new room s are in g Friday, Septem ber 20. Let's
B urdette o f H illsboro has been
appointed secretary-treasu rer
see everybody out.
the cou n ty organization, su cceed ­ to use the principal’s o ffice for
a class room as w as done last
ing Mrs. Zola Morgan.
Cellar Mill School Begun
not g iv e its
J. P. W leber w as appointed the year. C PA would
chairm an for the F orest Grove perm ission to build a perm anent
The Cedar M ills School started
to take Monday, Septem ber 9. Total en­
area and R ev. F ran cis S tu rtevan t stru ctu re th is sum m er
for Beaverton. O ther area chair­ care of the added en rollm en t and rollm ent is at presen t 80 but it is
m en: K eith G oldham m er, G aston; did not g iv e perm ission to par­ felt that m ore stud en ts w ill come
T. E. N ordgren, Tigard; R obert tition o ff th e ¿ ¿ sem en t Into rooms later.
Coe, B an ks; Clyde H opkins, Sher­ soon enough for the school to get
T hese are divided a s follows:
wood. R ussell C rockett o f F orest th e w ork done In tim e.
1st and 2nd grades under Mrs.
Grove Is cou n ty vice-chairm an.
T he school is p u ttin g in a new E sth er G ustafson, 22; 3rd and 4th
T ravis pointed out
th is w eek h ea tin g sy stem w hich w ill ade­ grades under Mrs. E d na Green,
th a t 99 per cen t o f the funds so­ q u a tely handle the h ea tin g prob­ 24; fifth and sixth grad es under
licited by Oregon chest, o f w hich lem for th e com in g year.
Mrs. E lsie Underowod, 22; and
the cou n ty ch est Is a part, w ill
All th e teach ers w ith th e ex­ 7th and 8th grades under Mrs.
be used by Juvenile a g en cies for cep tion o f three w ill be new this M argaret Stroeve, w ho is also the
Juvenile w elfare. Area quotas for year.
school principal, 12
W ashington cou n ty w ill be an­
H ot lunches w ill be served to
nounced n ext week.
M cKay S ch o o l Siot O pen; the children b eginning S e p t 23.
Mrs. B essis Cover is to be the
cook. T hese lunches, w hich are a
Prise Bahy S h o w W inner ■Sew Furnace Delays
com plete lunch
including m ilk
The M cK ay school is not yet
D aniel J. G aaiorow ski,
II, 8 open. T h ey tried to sta rt last Mon­ are served for 65c a week.
m onths old, w as awarded a gold day, Sept. 9 and the children and
seal ce rtific a te and won th e blue teach ers all cam e ex p ectin g to Barnes School E nrolls 4B
ribbon in the in fan t class, at the stay. H ow ever, th ey are install-
T he Barnes school has an en­
H ealth D ivlsiqn co n test o f the in g a new furnace and as one of
Prize Baby Show, sponsored by the cla ss room s Is In th e base­ rollm ent o f 48 pupils. It is a two
teacher school. Mr. J. E. Becker
Mount Hood P o st No. 3597, and
m ent tem porarily th e com petition Is the principal and upper grade
In d ie s A uxiliary, V eterans of For­
of the n oise from the furnace in­ teacher and Mrs. R uby Abbot is
eign W ars,
held in the
A uditorium in Portland, Oregon. sta lla tio n proved to be too much the prim ary teacher.
T he pupils are divided as fol­
The C oronation
P a g ea n t
w as for the school, so a fter th e child­
ren w ere registered th ey were lows: first grade, 14; 2nd grade,
held Thursday, Septem ber 5.
7; 3rd grade. 8; 4th grade, 3;
D aniel II's m other is a grad­
uate o f B eaverton H igh School 19 w hen th ey w ill recon ven e to 5th grade, 3; 6th grade, 9: 7th
sta rt th e school year.
grade, 3; and 8th grade. 1.
and w ill be rem em bered by her
R egistration brought a total of
m any friends w hen she w as Mar­
Both o f the teachers are new to
92 ch ild ren divided 23 in grades the school th is year. T h ey feel
garet Ann M acD onald.
T he proud gran d paren ts are Mr one and tw o; 21 In grades three they are w ell started on a very
end Mrs. D. P. M acDonald, of and four; 22 in grad es five and sa tisfactory year.
R oute 2, Box 21&. B eaverton. Ore six; and 26 in grad es seven and
More power to you, Daniel, e ig h t
R eedville Grade School
It is expected th a t 26 or 27 more
and m ay you w in m any more
ribbons a s you clim b the pupils w ill be registerin g.
R eedville
T he s ta ff co n sists o f Mr. Vos* opened Septem ber the 9th. w ith
rungs of th e ladder on your Jour­
principal, and 7th and 8th grade an enrollm ent of 102 which Is a
ney through life.
teacher; Mrs. Vose, 3rd and 4th d ecrease from last year. However,
N ose; T h at part of the hum an "Tade teacher; M iss Scott. 5th and they feel th is w ill Increase as soon
body that snubs, shines, snoops 6th grade teacher; and Mrs. W al­
ters, 1st and 2nd grade teacher.
(Concluded on last page)
sn eers and sneezes.