4 GH SCHOOL and Leonard's & Ernest's GRADE SCHOOL GALS Radio - Electric me in and see our line For prompt, courteous fall school clothes! Service M otor Rewinding .lite Dress Shop 22 0 S. W. First St. taverton Oregon Appliance Repair Service Home - A u to Repair Service Where Parking Is Easy EIII=III=III=III=MI=III=III=IIISIII=III=II STOP and SHOP Washing Machine Troubles ? SEE US 109 Watson St. Beaverton AT Leila & Floyd Market D O N ' S .. . SPORT SHOP CANNING FRUITS In Season FRESH VEGETABLES BICYCLES— Sold and Repaired LA W N M O W ERS— Serviced >n Bertha-Beaverton Hiway At East City Limits Toys, Model Airplanes, Athletic Equipment, ond Wheel Goods O pen 7 Days A W eek 317 FA RM ING TO N ROAD 9 to 9 Beaverton Phone 3861 l=lll=lll=lll=lll£lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=ll l ’ icniu On L arch Mountain Mr. and Mrs. A lvin R ockefeller, South Dakota, have The F ir G rove Garden Club o f Huron, held a luncheon m eeting W ednes­ been visitors at the Carl liestring day, August 14. at the home of home, on S. W .Canyon Road, this past week. Mrs. Fred Agathy. On Sunday the R ockefellers, the A fter lunch each m em ber took part in a cup and saucer flowet G estrings and Mr. and Mrs. Fred arrangem ent contest, with ju dg­ Foe, o f B eaverton, went up to Larch M ountain to gather huck­ ing also by the members. They then went to W ashington leberries. T h ey reported that there Park w here they held their bus­ were hundreds o f people up the iness m eeting, and went through mountain. • • • the rose gardens o f the park un­ C alifornia V i s ito r s der the direction o f Mrs. Daniel Mrs. L. A. D arnell and her two H effn er, o f the P ortland R ose S o­ daughters, R ob erta and Hose Lee, ciety. o f Santa Fe, Cal., have been vis­ iting Mrs. E. D. Oberst, on Sun­ set Road. S • • * Attend F oot Ball Gam e Mr. and Mrs. Charles Runes and Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, party attended the football gam e in P ortland Sunday night between Greta, R uth and Barbara, o f Cash- R ock ets and the mur 1-ane, spent the w eek o f A ug­ the C hicago B rokklyn D odgers. A ccordin g to ust 11 on vacation. T hey spent the first part o f the week at Mrs. R unes it w as som e football game. R ose L odge with Mrs. R obinson's • • • parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. K ra­ m er; and the rest o f the tim e on T o W ash., D. C. On Business Mr. J. A. Hall, S. W. Nendel Mt. H ood at W elches with her brother, Mr. G. L. Kram er. T hey Road, left this w eek for a bus- iness trip to W ashington, D. C. returned hom e A ugust 18. H e is expected to return around Septem ber 1. • • • V acationing Mr. and Mrs. G uy Shafer, S. W. B rentw ood Drive, h ave gone on a vacation. Mr. W a lter Hllbers, S. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. H ansen W. Sunset R oad, is taking Mr. and sons. B yron and Jim m ie, cam e Shafer’s place in the meat section from E lb ow Lake, M innesota, to o f the S hafer-N eer Market at visit her brother and his wife. W est Slope. Mr. and Mrs. A. W . H olm an. They • • • arrived Saturday, August 10, and left M onday, August 19. Since this G randparents O f Baby Boy Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bloodworth, was their first trip to Oregon, the H olm an ’s kept them busy visit­ o f W alk er R oad, are the pround in g our m any points o f interest. grandparents o f th eir daughter’s ( Mrs. B ob Sells) new son, born August 15. M other and baby are at St. V in cents H ospital and are doing fine. Ru> From Ì our W EST Progressive Spend Week*? Vacation MUELLER GARAGE, ! I , Visitors From Minnesota Orders token at West Slope Plumbing Shop Phono BR 9669 VALLEY W est Slope LUMBER S ite FINEST CONFECTION A birthday party was held Tues­ day, A ugust 20, at the hom e o f Mrs. M. C. Y eager, S. W . Sunset R oad, in honor o f Mrs. Francis R alston, Mrs. M. B. H inds and Mrs. Paul M ead; with m em bers o f the F ir G rove G arden Club at­ tending. T he m em bers have a unique ar­ rangem ent w hereby they celebrate each m onth the m em bers’ birth­ days w h ich o ccu r in that month. E ach guest brings 25c which is given to the m em bers having the birthday. T h ey in turn buy flCwer containers with the m oney. The containers are the personal prop­ erty o f the individuals, but com e in handy w hen the garden club has a flow er show. R efresh m en ts o f tea and cake were served b y M rs. Yeager. the gift that expresses all you can’t put into words . . . is A l m o n d R o c a , America’s finest confec­ tion. Into this fine candy, go the finest ingredients that a skilled candy maker can buy. Choice milk chocolate, fresh creamery bu tter, to asted fresh alm on d s. E very piece in dividually wrapped. B eautifu lly packaged. A l m o n d R o c a , made only by Brown and Haley, only $ 1.7 3 a pound. HAPPY REMBMBRANCB, Sets H om e On Fire Mrs. C. E . D illm ar ,of Cashm ur Lane, had a m ishap M onday, A u g­ ust 19, w hen she set fire to the cu pboards in her kitchen. She put a pan o f p a ra ffin on the stove; then w alked into the yard for "ju st a m inute" and forg ot the paraffin while d igging potatoes. Mrs. D illar w as em barassed to have her carelessness publicized, but said she was willing, if it would help som eone else rem em ber to heat paraffin over water, and then stay and w atch it. DEAN'S DRUG STORE Double S & H Green Stam ps on all prescriptions To Return H om e Canyon Road Trading Post Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gestring, o f S. W. Canyon R oad, had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. T roy Mills, o f H aysprings, N ebraska. The Mills, w ho visited the Centrings earlier in the sum m er, have Just returned from a m otor trip to San F ra n cisco and are stopping fo r a fe w days b efore they start back home. T hey are driving back by w ay o f Coeur D ’Alene, Idaho. SPECIALS - For Sale: Used W ashing Machines Used Gasoline M otors Household Furniture of All Kinds D R IV E IN One Mile East of Beaverton on Canyon Rood OPEN EIGHT to EIGHT Call Us By Phone F»r FREE GROCERY & MEAT DELIVERY ORDERS. P hone Oriiers Not Later Than 1 p. rn. WE SERVE — Cedar Hill, Aloha. W est Slttpe. and the Entire Beaverton Area. THRIFTY MARKET PHONE BEAV ERTON 3261 permaglas SMITH WAY L IN IN G R eco rd m otor car registrations m arked the first half o f this year in O regon. 423,000 vehicles were licensed with fees adding to 3 1-4 million dollars, it has been an­ nounced by R obert S. F a irell J r„ j S ecretary o f State. T he num ber o f vehicles has I swelled seven per cen t over last year. The great bulk 336,000 are passenger cars, with trucks and I light deliveries totaling 90,000. O f I the rest 3,000 were m otorcycles I and 1300 busses. E very cla ssifica ­ tion show ed gains. "T h e trem endous m ileage piled | up by this record num ber o f ve­ hicles,” said Farrell, ‘‘explains how the death rate is fa llin g although the actual toll in num bers is in­ creasing.” In view o f the increasing shift | o f fatalities to rural areas, m o­ torists and pedestrians were urged I to exercise new caution on inter­ city highw ays and main-traveled | roads. The first h alf o f this year over 70 per cent o f O regon ’s tr a f­ fic deaths took place outside tow ns or cities. YARD ^ . ^ IN $9.75 GALS. . . poles and plastic wire ............. $18.75 PHONE FOR BRoadway 6 1 2 2 90 4 9 S W . Canyon Rd. Portland 1, Ore. GET THAT NEW PERM ANENT See us for your cold wave W e can give you a choice of Rayette — Halliwell — Viro Creme — Helen Curtis — Nestle There is one there that will just suit your hair A POST - W A R West Slope GROCERY & MARKET Shafer and Neer PRODUCT — We DELIVER H E A T IN G ON - CANYON A IR C O N D IT IO N IN G ROAD AT EAST - HOME BEAVERTON A P P L IA N C E S P H O N E 2699 — • ’• * 1 W W EST SLOPE RADIO & APPLIANCE AUTHO RIZED — Philco RADIO d i a l e r SERVICE at Howatt BR 9998 BE 0733 Let U s "A T O M IC SE A L" Ave. WEST Y o u r Car SLOPE BE 6624 BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving, Finger Waving Manicuring Valley View RICHFIELD SERVICE STATIO N OPEN EVENINGS BY 8717 S. W. Canyon Road Phone AT 6951 Conyon Rood at West Slope PHONE Canyon Rood S. W. Canyon Road A PPO IN TM EN T Phone BE 9492 C olorado Visitor« Visit* Brother G oes T o C onference Mr. and rMs. A1 R oy and daugh­ ter, Viva, o f Lym an, Colorado, spent Thursday, A ugust 15, with the Carl Gestrlngs, o f W est Slope. • • • Mr. and Mrs. R . G. Mueller, o f W est Slope, have as their guests, Dr. and Mrs. W illard Goebel, of C alifornia. Mrs. Goebel Is Mr. M ueller’s sister. L ym an Taylor, o f W est Slop«, left M onday, A ugust 19, to at­ tend a w eek's session o f the Y ou n g L ife C onference held at T rou t C reek cam p. • • • Kills Pulpit Visits Sister R ev. G eorge N. T aylor, o f Mc- Mrs. G eorge A. Patterson, o f Chesney R oad, filled the pulpit o f San F rancisco, Cal., is visiting her the Presbyterian C hurch at New- sister, Mrs. G eorge T aylor, o f Mc- berg, A ugst 18. Chesney R oad. Mrs. P atterson flew up and will be here about a week. Baby Show er G iven ____ Mrs. A. W. Graham , o f H ow ltt R oad, was hostess fo r a baby show er given for Mrs. B .T. W al­ ton on Monday, A ugust IB. THE BOSS HAKES All ANNOUNCEMENT SU M M ER CUT FLOWERS PYRON & SON NURSERY 1 Block off Farmington Road ON LANG AVENUE Television F. M. Rodar A D I O W . E. P E G G FURNITURE MOVING M O R T I C I A N Beaverton. Oregon Estab. 1910—Serving 35 years r ilO V F , B E A V E R T O N 8411 Beckett Truck Line, Inc. Coll Hillsboro 542 Portlond EAsf 3727 = IH = M I= f.< î-t1 l= lll = l l l = l l l = l l l = l l l = IU = l l l = l l l = M I= IH = IH = l ll= lll = IH = l ll= l ll= IU = l lt = H I= M l E njoy Your OUT-DOOR I Liwn»kin|{fi # I .aw n Marker«* # LIVING kiddie«* May Swing«* ill in | T H E G E N T L E M A N IS R I G H T Uhair** jjj I IN OUR OWN M O DERN W ORKSHOP m To Suit The Needs Of T his Particular Section Inexpensive - Substantial i Ü! Sec them at our shop J. J. SCHILKER Rt. 2, Box 1037, Beaverton t « n and we're meeting hi* demands with D acro Pro* let ted Milk . . . the safest package o f milk you can buy# T he bottle is not merely covered. It’s SEALED with a sturdy metal cap . . . air-tight, dust-proof, tare pen- p roof. T here’s com plete, scientific protection for ou r milk after it leaves the dairy. Let one o f our routetneo show you s*hat thu protection means to you and your family. B eiauie the D acro Cap is a sen u io« teal, it m u « be removed the lirvt lima with an opener. Alter that it mar be aoappe.1 back o a the bottle at a re teal and removed asain and aaaio. even without aa o p e n « . HOME W ORKSHOP r PHONE BR. 6786 * Elmomca •ill S W Canyon Rond Dillard M elons are beginning to arrive m LjUaueA. & Hokesuncut Helen's Beauty Salon Peaches & Pears are JUST RIGHT FOR C A N N IN G R MADE • • • • PLUS E skim os consider the west side o f North Am erica w arm er than service by the east, for they find It too warm to live below 55 degrees o f ŒNTUKY FFKCTKONICS latiude on the east, and 60 de­ Beaverton Hardware Phone 3921 grees on the west. • W ILL NEVER RUST OR CR A C K Available Now In Autom atic Gas, Electric M odels Com ing Soon PE RSO NALITY Be ready to go when school starts. R iders from tw elve Oregon m ounted posses and saddle groups will com p ete in the Yam hill Coun­ ty W estern Saddle H orse Show and Shodeo to be held at the Sheridan rodeo grounds Sunday, August 25, under auspices o f the Y am hill C ounty S h eriff's Posse and the Sheridan C anter Club. Plans fo r a 17- event, fast m ov­ ing program w ere announced this week as final preparations for the show were being com pleted. Featured in the show will be exhibition drills by fou r o f Ore­ g on ’s outstanding m ounted pos­ ses, the O regon M ounted Posse, Salem, C lackam as County Sher­ i f f ’s Posse, P ortland Mounted P os­ se and the Y am hill C ounty organ­ ization. H ighligh t o f the show will be the final event, the Sheridan Der­ by, a quarter-m ile race fo r prize m oney and a percentage o f en­ try fees. A lso on the program are ca lf hazing and roping, fla g race, ch ildren ’s races, obstacle course races, stake races, m usical rope contests, pleasure horse contests and ch ildren ’s and ladies’ scurries. O rigin ally scheduled as tw o shows, the Yam hill P osse’s Fourth A nnual Shodeo and the Sheridan C lub’s W estern Saddle H orse Show, the events were com bined when the Y am hill Posse encoun­ tered a co n flict with the annual 4-H club and the F FA fair at the cou n ty seat fair grounds. Grand entry for the Sheridan show will be made at 1:30 p.m. with hundreda o f riders taking part. L im ited to am ateur com pe­ titors from the organizations ta k ­ ing part In the show, com petition inthe events will be for m ore than $250 in prize money. R id in g groups which will enter the big show will be the posses m entioned above, " o r e s t Grove R anch R iders, and Sheridan. M c­ Minnville. N cw bcrp Tillam ook. Davton. Carlton and Grand R ondo saddle clubs. K — *N water heaters Adjacent to Richfield Service Sto. Clothes lines completes with steel - . VIEW ^ Canyon Rood at West Slope PHONE ATwater 6951 Open Evenings W ork benches for the home Twelve Groups T o Compete At Horse Show At Sherifkui ) . Phono BE 7542 ANTIQUE AND GIFT SHOP W hite Pine ........................... At Beach Mr. and Mrs. H ill W Tem ple­ ton, S. W . Canyon R oad, spent the past w eek at Seaside. They were joined by L a G rande friends. • • • I f you want to sell, trade, or buy som eth in g - T R Y A C L A S SIF IE D HOT W ATER FOR LIFE THE Record M otor Car Registration r Phone BE 7542 Two Trucks To Serve You We specialize in repairing brakes & motor tune-up ' * Homes LEACH and BUCK STATION 8901 S. W. Canyon Road Better SERVICE Road Rack, Sand .Gravel, Lawn Dirt, Dump Truck Work BROS. SERVICE PLU M BIN G Plumbing West Slope Merchants j SLOPE Canyon Rd. at West Slope Celebrate Birthday AMERICA'S BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE F R ID A Y , A U G U S T 23, 1946 W E S T SLOPE Fir Grove Garden Club Meets near Elmonica Store , 7 , = M lzM l2 tll= lltS III5 lll5 lll= IH = lll= M I= M I= IM = M I= IM = IIIS II)= lll= lllc lll5 IM = M I= lll5 ll» = lll I ALPENR0SE 6149 S.W. SHATTUCK ROAD DAIRY CHerry 2424 I Vi mi. Eost on Bertha-Beaverton Hiway to Shattuck Road