Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1946)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE F R ID A Y , A U G U ST 16, 1946 STOP! AND SH O P ALOHA DUTCH BOY PAINTS HARDWARE — LIGHT ING FIXTURES Electric Home Store PHONE ALOHA 64 "Look For The PH ILCO Sign FO R GROCERIES a n d FRESH ME A T G o T o GOLDEN W EST FOOD LO CK ER S ALOHA, OREGON JPEN WEEKDAYS SUNDAY 10-12 8-7 NORA'S DRESSMAKING R I C H A R D S and ALTERATIONS Barber Shop Aloha, Oregon Personal Attention SUITS Owned and Operated by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Aloha, Ora. COATS Richards DRESSES Phone 6332 EVENING GOWNS Individually ALOHA BEAUTY SHOP Work Done By Appointment Only Aloha, Ore Phone 6125 Designed Nora was trained in dress design by the National School of Dress Design, Chicago, Illinois. We Carry A Full Line of DDT Dairy and House Spray A LO H A FEED and SEED C O . ALOHA, ORE. WE USE Phone ALOHA 6141 HOME MADE ICE CREAM FO U N TA IN a t the AT OUR A LO H A PH ARM ACY Take A Brick Home With You ALOHA, ORE. HERREN RADIO SERVICE C. R. NORMAN AUTHORIZED GIVES 24-HOUR Sr RVICE WESTINGHOUSE DEALER NO WAITING LIST Shop with "Economy" and save FROZEN FOOD LO CKERS Charles and Ccncriere Stuhhs ★ ★ T h e “ Eco n o m y’* feature» ★ a com plete line of “ *hort item«" ^ JiiitiH, jellies. |)r(‘M*npn ^ Kresli frozen ;iiitl eHiined vegetable* ^ Fre sh and sm oked meat ^ I a m *I\ t*r w rap paper ami eartons & canning supplies Shop or phone your order in early + •¥■ ¥ Phone Aloha 6112 ECONOMY MARKET GAS and OIL • 1 WE SPEC IA LIZE In Motor Repair and Lubrication Aloha, Ore. Phone 6214 ALOHA • Built in ironing hoard with sleeve board. • ON V AC ATIO N Mrs. Lellah G elinsky and W al ter, Jr. are m otorin g to southern California, sightseeing and visiting old friends fo r a few weeks. They will return hom e about August 25. Plywood _ ^ sides. QUICK SERVICE Opposite Post O ffice ALOHA All steel medicine cabinets. SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES L A T T E R -D A Y SAIN TS P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N CH URCH A m erican L egion Hall F arm ington at Menlo M ain St., H illsboro, Ore. B eaverton, O regon Pu: ¿y S ch ool at 10 a. m. E rw in A. Gerken, Pastor S acram ent m eeting at 6:30 p. m. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. E lder J. T. S. Peterson, B ranch Divine service 10:30 a. m. Priest. A cordial w elcom e to all. V A L L E Y COM M U N ITY C H U RCH U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N BETHEL S. W . G aoel Lane and F airw ay Dr. CON G RE G A TIO N AL. CH URCH R ev. H. A. A rm itage, pastor 6th and W atson Sts. P hon e 3385 Mr. C. C hadw ick, o f the Chad Sunday, A ugust 18, 1946. 10:30 a.m. Fam ily C hurch Hour. 10:30 a.m. Kev. A. O. Hess, w ick F lying S chool, at Bernard Field, in B eaverton, has been guest preacher. H IG H W A Y C H A P E L named distributor o f the Lus com be Airplanes, o f Dallas, Tex. Services will be held in T ent on The L uscom be air plane is the H ighw ay just E ast o f Cedar Street Methodist Church first all-m etal personal plane to in Beaverton. Keviewd Year be produced and as such can be Orville J Poulin, Minister (C ontinued fro m page one) produced on a produ ction line Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Anne L ogan and tneir parents, basis. The fa cto ry is capable o f M orning W orship, 11 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. U sh e r Logan. Jerry producing 15 planes a day. and M ichael Sm ith and then par The L uscom be planes are tw o- ST. M A TT H E W ents, Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard Smith, seated, all-m etal planes with a L U T H E R A N C H U RCH N oelle Burton, W illiam Geertgens, 65-horsepower C ontinental m otor; Canyon R o a d N ear Sylvan N orm an and Kenneth M oore and cruising speed o f 105 miles per W erner J. Fritz, M inister their father, Mr. Dale Moore, De- h our; landing speed. 37 m iles per Sunday, A ugust 18, 1946. maris Lynette and Dennis Carter hour; cruising range, 400 miles; Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. and their father, Mr. Hugh C ar rate o f clim b, 900 feet per m inute; Divine Service, 11:00 a.m. Ser ter, Jerry, P eter, and Colleen fuel capacity, 14 gallons; w ing mon by Rev. Carl Mau, recent Shelley, R eb e cca and H arold von span, 35 feet; fuselage length, 20 graduate o f Mt. A iry Seminary, Readen, D ennis Landers, Sharron Philadelphia. Y ou are cord ially In Diane H arrison, M ary Ellen Pentz, feet. The plane is silver in color and vited and welcom e. Dianne Louise Smith, W esley Lan is trim m ed in blue, w hich makes caster, R on ald and David R om ig, it a very good look ing job. K K E D V IL L K CO M M U N ITY and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. C hadw ick has tw o dem on P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U RCH M. M. R om ig, Carol and R aydelle strators w hich were flow n from R ev. H am pton, P astor W agn er and their mother, Mrs. the Dallas, T exas fa cto ry up here Sunday School 10 a. m. G. E Freda W agner, Mr. LaVerne Mc- by Jam es A. M cN eece, field rep Geiger, Supt. R obert, Mrs. V erna Dober and resentative, Charles Miller, flight W orsh ip Service 11 a. m. daughter, Beverly, Mr. Vic Zielske instructor, and E d Vala, ch ief Y oun g P eople’s C. E. 7 p. m. and M iss Jean Berg. m echanic. T hose w h o w ere received into Mr. M cN eece flew with the R oy A L O H A A SS E M B L Y O F GOD the full m em bership of the church al Canadian A ir F orce in the ear by tran sfer o f letter are: Mr. and ly part o f th e w ar ami was letter Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. 7:45 p. m. E van gelistic service. Mrs. W . P. M iller from Portland: transferred to the U. S. A ir Corps personal pilot for Tuesday 7:46 p. m. Bible study. Mrs. P a tricia B ow ers, from W ar- and becam e Spatz. H is address is F riday 7:45 p. m. Y oung peo renton; Mr. and Mrs. Jule Sweet, General from M odesto, C alif.; Mr. G eorge 2164 N. W . L ovejoy, Portland. ples service. Mr. M iller instructed in C. P. T. R ev. R illa Mae Stephens, pastor Grandy, from Seym our, Wts.; Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Behrens, from and W. T. S. and served w ith the P ortlan d; Mrs. Lillian Carter, from Merchant M arines in the South A L O H A C O M M U N ITY Mollala ; Mr. and Mrs. Benton P acific. His hom e is 2412 N. E. B A P T IS T C H U R C H Douglass, from Bucklln, K ansas: Union, Portland. G rayden L. L oiee, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. W esley Ellis, from Mr. Vala, Beaverton, w as a C hurch S ch ool—9:45 a.m. Miss Seattle, W ash .; Mrs. Minnie E v- bom ber navigator during the war M ary A ntrim , Superintendent. eritt (d eceased ), from H illsboro; and served In Italy and the South M orn in g W orsh ip — 11:00 a.m. Mrs. N ellie Fraser, from Grants Pacific. Youth Fellow ship— 7:00 p.m. Pass, Mr. Donald Fraser, from Mr. C hadw ick, well know n in E ven ing Service— 8:00 p.m. Scotland; Mrs. Helen Geertgens, N orthw est A viation circles fo r the from C ornelius; Mr. and Mrs. J. past 15 years, served during the C H U R C H OF T H E N A Z A R E N E le n d e r s , from Dexter, M o.; Mrs. war with arm y advance training L eonard C. Johnson, P astor Leora Moore, from M cM inuyille; at Falcon Field, Mesa, Arizona, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. M cClintock, as ch ief pilot. P hon e 3691 P ortlan d; Mrs. Myrtle The list o f dealers, supplied by 9:45 a.m . Sunday School, Edith from Reasch, and son, Bob, from Den Mr. Chadw ick, w h o handle the W atts, Supt. ver, C olo.; Mrs. Gladys S trick Luscom be planes in O regon are 11:00 a.m., M orning W orship. Mr. Jess the R alston F lyin g Service, Hills 6:45 p.m. Y ou n g P eople’s ser land, from H illsboro; vices. Hi-M . Y . Pres., D on Gram - Strickland, from Kansas City, M o.; boro; Coast ways School o f A ero ling. N. Y. P. S. Pres., Juanita Mr. Ernest W hitney, from P ort nautics, T illam ook ; E agle F lyin g land. Service. S alem ; Deede F lying Ser K eebaugh. T hose w h o were received Into vice, E ugene; _ __ _ B. & __ H. F lying 7:45 p.m. E van gelistic Service. W ed n esday 7:45 p.m. M id-week full m em bership on P rofession o f I Service. C ottage G rove; M cConnell Faith w ere: Jean Baker, Noelle Flying Service, G rants P ass; prayer and Bible Hour. Burton, Jean Berg, Mr. Hugh Car Smith A P errick. C oos B ay; and ter, Mrs. V erna D ober and daugh the P a cific Flyers, E ast P ortland; F IR S T M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H ter. Beverley, Mr. W ayn e G eert Sutherltn Sky R anch, Sutherlin. 4th and W atson Sts. P hone 3695 gens, P atricia Johnson, Mr. and Mr. R alph Tarola, o f the Ta- E verett L. Bowers, Pastor. Mrs. Fisher Logan, Mr. Dale rola M otor Car Co., is in partner 9:45 a.m. C hurch School. Mrs. Moore. Mr. La Verne M cR obert, ship with Mr. C hadw ick on the Nan B ourquln. Supt. Mr. and Mrs. M M. R om ig, Mr. air cra ft sales. 10:55 a.m M orning W orship. Stanley J. Sinclair, L oi Jean, Cla- S erm on: ’’T he P earl o f C hrist’s rnBelle. Janet and Janice .Tweet. Arrives H om e P arables.’’ Mrs. Shirley Smith, M f. and Mrs, Lloyd A. Johnson, son o f Mr. No. M. Y. F. due to Institute Howard Smith, H arold and R e- «n d Mrs. John Johnson, 281 S. W . at B arview . becra von Rendon, Mrs. FYeda 7*h St., has arrived hom e with W . S. C. S. W edn esday 10 to 3. W agner and Mr V ic Ztetke. his bride, the form er Miss M ary r r o F , i i < i n i n 'l l ' Six our m em bers were trans- Antoine, o f Dallas, Texas. M aL r T l m - 8 30 ” m . - 1 ! ! rrfd . . f ° other church and tw o l , LJ?y<J. hopes to attend college Mrs. Minnie E verett and Mr C'y- Jin P ortlan d this fall. 10 a. m. I rus E Funk are deceased. Chadwick Named Distributor For Luscombe Plane CHURCH OF C H R IST ftitin n iu g * FORBES' PORTRAIT STUDIO ALL TYPES OF SHOE REPAIRING N 3 d O MON Come in and see us, V isitors From T acom a Rev. and Mrs. W erner Fritz, 7021 S. W . Canyon Crest, have had as their guests. Dr. and Mrs. Alvin Fritz and their children, Kirkland and Alvin, o f T acom a. Dr. Fritz will be leaving shortly for ser vice with the U. S. governm ent in Germ any. Mrs. Fritz and sons will live In San F rancisco. KINGSLEY Beaverton Lumber Co. Telephone Beaverton 3201 Oregon Beaverton Vacationing R ev .and Mrs. Fritz and child ren, John and Greta, left on Tues day for a brief visit at Seattle and V ancouver, B. C. R ev. Fritz will again occu p y the pulpit 4 : St. M atthew ’s C hurch A ugust 25. C. A. Bakken, Mgr. IDEAL CLEANERS 621 Canyon Road Beaverton, Oregon With our dry cleaning we are featuring Berlou Mothproofing For your garments, rugs and furniture 10 year guarantee Give Your Child a Lift - Make his home work more inviting by getting him a student desk Give Him A Place O f His Own To Do His Work See our Student Desks in Light and Dark W ood Also — See Our kneehole Desks in Mahogany A Walnut m » JM A ^ * ■we a ^ Æ T -Z Y m “ jvzn>u.ihina. foi the Womz PHO N E 3535 B e a v e r t o n IN SMART NEW D E S I G N S A ND C O L O R I N G S H c a d i| iia rte rs S econ d and Main Sta. The M asonic Tem ple will be op en nil dav on August 23 to receive G. W . Springer, pastor M orning w orship and preaching rum m age fo r a rum m age sale to service at 9:45 a m. The top ic o f be given hv the Eastern Star in the m orn in g serm on will be, Portland on Septem ber 3rd ’’C hristian G row th ." F ollow in g the serm on, the Lord's sgpper will be observed. Bible S ch ool Class session 11:00 a.m. C hristian E ndeavor 7:00 p.m. E ven in g w orship service 8 00 p. m. T he to p ic o f the evening ser m on w ill be, “ G od 's Call” . M idw eek B ible study and pray er ssrv lce T hursday. 8:00 p.m. T he stu dy top ic will be "F ru it- filin' Chamberlin's Shoe Service ★ Precision 0 0 ?% */ © W atch Repairing W ORK GUARANTEED . JEW ELERY Jewelery Repair H allmark ENGRAVING No Appointment Necessary ★ Here is why we say HALLMARK is the Best Thomas J. Lukas ' Jeiceler — W atchm aker EXPERIENCED PORTRAIT PIIOTOGK VPHFR in V a ** Birch. Sound two CLEANERS TAILORING and PRESSING Courteous Treatment APPLIANCES ALOHA, OREGON Barren & Crone T o T he Coast H igh school age M Y. F. m em bers o f the M ethodist church will attend the B arview M ethodist ' Institute on the coast, north o f . T illam ook this com in g week. Those attending, togeth er with their pas- ' tor are Noelle Burton, Carm ellita Napier, Janet and Loi Jean Sweet, Mahlon Hunt, G eorge Scott and Bob R aasch. We give S & H Green Stomps on oil new purchases and repair work in WALKER’S “Tin* (loniplelp Shopping Center** Buy;— Famous fabrics and finer shirts. Smart »Isle, full cut. Tailored to fit. Hand turned, non-will collar. Sanforixed-Shrunk (shrinkage I cn » than l rr ). Preferred type of shirt pocket. f ' cr \ one of these HALLMARK features in y our size . . . at yvu r price. *2.:w I) E P A R T M E N T STORE Phone Bea\ ertoli .1461