Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1946)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FRID A Y, A U G U ST 16, 1946 COOPER MOUNTAIN IIAZE LD ALE ALOHA NEWS Artist-Lecturer L E T T E R S. •. From Draftees Vacationing At Neiaoott Mr. and Mrs. R. Smurthwaite Malting bister and family are vacationing thia To The Draft Board, Urns To Bible ('«rap I would like to have you thank Betty Lou Morris left Monday! William Maxwell of Tit week at Nelacott. . . e the ladies of Beaverton for the for Troutdale to attend Bible is visiting at tbs home of Testament and kit. I read the Camp. She will be gone a week, h « *nd brother-in-law, Mr By Plane To Minnesota • and Mrs. Lon Kinnaman, of Alo- Mr». W. H. Cady, of Aberdeen, Miss Dorene Carey went by Testament every day and the kit Wash, and formerly a primary Vlslt Wltti KelaUv plane to Aitken, Minnesota for a sure comes In handy. I am in the Infantry Replacement Training months visit with relatives. teacher In Beaverton schools, took Mr. and Mra. E. L. Clayton I Home On Furlough Center here in Fort McClellan. . . . son and daughter, of Alfalfa, Ok- a plane Tuesday, accompanied by Alabama. I have been here two Corporal Thomas Parker, J « . Visitors From Kansas J u t e s ' Mannes,' rTcVnUy V ' *er »on, Harold Cady, Mr. and lahoma, are visiting at the home j weeks and it sure is hot down of Mr. Claytons brother, Chari ss from ^ and u vl, m Relatives from Kansas are visit here. )trs. Robert Byrne and James Clayton, at Cornelius. | hl? parenU Mr and Mr, Thomas ing Mr and Mrs. Carl Huth. Sincerely yours, . . . Byrne, to Detroit, then to Chica Pvt. Lowell Berger Barker, of Cooper Mountain Bridal Shower __ go and Milwaukie to attend the I a *P* Picnic After finishing his three weeks Cooper Mountain Community furlough, he will leave for Chicago B-rge wedding of her son, Harold Sixteen ladies were present at July 26, 19(6 Cady, an ex-Martne, during World Club will have their monthly pic to be discharged. the bridal shower lor Mrs. Max Just a line to let you kho4 * War II. The wedding will take nic, Sunday, August 18th, at Els He will then visit his grandfa ine Knott (Carey) Friday night. passed my physical O. K. Was ner’s Park. So pack up your pic ther in Missouri. »lace In Milwaukie, Wisconsin. She received many lovely gifts. sworn in the 23rd. • • • nlc ”pot luck” basket, get the He plans to return and enter Am getting along fine. Don't Returned Hum« __ know Just yet what branch I’ll be family and friends together and j M^tnoma“h CoUe^VlhU falL prepare for a gala day. Mrs. Alvin Turk and children In. Would like to get in the Para • • • have returned after a two weeks troops. ^ . . . Arrived Home Will close for now. Thanks for ^ A. f ud*b* 1‘ *r/1 . L t .Jg> M K Wagner arrived visit in Eugene, where Mr. Turk Mr. Char es Clay on received de- frQm vV^hlngton, D C. to spend is employed. everything. . . . ivery of_ his new 1947^Studebaker ,eave at th home f hla P Respectfully, last week. They Imt a * d the new Mf Wagmer, Home Safely Fred de Lespinesse "bus by taking their visitors A loha, after whlch he wig Lieutenant Richard Smurthwaite from Oklahoma for a trip to sev to San Diego, Cal. has arrived home, and received It is so much better to be rem eral of the beaches and also the his discharge from the army. embered Inaccurately than not to ♦ * • thrill of deep sea fishing. Remodeling Home be remembered ot all. Many Friends Visit Webber Home Miss Ruth Anderson is having Sunday News Last week guests of Mr. and . . _ School . .. . . . . 1 some remodeling done on her Last Sunday the attendance at home on st Ave. Mrs. C. S. Webber were Mr. and Sunday School was 25. The collec- . . . Mrs. Fred Hislop, Mr .and Mrs. tion $7.00. Let s make is better in (>randmoth^r HaH v ,Mltor. BEAVERTON Leslie Hislop and children, of attendance this Sunday. A very Mf and Mr„ g Q Ruud. Mr„ Grants Pass, and Mrs. Mary Hig- Shows Evsry Nits 7 to 11:30 gooa Idea. | Roy Recej80ni prandma Ellingson gens, of Phoenix, Ariz. Donald R. Sunday Show runs continuously from 1:30 to 11:30 Lt. (Jg) M. E. Wagner and Rich Brown, S. K. V. 2-C., of Seattle, ie , _ ,, ” | ard Wagner visited Wednesday was down for the week end. They Reg. prices Children 16c Adults (Oc i f f and Mrs Emil Wold from with Grandma Ruud ,n Aloha. all spent Sunday at Rockaway. Wednesday - Saturday August 14-17 • * * Seattle are visiting Mr. Wold’s . . . CAPTAIN KIDD brother, Gunles Wold, and his Motoring KAst Discharged From U. S. Service C. Laughton, R. Scott. B. Britton sister, Laura Clausen. James Kincheloe S. 2-C., has re Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Klatt left DICK TRACY Mr. Wold arrived on a troop Sunday on a two months motor ceived his discharge after thir and teen months in the U .S. Naval Morgan Conway, Anne Jeffreys Let us take out those dents transport, the "Mkrlne Serpent . trip to New York New j Regular Friday Program with T ^ y b™ * ht « r .^ an8PO Hanois, where they will visit Mrs Reserves. Serial: ’’Tiger Woman” added • * • 3,000 soldiers and 90 WACc. 1 — Klatt’s four sister and three bro He Is on a twenty-three day thers, whom she has not seen for Home From Extended Trip bnd scratches August 18 to 21—Sunday to W’ed. leave, which will give him a good | 32 yeanj Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wright (Picture changes Thurs. this week) visit with the home folks. If possible Ujey will get a new have returned after an extended BELLS OF ST. MARY’S trip through eastern Oregon and | car in the Elfcst. In spite of all the publicity, firing it into our body, fen- August 22-24—Thurs. to Saturday While they are gone their son, Idaho. I . . . chickens titlll cross the road. UP GOES M A IS IF'. Billy, will visit his brother in San Hostesses Ann Southern, G. Murphy, H. Francisco. I . . . Mrs. Don MilbraiJUt and Mrs. Brooks jder, and painting depart Ed Berger were hostesses Tues HOPALONG CASSIDY | Grange Members Picnic About one hundred Grange day evening at a pink and blue News Regular Friday Program with members and their friends at shower for Mrs. Estelle Pond. ment and; . . . Serial: "Tiger Woman” added tended the annual Aloha Grange i | picnic at Avalon Park Sunday, Hazeidaie Wins 17-11 Hazeidaie boys' soft ball team After the pot luck dinner a very M IL L R U N B L O C K | enjoyable i< afternoon w u spent in beat Cooper Mountain 17 to 11 at Let us give you an estimate Cooper Mountain Sunday. ] various games and sports. . . . and S L A B . . . Winner In Hike Derby Visitors At Jay Frost Home $8 C ord Le Roy Berger won a leather Mr. and Mrs. William Witt and PHONE 3091 Henry Sailer, of Nora Springs, I- belt for placing first in the Jun in 2V4 C ord Load* WE REPAIR owa, are visiting at the home of ior Boy’s slow bike race, at the Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frost. Mrs. Witt ‘‘Bike Derby” in Beaverton Sat Leave O rders at HOME & CAR RADIOS urday. is a sister of Mr». Frost . . . . . . a n d JA C K S O N G R O C E R Y Sunday Guests Spend Sunday at Timberline Electrical Appliances In Beaverton Sunday guests of Mrs. Tom Mil Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frost and son, ler were Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ul- L E T U S. . . Leon William, of Aloha, and their eaverton, Ore. Phone 3333 or guests, Mr. and Mrs. William Witt lery, of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs DO YOUR W ORK and Henry Salter spent Sunday at T. J. Calhoun of Portland and Mr Phone 3894 Beaverton L O C A T E D and Mrs. Eugene Trussell of Cor Timberline Lodge. neiius. G L E N W O O D F U E L CO. Stork Shower • • • . . . The home of Mrs Herman Friends Vacationing Of interest to thsir many friends Schlottman. in Aloha, was the scene of a lovely stork shower of Hazeidaie is that Mr. and Mrs Monday evening, honoring Mrs. R. C. Doty and Mrs. J. C. Smith, of Beaverton, left last Sunday to Orville Poulin. The decorations were unique. motor to Victoria, B. C. A very lovely evening was en for joyed by the many friends in at Cut flowers, potted plonts, tunero! sprays tendance. COMPLETE Mrs. W. H. Cady Flies East Mr. Ben Larsen will speak at the Aloha Assembly of God Church in Aloha, Sunday, August 18, at the morning and evening ser- vica He will illustrate hU talk with hand drawings In chalk. Mr. Larsen studied art in France. He is an excellent speak er as well as artist. Having made several “ round-the-world” trip», he is well versed in the countries of the world. Many people will remember him of several years ago, when he completed his art studies in France and returned home an ex hibition of his works of art was held at Meier and Frank's store in Portland. “ luiggy" W IT H B IG a Among the recently discharged veteran * to be greeted by UlUan Gilham, Clerk of the local Selec tive Service office, was her son, William F. Gilham, U- S. Marine ' had served in Japan, Pele- liu Islands, and Guam. Mrs. Gilham’s other son, Rob ert U S. N., Is a Medical stud ent at Iowa University, and la visiting at home for the »umDier At present he Is canvalesetng from an operation at the Emanuel Hospital, In Portland. He who sees red makes hie own danger ahead^________ _ _ _ _ THE VALUES Just Received RITZ T h e a t r e break. * TH E L IT T L E STORE It6s time to give your Clerk's Son Is Discharged Day's Dress Slacks ■ Of Finest Virgin Wool Fix it up for fall For Men j r WOOD MISSION BELL R A D I O C a rr Chevrolet Co. * 1 2 .9 5 i Beaverton, Oregon LOOK FOR THE HANCOCK SIGN and Travel with Old Time graciousness And Present Day comfort Willi Complete Lubrication and Motor Tune-Up * POPPERT - W ELC H Auto Supply Center in Weit End of "Y* Bcoverton ★ Phone 3961 UUM Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS WEIBY'S FOUNTAIN LEGAL NOTICE FINAL ACCOUNT SERVICE County Court of the State of Sandwiches, Pies <i Coffee Oregon for Washington County: Estate of Katherine Black, de We Have Good Fresh Pop Corn ceased. Jay Gibson has filed hU final "GETITAT" account as administrator of the PAT'S SHAKE SHOP estate of Katherine Black, de ceased, and the Court has fixed 2 Doors So. of P. O. Beaverton Monday, the 28th day of August, 1946, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock Open Daily 10 a. m. '*•! Midnight A. M. of said day to hear objec tions to the final account. JAY GIBSON. Administrator DAVID, E. LOFOREN, Beaver-j ton .Oregon, Attorney for admin- i istrator. Date of first publication August i 2. 19-16. Date of last publication, Aug Corner First and Tucker Streets ust 23, 19(6. Beaverton M y Stake in A m erica. ♦. Logan's W e’^ ig and Supply CLEARWATER PLUMBING Gas Water Heaters Fairbanks Morris Pumps 3eaverton, Ore,, Ph. 2925 WELDING— OF ALL KINDS Complete Automotive Service Specialists In Re-Boring and Motor Re-Building Phone - Beaverton - 2981 Oregon Mutual Policies are N O N -A S S B S A B LI. You NEVER pay maintains more thon three times the surplus required by Oregon mate thon the premium on the foce of the policy. Oregon Mutuo! Insurance Laws. Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of * 1 3 .8 5 Mission Bell Service Station a t R.R. Tracks BEAVERTON FLORISTS lee verte» 2*4 S and * . ... .V . . A Business o f m y own to serve you better , M c M innville Organised in 1894 S2 Years at Reliable Servica W ALKER New Location 112 So. 3rd Avc. "Every Form of Protection" and NELSON, Agents ONE OF THOUSANDS OF INDEPENDENT Phone 1732 MOBIIGAS BUSINESS MEN Hillsboro, Oregon Ben Sommer, o f Vancouver, has b een a sso cia ted w ith General Petroleum for 13 years, coming to that city from Salem. Oregon, 4 years ago. Prior to that time he was in the petroleum business in South Dakota. Ben is mar ried. has tu o daughters, owns bis own home, belongs to the Chamber o f Commerce and several fraternal organiza tions. He is looked upon as one o f Vancouver's substan tial and successful business men. RAINBOW ELEC TR IC CONTRUCTION. Inc. WIRING COMMERCIAL — INDUSTRIAL HOUSE WIRING T H E R M A D O R ELECTRIC HOUSE HEATING UNITS —- ♦ . A, ow ner o f a small business serving the m otorin g public. I have a real stake in Am erica. That stake b e comes m ore valuable to me as I increase my business by im proving my service to you . T he products I sell are t o p s . . . M obilgas, with flying horsepower — M ob iloil, largest selling m otor oil in the world and a full line o f M obil m otorin g essentials. It s my job to match the top quality o f those products with high caliber service. T h a t’s what makes my stake in America valuable to m e . . . useful to you. N* ith me are thousands o f other independent M obilgas dealers across the nation . . . all selling the same products and givin g the same courteous, intelligent service. All arc wuh me io assuring you the m axim um in m otorin g pleasure w herever you see the sign o f the Plymg Rod Hors«. VJ* 4 Ben Sommer Vancouver. Washington Estimates Gladly Given llS ’ EN Service Colls Taken Core of Promptly TO THf I tS N T GO ODM AN MUSIC «S T IV A I clffM 4 S . ïï'+ b o r . O v f # N » c STATIONS monoat AT S 30 t W if ST ) FRANCHISED DEALER FOR THERMADOR & MONITOR r "Ifep-X ¿ f H A i a n i c c d HOME APPLIANCES For Service Call Beaverton 2481 J LEAVE ORDERS AT RICHIES HARDWARE N ITE C A LLS — HILLSBORO I6 F I 4 % À. 0 THPR 0 0 F Beaverton Pharmacy Prescription Beaverton Oregon Druggists Phone 2311 Mobilgas' GIVES Y O U FLYING HORSEPOWER M o b ilo il KEEPS YO U R ENGINE CLEANER SOLD BY THOUSANDS OF INDEPENDENT MOBIIGAS DEAtERS AT THE SIGN OF THE FLYING RED HORSE