FR ID A Y, AUGUST 9, 1946 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES STOP! AN D SH O P “ ALOHA DUTCH BOY PAINTS HARDWARE — LIGHTING FIXTURES APPLIANCES Electric Home Store ALOHA, OREGON PHONE ALOHA 6454 "Look For The PHILCO Sign" FO R GROCERIES an d FRESH MEAT Go T o GOLDEN WEST FOOD LOCKERS ALOHA, OREGON )PEN SUNDAY 10-12 WEEKDAYS 8-7 NORA'S DRESSMAKING R I C H A R D S and ALTERATIONS Barber Shop Aloha, Oregon Personal Attention Owned and Operated M r. ond M r*. A lfred Aloha, Ore. SUITS by COATS Richard* DRESSES Phone 6332 EVENING GOWNS Individually ALOHA BEAUTY SHOP Work Done By Appointment Only Aloha, Ore Phone 6125 Designed Nora was trained in dress design by the National School of Dress Design, Chicago, Illino is. We Carry A Full Line of DDT Dairy and House Spray ALOHA FEED and SEED CO. ALOHA, ORE. Phone ALOHA 6141 W E USE HOME MADE ICE CREAM FOUNTAIN at the A T OUR ALOHA PHARMACY Take A Brick Home With You R. NORMAN NO W AITING FIRST M ETHODIST CHURCH 4th and W atson Sts. P h on e 3695 E verett L. B ow ers, P astor. 9:45 a.m. C hurch S chool. Mrs. Nan Bourquln, Supt. 10:55 a.D M orning W orship. S erm on : "T he P rice o f W isd om .” M. Y. F. 7:30 p.m. Sunday. W . S. C. S. W ednesday 10 to 3. LATTER -D A Y SAINTS A m erican L egion Hall Main St., H illsboro, Ore. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Sacram ent m eeting at 6:30 p. m. E lder J. T. S. Peterson, B ranch Priest. CHUKCH OF CHRIST Second and Main Sts. G. W . Springer, pastor Sunday, A ugust 11, 1946. Because o f the absence o f P astor Springer, who is on vacation. P as­ tor Leonard, o f H illsboro, will speak both m orning and evening next Sunday. M orning W orship and L ord ’s Supper, 9 45 a.m. Junior Church W orship, 9:45 a. m. Bible School Class session 11:00 a.m. Christian E ndeavor 7:00 p.m. E vening w orship service 8:00 p. m. VA LLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH UNITED P R ESBYTE R IA N S. W . Gabel Lane and F airw ay Dr. Rev. H. A. A rm ltage, pastor Sunday, August 4, 1946. 10:30 a.m. R ev. H. W. T orgerson, m inister o f the D isciples o f Christ, will be the guest speaker. Barron & Crone Associated GAS and OIL • WE S P E C IA L IZ E In Motor Repair and Lubrication Aloha, Ore. Gingerbread Mix . . . . Hungry Jock Phone 6214 pkg. 24c Wedding Shower A m ost enjoyable w edding show ­ er w as given Mr. and Mrs. John W aters last Saturday. The bride arrived from E ngland not long ago. T hey received m any gifts and delicious refreshm ents w ire serv­ ed. Precision Watch Repairing Drive To Mt. Hood Mr. and Mrs. G uy A lexander and ' grandson, T eddy, and Dr. and Mrs. H etu drove to Mt. H ood Sunday. • • * California Visitors Dr. and Mrs. Ochs, from C a lif­ orn ia visited w ith the A lexanders and H etus F riday evening. Mrs. O chs is a niece o f Mr. A lexander. • • • Returns Homo M rs. R ose Allen, w h o has been visitin g Dr. and Mrs. H etu fo r som e tim e returned to her hom e in D unsum lr, Cal. H er daughter, Mrs. B row n , drove up fo r her. Mrs. Alien is a sister o f Mrs. Hetu. • 6 • Visit la k e Merrill Mr. and Mrs. T ed H etu drove up to L ake Merrill, in W ash in g­ ton, o v e r the w eek end. • • • “ Bluebirds’’ G o T o C am p A grou p o f six "B lu eb ird s” from B eaverton a sim ilar grou p from H illsboro and F orest G rove have gon e to A dahi cam p on Gale? Creek, for an outing. • • • Picnic At Ely’s T h e "M a ry M artha” class and their husbands enjoyed an outside picnic in the Glenn E ly ’s yard for their July m eeting T h eir A ugust m eeting will be a Sunday p icn ic fo r the fam ilies. • • • ’ Attend Plcnlo Mr. and Mrs. Bob Z lm brlck and children, E dw ard, D avid, R obert and V irgin ia, attended the annual “ Zim brtok p icn ic” at Dallas, Ore. Sunday. A ugust 4. A rch ie Z lm ­ brlck also attended. ★ Jewelery Repair Thomas J. Lukas Je tc e le r - W at eh m a k e r EXPERIENCED W e give S & H Green Stamps on all new purchases and repair work PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER in in TAILORING and PRESSING Noodle Dinner . . 16 oz. jar 15c Courtaous Treatment QUICK SERVICE Opposite Post Office ALOHA + Beans With Pork . . . . 2 for 27c W HILE IT LASTS Spam -- Treat —Snack - Loyal Luncheon Meat . . 12 oz tin 39c POT ROAST . . . _____ lb 30c Pure Ground Beef e e e e lb. 37c Darigold CHEDDAR CHEESE Lim it * CO TTAGE CHEESE • • • Iba 22c Avoid the Rush, Shop or Phone Your Order Early SHOP and SAVE AT “Sage Hens” Visit Visiting Parents The “ Sage H en s” , a grou p o f Mrs. Phyllis M cD ougall (nee P hyllis F oe) fro m Cal., is visiting Burns wom en, w ere entertained and Mrs. F red her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Fred j by Mrs. Girard G oyt in Mrs. G oyt’s yard on last ! Foe. Thursday aftern oon w ith a lunch­ Leave Monday • • . eon. Mrs. G oyt and Mrs. Girard Mr. and Mrs. G eorge S pringer Week End In Portland at one tim e lived in Burns, w hich and son, David, left M onday for Mrs. Carrie L eonard spent the ! is in eastern Oregon. a tw o w eeks vacation at L ong ; w eek end in P ortlan d w ith friends. There w ere tw enty ladles pres­ Beach, Cal. ent and a very pleasant tim e was • • • e rn e had. j V acation in g Visit At Blassers Mr. and Mrs. H unkapillar and Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard H ingley, friends have been tak in g a vaca- ] K athleen K eenan and H erbert tion, g oin g to Seattle, V ictoria H ingley, o f Portland, visited at and V ancou ver, B. C. . the B lasser hom e Sunday. Wonsover YA-DE Inside flat finish. AU Y€APS a s S H i ill 3 x 3 x 16 cinder building blocks. YADE Rose trellis. Moth proofs Clothing Furniture Rugs Drapes And all woolen and fur articles i Umbrella Clothes Lines. Come In — and see us KIN GSLEY Bea ve rton Lumber Co. pint - - S I .23 quart - • $2 .4 5 \(y pal. - - $ 4 .7 5 Telephone Beaverton 3201 Beaverton Oregon C. A. Bakken, Mgr. To think about Fall need* ■ ■ U u See our selection of overstuffed furniture ii ii ii ii ii :i5 » T il li u u ii Get A Complete Car Check - Up Vi ben Yon Get Your Lubrication & Oil Change at WE ALSO HAVE A FAIR SELECTION OF LARGE RUGS IN ASSORTED SIZES * 1T II SCATTER RI GS TO MATCH ECONOM Y M ARKET FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS ALOHA 6112 AT Phone Beaverton 3461 "T h e Rexall S tore" * • * lb. 49c Lim it M ail and Phone Orders Filled DEPARTMENT STORE DEAN'S DRUG STORE IT'S TIM E . . . From now on the " s e a t" is no trouble a t a ll. Hot, rubberized aby pants are now out of date. P L A Y T E X Baby Pants overcome all the old comploints. They're thin, soft, non-chafing, and cool to wear. Made of that am azing m aterial, cream y liquid late x, they S-T-R-E-T-C-H to give your baby all over comfort. They're waterproof, and cleaned with a 10'second rinse. No seams or binding stitches, yet all edges are seamlessly reinforced for durability And how they w ear! 4 sizes: Sm all, medium, large and e xtra large. G ift packaged in silver Color boxes. 7 5 c. • W e Give S ami / / Green Stamps C. & S. Brand 75c Vacation In California Mrs. M elvil B eeler and dau gh ­ ter, M elva Lee, have gone to Los Angeles, fo r a vacation. * • • CLEANERS Lynden Twistee BABY PANTS JEW ELERY 5 year guarantee ALOHA PLA YTEX WORK GUARANTEED “The Complete Shopping Center BEAVERTON PERSONALS P l a y t e * p o n t i i t r e l c h a ll aver, to give perfect comfort ENGRAVING No Appointment Necessary 1 Pancake Flour . . 4 lb. bag 28c On Vacation R ev. and Mrs. L eonard Johnson and Joyce and W alter, are on a vacation. • • e ★ Walker’s ST. M ATTH EW LUTHERAN CHUKCH Canyon R oad N ear Sylvan W ern er J. Fritz, M inister Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Divine Service, 11:00 a.m. Ser­ m on : “ G row ing In G race.” W elcom e. No m eeting o f the M issionary Guild during August. DEALER Duffs or Dromedary Chamberlin's Shoe Service ALL TYPES OF SHOE REPAIRING Opening . . SOON.. BETH EL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 6th and W atson Sts. P hon e 3385 Sunday, August 4, 1946. 10:30 a.m. F am ily C hurch H our. Special speaker, Mr. D on ald Pe­ ter from P a cific University. F am ­ ily recreation and study. R ev. F. T. Sturtevant will re­ turn August 17th. LIST SATURDAY and MONDAY ONLY Return From Trip Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hobbs, Jay and Jennifer, have returned from i hra trip through Y ellow stone Na- I tional Park, The B lack H ills and visiting with relatives and friends in South D akota and eastern Neb­ raska. • • • FORBES1 PORTRAIT STUDIO GIVES 24-HOUR SERVICE AUTHORIZED WESTINGHOUSE PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH F arm ington at Menlo B eaverton, Oregon E rw in A. Gerken, P astor Sunday School, 8:30 a. m. D ivine service 10:30 a. m. A cordial w elcom e to all. ST CECELIA CHURCH ALOHA ASSEMBLY OP CH>1> M asses: 7 a. m.—8:30 a. m.— Sunday Sch ool 10 a. m. 7:45 p. m. E van gelistic service. 10 a. m. T uesday 7:45 p. m. B ible study. HIGHW AY CHAPEL F riday 7:45 p. m. Y oung peo­ Services will be held in T ent on ples service. Kev. R illa Mae Stephens, pastor H ighw ay ju st E ast o f Cedar Street in Beaverton. . Orville J Poulin, M inister A L O llA COMMUNITY Sunday School 10:00 a. m. BAPTIST CHUKCH Staying With Mother M orning W orsh ip, 11 a. m. A lpha W illiam s, who is a teach­ G rayden L. Loree, P astor er in one o f the P ortland schools, Sunday, A ugust 4, 1946. Driving New Car is spending the sum m er with her C hurch S ch ool -9:45 a.m . Miss Mrs. R u by Jansen is driving a m other, Mrs. W illiam s. | M ary Antrim , Superintendent. lovely new B u ick car. M orn in g W orsh ip — 11:00 a.m. • • • I S erm on —"A Psalm fo r G od ’s Peo- Dinner Guests • « « R eturn H om e I pie-’’ Mr. and Mrs. FYed F oe returned Mr. and Mrs. R obert Sum m ers Youth F e llo w s h lp -7 :0 0 p.m. entertained a grou p o f friends hom e Friday. T h ey have been vis E ven ing Service—8:00 p.m. from P ortlan d on Sunday eve­ ltin g their daughters in C olorado. n ing for dinner. • • • CHUKCH OF THE NAZARENK Leonard C. Johnson, P astor Visitors At Foe Home P h on e 3691 T he G estrings from W est Slope 9:45 a.m. Sunday S chool, Edith called at the F oe hom e last week. W atts, Supt. 11:00 a.m., M orn in g W orship. Idaho Visitor 6:45 p.m. Y ou n g P eop le's ser­ N orm a Seare is visitin g her vices. Hi-M. Y. Pres., D on Gram - grandm other, Mrs. Seare. H er ling. N. Y. P. S. Pres., Juanita hom e is in N am pa. Idaho. K eebaugh. • « • 7:45 p.m. E van gelistic Service. Week In Portland W ednesday 7:45 p.m. M id-w eek D elores C arlson has been spend­ prayer and Bible Hour. ing a w eek in Portland. ALOHA, ORE. HERREN RADIO SERVICE C KKKUVIULK COMMUNITY PKKSBYTKKIA.N CHUKCH Rev. H am pton, Pastor Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. O. E. | Geiger, Supt. W orsh ip Service 11 a. m. Y oung P eop le1* C. E. 7 p. m Party And Shower T he “ M ary M artha” class o f the Church o f Christ invited ths ladies o f the church to a party and shower, h onoring Mrs. G eorge S pringer A ugust 1st. P laces were laid for 56 ladies and 8 children. A color schem e o f pink, white and blue was used for table d ec­ orations. Prizes fo r gam es were won by Charlotte Thom pson, Mrs. C hester H uddleston, Mrs. Bob Johnston, Mrs. Charles T hom pson, and Mrs. John Johnson.. "Mrs. S pringer received m any beautiful gifts. T he party was a com plete surprise to her. D elicious refreshm ents were served. • • O R O S S F. W H I S M A N s V ^ i t How long has it been since your front wheels were packed? Let Us Check Them! CANYON vznuihina. -fin the %om¿. P h o n e 3535 B e a v e r t o n * ROAD AT HALL ST. Friendly r J T T T T .i .1 4 n PHONE BEAVERTON 2011 Competent Service }I