BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Multnomah Fair To Have Many Attractions TH E P O C K E T B O O K O F K N O W L E D G E FRID AY, A U G U S T 9, 1946 School Opening Aloha Huber School starta September 3. Mr. McGinn. Hillsboro, has been awarded the bus contract. Several of the teachers have their degrees in music. Mr. V. H. Bullls is Superinten­ dent. Mrs. Margaret Scott will teach the eighth gi^ie. Mr Ira Scott is principal and teacher of the seventh grade. Other teachers and their rooms are: Mrs. Louella Boswell, 6 th; Miss Eugenia Gordon, 5th; Mrs. Sabina Whitehead. 4th; Mrs Mary Gordon, 3rd; Mrs. Marjorie Nelson, 2nd; Mrs. Irene Layton. 1st; Mrs. Marjorie Browder, 2nd. Discliarired Bernard J. Boyd, M. M. 3-C, 964 S. W. Watson St., Beaverton, was discharged from service at the IT. P Naval Base, Bremerton, Washington. Reports To Be Completed On Irrigation Projects Investigations and reports on 20 potential irrigation and multiple- purpose projects in the Northwest are scheduled for cocmpletion by July 1, 1947, under an appropria­ tion of $1,125,000 allotted for this work, the Regional Office of the Bureau of Reclamation announced this week. Studies of an additional 22 proposed projects will be con­ tinued, the Bureau said. The proposed projects, studies of which are scheduled for comple­ resulted in the elimination of a tion by July 1, will benefit approx­ number of proposed projfgts from imately 284,000 new acres of land, the studies to be made during the most of it now arid or semi-arid, period ending June 30, 1947. In ad­ in Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and dition, progress on many of those Western Montana. In addition, a- continued on the schedule is slated bout 166,000 acres now Buffering for sharp curtailment as the re­ from inadequate water supplies sult of redced appropriations. A will be given supplemental seif/ice. budget estimate of $ 11 , 000,000 for Included in the investigations is this work in all seventeen Western 45.000 acres in Southern Oregon, States was cut to $5,000,000. principally in the Rogue River The investigations, undertaken Basin, 12,000 acres in the Willa­ at the request of local groups in mette Valley, 112,000 acres in Cen­ the areas concerned, will deter­ tral Washington, 5,250 acres In Id­ mine whether construction of the aho, and 85,000 acres in Western projects Is feasible from an engin­ Montana. Supplemental water for eering and economic standpoint. 24.000 acres in Southern Oregon, They include topographic surveys 82.000 acres in Central and Eas­ of the land proposed for Irrigation, tern Oregon. 8,670 acres In South­ geologic studies of dam sites and western Idaho, and 50,000 acres in reservoirs, engineering surveys of Western Montana, principally the proposed distribution systems, land Bitterroot Valley, is included in classification, and economic stud­ the proposed projects under study. ies to determine the repayment The Bureau report followed a ability of the project. A report of meeting of project planning en­ the findings is submitted to the gineers from five field offices In Secretary of the Interior, and, if the Northwest, held at the request approved, to Congress and is the of Regional Planning Engineer, basis upon which the project is E. N. Torbert. The field offices authorized or rejected. are located in Salem and Medford, Proposed projects which will Oregon; Walla Walla, Washing­ move a big step nearer reality by ton; Boise. Idaho; and Kallspell, July 1 are— Crooked River, Can- Montana. b y , The Dalles, East Ixmg Tom, The conference, called to work Grande Ronde, Baker, Pendleton. out the most efficient use ----------- —_ of __ „ _. . . River ... _____ . . . . Mer . . Rogue Basin, , Talent, funds available for planning work, lin, and Vale-Bully Creek, In Ore- TWO-WAY TALKIE • S EE by D l c t d g r a p h A m PKCA HAS 3 KlATiMAt »e*OU*C25 THAT N*eP Neve« B* eXHAUiTFP LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN l hat puisuaiit to an ordinance ro *e sn MKjtM/e fbotktiom a & o m ít lit e r s inoad * « oi the uuy of Beaverton that TO INJURE "TREES RPR TOMORROW AMERICA* F W B 1 PROOuCTi rtP lA T R l« EHC0USA6E 6 0 0 0 FOREST M A*A6eM EN T A * P THE r h .S. n ó OF TWCTS A * BBBM C *O PS x.oy Berst and J?*. D. i-eca and vY. H. Grauer have been appoint­ ed viewers to assess tne damages and benefits to accrue by virtue of the laying out and estaolisn- ing of a street sixty (60) teei in width in the City of Beaverton, the centerline of which is describ­ ed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the northerly right-of-way line of the Tualatin Valley (State) AS BAREty Highway, which point bears » V E A R S A6 0 north 384.2 feet and N. 81 de­ HAT THE FIRST grees 37’ W. 30.3 feet from TELCPHONe the southwest corner of the JXCHAN6 E WK>S W. F. Hall D.L.C. No. 44, in ” OPENED - M TU T1S, R1W, W. M. and run­ e / M T sub sc**- the state board of higher educa­ generator sets, $50,000. known as the southwest cor­ Probably never before in his life tion and Governor Snell has shown ner of the John Henry Tract; A one-stop, over-the - counter hae the patient had so much sol­ thence from the described the Marine base to be a “splendid sales plan will he followed. Buy­ itude, so much time to think. He facility” which might easily be ers can select their Items, make should be helped to spend his time place of beginning north a- long the west line of the said converted into a lower-division payment, leave shipping tnsruc- thinking constructive thoughts. college and vocational training tions and be advised of the ap­ After awhile, he will be able to Hall D.L.C. 25.0 feet to a center, at "negligible cost” to the proximate date they can expect face his new life with renewed point; thence N. 89 degrees state. 35' W. 30.0 feet more or lesa- delivery. Likewise there will be a hope and faith. to the west line of the Kate The governor hopes to acquire veterans’- “quickie" counter where The fact that a patient must Kelley land; thence south a- the base to provide education to those who can qualify can immed­ rest does not mean that he can long said west line of said an estimated 2000 World War II iately obtain preference certifi­ have no interests. He should not Kelley land 50 feet; thence S. veterans, Sandy pointed out. Fa­ cates. be shut out from the world. He 89 degrees 35’ E. 30.0 feet, cilities are available to house this should be made to feel he still WAA crews are now inspecting, more or less, to a point on the number .Including quarters for a- pricing and firming up Inventories | has a Part the life beyond the west line of said Hall D.L.C.; bout 500 married veterans and at other surplus storage locations, i hospital walls, the life to which thence north 25 feet to the their families .according to the in­ Definite dates for sales at Camp he wlU eventually return. The place of beginning, contain­ vestigators. White. Camp Adair, Klamath Falls fami,y should try to understand ing 0.034 acres. Because this would relieve the and Vancouver Barracks and Um- that *t is important to keep the ALSO; pressure from other state and in­ atilla Ordnance depot will be an \ patient Interested in the world outside. Since the patient Is In a dependent colleges, now over­ nounced during the month. Beginning at a point on the ' rather helpless position, the em- crowded with a peak enrollment northerly right-of-way line of this May of 13.661 and an expected the Tualatin Valley State additional 10,000 applicants for Highway, which point bears (Larden Club college admission next fall, the north on D.L.C. line 384.2 feet The Beaverton Community Gar­ director of veterans’ affairs said and N. 81 degrees 37’ W. 30.3 den club will meet August 16 to he hopes the board of higher ed­ feet from the S. W. corner of | tour the Hoyt Arboretum, under ucation will take favorable ac­ the W. F. Hall D.L.C. No. 44. the direction of Mrs. S. E. Soth. tion. in T1S, R1W, W.M., Washing­ Federal Civil Service announces The members wyi meet at the ton County, Oregon, and run­ The War Assets administration an examination for permanent Safeway store in Sylvan at 11 a. ning thence north parallel to recently "froze” the base until probational appointment to Radio m. for transportation. A picnic and 30.0 feet west from the Oct. 1 at the governor’s request, Maintenance Technician positions lunch will be enjoyed . west line of said Hall DX.C. to give the board of htgher edu­ in the Civil Aeronautics Adminis­ 891.2 feet to a point on the cation time to estimate the state's tration, Department of Commerce, LEGAL NOTICH north line of Lot 4 of Ladd college needs. NOTICE OF SEALED BIDS in the states of Oregon, Wash­ and Reed's Addition to Bea­ Sealed bids will be received by Proponents have pointed out ington, Idaho and Montana. verton, Oregon; thence N. 89 ______ _ j Mrs. Eleanor Duncan, Clerk at these features of the base: It is The ______ entrance salary for this po- degrees 54’ W. 30.0 feet to a a $6,500.000 unit of 65 major build­ sition Is $2,394.00 pe'r annum for Beaverton, until August 16, 1946, point; thence south parallel to ings, a 1000 seat auditorium, a Radio Maintenance Technician O’clock P. M. for the con and 60.0 feet west from the '* rRe gymnasium, a modern swim­ (Trainee), Grade SP-5, $2,644.80 structlon of a Hl* h School Bus W. F. Hall D.L.C. line 886.7 for Union High ming pool. an administration per annum for Radio Maintenance Shed Addition feet to a point on the north­ District No. 10, Joint building, and modern dining rooms Technician, SP- 6 , and $3021.00 per I School erly right-of-way lin# of the Maintenance i Washington and Multnomah Coun­ and several homes, in addition to annum for Radio Tualatin Valley State High­ ties, Oregon, and will then and winter sports facilities Including Technician, SP-7 way; thence S. 81 degrees 37 ’ skiing and Ice skating Applicants for this examination ther® ** opened and publicly E. along said right of way Bids received after Budget Director George W. Ai- wi*l he required to take a written read aloud. line 30.3 feet to the place of ken recently estimated that the test designed to measure general the time fixed for openings will beginning, containing 0.61 ac­ not be considered. cost for reconversion and opera­ knowledge and technical apti­ res. Plans .specifications and form tion for one year would be be­ tude. Experience of the applicants NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN of contract documents may be tween $150.000 and $250.000. This. will enter into the final rating of examined at the office of Mrs. To all persons claiming damages Sandy said. Is “negligible in rela­ the Individual. Applicant* must be between the Eleanor Duncan. Clerk. Beaver­ by reason of the appropriation tion to the benefits to veterans, ages of 17 and SO; these age limits ton. Oregon, and at the office of of any such property or otherwise and to the taxpayers themselves, Freeman A Hfcysllp, Aasor interested therein that the view- who would be acquiring a six-mll- will be waived for veterans. *♦ the City Hall on Further Information on this ex- * rchts„ 304 Postal Building, Port- r ’ Mon dollar plant at no cost to the _ i . . . . . . I nnH H r « o n /I a s a l nF . . I J . 1. . . state." amination and the necessary ap­ land. Ore. and a set of said plans the 12 th day of August. 1946 at the plication forms for applying may specifications and forms may be hour of 10 00 a.m.. and all claims or a” objections be obtained from tha Board of U. obtained at either of the above lng added for war trophies and it offices, upon a deposit of $ 5.00 must be filed with the Recorder 1 « expected that Ulta class will S. Civil Service Examiners. Civil which will he refunded upon the before the time for the meeting attract a large number of display* AeronauUca Administration. Se- return of the plans and specifica­ of such viewers. and prove of intense Interest to sttls, Washington; the Secretary. tions within a reasonable time. Dated This 1st day of August Board o f U. S. Civil Service Ex­ the public. Each bid shall be accompanied aminers, at any first- or second- Hobby Hall” will a g a i n occupy C. Doty, City Recorder, post offlcs; or from the Dl- by a certified check, cashiers tha entire eecond floor of the class rector. Eleventh U. S Civil Ser- I fheck or bond (with author- f ’,uW,c* ,,on Au* Farm Union Building at the fair vtce Region. Room 4. Central **** *urety company as surety) grounds. Attendant« will be on made payable to the Owner in the duty to watch ov»r .Xä Building. Seattl* 4. Washington amount not less than 8 per cent 9 ^946 ° T ’ *** pub,,c*t,on August many of th* hobbles will he" placed ."VT* of the amount of the bid. Surety the Board of U. 8 Civil Service in covered frames for added pro­ LEGAL NOTICE Examiners. Civil Aeronautics Ad­ bond (or bonds) will be required tection. FINAL a c c o u n t ministration. Seattle Washington in accordance with the terms of Hobbyists interested In exhibit­ • mall address: P. O. Box 3224. Se­ the contract document. County Court of the State of ing in the show may obtain addi­ attle 14. Wash.) not later than the The Union High School Dis­ °w *.OTl for Waahlngton Count v tional Information and *nlry close of business on August 19 trict No. 10, Joint, Washington Estate of Katherine Black, de­ blanks by writing to Leon S Da- ! 194 g and Multnomah Counties, Oregon ceased. via. fair manager, care of Cadv j reserves the right to reject any Jay Gibson has filed his final Motor Co.. Hi fis boro, or the Lions’ or all bid* and to waive informal­ account as administrator of the ities. Hobby Hall Committee, care of V isit F ro m R e * . M uller **t*te of Katherine Black de­ Rev. J. C Muller of Newberg the Hlllsbor o Argus. Hillsboro No bidder may withdraw his based and the Court has fixed Hobbyists nre urged to start plan- *Jld daughter. Dorothy Stoller, of hid after the hour set for the Monday the 26th dav of Aiitrn«* I mng exhibits now and determin­ Bethany, called at the Sam Oertg opening thereof or before award 1*«. at the hour of If) Of) o v w l i S • A \f . . 1 (H K morning Rev of 9 CAH$e««t ing how much space will be re­ home Tuesday contract, ■•nlee. unless — said sward « Is A M * said ____ hear t objec- day to Muller officiated at the confirma- delaved for a period exceeding M tions to of the quired for the display. final account. tlon of Mrs. Oertg at Macon. Neb * \ JAY GIBSON in 1X89 She was then known at I Mr« Flc.xnnr Duncan Clerk Un­ K e e e liM W ireless M essa g e _____ Administrator ion High School District No 10 Mr*. Valerie Maxwell received Miss Ardinta Koerner. DAVID E LO PGR EN. Beaver- t Joint. Washington and Multnomah Ion .Oregon. Attorney fo e j a « trelsa message from her cousin Counties Oregon I«-*—»— “ ome> for admin­ istrator. In Australia, who has an expert- To U t c In California BIAVIRTON, ORE Mrs Patriota McCloskey, her 1 ^ [ menial short wave set. Her cousin of first publication August Date of first publication August , I ~ot In contact with a man lr> •on and tvj M’.'' I Portland, who also has a set and left last Saturday afternoon for 1 *atk>n An*- m* ist 23, 194* the message was relayed over tx>* Angelea. C a l. where they will make their home. the phone to Mrs Maxwell. Hobbyist» To Have Fart In Co. Fair ____ O F T H E S E , F O W T 5ÎS ONLVAWe WPEwDEHT J K M MAH FOR PERPETUATI OH — Surplus Property Sale By W AA Marine Base Is Wanted For School US TO ★ The Multnomah County fair takes precedence over other sim­ ilar exhibitions in many ways. ~>at this time the United States Air Force has honored the fair oy selecting it for unveiling of its secrets of world war II from Aug­ ust 19 to 25, according to an an­ nouncement released by Secre­ tary-Manager A. H. Lea and Lt. Co i. William Cohoon, recruiting officer in charge of the Oregon district for the Army. Add to that the presentation of the cream of the livestock crop and farm products .along with Multnomah county fair's own in­ novation of .night horse racing and the fair at Gresham may well claim top honors for county fair presentations. Seven huge, ten-ton trucks will move from Hamilton Field in Cal­ ifornia to the Multnomah fair. Each truck is a show in itself and each unit of the caravan will pre­ sent something that had the axis powers guessing. Radar, radio altimeters ; / d com­ passes, the latest high frequency radio set, handy-talkies; a com­ plete radio station transmitter and receiver with a 1500 mile range; air corps weapons that visitors may handle, Jap equipment, air set rescue components, with life rafts, radio and electrically heated suits. Theodore Bruggcr, Gresham di­ rector in charge of livestock is­ sued a warning that entries will close August 15. Stall fees are $1. This year’s fair calls for entries in Clydesdale, Percheron, Shires, and Belgian classes of horses di­ vision; milking Shorthorns, Hol­ stein, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Ayreshire, Jersey and Red Polled animal in the cattle division; nine classes of ¿heep, four classes of milk goats and four classes of swine, Duroc Jersey, Bershire, Po­ land China and Chester White. All animals must be registered and purebred. Closing of poultry entries also comes on August 15, according to announcement by William Shearer in charge of this division. All the birds must be in the show room at 8 a.m. the opening day. Entry fees are 50 cents for a single bird and $1 for pens. Our Great America ☆ fy Mack BUY ★ • Records - Swing & Symphonic • I tulips - Tidde and Vanity Don f shout from room-to* room, office-to-office. Us« t w o - w ay talkie for p«rf«d tw o-w ay hook-up. Every- on« needs one in home or office. And you install It, yourself in minutes. Hot Plates -- 2 Burner -- 3 Heat Coffee Maker Combinations Radio - Coinbination Record Players! Water Heaters - Automatic Portable Radio Batteries Record Racks Volcano Lunch Makers Two Way Talkie (Intercom) Drop Leaf Electric Toasters Portable Electric Heaters See Us For Competent Service WASHING MACHINES M OTO B S RADIOS ★ Auto and I loin«* ★ LEONARD'S & ERNEST'S R A D I O E LECTR I C 109 SOUTH WATSON ST. phasia should be on happy sventa. The patient should not be made anxious about circumstances ha cannot change. In the next article, rabies will be discussed. This column Is sponsored, in the interest of better health, by: The Washington County Public Health Association, Zola F. Mor­ gan, Exec. Secy, Civil Service Examination Understanding The T. B. Patient