Buy - Sell ■ THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE: Kale plants, 50c per 100. Robert Green, Rt. 6 . Box 897C. Count eoch word, including Nome Portland 1 , Oregon. ond oddress- O N LY 2c A WORD No Phone Orders Token MINIMUM 25c AN ISSUE We Publish the BEAVERTO N ENTERPRISE TIG A RD SENTINEL M ULTN OM AH PRESS A LO H A NEWS Complete Eastern Washington County ond Western Multnomah County Coverage • FOR SA L E FR F!7:—Second growth dry fir wood. E. G. Benson, Box 617A, Pioneer Road, Beaverton. 29 SPECIAL DAIRY AUCTION Complete disposal sale of Henry Han sc outstanding dairy herd lo cated 7 miles S. W. of Hillsboro ur due south of Cornelius or 2 miles west of Hillsboro, Newberg Hiwa>, from Hillsboro turn south at Hiway sign worded Laurel, watch for sale arrows. Tuesday, August 13, 1946 Sale 12 Noon Sharp Due to the death of my husband I will offer the following at auc tion: 40 Head of Top Dairy Cattle Consisting of Guernseys and Jer seys. 10 head strictly fresh. 5 h :ad recently fresh. 15 head springers due 10 days to 60 days, balance, milking heavy. 1 Guern sey bull. 3 years old. 39 cows far above the average in production, young big cows in excellent con dition, clean certificates with each cotv. Terms cash. Lunch on the grounds. Owner Mrs. Minnie Haase, Hillsboro Phone Scholls 8191. Auctioneer J. L. Walters, Rt. 1, Clackamas, Phone Milwaukie 26400. 28 FOR SALE: Baby's high chair and large folding play pen on casters. Call Hillsboro 16R14. 28 AUCTION SALE and lunch every Saturday 10:30 a.m. Clackamas Stables on 82nd Ave., 3l/4 miles south Foster Rd., Portland, J. L. Walters, owner and tioneer. tf C O M M U N IT Y FOR SALE: Two beautiful 9 x 12 beige rugs, $40 each. Peter Sarti, Rt. 2, Box 94, Beaverton, Oregon. Canyon Road junction east of Bea verton. 28 FOR SALE: 2 yearling heifers, $75 each. Pearl McLean, Rte. 5, Box 502, Portland 1, Oregon. 28 YOUNG MAN’S NAVY blue suit, size 36, $30.00, Blue sports jack et, size 36, $15.00. 2 pair slacks, size 32-34, $2.50 each. Teeter Babe, $2.50. A. H. Taylor, Jtte. 1, Box 971 Beaverton. 29 FOR SALE: Rubber tired farm wagon; double disc; harrow; cul tivator; brooder stove; misc. ar ticles, $275 cash takes all. Pearl McLean, Rte. 5, Box 502, Portland 1, Oregon. — 28 FOR SALE: Hot water tank, 12 inch by 60 inch, extra heavy, 150 lb. pressure, like new, $5.00 Phone Tigard 3545. 28 2 USED BEDS. 1 Quaker Oil stove, and 1 Little Chief 3 burner gas stove. Can be seen at 56 Main St., Beaverton Tuesdays or any afternoon after 4 p.m. 28 4 FT. WOOD, 3 CORD LOTS, $22 deliver anywhere. Give location with order. Stanford Laughlin, Carlton, Rt. 1, tf GARDEN HOME COMMUNITY Cannery. Beans now; peaches soon. Our members are saving as high as fifty per cent in the cost of canned foods. Join now and save too. Call CHerry 2242 for in formation. 28 FOR SALE: Good used wood and coal stove. J. C. Law, Walker Rd. to Meadow Drive. Rt. 2. Box 625. 29 FOR SALE: Used theatre seats, 85c to $2. Call at Ritz Theatre af ter Thursday. 28 FOR SALE OR TRADE. Saw dust water heater complete. Phone CHerry 1522. 28 FOR SALE—Novel DeLuxe wood and coal range. 1 Good Cheer coal circulating heater. 1 mi. East of Cedar Mills on Cornell Road. Turn right on Leahy Rd. for % mile. Box 122A. P. M. Meyer. 28 FOR SALE—12-Foot house trailer. All welded steel frame, new recap tires and axle. Body frame up, but not complete. Can be seen at rear of house. Front and Washington, Beaverton. 28 FOR SALE—Henick Refrigerator $25. New chemical toilet $5. 154 Angel St., Beaverton 3475. 28 FOR SALE:White enamel wood like new. $75 cash. F. Peters, Metzger, 5th & Pine. 30 j range with coils d e c o r a t iv e ESTATB kok m u rocks For GARDENS, WALLS, PATIOS also ROAD GRAVEL, TOP SOIL FERTILIZER P H O N E : CHerry 3107 tf Phone 6191 _ Killed His Brother1 Cain and Abel were the first children ever born into this world, | being the sons of Adam and Eve, our nrst parents. Out of jealousy, We Specialize In Remodeling and Recovering Cain killed his brother, Abel and God did not step in and stop him. - All Furniture Custom Mode - God let Cain choose for himselt 118 NW Brood * jy Phone 3762 and kill his brother. And from Adam down, man have killed, Beaverton, Oregon stolen and done every kind of sin, with God warning them but W A L D 'S ' leaving them free to choose. NOT WOODEN MEN God does SUPER SERVICE not surround himselt with wooden SUNSET OIL PRODUCTS men but with men who can choose Green Stamps on all merchandise tor themselves. Even after God SERVICE OUR SPECIALTY had given his Son, our Lord, to ALOHA, OREGON die for their sins, God left it up to each man to say for himself whether or not he will be saved. If you choose to believe God, that He gave Christ to die for your I V E T E R IN A R IA N sins and that they are blotted out, then God honors your act of D r. N orm E. Johnson faith, of belief, and gives you new life for time and eternity. V«terinarian So men are saved and the Bible East of Beaverton Illway 6 puts it all in a word God so Beaverton Portland 3511 COM. 9924 loved you and the man lowest down, that He gave His only- born Son, that if you will believe on Him, you shall not perish but P A IN T S have eternal life. So you are to choose. Is it sin and eternal des pair? Or Is it Christ with His Im lay’it Fresh joy, peace, strength and cheer? Mixed Feeds Which for you? KEPLER DAVENPORT CO. F IL L D IR T FOi< S A L E V I N C E N T L U M B E R C O . L. H . Cobb Co. “A Complete Lumber Yard” We Deliver Anywhere Phone Beaverton 2881 PAINTS — SASH — PLUMBING real Services Aloha, Ore tf 2 bdrm. home, lovely kitchen, lge ! IF ITS PLUMBING YOU WANT CALL living room, attached garage, on REAVER Hwy 99W. Owner is in a hurry to go. Call Bert Miller. Tigard Plumbing and Heating Company 2523. First and Main Beaverton Phone 2622 2 bdrm home, plus 16 x 20 new bldg, on 85 x 204 ft. lot, corner PROVE IT TO YOURSELF touches new Salem Hwy. All for YOU DONT $6,500. Call Bert Miller, Tigard NEED A TRADE 2523. No Hidden Charges 20 acres on Farmington Road. 3 Ail Makes and Models bedroom home. 4 acres of ground, '32s to '42s filberts, tractor, disc, land idiler’. See Us Before You This place is all equipped to go BUY—SELL OR TRADE and not far out of the city. Call Mr .Schuld at CHerry 3494 or Ti Daskalos & W illiam s gard 2523. GIANT USED CAR CENTER Three Lots 5 acres with livable four room 5600 NE Union house, nice out building, own wa 6501 NE Union 5500 N. Interstate—Portland ter system, 40 full bearing fil bert trees. Call Mr. Schuld at WEbster 1175 or GArfield 8432 CHerry 3494 or Tigard 2523. PAINTING & PAPER HANGING Work Guaranteed 4 year old Colonial type, 5 rooms Work Done Promptly down, full floored attic, nice CALL CHerry 2175 double garage, own water system, 46tf electric range goes with this place. See this place and make an offer. Call Mr. Schuld at CHerry 3494 or Tigard 2523. GENERAL HAULING Beer Parlor and living quarters. OF ALL KINDS ANYTIME Two rooms in front with beer par CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK lor equipment. 5 rooms completely PORTABLE GAS WATER PUMP furnished in the rear. This place TO RENT is near Beaverton, doing a good Phone business. Very nice place for a H O W A R D W . S M IT H young couple to run. Call Mr. 388 CANYON HOAD Schuld for appointment, CHerry Phone Beaverton 3931 or 2462 3494 or Tigard 2523. Beaverton Transter Co. FISHER THORSEN PAINTS For quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlay & Sons REEDVILLE ALOHA, ORE DEAD or Worthless Stock picked up Free of Charge Anywhere Prompt Service. Call collect UN. 1221 or UN. 4502. Western States Rendering Co., N. Columbia Blvd. & Hurst Ave., Portland. (Suc cessor to Denley Rendering Company.) 3tf Tree Topping, Removing, Hedge Trimming Out of town calls taken Equip, for difficult jobs, Insured Estimates—References I.ENN'S TREE SERVICE SPRAYING — PHONE Radio Repair and Sales, located POWER Portland—EAst 6624 3tf tf in a well established district. BEAVERTON 2188. Lease, stock and repair equip For Stove and Diesel Oil Call HIDES A WOOL, CASCAHA—A ment goes for $700 plus inven tory of near $400. Call Mr. Schuld Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. specialty. LEE BROS., 26 SW at CHerry 3494 or Tigard 2523. Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf FAINTING—Outside our specialty. Fox Realty & Accounting Service Spray painting; remodeling. Free & PAINTING—10 28 estimates for spring at reduced PAPERING years experience, reasonable rates. prices. Terms. Go anywhere. Call FOR SALE; 12 or 16 inch green First Class. Free estimates, Call EAst 2216. tf block and slab, mill run, $20 load BEacon 3546, R. WHITLOW, 019 (2 Vi cord loads) $20 load in Bea SW Hamilton, Portland 1, Ore tf Real Estate Insurance verton, Multnomah, Tigard, and Mortgage Loans $17.50 in Aloha and Reedville. Also Henry H. Jeffries 16 inch dry, mill run, block and R. A. Peyton slab (214 cord loads) $12 cord. on Highway at Short St., Beaver tf Harold Keller. Rte. 1, Carlton, Ore. ton. Phone Portland BRoadway 1986. & CABINET maker— (give delivery directions). tf BUILDER Store fronts; school, restaurant FOR SALE—New Zealand White and store fixtures; school furni rabbits, young does, and bucks ture; unit cabinets of all kinds, from pedl. stock, excell, condl.. 4 including kitchen dfcbbiets. Of fice furniture rebuilt, refinished lbs up, $2 up. Witch Hazel Rab and completely renovated. All bit Farm, % mi S Witch Hazel kinds of building and remodeling. School or Youngs Market, main Woodworking of all kinds. hiway bet. Beaverton A Hillsboro. Also Landscaping, dirt moving, 25 tf terracing, plowing, discing, harrow ing and concrete mixed on the ARE YOU INTERESTED in buy Job. W E'LL TEACH YOU HOW ing or selling property. Call Fred L. H. Brawand, Metzger, Oregon J. Schuld. Jr. at CHerry 3494. Or Phone CHerry 2929. tf see Mr. Schul at Fox Realty & Acct. Service. New office at Ti Garbage Collection Service gard next to the Joy theatre or By month or contract phone Tigard 2523. tf HOHNSTEIN A SCHAFER 4073 N. E. 16th Ave. BERNARD'S AIRPORT Phone MUrdock 2805 W ANTED CEDAR STREET AT WALKER RD. West Slope, Beaverton, Meadow- OFFICE GIRL — Experience in hurst and Elmonica tf general office routine desired, but PAPERING—Painting A Kalso- knowledge of the insurance busi ALL AROUND mining, neat, experienced work ness is not required. Contact Leon man L. L. Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A CARPENTER W O R K ard Adams, Insurance, Beaverton Phone Beaverton 2516 Phone 3831. tf Finish — Remodeling — Repair Beaverton. 40tf A. HARRY Mac INTYRE LOST: Hand tooled bill fold and Route 1 Box 435 Phone Beav. 2828 money Saturday eve., August 3. Reward. L. H. Hutton. Beaverton, After 6 p.m . — Leave Order, tf STOVE AND DIESEL OIL Box 191. 29 CESSPOOL-SEPTIC TANK OWN WANTED TO RENT: 2-bedroom ERS ATTENTION—Added equip We house near Tigard. Permanent. ment allows faster service. Metered Oil Service Call Tigard 2151. 28 pump & wash septic tanks, comml. or residential. Guar, workmanship. DELIVERED WANTED: Two experienced wait Sewers connected. Cesspools and resses. Good pay. Lambert’s Drive septic tanks constructed. Schulz In. S. W. Canyon Road. 31 Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland, 2tf WAITRESS WANTED: Skyway TA. 3235. restaurant, Beaverton, Oregon. 28 LAND CLEARING A Excavating CII. 1313 DUMP TRUCK FOR HIRE. — Work done by hour or contract. 11102 SW Capitol Hlwy Contract day jobs. Sand and gra Phone Portland UN. 3395 for es B. R. STEVENS 51tf vel. Leave orders at Leila’s and timates. Work guaranteed. Floyd’s Market, at east city lim its of Beaverton, on Bertha-Bea- SEPTIC TANKS, completed $100, verton Highway. tf anywhere on West Side, 20 miles from city Portland SU. 1737, 2tf VETERAN, now steadily employed BU YER S— PACKERS by local bank, desires furnished SHINGLING—New A old work. or unfurnished house or apart Remington Bros. Phone Beaverton —All Berries, Prunes, Grapes— ment in Beaverton or Multnomah 322L tf district. Call CHerry 3157. 28 FERTILIZER, DUST, WEEVIL FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE WANTED TO RENT — Minister MOTOR CO.. Phone Tigard 3381 tf BAITS, AVAILABLE IN SEASON and family need 2 or 3 bedroom house In vicinity of Villa Ridge on P. E. HAGG Tigard Hiway by Sept 15. Call Hauling Contractor CHerry 2925. 28 Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons Sand. Crushed Rock and Beaverton 3271 WILL EUNICE MOHR ULRICH, Road Gravel or anyone knowing her address write E. J. Allman, 3618 S. E. 99th Route 1, Box 28, Tigard, Oregon Phone Tigard 2446 tf Portland, Oregon. 28 F r i d a y , a u g u s t 9, 1946 Vi ed Al Tigard RITZ T h e a t r e BEAVERTON Shows Every Nite 7 to 11:30 Sunday Show runs continuously from 1:30 to 11:30 Reg. prices Children 16c Adults 40c PHONE Rte 6. Bos 1218 CHerry 3727 UUGUST 16 Portload 1, Ore. GETTING GERTIES GARTER Dennis O’Keefe, M. McDonald Binnie Barnes Dwarf - Kspalier .MAN ALIVE, Pat O’Brien X Standard Fruit Trees Cartoon and News Regular Saturday Program with Filberts — Berry Plants Serial: “Tiger Woman” added SATURDAY A sk lim n s your druggist or write J. Wednesday - Saturday August 11-17 CAPTAIN KIDD C. Laughton. R. Scott, B. Britton DICK TRACY Morgan Conway, Anne Jeffreys Regular Friday Program with Serial: "Tiger Woman” addl'd III reg a rd to C a s e y ’s C o m pou n d I ca n n o t pra ise it en ou g h fo r w hat it h as d o n e fo r me. F o r tw o y e a r s I luid a rth ritis B U S IN E S S S E R V IC E S IM NW Park tf RIGHT-NOW CLEANER U f G e u ' d M e * is C le e e le # O n * « lo e e d r y W o o 4 » * »s FOR SALE—16-in. green slab wood H e n * l e u — S e n .le ry the best In j 2*4 cord loads $8 cord delivered L A N D S C A P E F or . S i " . , 'o t Heads im Reuben Johnson. Newberg phone new lawns call W. A. Green j A i * ALL GSOCIOS 'U , Beaverton 2967. 17tf | —' . <• n pc • t«t U hl 19S-J. tf ^ I For Stove and Diesel Oil f^all ! TRACTOR WOPK — Plowing, disc MERM0SA PRODUCTS CO. ____ Harry Barnes Ph Beaverton 3231 ing and general garden work. J. | • 04 H i R e t ie " »»**#♦. P eetlead , 0 * * * e a A. Lincoln, Phone Beaverton 2713. AT. S4«1 I suffered fbr years and am so thnkful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for Information Mrs. Anna Paistz, P. O Box 828, Vancouver, Wash. Pd. Adv.—NUE-OVO Laboratories For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Barnes Ph. Beaverton 3231. PHONE CHerry 2928 1 1333 S.W. 64th & Barbur Blvd. CLOSED SUNDAYS FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS in my finger joints. It was so painful, I euuld hardly stand to move my fingers, the joints were so stiff and sore. After taking 3 bottles of Casey's Com pound I am free of |>ain and stiff joints.— Mrs. J. Stanley MosLaughlln, Kt. 4. Box 108. Salem, Oregon. A Few Available Now ALSO GARDEN TRACTORS AVAILABLE ELMONICA STORE ONE MILE NORTH OF HUBER ON BASE LINE ROAD W RITE; Rte. 2, Box 755, Beaverton, Oregon PHONE; Beaverton 3177 Don't Give Your Car Away N^e*, once again you can enjoy my famous liquors — pre-w ar quality in every drop ! O n e sip and y o u ’ ll r e c o g n i z e the same delicious flavor — same d e l i ci o us smoothness. As k for Old Mr. Boston! I W ILL PAY UP TO $250 OVER W HAT YOUR CAR IS WORTH Phone or Wire Me Collect Day or Night Business Phone — BRoodway 2726 Residence - Evenings — SUnset 6908 HENRY BRYANT 112 N. W. TENTH PORTLAND 9, ORE. CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS S P E C IA L “ V E N T IL A T E D ” See your Building Material Dealer Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. 5819 SW Macadam Ave., Portland, 1 Oregon HTC* J v If You Do Not Already Receive The Enterprise Regularly • . • Here's How To Get It Oe Laval R H E U M A T IS M and A R T H R I T I S Villa Ridge NURSERY FOR RENT Mr. J. H. Casey: R. I. MacLaughlin.Inc. WE CURE AND SMOKE YOUR PORK CUTS 25 years Experience ALDER MARKET Lewis Bros. Coe. lat and Washington St PORTLAND. OREGON Take your pick of frees right from the field. Box 7 3 1 , Portland, Oregon HILLCREST GROCERY itkme kCrifell Ornamentals In Trees and Shrubs H. C a se y RUPERT Flying Service PAINTING — Outside; our spe cialty spray painting. Remodeling; SEPARATORS — MILKERS free estimates and reduced rates for spring. Terms available. Will COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND go anywhere. MUrdock 4164. tf SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY INDUSTRY B. J. Shepherd J. L. Jersey SU. 2680 ALOHA 6617 SHEPHERD A JERSEY Ezravattng and (rradlng land Clearing and Trenching General Contracting H ên* Aftirw i i DM ’ M a n iV C R Y T M IN G Estimates Gladly Given by Hour or Contract 6810 SF. Mall St Portland 6 , Or. 20 Years Experience tf Sell Home Mr. and Mrs. Jenning, who have been living on Third St. just off | Lombard, have sold their place and are moving to Joseph, Ore. • • • Attending Camp Mrs. Thayne Smith’s daughter j is attending Blue Bird Camp at Gales Creek. S. W. McChesney R d , Portland 1, Oregon. This space paid for by Sunday - Tuesday — August, 11-13 ADVENTURE, Clark Gable. Greer a Seattle family. Garson, Joan Blondell Cartoon and News aim e n t e r p r is e At a quiet wedding ceremony at Tigard, Tuesday evening, M iss Roberta Prouty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prouty, of Pro gress and Mr. Nile Owens, of Scholls, were married by the Jus tice of the Peace. Miss Phyllis Averett attended the bride and Mr. Douglas Prouty, brother of the bride, was best Be sure you know the score man. After a short honeymoon trip at when you are in field, range or the beach the couple will return forest, Forest fires, range fires to Progress to make their home. or destroyed crops cost you mon ey Let’s protect our future b f KEEPING OREGON GREEN. Visiting Brother's Home Mrs. O. Bergland, of Seattle, Wash., is visiting her brother and Specializing . . . . wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Jeffries in W tsl Side Properties PAYS TO F L Y WE DELIVER ORNAMENTAL rock, cow fertilizer, Clydemont HOP PICKERS WANTED: Heavy Farm, Lanscape Nurzery. CHerry crop of early and late hops. Cool, 3003. 28 clean, shady camp grounds. Cab ins, lights and wood furnished. FOR SALE: White enamel wood Store on grounds. Pickers bus to cook stove and circulating wood Salem, Oregon. REGISTER NOW. heater both In perfect condition. Write or call—WU-Hart Hop Farm Box 461, Rt. 1, Gaarde Road, 3rd Ward Lundy. Supt., Gervals, Ore. house on Hght from highway. 28 Phone Salem 2-2681 or 9225. 33 ROTOTILLING for perfect pul 16 IN. INSIDE Blockwood $20 verizing. Contract work. Fred load; 16 Inch old growth slab $18 Clyde-—CHerry 3003. 28 load. (2 cord loads). J. O. Johnson FOR LISTING or selling your Bx. 584. Carlton. Oregon. property see Mrs. Imlah. third WOOD For Sale—4 ft Slabwood house on Livermore Ave. south of or Cordwood, green or dry. Order Farmington road or call the Fox now from Hanson Fuel Co., Bea Realty and Accounting Service verton. Phone 3828. tf Tigard 2523 tf FOR SALE Fuel range $15 00 LIVE POULTRY WANTED- Any Also Montag wlfte enamel trash size lot. Top ceiling prices. Write burner. Call evenings. Jones. or phone Clarence Hunt. WEb CHerry 3016 28 ster 2540. 3600 N E. 44th Port land 13, Ore. 29 j SAWDUST Light Slab. Cull lath. tf Reasonable prices Your haul. Call CHerrv 16*2 or Beav 2465. eves bea v erto n The Best Investment A V A I L A B L E AGAINI Sip its sun-ripe orange teng end you, too, will $ 0 7 0 call it "a taste sema- Æm ~ ~ tion.” Delicious served 4/5 Quart straight with ice! OLD Mr. BOSTON O ld Mr S e llo * O range fla v o re d f r e e ! fterk* I r o l. D>«"ll«r,el. Ir*«., IN YOUR HOME COMMUNITY Is Onlv #1 A Year Enclosed Please Find $1 For 1-Year Subscription To The THE BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Ok, 70 S elten. George F. Gordon NAME Piano Toning. Cleaning Route and Box No. DEMOTIIINO. REPAIRING phone: ALOHA 6613 Post Office