t LAV «T O N E N T « « I S £ FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1946 ^ In Our Advertisements You Will Find What Is Available In Our Community. You Need Us To Keep Informed. Mutual Help. Mutual Interests, Mutual Needs, on these a sound growing com munity thrives. ^ In Our Editorial Columns You Will Find What Is Happening In Our Community. It takes all of us working together to achieve this end. . — You need to know these things . . . We Are One Of You. We need your help as you need ours. Bring us, or send to us that news you know. Others will he interested, too. Share with them — through us — your knowledge of the community. Your neighbor needs to know them too An uninformed community is a divided, unwieldy mass through which rumors can run rampant—building many wrong impressions and manv misunderstand ings. Be ready to respond with your support when we eall on you to act for the com- w munilv "<>< h I. An informed community liecomes a thinking, active group possessing great potentialities for common good. Let Us Help You In Another Way. . . . Our business is printing. Many of you net^l printing to help carry on your businesses. In Knowledge and Unity there is Strength. Strength to accomplish needed reforms for the community. Strength to work together for common ends. Come and talk to us about your printing needs, we will try to help you, here too. A COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER. ALERT TO ITS DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES CAN DO MUCH FOR A COMMUNITY. WE KNOW THIS, AND DO OUR UTMOST TO FULFILL THIS OBLIGATION. PHONE 2321