Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1946)
I FR ID A Y, AUGUST 2, 1946 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE ULKDVlLLfc. COMMUNITY ritK.SiiYTl-.ttIAN CIU KCI! nev. H&mpion, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. G. E Geiger, Supt. worship Service 11 a. m. Young Peoples C. E. 7 p. m. STOP! AND SH O P ALOHA ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sunday School 10 a. ni. 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic service. Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Bible study. Friday 7:45 p. m. Young peo ples service. Kev. Rilla Mae Stephens, pastor ALOHA COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHUUCii Grayden L. Loree, Pastor Sunday, August 4, 1940. Church School—9:45 a.m. Miss Mary Antrim, Superintendent. Morning Worship — 11:00 a.m. Sermon— “A Psalm for God's Peo ple." Youth Fellowship—7:00 p.m. Evening Service— 8:00 p.m. Philco Radios & Record Players NOW AVAILABLE Electric Home Store ALOHA, OREGON PHONE ALOHA CHURCH OF CT1K1HT Second and Main Sts. G. W . Springer, pastor Sunday, August 4, 1946. Morning worship and preach ing service at 9:45 a.m. The top ic of the morning sermon will be A Call to Duty.” Following the sermon, the Lord's supper will be observed. £lble School Class session 11:00 a.m. Christian Endeavor 7:00 p.m. Evening worship service 8:00 p. m. The topic of the evening ser mon will be “Waiting for the Bridegroom.” Midweek Bible study and pray er service is Thursday 8:00 p.m. The study topic will be “Sanctifi cation.” 6454 "Look For The PHILCO Sign" For Groceries and Fresh Meat COME TO GOLDEN WEST FOOD LOCKERS I N ALOHA, OREGON Phone Aloha 6551 For Locker Information Week Days 8 to 7 Open Sunday 10 to 12 NORA'S DRESSMAKING R I C H A R D S and ALTERATIONS Barber Shop Aloha, Oregon Personal Attention Owned and Operated by and Mrs. Alfred Aloha, Ore. COATS Richards DRESSES Phone 6332 EVENING GOWNS Individually ALOHA BEAUTY SHOP Work Done By Appointment Only Aloha, Ore Phone 6125 Designed Nora was trained in dress design by the National School of Dress Design, Chicogo, Illinois. We Carry A Full Line of DDT Dairy and House Spray ALOHA FEED and SEED CO . ALOHA, ORE. Phone ALOHA 6141 WE USE HOME MADE ICE CREAM A T OUR FOUNTAIN at the ALOHA PHARMACY ALOHA, ORE. Take A Brick Home Witfi You HERREN RADIO SERVICE C R. NORMAN AUTHORIZED G IVIS 24-HOUR SERVICE W E ST IN G H O U SE NO WAITING BEAVERTON PERSONALS Visits Daughter Mrs. B. F. White, of Forest Grove, visited Sunday evening with her daughter, Mrs. F. T. Sturtevant. • • • Visit In Corvallis Mrs. Patricia McCloskey and her son and daughter, Mike and Pat, spent the week end at Corvallis with Mrs. Charlotte Jackman. Chamberlin's Shoe Service ALL TYPES OF SHOE REPAIRING Opening . . SOON.. CHURCH OF TH E NAZARENF. Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor Phone 3691 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, Edith Watts, Supt. 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship. 6:45 p.m. Young People's ser vices. Hi-M. Y. Pres., Don Gram- ling. N. Y. P. S. Pres., Juanita Keebaugh. 7:45 p.m. Evangelistic Service Wednesday 7:45 p.m. Mid-week prayer and Bible Hour. FIRST M ETHODIST CHURCH 4th and Watson Sts. Phone 3695 Everett L. Bowers, Pastor. 9:45 a.pi. Church School. Mrs. Nan Bourquin, Supt 10:55 Morning Worship. Sermon: "The Price of Wisdom M. Y. F. 7:30 p.m. Sunday. W . S. C. S. Wednesday 10 to 3. FORBES1 PORTRAIT STUDIO ★ DEALER LIST ECONOMY M ARKET and GROCERY FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS Pienle Lunch Mrs. Jennie Alexander and her brother and wife, of Portland, had a picnic lunch in the Park at West Linn Sunday. • • • Visits Relatives Younq America Marches On! Truman Goyt, Jr., of Lan cing, Mich., has been visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goyt. He left for his home Tuesday. • • • Leaves For B. C. Mr. Girard, of West Slope, left for British Columbia the last of the week. _ • • • At Springs f j t Mr. and Mrs. Schoene are spend ing a few weeks at Breitenbush Springs. M le* Precision Watch Repairing C it ize n s of a diffic, fast-moving Tomorrow . . . they need your s c r u p u lo u s attention during the "moulding process" . . . physically, mentally and spiritual ly. Keep their feet fit to meet the demands of future leadership . . . in Comflex shoes, which allow feet to develop normally, keep thei. healthv ' -nnv. WORK GUARANTEED JEW ELERY Jewelery Repair ENGRAVING No Appointment Necessary ★ Thomas J. Lukas Jeweler - Watchmaker EXPERIENCED PHOTOGRAPHER We give S & H Green Stamps on oil new purchases and repair work in in TORTRAIT D EPARTMENT STORE Walk er s BETH EL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 6th and Watson Sts. Phone 3385 Sunday, August 4, 1946. 10:30 a.m. Family Church Hour. Special speaker, Mr. Donald Pe Leaves For Los .Angeles ter from Pacific University, Top Visit In Portland Mr. and Mrs. George Blasser ic "Ideals in the Family.” Mrs. Lillian Thyng left for Los 7:00 High school pilgrim fellow spent Sunday at the home of How Angeles last Thursday for a few ard Hingleys, in Portland. ship. weeks to visit a sister, Mrs. Tillie Visit In Salem* Kelley. L A TTER -D A Y SAINTS American Legion Hall Mrs. Girard visited in Salem • • « Main St., Hillsboro, Ore. last Sunday. Visit At Seaside • • • Sunday School at 10 a. m. Mrs. Guy Carr and Dorothy Lee Sacrament meeting at 8:30 p. m. Gone To Salem Elder J. T. S. Peterson, Branch Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller's spent from Wednesday until Sun Priest daughter, who is visiting them day at Seaside visiting Mr. and from New York, has gone to Sa Mrs. Anderson, parents of Mrs. Carr. .ST. MATTHEW lem for a week to visit her aunt. • • • • • • LUTHERAN CHURCH Canyon Road Near Sylvan Visit From Fort Dodge Caring For Friend Weiner J. Fritz, Minister Mrs. W. L. Ainsworth, from Ft. Miss Geraldine Sanford, high Sunday, August 4, 1946. Dodge, Iowa, has been visiting school teacher, has been in Boise, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. her sister, Mrs. Bonnie Grimm. Idaho for several weeks caring Morning worship with Holy • • • for her friend, Mrs. Georgia Kit Communion, 11 a.m. Back Home From Hospital chen, formerly of this high school, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Mission Mrs. Louisa McGeorge .who has who is critically 111. Miss Sanford ary Guild and Church Council. been very ill in the Jones Hopital, plans to return in time for school in Hillsboro, is much improved, this fall. VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH and back in her home. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN S. W . Gabel Lane and Fairway Dr. Visiting Cousin • • • Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor Miss Janice Osfield has been Sunday, August 4. 1946. visiting a cousin in Roseburg. 10:30 a.m. Rev. H. W. Torgerson, • • • minister of the Disciples of Christ, Gone To Beach will be the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stipe have gone to the beach for over the PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH week end. Farmington at Menlo • • • Beaverton, Oregon Visit Mrs. Grimm Erwin A. Gerken, Pastor Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tho.Yon Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. of Portland visited Mrs. Bonnie Divine service 10:30 a. m. Grimm over the week end. A cordial welcome to all. • • 6 Attend Shrine Convention In Convenient Rolls ST CECELIA CHURCH Mr .and Mrs. M. M. Scott, of To Maases- 7 a. m.—8:30 a. OL bias, went to San Francisco to IO a. m. attend the Shrine Convention. They report a most enjoyable If you want to sell, trade, or buy time was had by all. • • • something You'll find a little go- In Seattle getter In the classified columns. Mrs. Carrie Leonard has been in Seattle a week visiting her son and wife and grandson. • • • Much Improved David Buffam, who was hurt In 1 auto accident is home and much Improved. Awociated • • • istt Father GAS end OIL Mias Lorette and Joann Morton are visiting their father at Grants Pass. “ The Complete Shopping Center” SUITS Mr. Cherria Club Flcnlca The Cherria Club gave a picnic party last Thursday for Mrs. Mc HIGHW AY CHAPEL Cauley in Ruby Boyd's grove. Re Services will be beld in Tent on freshments were served and Highway just East of Cedar Street bridge was played. in Beaverton. High score went to Mrs. Clara- Orville J Poulin, Minister ' belle Stipe, of Aloha. Also a gift Sunday School 10:00 a. m. was presented to Mrs. McCauley. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Mrs. Ethel Hansen was a guest. • • • Son Visits Ralph Graf, of Inglewood, Cal ifornia, visited his mother, Mrs. Patricia McCloskey last week. • • • Home From Hospital Visitor From Portland Mrs. 'George Hughson ' is home Mrs. Margaret Brown, of Port from the hospital and is much im land is visiting at the home of proved. • • • Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh, on Walker Road. They have been Visit From Niece friends for many years having Mrs. Carlson's niece from Shel met when Mr. and Mrs. Welsh ton, Washington visited her Sun were Portland residents. day evening. • • • Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Bixby, of Flan New Home Mrs. William Smith's sister, Davenport, Iowa, are enjoying a visit with Mrs. Bixby’s brother Mrs. Hurd, of Des Moines, Iowa and wife and also a sister, Miss is planning a new home on 2nd Tresller. The Bixby's hadn’t seen and Angel Sts. Her furniture ar rived in a large van last week. them for twenty-five years. • • • SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES L. O. K. (Low ‘ K* Factor) Phone Beaverton 3461 No waiting - - For sale this week a good selection of * Bridge Lamps and Six W ay Floor Lamps Mirrors - - both framed and unframed ★ B w «M * ^ a w A y m m w I ,‘vz'iu.thing .: -fri the Woms. P hone 3 5 3 5 B eaverton Cotton Blanket INSULATION ("lean and Easy To Handle Vapor Sealed Paper Back Barron & Crone Treated for Fire Mildew and Rot Nucoa 27c 2 lbs. 53c • WE Resistant SPECIALIZE In Motor Repair and Lubrication CO FFEE . . . lb 34c Aloha, Ore. Phene 6214 M. J. B , Folgers, Wodhams, Preferred Stock Grapefruit Juice . 36c 46 Oz Can FLOUR CAN In California * Mrs. Freda Hogan and Betty have been spending a month In California, going as far south as Los Angeles. They returned Sat urday. ALOHA CLEANERS TAILORING and M ISS IN G Courteous Treatment JE?** 2 lbs. 37c * QUICK Opposite Post Office S M V IC f ALOHA FOR EXPERT BEAUTY SERVICE C A LL 3241 Tomato Juice No. 10 Tie 46 O* Coe 45c 25c t Florence Beauty Salon 1st and Watson Operators To Serve You GENEVIEVE SUNDBY MARJORIE WENDT FLORENCE MILLER, Mgr IM M A l ttlM IU M MOTOR OIL Non-Settling * Keep« motor* 6-time* cleaner I LOW COST • Reduce* cy lin d e r-w e a r I leasts Indefinitely Come In — and see us KIN GSLEY Beaverton Lumber Co. Telephone Three Aloha 6112 Beaverton Light-Weight Beaverton C. A. Bakken, Beaverton 3201 Oregon Mgr. S ig n al PREMIUM COMPOUNDED “¿T R O S S F. W H I S M A N SIGNAL SERVICE STATION Canyon Road at Hall Street Friendly BEAVERTON 2011 Competent Service y »