BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1946 BEAVERTON ENTEBPUSF Stanley W . Netnerron, rubltsher The Low Down NEWS IN THE WORLD OF RELIGION From Hickory Grove By. VV. W. Reid baugh, executive secretary of the Detroit 'Michigan) Council of Churches and a former mission­ ary of the Methodist Church to Japan, has resigned his Detroit ride into the limelight via the ation of their youth, an experi­ post to become executive director atom. And if you would quiz half ment in inter-cultural understand­ of an interdenominational commit­ tea vert#« O ffice, Enterprise Bldg. A m n service to veterans in the of them on "what is the differ­ ing and tolerance is being con­ tee to establish, with American 2321 ence between an atom and a ducted this year under the leader­ voluntary gifts ,a Christian uni­ community, this newspaper will Office-— 308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and molecule," publish a weekly column of ques­ you would get a ship of the National Conference versity in Japan Alder, Portland 4, Ore. A T 6591 tions most frequently asked con- blank stare. And not knowing for of Christians and Jews. Thirty- The group represents the Feder­ tace men of the Veterans Ad- sure my own self, I hauled out seven young rabbis have been as­ al Council of the Churches of Subscription Payable In Advance minstration in this area. For more my dictionary and while hunting One Year _______ ______________$ 1 .0 0 for ATOM I run across ATLAS. signed to visit these camps and Christ in America and the For detailed information, veterans to explain to these young people eign Missions Conference of North contact or write to the And Atlas intrigued me so, that the tenets of Judaism and the in- America. The proposed univer- should I will drop the atom for the nonce, tei relationship of Judaism and sity will in a measure be a token nearest VA contact unit at 1019 and will take up Atlas at our Christianity. One of the most in- of "atonement" by the church S. W 10th Ave., Portland. APE I seminar today. If I enlist now, will I be el­ tereating hours at each camp is people of America for the na- igible for benefits under the G. And my reason for taking up the "question period" when the tion's atom bombing of Hiroahi- I A lit i PllllSIligj L Bill? Atlas is because via research we youth are permitted to ask ques- j ma and Nagasaki. Dr. Brum- will maybe find out what has al­ tions of the visiting rabbi—often baugh will visit Japan before A. You are eligible for G. I. ben­ efits if you serve any time be­ ways bothered me. It is, who is go­ revealing the unfounded bases of launching upon the actual rais- fore the war is officially ter­ ing to be the Atlas guy to hold antl-Jewish prejudices. ing of funds for the project. Many minated. However, you will still up the earth and the heavens and * * * \ church leaders have expresaed be eligible if you enlist before the Govt., and be the last man The Rev. Alfred E. Willet, a sympathy with the project and are October 6, 1M6, if the war is on the tax-roll the final and last former missionary of the Metho- i listed at its sponsors, Within the next few days it will taxpayer—after the Oovt. finishes dist Church in Foochow, China. | officially terminated before that • • • be quite easy to identify the clean taking over all business and is time. and now pastor of the Paterson j Ray Ahmaogak, Eskimo Pres- restaurant versus the "Greasy down to the very last free citi­ Avenue Methodist Church, Patsr- j byterian lay leader of Barrow, Q. What is the veteran popula­ Spoon,” since all food handling zen. tion of the United States? son, N. J., and his 17-year-old son, Alaska, has flown thousands thou of establishments are to be graded Robert, sailed recently from an miles along the Arctic coast, but A. The total number of veterans So folks, any ideas will be ap­ with a State Orade of A., B., or CL, at the end of June was 16,819,- American port as part of the “sea­ in accordance with the degree of preciated. If you think it will going cowboys" caring for the load had his first car ride recently in 000. There were 12,848,000 World be somebody besides yourself, Fairbanks. He has hunted whales compliance with the rules and reg­ War II veterans and 3,971,000 of heifers sent abroad under uni­ ulations of the Stats Board of speak up and say who you got ted Protestant church auspices for and shot polar bears, but saw veterasn of World War I and in mind, and when It will hap­ his first horse this spring. He Health. other wars. pen figuring the Govt, will keep relief in Europe. The gift, one of goes fifty or sixty miles on a hunt- One year has now expired since up Its present clip of taking over many such contributions from A- ing expedition, but was seriously Q. I was a V-12 student in the statutes and regulations govern­ everything where It has a foot In nierican church groups, will go to worried Navy for six months of my ser­ about getting lost in ing the sanitation of eating and the door now, or will have soon. Gdynia, Poland. vice. Is the time spent in V-12 Fairbanks. His native language drinking establishments became applicable o neducation entitle­ Yours with the low down, * * * | is Eskimo, but he speaks English effective and it is now felt by the ment time under the G. I. Bill? The Board of Foreign Missions fluently. This Eskimo Christian JO SKRRA Oregon State Board of Health that of the Presbyterian Church in the leader is now completing at A. Formerly, all V-12 time was the process of grading restaurants deductible from the period of ed­ U. S .A. recently commissioned Bloomfield, Seminary, New Jersey, within the State of Oregon should health, but is indicating his ap­ seventy-six new missionaries- fif- the theological training he gained ucational entitlement. The latest be started consistent with the proval of unsanitary conditions. directives, however, make many ty-one for life service and twenty- from missionaries in the Arctic, terms of Chapter 432 Oregon U w s The number of “C” grade res­ five for three year terms who He has been teacher, interpreter, exceptions. It is recommended IMS. taurants will not be excessive, will sail within the next few preacher and elder in charge of that you apply to the VA office in your locality for a decision, j Dish washing is the most im­ however, since they are allowed months for evangelistic, education- two churches. On graduation he If dissatisfied with the decision, portant factor in Restaurant and maximum of only 30 days before al, medical, nursing and welfare will be ordained. While in the U. you may have your case re­ soda fountain sanitation. A dirty closure or until they can merit a services in fifteen different coun- S. A., Mr. Ahmaogak Is working viewed. or poorly cleaned glass or cup Is higher grade and during this per­ tries. The lands to which these j with a representative of the Am- able to transmit disease germs al­ iod they will either clean up or missionaries and ten reappointed erican Bible Society in translat- Q. What is the correct mailing address for NSL Insurance pre- though a person may or may not starve out. former missionaries will go in- j ing portions of the New Testa- iruiims? develop Illness fsom the contamin­ There are a few retaurant op­ clude India, Africa, China, Brazil, ment into Eskimo. A. Insurance records are now | ated utensil. However, there are erators who will have to pick ano­ Chile, Venezuela, Syria, Siam, the ; • • • kept in the branch offices of many other factors in food handl­ ther field of endeavor since they Philippines, Iran, Mexico, Iraq, From funds received from its the VA. You should send your ing and storing that are extrem­ just cannot see their own dirt. Czechoslovakia, Guatemala, and membership in its recent “Crusade premiums to: ely Important also. All Washington County restaur­ France. The Board is seeking two for Christ," the Methodist Church Veterans Administration The "eater outer" Is cautioned ant are regularly inspected by hundred more trained young peo­ (in the U. S. A.) is assisting Branch 11 against patronizing the low grade Wm. J. Daniel, Jr., Sanitarian for ple for foreign service. thirty-three Methodist churches in • • • Insurance Collections Division establishment since he would not the Washington County Health South America in rebuilding, re­ Exchange Building The Rev. Thorburn T. Brum- pairing, or otherwise improving only be jeopardising his own Department. Seattle 4, Washington Q. If a lender turns down a vet­ erans application for a loan, what should a veteran do? A. He should see another lender. The fact that one lender is not Interested does not indicate that another may not be. One lend­ er may not wish to make the type of loan the veteran wants. Published Friday of eoch week by the At more than one hundred sum­ Everybody is dippin’ in his oar mer camps, mantained by various Pioneer Publishing Co., ot Beaverton, as he puts on a studied and Protestant churches for the in­ Oregon. Entered os second-class mat­ ter ot the postoffice, Beavertos, Ore. learned look- and is trying to struction and training and recre­ Ouc|o0H^s/ Restaurants Being Graded • • • costs less in PGE a re a ! present church edifices. In Bra­ zil, thirteen churches are receiv­ ing $60,000 for church improve­ ment; in Argentina, seven receive $27.000; in Chile, eleven receive $14,400; in Peru, two receive $4,- 000. "Crusade” funds also provide $10,500 toward an expansion of Candler College, Havana, Cuba, and $5,000 for the famed Boca So­ cial Settlement in Buenos Aires, Argentina. • • • “Just as good homes give good citizens to society, broken homes frequently give society human der­ elicts and criminals," said Director J. Edgar Hoover, of the F.B.I., recently. “The love which binds the family together diffused thru- out the world and brings to ful­ fillment the ideal of the brother­ hood of man. The selfishness and lack of love which destroy the home spread desolation among mankind. Parental love and au­ thority are prime forces toward good citizenship and we must cherish them.” Suntan Or Sunburn? Where Rates are Lowest of the Big 4 ” Coast Business Centers • N ot only manufacturers o f electric water heaters, but also numer­ ous other industries in the PGE area enjoy a distinct advantage through low-cost power. Lower rates offered business and industry are reflected in better products at lower costs . . . more business throughout the area . . . more money in circulation for citizens o f the area. PG E supplies an abundance o f power at generally lower cost than is available in any of the other “ Big Four” Pacific Coast business centers. It is an important advantage to the business o f today to find an operating cost that has not skyrocketed, but instead is low er than ever. Check the table below for a comparison o f oosts in typical demand and consum ption brackets. KW mm r g y m ~ ,K W + , D m m m m d, a to o S 900 10 150 0 25 5000 90 1 0,00 0 100 2 0,000 end ( S c W . 3 3 ) . . 96.05 912 . 6 S 9 2 3 .6 5 9 70 .0 5 • 140.05 9 2 6 9 0 5 booeoootoogoaaaoo Id O j 1 ! Sem i 9 .76 14.40 3 5 .5 5 9 2 .53 1 95 .0 6 3 17.2S 6 .0 5 13.SS 3 7 .0 5 106 05 1 78 .6 0 2 9 4 .5 0 6-22 19.72 3 6 .22 9 9 -7 2 1 68 ,7 2 2 7 8 .7 2 Portland General Electric Company LAN O ff ST N onno I berry and bean harvest are going i forward. Thisi s the second au- , nual event sjxmsoi ad by the grow­ ers and business men of Wash­ ington County in recognition of the work done by the youth of ! the County in connection with the berry and bean harvest. Workers Gatheirng August 8th Preparations for the Recrea­ are asked to congregate at the tion Day to be held August 8th northwest corner of the Court­ for the boys and girls of Wash­ house in Hillsboro not later than ington County who assisted in the 12:45 on Thursday, August 8th. A parade will then proceed from burn. He should remember, then, this point to Shyte Park led by that the burn must be treated | the Tigard Bank. Upon arrival at as any other type of burn. Appli­ the Park there will be a flag cations of plain baking soda and raising ceremony followed by a water or of a greasy salve will short entertainment program and provide relief. A burn is not just welcome by Mayor E. A Griffith, a local affair. It may upset the of Hillsboro. This will be followed entire system. The patient should by athletic events and is under rest, in a cool place, and drink the direction of Joe Cox, Assis­ plenty of liquids and eat only tant County Agent. There will be roller skating, ice cream and soft light foods. Rather than go through the ag­ drinks. ony of healing a burn, why not Admission will be by V. F. W. avoid it? buttons which may be obtained In the next article, infantile at the F'arm Labor Office in the paralysis will be discussed. basement of the Courthouse. At This column is sponsored, in the the entrance of the Park all those interest of better health, by: The wearing buttons will be issued a Washington County Public Health card which entitles the holder to Association, Room 9, Peterson free ice cream, soft drinks and Building, Hillsboro. Zola F. Mor­ free roller skating. gan, Executive Secretary. V F W Second Annual Gathering August 8th Many people think of summer in terms of suntan. Untortunately, in their enthusiasm for a healthy tan, tney sometimes forget that an overaose of anything, even of sun, may be dangerous. Children need sunshine and iresn air to grow up sturdy and strong. Men need light and sun- smile to keep healthy. But too much sunshine at one time can oe dangerous and should be a- voided. Suntan may look healthy and it may enhance one's looks—but don t rush nature in getting it. too much exposure to the sun o- ver a short period of time can have painful consequences. The sun can burn as severely as a man-made fire. h o one would deliberately burn himself with a hot coal. Why, then, expose oneself to being burned by the sun? During vacation or week end trips to the shore, the sun should be taken in small doses, at least until ths skin has become ac­ customed to the heat of the sun's rays. It should b# remembered, too, that some types of skin burn more readily than others. People whose skins burn easily should be very vareful to avoid direct ex­ posure to the sun. Sunburn can be as dangerous as an ordinary burn. It may cause the skin to blister, or may bring on a headache, nausea and fever. It calla for treatment just as a burn from a fire does. If one knocks his hand against a hot stove and la severely burn­ ed. It is unfortunate, but it is an accident. If one hurries to the beach the first warm day of sum-; mer and deliberately Ilea in the sun for hours, it la no accident j if he is burned. The burn Is the result of Inexcusable carelessness Sunburn can be avoided: If the sun is taken In small doses at ths beginning of summer or at the beginning of the vacation. It can be taken in increasingly large doses as the days pass without running the risk of being burned Gradual exposure to the eun is more apt to lead to suntan instead of blisters. The pereon who is careless or j tful and la beguiled Into loitering in the sun for n long stretch on the first day of his outing must expect to suffer a COMMUNITY AUCTION Every Saturday 11:30 a.m. BEAVERTON, OREGON BRING YOUR — Weaner Pigs, Feeder Pigs, Fat Hogs, Day-Old Calves, Veal Calves, Steers, Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle,etc. Farm Machinery, of all kinds, Good Furni­ ture, Produce — TO THIS SALE SELL At AUCTION To Get The Highest Possible Price BEN T. SUDTELL OREN SUDTELL 0138 S. W. Palatine Hill A T 5390, Portland, Ore. West Slope ACCORDION STUDIO Dick Kokich Teacher o f MODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION Accordions for Rent Available to play for Weddings, Parties, etc. Studio Canyon & Howett Rd., West Slope, Ore. ★ TRADER KELLY ..SAYS.. if you are driving a good late model car you're driving a lot of inflated money around, he has a lot of good sound .10« to 86« -good tran«porta- lion- so why not bring your good car and trade it in and FILL YOUR POCKETS WITH THE CASH DIF­ FERENCE and get on the preferred list for a new Kaiser-Frazer. Kelly Motor Co. S. W. Canyon Road at R.R. Tracks Kaiser-Frazer Dealer Rototillers Associated Service 24 honr service Phone 2701 Every Day