Buy • Sell - THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET CASH MUST ACCOM PAN Y A LL FOR LISTING or selling your CLASSIFIED ADS property see Mrs. Iml&h, third Count eoch word, including Name house on Livermore Ave. south of Farmington road or call the Fox and address-O N LY 2c A WORD Realty and Accounting Service No Phone Orders Taken Tigard 2523. tf M INIM UM 25c AN ISSUE WANTED -Burlap or cotton bags. We Publish the Any kind, quantity or condition. BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Very small lots not wanted. Give TIGARD SENTINEL good directions to your place and M ULTN OM AH PRESS number of bags you have. — A LO H A NEWS Schuepbach Bros., P. O. Box 381, Complete Eastern W ashington County Beaverton, Ore. 26 and W estern M ultnomah County FOR LUTING or selling your Coverage property see Mrs. Imlah, 3rd house on Livermore Ave. south # FOR SALE of Farmington road or call the Fox Realty and Accounting Ser tf COTTAGE, 3 room with bath and vice ATwater 9635. facilities, to be moved from prem ises. Corner o. Davis St. and Sor LIVE POULTRY WANTED: Any rento Rd. $GuO for immediate size lot. Top ceiling prices. Write possession. Rt. 1, Box 455. 26 or phone Clarence Hunt, WEb- ster 2540 3600 N. E. 44th Port 29 PIE CASES, for restaurant use. land 13, Ore. tf all glass, never been used large size 48” x 12” x 30”, $18.00 each. Small ones 12" x 12” x 24", $10.00 BUSINESS SERVICES each. 50 N. Lombard, Beaverton, Oregon. 26 Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans FOR SALE: Complete Girl Scout R. A. Peyton Henry H. Jeffries uniform, size 12, $5.00. Girl’s bi on Highway at Short St., Beaver cycle, $17.50. 119 Second St. near ton. tf Tucker. 26 FOR SALE: Fresh vegetables, al LANDSCAPE—For the best in so beets for canning. C. E. Wil new lawns call W. A. Green, 17tf helms. One mile west on Farm Beaverton 2967. ington Rd., turn south on John son Rd. Box 1595, Rt. 3, Beaver TRACTOR WORK—Plowing, disc ton. 27 ing and general garden work. J. A. Lincoln, Phone Beaverton 2713. FOR SALE: Heavy fryers, 426 S. W. Angel, Beaverton. 26 D ECO R ATIVE ROCKS FOR SALE: Grass and vetch* hay, For GARDENS. WALLS, PATIOS wire baled. Frank Mariner, Rte. also 1, Gaston, Ore. Up Patton Valley ROAD GRAVEL, TOP SOIL road toward Cherry Grove. 27 FERTILIZER WE DELIVER ORNAMENTAL PHONE: CHerry 3107 tf rock, cow fertilizer, Clydemont Farm, Lanscape Nursery, CHerry 3003. 28 V IN C E N T LUM BER CO. "A Complete Lumber Yard” FOR SALE: White enamel wood We Deliver Anywhere cook stove and circulating wood heater both In perfect condition. PAINTS — SASH — PLUMBING — Aloha, Ore tf Box 461, Rt. 1, Gaarde Road, 3rd Phone 6191 house on right from highway. 28 IF ITS PLUMBING YOU WANT CALL BOX TOP SINGER sewing ma BEAVER chine In active good condition. riumhing and Heating Company Cushman’s Honey Farm, Tigard. Beaverton 26 First and Main Phone 2622 FREE —5 acres grass hay, some oat, clover. You cut and haul. PAINTING & PAPERHANGING Work Guaranteed John F. Mills, Railroad and Cen Work Done Promptly ter Sts., Tigard._____________ 26 CALL CHerry 2175 MAN’S LIGHT TAN jacket placed 46tf in wrong car in downtown Tigard Saturday night. Finder please re BASEMENT EXCAVATING— turn to Green Valley Tavern. 26 Dirt Moving — Landscaping — FOR SALE: Marshall-Wells gar Fencing — Plowing — Discing bage burner, white enamel with Harrowing — Also Concrete Mixed On The Job coils and tank. A-l condition. $35. L. H. BRA WAND Montag circulating heater, $12.00. Builder and Cabinet Maker Rudd gas water heater, $2.00. Metzger, Oregon Hahn, Rte. 2, Box 345. Tigard Phone: CHerry 2929 5 Phone 3486. 26 1500 CEDAR POSTS for sale. 6»L- LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION— 7 and 8 foot lengths. A. R. Mat New lawns, rock work, Rototil- tson, Rt. 1, Box 979, Beaverton. 26 ling, Fred Clyde, CHerry 3003. 27 FOR SALE: Circulating wood heater, one wood heater, one Lang Wood range, one wood range, li brary table. Phone Tigard 2411.26 PROVE IT TO YOURSELF YOU DON’T NEED A TRADE No Hidden Charges All Makes and Models '32s to '42s See Us Before You BUY—SELL OR TRADE FOR SALE: Five rooms, 3 bed rooms, barn, chicken house, brood er house, 10 acres, all in cultiva tion. Some fruit, good road, $8,000. Call Tigard 3146. 26 P. E. HAGG Hauling Contractor Concrete, Sand. Gravel, Masons Sand, Crushed Rock and Road Gravel Route 1, Box 28, Tigard, Oregon Phone Tigard 2446 tf P A P E R IN G Pu.... !:;g j, K a .jo ruining, neat, experienced work man L. L Seeley, K 2. Bx 180-A Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 40tf PAINTING — Outside; our spe cialty spray painting. Remodeling; free estimates and reduced rates for spring. Terms available. Will go anywhere. MUrdock 4164. tf B. J. Shepherd J. L. Jersey SU. 268« ALOHA 6617 SHEPHERD A JERSEY Excavating and Grudiug Land Clearing and Trenching General Contracting Estimates Gladly Given by Hour or Contract 6810 SE Mall St. Portland 6, Or. 20 Years Experience tf Tree Topping, Removing, Hedge Trimming Out of town calls taken Equip, for difficult jobs. Insured Estimates—References LENN’8 TREE SERVICE Portland—EAst 6534 3tf WE CURE AND SMOKE YOUR FORK CUTS 25 years Experience ALDER MARKET Lewis Bros. ('or. 1st and Washington SL PORTLAND. PREGON tf Home Refrigeration and washing machine services. Call K. R. Twomblv CH. 2267. 8« PAPERING & PAINTING—10 years experience, reasonable rates First Class. Free estimates, Call BEacon 3546, R. WHITLOW, 019 SW Hamilton, Portland 1, Ore tf De Lavai SEPARATORS — MILKERS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIR1 INDUSTRY Wonne M ell Imlay’* Fresh Mixed Feeds FISHER TH0RSEN PAINTS Summer garments that hang un worn m the closet because of un derarm perspiration stains cun sometimes be reclaimed. These stums Mil loilen come out wiiu o i- For quality, fair prie« and uiuai) Mashing or dry cleaning, sarvice hut a little elementary chemistry (list will sometimes help restore j. B. Imlay & Sons REEDVILLE ALOHA. ORE color, says Miss Lucy Lane, ex tension clothing specialist at Ore DEAD or Worthless Stock picked gon State college. up Free of Charge Anywhere. Body perspiration is usually ac Prompt Service. Call collect UN. id, so counteract iresh stains with 1221 or UN. 4502. Western States a nalkali, sin* explains. Dampen Rendering Co., N. Columbia Blvd. the spot with water and hold it A Hurst Ave., Portland. (Suc lor a lew minutes over tile fumes cessor to Denley Rendering Horn a bottle of ammonia water. Company.) 3tf Dr for cotton, linen, and oUier materials that do not water spot dilute the ummonia water to W A L D ' S null suengWi, ap p ly a tew diops j directly to the stain and rinse SUPER SERVICE I uioroughl>. .ammonia water ui- SUNSET OIL PRODUCTS | (eels some dyes, so have white Green Stamps on all merchandise vinegar handy to stop the action SERVICE OUR SPECIALTY | of the alkali if the labrls begins A L O H A , OREGON lo change color. Perspualion stains that have been allowed to "set” for a few days may become alkaline. So il an old stain fails to respond to the ammonia water treatment, reverse B U Y E R S— PACKERS tile process and use vinegar— a mild acid. Miss Lane adds. Spon — A ll Berries. Prunes, Grapes— ging with vinegar sometimes re FERTILIZER, DUST. WEEVIL stores color .though an old stain BAITS, AVAILABLE IN 8 EASON is more difficult to remove than a fresh one. Yelow perspiration stains on white material will sometimes vanish when bleached in the sun after washing with soap and wa Beaverton 3271 ter. For stubborn stains, sponge with hydrogen peroxide. Or quick ly dip the stained spots into a so lution of two teuspoons sodium hydrosulfite to one pint water, and rinse immediately, but test the cloth for color fastness to this bleach before using. Perspiration odors sometimes can be removed from garments that are not yet ready for the laundry or dry cleaner. Sponge the spot with warm water to which a few drops of vinegar have been added. Sprinkle with powd- I ered pepsin, working the pepsin J into the cloth. Then let stand one • to two hours, keeping the spot moist. Brush off the powder and rinse well. I __________ PAYS TO F L Y WE LL TEACH YOU HOW RUPERT Flying Service BERNARDS AIRPORT CEDAR STR EET A T W ALKER RD. ut on Híiwfdítunn 4 Ditthbulon EVERYTHING Vi DAIRYMAN 4 . 1 .-¿rar T orti and . Cm.- iaiT L ake (nr R H E U M A TISM and AR TH R ITIS I suffered for years and am so thnkful that I found relief from AT. »461 this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, V E T E R IN A R IA N P. O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. ISO NW Park Dr. Norm E. Johnson Veterinarian Fast o f B eaverton B c a verton Hiway 6 P ortland 3511 COM. 9924 STOVE AND DIESEL OIL GIANT USED CAR CENTER Three Lots 6501 NE Union 5600 NE Union FOR SALE: Wood and coal range 5500 N. Interstate—Portland with coils. Round Oak Chief. Ti- WEbster 1175 or GArfield 8432 gard 2724.______________________ 26 Pd. Adv.—NUE-OVO Laboratories Dwarf - Espalier tX Standard Fruit Trees Filberts — Berry Plants Ornamentals In Trees and Shrubs Take your pick of tree* right from the field. M etered Oil Service Villa Ridge NURSERY DELIVERED PHONE CHerry 2928 1 1333 S.W. 64th & Barbur Blvd. CLOSED SUNDAYS HILLCREST GROCERY load: i6 mch old growth slab $i8 B eaverton Transfer Co. load. (2 cord loads). J. O. Johnson 16 IN. INSIDE Blockwood $20 _ Bx. 584, Carlton, Oregon. WOOD For Sale—4 ft Slabwood or Cordwood. green or dry. Order now from Hanson Fuel Co., Bea verton. Phone 2828. tf ELECTRIC and Acetlyne welding metal lathe work. R. H. Wise, 7715 S W. Capitol Highway, Mult nomah. Phone CHerry 1232. « 1» » n 11102 SW Capitol Hiwy CH. 1313 GENERAL HAULING OF A IL KINDS ANYTIME B. R. STEVENS CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK PORTABLE GAS WATER PUMP TO RENT Phone H O W A R D W . SM ITH 388 CANYON ROAD Phono Beaverton 3931 or 2462 POWER SPRAYING — PHONE tf SAWDUST, Light Slab. Cull lath. BEAVERTON 2188. Reasonable prices. Your haul. Call For Stove and Diesel Oil Call CHerry 1682. or Beav. 2465. eves Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. PAINTING—Outside our specialty. Spray painting; remodeling. Free FOR SALE—16-ln. green slab wood estimates for spring at reduced 2H cord loads $8 cord delivered. prices. Terms. Go anywhere. Call Reuben Johnson, Newberg phone EAst 2216. tf 193-J. *f ALL AROUND FOR SALE: Senior Hocking Cider Press like new. Holly trees nice C AR PEN TER W O R K for hedge. Cheap. CHerry 3052 27 Finish — Remodeling — Repair A. HARRY Mac INTYRE FOR SALE: 12 or 16 inch green block and slab, mill run, $20 load Route 1 Box 435 Phone Beav. 2828 (2H cord loads) $20 load In Bea After 6 p. m. — Leave Order, tf verton, Multnomah. Tigard, and $17.50 in Aloha and Reedvllle. Also CESSPOOL-SEPTIC TANK OWN 16 inch dry, mill run. block and ERS ATTENTION—Added equip We slab <2H cord loads) $12 cord. ment allows faster service. Harold Keller. Rte. 1, Carlton, Ore. pump A wash septic tanks, comml. Phone Portland BRoadway 1986 or residential. Guar, workmanship. (give delivery directions). tf Sewers connected. Cesspools and septic tanks constructed. Schulz COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy and Bros. Sanitary Service. Portland, water proof pad. floored play pen. TA. 3235 2tf 3rd house, right hand side, Men lo Drive off Allen Ave. 26 LAND CLEARING A Excavating Work done by hour or contract. FILL DIRT FOR SALE Phone Portland UN. 3395 for es timates. Work guaranteed. 51 tf L. H. Cobb Co. Mr*. Helen Kimble FO R C EN T R A LLY LOCATED Close to bus trans port o t i o n a n d walking distance rom downtown. New Auto Parts Available Now Mrs. Kimble, who lives on her 5-»ere farm in Marion county, is the mother of two girls, one of whom is a 4-11 Club member. Her movie story, based on her own experience, was inspired by the achievements of the “ Lucky 13” 4-H Cooking II Club, of which she is the adult leader. Mrs. Kimble is s e c r e t a r y pro-tem of the Women’s Club in the Pringle com munity (near Salem), and a mem ber of the Pringle School Hot Lunch Committee. Don has been a 4-H Club mem ber for nine years, and lives with his parents on their 230-acre farm in Washington county. He took part in 33 plays, vaudeville pro grams and concerts in grade and high schools, made many speeches before inter-club, county and stato meetings of 4-H and civic clubs, and as president, represented tho Hillsboro High School students at numerous public gatherings. Don was also song leader nnd a member of Helvetia 4-H Club or chestra. He attended Pacific University at Forest Grove, Ore., as a special music studuut la 1945-46. County Bed Cross Annual Krport Cripple Healed movie talent contest conducted U M »| local club leaders and members throughout the United States. They are Mrs. Helen Kimble, housewife, of Turner, and Don Guerber, 17-year-old 4-H boy, of Hillsboro. Mrs. Kimble Is one of the ten highest rating local 4-H Club leader entrants in the movie story writing division. Don wins sim ilar honors in the 4-II boys’ divi sion for talent to play a leading role in the movie, which will have national distribution. In recog nition of the honors, Mrs. Kiinhle and Don will receive a $50.00 and u $25.00 U. S. Savings Bond, re spectively. The movie, titled “ Where the Road Turns Right,” Is designed to stimulate interest among rural youth, to help reach the goal of 3 million members by 1950. ^’re duced in cooperation with tho V. S. Department of Agriculture, tho Stato Extension Services and National 4-H Club News, it will bo sponsored by tho Sears-ltoe- buck Foundation. Approximately 2550 tons of new auto leaves and assemblies, ur gently needed in the automotive industry, are'n ow available from the national inventory of War As sets Administration, the Portland office announced today. The stock is at the Letterkenny Ordnance depot, Chambersberg, Penn., but ail inquiries should be sent direct to the National Automotive Parts office, 300 Barium Tower, De troit 26, Mich. Over 1100 pieces of government surplus optical equipment, mach inery and accessories costing ap proximately $1,500,000 are offered in a national fixed price sale just announced by the Portland office of War Assets administration. The offering is made concurrently to all priority claimants and to com mercial users. Included in the sale are lens grinders, polishers, curve gener ators, centering and edging ma chines and other miscellaneous equipment and accessories of stan- i dard makes. Some of the equip- 1 ment is unused, while other pieces, although used, are in good condi tion and require little if any re pairs. REN T We Speciolize In 118 NW Broadway Phone 3762 Beaverton, Oregon MOTQR c o . PNons Tigard 3381 tf ! I , II RRAW AMl W ANTED | Builder and Cabinetmaker Portland Phone i l l . 2929. Metzger WANTED Woman to h e p ^ I Store fronts; School, restaurant housecleaning. 4641 ». W Map md store fixtures: school furniture: lewood Road. Phone CHerry 2601 unit cabinets of all kinds. Includ 26 ing kitchen cabinets O f f i c e fural- WANTED work taking care of | ture rebuilt refinlshed md com children in daytime Elaine Firey. i oletely renovated. All k'nda of corner 3rd and Locust, Metzger, j building and remodeling. Wood- Oregon 26 j working of all kinds. 48tf Rte. 2, Box 755, Beaverton, Oregon PHONE; Beaverton 3177 Already Receive Regularly . . . Here's Don't Give Your C ar Away W EST END SEl.I.W OOD BRIDGE How To Get It CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY I W ILL PAY UP TO $250 OVER W HAT YOUR CAR IS WORTH Phone or Wire Me Collect Day or Night Business Phone - BRoadway 2726 Residence - Evenings — SUnset 6908 Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverside U a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800.00«> The Best Investment 112 N. W. TENTH SEWER M^rnsMemsinsMsiH- iT DRAIN I n « r THE BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE CONCRETE PIPE NAME .......................................................................................................... I SEE YOUR BU ILD IN G M A T E R IA L DEALER £ Route and Box No ..........................................- ..............- ................. RIGHT-NOW CLEANER C »-« "9 « M é t t it i I 0 4 N I Rautii Street, feftteeS. Or«»es Is Only $1 A Year PORTLAND 9, ORE. Enclosed Please Find $1 For 1-Year Subscription To The CULVERT —Cotes» n pocNogal I* » ” 2 ÎC — 50c — J I 9 0 ^ ^ MERMOLA PRODUCTS CO. IN YOIIH HOME COMMUNITY H EN RY B R YA N T DEMOTHING, REPAIRING Phone: ALOHA 6613 »lew — $«*itenr •■Starei Saas * (attar tar Nateli ASK A l l 6SOCISS a -»-«-, COES RIGHT ON KILLING THEM' If You Do Not Riverview Cemetery George F. Gordon F O R T O W C A R cal1 V E R M IL Y E Home Service 614.50 Void Checks 21.10 Home Nursing 4.80 Camp & Hospital 3.00 Nutrition 1.00 Plasma 86.60 Motor Corps 10.00 Donations 64.00 Production 62.43 First Aid 12.00 Canteen 25.00 Administration 1.00 Campaign 26,126.36 The Enterprise F o r Stove and Diesel O il Call SEPTIC TANKS, completed $100. Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. anywhere on West Side, 20 miles FOR S A L E — New Zealand White from city Portland SU. 1737. 2tf rabbits, young doss, and buck« from pedl. stock excell, condl.. 4 SHINGLING—New A old work, lbs up $2 up Witch Hazel R ab-, Remington Bros. Phone Beaverton ] bit Farm. H ml S Witch Hazel 322L Piano Toning. Cleaning Mlway bet. Beaverton A Hills ^ro $16,016.73 27,031.79 Remodeling and Recovering - All Furniture Custom Made - ONE MILE NORTH OF HUBER ON BASE LINE ROAD SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMER AT water 2181 I, IM S To June 30, 1946 Balance July 1 ,1945 Receipts KEPLER DAVENPORT CO. ELMONICA STORE WRITE; Ju ly Balance June 30, 1946 $25.853.10 If you want to sell, trade, or buy (Signed) Mary B. Ctapshaw, something—TRY A CLASSIFIED. Chapter Treasurer A Few Available Now ALSO GARDEN TRACTORS AVAILABLE MORTICIAN AMERICAN RED CROSS Washington County Chapter Report For Fiscal Year Four men brought a helpless cripple and laid him at the feet of Jesus. Seeing their faith, the Lord Jesus then and there heal ed the man. Healed him, for the man rose up and walked KNOW YOUR BIBLE. By His many mir acles, even to raising the dead, Christ proved Himself to be Cre ator, Author and Giver of Life. O L D R A G S A NEW MAN — You see Old Rags staggering, cursing and vermin infected. On a day he heard the voice of God calling him to face about and put his trust in Christ, Victor over sin and the grave. So it was that Old Rags put his remnant of a life into Christ’s keeping and you see him today, alert, dressed and making good, his family gathered about, his business in hand and on the up and up.—As told by Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer. Christ is the same yesterday, to day and forever. He ever delights to honor the faith of all who put their trust in Him—Trust and o- bey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey. Trust Him as having died for your sins. Trust Him to break up your sinful ways and trust Him to lift you up to glory on Resurrection Morn. $43,048.52 Cash Paid Out 17,195.42 Home Service $4,866.63 Motor Coprs 199.35 Production 875.77 Plasma 99.45 Campaign Expense 497.07 Administration 1,541.45 Disaster Relief 423.24 Camp Sr Hospital 72.88 Emergency Closet 114.26 First Aid 34.56 9.50 S. W. McChesney Rd., Portland If you want to sell, trade, or buy College Unit 1, Oregon. This space paid for by something—TRY A CLASSIFIED American Red. Cross Pac. Area Office 8,461.26 a Seattle family. FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS J. P. Finley & Son Don G uerb er ltECION has the distinction of O producing national winners in two separate divisions of a 4-11 Phone Beaverton 2881 School or 'ou n R *' BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Oregon Local Club Leader and Boy Member Are National Winners in 4 -H Movie Talent Contest R. I. MacLaughlin.Inc. HIDES A W O ol, CASCARA—A specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW Clay Portland. AT. 5284. tf | FRIDAY, JU LY 26, 1946 Chemistry Helps On Perspiration Stains In Summer PAIN TS Daskalos & Williams FOR SALE: Kale plants, 50c per 100. Robert Green, Rt. 6, Box 897C, Portland 1, Oregon. Services Portland S Concrete Pipe & Products Co. „1819 S.W. Macadam Av., Portland. 1, Oregon | ATwater 8384 j! i Post Office .......................................................... - ....................... ~........