BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE F R ID A Y , J U L Y 12, 1946 STOP! AND SH O P "ALOHA ECONOMY MARKET and FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS C. & G. STUBBS Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Canning and Freezing Berries at their peak $3.29 A CRATE FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY Youngberries Boysenberries NO SUGAR NEEDED FOR FREEZING BERRIES Complete FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS . . . Service and Equipment for your Locker Needs . . • Aloha 6112 WE GIVE & X GREEN STAMPS Get Your H A Y S A L T at ALOHA FEED and SEED CO. SO H». Sock 100 lb. Sock.......... $1.15 65c Phone ALOHA 6141 ALOHA, ORE. P A Y W A T ER , GAS and TELEPH O N E B ILLS at the ALOHA PHARMACY Complot. Lin . of Drug*------ Fountain Service WE M AKE OUR OWN ICE CREAM R I C H A R D S Barron & Crone Barber Shop Associated GAS and OIL Personal Attention • Owned and Operated by M r. ond Mrs. Aloha, Ore. Alfred WE SPECIALIZE In Motor Repair and Lubrication Richards Aloha, Ore. Phone 6332 Phone 6214 HERREN RADIO SERVICE C. R. NORMAN GIVIS 24-HOUR SERVICE Authorized 1946 TABLE HOWARD MODEL RADIOS AVAILABLE Suits Coats Dresses Aloha, Oregon Authorised Dealers For PREMIER VACUUM CLEANERS "Look ALOHA for the NOW! NORA'S DRESSMAKING ond ALTERATIONS ELECTRIC Home Store PHONE Dealer We Specialize . . . In EVEN IN G GOWNS Aloha, Oregon 64S4 PHILCO Sign ALOHA BEAUTY SHOP Work Done By Appointment Only Aloha, Ore Phone 6125 WATCH ALOHA GROW SHOP AT GOLDEN WEST FOOD LOCKERS S U N D A Y IN T H E CHURCHES A LO H A COMMUNITY B A P TIS T C H I K i ll Grayden L. Loree, Pastor Sunday, June 30, 1946 Church School—9:45 a.m. Miss Mary Antrim, Superintendent. Morning Worship — 11:00 a.m. Sermon: “ Freedom, Authority, and Baptist.” Youth Fellowship—7:00 p.m. Evening Service—8:00 p.m. K K K D V IH .ti COMMl N IT Y P K E S B Y T E B IA N CHUKCH Rev. Hampton, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. G. E. Geiger, Supt. Worship Service 11 a. m. Young People's C. E. 7 p. m. ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sunday School 10 a. m. 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic service. Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Bible study. Friday 7:45 p. m. Young peo­ ples service. Rev. Rilla Mae Stephens, pastor PILG R IM LU TH E R A N CHURCH Farmington at Menlo Beaverton, Oregon Erwin A. Gerken, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Divine service 10:30 a. m. A cordial welcome to all. B E TH E L CONGREGATIONAL. CHURCH 10:30 a.m. Family Church Hour. Sermon: “ Toward A World Fam­ ily.” 5:30 p.m. Junior High Pilgrim Fellowship. 6:00 Young Peoples Choir. 6:45 Senior High Pilgrim Fel­ lowship. T IG A K O E V A N G E LIC AL CHUKCH Rev. F. B. Culver, Pastor. Worship at 10 a. m. Washington County Agricultural Sunday School at 11 a. m. Conservation (A A A ) Committee Bible Study 7:30 p. m. no wis making dairy payments to Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m producers for the April-May-June period. Applications for the pay­ L A T T E R -D A Y SAINTS ment must be filed before August American Legion Hall 31, but producers are urged to get Main St., Hillsboro, Ore. their applications in as soon as Sunday School at 10 a. m. possible. Payment rates for this Sacrament meeting at 6:30 p. m. period are 70 cent a hundred- for whole milk for the Elder J. T. S. Peterson, Branch weigh month of April and 55 cents a Priest hundred for May and June. The V A L L E Y COM M UNITY CHURCH rates for butterfat are 17 cents a pound during April, and 15 U N ITED P R E S B Y T E R IA N S. W. Gabel Lane and Fairway Dr. cents a pound for May and June. All dairymen who received a pay­ Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor 10:30 a.m., Rev. Robert W. Gib­ ment last quarter in Washington County have been mailed an ap­ son, D.D. will preach. plication blank for this quarter and are urged to return them by ST C E C E LIA CHURCH m^il to the county office as soon Masses: 7 a. m.—8:30 a. m.— as they have all of their April, 10 a. m. May and June statements. H IG H W A Y C H APEL Temporarily located upstairs in the Odd Fellows Hall, Beaverton Orville J Poulin, Minister Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Second and Main Sts. G. W. Springer, pastor Morning worship and preach­ ing service at 9:45 a.m. The top­ ic of the morning sermon will be "Christian Brotherhood." Following the sermon, the Lord’s supper will be observed. Bible School Class session 11:00 a.m. Christian Endeavor 7:00 p.m. Evening worship service 8:00 p. m. Midweek Bible study and pray­ er service is Thursday 8:00 p.m. The study topic will be “Conver­ sion.” ST. M ATTH EW L U T H E R A N CHURCH Canyon Road Near Sylvan Werner J. Fritz, Minister July 14 Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Divine Worship, 11:00 a.m. Ser­ mon: "Light for the World." CHUKCH OF TH E N A Z A K E N E Everyone welcome. Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor Phone 3691 F IR S T METHODIST CHURCH 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, Edith 4th and Watson Sts. Phone 3695 Watts, Supt. Everett L. Bowers, Pastor. 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship. 9:45 a.m. Church School. Mrs. 6:45 p.m. Young People's ser­ Nan Bourquin, Supt. vices. Hi-M. Y. Pres., Don Gram- 10:55 a.m Morning Worship. ling. N. Y. P. S. Pres., Juanita The first in the summer medita­ Keebaugh. tions on the gospel of John. 7:45 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Sermon: “ Worship” Wednesday 7:45 p.m. Mid-week M. Y. F. 7:30 p.m. Sunday. W. S. C. S. Wednesday 10 to 3. prayer and Bible Hour. Unemployment Fax Rate Reduced In State ing averages: Lane 1.85, Marion 1.77, Klamath 1.43 and Coos 1.82. A steady reduction in average I tax rates from the normal 2.7 per cent has been recorded every year since experience rating took effect in 1941. Rates formerly ranged from 1.0 to 2.7 per cent, but this year a low rate of 0.5 is in effect. Savings to date have reached 14 millions, the commission said, and are expected to be 17 millions by the end of the year. Taxable wages for the first quarter were $141,500,000. as compared with a pre-war average of 60 millions an da wart-ime average o f $175 millions. The average unemployment .tax rate has been reduced to 1.65 per cent, saving 7,526 employers nearly six millions in contribu­ tions on 1946 pay rolls, Chair­ man T. Morris Dunne of the State Unemployment Compensa­ tion Commission announced to­ day. Last year employers saved $4,625,000 on an average exper­ ience rate of 1.98 per cent. Multnomah county employers, whose contributions have dropped LEGAL NOTICE to 54.4 per cent of the total, are being taxed at an average rate N O TIC E OF BOND SALE of 1.61 per cent. Their pay rolls Notice is hereby given that seal­ averaged slightly under 27 mil­ ed bids will be received by the lions a month for the first quarter undersigned until the hour of 8:00 of 1946. o'clock p. m. on the 18th day of 1946, and immediately Highest average rate went to July, Jefferson county employers with thereafter publicly opened by the 2.39 per cent, while Curry county Beaverton Union High School firms are averaging 2.28 per cent Board of Union High School Dis­ and Tillamook 2.08. In all these trict Number 10 Joint, Washing­ and Multnomah Counties, counties logging and mill activit­ ton ies predominate. Closely following Oregon, for an issue of bonds of are Douglas 1.98, Josephine 1.95, said school district in the amount ($50,- and Linn 1.93 with heavy lumber­ of fifty thousand dollars 000.00). This being a part of a ing interests . Lowest average rate was record­ two hundred and eighty thousand approved by ed for Harney county employ|rs dollar bond issue with 1.04 per cent, Gilliam, 1.17, the legal voters of the district in Sherman 1.31, Crook 1.33 and Des­ a bond election held on February chutes 1.39. Counties with large I 23. 1946. The $50,000.00 will mature ser­ covered pay rolls had the follow- ially In numerical order as fol­ lows: $15,000.00 on August 1. 1948. $15,000.00 on August 1, 1949. BEAVERTON $15,000.00 on August 1, 1960. Show* Evary Nite 7 to 11:30 Reg. prices Children 16c Adults 40c $5,000.00 on August 1, 1961. Said bonds to bear interest at July 10 to 13— \\ ednesday to Sat the rate of not to exceed 3 per cent per annum payable semi-an­ LOVE, HONOR AND GOODBY nually, principal and interest Virginia Bruce and Edward Ashley payable at the office of the coun­ Burma Victory—Documentary ty treasurer of Washington Coun­ Regular F R ID A Y PRO G RAM — ty, Oregon, or at the fiscal ag­ Serial “ Tiger Woman” added ency of the State of Oregon in .1 ill > 14 to IA—Sunday to Tuesday New York City, at the option of the purchaser. T H E Y W E R E E X PE N D A B L E Said bonds were duly authoriz­ R. Montgomery and John Wayne The Eyes Have It Cartoon A News ed at an election held on Febru­ ary 23. 1946 Bids must be accompanied by a July 17 to 20—Wed. to Saturday certified check in the amount of M EXICAN A Constance Moore and Tito Gulzar $1000.00. The approving legal opinion of The Caravan Trail, .Clneeolor— Messrs. Teal VVinfree, McCullock. Eddie Dean. E. Lynn Schuler and Kelley will be furn­ News ished the successful bidder. The hoard reserves the right to Regular F R ID A Y PRO G RAM — reject any and all bids. Serial “ Tiger Woman" added W. D. CAMERON. Chairman Ted Pierson fractured his right arm last week while cranking a tractor—due to a kickback. Pret­ ty big job for a 12 year old. M E A T CUT, W R A PPE D . CURED A N D SM OKED ALOHA. OREGON fo r th e E ntire Family Mrs. Putnam, who is visiting the Straleys, will be leaving for her home in Oakland Thursday. Mrs. Carlson and Delores have gone on a short vacation to visit relatives in Boise, Idaho. Pearl Cooke is nursing a broken arm caused by a fall. Precision Watch Repairing F O R B ES' PORTRAIT STUDIO W O RK G U A RA N TEED Jantzen Just R eceiv ed Webfoot A New Shipment Of ★ BABY RINGS No Appointment Necessary Jeweler — W atchmaker ★ EXPERIENCED ALL Thomas J. Lukas PORTRAIT - J ew eler PHOTOGRAPHER Are “ Wanted” Styles W a tch m a k er and Patterns in in “The Complete Shopping Center" Walk er’ s DEPARTMENT S T O R E Phone Beaverton 3461 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Highbe and son and Mr .and Mrs. Bell attended the Michigan picnic on Sunday. Mrs. Vern Hopper, who has been east viaiting and helping to care for her mother in Montana re­ turned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stipe and Mr. ano Mrs. Bob Summers and Ruby Boyd returned from a va­ cation at Yachats and Waldport. I W viBTOM PHARMWT Announces . • J « the amazing new M ERSffARP Ç4 REPEATER PEV The Amell family have gone on an extended trip visiting relatives in Idaho. They will go as far north as Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Amil Hedberg have returned from the east. They vis­ ited relatives and attended the wedding of a niece. W orld's smoothest writing poll. E L E A N O R ZURCHER, Clerk Union High School District Number 10, Joint, Washington and Multnomah Counties, Ore­ gon. Date of first publication, June 28. 1946. Date of last publication, July 12. 1946. Rolls the ink on dry! It's self-blotting. Evon writes Writes fo r 3 months to 3 year* •n one refill— cartridge. Reloads — with • in 15 seconds. cartridge — C a n t teak — at any altitude. W . E. P E 6 6 You can t oven shako the ink M O R T I C I A N Beaverton, Oregon Estab. 1910—Serving 35 years PH O N E B EA V ER TO N 8411 Writes an nny paper ar mate­ rial. linen, textiles, etc. Makes 4 ta • carbon capias a t ^ DON'S .. . SPORT SHOP does it! C A * moans Capillary Action . . . an axdusiva Eversharp patent BEAVERTON BICYCLES— Sold and Repaired LAWNMOWERS— Serviced Toys, Model Airplanes, Athletic Equipment, and Wheel Goods PHAR^aCY PHONE 231' 317 FARMINGTON ROAD Beaverton B eaverton Phone 3861 SUMMERTIME AND YOUR CAR . Kelvinatnr Refrigerators & Ranges For troublefree pleasure on your trips this summer you must be certain that the many working parts are properly lubricated. SjH'etl Queen Washers X Iront'rs Imperial Mater Heaters RCA Vietor Radio Are Your Tires In Good Condition? SEE ond MEATS Open 10 to 12 Sunday Play Clothes . . SEE US About Home Appliances SUPPLIES GROCERIES Mr. and Mrs. J . R . Talbart, ! thetr daughters, Carolyn and V ir­ ginia, and Pat McCloskey are spending the week at the Talbert cabin at Bayocean, near Tilla- , mook. RITZ T h e a t r e F O R PICNIC Dairy Payments Ready For 2nd (Quarter, A A A BEAVERTON HARDWARE **The Houne REAVERTON. ORE. Of Service** PHONE Beaverton 3921 ROSS F. W H I S M A N CANYON ROAD AT HALL ST. Friendly L i O U I l l l i i l i ^ u a ^ . S I G N A L SERVICE + PHONE BEAVERTON 2011 Competent Service I(-J U .1 .1 I. ■■ M. u ,! II II .1 I, n ,, „ „ || „ I, „ | .............. „