Buy ■ Sell - TH E TUALATIN V A LLEY MARKET BASKET FR ID A Y , JU LY 12, 1946 S e rvices iiixiii=iii=iii3nt 1 «•H=iiisiiisiii=msiii3iM=iM=iii=Mi=m=iii9msuisui I MUST A CCO M PAN Y A LL J. L. Jersey W A L D ' S B U S IN E S S S E R V IC E S J *l' epherd II ______________________ ^U. JbW CLASSIFIED ADS A L O H A 0617 SUPER SERVICE SH E PH E R D A JE RSEY Count eoch word, including Nome R eaj Estate j Insurance E xcavating and Grading and address—O N L Y 2c A W O RD SUNSET O IL PRODUCTS M ortgage Loans j l and Clearing and Trenching Green Stamps on all merchandise j R. A. P eyton H enry H. J effries No Phone Orders Token General C ontracting tj SERVICE OUR SPECIALTY j on H ighw ay at Short St., Beaver- I M INIM UM 25« AN ISSUE E stim ates Gladly Given by A L O H A . OREGON ton. W e Publish the H our or C ontract P ortland 6, Or. 1 ni B EA V ER T O N E N T E R P R IS E L A N D S C A P E —F or the best in 6810 SE Mall St. 20 .Y ears E xperien ce tf T IG A R D S E N T IN E L new law ns call W . A. Green, M U LT N O M A H PRESS B eaverton 2967, 17tf T ree T opping. Rem oving. A L O H A N EW S BU YERS— PACKERS H edge T rim m ing Complete Eastern Washington County T R A C T O R W O R K —P low ing, disc- Out o f tow n calls taken ing and general garden work. J. — All Berries, Prunes, Grapes— and Western Multnomah County Equip, fo r d ifficu lt jobs. Insured IIH A. Lincoln. P hone Beaverton 2713. Coverage Estim ates R eferen ces F E R T IL IZ E R . D l ST, W E K V U IH L E N S ’ S T R E E S E R V IC E FOR SALE P ortlan d— E A st 6524 3tf B AITS, AVA LLA RLI1 IN SEASON Tl D E C O R A T IV E R O C K S BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE IU=tOêlllxUlzlH£m=IIISHI=lll=m=lll=Ht£Hi=Mi CASH COME IN ami look over . . . IN Our Selection Of Li\iii<r Koom Furniture* Ï Ü r - I I! I W IL L S E L L som e o f m y B lack F or G A R D E N S , W ALLS, P A T IO S also D utch rabbits fo r pets fo r $1.00 each. I have raised this small R O A D G R A V E L , T O P SO IL kind o f rabbit fo r fou r years and F E R T IL IZ E R sure like them. David R om ig, age P H O N E : C H erry 3107 tf 8, 224 Allen Ave., B eaverton. 24 C H E R R IE S TO P IC K —L am berts j M rs. V IN C E N T L U M B E R CO. G race H olsten. Rte. 1, B ox 424, B eaverton. P hone 2719. 24 "A C om plete Lum ber Y a rd ’’ W e Deliver Anyw here P A IN T S — SASH — P LU M BIN G P hone 6191 — Aloha, Ore tf B in g s and R oyal A n n es. F O R S A L E : A partm ent size gas range, $50.00. L ang w ood range. $20.00. Side arm heater and tank, IF IT S PLU M B IN G YOU W A N T $15.00. B. D. Bale, R t. 2, B ox 341A C ALL W aln u t A ve. 24 BEAVER Plumbing and H eating Com pany T W O B IC Y C L E S fo r sale $10.00 B eaverton each, need repair. P hone B eaver First and Main P hone 2622 ton 2795. _ 24 F O R S A L E : D aven port and chair. P A IN T IN G & P A P E R H A N G IN G W ork Guaranteed Inquire at 327 corn er 3rd and W ork D one Prom ptly Main. Beaverton. P hone 3442. 24 C A L L C H erry 2175 46tf S E L L C H E A P M odel-T F ord truck — second d oor south o f Catholic Church, T igard, O regon. P hone B A S E M E N T E X C A V A T IN G — 2371. _____________?4 D irt M oving — L andscaping — F en cin g — P low ing — D iscin g F O R SA L E : B o y ’s b icycle $25.00. H arrow in g — A lso C oncrete M ixed Geo. Mueller, R te. 2, B o x 1116. On T he Job B eaverton, Oregon. 24 L. H. B R A W A N D B uilder and C abinet M aker W E D E L IV E R ORNAM ENTAL M etzger, Oregon rock, cow fertilizer, C lydem ont P h on e: CH erry 2929 5 Farm , L andscape N ursery. C H erry 3003. 24 L A N D S C A P E C O N ST R U C T IO N — LOGS F O R S A L E : 45 ft. cut and N ew lawns, rock w ork, R ototil- peeled. T igard 3157. 24 ling, F red Clyde, C H erry 3003. 24 F O R S A L E : K ale plants, 50c per 100. R obert Green, R t. 6, B ox 897C, P ortlan d 1, Oregon. F O R S A L E —T rop ica l aquarium plants. Call fo r Mrs. Graetz, C H er ry 2906. ________24 F O R S A L E : W o o d and coa l range w ith coils. R oun d Oak Chief. T i gard 2724. 26 P R O V E IT TO Y O U R S E L F YOU D O N ’T NEED A TRADE N o H idden C harges All M akes and M odels ’32s to ’42s See Us B efore Y ou b u y —SELL OR T R A D E D askalos & W illiam s F O R SA L E : T w o burner electric G IA N T U SE D C A R C E N T E R plate: kitchen cupboard. A nna T hree Lots Thom pson, Tualatin. 24 6501 N E Union 5600 N E Union 5500 N. Interstate—P ortlan d 16 IN . IN S ID E B lock w ood $20 W E bster 1175 or G A rfield 8432 load ; 16 Inch old grow th slab $18 load. (2 cord load s). J. O. Johnson B x. 584, Carlton, O regon. W O O D F o r Sale— 4 ft Slabw ood or C ordw ood, green or dry. O rder n ow fro m H anson Fuel Co., B ea verton. P hon e 2828. tf Beaverton Transfer Co. G E N E R A L H A U L IN G O F A L L K IN D S A N Y T IM E CUSTOM T R A C T O R W O R K P O R T A B L E G A S W A T E R PUM P F O R S A L E — R e d fryers. C H erry TO R E N T 3289. Rte. 2, B ox 247, B ertha-B ea- Phone verton H iw ay. 24 IH W E C l R E AN D SM O K E Y O U : lO K k C IT S 25 years E xperience ALDER M ARKET Lew is Bros. Cor. 1st and W ashington St. PORTLAND . OREGON R. I. MacLauqhlin.Inc. B eaverton 3271 jn m m jji m iTt AVAILABLE NOW jji al the ju HI Ti Ti in m jji Ï a tf HI l1 H ID E S A WOOL, C A S C A R A — A specialty. L E E BROS., *5 SW Clay Portland. AT. 5384. tf Hom e R efrig era tion m achine services. T w om blv CH. 2267. ID if Overstuffed Davenports & Chairs if Davenos & Chairs if Swing Rockers jji HI Ti ïi and washing Call K. R . 8tf HI jvs^iuihing .: -¿aï the ^/one P h o n e Ti 3535 IH B eaverton Hi )H=lll=lll£IW=H I=lll5lll5H I5lll=lll=lll5in5lll5lll= lll5IH5HI=HI5llllll=IIISIII=IH=lll=HI5IIE:il5lll£ lll= IH 5 lll=lll=llì=HÌ=||l£lll=lll=lhi P A P E R IN G & P A IN T IN G — 10 years experience, reasonable rates F irst Class. Free estim ates, Call j B E acon 3546, R . W H IT L O W , 019 SW H am ilton, P ortlan d 1, Ore tf Had Gets Lost Boy W AA Announce» Chubby Bill toddled along un Sah* Of Surplus m indful o f the wet bushes and f t P A IN T S I inlay’ * Fresh M ixed Feeds FISHER TH0RSEN PAINTS F or quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlay & Sons R E E D V IL L E WE LL TEACH YOU HOW RUPERT Flying Service BERNARD'S AIRPORT CEDAR STREET A T WALKER RD. ALO H A. O R E D E A D or W orth less S tock picked up F ree o f C harge Anyw here. | l i $ a l u l l t V P rom p t Service. Call collect UN. i J 1221 o r UN. 4502. W estern States ; \ t P .,., R en d erin g Co., N. C olum bia Blvd. 1 ,1 f I , l < 1 ,1 * *M\ & H urst Ave., P ortland. (S u c E x- army' and navy officers with cessor to D enley R en d erin g physical disabilities have six C om pany.) 3tf m onths from tim e of release to apply fo r disability retirem ent pay, D epartm ent o f V eteran’s A f fairs o fficia ls pointed out this week. A ttention was called to Pub S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S lic Law 101, 78th Congress, which C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T AND provides retirem ent pay at 75 per S U P P L IE S FOR T H E D A IR Y cent o f the base pay o f the grade INDUSTRY in w hich disability was incurred. The law applies to office rs o f all com p on en ts o f the A rm y Uni ted States, in cluding those ap pointed from civil life, f rom offi cer candidate schools, o ffice rs o f the reserve and the national Hdnufacturm k Dh tributari guard, and regu lar arm y officers. fV U lY T M IN G It also applies to naval, coast guard and m arine o ffice r person nel. A ction to obtain these benefits must be initiated within six AT. MCI m onths from the term ination o f ISA N W P a r k the appointm ent held when the disability w as incurred, or the | V E T E R IN A R IA N disabled o ffic e r ’s release from a c tive duty, w h ichever is earlier the law states Such office rs wili Dr. N orm E. Johnson appear before retlrem ennt boards V eterinarian convened at general hospitals. F a s « o f B eaverton H iway 6 Futher, it w as explained that B eaverton P ortland discharged for physical 3511 COM. 9924 disability, w ithout pay, have fif teen years in which to request a review o f their cases fo r the pur pose o f draw ing retirem ent pay. De Laval Monroe M eli the falling night. Then cam e a dad w ho had youngsters o f his own and picked Billy up and made for a phone. Yes, the po lice wanted a stray boy and in no time, a oar rolled up and Chub- by’s father had the fellow in his arms. So Billy was saved from drifting aw ay in the chill night and to w hae fa te? And what o f H igh-school age Do they stay out late nights and when m idnight com es and they get in, are not our hearts g la d ? So we can glim pse what our L ord meant when He told o f the Ninety and Nine all safe In the fold and o f how the shepherd tram ped the hills search in g for the one that was lost. Here we see ourselves as heaven sees us, with G od’s heart yearning to have us safe in the fold. And we see the G ood Shepherd, the L ord Jesus, w ho cam e to seek and to save that w hich w as lost. T o as m any as receive H im as dying for their sins, H e gives the right to name them selves the sons o f God. Herein is love Not that we loved God but that He loved us and gave his Son to die for our sins. Se G od w ould have I .V.' h~ ~ How To Comprit» With Moles For A nation-w ide, fixed-price sale j I hr Garden Crops o f surplus telephone and telegraph S. W . M cChesney Rd., Portland 1, O regon. T his space paid for by a ’ Seattle fam ily. Keeping Cool K eeping cool in the sum m er is an art. It’s an art well w orth cu l tivating when the rays o f the sun beat dow n at their hottest in m id sum m er. It’s an art w hich can H O W A R D W . S M IT H be learned if one thing is kept in E L E C T R IC and A cetlyn e w elding m ind— m oderation. 388 C A N Y O N R O A D m etal lathe w ork . R . H . W ise, P hone B eaverton 3931 or 2462 M oderation in eating, in play, 7715 S. W . C apitol H ighw ay, M ult in all types o f physical exertion nom ah. P hon e CHerry' 1232. POW ER S P R A Y IN G — P H O N E will make the sum m er heat spells B E A V E R T O N 2188. tf m ore bearable. G etting all "het SAW D U ST, L igh t Slab, Cull lath. up’’ about the weather will only R easonable prices. Y ou r haul. Call F o r Stove and Diesel Oil Call m ake us m ore uncom fortable. C H erry 1682, or B eav. 2465, eves. H arry Barnes. Ph. B eaverton 3231. Since we can not m ove on to cool er climes, when hot days ap F o r Stove and Diesel Oil Call P A IN T IN G -Outside our specialty. STOVE AND DIESEL OIL proach, it is just as well to resign H arry Barnes. Ph. B eaverton 3231. Spray pain ting; rem odeling. Free ourselves to the heat and to try estim ates for spring at reduced F O R SALE — 16-in. green slab w ood to be as com fortable as possible. Metered Oil Service prices. Term s. Go anyw here. Call 2H cord loads $8 cord delivered. Here are a few sim ple rules E A st 2216. tf R euben Johnson. N ew berg phone which, if follow ed, m ay help make D E L IV E R E D I W ith the open house held on 193-J. tf the sum m er m ore pleasant. ¡M on d a y evening. July 8th, the ALL AROUND 1 — Dress com fortably. Light Garden Hom e C om m unity Can clothes that are not too confining F IL L D IR T F O R S A L E CARPEN TER W O RK nery opened for the third' con se should he worn on hot days. Finish — R em odeling — Repair cutive season Som e can nin g had L. H. C obb Co. 2 Eat sensibly. H eavy foods, A. H A R R Y M ac IN T Y R E been done the previous week. Un d ifficu lt to digest, should be a- « Phone Beaverton 2881 til fu rth er notice, f,s the season R ou te 1 B ox 435 P hone Beav. 2828 11102 S W Capitol H iw y CIL 1313 volded. This does not mean liv advan ces and produce becom es ing on tf sandw iches and salads F O R S A L E —N ew Zealand W hite A fte r 6 p. m. — L eave Order, B. R . S T E V E N S m ore plentiful. the follow in g throughout the sum m er. A well rabbits, you ng does, and bucks schedule vyili prevail: M ondays balanced diet Is necessary at all C E S S P O O L -S E P T IC T A N K O W N from pedl. stock, excell, condi., 4 E R S A T T E N T IO N — A dded equip and hot meals ,if well plan- ° p m ’ : Tuesday, F r i- „ times, -c lbs up, $2 up. W itch H azel R a b m ent allow s faster service. We to 3.00 T0oann J ^ This K day8’ 8 00 that a m all to ! ned- wiI1 not add to the discern bit Farm , H m l S v W itch Hazel pum p A wash septic tanks, com m l. to p.m. m eans C EN T R A L L Y fort o f summer. Rich, heavy foods, S ch ool or Y oungs M arket, main or residential. Guar, w orkm anship. food preparation must have been however, cause the body to work LO CATED hiw ay bet. B eaverton A H illsboro. Sewers connected. Cesspools and Close to bus trans com pleted by 8 p m. and 3 p.m. Al- overtim e in the digestive process 25 tf septic tanks con stru cted . Schulz so reservations should be made by and should be om itted from the port a t i o n a n d walking distance callin g the cannery, C H erry 2242. diet In hot w eather . Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland, roduce m ay he ordered and will from downtown. TA. 3235. 2tf • W ANTED 3 — Drink plnty o f water and be delivered to the cannery. fru it juices. Because the body FOR L IS T IN G o r selling your H AULING— Gravel, crushed rock, perspires more in the summer p roperty see Mrs. Im lah, third dirt fill, sand, etc. Call C. Gred- than in the winter, it is necessary , house on L iverm ore Ave. south o f vig, phone B eaverton 3186. 53tf to consum e an extra amount of F arm ington road o r call the F ox liquids. Cool water and lemonade | R ea lty and A cco u n tin g Service L A N D C L E A R IN G A E xcavatin g are particularly good on hot days. T igard 2523. tf W ork done by hour o r contract. E xtra salt is needed, too, because P hone P ortland UN. 3395 for es the body loses m uch salt in pers W A N T E D —G arden tractor, give tim ates. W ork guaranteed. 51tf This salt m ay be ob P L I . . . O P ____ ___ W L - B,1rke. prom inent farm er. piration. full description. H. P., price, etc. tained by adding it to fruit drinks R . J. Seethaler. P ortland, Ore. R O T O T IL L IN G fo r p erfect pul or by eating salt tablets. 9835 N. H odge Ave. and Col. Blvd. verizing. • “ • * M M W W W U w M up above Buxton. while In Bea- C ontract w ork. Fred 4 Be carefu l to avoid over-ex- 1 (3). 24 Clyde—C H erry 3003. 24 MORTICIAN Saturday told his friends posure to the sun. Many people j SW F O U R T H A T M O N T G O M E R PX Citement In g his extra p o I look forw ard to gettin A R E YOU A “ handy m an” look tato patch Lately, while he was A T w ater 2181 doses o f sunshine during the sum ing fo r a place to ren t? I have an S E P T IC T A N K S , com pleted $100. | d ig gin g early potatoes one hill mer, but too m uch sun may prove excellent location and building to anywhere on W est Side. 20 miles was a freak, con tain in g seventy- a health hazard. It m ay cause a i rem odel on ap proxim ately one- from city P ortland SU. 1737. 2tf one little potatoes. He said that painful sunburn or it may lead to j h alf acre, garden space, fru it and SH IN G LIN G — N ew A old work. was the largest hill o f small po sunstroke, w hich sw iftly brings ! berries In. Close In. P hone B ea tatoes he ever found. One o f hls R em in gton Bros. P hone B eaverton on unconsciousness and m ay cause \ verton 3744. 27 322L W E ST END j friends gave him a cigar — here death. tf B urke -t h a t news is tops! S R IX W O O D B R ID G E W A N T E D — B urlap or cotton bags. Sunstroke occu rs m o ,t frequent A ny kind, quantity o r condition. F O R TOW' C A R call V E R M IL Y E Classified ads always bring ly am ong people exposed to the 1 CREMATORIUM M O T O R CO.. P hone T igard 3381 tf V ery small lots not wanted. Give direct heat o f the sun and who qu ick sales. good directions to you r place and are too heavily clad It is more f MAUSOLEUM L. H. B R A W A N D num ber o f bags you have. — com m on am ong men than among Builder and C abinetm aker Schuepbach Bros., P. O. B ox 381. CEMETERY women and children it may COMM R H E U M A T IS M B eaverton, Ore. 26 Portland P hone iT l. 292». M etzger ,„ J A D T U D I T I C on suddenly, but usually It is the Store fro n t»; school, restaurant Complete Funeral Service In New a n d /\ K 1 T I K I 1 I D | result Of long exposure and may W A N T E D : W ork w ith truck, m ov and store fixtu res; school furniture; Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost The symp I suffered for years and am so com e on gradually. ing. W ill haul short logs. wood, unit cabinets o f all kinds, includ R iverside is a co-op erative asso tom s are a pain in the head diz etc. Inquire at R ob ert R ich ard s ing kitchen cabinets. O ffice fu rn i ciation with assets o f over $800.000 thnkful that I found relief from this terrible a ffliction that I will ziness. a feeling o f oppression, the across from St. M ary’s B oys’ ture rebuilt, refinished and co m of perspiration and, F or Stove and Diesel Oil Call ! gladly answ er anyone w riting me absence H om e on Shaw Street. 24 pletely renovated. All kinds o f som etim es, nausea and vom iting H arry B arnes Ph Beaverton 3231 fo r Inform ation Mrs Anna Pautz, building and rem odeling. W ood W hile a d octor Is being sum- JU N K — Batteries. Scrap Iron. A l w orking o f all kinds. 48tf ________________ ____________ ________ __ P. O. B ox 825, V ancouver, Wash. | moned, the patient should be re- i uminum. Brass, C opper — H ighest Pd. A d v —N U E-O V O Laboratories j moved to a cool spot. Hls clothing prices paid. > P. E. HAGG should be loosened and an effort O. R N ICH O LSO N A SON Hauling C ontractor made to reduce his tem perature 1 P hone B eaverton 2497 fo r pickup, C oncrete. Sand. Gravel. Masons rapidly. If he is conscious, he or deliver ou r yard. E ntrance ad D n a r f • E - p a l i e r Sand. Crushed R o ck and Piano Toning. Cleaning should be given salt and water to I join s Union Oil D epot— B ertha-Bea- R oad Gravel drink or fruit juices. A S t a n d a r d F r u i t T r e e * verton H iway. 9 DK.MOTHI.NG, R E P A IR IN G R oute 1. Box 28. Tigard, Oregon M oderation practised d u iin g the Filberts — Berry Plonts Phone T igard 2446 tf I P hon e: A L O H A 6613 sum m er m onths will make these F O R L IS T IN G or selling your Ornamentals I m onths pass m ore pleasantly and p roperty see Mrs. Im lah. 3rd dr Kalso- j com fortably. house on L iverm ore Ave. south P A P E R IN G —P ainting In Trees and Shrubs In the next article, the respon o f F arm ington road or call the mining, neat, experienced work-1 L. L. Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A T a k e your pick of trees right from sibility o f the fam ily to the T B F ox R ealty and A ccou n tin g Ser man Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 ! th e field patient will he discussed. vice A T w ater 9635 tf far General Heere Cleentn, 4 0 tf; O n h r i L su sd ry W e e S e e r k '» T J l K This colum n Is sponsored, in the He "slew to«.»err / ^ L IV E P O U L T R Y W A N T E D Any Interest o f better heglth, by the PAINTING — O utside; our spe ■estsret tesa • l a t t e r f o r lUeSa size tot. Top ceiling prices. Write W ashington C ounty P ublic Health ASK ALL CROCUS > «f> ? or ph one Clarence Hunt W E h- cialty spray painting. R em od elin g, I A ssociation. —Comet e p od og n free estim ates and reduced rates | 25c — 50c — S » ^ ster 2840 3600 N E. 44th P o rt (by Zola F. M organ, E xec. Sec.) PHONC CHerry 2 9 2 « for spring. T erm s available. W il! j HCRMPSA PRODUCTS CO. land 13. Ore. » 11333 S W 64tk A Borbur Bird. tf | go anyw here M U rdock 4164. tf ’ 104 N ( Rette!' street. Sert lend. Ore fee The advertiser—Tell him yoa CLOSED SUNDAYS__________ read his message In the paper. Garden Home Cannery Opens HILLCREST GROCERY Buxton Farmer Finds 71 Potatoes In One Hill n . F- lllUfiV & NOIl r°"Vh' Pumpkin KM *«* country I Riverview Cemetery George F. Gordon RIGHT-NOW CLEANER Villa Ridge NURSERY equipm ent consisting o f approxi m ately 350 items o f com m u n ica tion w ire and cable, sw itchboards, telephone and test sets and other m iscellaneous carrier equipment com ponents, was announced this week by the Portland o ffice o f W ar A ssets adm inistration. The sale is being announced con cu r rently to all priority claim ants, in cluding veterans of W orld W ar II and to com m ercial users Included in the sale are desk and wall telephones, relays, ja ck s bells, gongs, switch assemblies. transm itters, and other m iscel- lnneous equipments and parts The P ortland W A A o ffice has full inform ation. _____________„ A m idw est oil com pan y plans direct com p an y operation o f as m any as 100 service stations in 15 states as part o f a long-range program to train veterans for superior station operation. HAVE THAT Moles by the thousands have gone into business in the lowlands o f eastern W ashington County during the first half o f 1946. Their principal diet is anglew orm s — the yeat ’em raw! With a heavy rainy season such as has pre vailed this year the mole delega tions report “ Business is g ood ’’. Many gardeners, to their sor row, realize this fact. There are m any ways to eradicate this gar- j den ,nenaee. A good trapping ca m Pa iKa will bring results with th,>se « “ KKestions: (1) locate trap on m a*n tunnel; (2) do not touch j ground w ith your hands, use trow - I el; <a) attend traps tw ice per daY. m orning and evening. ! It will pay to save you r garden vegetables m ay be high next fall. —------------------- The 25,846 oil field wells drilled j In the United States in 1945 at- tained a total footage o f 90,486,215 feet. SIGN PAINTED NOW Poster, Window, Outdoor Signs For Estimate Call Beaverton 3031 Ray Poindexter RASMUSSEN GARAGE Dodge and Plymouth Service All New Equipment to service all makes of cars ESTIMATES GIVEN GLADLY PHONES; BEAVERTON, OREGON BEAV. 3251 BEAV. 3632 SEPTIC TA N K S “ C oncrete” SEE Y O U R B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L D E A L E R Portland C oncrete Pipe and Products Co. 5819 SW Macadam Ave., Portland, 1, Oregon AT. 8384 Don't Give Your Cor Aw ay I W ILL PAY UP TO $250 OVER W HAT YOUR CAR IS WORTH Phone or Wire Me Collect Day or Night Business Phone — BRoodway 2726 Residence - Evenings — SUnset 6908 HENRY BRYANT 112 N. W. TENTH PORTLAND 9, ORE. FOR RENT FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS A Few Available Now ALSO GARDEN TRACTORS AVAILABLE ELM ONICA STORE ONE MILE NORTH OF HUBER ON BASE LINE ROAD W RITE; Rte. 2, B o k 755, Beaverton, Oregon PHONE; Beaverton 3177