1 i j»-* BEAVERTON, OREGON, ESTABLISHED 1927 VOLUME 19. NUMBER 24 Bahsoti Looking r Altead Five Years € Aloha Host To 1 ar Bride IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR PAPER FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1946 Aoha To Secure Own Mail Houle Jr. K. C. Training WAA To Dispose Camp To Convene Of Gov’t. Owned Brill I g | \ 'y . ') I IV o iH T lV Here's good news for residents November I . of Aloha. Beginning The Junior Red Cross Leader- i The War Assets administration Did you knov£ we have a very 1 , 1946, you can have your mail HHhüûn Park Mass., July 12. A Belgian war ing address, Aloha. where you ship Training Camp will convene has been designated as the dla- b o T h « been written by - and attractive young. August 15-24 at Camp Cellio, Ne posai agency for all government- bride in Aloha? live, so that people coming to August published by Harper & Brothers manne owned marine industrial real Mrs. Delbert Collins smilingly I call can find you. Aloha is to vada City, Calif. entitled, "Looking Ahead F ifty property, the Portland W A A of It is second in importance only assured us that she loves Oregon j have its own Rural Main Route. Years” . In this book, I discuss The Route, to be called. Aloha, to the National Junior Red Cross fice was advised this week. This various subjects, such as the fu and its people. She explained that inction was formerly handled everyone here smiles and laughs Route 1. takes in territory, east Convention. ture of investments, the develop by the maritime commission. The girls chosen to attend the so much and that in Belgium they I as far as Washington Avenue, ment of new industries, the E H training camp are given exten At the same time, W A A an Huber, west to Orenco Road, changes in farming, the outlook are glum. non-profit institutions north to baseline road, and south sive training in organization and nounced. This cheerful habit of ours for small businesses and the pos camp functions, first aid, water have been established as the to the Farmington road. caused Mrs. Collins some discom sibility of labor rule. There are 572 boxes on this 30- safety and accident prevention, fourth priority group for the a- Numerous readers have written fort when she first came here be mile route .according to post of home nursing, und nutrition. Also, quisitlon of both general indus- to me saying, “ I will be dead and cause she thought people were local national and international trla land marine industrial real fice count. gone in fifty years. Tell me what laughing at her. But now she un in supervision and in p v p e *y. This new route was sponsored training derstands. Also, she said that ev- you expect during the next five ■ and secured by the Aloha Orange struction in swimming, recreation, kind to her and The maritime commission will years.” Of course, this is a more eryone is so No. 773, and particularly through out do or sports and games and continue to act as the disposal risky thing to do. I, too, will be wants to help her. the efforts and hard work of Mrs Camp Fire activities. agency for ships and marine per Mrs. Colilns came over from dead before the end of fifty years, Three girls were chosen to rep sonal property, Virla Epplett. It was Mrs. Epplett including tugs, France on the Le Havre, a boat while I hope to be around for the who started the petition around resent Washington County—Irene life-boats, winches, anchors, and next five years! But here is how bringing war brides destined for and secured the necessary names. Van Kleek, Beaverton; Nora Lee similar equipment, W A A said. I now feel about the immediate all parts of the United States. It is foreseen that there will Craven. Forest Grove; and Jean They landed in New York, As defined by the regulation, future. be a period o f adjustment and Kennelly, Hillsboro. where they were taken into the “ marine industrial real property” Expect Low Interest Kates perhaps even some confusion to custody of the Red Cross. In Chi includes land, buildings, fixtures, I expect continued low interest cago, the brides were delayed for go through in making this change facilities and equipment used for rates. Hence, since money doubles four days by the recent railroad but in the end it will be very the construction, repair or opera in fifteen years at five per cent strike and were kept in a mili worth while. Don't start changing Any farmer wishing seasonal tion of ships and other types of should you not seek 5 per cent in tary hospital under “ M. P.” su I I your addresses until later or you help in harvesting crops is urged water-borne carriers. Also includ terest with reasonable safety ra pervision. Since they did not know I will add to the confusion. It will to place his order at the farm la ed in the classification are har ther than speculate even on the what a strike was and did not be published at a later date when bor office in the Court House, as bors, shipyards, and marine port- i¡.» Hnllvwood celebrities, Walter Wonger, “long swings” of the stock mar understand any part of what was to change your address. soon as possible in order that the terminals or such portions as ot > M , ------cKnwn Heading an imposing ist u . y ____ ____ ket? O f course, you can’t pick 5 happening, and since they were Official word on this route, to office may have time to recruit were constructed by the govern famous movie producer, and his lovely wife, Joon Bennett, shown per cent investments o ff blue guarded so closely they were al be starting November 1st, came help for him. here at their Beverly Hills home with baby Stephane, announced they ment in the furtherance of the here berry bushes. You must take time most afraid they were prisoners. through last Saturday, July 6, Portlcnd for world premiere of the Wanger-produced A farmer may suffer a loss be war effort. will come to to hunt them up and find them. - | according to the local post office. --- - Pn«nae." slated for July 1 3th. Mrs. Collins and another ven cause it is difficult and some Technicolor cinema, ’ Canyon Passage Establishment of a No. 4 prior Certainly, you should not be sat turesome soul slipped out and did times impossible to fill last min ity for non-profit institutions will isfied with bonds that pay less some Chicago sight seeing on their ute orders, reports Roy L. David enable public health or welfare than 4 per cent interest unless own to the great consternation of son. Farm Labor Assistant. groups, schools and charitable or they are either tax-exempt or con the Red Cross authorities who During the opening day, June ganizations to expand and improve vertible. soon discovered that they were 29, at South Twin Lake 84 boat their activities through the use Miss Ottie Greiner, a grade Days Of Mass Unemployment Over gone. However, they got back loads of anglers checked out 1350 of government-owned war proper school principal, from Kirksville, I expect continued employment safely. trout while the second day's cat A “ huff and a puff” but not to ties, such as hospitals and train among the masses or else gov One o f the things that most Mo., was a guest at the Barrett ches totalled 808. In 1945 the fish blow your house in hut it was a ing schools. Beaverton Rebekah Lodge No. catches totalled 989 and 263 for “ puff” when two tons of dyna Mrs. Collins in our Randall home last week. She was ernment aid for them when un impresses The Permanente Metals Corpor employed. The upper middle-class country is that you can go into delighted with a tour of inspec 248 held installation of officers the first two dnys. This Is the mite went to work on an old i --- _____ _ evening, July with a second season the lake has been rock quarry three miles west of ation Plant at Manteca, Calif., people and the well-to-do will a gocery store and wait on your tion of the Beaverton s Davies. grade Miss I Tuesday which was built at a government school by Supt., ’ — 'J i'1 » attendance • ♦ o n r ln n o iv continue to have their ups-and- self. A »1 C , IUVU __ The food stands on open splendid open since the Game Commission Progress on , . I OL 11 WV 1 — ---------- M ----, Miss the Scholls Ferry downs;. executives will again have s e ves and you can buy all y o u . Greiner is a cousin o f Mrs. Ran- Our goal fo r the year is "Good closed it several years ago after Road Monday. The quarry is to cost of $6,230,000, has been de their salaries reduced and their want. In Belgium you must have | ¿all and is spending the summer Fellowship.” The following poetry poisoning all the trash fish in supply crushed rock for a state clared surplus and is for sale or lease. Information may be ob with Mrs. B. A. Cathey in Port was read by Bertha dividends cut with corresponding stamps for everything Anderson the lake and restocking it with highway contract on Farming- tained from the Portland W A A declines in stock prices; but the Another thing surprising to Mrs. land. when she was installed Noble rainbow trout. ton Road between Hazeidale and office; days o f mass unemployment are Collins is that you can go any Twin Oaks. Robert, Jon and Richard Shaw Grand: over for many years. The Ameri where you like and no one ques Investigation of the reported Not understood, the secret springs Porter W. Yett, Portland con will leave Monday for Seattle can people are not going to let tions you. loss of twelve elk in western tractor, and his powderman, Geo. of action labor rulers rule them; but the We wonder if we all appreciate where they will embark for Yo Which lie beneath the surface and Douglas county by the Game Com Johnson, who has been with him The boys will days when employers can be ar our country and if some time on kohama, Japan. mission's district biologist, Will twenty-five years, were respons the show bitrary are also over. Hence, if the Fourth o f July amid the fire join their father, who is stationed Are disregarded. With dissatisfac Brown, revealed that the loss, ible for the successful blasting of there with the American occupa the Republicans hope to return to works and celebration we stopped which probably occurred some the 30,000 cubic yards of ballast tion tion forces. The boys have been office they must realize that we j to thlnk about what the Fourth We judge our neighbors, and they time during the winter, apparent that came sliding down in a neat living for the past several years are living in a new world, wheth-, Qf Ju, really means ly was caused by the eating of pile .all set for state highway often go, A see-saw race between advanc er they like it or not. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Collins ---- were un with their grandmother, Mrs. L il Not understood. dynamite and sawdust left by a construction. ing farm costs and advancing lie Thyng. No political party can survive able to find a house to rent so salvage crew that had carried prices for agricultural products ! Not understood. How trifles often explosives to destroy motors of another era of low wages. I f pri they bought a trailer in which has been going on in the past few change us, The ladies of Bethel Congrega vate industry cannot continue they are staying at the Carney an airplane that crashed in this months, according to a review tional Church have been invited to The thoughtless sentence o f the inaccessible area. present wages, the government home. of USDA data by the O.S.C. ag spend the day with Rev. and Mrs. fancied slight will do so or else provide wage ricultural economics extension sec Dickey, at Hubbard, next W ed Destroy long years of friendship subsidies. Hence ,in view of the Observations to date by Game tion. Cost increases have averaged The Sportsmen Pilots of Ore and estrange us nesday, July 17. They plan to above, are not the merchandize Commission biologists indicate a bit faster, but with some com meet at the church at 10 o’clock And on our souls there falls stocks, the food producers and that the antelope population In gon held a breakfast hop July 7 modities such as grain the price freezing blight; similar concerns the safest in and cars will be provided for the southeastern Oregon is very low. at tbs McMinnville air field. A- increases have been the winner. Not understood. vestment. Remember, high wages trip. Mrs. W alter Van Kleek is Although a high percentage of bout sixty planes carrying 120 A further rise in the parity in in charge of transportation. are to continue. the does dropped twin kids this people attended. O God, that man would see The flight was sponsored by the dex of farm costs was registered season and no evidence of dis Real Estate A Prime Investment Saturday, July 6, was a happy little clearer, Chamber of Com during the period mid-May to mid- Attending Camp Adams this ease has been found, the loss by McMinnville I expect a continued demand for e3‘_ I birthday for Della C. Fisher, at week for the younger girls ses Or judge less harshly what they predation Prices paid by farmers of coyotes has been merce and the "Flying Macs” of June.. properly-located real estate, her home in Beaverton. She is sion are: Patricia Campbell, E- cannot see. jumped 3 points to 187 per cent McMinnville, who served a very quite heavy. pecially for homes. Next to food probably the O God, that men would draw oldest teacher in good breakfast to the group of of 1910-1914, an increase in the and clothing, reasonably - priced point of service now living. Della laine Hansen, Donna Mills and little nearer past year of 14 points over June visitors ,at about 9:00 a.m. Donna Phelps. Miss Amarette homes should continue as a prime C. Allen (Fisher) To one another; they'd be nearer taught one Local people who attended from 1945. investment. Hence, I believe that room Beaverton school in District Barnes and Miss Bernice Conoly Thee, Partly offsetting the Increase the Rupert Flying Service at your first investment should be in No. 48, back in 1877-78 with an en will be on the camp staff. The And understood. Beaverton were Mr. Virgil Meyers, in costs, the general level of a home and enough fertile land rollment o f 44 children of early camp, sponsored by the Congre who flew his own Taylorcraft, prices received by farmers rose for a “ kitchen garden.” Houses pioneers of eastern Washington gational and Evangelical and Re The new officers installed are: Mrs. Mary Dean, who for thir Stuart Payne, flying a Taylor 12 points during the year which formed churches, is located near Past Noble Grand, Bertha Ander depreciate, but well-located land ty-three years has owned and op County. | Molalla. ended at mid-June. Thus, the ex son; Noble Grand, Lucille Jones; erated Dean's Drug Store, in Bea craft, George Howe, flying the should appreciate. Prior to teaching here she Rupert Service’s new Taylor change value of farm products de Vice Grand, Mabel Gillmore; War T ry to avoid large cities, espec taught the old Columbia Academy verton, wishes to announce a com craft, Frank Meyers, flying a Cub clined from 119 per cent of parity Guy Carr is taking an unex ially on the coast. Unless a great school, four miles northeast of pected vacation, walking around den, Estelle McKnight; Conductor, plete change in her store person- Cruiser, and Myron Buswill, fly to 117 per cent, calculated without Anna Taylor; Chaplain, Mae Lusk; spiritual awakening occurs, the Hillsboro. It was while teaching Taylor; Inside , ,ne1' *^ rm «r L t Crf. Russell Mil- ing his Stearman ex-army trainer. Including farm labor costs in the chances are that World W ar I I I at Beaverton, she first met the on crutches. According to rumor Secretary, Hattie AH plane owners or pilots who formula. Guardian. Leona Rand; Outside I ler- registered pharmacist will as- he was riding his horse on his will come, when some of our large late J. N. Fisher, who she mar As parity is calculated, the U- ranch on Sorrento road last week Guardi&n, Myrtle Hardman Musi- sume complete charge of the pre rent planes are cordially Invited cities will be totally destroyed. scrlption department. Mr. Miller to join ried on July 11, 1878. nlted States average beef cattle these Breakfast Hops, when suddenly the horse had a Harris; R.S.N.G., was assistant manager at one of Inventories vs Municipal Bonds At her birthday party were pre sunstroke and fell, pinning Guy clan, Mildred which are held almost every Sun prices stood at 140 per cent, down 3 points from June 1945; lambs I expect that money invested in sent children, grandchildren and under him—result a broken right Frankie Butts; L.S.N.G., Ida Har- the Owl Drug Stores in Portland, day morning. rla; It.S.V.G., Adeline Frost; L.S. before the war and has had con 130, down 1 point; milk at whole inventories, good stocks and great-grandchildren. The celebra foot. V.G., Clara Smith; Altar Bearers, siderable experience in the retail sale 127, up 3 points; chickens homes will continue safe when tion lasted two days. Saturday and Florence Farlon and Nora Carl 125, down 12; wool 123, down 11; many municipal bonds may be in Sunday, so all could attend. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ely and son; Color Bearer, Thelma Bar drug business. He will be on hand at all times to assist the public corn, 118, up 18; veal 117, down 1; Two large birthday cakes at a default. This situation now exists Mr. Myron Buswell, ex combat with their drug buying needs. butterfat 116, down 4; oats 108, in Mexico, which is our nearest big dinner were served and she , <|auKhters Glenla Kay and Nancy ron. Installing officers were Fern presents best I ?' the •Bookworm” the annual reunion Mr. and Mrs. Mitz Alexander, air force pilot and present flight up 10; potatoes 107, down 36; neighbor, and in most of the La- received many J f esems and ana o e s ijof club at Rho- Haines, District Deputy President; instructor at the Rupert Flying son-in-law and daughter of Mrs. wheat 105, up 7; hogs 106, down tin-American {countries. England wishes. dodendron Sunday. The meeting Myrtle Service, at Bernards field at Bea Hardman, Deputy Mar Dean, have been made the new Those present were: the hostess; was held at the summer home of is destined to follow suit as well verton, is flying to work in his 7; eggs, 96, down 16; and hay 66, down 12 points. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Allen and one of the members. There were shal; Sarah Walker, Deputy War managers. as other countries. Mrs. I^aMerne Alexander former- Taylorcraft plane each morning The general trend, however, is We have already seen many mu daughter, of Cornelius; Mr. and fifty-five guests present from Ore den; Ellen I^a Rue, Deputy Treas nicipal bonds o f Southern cities Mrs. W. L. Burke and the Misses gon, Washington and California. urer; Adeline Frost, Deputy Sec ticability of the present day air similar to the situatlqn following retary; Anna Mae Rogers, Chap lywood and Beverly Hills, Calif Betty, also Floyd the first world war. From about default and sell for 20 cents on F'rances and lain; Virginia Chamberlain, In her training from plane. the present parity level, the gen the dollar, while the sales of the Burke, all of Buxton; Mr. and Word has been received that Mr. side Guardian; Betty Myers, Mu She received Mr. Buawell lives in Tualatin. Miss Dolores Neeley, make up ex Chain Stores in these same cities Mrs. W. H. Cady of Aberdeen. and Mrs. Russel Hulett, of Whit It takes him just ten minutes to eral farm price level dropped to pert for Marlene Dietrich of the 75 per cent of parity in four years held up. Hence, are government Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Roy tier, Calif., are the parents o f a sician. Homemade cake and Ice cream cinema screen, and during her two get to work by plane instead of following World W ar I. It rose Grove; Mr. and baby girl, Celia Grace, born July and municipal bonds a truly prime Brown, Forest the twenty-five It would take to years in the south Mrs. Alexander to average about 80 per cent of Thomas and son, 2. Russel is a former Beaverton were served. investment? May not certain mer Mrs. Herbert assisted such stars as Ann Soth- come by car. years before chandizing and other stocks be Herbert, Jr., of Beaverton; Lloyd resident and graduate of Beaver And the cost is about the same. parity for several Mrs. Margaretta Scott of T o ern, Carmen Miranda and the late plunging down to 50 in 1933. For V. Fisher. S. P. conductor and Es ton high school. He Is now study safer in an emergency? The Taylorcraft gets about the sie Silver of Portland; Mrs. Susie ing toward his Doctor of Philos bias gave a very nice party at Lupe Velez. Mrs. Alexander will same mileage as an automobile. a year or two just hefors World Conclusion War II. farm prices averaged a- Mae L. Fisher and ophy degree in chemistry at the the Heidelberg Inn last Wednes he happy to assist all the ladies Diversification is o f great im Losli, Miss day. She had three tables of hout 75 per cent of parity. portance, but such should be ap Earl E. Fisher, of Beaverton. California Institute of Technology. bridge and a lovely luncheon was with their cosmetic problems. L .,J i u ! u ... . .. I Mrs. Dean will continue In the plied geographically as well as served. Mrs. Hunkapillar held the , futura to M rv, aI| her many industrial!). Above all. should not Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Puck high score and Mrs. Putnam re friends In the Beaverton and Tu our investments in coastal cities, ett and family, of Sheridan, Ore ceived the guest prize. alatin Valley area aa she has dur subject to bombing, be very limit gon, and mother called on W ill Louise Pesenti for several sum ing the past years. ed? This does not mean there will and Amy Jones Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Morris Johnson, An extensive program of en mers had much fun ridding a ve- be another W ar in five years, but Mrs. Rosa McLeod, of Portland, Mr. William Carol, Tacoma, W. H. Cady, who formerly re sd« with a bell on it. But it does mean that within five Washington, and Mrs. Rand Mtn- and son and daughter were also of Donora, Pa., are visiting at largement and modernization Is Beaverton, but for a the home of their son and daugh- planned for the Immediate future. last week she happened to park sided at years people will become war-cot» ford of Plattsmout, Nebraska, visitors there. number of years head of the _____________ ter-law, Rev. and Mrs. Leonard the velocipede too near to the In order to better supply old scious and begin to readjust and visited at the home of Mrs Myrtle Grays Harbor Dye Works, of Ab friends and new customers with rear end of a standing truck by reallocate their securities and real Haines several days last week. Mr and Mrs Herbert Puckett, ! Johnson. They have sold their erdeen, Washington, was In Bea estate holdings. This readjustment They and Mrs. Haines were school Mr and Mrs. Dean Puckett and home In Pennsylvania and plan the best and newest in the drug her home In Beaverton. I,ater, the verton Saturday with Mrs. Cady. process could greatly affect prices mates in Nebraska many years Benny Hull and Mr. and Mrs. to settle somewhere In the west. and cosmetic fields. Only the best driver of the truck backed up— While here, Mr. Cady displayed and It was "goodbye velocipede” . quality established lines and new Settle in a small Interior city ago. Vernon Puckett and family called a fine collection of picture« of Mrs. Leah Straley gave a party est post war products will be fea Louise felt bad about the acci and buy securities with assets in Mrs. Minford has been a res on Hazel Puckett at the Pearl at her home last week In honor tured .along with the famous Rex- dent. Then she happened to think their re-modeled plant at Aber such cities. _ ident of Nebraska her entire life Cooke home this week. - ________ of Mrs. Putnam, who Is visiting all drugs and toiletries and the her father has a new John deen. He says business la boom time. Mrs. Haines spent fifty Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paulson and her from Oakland. Cal She had usual excellent prescription ser Deere tractor. She wondered If a ing at headquarters. His two sons, years of her life time in Nebraska little eight year old girl could Warren and Harold, and daugh family, of Hood River, were Sat- | four. »“ hies Of bridge and served vice. and nearly 30 years in Beaver ter. Marian Setka. sure put the drive a tractor. Hazel 1 lovely refreshments. urday night guests of 1 ton. ■ip in the cleaning business on The All Jannsens have returned Taking her first lesson was a j Puckett. Mr Paulson and Mrs. . the harbor, “doing things” to ths Miss Dona Lee Hayden, sopho ' Puckett were old friends In Okla- Mr. Harry Walters was sur- from a nice vacation. They went great thrill. She now tells her tune of over 60 grand for ths first friends, " I am too old for veloci more at Oregon State college is I homa. prised on his birthday last week on a cruise to Alsska pede* -they are for kids Some six months of 1946. staying at the home of her sis- ----------------- - bY “ P“ r»y given in his honor Putting on a new store front day, maybe, I will help daddy Mrs Florence Miller called on ter Mrs. Glenn Ely during the Mrs Marion Talbert and daugh- Pinochle was played and re buying new equipment and friend farm." Mrs Albert Highhe Monday eve ter. Virginia, and Mrs W E. Me- freshments were served. I summer vacation. ly cleaning service bring ths cus ning. ■ — Closkey and her son and daugh- The many friends of David Buf- Mr. and Mrs. Walters of Cedar tomers is the sound advise of Woughter) Ber- ter. Mike and Pat, spent July 4 fam will be happy to know that were Sunday afternoon Mr. Cady, who has been in the Miss June Martin called on Miss Milts gerson 9 t°H m Vrancieeo"form erly snd 5 at Welsh's Camp near Mt he Is recovering from injuries June Carpenter Wednesday after guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sat- game for a long time. That la what makes things go! a commercial teacher in the local H o o d . __________ received in the auto accident of noon. chell and Delina. high school, visited with friends . . Mr and M rs Cady note big ad several weeks ago Picnic in c.sv.rtn Beaverto n n this this week week Mr ^ At Shiite Mp> Park R a y Gal1up and Miss Patricia Ann McI,eod of vancement In eastern Washington PH M r SUNDAY Mrs Neta Daly, Beaverton post- San Francisco is visiting her un County in recent years, which is A Masonic and Eastern Star ele Will and aunt Amy Jones for wonderfuL Mr and Mrs Guy Elliott re- family, of Hillsboro snd Mra. I4a ( „ ^ « p e r s t in g from her from an . i m , ui n r«> m v... <'“ '-hr._<- —- . ™ ^ turned last week sn ex- ex M n Harris of Beaverton ofM.r. t |on and e x p e rts to picnic will he given on Sunday. a few weeks. The Elliotts ed the Fourth with a picnic din recent operation and experts July 14 at Avalon Park on New- tended vacation The El mon lea store Is making SMQK.ÍY SAYS- | toured the west coast from Call- ner at Shute Park he home this week end. berg highway. There will he a A group o f Portland friends pic extensive changée In their store - I, J j Hold till it'* c o l d . . | fornla to Canada. __ , George MoKrrcher, o f Hunjlng- ball game, races, etc., starting at nicked ^t the McKercher home on front for the convenience o f their Mrs. Walter Lovett was called gas patrons. o f i ton Beach. Cal visited hla mother 11 a- m Sunday afternoon. John Hunter Is having quite a to Arizona due to the illncs Prevent lore it lire* Bring your lunch. _ on Tuesday evening. time with a broken shoulder her mother. \ Farm Lalmr BITS O NEWS |Rel>ekah Lodge Slatt* Game News Holds Installation Book (Quarry Blast Of Officers Race On Between Farm Costs And Price Inereases MoMmnville Howl To Breakfast Hop Beaverton Schools Oldest Tc^aclier Celebrates BirtlidV B«*avc*rton Sion* Clian«*«*H Personnel Flys To Work » ( M<l Friends M<*«*l After Many Years V m S m S t' S Fill«* (girl Learns T o Drive Traetor W. H. (lady Visits In Beaverton