4 . F R ID A Y , JU L Y 5, 1946 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE p o ^ k e t h o o K OF KN O W LED G E By PILGRIM STOP! AND SHOP J* A L O H A Out Of Town Visitor and FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS C. & G. STUBBS 5 Try Us F I R S T ! ! F OR Good Foods! • Fresh Vegetables! • Seasonable Fruits ! • Quality M eats! Complete FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS Aloha 6112 GREEK STAMPS Get Your H A Y S A L T at ALOHA FEED and SEED CO. 100 lb. Sack ...... 50 lb. S a ck ......... 65c $1.15 Phone ALOHA 6141 ALOHA, ORE. P A Y W A T ER , GAS and TELEPH O N E B ILLS Complete Line of Drug*------ Fountain Service WE M AKE OUR OWN ICE CREAM Associated GAS Personal Attention Owned and Operated by Mr. and Mrs. Aloha, Ore. Alfred • Richards Phone 6332 WE and OIL SP EC IA LIZ E In Motor Repair and Lubrication Aloha, Ore. Phone 6214 HERREN RADIO SERVICE C. R. NORMAN G IVIS 24-HOUR SERVICE Authorized 1946 TABLE HOWARD MODEL Dealer RADIOS AVAILABLE NOW! Y E S - YOU CAN CRT YOUR LIGHTING FIXTURES RIGHT HERE IN ALOHA You are coni ¡ally invited to none in nnd WE HANDLE GENUINE G. K. MAZDA LAMPS Fill Those Em ply Socket» Tinlay The ELECTRIC HOME STORE “ .Mop &Shop at the Aloha “ PHILCO” Store“ PHONE ALOHA 6131 WATCH REPAIRING Modern Equipment No Appointment Necessary WORK GUARANTEED Famous Brands for THE ENTIRE FAMILY - Jeteelry • Tom Lukas Jeweler » A Good Selection . . . Watchmaker Friendly Service Always in Plie Complete Slio|)|>iii" Center“ DEPARTMENT S T O R E Walk er*s ALOHA BEAUTY SHOP W ork Done By Appointment Only Aloha, Ore Phone 6125 NORA'S DRESSMAKING and ALTERATIONS Suits Coats Dresses In EV EN IN G GOWNS Aloha, Oregon SHOP AT GOLDEN WEST FOOD LOCKERS CIII K( H CHRIST Second and Main Sts. G. W’. Springer, pastor Morning worship and preach­ ing service at 9:45 a.m. The top­ ic of the morning sermon will be “The Appointed Day.” Following the sermon, the Lord's supper will be observed. Bible School Class session 11:00 a.m. Christian Endeavor 7:00 p.m. Evening worship service 8:00 p. m. The evening sermon topic will bo, "The Purposes of God.” Mid'reek Bible study and pray­ er service is Thursday 8:00 p.m. The study topic will be “ Light”. Everyone Is invited to all services. RADIO BEAVERTON HARDWARE GROCERIES and MEATS DAY SERVICE ON ALL DRY CLEANING * WE ALW AYS FEATURE 1-DAY SPECIALS IDEAL * C L E A N E K S and DYERS Canyon Road and Cedar Street BEAVERTON 5 Steps 1. The sun’s been shining on you. You're darker than you were last winter—but what about your make-up? Is it sun tanned, too? 2. You'll need darker powder. We have one to just suit the "present” you. In your favorite brand. _________________ 3. And how obout your powder base? Summer brings shaded powder bases as well as picnics and swimming. Is yours darker? 4. Or do you wear o cake make-up. See our line of dusky shades. Mr. and Mrs. Oberry Tucker of Sparks, Nevada, are visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Stan Netherton. Mrs. Tucker has been here the past three weeks and Mr. Tucker, a conduc­ tor on the S. P. Lines, arrived last week. Oregon weather is a decided change for them compar­ ed to dry. sunny Nevada. 5. SEE Our Complete Line of SUMMER MAKE-UP. Beaverton Pharmacy Exclusive u*ieiits for Parker “57“ Pens BEAVERTON, OREGON Phone BEAVERTON 2311 ir li il il il WATCH id i il h il h h h h your il h ir ir in n i n tttt C A R $ A man buys a watch for 850 or 81(H) and is very particu­ 9 w EXPERT REPAIRING CENTURY ELECTRONICS SUPPLIES A marriage license has been is­ sued to George F. Van Arnam. Hillsboro, Oregon and Doris I. Johnson, Beaverton, Ore. 4 lar who lubricates and cleans it — vet. he buys a car for SERVICE PICK UP ANO DELIVER FO R OF New diesel - powered shallow- draft cargo vessels of 2,700 tons are designed so they will operate both on the ocean and in rivers. With 1.200 tons cargo the new ships have a draft of only eight feet. We Specialize . . . Open 10 to 12 Sunday PRECISION ★ premise consumption. Two dealers in major house­ ALOHA COMMUNITY hold appliances reported they had BAPTIST CHURCH been ‘‘offered short merchandise” Grayden L. Loree, Pastor at excessive premiums of 25 per Sunday, June 30, 1946 cent above ceilings. On the other hand, OPA is get­ Church School -9:45 a.m. Miss ting calls for ’’present ceiling pric­ Mary Antrim, Superintendent. Morning Worship — 11:00 a.m. es” on used refrigerators, photo­ Sermon: “ Freedom, Authority, graphic equipment, washing ma­ chines, business machines, from and Baptist.” persons who either are unaware Youth Fellowship—7:00 p.m. EXPERIENCED that ceilings are not in effect or Evening Service 8:00 p.m. prefer to sell at former ceilings anyway. PORTRAIT REEDVILLK COMMUNITY Few complaints in the apparel PR ESBYTE R IA N CHURCH field have been received. Several PHOTOGRAPHER Rev. Hampton, Pastor apparel manufacturers have asked Sunday School 10 a. m. G. E. if thy should still compile quar­ in Geiger, Supt. terly charts. They have been ad­ vised to do so. Worship Service 11 a. m. Major department stores are re­ Young People’s C. E. 7 p. m. portedly strictly adhering to price ceiling but OPA predicts their ALOHA ASSEM BLY OF GOD prices will eventually have to go Sunday School 10 a. m. up as they in turn must buy new 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic service. and higher priced merchandise. Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Bible study. Few price complaints have been Friday 7:45 p. m. Young peo­ received in the lumber, building ples service. materials or industrial equipment Rev. Rllla Mae Stephens, pastor fields but these lines would show less immediate reactions than oth­ PILGRIM LU TH ERAN CHURCH er fields, OPA commented. However ,one ironing board Farmington at Menlo Beaverton, Oregon Erwin A. Gerken, Pastor FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. 4th and Watson Sts. Phone 3695 Divine service 10:30 a. m. Everett L. Bowers, Pastor. A cordial welcome to all. 9:45 a.m. Church School. Mrs. Lester B. Haley, of Beaverton, Nan Bourquin, Supt. and Mrs. Mamie J. Baumgartner, 10:55 a.m. Morning Worship. of Zenith, Washington, were mar­ BETHEL Sermon: “The Four Elements”. ried in Seattle, June 21. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH M. Y. F. 7:30 p.m. Sunday. 10:30 a.m. Morning worship. W. S. C. S. Wednesday 10 to 3. 5:30 p.m. Junior High Pilgrim Here From Florida Fellowship. Mis. Oiial Barker, her daugh­ TH E VA LLEY 6:00 Young Peoples Choir. ter, Ramona and her son, Tom, COMMUNITY CHURCH 6:45 Senior High Pilgrim Fel­ all of Tampa, Fla., are visiting at UNITED P R E S B Y T E R IA N lowship. the Carl Decker home. SW Gabel Lane at Fairway Dr. Rev. Armitage, Pastor Visitor from Oakland CHURCH OF TIIE N A ZA R E N E 10:30 A. M. Service. Mrs. Harry Samuelson from Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor Oakland, Cal. is visiting Mrs. Carl Phone 3691 ST CECELIA CHURCH Decker. She plans to stay about Masses: 7 a. m.—8:30 a. m.— two weeks. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, Edith 10 a. m. Watts, Supt. 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship. Suzanne Erickson, small daugh­ H IG H W A Y CHAPEL ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Erick­ 6:45 p.m. Young People’s ser­ vices. Hl-M. Y. Pres., Don Gram- Temporarily located upstairs In son, had a birthday party, June ling. N. Y. P. S. Pres., Juanita the Odd Fallows Hall, Beaverton 25. Many of her friends-attended. Orville J Poulin, Minister Keebaugh. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Tynes (Glad­ 7:45 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. ys Wright) and children, Rex, Jr. Wednesday 7:45 p.m. Mid-week and Virginia, left Sunday morning prayer and Bible Hour. for Bonham, Tex. after a ten day ST. M A T TH E W visit at the home of her parents, LUTH ERAN CHURCH I.A TTER -U A Y SAINTS Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wright. Canyon Road Near Sylvan American Legion Hall Werner J. Fritz, Minister July 7 Main St., Hillsboro, Ore. Mr. William A. Smith suffered Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. a heart attack Monday night. He Divine Worship, 11:00 a.m. Ser­ is confined to his home for com­ Sacrament meeting at 6:30 p. m. Elder J. T. S. Peterson, Branch mon: “Christianity That Savors.” plete rest. Come and worship. Priest See ( >ur Display PICNIC 111 BEAVERTON Barron & Crone Barber Shop DAY Phone Beaverton 3461 at the ALOHA PHARMACY R I C H A R D S (Continued from Page 1) EVERY DAY in The Modern and COMPLETE SHOPPING CENTER ★ . Service and Equipment for your Locker Needs WE GIVE FORBES 1 PORTRAIT STUDIO OPA Ends Sunday In The Churches Our Aim Is To Serve You SHOP. . . and You'll Experience Roy Spielman of Aberdeen, Wn. manufacturer was asked to pay is visiting his aunt, Mrs. A. L. $120 per thousand board feet pine Magee, of Reedville, for the week lumber. He usually paid $80. He end. said he would sell current stock at OPA ceiling prices and would Digging Clams .... I then go out of business if he had Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Cleveland to pay exorbitant prices for lum­ and their son, Jimmie, went to ber. Long Beach, Washington over the The price division received calls week end of June 30 to get clams. from manufacturing establish­ It was the lowest tide in seventy ments asking for present status years. of requests for price adjustments, indicating they were looking to­ American interests control 56.4 ward the future when price con­ per cent of the world’s known trols might be reinstated. oil reserves. Two upholstery manfuacturers called in person at the OPA office and expressed their desire to | maintain ceiling prices “ until they were forced to buy new fabrics at higher prices.” “ We won’t raise until we have to,” they de­ clared. ECONOMY MARKET • j Golf ia a game where a ball I IV* inches in diameter is placed 9 o nanother ball 8,000 miles in di­ Guests For Week End ameter. Mr .and Mrs. A. L. Magee of The object is to hit the small Reedville had as their guests, A farewell party for Bill Sprin­ Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Haines, of ball, but not the large one. ger, Jim Monahon and Wally McCleary, Wash, for the week The advertiser— Tell him yo* Branch was held In the basement end. read his message In the paper. of the Church of Christ, Pune 20. | Visit Beach The boys left for Fort Lewis The Royal Raymond family Saturday to join the army air spent the week end of June 30 corps. Bill Springer and Wally at the beach. They stayed at Twin Branch will play in the army air Rocks. corps band. REEDVILLE Farewell Partv For Beaverton Bovs PHONE 3921 81,000or 81.500 and letsanvone lubricate it! see us f ir s t for car l u b r ic a t io n * GET YOUR M EAT CUT. WRAPPED. CURED AND SMOKED GROCERIES and MEAT Speedy Freeze Food Lockers ALOHA, OREGON ROSS F. W H I S M A N * w AT 120 S W. Canyon Rd in BEAVERTON, <>• CANYON ROAD AT HALL ST PHONE BEAVERTON 2011 Phone 2704 .u u_* . l i H i j » ,i a. 11 11 il il il T il il •! :i il :: .f n , :i :i :;= r