1 * I BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1946 STOP! AND SH O P ALOHA ECONOMY MARKET and FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS C. & G. STUBBS START CELEBRATING YOUR 4th OF JULY WITH US Mr«. Louise Thompson and larnily ol California are spending a lew days at the home of hei sister, Mis. Mildred Carr. David Cady is working in Dip- man and W olfe's store in P ort land. Mrs. Ruby Boyd entertained the Cheerio Club at the Heidelberg on Friday. Her guests were Mrs. Putnam of Calilornia and Mrs Della McCauley of California friends of Mrs. H. C. Browne were saddened to hear of the death of her husband, and ex tend to her much sympathy. Mrs. Browne is a member of the Eas tern Star. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, who have been visiting relatives in Beaverto nfor some time have returned to Salt Dake City. Mr. Miller has a jewelry store in Salt Dake City. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gibson, Jr. are moving into the Nendel Apts at West Slope. Mr. and Mrs. Da Fond and daughter, Marguerite, spent a few days at the beach last week. Mr. Harold Miller’s parents and relatives have gone to the beach for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Summers and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Alexander spent Sunday at Eagle Creek. 7 ÔZ cl Gfonîouô The library will be closed on Thursday after the first of July. Mrs. Dou Hughson of Seaside called at the George Blasser home Tuesday. They formerly lived in Beaverton and have had cabins in Seaside for some time. ★ WATERMELONS ir CANTALOUPES A WEINERS if PAPER PLATES if PAPER CUPS Aloha 6112 WE GIVE ¿Wf GREEN STAMPS Get Your H A Y S A L T at ALOHA FEED and SEED CO. 50 H>. Sack 65c 100 lb. Sack ....... ALOHA, ORE. $1.15 Phone ALOHA 6141 PAY WATER, GAS and TELEPHONE BILLS at the ALOHA PHARMACY Complete Line of Drug«------ Fountain Service WE MAKE OUR OWN ICE CREAM R I C H A R D S Barron & Crone Barber Shop Associated GAS Personal Attention Owned and Operated by Mr. and Mrs. Aloha, Ore. Alfred • Richards WE and OIL SPECIALIZE In Motor Repair and Lubrication Phone 6332 Aloha, Ore. Phone 6214 HERRON RADIO SERVICE C. R. NORMAN G IVIS 24-HOUR SERVICE Authorized 1946 DID YOU TABLE HOWARD MODEL RADIOS AVAILABLE Dealer NOW! KNOW THAT The Ki.ixmm: home stoke A io li V. OHKGON now lit»- :isuil:ililt‘ fot imincdialr ilelivrry a I i mi It'd 1111 it 1 1 »«■ r o f IVcinirr Vacuum Cleaners Emerson Itariios Presto “.>0” Cookers (»(Minine Silex Coffee Makers "S to p &Shop at the Aloha “ PH ILO )" S t o r e ' PHONE ALOHA (>LU SHOP AT GOLDEN WEST FOOD LOCKERS A nephew of Mrs. Jack Osfield visited them Tuesday afternoon. They were on their way to Se attle where he will be a test pi lot at Boeing field. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stipe, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Summers and Mrs. Ruby Boyd have gone to the beach until after the Fourth of July. SUPPLIES GROCERIES and MEATS Open 10 to 12 Sunday MEAT CUT. WRAPPED. CURED AND SMOKED ALOHA, OREGON TH E N E W LOS ANG ELES S T A T LE R . hoped for completion b> 19-18, is to have 1400 rooms and cost $18,000 000. Executives of Hotel Statler Company. Inc . saluted the future of the West in announcing their plans to build this beautiful structure. The “Statler” lomes West Sunday Church Services In revealing plans for the first Statler in the West, John L. Hen- nessy, chairman of the board, and Arthur F. Douglas, president, praised the West and its future. W e are going to build the fin est hotel in the United State»,'* de- dared Mr. Hennessy. "It will in corporate features of the Wash ington, D. C., Statler, and will have everything for comfort and convenience.” The Los Angeles Statler is to be air-conditioned with all outside rooms, equipped with radio and television. The main ballroom is to seat 1300, and an exclusive sup per room is included in the plans. Guests arriving by car may register and go directly to their rooms without entering the lobby. The hotel will be the ninth owned or operated by the Statler organization. Skvl ill(* Stilus Seeking Charter or New I5us Line Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Paxton and On May 24 and 25, and on June son, Elwin, have returned from a 17, 18 and 19, a Public Utilities trip to Dos Angeles. Commission hearing was held In Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hetu and the Court House at Hillsboro, Ore. Teddy were fishing with friends to hear the case of the Skyline stages, who want to secure a over the week end. charter for an additional bus line. This new line would extend Graduates From Naval School Lt. Cdr. C. J. Zurcher, Beaver present routes to make a com ton, Oregon, recently graduated plete inter-urban bus line from from the postgraduate school at Portland to Hillsboro. It would the United States Naval Acad take passengers from point to point and cover districts o ff the emy, Annapolis, Md. highway which now have no bus service. Quilt Auction The proposed route would start Friday evening, June 28th, at 7:30 p.m. at the grade school in Hillsboro, travel East on Main there will be an auction of quilts Street, out the Baseline to Tobias, from the W ar Disaster Closet. The east to Stacey, south on Stacey money will go toward a city re to the highway, east to Wheeler Ave., south on Wheeler to Chap lief fund. man’s Corner, east on the Farm ington Road to Beaverton, and U-alifornla Visitor Canyon Road to Mrs. Edgar Schrader o f Victor then up the ville, Cal., Is visiting her parents, Portland. This line wuld have two load Mr. and Mrs. J. Rohrback. She says It is extremely warm in ing points in Portland. At S. W. California and she likes our cool 5th and amhill and at S. W. 14th and Main. This would make lt Oregon summer weath. much easier for us to catch a A daughter, Jill, was born to bus than It Is now when we have Mr. and Mrs. George D. Belford, to • go to the Central Bus Depot in Portland. June 13th. I f the charter is granted, the Maud Butterfield Rees, late of Skyline stages would run 20 round Hazeldale, who died June 20th, at trips a day, which would be an Hillsboro, was buried in Crescent adequate service. This would help Grove cemetery, June 24th. Fun our community, since good trans eral services were in charge of portation is so necessary to our Pegg’s Mortuary, Beaverton. She growth. I f the Skyline Stages secure was the mother of Connie Wat- their charter they have agreed to erston of Portland. put the potential profits back in William C. Ryan, late o f Bea to equipment until they have a verton. who passed away June 20, well equipped modern line. The Oregon Motor Stages are was buried at Cedar Mill ceme tery, June 24th. He was a broth fighting the proposal saying they er of Daniel Ryan of Beaverton. cannot afford to run buses to Forest Grove and Tillamook if Funeral services were held they do not get the local traf Saturday. June 22. at Forest Grove fic between Portland and Hills for Henry Joseph Rice, who boro. As the case stands now It has passed away June 19. He was the uncle of Clifford Rice of Beaver been submitted to the commis sioner and his decision Is being ton. awaited. An early decision is not Mr. and Mrs. I^eston Falrwea- expected. ther and son, liston , Jr., visited in Raymond. Washington, last week end. The Pioneer class, composed of the seventh nnd eighth graders of the Bethel Congregational chueh school, enjoyed a work par ty at the church Thursday after noon. A welner roast In the out door fireplace climaxed the fun. Elaine Hanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harris Hansen, is re covering from a tonsillectomy per formed last week. Visiting In Eugene Mr nnd Mrs William Tasehel, s W Croat dale Drive, spent last week end in Eugene with their daughter and son-ln-law. Vacationing Mr. and Mrs Orval Thompson and two of their children, Eugene and Ramona., are visiting In Bea verton this week The Thompson family are on vacation the first in nearly four year*. ALOHA BEAUTY SHOP Work Done By Appointment Only Aloha, Ore Phone 6125 F O R PICNIC Diabetes NORA'S DRESSMAKING and ALTERATIONS Suits Coats Dresses We Specialne In EVENING GOWNS Aloha, Oregon Is your Subscription paid-up? R ADIO REPAIRING by CENTURY ELECTRONIC Pick-up & Deliver S Prompt Service Beaverton Hardware Phone 3921 A1XMIA COMMUNITY- B A P TIS T CHURCH Grayden L. Loree, Pastor Sunday, June 30, 1946 Church School—9:45 a.m. Miss Mary Antrim, Superintendent. Morning Worship — 11:00 a.m. Sermon: “ Freedom. Authority, and Baptist.” Youth Fellowship—7:00 p.m. Evening Service—8:00 p.m. LEG A LN O TIC E N OTICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N That pursuant to an ordinance of the City of Beaverton that Roy Berst and F. D. Peck and W. E. McCloskey have been appoint ed viewers to assess the damages and benefits to accrue by virtue of the laying out and establish ST. M A TTH E W LU T H E R A N ing of a street sixty (60) feet in CHURCH width in the City of Beaverton, (formerly West Hills) the centerline of which is describ K E E D V IL L U CO M M U NITY Canyon Road near Sylvan ed as follows, to-wit: P R E S B Y T E R IA N CHURCH Werner J. Fritz, Minister Beginning at a point on the Rev. Hampton, Pastor June 30. northerly right-of-way line of Sunday School, 9:45 a.m . Sunday School 10 a. m. G. E. the Tualatin Valley (State) Divinie Service, 11:00 a.m. Geiger, Supt. Highway, which point bears Sermon: "Jesus the Sinner’s Worship Service 11 a. m. north 384.2 feet and N. 81 de Young People’s C. E. 7 p. m. Friend.” grees 37’ W. 30.3 feet from . Everyone welcome. the southwest corner of the A LO H A ASSEM BLY OF GOD W. F. Hall D.LC. No. 44. in CHURCH OF CH RIST Sunday School 10 a. m. T1S, R1W, W. M. and run Second and Main Sts. 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic service. ning thence north parallel to G. W. Springer, pastor Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Bible study. and 30.0 feet westerly from Morning worship and preach Friday 7:45 p. m. Young peo the west line of said Hall ing service at 9:45 a.m. The top- ples service. D.L.C. a distance of 891.2 feet Rev. Rilla Mae Stephens, pastor ie of the morning sermon will be to the north line of Lot 4 of "The Appointed Day.” Ladd and Reed’s Addition to Following the sermon, the Beaverton, O r e g o n , which P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N CHURCH Lord’s supper will be observed. point bears N. 89 degrees 54’ Farmington at Menlo Bible School Class session 11:00 W. 30.0 feet from the north Beaverton, Oregon a.m. , east corner of said lot. Erwin A. Gerken, Pastor Christian Endeavor 7:00 p.m. The boundaries and description Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Evening worship service 8:00 p. m. The evening sermon topic of the private property to be ap Divine service 10:30 a. m. propriated in establishing this will be, “ The Purposes of God.” A cordial welcome to all. street are as follows: Midweek Bible study and pray Being a portion of that tract er service is Thursday 8:00 p.m. BETHEL of land conveyed to Kate Kel The study topic will be "L igh t”. C O N G R E G A TIO N AL CHURCH ley by deed as recorded on Everyone Is invited to all services. 11:00 a.m. Morning worship, Pages 178 and 179 of Volume "The Necessity for Silence.” 118 of Washington County, 5:30 p. m Junior High Pilgrim LEGAL NOTICE Oregon, Deed Records, which Fellowship. portion is more particulary de In the Circuit Court of the State 6:00 Young Peoples Choir. scribed as follows: Beginning of Oregon for the County of 6:45 Senior High Pilgrim Fel at the Intersection of west line Washington. • lowship. of the W, F. Hall D.L.C. No. SUMMONS 44 in T1S, R1W, W. M„ Wash Mildred A. French, Plaintiff, ington County, Oregon, with CHURCH OF TH E N A Z A R E N E vs. the northerly right-of-way line Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor Paul S. French, Defendant of the Tualatin Valley (State) Phone 3691 P A U L S. FRENCH , the Highway, which intersection 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, Edith To: above-named defendant; bears north 384.2 feet from a Watts, Supt. IN TH E N AM E OF T H E STATE concrete monument set for 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship. the S. W. corner of the said 6:45 p.m. Young People’s ser OF OREGON, you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the Hall D. L. C. and running vices. Hi-M. Y. Pres., Don Gram- thence north along the D.L.C. ling. N. Y. P. S. Pres., Juanita complaint filed against you in the above-entitled suit on or before line 895.7 feet to the north Keebaugh. east corner of Lot 4 of Ladd 7:45 p.m. Evangelistic Service. the expiration of four weeks from and Reed's Addition to Bea Wednesday 7:45 p.m. Mid-week the date of the first publication of this summons. I f you so fail verton, Oregon; thence N. 89 prayer and Bible Hour. to appear and answer plaintiff degrees 54’ W. 30.0 feet to a point; thence south parallel to F IR S T M ETHODIST CHURCH will apply to the Court for the re the west line of the said Hall 4th and Watson Sts. Phone 3695 lief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: D. L.C. 891.2 feet to a point on Everett L. Bowers, Pastor. A decree dissolving the marri the northerly right-of-way line 9:45 a.m. Church School. Mrs. age contract now existing be of the Tualatin Valley High Nan Bourquin, Supt. way; thence S. 81 degrees 37’ 10:55 a.m. Morning Worship. tween plaintiff and defendant and E. 30.3 feet to the place of be Sermon: "Religion, A Little Left permitting her to resume her for ginning, containing 0.61 acres. mer name of Mildred A. Poindex of Center.” Excepting therefrom the fol ter. M. Y. F. 7:30 p.m. Sunday. lowing described tract: Begin This summons is published by W. S. C. S. Wednesday 10 to 3. ning at a point on the west order of Hon. R. Frank Peters, line of the W. F. Hall D.L.C. Judge of the above-entitled Court, TH E V A L L E Y No. 44, T1S, R1W, W.M., 12.17 dated the 28th day of May, 1946. COMMUNITY' CHURCH chains north of the southwest Date of first publication, May U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N corner of said Hall D.L.C. and SW Gabel Lane at Fairway Dr. 31, 1946. which place of beginning is Date of last publication, June Rev. Armitage, Pastor known as the southwest cor 28, 1946. 10:30 A. M. Service. ner of the John Henry Tract; LOTUS L LA N G LE Y thence from the described Attorney for Plaintiff, 1124 Board ST C E C E LIA CHURCH place of beginning north a- of Trade Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Masses: 7 a. m.—8:30 a. m.— long the west line of the said 10 a. m. Hall D.L.C. 25.0 feet to a LEGAL NOTICE point; thence N. 89 degrees 35’ - W. 30.0 feet more or less- H IG H W A Y C H APE L N O TIC E OF BOND SALE to the west line of the Kate Temporarily located upstairs in Notice is hereby given that seal Kelley land; thence south a- the Odd Fellows Hall, Beaverton ed bids w ill be received by the long said west line of said Orville J Poulin, Minister undersigned until the hour of 8:00 Kelley land 50 feet; thence S. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. o’clock p. m. on the 18th day of 89 degrees 35’ E. 30.0 feet, Morning Worship, 11 a. m. July, 1946, and immediately more or less, to a point on the thereafter publicly opened by the west line of said Hall D.L.C.; L A T T E R -D A Y SAINTS Beaverton Union High School thence north 25 feet to the American Legion Hall Board of Union High School Dis place of beginning, contain Main St., Hillsboro. Ore. trict Number 10 Joint, Washing ing 0.034 acres. Sunday School at 10 a. m. ton and Multnomah Counties, ALSO: Sacrament meeting at 6:30 p. m Oregon, for an issue of bonds of Beginning at a point on the Elder J. T. S. Peterson, Branch said school district in the amount northerly right-of-way line of Priest. of fifty thousand dollars ($50,- the Tualatin Valley State 000.001. This being a part of a Highway, which point bears two hundred and eighty thousand north on D.LC. line 384.2 feet dollar bond issue approved by and N. 81 degrees 37’ W. 30.3 the legal voters of the district in feet from the S. W. corner of a bond election held on February the W. F. Hall D.LC. No. 44. 23. 1946. in T1S, R1W, W.M., Washing BEAVERTON The $50.000.00 will mature ser ton County, Oregon, and run ially in numerical order as fol ning thence north parallel to lows: and 30.0 feet west from the $15,000.00 on August 1, 1948. west line of said Hall D.L.C. $15.000.00 on August 1, 1949. 891.2 feet to a point on the $15.000.00 on August 1, 1950. north line of Lot 4 of Ladd $5.000.00 on August 1, 1951. and Reed's Addition to Bea Said bonds to bear interest at verton, Oregon; thence N. 89 the rate of not to exceed 3 per degrees 54’ W. 30.0 feet to a cent per annum payable semi-an point; thence south parallel to nually. principal and interest and 60.0 feet west from the payable at the office of the coun W. F. Hall D.LC. line 886.7 ty treasurer of Washington Coun feet to a point on the north ty. Oregon, or at the fiscal ag erly right-of-way line of the ency of the State of Oregon In Tualatin Valley State High New York City, at the option of way; thence S. 81 degrees 3T the purchaser. E. along said right of way Said bonds were duly authoris line 30.3 feet to the place o f ed at an election held on Febru beginning, containing 0.61 ac ary 23. 1946. res. Bids must be accompanied by a N O TIC E IS F U R T H E R G IV E N certified check in the amount of To all persons claiming damages $ 1000 . 00 . by reason o f the appropriation The approving legal opinion of o f any such property or otherwise POLISH 2 for 13c Messrs. Teal. Winfree. McCullock. Interested therein that the view Schuler and Kelley will be furn ers will meet at the City Hall on ished the successful bidder. the 29th day of June, 1946, at the The hoard reserves the right to hour of 10:00 a m., and all claims reject any and all bids. for damages or all objections W’ . D CAMERON. Chairman must be filed with the Recorder E LE A N O R ZURCHER Clerk before the time for the meeting Union High School District of such Hewers Number 10, Joint, Washington Dated This 15th day of June. and Multnomah Counties. Ore 1946. gon. R. C. Doty, City Recorder Date o f first publication, June Date o f first publication June 21. 28. 1946 1946. Date o f last publication. July Date o f last publication June 28. 12 . 1946 1946 JACKSON GROCERY 561 So. LOMBARD STREET Telephone Beaverton 3894 CLOSING OUT S A L E ALL Groceries At WHOLESALE UNTIL SOLD Ivory Soap, medium . . . 6c bar Assorted Baby Food . . 6c can SHINOLA & JET OILS SHOE When we read about people who lived in the Middle Ages and come across a description of the meals which were served then, sometimes we are shocked at the quantity of food that the well-to- do consumed. Perhaps we should remember, however, that people were more active in those days than they are today. Some of the diseases which peo ple have today may be traced, in part.y to their failure to adjust their eating habits to the lives they lead. One of the reasons that diabetes has become more com mon in recent years may be that people are eating too much rich food while living rather sedentary lives. This, of course, is not the only explanation for the greater prevalence of diabetes but lt is undoubtedly one of the factors involved. Diabetes is due to an over-a bundance of sugar in the blood. The body requires sugar for heat and energy and It obtains this sugar from carbohydrates— such foods as sweets, bread, cereals, potatoes, macaroni and spaghet ti. I f more sugar is consumed than the body can use, the rest is stored away or turns to fat. Con version of sugar into heat and energy is made possible by a se cretion in the blood stream called Insulin, which is manufactured by cells in the pancrea. I f any thing interferes with the flow of insulin, the body la unable to uso the sugar consumed from carbo hydrates and diabetes results. Early symptoms of diabetes are constant thirst and hunger, even though a normal amout of food is eaten, loss of weight for no apparent reason and spells of weakness and dizziness. I f these symptoms are present, the individual should consult a doctor immedoiately. He will make a urinalysis and test the blood for sugar content. The ear lier diabetes is discovered, the easier it is to control it. The diabetic patient should be o na special diet as recommended by a doctor. Indiscriminate cut ting down on carbohydrates is not sufficient to control the disease. The patient should be under med ical care. Often the diabetic must take injections of insulin, made from the pancreas of cer tain animals, to supply the de ficiency In his own blood. Insulin neither cures nor prevents dia betes. It is an aid in controlling the disease and should be used only as the doctor advises. This column is sponsored, in the interest of better health, by the Washington County Public Health Association. All Spices, Less Than Wholesale Canning Caps and Lids Less Than Wholesale Price Tobacco & Cigarettes At COST