Valley Community Portland llohhy Symphony Orchestra. West Slope Sewa^ej Cliurcli Active Men From ALl Walks Of Life Handed Disposal Comm. Rev. A. O. Hess of the Baptist Church will be the guest speaker Together By Common Interest In Mtisie Elects Officers at the Valley Community United Ten years ago Bert J. H a rris! Librarian; S. G. Schlotthauer, Presbyterian Church, s. w . Ga­ William Lloyd Owen decided Secretary-Treasurer bel Lane and Fairway Drive, Sun­ » and Vln* - < 1 _a a ___ day, June 30. Services w ill’ start that Portland should have a sym­ First Violins S. G. Schlott­ phony orchestra. Four days af­ hauer, Concertmaster; at 10:30 a.m. Ear 1 R. ter their "idea blossomed'’ there Corson, L. G. Stangl, J. M. Hol­ Rev. H. A. Armitage and Dr. were seven musicians assembled land, R. A. Sutliffe, Sam Soble, Bert Harris was G. D. Green, Victor Levy, Bob J. Boyd Patterson, synodical su­ for rehearsal. pervisor of missions of the United chosen as conductor and Owen K B • - ley. E. S Woodruff, K. G Presbyterian Church, left Wed­ nesday morning for a business Second Violin J. K. Eichen- trip in and around Albany, Ore. tion. Today the orchestra boasts laub, Prin.: Wm. Owen, R. W. of fifty members. They plan to return Saturday. Francis Zicha, J. E. They call it the "Portland Hob­ Johnson. It is Willoughby, Chas. V. Henrickson. Mrs. E. J. Dearing, S. W. Birch- by Symphony Orchestra.” of doctors, bankers, Elmer Carlson, George T. H arri­ wood Road, has been named su­ composed butqpers, laborers. There are no son and A1 Wallace . pervisor of the newly organized Violas—Lloyd Owen, Prin.; Car­ dues, just men who love music cradle roll department of the Val­ and are making something of it. ver Whelchei, R. F. Schmoll, Ir ­ ley Community Church. Its active membership is always vin Thorn and C. R. White. open to those men who possess Cellos-Carl E. Franseen, Prin.; Mr. John J. Doubt, Jr., former director of the choir of the Mon- a musical instrument and a hun­ Karl E. Corson, Dr. F. R. Hunter, J. W. Deifell, M. R. Jackson and tavilla Methodist Church, has gry soul. You will recall some weeks ago Chas. J. Hase. been appointed director of the the Enterprise carried an an­ Bass J. F. Martin, Jack Nash choir. nouncement that we would have and Roy Campbell. Fulte—John B. Ihle and Robt. Under the direction of Mrs. the pleasure of hearing a sym­ T. Brewer. Leah Turner, the Valley Commun­ phony orchestra this fall. This is the orchestra and you Oboe—M. A. Christensen and ity Church has scheduled a ser­ ies of summer outdoor meetings will be hearing it. As soon as A. C. Bisbee. Clarinet—Chas Geske, A Mur- for the children of the church the date and place are arranged and Sunday school and their mo­ for you will hear about it. Music ray, M. R. Gangwine. Bassoon—W. A. Huff. thers. These meetings are to be you will like. Tualatin Valley talent is repre­ Trumpet—A. Jackson and A. J. held at the home of the parents and teachers .and are so arranged sented in the Hobby Symphony. Dreyer. Following is its personnel: Horns— W. E. Wyttenberg, M. geographically and by depart­ Bert Harris, Conductor. H. Hogan and H. M. Padden. ments to have the attendance of Officers, Wm. Lloyd Owen, bus- Trombone—W. C. Heise and F. about 10 or 12 youngsters. The meetings are to start at 10:45, iness manager; Karl E. Corson, IL. Davis. and are to continue through 1:00 p.m. The program is to include games, singing, handicraft, and story hour. The first meeting was arranged for Tuesday, June 25, at the home Mr. Ray Mueller of West Slope of Mrs. Dean Ridley, 8607 S. W. Birchwood Road, but because is planning on constructing a new The new building under con­ meetings are to be held out-of- business building on S. W. Can­ struction on Multnomah Club Rd. doors, it was called off due to yon Road. It will be of concrete and brick just off S. W. Canyon Road is rain. The second meeting is called construction and will have 100 ft. to house the very latest in ultra­ for Thursday, June 27, at the highway frontage and be 50 ft. modern frozen food lockers. deep. The building owned by Carl F. home of Mrs. Jack Rhine, 8109 The building will house four Gestring will be of concrete brick S. W. Fairway drive. Mrs. Charles business locations. The largest construction. Mr. Gestring hopes Hall, one of the teachers of the Sunday school is the assistant space, having 45 foot frontage, to have it finished by fall. There will be 2,000 lockers in hostess. Mrs. J. p. Holeman, su­ will be taken by Mr. Guness, of perintendent of the beginners de­ the Guness Paint and Glass Co., all, on floor lovel, so that no lad­ der climbing will be necessary. partment of the Valley Commun­ of McMinnville, Ore. Of the other three spaces which There will be a sharp freeze ity Church will assist Mrs. Tur­ will have about eighteen foot room and a "cut up” room which ner with the program. highway frontage each, one is to will have an experienced butcher be a sporting goods store, one a in attendance at all times to take tavern and the third space is care of the cutting, wrapping and still available for rent. processing, and a cooler room. The plans are drawn and Mr. J. The cooler room will be equip­ Wayland Owen will be the buil- ped with sterilamp, which is the Construction will begin as modern way to control mold and Lauren Hedeen, former Beaver­ ber. ton high school student, was in a soon as materials are available. micro-organisms. This is done car accident, Friday, June 21, at through the use of ultra-violet ra­ 9:30 p.m., when the car in which diations. he was riding failed to stop at In May Mr. Gestring attended a stop sign at the corner of 7th the Northwest convention o f the and Morrison in Portland. The Frozen Food Processing Plants occupants of neither car were fa­ and got all the latest wrinkles Do you know you have Bad­ tally injured, but the cars were in frozen food processing. He is badly wrecked. Lauren was thrown minton courts in your neighbor­ inculcating these into his new hood available for your use? from the car, across the pave­ plant, as well as meeting all gov­ The Gabel School opens its gym ment, and under a parked car. ernment building requirements. He is badly bruised and shocked, every evening winter and summer Many of the lockers have al­ to the people of West Slope and but feels very fortunate to have ready been spoken for, hut oth­ this vicinity who want to play escaped with nothing more ser­ badminton. They have three fine ers are still available and may he ious. courts. In the summer you may secured bv calling Mrs. Gestring. Since the freezing of food Is also use the courts during the the coming thing In food preser­ afternoon. In order to avoid congestion vation we are glad to have one please phone Mr. E. W. Harvey of the best such plants In our at the Gabel school to make your community. The men of the West Slope reservation for a court, before Arrives By Plane Community Church have set up you go. Mrs. Anna B. Ellis flew from From four to eighteen people a H eifer Club with M. George Stroup, 3213 S. W. Copel St., can play at the same time. Get at Dayton. Ohio, to visit her daugh- named chairman to see the pro­ least four. You’ll have more fun I ter, Mrs. J. A. Hall, of S. W. Nen- and it’s not worth lighting the I del Road. She left Dayton Satur­ ject through. day, June 15, at 11:30 p.m. and A Heifer Club buys an animal gym for less. You have to supply your own reached Portland. Sunday, June and delivers same to a needy fa­ mily in one of the allied coun­ "birds” but you can rent racquets 16, at 2:25 p.m. Although she is the trip very tries in Europe. This family a- for fifteen cents if you do not i 71, she enjoyed grees in turn to pass on to needy have your own. The cost for the much. She plans to stay all sum­ neighbors the surplus of milk and use of the court is 25 cents per mer. to raise the calf until same is player or $7.50 a year member­ put into the hands of dependable ship which entitles you to play California Visitor and needy folk. The cost is a- twice a week. Mrs. C. A. Robertson, Berkeley, There is a clubroom for your California, but formerly of Day- round $150.00, delivered in Eur­ use next to the courts where ope. Of these Clubs there are ton, Ohio, was a guest of Mrs. now around 2,000 in the States you ean relax and talk to your J. A. Hall. Tuesday, June«25. Mrs. and Berea College, Berea, K y„ re­ friends. Robertson’s son Is driving from Before the war there were o- Berkeley to meet his mother and ports over 600 heifers sent a- cross in the hands of their men ver 415 members who took advan­ drive her home. students who have been hired as tage of this opportunity. There cow boys. The families receiving should be more who will want to Returns Homo the animals are chosen by the today. Mrs. Charles F. Hunter flew U N R R A —The United Nations Re­ home from San Francisco, Thurs­ lief and Rehabilitation Adminis­ Returns From Trip David E. Lofgren returned this day, June 20th. She has been gone tration. Anyone desiring to donate week from a two weeks trip to about a month. funds toward this worthwhile the midwest where he stopped in cause will be welcomed by Mr. St. Paul. Duluth, and Dayton. I- ★ * owa, where he visited his brother Stroup. and sister on the old family homestead. The last trip he made aking Visit A STARVING CHILD Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Matson and there was in 1941. Mr. Lofgren observed that the ildren, Larry and Lenny, Mur- WAITS FOR YOUR HELP y Avenue, left Wednesday, June grain crops looked very promis­ , to drive to Everett, Washing- ing. n to visit relatives. They plan While in Dayton he experienced GIVE MONEY - OR FOOD a rain storm totaling eight inches stay about two weeks. IN TIN CANS in one night and thirteeen in- I ches in ten days. This delays plowing and will account for a EMERGENCY delayed corn crop there. New Businesses For West Slope Ultra-Modern Food Lookers Bein" Constructed Lauren Hedeen Hurt In Car Crash Badminton Courts Available To You West Slope Men Form Heifer Club Logan's Welding and Supply Corner First ond Tucker Streets Beoverton FOOD COLLECTION Miss Merle Davies spent last week end in Corvallis visiting her sister, Mrs. Daisy Hocken. •n behalf of UNRRA WELDING— OF ALL KINDS Specialists In Re-Boring ond Motor Re-Building PARTS AVAILABLE Phone - Portlond CHerry 1457 4ISSION BELL R A D I O PHONE 3091 WE REPAIR )ME & CAR RADIOS J U S T A R R IV E D - - - \ LARGE SHIPMENT OF PARKER “ 51” FOUNTAIN PEN SETS from $17.50 to $25 Prices on Single Pens $12.50 to $15 COME IN AND SEE OUR ASSORTMENT We hove Block, Gray, Blue, ond others a n d . I r r t r ir a i ET if i p l in n e r* VS... IMI V O I R WORK L O C i T E n Mission Bell ervice Station jt R.R. Tracks Reverend Putnam Visits Churches In Idaho Reverend L. P. Putnam, direc­ tor of the 27 million dollar Res­ toration Fund for the Presbyter­ ian Churches of Oregon and Id­ aho, is spending this week in and around Pocatello and Sand Point, Idaho presenting this objective and organizing the sessions of each church to fulfill its respon­ sibility. This fund is being raised to meet the needs of war victims, the rebuilding of hospitals, schools and the homes of missionaries, as well as sending out many new re­ cruits to meet the challenge in needy fields. Rev. Putnam reports a very en­ couraging response from churches large and small where the use of the fund is understood. Opening Office In West Slope Dr. H. A. Putnam of Howitt Rd. who has been a practicing chiro­ practor and electro-therapist in Portland for 30 years, is moving his office to his home in West Slope. Dr. Putnam’s offices have been in the Raleigh buiding, which is being torn down. Dr. Putnam has put an addition on to his house for his office and he will he ready to receive patients soon af­ ter the Fourth of July. Family Han Reunion Miss Emily Sayre, S. W. Wilson Avenue, has been visiting her friend, Mrs. Orville Gross, Port­ land, during the past week. When she returned home, she had the pleasant surprise of finding that her brother, Robert Sayre, had just returned from France; and that her sister, Edna Sipola, was here from Salem. Sunday, June 23. Emily spent the day in Port­ land with her mother, Mrs. Mary Sayre, and her brothers. Robert, Bud and Donald, and her sister, Edna. Attending Clinic Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Kramer. Rose Lodge, formerly of Beaver­ ton. together with Mr. W. L. Kelly , are staying with Mrs. John E. Robinson of S. W Cash- mur I^ine, Mr. and Mrs. Kram­ er’s daughter. Mrs. Kramer Is here to have a physical check up at the Portland Clinic. There has been no definite report from the doctor as yet. but Mrs. Robin­ son feels that her mother’s con­ dition is grently improved over what it was when she was here three months ago. Play At Recital Donald Peck nnd Keith Hed­ een., formerly o f West Slope, play­ ed in the joint violin and piano recital of the students of the Eirhenlauh Studios, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eiehen- laub, 2937 S. E. Ciaybourne St.. Sunday afternoon, June 23, at 4 pm. Both hoys are violin stud­ ents of Mr Frank Elchenlaub R E TU R N S HOME Mr. J. A. Hall, S. W. Nendel Road, returned home, Thursday June 20. He has been on business in Washington, D. C. since the end of January. Saturady, June 22, he and his son, Dick, went to Pringle Falls, south of Bend, Ore., for a fishing trip. Dick reports that he caught two trout, his dad caught none. New Hilltop Home Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blakely are building a five room house in the Hilltop Addition a qua-ter of a mile north of Nendel's on Un- ‘derwood drive. They expect to move In about the first of Aug­ ust. Building New Home Mr. J. A. Hiller of Hiller Bros. Real Estate, in West Slope, is building a beautiful seven room house on Westwood Drive just o ff the Walker Road. ' Take Fishing Trip Mr. Lem Putnam, Jr. together with Mr. Woody Young, and Mr Herman Bronke. all returned vet­ erans. spent the week end fishing on the Crooked River near Bend, Oregon. W r Hiist* \ n \ — n r tm r n l o f R r tfiih ir Parker Lifetime Fountain Pen- *8.7.» to SI.» V is itin g F ro m R e c o v e rin g Beaverton Pharmacy F\elti-ive anelli- for Parker ’’•»/ BEAVERTON, OREGON Pen» PKee« BEAVERTON 2311 Mrs. Joe Falcon, of Howitt Road, had a major operation, on Monday, June 24. She is at the Good Samaritan Hospital and is getting along well Her sister, a nurse, Capt. Lil­ lian Nutz. who is on terminal leave from the service, is taking ’ care of Mrs. Falcon. SLOPE ★ in MUELLER GARAGE, BROS. SERVICE WEST STATION 8901 S. W. Canyon Road SLOPE PLUMBING P lu m bing We specialize in repairing brakes & motor tune-up SERVICE B etter Homes Conyon Rd. at West Slope Phone BE 7542 Phone BR 9669 Paul's Shell Service GARAGE and SERVICE STATION II r S/H 'cia lise In t ir jn i ir II n r k Canyon Rood ot Sunset Rd. Phon« BE. 6503 R IC H FIELD Valley View SERVICE STATION GARAGE AND LUBRICATION Conyon Rood ot West Slop« SERVICE Phone AT. 6951 W est Slope LUMBER YARD “ Everything for the Homr Phone -- BRoadway 6122 BOARDS — SHIPLAP — DIMENSION Immediate Delivery Outside White Paint Plywood 9049 S.W . Canyon Rd. Portland 1, Ore. W est Slope G R O C ER Y & MARKET Shafer and Neer SEE OUR CO M PLETE LIN E OF TH E V E R Y FRESHEST OF------ FISH VEGETABLES FRUIT — We DELIVER and.. — S. W. Canyon Rood BE 0733 BR 9998 Valley Community Church Members Hear Report Reporting to the members of the Vulley Community church in West Slope, C. B. Walker of Bea­ verton, recently described the U- nited Presbyterian 8Hth General Assembly held in Tnrkio, Mis­ souri May 28 to June 3. Mr. W al­ ker was one of the three dele­ gates from Oregon to attend. The Assembly, convening on the site of one of the United Pres­ byterian colleges located In Atch­ ison county, Missouri, was attend­ ed by 350 commissioners, elders and pastors throughout the coun­ try. The assembly committee ap­ proved the action of the Board of American Missions in its appoint­ ment of Mrs. Leah Turner, a full-time parish worker in the Valley Community Church in West Slope The principal action of the Assembly was the approval of a plan looking to the union of the United Presbyterian and ♦ he Reformed Church In Amer­ ica. New Garage Hein«: Erected Birthday I’arty Given Mrs. John Comfort, S. W. Crest- dale Drive, entertained Miss Wil- da Lofstedt and Miss Georgianna Dennis, of Portland, at a dinner party In honor of Miss Lofstedt’s 21st blrthdny, Monday evening, June 24. Miss Lofstedt and Miss Dennis planned to lenve on the next day or so for San Francisco to attend the wedding of Miss Mary Wright, formerly of Port­ land, to Mr. Robert Wensel of Oakland. THE BOSS MAKES AN ANNOUNCEMENT I'm speaking for all the babies in town. Ordinary ♦ . 4* - *■ ■ > 1 '/ milk caps are NOT good enough for us. Can't . . . i # .c « • ■ f take chances on dust. ond germs getting in. We demand the very J. W. Gumiii and his two sons, Curtis and Jack, are building a new garage in West Slope on the S. W. Canyon Road between Sun­ set and Howitt. The building will have a 75 ft. frontage on the highway. Con­ struction has been going on for some time. The forms for pour­ ing the cement are in and the cement blocks of which the build­ ing is to be made are purchased. However, unless sack cement can be secured before long the build­ ing will be temporarily held up. Visitor Here Edward Keller has been ing his father, Dr. Richard ler, 8. W. Crestdale drive, June 3. He plans to leave after July 4. Returned From Overnet»» Mrs. Phil Held (W inifred Put­ nam), together with Mrs. Rae Sprague Orange, spent the week end at the beach. Mrs. Orange has recently returned from France and is now employed by the Red Cross Veteran Service, Vancouv­ er, Washington. Mrs. Orange will he remembered by many McMinn­ ville pupils nnd friends for her article "The True Story of My L ife” which appeared in “L ife” magazine. best protection ^4 for our milk V »À i ’ <■ T H E G E N T L E M A N IS R I G H T visit­ Kel­ since soon s . . and we're meeting hit demands with Dacro Pro­ tected Milk e safest package o f milk you can buy. The bottle is not merely covered. It's SEALED with a sturdy metal cap . . . air-tight, dust-proof, tamper­ proof. There's complete, scientific protection for our Milk after it leaves the dairy. Let one o f our routemea show you what iWv protection means to you and your family. Id a h o Miss V. Oria Johnson, of Nam- | pa, Idaho, is in West Slope visit­ ing her sister and brother-in-law, | Mr. and Mr*. Jack Oumm. Miss Johnson, who came last week, expects to be here about ten days FR ID A Y , JU N E 28, 1946 WEST Mr. L. W. Hobbs was elected | chairman, and Mr. J. E. Robin son secretary of the West Slope Sewage Disposal Committee at their second meeting which was : held June 18 in the West Slope 1 Water District Building. The committee members de- j cided that the first step neces- j sary is to establish definite boundary lines for the sewage I disposal district. Mr. Carl E Green of Cunningham, Green j and Associates, Consultng Engin eers, Portland, was named as the | choice of the committee for this work. Mr. Green was the consult­ ing engineer at the time the new water mains were laid in the West Slope Water District a year ago. Mr. Green has been contacted and has agreed to meet with the committee Tuesday, July 2, at 8 p. nr. to consider their request. 1« ALSO BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE MRS F A B R A Y D A of the WE5T SLOPE BEAUTY SHOP will be gone on vocation for the month of July Garnet Albert will be in charge of the thop THi S A f i « Bet ause the D acro Cap is a a m ulna trai, it Butt b* removed the f i r « tima with an opener. After that it majr be •napped back o e the borile as a re-veal and removed aaa.n and asaio. aven mot CO g i t i ? 1 ALPENROSE DAIRY 6149 S.W. SHATTUCK ROAD CHerry 2424 I Vi mi. Eost on Bertha Beoverton Hi way to Shottuck Rood K j