FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1946 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE WEST SLOPE pouf Mas mesp SHOPPER-TUNITIES MUELLER GARAGE, BROS. SERVICE PLUMBING Better SERVICE Homes Phone BE 7542 Conor n Rd. ot West Slope Phone BR 9669 8901 S. W . Conyon Rood Rood Rock, Sand .Gravel, Lawn Dirt, Dump Truck Work Paul's Shell Service GARAGE ond SERVICE LEACH and BUCK STATION W e Specialize In Repair W ork Phone BE. 6503 Tw o T ru c k s T o Serve You Orders taken at West Slope Plumbing Shop Phone BE 7542 V A LLEY RICHFIELD V IE W ANTIQUE AND GIFT SHOP Valley View SERVICE STATION GARAGE SLOPE Plumbing W e specialize in repairing brakes & motor tune-up Conyon Rood at Sunset Rd. ★ WEST STATION LU BRICA TIO N AND Canyon Road ot West Slope West Slope LUMBER Sylvan School Holds Annual Meet in" Ad|ocent to R ichfield Service Sta. ★ SERVICE ' Canyon Road a t W est Slope PH O N E A T W A T E R 6951 Phone A T . 6951 Helen’s Beauty Salon YARD “ Everything fo r the H om e ” Phone -- BRoadway 6122 IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENTS FOR PERMANENTS “ the sh op fo r m eticulous w o m en " BOARDS — SHIPLAP — DIMENSION COM PLETE BEA U TY CULTURE Immediate Delivery Including Manicuring and Facials Open Evenings by Appointment S. W. Canyon Road Phone BR 6786 Outaide W hite P a in t Plyw ood 9049 S.W. Canyon Rd. Portland 1, Ore. The annual board meeting of the Sylvan School was held Mon day evening, June 17th. Louise Grondahl was elected the new school board member. Mrs. Grondahl formerly taught home economics at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washing ton and is well versed in school matters. Spencer Hinsdale, the chairman of the board is serving his third yea ron the board and John Hoo per, the other member, is serv ing his second year. A much needed bond issue was voted for $60,000 to build a four room addition to the present school. Since the school population has increased over 70 per cent in the last five years and since no add itional space has been made, the school has become greatly over crowded. Health regulations require 300 cubic feet of air for each school child and Sylvan school during the last year has had less than 150 cubic feet per child. The prin cipal’s office, of necessity, has been used for the eighth grade class room and has been much too small. A basement room, not Intended for such use, has had to be used as a classroom and in order to heat this room, the rooms above had to be greatly overheated. Al so, the sanitary equipment is ex tremely inadequate. There is no play space other than the gym nasium, which is much too small to accomodate the entire school population on rainy days. These conditions can now be remedied since the bond issue has been approved. Salary increases for the teach ers were also passed. WEST SLOPE RADIO & APPLIANCE RADIO L ook O ver Our Sunk O f; FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Canyon Road Strawberries are now at their bent and Klondike Watermelon* are wonderful at Howatt Ave. — We DELIVER W EST — BE 0733 BR 9998 RAINBOW £ ELECTRIC CONTRUCTION, Inc. WIRING COMMERCIAL — INDUSTRIAL HOUSE WIRING T H E R M A D O R ELECTRIC HOUSE HEATING UNITS Estimates Gladly Given Service Calls Taken Care of Promptly FRANCHISED DEALER FOR THERMADOR & MONITOR HOME APPLIANCES BEAUTY SHOP LEAVE ORDERS AT RICHIES HARDWARE N ITE CA LLS — HILLSBORO 16F14 MMMMi APPOIN TM ENT Phone BE 9492 vacation. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Parker, S. W. Wilson Avenue, have had their duughter and son-in-law.Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Strope and their granddaughter, Beverly Ann, of Bremerton, Washington, visiting them since Saturday. June 8. Mr. and Mrs. Strope are returning to Bremerton soon but Beverly Ann plans to stay with her grandpar ents through the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Neuman Ward. S. W. Wilson Avenu, have had Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Opsal of Van couver, B. C. ns guests during the past week. The Opsals left June 17 to return to their home. Mr. Neuman Ward is enjoying a fishing trip on the McKenzie river, staying at Thompson's Lodge. Mr. W. G. Swendsen, Mr. Harry Shellworth and Mr. Ed Sproat of Boise, Idaho are with him on the trip. Mrs. C. E. Diller and children Bobby and Judy. 8403 S. W. Cash- mur lane, left Saturday, June 15, for a two weeks vacation at Can non Beach. Mrs. Fred Catton, Mrs Dillar' mother and Mrs. Hilda Drewson, Mrs. Catton’s sister, are with them. Georgia Ann Gunnestrup, S. W. Cashmur Lane has just received from a case of mumps. Mrs. John Robinson. 8405 S. W. Cashmur lame, took her daugtv ters, Barbara. Ruth and Greta, and their friends. Sally Salts, Ann and Linda Efflnger and Fern and Minnie Smith to the Portland City Park Blocks for a picnic lunch and to the Art Museum. Wednesday. June 19. The Erfeldt family of West- dale have a new baby. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hamilton left Monday. June 17, on a bus iness trip to The Dalles. I For Service Call Beaverton 2481 J BE 6624 OPEN EVENINGS BY 8717 S. W. Canyon Road I turn by way of the Oregon Caves and Crater Lake. Bob and Dick Grant are going to visit their Grandma and Grand pa Sherwood of Tigard while their Mr. nnd Mrs. Larry Barzee and mother and sister are In Caltfor- their sons. Dean and Gary of S. | nia. W. Wilson Avenue left for Rich Dickey Monroe, son of Hal mond, Californa Thursday, June Monroe, Seaside, has been visiting 20, to visit friends for about ten Bob >nii iMob 1 ">|- B W. WU days Mrs. Russell Grant and son Avenue since Saturday, June daughter, Faye, are going with IB them nnd then on to Burlingame, Mrs. Charles Runes nnd child California to visit Mrs. Grant's ren Gary and Caroline, S. W. Mc sister, Mrs. Harry Smith. The Millan Avenue, left for the beach Barzees nnd Grants plan to re- Sunday, June 16, for a two week’s ^ S SERVICE PHONE SLOPE West Slope Personalities ^ d e a l e r Permanent Waving, Finger Waving Manicuring S. W. Canyon Road * PHilCO A UTH O RIZED I Employed a* City Hall Miss Mary Myers la working in the city hall for Mr. Doty. B r id g e L u n ch eon W edding The wedding of Miss Evelyn Roeske, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Roeske, of W’est Slope, to Robert F Rankin was solemnized Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, June 16. Rev. Werner Fritz of St. Matthews Lutheran Church offi ciated. The wedding was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Mueller, the bride's aunt and un cle. The fireplace, decorated with pink roses and greenery, served as the altar. The bride, who was given away by her father, Paul Roeske, wore a gray dressmaker suit with pink accessories. She wore an orchid corsage. Alice Roeske, the maid of hon or, wore a pink dressmakers suit and had a corsage of gardenias and pink rose buds. Dorothy Anne Dillow, soloist, sang, “ Because”. She wore a brown dress with black accessor ies. The reception was held down stairs. The table was decorated with pink roses and greenery and the wedding cake, which was sur rounded by candles. Miss Jean Rankin and Mary Bartchey, assisted by Mrs. Alonzo Clawson, served. Over seventy-five guests at tended the wedding and recep tion. The Eastern Washington Coun ty softball league has been or ganized and double header games will be played every Tuesday and BEAVERTON Thursday evenings on the Bea Shows Every Nite 7 to 11:30 verton High School field. Pre liminary games. league team Reg. prices Children 16c Adults 40c playing a visiting team, will be June 19-20-22— Wed. Thur. Sat. gin at 6:30 p.m. and league games THREE STRANGERS at 8:15 p.m. Romance ot the West, Eddie Dean An admission of 10 cents is charged for the purpose of pay FRIDAY, June 21« Regulor Show ing for the electricity used for With Serial added -Tiger Woman' the lights. June 23-25— Sunday to Tuesday yhe schedule is as follows GUEST W IFE Tuesday, June 25 Bonny Slope vs Visitor Cloudette Colbert, Don Am eche Wedded Bliss Beaverton vs Hazeldale Bahama Sea Sports Cartoon, News Thursday, June 27 Beaverton vs Visitor June 26-27-29— Wed Thur. Sat. West Slope vs Hazeldale YOLANDA AND THE TH IEF Tuesday, July 2 Fred Astoire, F Morgan Bonny Slope vs Visitor THE BIG SHOW West Slope vs Beaverton Gene A utry,Sm iley Burnette, News Friday, July 5 Hazeldale vs Visitor Friday, June 28 Regular Show Bonny Slope vs West Slope With Serial Added 'Tiger Woman' Tuesday, July 9 West Slope vs Visitor Hazeldale vs Beaverton Thursday, July 11 Bonny Slope vs Visitor Hazeldale vs West Slope Tuesday, July 16 West Slope vs Visitor Bonny Slope vs Beaverton BICYCLES— Sold and Repaired Thursday, July 18 Beaverton vs Visitor LAW NM OW ERS— Serviced Hazeldale vs Bonny Slope Serenaded In West Slope Home On Monday morning, June 10, the San Diego Marine Band, which had come to Portland for the Rose Festival, came out to West Slope to play for Major General Larkin. Most of the members of the band had served under the Major General In his recent commands. Spending Holiday Major General Larkin has been Dr. and Mrs. Hal Le Seuer of In charge of Marine Aviation for West Slope left Sunday, June 16 the West Coast, the South Paci for Seaside, Oregon to spend their fic, the Central Pacific, the Phil vacation. ippines and North China. West Slope Laeks Post Office West Slope is at present with out a post office. The A. C. Bar Two lake and stream survey netts who bought out Mrs. Jane Miller, who formerly had the post crews are being placed in the office do not wish to run it and field this month by the Oregon One up to now no one has been found State Game Commission. four-man crew will be assigned to to take it over. make a survey of the major coast al streams south of the Columbia Newcomers Mr .and Mrs. Clarence Francis River to the California line. Their Jr. have recently moved into work will inclüde study of fish West Slope. They purchased the populations, looking for barriers Jack Cody home in Benz Park. to fish migrations and making recommendations for stream im provements. Some of the more Son Is Married Traves F. Brazda, stepson of important coastal lakes also will Mrs. F. S. Brazda, of the West receive attention. The second crew will work on Slope Beauty Shop, was recently married in the Grace Baptist the major problem lakes in the Church in Portland. Mr. Brazda Cascade Range and make initial is working in the Portland post surveys on a number of lakes not covered in previous years. The office. men will also engage in improve ment work where trash fish are a Flying To San Francisco Mrs. W. F. Manthey, of 3315 S. problem. With the setting of all the phea W. Crestdale Drive is flying t» San Francisco, June 27, to visit sant eggs needed for this year’s her son, Robert McCabe, who is production at the four game Com connected with the C and H Su mission game farms, approximat gar company. She expects to be ely 6,500 adult birds have been gone about two weeks. released in both western and She will be accompanied by her eastern Oregon. The goal for this granddaughter, Georgianne Boyce, year’s total production of pheas ants has been set for 60,000. of Prineville, Oregon. GAME NEWS West Slope GROCERY & MARKET Shafer and Neer lia s Soft lull I League Organised Roeske-Rankin Mrs. Edward Casey, of Weat Slope, entertained with a bridge luncheon. June 18. Ten gueats were invited. RITZ T h e a t r e DON'S .. . SPORT SHOP Toys, Model A irplanes, A th letic Equipment, and W heel Goods Richfield Station Changes Hands 317 FARM INGTON ROAD Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Barnett have bought out Jane Miller, of the West Slope Richfield Valley View service station. They plan to have a service station,'garage, and give general automotive service. In the adjoining building, for merly the post office, Mrs. Bar nett will run an antique and gift shop. Mrs. Barnett is a profeessional interior decorator. At one time she owned a shop in Los Angeles, Cal. and has done decorative work for several of the movie stars as well as many Los Angeles home owners. Women's Class Meets The women’s class of the West Slope Community Church held its meeting Tuesday evening. June 18 at the home of Mrs. McDowell in Hillsboro. The meeting this time was purely social and over twen ty-five guests were present. Beaverton Phone 3861 WOOD 16” MILLRUN BLOCK and SLAB $8 Cord in Cord Loads Leave Orders at JACKSON GROCERY In Beaverton or Phone 3894 Beaverton G LEN W O OD FUEL CO. RUGS and CARPETING We now have a good assortment of WOOL RUGS In ATTRACTIVE COLORS and POPULAR SIZES 9 x 9 . 9 x 1 2 - 9 x1 3 6 " 27 ' - 9 x 1 3 - also 12x13 Hall anti Stair Carpet BEAVERTON Mexican hand made rugs UNION DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL PROGRAM in Smaller Sises If e If ill Re (rlatl To Shotc Them To You. Friday, June 21 at 8 o'clock IIEI.I) AT m. 9 CHURCH OF CHRIST vz^uithina. ^ P lltmtltcitrk Displays, A a h o n e 3535 t w w r . m m mm the 9/ome. B eaverton Sinking anti E xercises VETERANS OF WORLD W AR II . . . I.O. O .F. and REBEKAH LODGE PHONE P I C N I C 3031 PHONE Entertaining Service Men anti W om en o f W orld ff ar II BEAVERTON TAXI CAB CO. SPECIAL Shute Park, Hillsboro SUNDAY, JUNE 23 H AVE YOUR SERVICE M ERCHANT CALL US for Merchandise and Medical DE LIV ER IE S WHEN PICKUP IS R EAD Y Basket Lunch at Noon COFFEE, CREAM and ICE CREAM FURNISHED Bring Your Lunch Basket and Your Guest and Enjoy the Day Visiting 24 Hoar Service ALL WASHINGTON COUNTY ODD FELLOW AND REBEK ill LODGES PARTICIPATING Your Beaverton M AYTAG Announces • • • W ASHER REPAIR SERVICE for M A Y T A G owners Grauer & Ackerman HEATING — AIR ON CANYON CONDITIONING ROAD Just Call 3031 for Action Dealer t MUM First Methodist Church Sore 20 to 25°o on yosir FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Policia« ara NON-ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay maintain« more than thraa time* the surplus required by Or*9®" more than tha premium on tha face of tha policy. Oregon Mutual Insurance Laws. I — HOME APPLIANCES BEAVERTON 2699 I Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of M c M i n n v i l l e Organised in 1894 S2 Years of Reliable Service New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "Every Form of Protection" W ALKER end NELSON. Agents Phone 1732 Hillsboro, Oregon '-J . ' r ^ ¿ 6 4th and WATSON STS., BEAVERTON ^ EV ER ETT L. BOWERS. Pastor Guest Preacher Rev. Donald M. Bowers of Newberg, Oregon Sermon: "The Life-Giving Vitamins" Pastor Attending Annual Conference ot Seaside, Oregon