BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JU N E 21, 1946 Hot ii Li siu Made Harmless If Foods Are Boiled APE* I AT 10 R OfifC P i b l i s h I er ‘Super Chicken' Coal Of Oregon Poultry Breeders 0 B otulism poisoning, probably the m ost dreaded type o f food poisoning and w hich kills from one to three a year in BEAVERTON ENTERPRISP Oregon, ca n be persons easily and posi­ Stanley W. Nethercon, Publisher tively elim inated sim ply by m a k ­ ing sure that canned fo o d in Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, which it o ccu rs is boiled 10 m in­ Oregon. Entered as second-class mat­ utes before tasting as soon as ter at the postoffice, Beovertos, Ore. ! the can or ja r is opened. Published Friday of each week by the This is the w arning given by G. V. C opson, head o f the bac Beaverton Office, Enterprise Bldg. teriology departm ent at Oregon Phone Beaverton 2321 State college, as this year's can Office-— 308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and ning season starts. W hile botu Alder, Portland 4, Ore. A T 6591. ! lism has been reported at least J once in alm ost every food, about Subscription Payable in Advonce j 90 per cent o f all cases have re- One Year ................... $1.00 I suited from canned string beans i and asparagus used cold as in a I salad, and in canned corn that i was warm ed but not boiled, he added. The O regon tra ffic death toll "T h e real dan ger o f botulism is fo r the m onth o f M ay stood at 30 that it strikes so seldom that fa ta llte s today, an increase of people becom e careless in prepar­ 16 percent over the toll o f 31 ation o f canned food ,” Copson ex­ killed in May o f 1946, Secretary plained. “ B ecause the deadly ba c­ o f State R obert S. Farrell, Jr., teria w hich causes botulism are disclosed. so abundant in O regon soil, con ­ needed. N ationally D uring the first five m onths stant care is o f 1946, a total o f 180 persons lost their lives in Oregon tra ffic on curves o r hills and hit head- an increase o f 50 percent over on. the 120 fatalities reported for “ M otor veh icles today are in the first five months o f 1945. the w orst con d ition in all his­ O f the 36 persons killed in Ore­ tory. T he cu rren t P olice Safety gon tra ffic in May, 28, or 77 per­ C heck d iscloses that one out o f cent died in accidents on rural every three veh icles exam ined by highways. police fails to m eet m inim um “ T he heavy toll in rural areas safety requirem ents. H erein O re­ unsafe brakes, defective indicates the part speed too gon, great fo r conditions is playing lights and bad tires head the list in our rising accident trend,” F ar­ o f veh icu lar d efects found b y p o­ rell declared. “ In virtually every lice. “ W ith m an y m otor vehicles in rural accident, speed too great fo r safety is a factor. Cars go poor con dition, speed 1» an even o f f the road on curves, are in­ more dan gerous fa cto r on the M otorists sim ply volved in acciden ts while attem pt­ open highw ay. dow n if w e are to ing to pass other cars on the m ust slow straight-a-w ay, or try to pass stop this h igh w a y slaughter.” May Traffic* Toll $200 $200 OIL BURNERS NOW IN YOUR PRESENT FURNACE Solve Your Fuel Problem A LL AUTOM ATIC 0 . G. BARNUM Portland— TAbor 4 5 0 4 $200 $200 R oss H art, o f B eaverton, is W ashington C ounty’s entrant in the O regon section o f the national C h ick en -of-T om orrow contest, N. L. Bennion o f O regon State A g ­ ricultural College, chairm an of the state contest com m ittee, has announced. More than 1,200 ch ick ­ ens have been entered by O regon poultry breeders. T he best o f these birds will be displayed and ju d ged at the dressed poultry show to be held on Thursday, June 27, at the P oultry B uilding o f O regon State College, Corvallis, in con nection with the annual m eeting o f the O regon B aby C hick A ssociation. B y com p etin g in the state con ­ test, all contestants will be elig­ ible fo r the $5,000 national ch am ­ pionship aw ard or part o f the $3,000 in regional prizes to be a w a id ed in 1948 by A & P F ood Stores, w hich initiated the three- year breeding program . B ennion said the ob jectiv e o f the contest is to en courage poul- trym en to develop m eatier ch ick ­ ens w hich will have at least 10 per cent m ore m eat in relation to bone structure, com bin in g this added m eatiness with h igh er egg- laying ability. know n com m ercially canned pro­ ducts have never been reported as cau sin g botulism .” It is not safe to depend on odor or o f f fla v or to reveal botulism contam ination, the bacteriologist warns. E a tin g just one string bean that appeared norm al caused the death o f a w om an w h o sam p­ led a can before cook in g the beans fo r the fam ily, which ate them w ithout in ju ry a fter th ey were boiled. H a lf an olive has also proved fatal. F ollow in g correct, con scien tious can nin g m ethods is the first step in elim inating death from botu ­ lism, and the next is m aking sure that hom e canned susceptible food s are boiled 10 m inutes as soon as opened and b efore thev are even tasted, he concluded. I f leftovers are put aw ay fo r a few days, it is safest to boil them again V acation Bible S ch ool Ends C lim axing a tw o-w eek session o f the Daily V acation Bible school will be an evening m eeting to­ night (F rid a y ) at 8:00 p.m. in the C hurch o f Christ to w hich all par­ ents and friends are Invited. T he advertiser— Tell him you read his m essage In the paper. Land Surveying Precision Watch Repairing L th , Acreage, Tracts, Orchards "Tile Drainage", etc. Accurate, Reliable, Reasonable by a Competent Surveyor 5 -D A Y SERVICE Modern Equipment Used Work Guaranteed NEED JEW ELRY? J E W E L E R SEE ME TOM LUKAS W ATCHM AKER IN W A LK ER 'S DEPARTM EN T STORE ELECTRIC TO START W ILL PAY MOTORS BUSINESS CASH Leave Name or Motor at Beaverton Hardware Phone Beaverton 3921, or call Andrew Strieker, Portland, GArfield 4922 FOR RENT FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS A Few Available Now • ALSO GARDEN TRACTORS AVAILABLE ELMONICA STORE ONE MILE NORTH OF HUBER ON BASE LINE ROAO Rte. 2, Box 755, Beaverton, Oregon PHONE; Beaverton 3177 WEST COAST BARN DANCE Every Saturday Night Formerly Shady Side Dance Hall on Forest Grove-Gaston Highway MUSIC BY EMMETT'S OUTLAWS O regon forest and range lands m ay becom e silhoutted against the back grou nd o f sm oke and flam es any tim e from now to the end o f w hat m ay well be ou r m ost dangerous fire season in tw o de­ cades. T h is is the m essage sent Mr. Jam es Lewis, W ashington C ounty C hairm an o f the K eep O regon G reen com m ittee, by Dean Paul Dunn, state head o f the fire prevention organization. C alling upon the local county leader to ‘g et his house in order and be prepared for an y em er­ gen cy’, C hairm an D unn pointed out that an unseafonal lack o f rain du rin g A pril had created a bad fire situation over m ost o f Oregon. G overn or E arl Snell, w ork ing closely w ith K eep O regon Green organizations in every county, has fu rth er strengthened the loca lgroups by nam ing a strong group o f new spaperm en and ra­ dio leaders in O regon to insure a drive all sum m er and until fall rains com e. L ikew ise at E ugene May 3rd, loggers from W estern O regon at their annual gathering, recognized the critical state o f extrem e danger existing in our forests, agreed to have one o f their boss loggers in each o f the 18 W estern O regon cou nties serve on the cou n ty K eep O regon Green com m ittee to organize all loggin g operations on an alert basis. “ W ith increased tourist travel certain to pour thousands o f city folk and others not fam iliar with fire dan ger into ou r w ood s,” Less than h alf the cities o f the Dr. and Mr«. H erbert E. Ma­ R eturn from F lorida United States o f m ore than 1,000 Mr. and Mrs. P aul Southerland son left Thursday for the beach population have airports. and daughter, Claudette have ar­ to spend their vacation. rived from F lorida and are at their hom e on Allen Ave. E ntertains A t Luncheon Mrs. W. E. G elinsky o f B eaver- to nentertained the Myrtle Chap­ ter Social Club o f the O rder o f E astern Star at a luncheon on June 14 . T here were over thirty guests present. Chairm an Dunn pointed out to the local cou n ty head o f KOG, “ we can expect an increase in m an-caused forest and range fires, unles swe see that these strangers understand our prob­ lem s and we get their coop era­ tion." Surveyor 8000 S. W. Capitol Hill Road (Near 19th and Barbur Blvd.) Portland 1, Oregon LEGAL NOTICE N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N Thut a special election will be held in the City o f B eaverton, W ash ­ ington County, Oregon, on T ues­ day, June 25, 1946, at w hich elec­ tion there will be subm itted for approval or rejection o f the legal voters o f the city the follow in g proposition, to-wit: P roposition Submitted to the l.egul Voters by R esolution o f the City C ouncil: PURPOSE: SHALL THE C IT Y OK B E A V E R T O N L E V Y A N D C O I.LE CT A T A X IN T H E SUM O F $9,950.00 F O R THE TAX YEAR 1946-47 OVER AND ABOVE THE L IM IT A T IO N F IX E D BY SEC TIO N 11. A R T IC L E X I, O F T H E O R E G O N C O N ST I­ TU TIO N . F O R T H E PUR­ POSE OF P A Y IN G THE C IT Y 'S S H A R E O F A G R A D E CROSSING AT HALL S T R E E T , A D D IT IO N S AND A L T E R A T IO N S TO THE C IT Y H A L L AN D N E C E S ­ SARY PERSONNEL EXPEN - V oto Y ES or NO 100 YES 101 NO N O T IC E IS ALSO G IV E N That there will be one polling place for said city election which Is to he held at the City Hall at the cor- | ner o f First and Main Streets o f said city at which all voter* In the city will vote, and said polling place shall be open from 8:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. o f said day, except that it may, at the discretion o f the Judges, he closed for one hour betw een the hours o f 12:00 noon and 2:00 p m. o f said day. D A T E D This ll t h dav o f June. 1946. Date o f first publication June 14 194«. Date o f last publication June 21. 194«. R . C. DO TY. R ecorder o f the City o f Beaverton. W ashington County. Oregon. R H E U M A TISM and ARTH R ITIS I suffered for years and am so thnkful that I found relief from this terrible a ffliction that I will gladly answ er anyone w riting try for Inform ation Mrs. Anna Pautz. P. O B ox 825, V ancouver, W ash. !M A.iv - N U E O Y O ! , iN > n t o r i e s F or Stove and Diesel I 'd Call H arry Barnes Ph B eaverton $231 Leonard's & Ernest's RADIO-ElECTin t babies V ! in town. !• '. Ordinary ' rtulk caps are NOT good enough for us. C an ’t take chances on dust, < W e demand the very i foe our milk Washing Machine Troubles SEE US THE G E N T L E M A N 109 South Watson St. Next door Florence Beauty Shop For Pickup and Delivery PHONE BEAVERTON 3931 CLOSING IS R I G H T . j ; and w e’re meeting his demands with D acro P ro­ tected Milk . . . the safest package o f milk you can buy. T he bottle is not merely covered. It’s SEALED with a sturdy metal cap . . . air-tight, dust-proof, tamper­ p roof. T here’s com plete, scientific protection fo r our milk after it leaves the dairy. Let on e o f our routemen show you what rhij protection means to you and your family. OUT Because the Dacro Cap is a genuine seal, it must be removed the first time with an opener. After that it may be snapped back on the bottle as a re-seal and removed again and again, even without an opener. S A L E Starts Monday ALPENROSE DAIRY S I49 S.W. SHATTUCK ROAD CHerry 2424 1 Y i mi. Eost on Bertho-Beoverton Hiway All Stock and Fixtures to be Sold at C O S T or L E S S Meat Case, Ice Cream Cabinet Scales, Cash Register, Shelving- and Merchandise JACKSON'S GROCERY 561 S. LOMBARRD Phone BEAVERTON 3894 FREE COMMUNITY AUCTION Saturday, June 22, at 11:30 LOCATED 1 MILE EAST OF BEAVERTON West Slope ACCORDION STUDIO Dick Kokich Teacher of M ODERN AND C L A S S IC A L A C C O R D IO N Accordions for Rent Available to play for Weddings, Parties, etc. Studio Canyon & Howett Rd., West Slope, Ore. SOMETHING NEW . . For A More Complete Service or 9 Miles West of Portland on Canyon Road Announcing the opening of our Community Auction Sale Most All Available At this FIRST sale we will sell anything you bring FREE. (you pay test charge on Cattle of $1.00) 4 BLANKETS Given Aw ay At This Sale FREE WE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT YOUR CONSIGNMENT OF WEANER PIGS FEEDER PIGS FAT HOGS, etc DAY-OLD CALVES VEAL CALVES STEERS DAIRY CA TTLE BEEF CATTLE, etc FARM MACHINERY, Of All Kinds GOOD FURNITURE PRODUCE Please do not bring small miscellaneous orticles as we do not hove time to sell them. BUY AT AUCTION — YOU SET THE PRICE Our new building has 10,000 feet of floor space, plenty of pens and stanchions for all livestock. List your livestock. Machinery and Furniture early so we can advertise it for you. SALES EVERY SATURDAY AT 11:30 A. M. BEN T. SUDTELL — 0138 S. W. Palatine Hill AUTO PARTS and ACCESSORIES WHOLESALE and RETAIL 24-Hour Service When You Need The Job Done . . -- We Will Do It -- OREN SUDTELL AT 5390, Portland, Ore. Wheel Balancing Equipment Don't Give Your C ar Away New, Fast Battery Charger Improved Freight Service Will Soon Make Possible The Delivery Of New Equipment. I W ILL PAY UP TO $250 OVER W H AT YOUR CAR IS WORTH Phone or Wipe Me Collect Doy or Night Business Phone — BRoadway 2726 Residence - Evenings — SUnset 6908 Get the most for your car ...NOW... HENRY BRYANT 112 N. W. TENTH PORTLAND 9, ORE. SEPTIC T A N K S Portland Concrete Pipe and Products Co. 5819 SW Macadam A v e . Portland. 1. O regon AND INSECT SPRAY I’m speaking for oil For Prompt, Courteous Service MOTOR REWINDING APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE HOME & AUTO RADIO SERVICE W e ore offering Two Day Service and a 90 day guarantee on our service work. . “Concrete” SEE YOUR B U ILD IN G M A T E R IA L DEALER Come Dance in the Moonlight THE BOSS MIKES 111 AWÜLMEMEVT arjd germs getting in. RICHARD R. PFEIFER BEAVERTO N , ORE. VETERAN Needs Used or Burned Out W RITE; PHONE CHerry 2365 Day or Nite Help Keep Oregon Green, Avoid Carlessness AT. 8384 | Kelly Motor Co. S. W. Canyon Road at R. R. Tracks Kaiser-Frazer Dealer Rototillers Associated Service 24 hour service Phone 2701 Every Day