I BM/ERÎ0N IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR PAPER BEAVERTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1946 VOLUME 19. NUMBER 21 ESTABLISHED 1927 Beaverton City Council Accepts Bid To Connect Sorrento Well No. 2 W itli Present Water Slip >lv System Committee Named To Study Plan Bahson Discusses Building For Vi est Slope Sewage Disposal 'Young Men Meet To Organise Jr. Chamber A meeting was called June 11 committee and their associates Babson Park. Mass. June 21. by Mr. E. D. Wiley, Mr. M D. who started the plan. Twelve members of Beaverton’s The market for houses- both old Campbell and Mr. L. W. Hobbs, Construction Co. There Is a great need for a At a special meeting of the City and Sateside and new—is today as crazy as of West Slope ,to start the for­ sewer system in this part of the prospective Junior Chamber of Council, held June 18, 1946, the $47,434.00. was the stock market in 1929. mation of a sanitary district to country.. During heavy rains there These developments are en­ Commerce met Wednesday noon bid of State Construction Com- Some day there is bound to be a study the problem and make re­ is often water seepage in many , pany of Seattle, Washington, was couraging and it is possible that at Lambert’s Restaurant to hear crash in the price of houses such commendations for action on the basements and since there are so accepted and contract awarded water from the new well may be talks by Floyd Campbell and Lee as came to the stock market af­ problem of sewage disposal in many cesspools in the area this the end of the Stldd, Jr., members of the Port­ for installing 7,880 feet of 12-inch available near ter the last big boom. Houses that this district. land Junior Chamber. creates a possible health hazard. j cast iron water main to connect sprinkling system. Campbell, an ex-president of cost $8.000 or more to build 20 the new Sorrento W ell No. 2 The meeting was attended by o- the Portland chapter, and Stldd, years ago and which could have ver thirty residents o f the dis­ with the City distribution system one of the national directors of been bought ten years ago at trict. at Allen Avenue and Watson St., A fter an address by Mr. the JCC, discussed with the group $6,000 are now being sold at $12,- Everett, State Sanitary Engineer, the amount of the bid being the procedures of securing a char­ 000 or more. $10,385.00 Other bids were also in which he explained how a ter and the values and functions Reasons For The Boom received from the following con­ sanitary district is formed and the | of a chapter in Beaverton. They Tired? Thirsty? Warm weather tractors on this work: Beebe and There are three reasons for this great need there is for such an brought out the ways the young Werner, $12.969.00; Henshaw Bros, m a discussion was got you down? People of Beaver­ unhealthy boom in houses: (1) organization, $19,642.00; McMinnville Brick and The discharge from the army of held. As a result a, committee of ton only have to step into Pat A Budget Election, legal notice men can help their community, gaining leadership “ Shake Shop” Tile Co., $22.788.00; P. S. Lord of which appears in this issue. meanwhile men reprsesenting the Murphy’s n e w 12,000,000 men, a large percentage eleven Co.. $13, 795.00; Rushlight Auto­ Will be held at Beaverton City training for themselves. o f whom have been married dur­ various sections of the disctrlct that opens tomorrow and he will A temporary president, Bruce matic Sprinkler Co.. $12.344.00 and Hall, between the hours of 8:00 ing the past five years and now was chosen to study what needs fix you a Frosted Malt, Sundae, was elected, and a Soda or your favorite fountain Stateside Construction Co., $11,- a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, McMahon naturally want a home. (2) The to be done. temporary secretary-treasurer. Jay Beaverton is becoming 990.00. Completion of this assign­ June 25th, 1946. The members of the committee special. crazy regulations of the govern­ ment is expected within 30 days ment making it difficult to build are M. D. Campbell, E. D. W il­ one of the fastest growing towns Voters of Beaverton are re­ Gibson. Jr., was chosen. McMahon from the date the pipe Is received quested to approve the levying appointed Francis Holboke and new homes. (3) The labor unions ey, F. Arpke, Allen M. Armfield. in this section. New enterprises Delivery of the pipe is promised of an amount of $9,950.00 outside Don Walker to act with Gibson in rules and the aim of their mem­ L. C. Madden, F. J. Statter, M. each week. D EAN P A U L M. DUNN not later than August 1st. Owen, A. Oxtoby , C. G. bers to do as little work, instead L. the constitutional 106 per cent tax drafting by-laws. Others attending were Dr. A1 The bid of the same company limitation. of as much work, in the day as Bruntsch, J. E. Robinson and L. Dean Paul M. Dunn, state head was also accepted for construction possible. Hence, it is difficult to W. Hobbs. The Public Utilities Commission Rossi, Ross Whisman, Dr. N or­ of Keep Oregon Green, sees dan­ of a 500,000 gallon reservoir and man Johnson. Chet Hunkapillar, A fter the committee men have get a (new house built within a year ger ahead from forest and range a pump house at a cost of $37.- decided in favor o f the City, fol­ Dr. Garson Kane, Don Hicks, even if one is willing to pay the made a study of what needs to be lowing the recent public hearing fires unless public gives greatest 655.90, which is approximately on the City's application for a Jim Gattuccio. and Jack Grauer. done, they will get up a petition fantastic prices. cooperation all summer long. The group will meet Monday. $3,250.00 above the Engineer’s es­ grade crossing over the Southern I don’t blame labor for union­ to present to the county court. 6:30 at Lambert’s timate. Other bids received were Pacific track at Hall Street. How­ June 23, at w izing and for demanding reason­ The county court can then call and One of the largest auction from Beebe and Wernes, $65.794.50 ever, he also ruled that the City Restaurant for a dinner able wage increases, but this for an election to be voted on by grounds and the only one in this must pay the cost of installing el­ meeting afterwards. “ slow-down” in the work is ab­ the community. When the district is formed section of the country wil lbe op­ ectric warning signals and the solutely wrong. Not only will crossing, the total cost which is wage-workers themselves be ob­ and the directors elected, they ened Saturday by Oren Sudtell. estimated at $5,500.00. liged to pay more In rents, but can petition the federal govern­ Mr. Sudtell has operated auctions St. Cecelia parish Salem, Springfield, Other Items entailing increas­ they may start a buyers’ strike. ment for the cost of engineering in Albany, opment* in- ed expenditures include a portion People are disgusted with the way the district for the installation Hubbard and other Oregon towns. build a $140,000 development An International Business Ma­ of the cost of enlarging the City bricklayers, carpenters and paint­ of a sewage system. The engin­ He has been a resident of Oregon eluding school gymnasium, church building and residence was turn­ chine has been purchased by the Hall. The City’s estimated cost ers are apparently doing as little eer will be employed by the fed­ the past ten years. His auction grounds cover an ed down by the Oregon district Beaverton First Seourity Bank under the recently enacted Em ­ as possible and dragging out the eral governmnt to make an area Report has been made of the ployee’s Retirement Law, an ad­ work. The nation’s standard o? survey at no cost to the local area of ten acres, thereby provid­ CPA construction review com­ of Beaverton. death on June 17 of Theodore mittee due to the building mater­ This machine is for the pur­ ing plenty of parking space. The district. ditional employee and certain pay living can be raised onlv by all Tito” Reghitto, member of the pose of increasing greater e ffi­ Increases. If. after the survey is made, floor space is approximately 100 ials shortage. of us producing more. W e can­ Also the Valley Community ciency at the teller •••'•>dows, e- The detailed Rudget is also Beaverton fire department. not pull ourselves up by our boot­ and the district wants to go a- X 100. Surviving are his wife, May, Only the best of articles will United Presbyterian Church at liminate hours of work ordinar­ published in this head with the plans and install Issue of the straps. daughters, Jane and Carol, sis­ Multnomah Club road who ap­ ily spent after banking hours, Beaverton Enterprise. be sold over his block. No miscel­ the sewage system, they then as­ Shall H e Sell? plied for a permit to build a $60,- and to keep a complete record of laneous, small articles. All citizens are urged to go to ter, Mrs. Ida Pesenti, mother and Should homeowners who have a sume the cost of the survey. father, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reg­ 000 church was denied. all work handled throughout the His livestock pens are well e- the polls and vote. The only cost up to the point chance to double their money on hitto. They were two of the 33 appli­ day. of beginning work on the sew­ quipped —■ cement floor, cement their present house now sell? My Funeral services were held on The machine also has an at­ slab 60x60 with pens and stanch­ cants in Oregon and Southwest age system is the money involved answer is that if it is a house Thursday, June 20, at St. Cecil­ whose applications tachment which automatically en­ ions and concrete rings, making Washington in calling the election. This sum which you own and do not oc­ ia Catholic Church where requiem dorses transit checks. which amounts to about $200, has them A -l as to sanitation. There were refused. cupy, but from which you collect mass was offered. are three unloading chutes, so already been guaranteed by the rents, sell it. This will give you The Rosary was held Wednes­ there will be no waiting around a good profit and you will be to unload. Mrs. John Holmes, Mrs. J. day, June 19, at Pegg’s Chapel. rendering a service by helping to Bring your farm machinery, George Elsenhauer as delegates, Interment will be at the Mt. Cal­ break this present crazy market. and Mrs. A. R. Ringe and Mrs. vary cemetery. cattle and hogs to this "up-to-the- On the other hand, if it is a minute” auction grounds. George R. Martin as alternates, house in which you live, unless The Raleigh School District held included plans for adding three together with Mrs. H. A. Harts­ you definitely have some other its annual meeting the evening rooms to the present greatly ov­ horn and Mrs. Carl Unger attend­ The annual union high school place to go, you cannot afford to meeting will be held in the high of June 17. ercrowded school. It is hoped ed the State Federation of Gak sell even at these crazy high school building Monday, June 24, Two new school board mem­ that one o f these rooms will be den Clubs Convention at Eugene prices. Mrs. Eiaenhaurr between the hours of 2 and 7 p. bers were elected. Mr. Earl H. ready for occupation by /all. It last weekend. The same genera ladvices ap­ m. for the purpose of electing Hibbard was chosen to fill the was reported that the C. P. A. was elected State Federation Sec­ ply to business property and farm one school board member for a The annual grade school meet­ two year vacancy caused by the grant for this addition has been retary for the coming year. Representative Walter Norblad property. Factories, stores and term of five years. The contract for the ing of school district No. 48, resignation of Mr. Sherwin, who obtained. (R-Ore) today protested to the farms which you occupy yourself, work was let to George Weber of presided over by chairman Mr. The school budget for 1946 and is moving to Ashland, Oregoh. State Department and U N R R A you should continue to hold; but 1947 school year has been ap­ William Grauer, was held Monday West Slope. against the grave injustice suf­ Mr. George Kruger, who lives now is the time to "cash in” on proved by the budget committee June 17, 1946 . An increase in salary for all the fered by the tree nut industry of those which you don’t occupy but and will be open for any review­ The two grade school directors on Scholls Ferry Road was elect­ teachers was passed and a fund the United States due to the A- are collecting rents therefrom. Of ing or discussion at the school elected at this meeting were Mr. ed for the regular three year for the hiring of the necessary merican Government permitting course, we are in inflation and it meeting. new teachers when the new build- Norton Peck for a three year term. huge importations of edlbls nuts will continue to increase, but The budget was approved. This ing is available was established. term and Dr. R. S. Welsh for a from famine stricken areas of there has never yet been a nera two year term. Marjorie Ringham, daughter of Europe instead of requiring their of inflation that was not followed The 1946 and 1947 grade school Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ringham, was Mr. and Mrs. Hammer of Port­ use and consumption in the Eur­ by an era of deflation. budget was read and approved. class of land visited at the home of Mrs. among the graduating opean market and suggested the Getting Tenants Out An appropriation of $5.000 to Jamestown College June 10 She present condition could be rem­ Jennie Alexander Sunday. i The general rules about getting be used for the purpose of buying received a Bachelor of Arts de­ edied if U N R R A would demand Mrs. Jack Osfleld and Janice tenants out of houses which they land for the site o f a new grade gree, having done her major work that these importations be pro­ have returned home from Eugene. now occupy are as follows: (1) c? r school was approved. in English. Announcement of the arrival hibited as a condition for the Thrilled, jubilant and slightly I f the property is bought by a The group also voted to sell the of a daughter, Judith A., June 4, Mrs. Osfield brought her sister Miss Ringham has been very issuance of American food into G. I. man who immediately gets perplexed at some American cus­ garage belonging to district No. to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O. home with her. active in student affairs through these areas. a lawyer to prepare proper no­ toms are Mrs. Basil Waters and 48 to the Beaverton union high Sundberg, at a Portland hospital, Mr .and Mrs. George Klein and her college career. She was a The Congressman pointed out tices, the tenant can be evicted Mrs. John Waters of Beaverton, school. has been received. Mrs. Sund­ family who have been living in member and on the cabinet of the in three months. (2) I f the prop­ previously of Liverpool, England, berg was formerly Verna W al­ Portland since his discharge from Y.W.C.A., a member of Alpha that during the last five months erty is bought by anyonewho is to the latter a resident of only ten ters an alumnus of Beaverton the army, have moved into the Zeta Society, Spanish Club. In- more than 38 million pounds of edible nuts have been Imported in­ occupy it himself with his family days. Union high school. International Relations Club and to the United States from these Jacobson house on Second St. Charming to talk to because of and who immediately employs a Pan-Hellenic. During her junior European countries, and that this Mr. and Mrs, Ellsworth Weigel Darrel Allyn, son of Mrs. Nor- English accent lawyer to prepare proper notices, their delightful are very proud of their tiny ene Brookhardt of Aloha, left on year she was president of the was in excess of any pre-war im ­ the tenant can be evicted in six these brides were good friends in Student Association. She was al­ months. (3) I f your case con­ Liverpool, where they worked to­ Four Beaverton students were daughter, Bonita M., who was Monday with one hundred forty so a member of the Women’s Ath­ portation over a period of one year. born June 2. other young people to attend a gether as office clerks in the Roy­ forms with neither of the two among those receiving degrees at letic Association and its presi­ “Although I believe we should above mentioned, you will have a al Liver Health Insurance Co. (L i­ the Sixty-ninth commencement Born to Mr and Mrs. Phillip Bible School camp at Troutlake, dent during her senior year. Dur­ hard time in getting the tenant ver pronounced with a long “ i” ). exercises held June 16 at the U- B. Boehmer, Rt. 6, Box 1164-A, near Troutdal. He will be gone ing her senior year honors that expend our every effort to pre­ vent starvation in Europe,” Mr. As for America, they agree that niversity of Oregon campus. out unless he is willing to move June 11, a daughter, Catherine P. two weeks. f ame to her include being a Norblad stated, “ it seems unreas­ out. Thus, the purchase of homes they are rather amazed at the Maxine Cady Barnes, daughter Mr. Elwin Nelson has just re­ homecoming attendant, selected Miss Loretta Morton has re­ onable to me that these highly bright, gay frocks the women of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cady, 353 for speculation is risky. turned from an extended trip to as a ‘‘Representative Jimmie” Not only are old houses selling can wear without criticism, the Angel Street, Beaverton, received turned from a visit with her aunt the east, going to his old home and elected to ’ W ho’s Who in nutritious nuts, which admittedly are rich in vitamins and high in for more than they are worth, unlimited supply o f clothing, ab­ the degree of Bachelor of Arts. in Portland. and visiting relatives. Mr. and American Colleges and Univer­ calories, should be imported in but new houses are likewise in­ sence of a rationing system and Mrs. Barnes majored in music at Mr. Myron Gray and family Mrs. Nault went with him, also sities.” ever-increasing quantities to the flated. This, however, is not the queue. the university. from Fresno, California are visit­ visiting relatives. United State« instead of being When questioned about the fault of the contractors. They are Receiving a Bachelor of Science ing Mr. and Mrs. Doy Gray. My­ Stafford Miller of Oregon City consumed in European countries working hard to give you as meaning of "queues” they said degree was James D. Cameron, ron is the second son of the is visiting his father and grand­ where they are produced. As an good a house as they can at a that standing in line for any ar­ son of M. and Mrs. William Cam­ Grays and graduated from high parents. The Ward and Jordan families example, the importations of fil­ fair price. They, moreover, are se­ ticle is called "queueing” . Mrs. eron, rt. 1, box 111, upon com­ school here some years ago. Mrs. Norena Brookhardt left are resting up after spending the berts have increased this year 500 verely handicapped by labor con­ Basil Waters, a resident of only pleting requirements as an archi­ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller have Tuesday morning with a number weekend at Mercer Lake. Mr. per cent over the average pre­ ditions and material shortages. two and a half month, laughingly tecture major. a daughter and two boys from of other chaperones to attend a Ward reports that the bass are war figure. The caloric content Yes. they long for the time when remarked she still very gingerly Alva Whitcomb Graham, route of filberts imported In the last they will again be able to build handles eggs and shortening for 2, box 375, Beaverton, will receive New York visiting them, also a 4-H Club at Corvallis. She will biting if you can catch them. be away ter. days. The Breitenstein’s spent four six months is equivalent to the good houses at reasonable prices. she is afraid of using some one’s the degree of Doctor of Educa­ granddaughter from Oklahoma. Mrs. W. E'. Pegg's sister of Se­ days fishing recently. Trout are caloric content contained in 220 tion. Mr . and Mrs. Dave Catto of They are not only handicapped ration. the family a biting if you can hook ’em. They thousands bushels of wheat. Ex­ She further explained that they by the labor unions, but they hate Her thesis tilte is, “ An exper­ Gladstone visited the Blassers on attle, is paying caught 26 flounders and a lovely actly the same thing is true in to use the green lumber and were only allowed one egg per imental study of the developments Sunday. Hubert Hingley, a ’ bro­ short visit. varying degrees of other nuts im­ small sizes which they are com­ month per person and one ounce of attitudes of eighth grade pup­ ther of Mrs. Blasser .also visited Mrs. "Bud” Hite of West Slope sunburn. ported into this country. ils.” gave a luncheon at the home of them. pelled to do at the present time. of shortening per week. When asked about travelling her mother, Mrs. Larson Tues­ Therefore, my final suggestion Lyman A. Webb, Beaverton, will Mr. and Mrs. Paxton are in Cal­ day afternoon for I.O.O.F. PICNIC Mrs. Ernest is that If you can get on without conditions between England and receive his Master of Arts degree ifornia on a vacation. They will Don’t forget the IOOF and Re- the United States both found the buying a house at the present in physics at the commencement be gone for a couple of weeks Hite of Kinton, Mrs. Lucille Flint bekah Ix>dge picnic. Sunday June exercises. and little daughter, Delores of time, you had better do so. On boats very crowded. or more. 23 at Shute Park, Hillsboro. Mrs. J. W’ aters came across on Scholls and Mrs. Robert Holland the other hand, this probably The title of Mr. Webb’s thesis Peter Tozer, son of Mr. and It is in honor of veterans and Mrs. Myrtle Nelson returned of Beaverton. means waiting until after 1950 be- | Willa A. Holbrooke while is. “A study of a single magnetic Mrs. Robert Tozer, left last Fri­ from California last Tuesday. fore you can get a decent house < Mrs B. Waters was on the Queen lens electron microscope.” Arden Enger, senior at BJi.S., day by car with his uncle from their wives. Mary. Coffee, cream and ice cream ga­ at a fair price. She was visiting a sister, Mrs. is in the Good Samaritan Hospi­ Both are sincerely enthusiastic Grace P. Lloyd, who lives In San tal in Portland as a result of a Seattle for Kuln, North Dakota, lore. Just bring your lunch basket about living in Oregon and ever Fernando. While there the I^acys roman candle exploding in his where he will visit his grandpar­ so grateful for the helping hand spent a day with her. The Lacys face Tuesday evening. June 17, at ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bllllg and enjoy a day of viaitlng and meier. a general good time. extended to them when they first Mrs. L. W. Geigner, previously have sold their home and plan Sylvan, Oregon. From there he will go to Min arrived. All o f Washington County Re- Alice Johnson of Beaverton, and on building near the ocean Mrs. neapolis. his former home and the bekahs and Odd Fellows will be her children have left for their Lacy la a Past Matron of Beaver j Kn joyed Skating Party present home of his grandmother. there. home in Tillamook, Oregon, after Chapter, O.E.8 The young people of the Beav Mrs. Maude Tozer. visiting in Beaverton with her The Bible School, which Is be­ erton Christian Church and the Peter expects to be gone about Births sisters, Mrs. W. E. Henderson. young people of the Hillsboro The Beaverton Grange will hold A son. Timothy L was born to Mrs. L. A. Kerr and Mrs. Thayne ing held In the Church of Christ Christian Church held a joint four weeks. is having a very good attend­ their rgeular meeting Monday. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Conley L. Barnett skating party at the Hillsboro The Friendly Circle club met June 24th at 8 p.m. Mr. Harold ance. of Beaverton June 9th skating rink Thursday evening, ™ ^edna» L. Cook of Portland will be the at the home of M r. Don Long. , * Mrs. Lillian Thyng went to a June 13. Mr. and Mrs. Elder A. Erfeldt Wa/inss/iav Tims 19 Tv,ir*— r, nay ninK . Jun# 1 2 , at th^ homR Thirteen guest speaker and will talk on ] Wednesday. June 12. __ ___ ___ of Beaverton are the parents o f a W E - Henderson for Mrs. luncheon at Mrs. McKenzie's (nee "Wood and Wood Products.” The members were present and two I ° f son born June 7th and named E l­ ir,e I Gi* * n,,r »t which the following Anna Boring) last Thursday in H>nt Crm|> m m Mm and ^ members of the Tigard and Kin- visitors attended. A two-course friends from Beaverton and Port­ der E. Erfeldt. Portland. _ ! Mr. and Mrs. C. A Searcy of luncheon was served at noon. A ton Granges will be guests and Next Tuesday evening, June 25, land attended; Doris Yarton, Aud­ Mrs Della McCauley of San Beaverton. have Just returned this will be the first o f several very pleasant afternoon was en­ rey Yarton. M r, F A. Ludwig Francisco will be the annual Friendship I Visitor at Grange Meeting Is visiting her cousin. from a five day trlp to Waldport joyed by all. visitations. Meeting of the Minerva Chapter An Interesting visitor at the and daughters. Doris and Fran Mrs Ruby Boyd, and aunt. Mrs. Oregon, via Corvallis Oregon' ■n>e new officers for the en- , Kathryn Very recently the Beaverton of the Eastern Star at St. Johns June 8th Grange meeting was Desinger. Helen Wilmot. where they picked up Mrs. Sear Grange presented Mr. and Mrs ( suing year were installed as fol Shepher Attending the Friendship Meet­ Mrs Clarence Palm o f Seattle, Mrs L A. Kerr and A number from here attended cy’s son. Bob Haynes, who has Charles Van Kleek with a 2 5 -year lows; Mrs L. V. Graham, pres.; Mrs. Thayne Smith ing of Daphne Chapter In Mil­ Wash. Mrs. Palm and her smali Friendship Night at Daphne chap­ just finished his freshman year at membership certificate. Mrs Walter Van Kleek. vice prea- waukle last Monday evening were son Robert visited at the home o f ter O E S at Milwaukle last Mon­ Oregon State College. A very interesting program was ident: Mrs. Carl Ramey, secretary, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brownrlgg, At Waldport where they visited Worthy Patron and Matron, Mrs. her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. David Phelps. Jr Is returning day evening. presented at the last meeting. - S B Lawrence of Raleigh Hills this week end from several weeks Mr. Campbell, husband of Car­ Mr Searcy’s brother, they went Frances McOeorge. A debate, entitled. “ Are W’omen Newlyweds le a v e for Corvallis Henry Pfen­ for a week. crab hunting and fishing ina Campbell (nee Carna Peterson» More Curious Than Men,” was Mr and Mrs. Elvis A Diekaeon visit in Wedderburn Oregon with ning. Mrs. Harry Nelaon. Mrs. L. given The debate teams consist- returned to Beaverton Sunday Dick Cushman The Cushman has arrived In Berlin and It will L. Falrweather. Mrs. C. O. Ack The monthly meeting of St. Cs- Spends Week end at Home not he very long before Mrs. ed o f men only, and the decision night and left Monday for Cor | f*m ily were formerly of this ar- erman. Mrs George Blasser Mrs cilia’s Altar Society will bs on children will be was. “Yes. women are more cur-1 vallls. Oregon, where they will **• having moved to Southern Campbell and Pat Stewart waa home from Carrie Leonard and Mrs. George Wednesday, June 26th at 1 30 n m leaving to join him. ious than men " I make their home Oregon last fall. Newport for the week end. Thyng. I at the Parish Hall V Beaverton Voters To V ote