J Services THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1946 CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS B U S IN E S S S E R V IC E S P. E. HAGG I V E T E R IN A R IA N ----- —— — ----------------------------- i Hauling Contractor Count each word, including Nome For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Mason* Dr. Norm E. Johnson and oddress-O N LY 2c A WORD Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. Sand, Crushed Rock and No Phone Orders Token ' ' Road Gravel Veterinarian MINIMUM 25c AN ISSUE LAND SCAPE—For the best In ROUte Box 23, Tigard, Oregon f as» of Beaverton Hlway 6 new lawns call W. A. Green Phone Tigard 244« tf We Publish the Beaverton Poetiand Beaverton 2967. 1 7 t f -------------------------- ------------------ BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE 3511 COM. 9924 TIG A RD SEN TIN EL ------ " ----------- ----------------------- B. J. Shepherd J. L. Jersey TR AC TO R W O R K —Plowing, disc- su 2680 M ULTN OM AH PRESS A LO H A 6617 ing and general garden work. J. A LO H A NEWS SH EPH ERD Si JERSEY STOVE AND DIESEL OIL Excavating and Grading Complete Eastern Washington County A. Lincoln, Phone Beaverton 2713. tf Land Clearing and Trenching ond Western Multnomah County General Contracting Coverage Meteied Oil Service PLANT YOUR LAWN NOW Estimates Gladly Given by Hour or Contract FOR S A L E D ELIV E R E D _ i I W ill g r a d e grou n d and sow 6810 s k Mall s t PortUnd «. Or 20 Years Experience tf F O R SALE—Ex. davenport set j lawn, and rug. Grimm, Menlo Drive 5th hse from Allen on left, Bea­ P A IN T IN G A PA PE R H A N G IN G ALSO verton. 20 Work Guaranteed TRACTOR ond •” Work Done Promptly 16 IN. IN S ID E Blockwood $20 11102 SW Capitol Hlwy CIL 1313 C A LL CHerry 2175 load; 16 Inch old growth slab $18 TEAM WORK 46tf load. (2 cord loads). J. O. Johnson B. R. STEVENS Bx. 584, Carlton, Oregon. EXCAVATING Tree Topping, Removing, F O R SALE—Small modern house Hedge Trimming TOP SOIL - Fertilizer and Mi acre, $4,500.00, 1212 S. E. Out of town calls taken POWER SPRAYING Lombard. Phone Beaverton 3701. Equip, for diffioult jobs, Insured 20 Estimates—References L E N N ’S TR E E SERVICE Piano Toning, Cleaning QT. F R U IT JARS 30c duz. W. R. Portland—EAst 6524 3tf Kirk. Nice Building Lois For Sale DEM OTHING, R E P A IR IN G 1291 S. E. Lombzard, W. R. Kirk WE CURE AND SMOKE Phone: A LO H A 6613 20 I Owner. YOUR PO R K CUTS ._______ — --------- j Rte. 3, Bx 1547, Oak Ave. (2 miles 25 years Experience FOR SALE — Rose Broadloom w o ff Farmington Rd Beaverton. ALD ER M A R K E T rug and pad. six Bergundy drapes, r f a v f r t o v sifU tf RIGH T-N O W C L E A N E R Lewis Bros. one picture, crotched bedspread. 1 PHONE BEAV ER TO N 2188 tf f o r C a n a rs l H a m a C le an in g Cor. 1st and Washington S t Mrs. J. R. Bevlan, CH. 3996. Kt O ith a i, La u n d ry , W oodwork 20 tf PO R TLAN D . OREGON 6, Box 728. H arm lo » — 4oni»ory Rap lac at Soap • Setter tor Hands V to W m ,.t >- Beaverton. D E C O R A T IV E R O CK S HIDES A W O O L UASCARA—A A S K A L L GR O CER S it; —Comes in package! I “ beautiful building site. $1000; also j For GARDENS, W ALLS, PATIO S specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW 25c — 50c — 4100 53x100 lot, exceptional buy. Rus- I Clay Portland. AT. 5.1*4. tf also HERMOSA PRODUCTS CO. sel A. Peyton .real estate, on hi- , ROAD GR'AVEL, T O P SOIL 104 N .E. Russell Street, Portland. Oregon way, next to Enterprise Bldg. 20 '■ Home Refrigeration and washing F E R T IL IZ E R machine services. Call K. R N E W modern 7 rm. house, 24 i PH O N E : CHerry 3107 tf Twomblv CH. 2267. An interior view of the new 8 tf acres, fruit trees, close to Bea- j ______________________________________________ Beaverton Hardware Store B U Y E R S — PA C K E R S W E MOVE TREES NOW verton. R. A. Peyton, real es -1 which is having its formal open- PA PE R IN G — Painting & Kaiser —All Berries, Prunes, Grapes— No Loss or Set Bock i .. ...__ _ ___ ______ i In Saturday, shows Marble Cook, tate on hiway, next to Enterprise V IN C E N T L U M B E R CO. mining, neat, experienced work Fruit, nut, shade trees and Berry H I ST, W E E V IL co-owner in the new business, man L. L. Seeley, R 2. Bx T80-A ___ *21 ____________________ —----------- i “A Complete Lumber Yard’’ BAITS, A V A IL A B L E IN SEASON with Clyde Elliott, and on the Plants Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 W e Deliver Anywhere AB Gas Combination Range; SHRUBS and ORNAM ENTALS right is Cecil Martin, salesman. 40tf Oak Dining Table and 4 chairs; ! PA IN TS — SASH — PLUM BING j Dwarf and Espalier Fruit Trees Modern methods of display­ also field fence stretchers. 7544 Phone 6191 — Aloha, Ore tf p i i v T t v n Take your pick of trees right from Outside: our spe­ ing merchandise, with nearly SW 32 st.. Multnomah. 20 \--------------- —-----------------------------< the field. all available articles arranged SHINGLING— New & old work. cialty spray painting. Remodeling; ; Beaverton 3271 so that they may be seen read­ SPEED K IN G white enamel wood Remington Bros. Phone Beaverton free estimates and reduced rates j ily is one of the features of and coal range, complete with cop- 322L tf for spring. Terms available. W ill j this new store. tf \ per coils, hot water tank, pipe ; --- —— — -------------------------------- go anywhere. MUrdock 4164. Mr. Cook is known by most & P A IN T IN G — 10 j PHONE CHerry 2928 r dodufbVeinKbeds\ead reIn rsp r? n g s! IF IT S PLUM CB£ \ ° YO U W A N T P A P E R IN G people in this section of the years experience, reasonable rates 1 1333 S.W. 64th & Barbur Blvd. chest drawers; 2 tables, linoleum | hfavfr state as he has been associated First Class. Free estimates. Call | CLOSED SUNDAYS rug Boy’s Bicycle and miscel- , ,, ' , with the high school football SEPARATO RS — M ILK ERS laneous articles Phone Beaver- P,UI" b,n* * nd Heating Company BEacon 3546, R. W H ITLO W , 019 coaching profession both in Bea­ tf COM PLETE EQ U IPM EN T \.ND verton and in Portland for the ton 2284 or call at Beach’s Store. First and Ma‘n Beaverton SW Hamilton, Portland 1, Ore SI PP1.IKS FOR T11E D A U B Beaverton. 20 _________ Phone 2622 last several years.________________ IN D U STRY W IC K E R Baby Buggy, good con- BASEM ENT EX C AV A TIN G — P A IN T S dltion, Tigard 2362. 20 . r-n * , t j Specializing . . . . ______ ________________ .________ Dirt Moving — Landscaping — E L E C TR IC IRO N ER , like new, 1 Fencing — Plowing — Discing in West Side Properties 20 ! Harrowing — Also Concrete Mixed Imlay’s Fresh Phone Tigard 2362. On The Job Mixed Feeds F O R S A L E — Kulter-King Garden L. H. H RAW AN D h«nalo Ore. Harry Barnes Ph Beaverton 3231. POW E R F O R SALE— 16-in. green slab wood 2 Vi cord loads $8 cord delivered Reuben Johnson, Newberg Phone ________________________ F I L L D IR T FO R S A L E L. H. Cobb Co. Phone Beaverton 2881 18 S P R A Y IN G — PH O NE BE A V E R TO N 2188. tf P A IN X IN G-O utside our specialty. 3pray paintlng. remode„ n£. F r£ estimates for spring at reduced 1 prices. Terms. (To anywhere. Call eas T 221 * 1 1 CEMENT OR CARPENTER W O R K Let Us Do It C. B. Rice Joe Kavaleski h Corner Allen Ave and Menlo Drive Beaverton i§ Riverview Cemetery SAWDUST. Light Slab, Cull lath , R O B E R T O. P F A F F Reasonable prices. Your haul. Call; Clvll Engineer CHerry 1682, or Beav. 2465, eves. I W flte General Delivery, Beaver- MRS. OPAL CARY Route 1, Box 418 — Troutdole, Ore. Telephone Corbett 1130 ''\:H. m f 140 times a day! ...t h a t ’s how many times the average fam ily FA STEST Economy tram m history turns on the hot water faucets! I« Coliforsio A L L ARO U ND CARPENTER W ORK F O R SA LE —New Zealand White Finish — Remodeling — Repair rabbits, young does, and bucks A. H A R R Y Mac IN T V R E from pedt. stock, exeell. cond^., 4 Route \ Box 435 Phone Beav" 2828 lbs up. $2 up. Witch Hazel Rab- After 6 p. m. — Leave Order. tf bit Farm, *4 ml S *■ Witch Hazel ---------------- — — ----------------------- School or Youngs Market, main CESSPOOL-SEPTIC T A N K OWN- hiway bet. Beaverton A Hillsboro. ERS A T T E N T IO N —Added equip- 25 tf i ment allows faster service. We ___ . _ pump A wash septic tanks, comml. FO R SA LE —Guernsey and Jersey | or residential. Guar, workmanship, heifers, your choice $55 each. Got- Sewers connected. Cesspools and ters at Scholls. 45tf septic tanks constructed. Schulz Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland, TA. 3235. 2 tf W ANTED P R IV A T E P A R T Y will buy 5 SEPTIC TAN KS, completed $100. room house in Beaverton. Call anywhere on West Side, 20 miles BRoadway 0720. Portland, col- from city Portland. SU. 1737. 2tf l>Ct~______________________________ 20 FOR TO W C AR call V E R M IL Y E HOMES and Acreage wanted to MOTOR CO.. Phone Tigard 3381 tf Sell, buyers waiting ,&! « . » U . . t t e » * o „ n „ LAND SCAPIN G rri.u i ng, apr Russell A. Peyton. real* Pruning. Spray- w. hiway, next to Enterprise Bldg . mg. Grafting A ree surgery 53tf 20 1 A. Green. Beaverton, 2967. Beaverton. W A N T E D —Gordon tractor, state L. H. B ltA W A N D price, condition, make, the Builder and Cabinetmaker amount of tools K. J. Seethaler. Portland Phone CH. 2929. Metzger 9835 N. Hodge, Portland, 3, Or. 20 Store fronts: School, restaurant ---------------------------------------------- and store fixtures; school furniture; W A N T E D —Do you want to give unit cabinets of all kinds, Includ- away kittens or puppies? Call |ng kitchen cabineta. Office furnl-' Beaverton 2343. 40 ture rebuilt, refinished aad com- _____--------------------——----------- pletely renovated. All kinds of JU N K —Batteries. Scrap Iron, Al- bulMing and remodeling Wood- uminum. Brass. Copper - Highest worktn. of kinds 48tf prices paid. ___________________________________ O. R. NICHOLSON A SON HAULING—Gravel, crushed rock. Phone Beaverton 2497 for pickup dirt fill. sand. etc. Call C. Gred- or deliver our yard. Entrance ad- vig, phone Beaverton 3186. 53tf joins Union Oil Depot—Bertha-Bea- —---- --------------------------------------- verton Hiway. 9 LAN D C LE A R IN G A Excavating ----------------- ----- ----------------------- Work «en# by hour or oontraet H O U S E K E E PE R Take charge of phone Portland UN. 339» for ss- home, 2 children-glrl 14 yrs. Boy timates Work guaranteed. 51tf school age. Sun. and some eves, ads always bring off. $60. start. Room, board. Phone Classified BEacon 2079. t f i quick salea. Showers, baths, laundry, dishes, and dozens more household tasks mean that someone in the house — arrive in San Francisco before noon I Southern Pacific’s popular economy train, the Beaver, is now running on the fastest schedule in its history. You leave Portland at 5 p.m. and arrive in San Francisco at 11:50 next morning. Convenient departure times from all points. is turning a hot water faucet every few minutes! For modem living, every family needs p len ty of hot water... ready at the turn of a tap any time of day or night. H ow to get it? A u to m a tic a lly with The Beaver is for chair car and tourist Pullman passengers exclusively, and has a lounge car for tourist passengers. Its dining car serves thrifty meals for all. clean... economical. A nd for modem appliances Eco n o m ical Fares takes the speed of G A S to keep up with the de­ No congestion now— room for everyone. Travel by train and enjoy solid comfort all the way. Your nearest railroad agent will be glad to arrange your reservations and tickets. S*P G A S ! Gas automatic water heaters are fast... such as automatic laundries and dishwashers, it mand for hot water. WATER HEATERS 'p u U tf r fu fo n tfltiC The frlaedly Southern Pati fit READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY) Se« Your Plumber, Appliance Dealer o r ... PORTLAND GAS A COKE COMPANY