I ESTABLISHED 1927 VOLUM E 19. NUMBER 20 B a llo n Discusses» M ore Industries BEAVERTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1946 West S lop e Sites C om m onw ealth A vailable For Sew er System 14. | B u ild in g Purpose's Bt'«;iiii This W eek B abson Park, Maas., Ju n e Once every six m onths I prepare a brief sum m ary of th e lead in g in dustries. H alf o f these, I d iscu s sed in th is paper la st w eek; I am now com p letin g th is sum m ary. P aper S tocks: The outlook for th e paper industry is good. Ju st now it is handicapped by a scar c ity of pulp; but th is should be rem edied as soon a s the pulp m ills o f E urope get into full sw ing. Petroleum S tock s A lthough these sto ck s have been behind the rest o f th e m arket, th ey m ay be one o f th e b est purchases. R eaders, how ever, should buy th e sto ck s of com panies having large oil re serves rather than th e sto ck s of th e d istrib utin g com panies. T here is still p len ty o f property availab le to th o se w ho w a n t to build in W est Slope. M any new tra cts are bein g put on the m ar k et a t th is tim e. T he S ilver S prings P ark addi tion w hich is bein g offered for sale by P hil P o lsk y co n sists of 24 oversized building lots. T h ese are located abou a h a lf a m ile of fth e h ig h w a y on th e W alker road. About three o f th e build ing sig h ts have already been sold, but m any are still available. F a ir A cres, located ju st o ff Sun set road on F ir G rove L ane o ffers w ooded lo ts for th e prospective hom e site buyer. T h is section con sists _of ten b uilding sites three o f w hich have already been sold. T he lots are approxim ately 85 ft. by 175 ft. and are part o f th e F. J. S ta tter property. Mrs. M ary W especher is offer ing a tract o f six lots w hich w ill be on th e m ark et as soon as the new road, to be called W especher Lane is finished. W espech er L ane w ill run from the M ultnom ah Club road not far from th e Can yon road. C om m onw ealth, th e big organ i zation p lattin g 2000 h om es be tw een B eaverton and Cedar Mill, have a steam sh ovel crane and a crew of m en layin g T 8 inch sew er tile just N orth o f B eaverton th is w eek. It is reported th a t the dis posal plant w ill be placed on the South east corner of the form er B ill S w een ey property, ju st w est o f th e P earson hom e and the out let probably connected w ith B ea verton C reek just east of C. E M errit’s property. It is reported th a t this system w ill care for all sew erage exten d in g n orth east as fa ras the form er R yan property on W alker Road. IF High S ch o o l C lothing C ontribution ! k a ise r Co. B u y s W ashington St. Cam eron Property; Im provem ents Bertha-Beaverton Progressing S orting and preparing for shipm ent the high school contri bution o f clo th es for Greek fam ilies are, from le ft to right: Mrs. Ja m es G. Choban, Miss A m arette B arnes, George Choban, D avid B u ffam . “O ver 400 acres of Mrs. W. D. j A h eavy foundation o f N o. 1 C am eron’s property on the B er coarse rock is being rolled dow n tha-B eaverton H ighw ay, previous on W ashington Street, B eaverton ly a part o f the Ja m es Mott farm \ betw een Fourth and Sixth aven u e and for several years rented to j in the south part of the city, la the C restdale D airy, w as sold to ! ter th is section will be paved and th e K aiser H om es Company last placed in good condition for au to w eek ,” sta ted Mrs. W. D. Came traffic. ron o f B eaverton. Mrs. Cam eron rem arked that | the K aiser C om pany intend to b a j gin building 1,000 hom e on July 1 | Llotliin«r Shipm ent For G reek ScliooLs Leaves P ortland Beaverton P ersonalities A loha Items D oin's A round Cedar Mill Five 60-P assen ger B usses P u rch ased By S ch o o l Board At Sum m er Camp Form al O p en in g Of New H ardw are Store Saturday L egion A u xiliarv F ood Sale Saturday Star M em bers Busy In Grand Chapter Miss Hart Speaker At V acation S ch ool B ib le S ch ool E n rollm en t At New H igh Lois Mae Brow n B eco m es B ride in H om e C erem onv Legal P rocess T o Open H ocken St. Begun Church Work Party Friday N itc j Mrs. M argaret Brown, o f P ort land, and her house guest, Mrs. Atter, o f Palo Alto, C alifornia, attended the w edding of Lois Mae Brown and Lloyd W. F oessler in Beaverton. The R ebekah Lodge w ill have their regular m eetin g Tuesday, June 18th. In itiation w ill be held. All m em bers w ith birthdays betw een January first and June Carl J. R asm ussen is hom e from th irtieth are esp ecially invited to the birthday party that will fol the hospital and back at h is post low th e m eeting. at the garage w here he is ready to tak e care of car troubles, both R eturn to Sacram ento for old and new custom ers. Mrs. Albert Anderson and Mrs. E thel W alker of Toledo, d aughter D onna returned to S ac ram ento a fter spending several Oregon, form er resident o f B ea w eek s v isitin g th e Jack F rost verton arrived in B eaverton M on day to v isit her son, I a V ern D. home. M cRobert. She w as accom panied by Mrs. N ellie W atrous, also o f V isitin g G ranparrnts E dw in and Lloyd Prink, also Toledo. R aym ond D onnell are spending M argie Lindsay left Sunday by three w eek s w ith their grandpar autom obile for a two w eek ’s va ca en ts Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frost, tion w ith her grandparents in w hile the D onnell fam ily and Mrs. N orth P latte, Nebraska. D w aine P rink are v isitin g rela tiv es in Iowa. Form er B eaverton high school teachers, Miss Julia Johnson o f Chicago, Illinois, and Mrs. C harles D avison of M cM innville, w ere visitors in B eaverton W ednesday. Miss Johnson is counselor for wo m en in the Federal R eserve B an k of Chicago, w hile Mrs. D avison Several m em bers of the local has been Instructor in M cM inn chapter of E astern Star ,4 B eaver ville high school for the last year. 106, took part in the Grand Chap The L ad ies’ Aid o f th e C ongre ter of Ore gon convening In P ort gational Church w ill hold a pot- land th is week. P articipatin g and their d uties luck dinner next W ednesday, Ju ne In M onday’s ev en ts were: P earl 19, at 12:30 at the church. Jak e and A llison Jacobson are Brow nrigg, hostess; W orthy Ma- tr a n and W orthy P atron P earl vacation in g for tw o w eek s in Can and H arry Brow nrigg, dance com ada. m ittee; Beaver degree girls, drill Mr. and Mrs. J. H. F airw eath er before Grand Chapter. are spending this w eek on V ashon In Tursday*s events w ere: Lou Island, W ashington, w here th ey isa McGeorge and E rn estin e B ee are preparing to build their hom e. ler, hostesses; Louisa McGeorge A joint piano recital featu rin g and H enry P fenn in g, assistan t Jan et R ae Shofner and B everly m atrons and patron’s drill. Jacobson w as presentyd W ednes day o f th is w eek to a large group On Trip A cros U. S. of friends in the W om an’s Club Mr. and Mrs. G ilbert Conner building, 1220 S. W. T aylor street, and fam ily are on an extended Portland. The girls are stud en ts trip across the U nited States. o f E lla Connell Jesse. T hey left Beaverton May 18 by R everend F ran ces S tu rtevan t car on a Southern route to N ew York City. From N ew York City and sm all son, Bobby, attend ed a retreat at Camp A dam s near Mo- th ey wil lfly to Miami, Florida. lalla, M onday afternoon. Con Then from Florida th ey exp ect to gregation al m inisters and their travel by boat to Cuba. The fam ilies from all parts o f Oregon Conners are expected to return to participated in the work day pre B eaverton in August. paratory to th e op en ing o f th e regular sum m er cam p schedule b eginning Ju ne 24. R eturn to Oregon Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Geard have V isitin g in th e hom e o f Mr. R. returned to Oregon to m ake their H. Gibbs, local post o ffice em hom e in Beaverton a fte r liv in g 25 ploye, are h is son and fam ily, Mr. years in W ashington, D. C. Pre and Mrs. F. R ae Gibbs, D arw in, vious to living in W ash ington , D. and E velyn, o f L ansing, Michigan. C. they lived in B urns, Oregon. They w ill return hom e next w eek Mr. Geard is a co n su ltin g en g i via C alifornia v isitin g other m em neer. bers of their fam ily enroute. PUBLIC U TILITY STOCKS: T hese More than 500 pounds o f new are destin ed for public ow nership. and used clo th in g d estined for T h is m ean s th at stock h old ers w ill tw o schools in T h essalonika, be com pelled to turn in th eir secu Greece, were shipped by B eaver rities for cash a t a tim e w hen ton high school last Thursday. cash m ay not be w orth m uch. The con trib ution s w ere am assed T eacher V isitin g in C alifornia R A ILR O A D E Q U IPM E N T STOC Mrs. E. U nderw ood, who taught by the stu d en ts in th e closin g R a ilro a d E q u ip m e n t S to c k s : The A ccording to I. R. M etzler, su the 7th and 8 th grades in the Ce days of school w ith th e «ortlng railroads are in great need of new perintendent of B eaverton U nion dar Mill School, is leaving to visit and packing o f g arm en ts takin g equipm ent of all kinds from sp ik es Mrs. H igh School, con stru ction is to her brother in th e land o f Sun place the follow in g w eek. to locom otives. It seem s as If begin next w eek on a 63 by 111 ft. shine. She said sh e w ill rem ain J a m es Choban o f Cedar M ills a s su ch com p anies should do w ell for sisted by M iss A m arette Barnes. m ason reconstructed building for about a m onth. th e n ext few years. Miss Bernice Conoly, G eorge Cho the placem ent of the future shop, Rubber S tock s: The rubber in ban and D avid B u ffam prepared g irls p hysical education rooms, Spending W eek In Eugene. dustry has com pleted its re-con- and tw o tem porary classroom s. V ivian H enson, one of the Cedar the m aterials for shipm ent. version problem s and earn in gs for T he cloth in g left the port of The C ivilian P rod uction A dm in Mill graduates, is spending a w eek the n ext tw o or three years should istration has granted a priority w ith her gran d m other in Eugene. Portland upon a vessel bound d i be satisfa cto ry . F urtherm ore, the rectly for the seaport o f A thens. on all m aterials for th e project. e x iste n c e of large syn th etic plants The stud en t body o f th e local __ At th e B eaverton U nion H igh B ible S ch ool should m ake the industry m ore “a dopted” T he D aily V acation Bible School high school o ffic ia lly School 10 jt. board m eetin g held stable than in th e past. May 9 th e con tract w a s given to Is bein g held at th e Cedar Mill tw o Grecian schools to w hom it F ive, six ty passenger, W hite C harles Schabloom at a contract School th is w eek and next. Mrs. will continue Its sh ipm ents in the S teel S tock s: T h is country can tran sportation price o f $38,000,478. fall. n ot enjoy prosperity w ith ou t the b usses for school T he build Stout, of P ortland, has charge. In Septem ber, have in g w ill be ready for use by the steel industry b en efitin g th ere b egin ning from . T herefore, the in vestm en ts been purchased b yth e B eaverton fa ll term . B aptism al S ervice in th e better-grade steel stock s School Board, and are in R ich The building is to be located T he C edar Mill C om m unity appear ju stified . S teel plants, mond, Indiana, w here th ey are re south of th e p resent high school Church w ill hold B aptism al Ser how ever, m ay esp ecially be sub ceiv in g fin ish in g details. building ca u sin g th e football field v ices a t th e B eth an y B ap tist R egistered for sum m er cam p A ccording to I. R. M etzler, su to be m oved ea st 60 feet w hich Church n ex t Sunday. ject to bom bing in th e n ext war. July 1-8 at Camp A dam s near Mo- perintendent o f B eaverton U nion T obacco S tocks: T he tobacco in turn w ill shorten th e track to F ish erm en lalla are P aul B uffam , Robert M essrs. Kam p, Lain. R yder and Shaw, I,ee Zum walt, R ichard and sto ck s have m any th in g s in their H igh School plans as to w ho w ill a 1-5 o f a m ile in stead o f the go back for the b usses or as to H esselg esser w en t fish in g at Mau- favor but, of course, are m uch present V* o f a m ile. R obert Grant, D onald and R oger the m ethod o f travel to In dian a Mr. M etzler rem arked th a t be pin. T he num ber o f fish caught Peck. a ffected by taxation. is not d efin iite but it is d efin ite cau se o f the a n ticip ated high w as not revealed. T ra n sp o r ta tio n S to c k s : E very th a t th e b usses w ill be fin ish ed R egistration s are still open and en rollm en t for next yeear it would should be m ade at once. Cards m onth the railroads are sh ow ing by July. be n ecessa ry to erect three V isits Salem m ay be obtained from R ev. F ran d eclin in g earn in gs com pared w ith A new school bus route through Q uonset h uts as tem porary cla ss Mrs. K am p got even by spend ces Sturtevant. th e sam e m onths of previous years. the Garden H om e d istrict is so far in g the w eekend w ith her m other I don’t like th is trend. B u s com th e only large ch a n g e m ade in rooms. in Salem . panies, both in terstate and local, th e route th a t th e John McGunn V isited Son in Spokane Mrs. P earl N ew m an .sister of con tinu e to do well. B us Co., in previous years cover M arine R eceiv es D ischarge Mr. J, J. McMahon, traveled by G o v ern m e n t B o n d s: E veryon e ed. Mr. R aym ond H. N elson has air to Spokane, W ashington, to should h a v e enough cash or g ov been H onorably D ischarged from v isit her son Jack . ernm ent bonds on hand as a good th e M arine Corps and w ill return reserve for euA sigencies or m ar to his Job w ith the teleph one co. M other Very III k et breaks and to pay esta te taxes Mrs. Vern H opper w as called to upon death; but oth erw ise I see Tom orrow the doors o f the new Sports Goods and G ift Shop M ontana last M onday as her little ad vantage in govern m en ts or Mr. P aul Kam p w ill open a B eaverton H ardw are Store sw in g m oth er is very ill. “cash in the bank” at th is tim e. sp ortin g goods and g ift shop soon. The m em bers o f the B eaverton open for friends to en ter and look T h is is esp ecially tru e of those It w ill be situated on the W est Gone to South D akota w ho are in h igh in com e tax P o st No. 124 of the A m erican L e over th is m odern, up-to-date hard side of th e electrical shop. Mr. and Mrs. R ingham have brackets. It is very clear to me gion A uxiliary are holding a food w are store, th a t is another, on gone to South D akota to w itn ess th a t unless th e w orld h as a spiri •sale Saturday, Ju ne 15, opening th e list of th e en terp risin g busi Mrs. E isen h au er Secretary the graduation o f their daughter tual aw ak en in g w e are headed for at 9 a. m. in th e I.O.O.F. H all on n ess h ouses th a t h ave opened and W ord h as been received from She is graduating th is w eek from an oth er w orld w ar w hich w ould B roadw ay w ith F lo E lliert as are op en ing in B eaverton. E u gen e th a t m em bers of the Ore It is one o f th e b est in W ash college. bring trem endous d estru ction to chairm an a ssistin g he rw ill be has gon F ederation of Garden Clubs, the U nited S tates. T he net result M arie Moore, Opal E isenhauer, in gton C ounty—no exp en se to m ake it the w hich has just finished a tw o day A ttended R eception at E stacada of th is could be th e p rin tin g of E th el D oyle, Isab ella M. B utcher been spared of S ervice”. M essrs. convention, e lected Mrs. J. G. Mrs. Meta D aly and Mrs. Geo. cu rren cy to pay up all, or m ost, and three o f the Junior group, "H ouse E isen h au er o f Beaverton a s sec B lasser attended a reception at o f th e federal debt. B ondholders Ja n et F elsher, P a t E lh ert and P a t Cook and E llio tt are to be con retary. gratulated. E stacada last Saturday ev en in g w ould g et their m oney; but it ty N orris. Mr. E llio tt regrets th a t he can The ch airm an ex p ects to have h onoring Mrs. E sth er Campbell, w ouldn ’t have m uch o f an y pur several pounds o f butter donated not be here to w elcom e you Sat- One Month Old w ho is a grand represen tative of ch asin g power. K athleen C harm aine R euter, ury but due to ill health he is at Mrs. Cam pbell is M unicipal B onds: M ost m un i A ttem p ts w ill be m ade for an present in Jerom e, Idaho, w ith d augh ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Louie N orth D akota. d istrib ution of th is post m istress at E a g le Creek and cipal bonds should be as safe as equitable R euter, w ill be one m onth old Mrs. E llio tts parents, Mr. and an in tim ate friend of Mrs. D aly’s. govern m en t bonds and, at the sca rce com m odity. K athleen arrived at the H e is recupe Ju ne 19. M onday, Ju ne 10,the A m erican Mrs. H. D. Cook. p resen t tim e, are non-taxable; but. ratin g n icely an d ex p ects to be E m an uel H ospital May 19. E n tertain s C heerio Club o f course, are sellin g at a very Legion A uxiliary served at the back w ith in a few w eeks. Mrs. Geo B lasser entertained low yield. The long-term issu es G eorge W hite S ervice C enter in Spoke on C ity P lan nin g the C heerio Club at her hom e last w ill be paid w hen due; but m ay P ortland from 6 to 12 m idnight. H arry Freem an, ch airm an of Thursday. H er ex tra g u ests were be paid in m oney w hich w ill not T hose serv in g w ere: Isabella M. th e P ortland h ousing authority Mrs. Short, Mrs. Ooyt, Mrs. Gl- Hack from V acation buy m uch. T h is also ap p lies to B utcher, ch airm an ; F lo Elhert, and co n su ltin g engineer for the gard, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. N ew m an, Mrs. E dna O'Conner and son m any other in vestm en ts founded E th el D oyle, D orothy A nn W right] C om m onw ealth “Cedar H ills pro Mrs. Putm an. V erna H u n tly and Jack of W est Slope have returned upon debt and d istan t fu tu re p ay Beulah Boge. F loren ce Beard, Con ject, spoke to the B eaverton Kl- T h resa Gibson. from a tw o w eeks vacation trip m ent to be received from life in nie M arshall. A rleta Boge, D olores w a n is club m eeting, held June 5, to Selena, K ansas, and D enver, W right. C aroline Talbert, Jan et su ran ce com panies. Colorado. F elsher. Our a u xiliary has en Special featu re o f th e opening on c ity p lanning and parking. Gone to E ugene C O R PO R A T IO N BO N D S: The joyed serv in g at the C enter and d ay o f D aily V acation Bible J an is O sfleld h as gone to E u on ly corporation bonds th at look regret th a t th is w as our last tim e School w as M iss F ran ces Hart, H as th e Mumps gen e w here her m other Is helping R ecovering from O peration good to m e are those sellin g a t a as it clo ses on June 30th. It is reported that R oger W her- Mrs. G. R. ^ eegner o f B eaver d augh ter of W. H. H art o f this to care for her siste rs husband high yield or due w ith in a reason year grade school w ho is very ill. ton, has been d ischarged from the city, w ho before the w ar spent city, second ably short period o f tim e; or Providence H ospital In Portland four years in O saka tea ch in g In student, has a case o f mumps. w hich are convertible Into stock a governm ent school under the I-arge Crowd A ttend O pening % after a appendectom ey operation. School D irector M oves to Ashland on som e attra ctiv e basis. H old F ree M ethodist board. A large crowd attended the op ers o f long-term , low -interest rate Mr. and Mrs. Ed S ingm aster T hree needs o f Japan to d a y are en in g o f F lorence M illers “new bonds are headed for a severe m oved to Ashland, Oregon. June prayers, m ission aries, and Bibles, beauty shop on W atson A F irst lick in g in m y hum ble judgm ent. 1, w here Mr. S in gm aster is open Street. she said. A num ber o f d em onstra In sist th at your corporation bonds in g an insurance agency. Mr. Japan is a sk in g for tw o and one tors w ere there, g iv in g new hair C S in gm aster w ho previously w as a pay S fy . h a lf m illion N ew T estam ents. dress, perm anent w a v es etc. special agent for S w ett and Craw Som e very nice prizes w ere given STOCKS: I con tinu e to believe S u rp assin g peak registration of l D aily V acation Bible Schools of th at w ell-selected stock s are the form er years, the D a ily V acation th e U nited S ta tes are h elp in g to ford, insurance brokers, w as a aw ay. Mrs. H ollingsw orth w inning b est in vestm en t at th e present Bible School, bein g held in the m eet th is call in a unified project m em ber of the board o f directors a prm anent a s first prize. Mrs. for school d istrict No. 48. tim e (both for sa fety and yield ). Church o f Christ, enrolled on its 1 th is sum m er. C hristy served and Miss E unice F urtherm ore, as in vestors look in first day a total of 96 pupils and Bibles, a t a cost o f 25 cen ts S y lv ester of E ln a ’s B eauty Shop- To V isit R elatives to th e situation, carefu lly and Im 13 s ta ff m em bers w ith a sharp each, are sent through the A m eri were third. A new new cosm etic J ea n ette Thorton, form er resi bar has been added to the shoppe, partially. th ey w ill com e to sim i increase to C haplain exp ected through the can Bible S o ciety dent o f Beaverton, is com in g from lar con clusions. As the supply w eek, accord in g to Mrs. Herbert B ennett, U. 8 . Army, Tokyo, who a lot o f lovely flow ers m ade the o f good stock s Is d istin ctly lim it Mason, registrar. d elivers them through the Jap an K lam ath F a lls to v isit Ilene Boge place very attractive. and rela tiv es for a m onth. ed, th is m eans th a t th ey should W orking personnel in clu d es R ev. e s e B ible Society. sel lfor h igher prices than at p res Leonard At present Miss H art Is em ploy MEN R E T U R N FROM Johnson, su perin ten d S o licitin g Insurance ent. I betleve that the sto ck s of ent; S E R V IC E Mrs. H erbert M ason and ed by the B etter Book and Bible Mr. J. B. K night Is so licitin g In certain com p anies th a t yield only M rs.Elm o Taylor, registrars; Mrs. H ou se in Portland. D ischarged from service U. S. 1 su ran ce for the Leonard Adam s N aval Base. 3 ma y be safer over th e longer L. P. P utnam , p ub licity and pro Separation Center, in surance com pany. term than the bonds o f th e sam e gram chairm an; R ev. O rville Pou Brem erton. W ash., W arren D. com panies. lin. son g leader; C harlotte Gallo H ohnsteln, AOM 3-c, route 1 box M any A ttend Grand Lodge CONCLUSION: Of course, way. p ian ist; Mrs. R a y Kulken. 43, B eaverton. George W Man- A good m any m em bers o f E a st love, S F 3-c, T ualatin, M elvin R. m uch rare should be exercised In prim ary su perin ten dent; Losina ern Star Chapter are attend in g se lectin g both Industries and in Thornberg. a ssista n t, Mrs. B etty P ropst, S ic, R oute 2, box 263. Tl- Grand Lodge In P ortland this gard, Oregon. dividual com panies. D o not In M yers b egin ners superintendent; w eek. v est too m uch o f your funds In Mrs. Ira Moore and Jan et Rae, com p anies th at have m ost o f their | Shofner, a ssista n ts; R eturned from C alifornia Mrs. L eslie Carletnn T ravis. C ounty Head The hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Outdoor Plcnlo a sse ts In large cities—esp ecia lly McKeel. Mrs B. J. E kel and son Joh nn y O f Oregon ( ’heat Junior su perintendent; P utm an on F arm ington R oad w as Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Brow ne, are large coastal cities. T he safest Mrs. N ellie Fraser, a ssista n t and the scen e o f a p retty hom e w ed have returned to B eaverton from sto ck s are am ong those o f com -1 R ev F ran ces S tu rtevan t. super ding. June 1 , a t 7:30 p. m„ w hen goin g to hold a outdoor picnic on a tw o w eeka visit at her m others Carlton W. T ravis, H illsboro In Ju ne 16 The Brow nes will en panies th at have th eir a ssets d is in te n d en t Mrs su ran ce man, w as ch osen county th eir daughter, L ois Mae Brown tertain Mr. and Mrs. H enry Vab- hom e In Vallejo. C alifornia. A D Greenlee, slater o f Mrs chairm an o f Oregon C hest for the tributed throughout th e nation E nrollm ent by d ep artm ents is as and Lloyd W. F loessler, son o f ler o f Logan. Oregon, Mr and Ekel. arrived from her hom e In com in g year at a m eetin g o f the esp ecially in sm all com m un ities follow s beginners. 25; primary, Mrs. A F loessler. o f P ortland, Mrs. Lloyd Vabler and fam ily, night. 40; juniors. 18; in term ed iates. 13 w ere united in m arriage. Rev. and Mr. and Mrs R ichard Vab N eb rask a to that the three m ade county com m ittee F riday H s su cceed s H enry Shelton of j the trip together to C alifornia. Leonard C. Johnson, officiated . ler and fam ily. F orest Grove. R u ssell Crockett. T he bride w as attended by K a Gn W ay to C alifornia F orest Grove agen t fo r Portland therin e F loessler. sister o f th e R egistered at IJnfleld C ollege Mr. and Mrs Harold E. Rod- G as A C oke com pany, w as named groom , and Ralph Brow n acted as J. P C urtis w ho w as d isch a rg man and fa m ily are v isitin g the vice-chairm an. best man. w J ed from the navy May 23 has re T he bride w ore blue and ca r turned to his hom e In W est Slope hom e o f Mr and Mrs A. G. Maer The R odm ans are T onight at 6 30 w ill be the sec- ried a corsage o f gard en ias and H e served tw o and a h a lf years of B eaverton. | ond “w ork party n ig h t” for mem- ! sw eet peas T he brides m aid w as In th e service, thirteen m onths on their w ay to C alifornia to A ccording to R. C. Doty, city hers of the C ongregational chureh. attired in blue also and her cor o f w hich he spent In th e south m ake their home. H onor Court - for th e T ualatin recorder, th e city council has p ass In garden attire and arm ed w ith | sage w as gard en ias A fter a d eli P a cific. Mr C urtis has register Council o f Boy S cou ts w ill be CARD OF TH ANKS ed an ordinance au th orising the scythes, rakes and hedge clippers. ' cious b uffet supper, the n ew ly ed at L lnfleld college for the fall held June 20 at -th e B lak en ey p ostin g o f legal n otices and ap T h ey w ill con tinu e th eir annual w eds le ft for Southern O regon on term w here he w ill m ajor In F o r W e w ish to express our than ks Grove. Tigard. Oregon. p ointin g o f view ers as a prelim "face lifting" of th e chureh I their honeym oon. T h ey w ill m ake estry. and appreciation to our m any Special feature o f th e evening their hom e in B eaverton in ary to th e op en ing o f H o c k -, grounds friend s and neighbors who kindly will be a potluck picnic dinner to en Street. H ocken street is to F ollow in g th e w ork session w ill | Spent V acation at Medford and efficien tly saved so m any ■tart at 8:30 p. m. -all B oy Scouts be extended from the T ualatin be a feed o f hot dogs and buns. I Em ployed at C ity Hall Mr. and Mrs R andall have been valuable and Irreplaceable a rticles and Troops o f the T ualatin Coun V alley H igh w ay northerly to the and a program o f fun and r e la x -! Miss M ary M yers la w ork in g In : on a vacation v isitin g at Medford from our recent fire. cil to g eth er w ith their friend s are the c ity hall for Mr D oty city lim its. at ion. and R oseburg. T he H. P. D ow nin g fam ily. invited to participate. C onstruction T o B egin N ext W eek On H. S. A ddition YO U CH A N G E YO U R ADDRESS P LEA SE N O T IFY YO U R PAPER Scout H onor Court B eaverton Garlic K ing C hosen For Year 1946 L ast w eek Queen Lloyde I o f P ortland’s fam ou s R ose F estival w ith her ch arm in g princesses reigned suprem e w ith gorgeous beatuy resplendant reflecting w ith radar to th e starlit sk ies w hich are the h igh est lim its o f Port lands annual tribute to th e rose. O regon is a great land o f oppor tu n ity and ach ievem en t now com es a group of grow ers In the T u alatin V alley and d esign ate Jo seph R uchek G arlic K ing for 1946 for th e B eaverton realm o f the great appetizer, the strong garlic? W ith garlic prices rang ing around 30c to 50c w holesale during th e past tw o years—it Is a tim ely recognition o f another Oregon production. W ell folks; W e tak e great p leas ure In Introducing Joseph R uchek —w ith seven acres of garlic—s s G arlic K in g for 1946, Beaverton area. An honor w hich repre sen ts m uch hard work. A ttending Sum m er School Floyd Carlson la attend in g Sum m er School at M ultnom ah College for six w eeks. Now Is T im e To Cut D ow n Tansv 9 The greatest weed m enace to E astern W ashington county Is Tansy. T h is noxious weed Is extend ing alon g the creeks and h ighw ays In all directions. N ow la th e tim e to mow down with scyth e and burn later. Whan dry. thu s preventing the T an sy goin g to seed and spreading. A lso the weed -c u ts easier now than later, w hen the stein s becom e tougher. T here should be s united effort to curb the spreading o f T an sy in th e E ast End.. Coarse h a lf ground rock salt w ill kill m any noxious w eeds If applied whan th e w eeds are young. W ith a heavy coatin g o f salt Just before a rain—or If no rain—turn on the hose to satu rate th e salt and ground.