4 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE F R ID A Y , J U N E 7, Youth For Christ Hally In Hillsboro Tomorrow Night 1 9 46 Club Celebrates 25th Anniversary Another big Washington Coun­ ty Youth for Christ Kally will be held‘ in the Hillsboro High School Auditorium at 8 p. m. Saturday, June 8th. Rev. Hubert E. Slas, wel lknown Washington County Youth Leader, and pastor of the Forest Grove Christian Church, will be the speaker. The "Youth Sing” will be led by Clement Sparks of Beaverton, and special marimba music is to be supplied by Mr. and Mrs. Her­ bert Eby of Portland. A quar­ tet made up of Hillsboro and For­ est Grove High School students will furnish a musical back­ ground for a chalk picture to be made by Forest Grove’s young chalk artist, Reva Strong. The new public address system which has been purchased by the Youth For Christ Council will be initiated at this rally. Albert Fuller, Director of the County group says that a real treat is in store for all who attend this third Saturday night Rally. conditions, redecorating and en­ larging, the Florence Beauty Shop will be opened Monday night at 7:30 for your inspection and ap­ proval. The shop will be closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday for last minute details. Star of the show will be Dar­ win Jones, hair stylist of Portland. He has Just returned from the Boise Beauty Show. He also at­ tended the National Hair Styling contest in Chicago and New York and the Hairdressing Guild In Los Angeles this year. Miss Kenney of Helene Curtis Laboratories, will Introduce the new Elasti-Curl, shown for the first time in the Northwest, at the recent Spring Trade Show in Portland. Miss Everett, dermatics con­ sultant, wil lanswer all questions, on make-up and care of the skin. Miss Adams of Roux, will be on hand and solve any problems you may have about hair coloring. Revelon Products will also be represented. Don’t forget the date or the hour—make it a gala affair. Dorothy Kirkwood of Beaver­ ton. junior in music at Lewis and The Hiteon Women's Club, a Clark College, was named for fac­ service organization formed in ulty honors at commencement ex­ ercises of the college Sunday. World War I, celebrated their 25th From the entire student body anniversary by giving a banquet the faculty selects two women for club members and their who have been most outstanding families at the Tigard Odd Fel­ in scholarship, leadership and character throughout the year. lows Hall in Tigard Sunday even­ Miss Kirkwood and Joyce Ogden ing, June 2. of Portland, president of the sen­ ior class, were selected for this year. Miss Kirkwood has been presi­ dent of her dormitory for the past NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voforth, and to vote on the proposition of levying a di year, and has been active in ton and Multnomah County, State of Oregon, that aters o f School District No. Union 10 Jt., of Washlng- music and other student affairs. at Beaverton High School on the 24th day of June, SCHOOL MEETING of the said district will be held the budget for the fiscal school year, beginning July 1946. at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of discussing •xr» totn* 1. 1946, and ending June 30, 1047, hereinafter set NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Grass Silage Topic Of Meeting BUDGET Estimated Receipts and Available Cash Balances Schedule 1 Estimated Receipts from Delinquent Taxes .....——-----------------—— ------- High School Tuition ________________________ High School Transportation -------------------------- Elementary Transportation -------------------------- Other Sources Estimated Total Receipts .... ................ - .....- .... $ 2,500.00 5,000.00 3 2,500.00 5,000.00 1,100.00 2,400.00 50,000.00 ^61.000 00 ___ _ Real Surprise! 11 , 000.00 50,000.00 *50,000.00 *11,000.00 *50,000.00 * $61,000.00______ Schedule 11-General Fund A grass silage meeting was held at the Kistner and Weber farm, 2 miles west of Banks, Thursday, June 6, at 1:30 p. m. At this meeting a field green- feed chopper was demonstrated and a discussion given on methods of preparing grass silage. 1 , 100.00 2,400.00 E stim ated T o ta l R eceipts and A v a ila b le « ash Balance or Deficit Construction Fund (from bond sales) General Fund Total All Funds • Surprise! Surprise! were the ex­ clamations shouted at Mack H. Clement, owner of the Coffee Cup by friends at a birthday party •given him by his wife Mrs. M. H. Clement Monday evening, June 3, at the Clement home. Guests at the party were Mr. and Mrs. C. Hollingsworth, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Jennings and son, Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. John Virlack adn son Ronny, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Slaer, Raymond Rossi, Miss Donnie Mumm, Mrs. Evelyn Nute, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clement, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pritzoff. Estimated Expenditures 1 Tr4d* la? K IL L E R ai* IN P E L L E T F O R M ITEM Positively Kills Moles Money back guarantee. Compounded from the moles natural food U3ed successfully for 30 years. For sale and recommended loc­ ally by 11 m I. GENERAL CONTROL Legal seçyice (clerk's bond, audit, etc).... Total F.xpenae o f General Control --------- III. INSTRUCTION—Teaching Personal service; Teachers ________________ ——--------- .......... Library supplies, repairs .—.... —------------- — Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) ------------------ I Report Reveals 11 Deaths Per 100 Miles Of Travel J. B . I M L A Y & S O N fTwu ........................... Stenographers and other office assistants $ 4,750.00 504.00 1,680.00 * 4,750.00 504.00 1,680.00 350.00 300.00 225.00 $ 7,809.00 350.00 300.00 225.00 $ 7,809.00 *49,464.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 1,000.00 100 00 250 00 *51,489.00 *49,464.00 225 00 225.00 225.00 1,000 00 100 00 250.00 *51,489.00 * 4,000.00 420.00 1,540.00 500.00 250.00 200.00 775.00 * 7,685.00 * * 7,809.00 *40,620.00 200.00 250.00 75.00 675.00 75.00 200.00 *42,095.00 f *51,489.00 ALOHA and REEDVILLE W. E. P E G G M O R T I C I A N Beaverton, Oregon Estab. 1910—Serving 35 years PHONE BEAVERTON 3411 Logan's Welding and Supply Corner First and Tucker Streets Beaverton W ELD IN G — OF A L L KINDS IV. OPERATION OK PLANT Personal service; Telephone ______________________ —--------- V. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Repair and maintenance of furniture and Repair and maintenance of; Grounds -------------------- ------------------ ........ Total K(| h > dih ' of Maintenance and Rcpal ra ... VI. AUXIIJARY AGKNCIKS Transportation of pupils; Other auxiliary agencies; Laundry ...._______________________ Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies Vll FIXED CHARGES Insurance ------------------- ------------------— Other fixed charges; Teacher pension fund ---------- - Total Fixed Charges ............... * 3,000.00 69000 700.00 700.00 225.00 135.00 * 5,450.00 * 3,100.00 700.00 750.00 1,000.00 350.00 160.00 $ 6,060.00 * 3,100.00 700.00 750.00 1,000 00 350 00 160.00 $ 6,060.00 * 2,000 00 * 2.000.00 * 1,500.00 1.500 00 1,000 00 $ 4,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 * 4,500.(Ml 1,000.00 700.00 * 3,200.00 * 5,000 00 2,800 00 * 5,000.00 2,800.00 800.00 * 8,000.00 800 00 * 8,600.00 * 1,000 00 * 1,000 00 3.000 00 * 4,000.00 3,000.00 * 4,000.00 * 2.400.00 4,000.00 * 2,400 00 1.000 00 4.000 00 50000 5.000 00 $12.900 00 500 00 5.000 00 *12.900 00 $ 6,060.00 * 4,500.00 BRADLEYS bes. Oregon s traffic death rate for the first four months of 1946 was 11 persons killed per one hundred million miles of travel, exactly the same for the same period of 1945, Secretary of State Robert S. Farrell Jr., said today. "Thus, while actual deaths are considerably higher than they were a year ago the death rate, which shows the number of deaths in relation to the exposure to accident, has not increased," the Secretary of State said. Motor vehicle use during the first four months of 1946 soared to new highs for this state, Far­ rell said. The month of April, fo rexample, saw the highest gaso­ line consumption of any one month in the state’s history, he declared. "While Oregon’s death rate is not increasing, we are barely holding our own and unless driv­ ers and pedestrians exercise great­ er care, the death rate may start moving upward, as motor vehicle use continues to climb,” Farrell said. Jolw Daughters Install Officers Jobs Daughters, held a lovely and interesting meeting last Mon­ day evening in Masonic Temple, it being the installation of the new officers. A large crowd was there to see them installed. Delores Wright was installed as Honored Queen and Caroline Tal­ bert, Senior Princess and Shirley Carr as Junior Princess. Re­ freshments of ice cream and cake were served. 575.00 *11.075.00 * 1,450.00 * 4,000.00 • Specialists In Re-Boring and Motor Re-Building PARTS A V A IL A B L E Phone - Portland CHerry 1457 *10,500.00 $ 8,600.00 * 1,450.00 New Buildings Alteration o f buildings (not repairs)----------- New furniture, equipment and replacements Other capital outlays; Library books ..... ....... ......... .........— . Transportation equipment Total Capital Outlay« .... 1 , 000.00 Bill Jenny who lost one of his Herford about a month ago wa» happy over the news that a neigh­ bor had seen one coming out of the woods every morning, and it belonged to Bill. 500.00 2.500.00 500.00 8 , 000.00 *12.900.00 SI 1.500 00 i.if Mf m *AVt IX. DEBT SEIt\ ICK— NON-BONDED Interest on warranl ... . * $ 500.00 Tidal Debt Sor\loo, Non-honded 500.00 50000 500.00 $ 2.750.00 * 2,750.00 $ 5.000 on Total Schedule II—Generiti Fund—Total estimated expenses for the year— sum of Items 1-6, II-5. IH-7, IV-«. V-4. VI-4, VII-«, VIII-7, IX-3, X ...... ....... $98.608.00 $87.995.00 X. EMERGENCY Schedule IV -Construction Fund (From Bond Issues) CONSTRUCTION F U N D — New buildings New furniture, equipment and replacements . . Other. . . *42,475 00 4.535 00 Total Schedule IV—4 onatruettou Fund __ *50.000 00 3 <*X1 00 *42.47500 4,525 00 3.000 00 *50.000 00 Leonard's & Ernest's RADIO- ELECT SIC For Prompt, Courtooui Service MOTOR REWINDING APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE HOME A AUTO RADIO SERVICE We ore offering Two Doy Servi;* ond a 90 day guarantee on our service work. HAVE YOU . . . Had Your Radio Repaired? H IN T S - For Food Savers 109 South Watson St. Next door Florence Beouty SI,op For Pickup and Delivery 1. Try eggs baked in potato PHONE BEAVERTON 3931 nests to replace the poached e g g ; on toast at breakfast. 2. Let potato salad take the place of the second sandwich in the lunch box. 3. In biscuits, muffins, pan­ cakes, cookies use oatmeal to re­ place part of the flour. 4. Use leftover cooked oatmeal as a binder in meat loaf and for thickening gravies, soups and stews. BICYCLES— Sold and Repaired 5. For a delicious stuffing for LAW NM OW ERS— Serviced the Sunday chicken try leftover cornbread. Toys, Model Airplanes, Athletic 6. For a breakfast treat, or the Equipment, ond Wheel Goods children’s supper, toast stale bread and serve with hot milk. 317 FARM INGTON ROAD 7. For the luncheon salad use 8eaverton Phone 3861 cooked salad dressing. For va­ riety add some chili sauce or pickle relish. 8. To get the last drop of fat, warm the frying pan before pour­ ing into can. 10. When cooking with fat use low heat. If you let it smoke it soon turns rancid and cannot be used again for food. 10. Try hominy grits in place A N D IN SECT SPRA Y of rice with chicken or cheese, or as a desert with syrup. DON'S .. . SPORT S H O P Carl's FIXIT Shop Save! Save every left-over after meals for later use and, by reducing ALOHA, OREGON your purchases, have a personal share in building up stocks of wheat products, fats and other Gas Appliances Repaired and Sold foods to be used in feeding mil­ lions of youngsters, old folks and Washing Machines Repaired the infirm in starvation areas overseas. Saws Filed and Gummed Don’t Overheat Fat Watch the fat on the fire—keep the flame low, says the American Red Cross Nutrition Service. Fat heated to the smoking point loses its flavor and soon turns rancid. Lawn Mowers Sold A Repaired 9 à Union Vacation Bible School June 10th to 21st From () a. m. to 12 norm, Monday thru Friday For all children between the ages of 4 anil 16 at the Christian Church, 2nil and Main DIRECTOR; Rcr. Leonard C. Johnson SONG LEADER; Rev. Orville Poulin SPECIAL FEATURES; HAND ORK; Mrs. L. P. Putnam Mrs. C. E. Mason All parents urged to have their children attend ALPENROSE DAIRY 6149 S.W . Shattuck Road CHerry 2424 ESTIMATION OF TAX LEVY Total All Funds Total estimated expenditures..... ............. ....... ............ DEDUCT; Total eattmated receipts and available rash balances (Schedule I> . . . .... • - - --------------- Amount necessary to balance the budget------- ....._ DEDUCT; Deficit forwarded to next floral y e a r -------------- ----- Balance to be raised by taxation . — , - ADD; Estimated amount of taxes that will not be collected during the fiscal year for which this budget Is mad« ------- ------------------------------------------------------ s p e c ia l *50.000 00 Total estimated tax levies for ensuing fiscal year___ Analysis of estimated tax levies ; ____ Amount tnslds 6 11.000.00 87 606 00 2.50000 85.106 00 2,500 00 $ 87.606 00 2.50000 * 37 603 0® 87.606 0« 87.606 0« MERCHANT CALL US DELIVERIES WHEN PICKUP IS READY 24 Hour Service Sove 20 lo 25S RIJSANOR TrUTUTOTR, District Clerk W D CAM ERON Chairman. Board o< Dirwrtors. (DlatrkOa Other Than Third Class) Approved by Budget Committee May Signed: . ERNEST I EH VAN S ecreta ry for Merchandlo« and Medical ---------- ------------------------ -------- -------- — B udget CVwnmtttee I JEON ARP ADAMS Chairman Budget Committee 7T. 1646 —— -—— on ,o „ r FIDE INSURANCE COSTS Oratori M utual Palle io* ara N O M -A S U S S A B L K . You N E V E R poy m aietaiea mora H*oa thraa timo* tha turplut rogai rad by O»*«*" mora than tha pramium on tha teca a# tha p a ik y . Ora pan Mutual Ina«ranca Law*. Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. OF M cM IN N V ILLI Orpanixad H 9 4 --5 2 yr» «I Rattabla Sarvica New Location 112 So. 3rd Avo. "Evory Form o4 P rotaci ion" Or Favorite Store“ Your Local Home-Owned Dairy IV 2 Mi. Fast on Bert ha-Beavert 011 " Highway to Shattuck RoacI-- *•* —^ ,,,,( Our harm Anytime HAVE YOUR s e r v ic e Just Call 3031 for Action Signed: $ 5.066 0« 3031 PHONE 50.000 00 Dated this May 28. 1M6 * 5,oon no PHONE “ Fresh Milk at Your Door > BEAVERTON TAXI CAB CO. Schedule VI- Summary of Estimate* at Expenditure*, Receipt* and Available Cash Balança *, and Tax Lavia* W D CAMERON. re­ vis­ iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Drew of the Ilex Nursery, near Beaverton. Mrs. Blue is a sister of Mrs. Drew. Mr. Blue first saw and decided to some day live in the Tualatin Valley when the aircraft carrier Essex discharged him in Seattle last September. Mr. Blue was a chief radioman aboard that ship and saw a lot of action through­ out the entire war. Mr. Blue is an expert radio repairman and is hoping to locate in the vicinity. The Lost 1» Found VIII. CAPITAL OUTLAYS Loan warrant Total Indebtedness A marriage license has been l*. sued to Trevls F,. Brazda. route 2 box 125, Beaverton, and Cather­ ine Young, 7018 SE Morrison St, Portland. Oregon T o o - Dorothy Kirkwood You’re Invited Hath Charms Named For Faculty To Open House Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Blue, Florence Miller announces that Honors after weeks of working in chaotic cently of Orlando, Florida, are Cha* L. Walk or A t«"i Phon« 1732 Hill«boro, Oegon r a i n b o w ELECTRIC CONTRUCTION, Inc. WIRING COMMERCIAL — INDUSTRIAL HOUSE WIRING T H E R M A D O R ELECTRIC HOUSE HEATING UNITS Lei Estimates Gladly Given Service Calls Taken Care of Promptly DEALER FOR THERMADOR AND MONITOR HOME APPLIANCES For Service Call Beaverton 2481 LEAVE ORDERS AT RICHIES HARDWARE NiTE CALLS — HILLSBORO 16FU *f Arc recor« ad si postín point! Inary an St ba ax Valley city li