Buy . Seti • THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET CASH M UST A C C O M P A N Y ALL CLASSIFIED ADS Count each word, including Name and address-ONLY 2c A W ORD No Phone Orders Token M IN IM U M 25c AN ISSUE We Publish the BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE TIGARD SENTINEL M U L T N O M A H PRESS ALO H A NEW S Complete Eastern Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage BUSINESS SERVICES ________________________________ S E P T IC T A N K S , com pleted $100,!( anywhere on W est Side, 20 miles, Services BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE F R ID A Y , M A Y 31, 1946 V E T E R IN A R IA N Joins - TB “Cures” F o r S tove and Diesel Oil Call fr ««n city Portland. SU. 1737. 2tf | Dr. Norm E. Johnson H arry Barnes. Ph. B eaverton 3231. | P L O W IN G — C ultivating — Gen- ! Veterinarian B eaverton I L A N D S C A P E — F or the best in eral T ra cto r W ork . E s n o f B eaverton Hi way 6 18 new law ns call W . A. Green, j 2611. B eaverton Portland B eaverton 2967. 17tf F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E | 3311 COM. 9924 T R A C T O R W O R K — Plow ing, disc­ M O T O R CO.. P hone T igard 3381 tf ing and general garden w ork. J. | LA N D SC A PIN G , Pruning, Spray- A. L incoln, P hon e B eaverton 2713 S I >n8. G raftin g A tree surgery. W. A. Green. Beaverton, 2967. 53tf Not so m any years ago tuber­ culosis was com m only called con ­ sumption, the '“ w asting” disease. Novels, plays and even operas were written about lovely hero­ ines whose lives were slow ly ebb­ ing away as a result o f this dis- ease. WOOD PLANT YOUR LAWN NOW we k n w A great deal more about tuberculosis than we ? ,.r v at b*glnnin8 o f the cen- * P r- W ® know that lt can be cured, particularly if tt i3 ¿ 1 «. L. H. B R A W A N D Builder and C abinetm aker I W ill grade ground and sow Portland Phone c l j . 2929. M etzger Store fro n ts; school, restaurant j 16” M IL L R U N BLOCK lawn. FOR SALE and store fixtu res; school furniture; and SLAB unit cabinets o f all kinds, in clu d -1 FOR S A L E — D ry slab second ing kitchen cabinets. O ffice fu rn i­ g row th and old grow th w ood cut ALSO $8 Cord ture rebuilt, refinished and c o m -1 in stove lengths and delivered. T R A C T O R and pletely renovated. All kinds of P h on e T igard 2363. 18 in 2Vi Cord Loads building and rem odeling. W ood ­ T E A M W O R K 16" slab w ood $8 delivered In Bea- w ork ing o f all kinds. 48tf In Boaverton verton-$8.50 in T igard and M ultno­ EXCAVATIN G H AULING— Gravel, crushed rock, m ah. $7.50 in A loha. Im m ediate Leave Orders at dirt fill, sand, etc. Call C. Gred TOP SOIL ■ Fertilizer delivery- H arold Keller, R te 1, vig, phone B eaverton 3186. 53tfj JACKSON GROCERY Carlton, Ore. P hon e B R oa d w a y POWER SPRAYING 1986. 18 or L A N D C L E A R IN G & E xcavatin g W o rk done by hour o r oontract. j 16 Inch Old G row th S L A B — $20 P hon e P ortland UN. 3395 for e s -; loa d ; 16 in. heavy F urn ace Slab Phone 3894 Beaverton tim ates. W ork guaranteed. 51tf [ and K n ots $24; 16 inch Inside G L E N W O O D FUEL CO. block w ood , no bark $24.— (2 cord P. B. HAGG load s) R . C. Johnson, Carlton. Rte. 3, B x 1547, Oak A ve. <3 miles H auling C ontractor O regon. 20 W . o f f F arm in gton Rd. B eaverton. C oncrete, Sand. Gravel, Masons AUTO. G A S RANGE!— 1 yr. old, Sand, Crushed R o ck and P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 2188 tf $65; p otato planter $22; potato R oad Gravel GIANT FIELD GROWN PANSIES duster $12; Auto. E lec., 50 ch ick W O O D S A W IN G —C.J. B ow e, 11th R oute 1. B ox 28. T igard, Oregon Tuberous Begonia Bedding Plants brooder, $10; 1 sink. Gas sidearm and L om bard, B eaverton Phone, P hone T igard 2446 tf also Mums, later bu rner w ith 30 gal tank. A lan j B eaverton 2735. 19 Portland Golf Club Rood H aaland, 2 & Hall, B eaverton. 19 ---------------------------------------— B. J. Shepherd J. L. Jersey A L O H A 6617 j 400 Feet North Scholls Ferry Rd. SU. 2680 FOR S A L E —G ood circu la tin g D E C O R A T IV E ROCKS SH EPH ERD & j e r s e y Phone HOLMES, CHerry 3508 heater Inquire 556 SW W atson ^ O A R D E N g W A L L S P A T IO S E xcavatin g and G rading R oavertnn. -TO L and Clearing and T rench ing also = LEE ROBINSON P R E -W A R Full S pring con ­ struction pillow arm D a veqport and chair, new ly recovered in Ce­ dar R ose R epp. ..8117 S. W . 35th 18 Ave., G R A V E L . T O P SO IL o S ly ^ v in by F E R T IL IZ E R H our o r C ontract P H O N E : CH erry 8107 t f 6810 SE Mall St. P ortland 6, Or. ________________________________20 Y ears E xperience tf Piano Tuning, Cleaning STOVE AND DIESEL OIL D E M O T H IN G . R E P A IR IN G D U M B E R F or Sale— 2,000 ft. No. V IN C E N T LUM BER CO 1—size 1x3, 2x4, 1x12; 18 ft. lon g "A Com plete Lum ber Y a rd " ‘ VVe D eliver A nyw here lengths. R t. 2, b ox .1081, first house on N orth H u ber Ave.. P A IN T S — SASH — PLU M B IN G A loha. ^8 P h on e 6191 — A loha, O re tf F O R SA L E — F ord son tra ctor disc and sp rin g tooth. P hon e B eaver­ ton 2842. 18 George F. Gordon ROAD VVe live in Wa3hin£ton county. ! ' Ve W JL*™* in | County. W e kn ow W ashington {County R eal E state. W e can sell your home, farm , o r any R eal W rite or call E state you have. S H IN G L IN G — N ew & old w ork. R em in gton Bros. P hone B eaverton us. W e ’ll be right out to see you. I 3221. tf Wiggins & Hibbard, H O L L Y W O O D D IS T R IC T —3 bed­ REALTORS A T 8623: room House, ..hardw ood floors, IF IT S P L U M B IN G YO U W A N T j 220 g w AMtr| firep lace, full basem ent, new ly BEAVER E vening* B R . 1341 tf decorated, H olland fu rn ace, 1 blk. north o f Sandy on 48th $7.650. Plum bing and H eating C om pany B eaverton P A IN T IN G & P A P E R H A N G IN G O w ner leaving, call M r. Austin. F irst and M ain P hone 2622 W E . 1434. 18 W ork G uaranteed W o rk D one P rom ptly F O R S A L E — P layh ou se 5x6 fu lly C A L L C H erry 2175 epuipped w ith doll furniture. 288 B A S E M E N T E X C A V A T IN G — 46 tf D irt M ovin g — L a ndscaping — F ra n k lin St.. P h on e B eaverton 3801. 18 F en cin g — P low in g — D iscin g T ree T op pin g, R em ovin g, H a rrow in g — A lso C oncrete Mixed H edge T rim m in g L A R G E N ESCO E lectric R oaster, O n T he Job Out o f tow n calls taken L. H. B R A W A N D p ra ctica lly new $24. S kyw ay R e s ­ E quip, fo r d ifflou lt jobs, Insured B uilder and C abinet M aker taurant, B eaverton, Or. 18 E stim ates— R eferen ces M etzger, O regon L E N N ’S T R E E S E R V IC E F O R S A L E — 3 calves $35, com b i­ P h o n e : C H erry 2829 5 P ortlan d— E A st 6524 3tf nation gas range $15. V an Cotts, R t. 1, B x 166, R ed R o c k R d., T i­ W E C U R E A N D SM O K E P R O V E IT TO Y O U R S E L F gard. 18 Y O U R P O R K CUTS YOU D O N ’T 25 years E xperien ce One K E N M O R E E le ctric Ironer. NEED A TRADE ALDER M ARKET A1 con d ition $35. R t. 1, B x 294. on N o H idden C harges Lew is Bros. Allen, o f f L om bard, B eaverton, All M akes and M odels Cos. 1st and W a sh in gton SL F red D. T w eeddale. 18 ’32s to ’42s PORTLAND . OREGON tf See Us B efore Y ou W O O D — F irst and second grow th. BUY— SELL OR T R A D E H ID E S A W OO L, C A S C A R A — A 16 in. and 4 ft. V alline R2. Bx. specialty. L E E BROS., 25 SW Daskalos & Williams 348. W aln u t Ave., T igard. P hone Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf G IA N T U SE D C A R C E N T E R 3481. 18 T h ree Lots P R E -W A R G irls B ik e— In good 6501 N E U nion 5600 N E Union H om e R efrig era tion and washing con dition, fo r sale. Inquire at 138 m achine services. Call K . R . 5500 N. In terstate— P ortlan d A n gel St., B eaverton, or E ugene 8tf W E b ster 1175 o r G A rfield 8432 T w om blv CH. 2267. L aF on d . 18 14 P A P E R IN G —P ainting * K also- F O R S A L E — Sorrel saddle Mare, j m ining, neat, experienced w ork ­ F in e fo r ladies and children. T i- ; man L. L. Seeley, R 2. B x 1S0-A gard 2 9 2 5 . _________________ 18 , Beaverton. P hone B eaverton 2516 40tf E L E C T R IC and A cetlyne w elidng. | G E N E R A L H A U L IN G m etal lathe w ork. R . H. W ise, f O F AXJj K IN D S A N Y T IM E P A IN T IN G — O utside; our spe­ 7715 S. W . C apitol H ighw ay, M ult- , CUSTOM T R A C T O R W O R K cialty spray painting. R em od elin g; nom ah. P h on e C H erry 1232. P O R T A B L E G A S W A T E R PU M P free estim ates and reduced rates TO R EN T fo r spring. T erm s available. W ill SA W D U ST , L igh t Slab, Cull lath. | P hone g o anywhere. M U rdock 4164. tf R eason able prices. Y o u r haul. Call H O W A R D W . SM IT H P A P E R IN G & P A IN T IN G — 10 C H erry 1682. or B eav. 2465, eves. 388 C A N Y O N R O A D years experience, reasonable rates, F o r S tove and D iesel Oil Call P hon e B eaverton 3931 o r 2462 F irst Class. Free estim ates. Call H a rry Barnes. Ph. B eaverton 3231 B E a con 3546, R . W H IT L O W , 019 R O B E R T G. P F A F F SW H am ilton, P ortla n d 1, Ore tf C ivil E n gin eer i W rite, G eneral D elivery, B eaver- ton, Ore. 18 193-J. P A IN T S 1 P O W E R S P R A Y IN G — P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 2188. tf 1 Imlay’z Fresh L. H. Cobb Co. V A N ’S R E F R IG E R A T IO N Mixed Feeds S E R V IC E Pbone Beaverton 2881 C om m ercial — D om estic — Any FISHER TH0RSEN PAINTS M ake or M odel F O R S A L E — N ew Zealand W h ite For quality, fa ir price and G uaranteed M otor Service rabbits, y ou n g does, and bu cks service — Call M e D ay o r N ight — fr o m pedi. stock, excell, oondt.. 4 H illsboro 3871 o r 3029 tf i lbs up, $2 up. W itch H azel R a b ­ J. B. Imlay & Sons bit F arm , H ml S * -W itch Hazel i — AN A P P E A L TO T H E PU BLIC R E E D V IL L K A LO H A . O R E S ch ool or Y ou n gs M arket, main Our retu rn in g service ------- - men are b iw a y bet. B eaverton A H illsboro. aH in need o t tran sportation . I ’m D E A D or W orth less S tock picked 25ff doing m y best to help supply the up F ree o f C harge A nyw here. —— — ----------------------------------------' lemand. I f you have a ear you ; P rom p t Service. Call collect UN. | F O R S A L E —G uernsey and Jersey ar(, not usthg—o r h ave no real use 1221 or UN. 4502. W estern States h eifers, you r ch oice $55 each. G ot - 1 fo r the one you now are u*tng— j R en d erin g Co., N. C olum bia Blvd. ters at Scholls. 45tf why not b r ing lt tn tod ay and get St H urst A ve.,_ Portland. (8 u c- ----------------------------------------------------------T O P CASH fo r it N O W . Car* also j cessor to D enley R endering sold on consignm ent. K E L L Y C om pany.) •“ W ANTED _ M O T O R CO., S W C anyon R d., and ------------------ ---------------------------------------- W A N T E D -G o r d o n tractor, state R- R. tracks, B eaverton. Ore. 49tf price, con dition, m ake, the am ount o f tools. R . J. Seethaler. I suffered fo r years and am so 9835 N. H odge. P ortland. 3. Or. 20 ------ -------------------------------------- T Z — T FOR KEN T - D esirable storage ' 1 that 1? found rM M fro m N E E D - 5 to 10 A.,Lj w ooded, fo r space in M ultnom ah Inquire 7880 w H tim gladly answ er an yone w riting me raisin g m ink T igard district pre S W C apitol H ighw ay. 18 fo r Inform ation. Mrs. A nna Pautz, ______ ferred. M ust have 3 o r 4 B R house T em ple P- O. B ox 825. V ancou ver, W ash Call R oger, broker, Rt. 1. B x 525, L O S T —F rom M asonic T igard, P hone 2801. 18 M ay 28th. brow n w ool coat, finder j A d v - N U E -O V O L aboratories _ _ ca ll A loh a 6538. 18 B R _______________________________________ N E B R A S K A fa m ily w ants 2 ____ F o r ___________ Stove and ________ Diesel ___ Oil Call house. 2 or 3 A., in Tualatin V al- P A IN T IN G — Outside our specialty. H a rry B a rn e s” p h B eaverton 3231 ley. Call R oger, broker, R t 1. Spray p a in tin g; rem odeling. Free _______________________________ box 525. Tigard. P hon e 2801. 18 estim ates for sprin g at reduced i T he advertiser—T ell him you : prices. T erm s. G o anyw here. Call read hi« m essage In the paper. E L D E R L Y Couple w ants small, E Ast 221«. tf ! --------------------------------------------- m odern hom e on one flo o r *4 to 1 A. Call R oger, broker. R t. 1, box A L I. A R O U N D WE MOVE TREES NOW 525 T igard. P hon e 2801. 18 CA R P E N TE R W O R K Beaverton Transfer Co. A TISM the % MISCELLANEOUS Metered Oil Service P hone: A LO H A 6613 D E L IV E R E D HILLCREST GROCERY 11102 SW Capitol H lw y W ant a New Room? CH. 1313 B. R . S T E V E N S RIGHT-NOW CLEANER For G o n e ro l H o u s o C le a n in g D ish es, L a u n d ry , W o o d w o rk H a rm le ss — i a n i t o r y Replaces Soap • Softer for Naads A SK A L L GROCERS — C o m a s in p a c k a g e s 2 5 c — 5 0 c — $ 1 .0 0 HERMOSA PRODUCTS CO. 1 0 4 N.E. R u s s e ll Street, P ortla n d . O r e g o n B U YE R S— PACKERS — All Berries. Prunes, Grapes— F E R T IL IZ E R . DUST, W E E V IL B A IT S , A V A IL A B L E IN SEASON No Loss or Set Bock Villa Ridge NURSERY Y ou w h o are down and out, sick, broke, heavy with fam ily troubles or what have y o u ? Get rich. But first you must put away that B lackest Sin. L on g since, tiie other sins o f your life-tim e were settled for. Out o f love to you, G od sent his Son,our Lord Jesus Christ, to die fo r your sins. C rucified, dead and buried, Christ arose fro m the grave, the V ictor over sin and death. He arose to take up in your heart and make you rich with H im self. T hat B lackest Sin is to close your heart against Him . So lt is that we must turn and believe in our heart o f hearts that by Him our sins have been cancelled out. —T he blood o f Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin.— B IBLE . Count your sins settled for and receive Christ into your heart to m ake you a new man. Christ Indwelling us in God's m iracle that we can not under­ stand. N ow prove the miracle. Live out o f the Biblle and look to Christ to see you through. So He becom es you r heart treasure andtrue riches. I cam e to Jesus as I was, weary and w orn and sad. I found in Him a resting place and H e has made me glad. R. I. MacLaughlin.Inc. Beaverton 3271 Dutch Boy W o n s o v e r — the wonder-working one-coat,oil- base paint. Ready to use— no measuring, n o m ixin g— roll it o n or brush it on , in a few hours it's dry! C om e in and see the lovely W o n s o v e r colors. Fruit, Nut, F low erin g and Shade Trees, R oses, B erry Plante Shrubs, etc. L arge supply o f peaches, apples, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, ap­ ricots, w alnuts and filberts as well as roses, flow erin g shrubs, and berry plants. L arge orch ard plant­ ers. O rder N ow while our stock Is still com p lete! Our new 1946, 46- page catalogue is now available upon request. T o call at our nur- tugry. take h igh w ay 99W. W e are rotated 17 miles southw est o f P ort­ land or 1 m ile past Six Corners. D o not leave highw ay 99W. W atch fo r our sign. T U A L A T IN V A L L E Y N U R S E R IE S K eu te 3, B ox 310 Sherw ood, O regon De Laval _ COME IN AND SEE THEM _ KINGSLEY- BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. Telephone Beaverton 3201 Beaverton Oregon SEPARATORS — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T AND 8WP P L IE S F O R T H E D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y C. A. B A A K E N , M anager M ISSIO N BELL Hümme M e li R Nénwbrturvn I DM ri bu ton tVlRVTHINO ^ R4 A D I O \\ i: it KIWI I! h o m i ; « c a r r a d io s Ä a n d IM N W Park Electrical A/t/dianccs AT. 64£1 LET US. . . DO YOUR WORK LOCATED LOCATED Close to but tran s­ port a t i o n and w alking distance front downtown. Mission Bell Service Station at R.R. Tracks ®n.d ARTU ^ U I„? Finish — R em od elin g — R epair Fruit, nut, shade trees and Berry U N K — Batteries. S crap Iron. Al- A. H A R R Y M ac IN T Y R E minum. Brass. C opper — H ighest Plants R ou te 1 B ox 435 P hone Beav. 2828 SHRUBS ond O R N A M EN T A LS rices paid. Dwarf ond Espo'ier Fruit Trees A fter 6 p. m. — L eave Order, tf O R NTCHOLSON A SON T ake your pick of trees right from h one B eaverton 2497 fo r pickup, the field. r deliver ou r yard. E n tran ce ad- C E S S P O O L -S E P T IC T A N K OWN* •ins U nion Oil D ep ot—B ertha-Bea- j E R S A T T E N T IO N —A dded equip­ We srton H lw ay. ® ment allow s faster service. pum p A wash septic tanks» com ml [O U S E K E E P E R —T a k e ch arge o f or resid en tia l Guar, w orkm anship. ome 2 ch ildren -girl 1H yrs. B oy Sewers con nected. C esspools and PHONE CHerry 2 9 2 » rhool age. Sun. and »om e eves. septic tan ks rgmstructed. Schulz ■ 11333 S W 64th A Borbur BWd !f $60. start. R oom , board. P hone I Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland, CLOSED SUNDAYS 'T A . 3235. 2tf E a con » 7 9 . So You Get Hieii PHOSPHATE FERTILIZER MORTICIAN SW F O U R T H AT M O N T G O M E R A Tw nter <181 N O W Biverview Cemetery AVAILABLE • C A LL TIGARD 2771 W E S T EN D 8 I U W O O D B R ID G E TIGARD CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Nut Packing Co. f o m p l *Ak Funeral Service In New C athedral Chapel at No E xtra cost R iverside is a co-op erative asso­ ciation with assets o f over $800,000 Tigard, Oregon 1 S. W . M cC hesney Rd., Portland, Oregon. This space paid fo r by a Seattle fam ily. American People desponding To Call For Food | N ew Y ork, May 31—T he A m eri­ can people are responding with their traditional generosity to the nation-w ide E m ergen cy F ood Col­ lection fo r the hungry and starv­ ing m illions overseas, Secretary of C om m erce H enry A. W allace, na­ tional chairm an o f the drive, an­ nounced today. T he appeal fo r m oney to buy food and for gifts for food canned in tin fo r shipm ent to fam ine areas is now under w ay in more than 6,500 cities, towns, and vil­ lages, o f which 500 have been o r­ ganized since the cam paign o ffi­ cially opened May 12. Additional local chairm en are being enlisted daily, he stated. Mr. W allace said that every mail is bringing ch eck s and mon­ ey orders made payable to Lee Marshall, executive director, at national headquarters o f the E m ­ ergency F ood C ollectoin, 100 Mald­ en Lane, N ew Y ork City. The contributions received, he de­ clared, indicate that the average Am erican is w illing to m ake more than an average e ffo rt to give direct and personal help to some desperately h ungry hum an being overseas. T he contributions include m on­ ey saved in m any com m un ities by boys and girls w h o are giving up betw een-m eal snacks, ice cream and sodas. Many local groups and organ i­ zations, Mr. W allace reported, are arranging ’’ fam in e" lun ch eons and dinners, with m enus typ ical o f the m eager fare on w h ich hunger victim s overseas are tryin g to subsist. T he proceeds are being turned over to the E m ergen cy F ood C ollection. A dults w ho are skipping m eals are also g iv in g the price o f those meals. C hecks cov erin g costs saved at breadless. cak eless and pieless meals n ow bein g instituted at m any public restaurants .colleges and university d in in g halls have also been pledged to th e F ood Col­ lection Mr. W a lla ce added. L oca l chairm en o f the appeal Include leaders from every walk o f A m erican life with the C ollec­ tion In hlg cities under the chair­ m anship o f N ew bold Morris, New Y ork C ity; M ayor E dw ard J. Kel- lv. C h ica g o; form er Supreme Court Justice Owen J. R obert« and Mrs. W illiam H . Blester. Jr.. Philadelphia; M ayor Jam es O. Stewart, C in cin n ati; M ayor W il­ liam F Devin Seattle. W ash ; P ostm aster B ernard F. Dickm an, St L ou is; and D istrict C om m is­ sioner J Russell Y oung. W ash­ ington. 1). C ; and M avor Fletch­ er B ow ron, L os Angeles. ; arly and We llnow ‘ t can be discovered before outw ard sym ptom s appear by m eans of chest X -rays K n ow in g niore o f the nature o f the disease, we know that its vio- tim is not necessarily doom ed. T he person who has had tuber­ culosis can return to useful, sat­ isfying occu pation s when traet- m ent has been com pleted. T he on ly safe treatment is rest co m ­ plete bed rest, which is best ob­ tained in a hospital for the tu­ berculous. V\ hen the patient receives his m edical discharge from the hos­ pital as “ cu red "—or. as the d oc­ tors prefer to say, "an arrested ca se" there is no reason w h y he should not seek em ploym ent in an occu pation which appeals to him so long as it does not require strenuous manual labor. Many em ployers are eager to hire form er T B patients because experience has shown they are, as a rule, g ood employees. But som e em ployers still believe such persons are poor health risks. Actually, the form er T B pa­ tients is usually a good health risk. W h ile in the hospital he has learned how to protect his health and is able to avoid m any o f the com m on illnesses to w hich oth er people fall victim from tim e to time. T he fa ct that he once had tu­ berculosis does not mean that he m ay be endangering the health o f his associates. W hile tu bercu lo­ sis is a com m unicable disease and people catch It from people w ho have an active case, an arrest­ ed case cannot transm it the dis­ ease to others. W hile physicians advise form ­ er tuberculosis patients against accep tin g em ploym ent w hich re­ quires great physical exertion, it is not dangerous fo r them to take oth er types o f work. High blood pressure will be dis­ cussed In the next colum n. Soaring Traffic Casualties To Be A H a c k e d ; Farrell T he soaring rate o f tra ffic casualties on O regon highw ays and streets will be attacked from tw o angles during the next few weeks, accord in g to S ecretary o f State R obert S. Farrell Jr., today. 1. T ra ffic law en forcem en t agencies coop eratin g in a T ra ffic Safety C heck program , starting May 15, and running six weeks. D uring this cam paign, p olice o f­ ficers will ch eck brakes, lights, tires and other equipm ent on ve­ hicles stopped during routine en­ forcem ent activities. 2. S cien tific training in m od­ ern acciden t prevention m ethod will be offered police officers, city engineers and teachers at the E ighth N ational Institute for T ra ffic T raining, to be held at the O regon State College in C or­ vallis June 17-28. At this Insti­ tute, nationally known tra ffic ex­ perts in the three fields o f en­ forcem ent, engineering and edu­ cation will con duct classes in m odern acciden t prevention m eth­ ods. “ These tw o program s are the first steps in the im plem entation of the nation-w ide program , adopted by the P resident’s H igh­ w ay T ra ffic S afety C onference in W ashington early In May,” S ec­ retary o f State Farrell said. "T h e police S afety C heck program will serve to focu s public attention on the Im portance of preventative m aintenance and the observance o f good driving practices. The T ra ffic T rain in g Institute will enable police officers, city engi­ neers and teachers In O regon to obtain technical Inform ation on m odern m ethods o f acciden t pre­ vention. Cars Needed For Farm IralMirers T he m ost urgent fa rm labor need Is people with cars w ho can drive to and from straw berry fields, hauling a car load o f pick­ ers, reports the farm labor office. T his is particularly true in the F orest G rove, H illsboro, C orne- lius areas. S traw berry p ick ing began about a w eek ago in a few W ashington County fields where light p ick ing o f com m ercial berries took place. In general picking Is expected to start about Friday. M ay 31, in p ractically all except m ountain fields. M ost straw berry grow ers report excellent cro p prospects w hich are being helped alon g by the recent rain and cold weather. Berries are attaining large size and p ickers aa well aa grow ers should benefit. T he fa r m labor o ffic e reports a good supply o f transient w orkers arriving In the county, m ost o f them being placed as soon ss th ey arrive. M ost straw berry g row er» with cabin and cam p facilities have their facilities taken at this time. H ow ever, a n um ber o f grow ers w ithout livin g a c c o m m o ­ dations are still in need o f p ick ­ ers w h o have the! row n tra n sp or­ tation. A nyone with a ca r w ho wishes to secure a p ick in g jo b fo r the m em bers o f their fam ilies or neighbors should con tact the farm labor office, phone 2171, H ills­ boro.