BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1946 LEGALN OTICE LEGAL NOTICE f Larrv Harshberger Promoted In » of the C ircuit Court of the State Oregon for the County of W ashington. SUMMONS Mildred A. F ren ch , P lain tiff, vs. P au l S. Fren ch, D efendant To: PA U L S. F R E i NCH, the a Dove-named defendant; IN T H E NAME O F T H E S T A T E O F O REG O N , you are hereby re­ quired to appear and answ er the com plaint filed against you in the above-entitled suit on or before the expiration of four weeks from the date of the firs t publication of this summons. I f you so fail to appear and answ er plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re­ lief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: A decree dissolving the m arri­ age con tract now existing be­ tween p lain tiff and defendant and perm itting her to resume her fo r­ mer name of Mildred A. Poindex­ ter. T his summons is published by order of Hon. R . F ra n k Peters, Judge of the above-entitled Court, dated the 28th day of May, 1946. D ate of first publication, May 31, 1946. D ate of last publication, Ju n e 28, 1946. L O T U S L. LA N G LEY Attorney for P lain tiff, 1124 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Notice of Annual School Meeting N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV EN to t h . legal voters of School Dis­ tric t No. 48 of W ashington Coun­ ty, State of Oregon, th at the AN­ NUAL SCHOOL M E E T IN G of said D istrict will be held at Beaverton Grade School; to begin a t the hour of 8:00 o’clock p. m.; on the third Monday of June, being the 17th day of Ju n e, A. D., 1048. This m eeting is called for the purpose of electing two school directors and 1—shall school dis­ tric t Number 48, W ashington County, Oregon, borrow $5,000.00 under authority of title 35, Chap­ ter 11, (E leven ), section 4, Ore­ gon School Laws, for the purpose o f purchasing a tra ct of land for and on behalf of School D istrict 48, W ashington County, Oregon? Said loan to be repaid at the rate of $1,000.00 each year until paid. F irs t payment to be included in the school d istrict budget for the year 1947-1848. 3— Shall School D istrict Number 48, W ashington County, Oregon, sell the school garage and one half the property located on E r ­ ickson Avenue, Beaverton, Ore­ gon , to the Union H igh School D istrict Number 10 Jo in t, W ash- ^ lngton and Multnomah Counties* Notice of School E lection Upon Oregon, for the sum o f $8,000.00 Question of In creasin g Tax Levy payable to School D istrict 48, at Over Amount Lim ited by Section the rate of $2400.00 per year until 11, A rticle X I, State Constitution ♦ paid? Notice is hereby given th at an And the transaction of business election will be held in School usual at such meeting. D istrict No. 48 of W ashington In d istricts of the second and County, S ta te of Oregon, at third classes the ballots shall not Beaverton Grade School in said be counted until one hour after the school d istrict, for the purpose of tim e set fo r the m eeting to be­ subm itting to the legal voters of gin. Until the count begins, any said d istrict the question of in­ legal voters o f the d istrict shall be creasing the ta x levy for the year entitled to vote upon any business 1946-47 over the amount limited before the meeting. by section II, article X I, of the Dated this 20th day o f May Constitution o f Oregon. 1948. The reasons for Increasing such A ttest: levy are: In crease in enrollment, W. H. G R A U E R , ] Increase in costs of operation. Chairm an Board of D irectors The amount of tax, in excess of E . H. M A ST E R S, D istrict Clerk. the 6% lim itation, proposed to D ate of first publication May 24, be levied for said year is $19,049.49 1948. Dated th is 20th day of May, D ate o f last publication Ju n e 7, 1946. 1946. A ttest: W. H. G R A U ER , Chairm an Board of D irectors Notice of Annual School Meeting E. H. M A ST E R S, D istrict Clerk N O TIC E I S H E R E B Y G IV EN to the legal voters of Union High School D istrict No. 10 Join t, Notice of the Annual Meeting of W ashington and Multnomah The W ashington County Chapter Counties, S ta te of Oregon, th at Am erican National Red Cross the ANNUAL SCHOOL M E E T ­ T he Annual Meeting of the IN G of said D istrict will be held W ashington County Chapter or at Beaverton High School Build­ the Am erican National Red Cross ing; to begin at the hour of 2 p. will be held a t the Cham ber of m., o'clock to 7:00 p. m. on the 4th Commerce rooms, 305 E . Main Monday of Ju n e, being the 24th Street, Hillsboro, Oregon, on day of Ju n e, A. D. 1946. Thursday evening, Ju n e 13th, a t 8 T his m eeting is called for the o’clock p. m., for the purpose of purpose of electing one director for electing a Board of D irectors for a five year term and to review the next fiscal year, Ju ly 1st, 1946, . the budget for 1946-1947 between to Ju n e 30th, 1947, and for the 4 the hours of 2 p. m. and 3 p. m. consideration o f reports and the and the transaction of business transaction of such other business usual at such meeting. as may properly come before the In d istricts o f the second meeting. and third classes the ballots shall E very person w ithin the ju ris­ not be counted until one hour a f­ diction of the Chapter (W ashing­ ter the tim e set for the meeting ton County), who has paid Red to begin. U nltl the count begins, Cross membership, (Fund Cam­ any legal voters o f the district paign of $1.00 or over), within the shall be entitled to vote upon any year, or who is a L ife or Patron business before the meeting. Member, is a member of the Dated this 28th day of May. Chapter, and is invited to attend 1948. and vote, a t said meeting. A TTEST: JO H N T. KO VALY, Chairm an W. D. CAM ERON, Chairman W ashington County Chapter American R ed Cross. Chairm an Board of D irectors EL E A N O R ZÜ RC H ER , Clerk Dated a t Hillsborou, Oregon this D istrict Clerk 9th day of May, 1946. D ate o f first publication May 31, 1948. D ate of last publication Ju n e 7, Tells of Experiences as Chaplain A large crowd attended the fel­ 1946. lowship dinner a t the Church of C hrist last Thursday evening. W hat a Jo ck e y A fter the devotional service Rev. Said the logger philosopher: Clifford T rou t of the Christian Lady Godiva was the first jockey Church of Hillsboro, told of his —and while she never placed, she experiences as chaplain in the E u ­ certainly showed. ropean th eatre of war. L arry H arshbsrger, guardianed by Mr. F . R. Farber, of Beaver- ton, Oregon, was promoted to the rank of J r . Cadet T-Sgt. at the re­ cent May M ilitary Form ation at Hill M ilitary Academy, Portland. Oregon, by command of L t. Col F. H. Loomis, PM SAT, assigned to the Academy by the W ar De­ partm ent, a t W ashington, D. C., and approved by Colonel Joseph A. Hill, President of the Academy Thompson, deta. of fil Surprise Party A group of friends tives surprised Mrs. Florence M ill­ home on Ninth and Main Streets. Mrs. Miller was presented with a tier table. Games were enjoyed after which a potluck 1-— - • — _____ ★ BEAVERTON Progressive Thought She was a gorgeous creature, He was a doting male; He admired her figure In English, And wanted to prove it in Braille. HARDWARE “ T h e House O f S e rv ic e ” CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES Annual Spring St. Mary's Scene Flower Show Sat. Of Colorful June 1, Beaverton Coronation Beaverton Community Garden Club invites you to its annual Spring Flow er Show Saturday, Ju n e 1st, in the IO O F H all. Doors open to the public a t 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. and no admission charge. Those wishing to enter flowers or arrangem ents must bring them to the hall between the hours of 8 a. m. and 10 a. m. Saturday. Two new classifications have been added this year, one featuring cup and saucer entries and the other basket arrangem ents. More entries by the children of Beaverton are hoped for. They should find competition against Mr. Leonard Adams’ daughter M argaret interesting as she ca r­ ried o ff the ribbons in the child­ rens’ division the last few years. All children are welcome, ju st bring flowers and containers and come to the hall before 10 a. m. The Jo u rn a l’s book on Flow er A rrangem ents has been donated to the club by the Jo u rn al for award to the w inner of the most ribbons in the d ifferent arrange­ m ent groups. Another book se­ lected by the club is to be award­ ed to the horticulture winner. Sw eepstakes this year is to be de­ cided by vote o f members. Mrs. W. E . W ilhelm, president of the A pretty and colorful corona­ tion took place, Thursday, May 16, a t five o'clock ,ln the academy auditorium. Miss Agnes Cous- sens, chosen by a m ajo rity vote of the high school students was form ally proclaimed and crowned May Queen by V era Berning, stu­ dent body president. Queen Ag­ nes I was attended by R osem ary Roos, M argery Campbell, Mary Alice Coughlin, and D arlane Ja r - dee. H er other royal attendants included crown bearer, D arlene Tellus and flower girls, Leilani O’Kelly and Jud y Duncan. The cerem ony was then fol­ lowed by the serving of a form al banquet, with M argery Campbell of the ju n ior class actin g as toast m istress. As the guests departed from the dining room, Queen Ag­ nes I placed her crown a t the feet of the enthroned statue of Our Lady. Follow ing the regal act, each one the girls offered her cor­ sage as a token of devotion to her Heavenly Queen. Oregon H erb Society, Mrs. Jo h n M. Young, vice-president of the American Prim rose Society and Mrs. L. C. Pershing, president of the L ittle Gardens club of P ort-, land are the ladies invited to judge th is year. FOR THE BABY . . . . QUALITY is our Watchword MILK Produced locally under the Highest Sanitary Conditions — Produced byour own herd ~ Grade A - Pasteurized - Products ALOHA JERSEY DAIRY FRED SCHELLER and SONS VISITORS WELCOME Located Vi Mile South of Aloha 44CJOUL and Body” was the sub- 13 ject of the Lesson- Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scien­ tist, on Sunday, May 26. The Golden Text was, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” (I Cor. 3:16). Among the citations which comprised the Lesson-Sermon was the following from the Bible: ‘‘With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when they judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteous­ ness” (Isa. 26:9). The Lesson-Sermon also in­ cluded the following correlative passages from the Christian Sci­ ence textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the Scrip­ tures” by Mary Baker Eddy: “As astronomy reverses the human perception of the movement of the solar system, so Christian Science reverses the seeming re­ lation of Soul and body and makes body tributary to Mind. Thus it is with man, who is but the humble servant of the restful Mind, though it seems otherwise to finite sense. But we shall never understand this while we admit that soul is in body or mind in matter, and that man is included in non-intelligence. Soul, or Spirit, is God, unchangeable and eternal; and man coexists with and reflects Soul, God, for man is God's image” (p. 119). 1st and Watson ★ Visit Our New Store N ow • 1 1 ★ Watch For Our Formal Opening Soon ★ Clyde Elliott Marble Cook ★ ★ M A M M ki EXTRA ir EXTRA * EXTRA Something New For Beaverton Leonard's and Ernest's Radio Electric — Announce — The Opening Of Their R E C O R D SHOP WIRING COMMERCIAL — INDUSTRIAL HOUSE WIRING T H E R M A D O R ELECTRIC HOUSE HEATING UNITS DEALER FOR THERMADOR AND MONITOR HOME APPLIANCES olg JJjMe . ^ LEAVE ORDERS AT RICHIES HARDWARE NITE CALLS — HILLSBORO 16F14 Union Vacation Bible School June 10th to 21st From 9 a. m. to 12 noon. Monday thru Friday For all children between the ages of I and 16 at the Christian Church. 2nd and Main DIRECTOR: Rev. Leonard C. Jo h n so n SONG LEADER; R ev. Orville Poulin SPECIAL FEATURES; Mrs. L. P. Putnam HAND W ORK; Mrs. C. E. Mason All parents u rg e d to h a re their ch ild ren attend |! i ---.„-.J to their expanding line of merchandise | £es S T S i 'g ter ixlo/m Cöotä im&i p w LEO N A RD C. JOH NSON, P asto r , | For Service Call Beaverton 2481 | j luncheon was served. £ ELECTRIC CONTRUCTION, Inc. Service Calls Taken Care of Promptly rela­ er at a housewarming a t her new ★ Busy Bee 4-H Club met at the home of Vanda Benson Friday. The girls made a pincushion. The next meeting is a picnic on F r i­ day, Ju n e 7th, a t the City P ark E ach girl will bring refreshm ents RAINBOW Estimates Gladly Given and Ca- Busy Bees Meet ALOHA 6244 I I I Commandant Let Him W orry It was the end of the road for the sawmill hand and his bride of a year. And they were so bitter towards each other they even carried th eir fight into the law­ \ yer’s office who was getting them a divorce. ‘And what's more,’* said mad She, *'I shall certainly m arry again.” Said he. too tired to fight: ‘T v e no objection. I'm not going to worry about the troubles of a guy I ’ve never m et." P h o n . 3691 COLUMBIA RECORDS e o e Summer Spiritual Offensive begins Tuesday, June 4, at 7; 15 p. m. with R e v . H e rse h e l M u rp h y o f L u b b o c k , T e x a s (Sing er-Preacher) Services Until June 16 , (Except Saturday) You'll En joy This Texas Evangelist WANT WAR SURPLUS ITEMS OF ALL KINDS? Latest Recordings by your favorite artists Colorful Albums and Single Selections ORANGE SEAL PRESTO DISCS For Home Recording RADIOS RECORD PLAYERS HOME RECORDING UNITS DON'T KNOW HOW TO BUY ? SEE U S ! ! N. W. W ar Surplus Advisor 927 W. BURNSIDE ATwoter 2174 Portland 9 , O rag on Leonard'* and Ernest'* RADIO E L E C T R I C 109 Watson Ave. Beaverton I