I BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1946 Miss Brawand, Mr. Eidenschink Wed In Tigard Church ago. Mr. Eidenschink has lived in Metzger for about sixteen years, graduated from the Metz­ ger grade school and Tigard Un­ ion High School. During the war he served in the Merchant Ma rine. The many friends of this popular young couple wish them many years of wedded happiness. T T Pros And Cons Put Training Traffic Forth In Meet On Control Personnel Judge Incorporation Plan OSC, June 17-18 Mears Oregon cities may obtain train­ At Tigard Union High School on Monday night, a group of Tigard ed personnel for traffic control citizens interested in the incor programs by sending traffic po­ poration of Tigard listened to lice officers an« members of city Miss Adeline Brawand, daugh­ questions put to Senator Paul engineering staffs to the 8th Na­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Bra­ Patterson of Hillsboro, Attorney tional Institute for Traffic Train­ Judge J. R. Mears was elected wand, and Mr. Willis Eiden­ for Hillsboro and Beaverton. ing, to be held on the Oregon dean of approximately 283 law­ schink, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Many and varied were the ques­ State College campus June 17-28, yer members of the Portland Al­ liam Eidenschink of Metzger, tions asked an dit came out that according to Secretary of State, umni Senate, Delta Theta Phi at From present indications there there is some question of the fea­ Robert S. Farrell, Jr. were united In marriage on Sun­ Farrell’s office is assisting in the annual meeting last Thursday day, May 12th, ,at two o'clock in will be plenty of wild ducks in sibility of the incorporation due to night at the Portland Chamber of Eastern Washington county this the afternoon, at St. Anthony’s other attachments. The ques­ arrangements for the Institute Commerce. Catholic Church In Tigard, Fath­ fall. tions brought out that the ad­ which will draw students from Judge Mears will take over the er James officiating. A large Many young ducks have been vantages of incorporation are po­ eleven western states for the one- leadership of the senate from group of relatives and friends seen lately—the recent heavy rains lice protection, fire protection, week and two-week courses in Ashley Greene, the retiring Jean, were present. restrictions, uniformity traffic training. seem to have been a boon for the building, Farrell said the courses would at the annual Founder's Day din­ The bride wore an afternoon duck business. in housing, organization of street ner-dance of the senate on May frock of pink marquisette over Improvements and government include traffic police operations, 11 at the Benson Hotel. pink taffetta, with a matching Last Sunday one of your corres- being under the direction of one traffic engineering, school trans­ Other new officers of the sen­ Mr p E Lewj, acted as portation, driver training, acci­ hat and dotted veil, and was at­ pondents took a long waU to- head tended by her sister, Miss Irma wards St. Mary's, as he came to chalrman and those in attendance dent records and their uses and ate are Philip Michael Bagley, vice-dean; Clark H. Fisher, Mas-' voted that more information and public education for safety. Brawand, in a light blue mar­ a bend in the creek, there was Registration is open to munici­ ter of the Ritual; Jack McFar­ quisette dress over taffeta, also old Mallard duck with 12 young ftducation is needed on the sub- The Ject The TiKurd Business Mens pal, county, state police and en­ land, Clerk of the Rolls; Boatner with matching hat and veil. Both ducklings swimming a ong wore corsages of gardenias. Mi young ones were the size of rob- club have agreed to provide an gineers. Registration blanks may Chamberlain, Clerk of the Ex­ chequer; Francis Kraus^ Tribune; Edward Eidenschink was best l*18- I other meeting for the purpose of be obtained from the office of and Capt. Eugene Ferguson, Bail­ Robert S. Farrell. Jr., Secretary of man for his brother. further discussion. State, or from Prof Bob Glenn, iff. Following the ceremony, the West Virginia ranks fifth among Oregon State College, Corvallis, young couple left for a two weeks the states in the . . . production honeymoon trip to California. , . of , Average depth of oil wells drill- Oregon. Mrs. Eidenschink came with her natural gas and first east o f the ed Jn the United state8 has in- A CARD OF THANKS family to Metzger about two years Misslsslppl. creased in the past 20 years from To all who with cards and oth­ 2,900 feet to 3,500 feet. Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Brawand er expressions of friendship con­ announce the engagement of their tributed to the pleasure of my Our endeavor is to provide an In­ Edward creasingly better medium for resi­ birthday I am truly 8rat* ^ ' T0^ . T daughter Irma to Mr. FLORENCE JOHNSON Eidenschink, the wedding to take dents of Eastern Washington County. place sometime in the month of June. Elected Good Wild Duck Crop This Fall Announce Engagement PHONE PHONE RURAL ELECTRIC CO. BEAVERTON TAXI CAB CO. SPECIAL SERVICE HAVE YOUR for Merchandise and Medical MERCHANT CALL US DELIVERIES WHEN PICKUP IS READY COMMERCIAL and DOMESTIC WIRING HOUSE WIRING - RANGE AND WATER HEATERS WE REPAIR HOME & CAR R ADIOS Additions and Repairs Electrical Appliances a n d 24 Hour Service LET U S . . . DO YOUR WORK LOCATED Service Calls Promptly Taken Care of Day or Night Just Call 3031 for Action ^KKUOBMMaiSaMMMaMSMMMBasaSBiISB3W CALL . . Don’s forget regular (and last) meeting of Mothers' and Dads’ Wednesday, May 15th, at 8 p. m. Installation of officers for next year. Come and welcome the new Residents of Tigard and vicinity officers. will be glad to know that the Ti­ gard Cleaners, operated by Mar­ ion Pfenning and Joseph Williams have reopened their cleaning plat. They are located in their new The Ara Vista Gift Shop on SW building on Main Street, ready for Pacific Hiway, operated by Mrs. business. C. H. Jeremiah, was re-opened on We would app reciate items of Monday, May 6th. This is a wel­ come addition to our neighbor­ interest to you for your friends to read in their paper. Dial 2321. hood. Gift Shop Opens DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF 8LACKIE MILLER AND HIS CLOVER BOYS Who ore mostly returned veterans They Said It With Guns, NOW They Say It With Music Huber Hall -- Friday, May 17 DANCE STARTS PROMPTLY AT 9 P. M. COME ONE, COME ALL If You Like To Donee MISSION BELL RADIO WESIX and THERMADOR HOUSE HEATING UNITS Cleaning Plant Ke-opening In Their New Bldg. Last Meeting Mission Bell Service Station at R.R. Tracks Attention Car Owners IM M E D IA T E SERVICE N O W A V A IL A B L E By T R A IN E D M ECH ANIC Expert Motor Repair, Carburetor, and Ignition Service— Finest Workmanship and Fair Prices All Work Guaranteed C A LL FOR E ST IM A T E BOB'S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE FORMF.RI.Y TONY’S GARAGE 850 T U A L A T IN H I W A Y B E A E R T O N . ORE. . Beaverton 2262 EMERGENCY PHONES SUnset 4126 ~ GArfield 4207 ALPENROSE DAIRY 6149 S.W . Shattuck Road CHerry 2424 “ Fresh Milk at Your Door Or Favorite Store’*' Your Local Home-Owned Dairy BOB and LARRY'S V /2 Mi. East on Bert lia-Bea vert on - Highway » to Shattuck Road -- -:- Mission Bell Radio and Repair S e r v ic in g ....................... ..Visit Our Form Anytime Radio's and Electrical Appliances Location ATTENTION! BALL PLAYER FANS Mission BeH Service Station Beaverton, Oregon Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Policies ora NON-ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pov maintain« more than three timet the surplus required by Orefl°n more thon the premium on tho toce of the policy. Oregon Mutual Insurance Lows. at Beaverton Ball Park Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. o f M c M i n n v i l l e Orgonitad 1894— 52 yn . of Reliable Service . SUNDAY MAY 19 Chos L. W alker, As«"» Phone 1732 New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "Every Form of Protection" Hillsboro, Oregon b A A M M % a t RAINBOW 2:30 P.M. 3 Practice Games a Week ELECTRIC CONTRUCTION, Inc. WIRING J ^ > COMMERCIAL — INDUSTRIAL HOUSE WIRING T H E R M A D O R ELECTRIC HOUSE HEATING UNITS ^ Estimates Gladly Given ^ Service Colls Taken Care of Promptly ! Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday Evenings After 6 P, M. CALIFORNIA! Mb Beaverton Busters vs. Gaston C. E. Heves. M«*r.. Beaverton Busters m Extends All Invitation to Any Pro­ spective Ball Players to Join The Cluh. It's Fine Recreation. YOU CAN TRAVEL BY TRAIN TO $ DEALER FOR THERMADOR AND MONITOR HOME APPLIANCES j For Service Call Beaverton 2481 •J 5 LEAVE ORDERS AT RICHIES HARDWARE N ITE CALLS — HILLSBORO 1 6 F U Five trains every day. Plenty of room now. Just telephone us for tickets and reservations. S*P The friendly Southern PadfU