B u y jje jl - THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL PLANT YOUR LAWN NOW CLASSIFIED ADS Count eoch word, including Nome I Will grade ground and sow and oddress-ONLY 2c A WORD No Phone Orders Token lawn. MINIMUM 2Sc AN ISSUE We Publish the BEAVERTO N ENTERPRISE TIG A R D SEN TIN EL M ULTN O M AH PRESS ALO H A NEWS ALSO t e a m Complete Eastern Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage • and t r a c t o r w o r k LEE ROBINSON R tc. 3, Bx 1547, Oak A ve. (2 miles FOR SALE—Two mattresses, twin W. o f f F arm ington Rd. Beaverton. size, new. 1291 SE Lombard, Kirks 16 I 16” slab wood $8 delivered in Bea- verton-$8.50 in Tigard and Multno­ IF ITS PLUMBING YOU WANT CALL mah. $7.50 in Aloha. Immediate BEAVER delivery. Harold Keller, Rte 1, Plumbing and Heating Company Carlton, Ore. Phone BRoadway First and Main Beaverton 1986. 18 Phone 2622 ------------------------------------- Still on—Prices slashed prior to BASEMENT EXCAVATING__ opening of Gift Shop. j Dirt Moving - Landscaping - Many items for sale such a s - Fenci _ Piowi _ DisCinr ^ P - Cll_ Set* Vases, L - . enter^ ! ! ? ! l e! : ! n a r r o w in g - Pillows, Creamer-Sugars, Flower Urns, Candle Holders An­ tique, Pictures, Jewelry, also La- j dies Dresses new and used Suits, ; Coats, some fur trimmed Ladies, Hats, Shoes, purses, Sweaters, j Slack Suits and Pajamas. Boys—Suits, Coats, Slack Suits, Scout Suits and Caps, and many other odds and ends priced to sell. OPEN 10 A M. TO 10 P M. DAILY BEAVERTON G IF T SH O P Across From Express Office 1 Trailer shack on skids & built-in cabinets $35. 1 chicken coop 6x6 & pen $17, 1 chicken coop 4x4 and pen $8. Bob’s Nursery, call after 7:30 p. m. CHerry 1914. 16 9 45 a. m. Sunday School, Miss Amarette Barnes, Supt. F a n o f B eaverton Hiway 6 11 a. m. Worship. B eaverton * , Portland Until the return of our pastor, L. H. B R A W A N D 3511 COM. 9924 I Chaplain lYancis Sturtevant, from Builder and Cabinetmaker — | military service, the pulpit will be Portland Phene Vill- -929, Metzger supplied by the Rev. Mr. . R. Jef Store fronts; school, restaurant fery. Mr. Jeffrey is well known and store fixtures; school furniture; j in Washington county where he unit cabinets of all kinds, includ-! served Methodist churches for ing kitchen cabinets. Office furni­ many years; and a cordial lnvi ture rebuilt, refinished aad com­ tation is extended to all to wor pletely renovated. AH kinds of ship with us. ! building and remodeling. Wood- ■ 5:30 p. m. Junior ilgrlm Fel working of all kinds. 48tf1 G LADIOLU S BULBS lowship. HAULING—Gravel, crushed rock, 6:30 p. m. Senior Pilgrim Fel Large Mixture j dirt fill, sand, etc. Call C. Gred-1 lowship. vig, phone Beaverton 3186. 53tf per Dozen 5(F CLEARING & Excavating Sm A V, - _ U A . . M . A ft A- A * Work r l / done by hour AAA or A n oontract. PH ON E B E A V E R T O N 2188 tf Phone Portland UN. 3395 for ea-1 timates. Work guaranteed. 51tf ! FOR SALE—A. B. gas range, ap­ VINCENT LUMBER CO. "A Complete Lumber Yard” artment size, like new. Phone We Deliver Anywhere Beaverton 3241. Florence Beauty shop. 16 PAINTS — SASII — PLUMBING Phone 6191 — Aloha, Ore tf FOR SALE—Dry slab second growth and old growth wood cut SHINGLING—New & old work. in stove lengths and delivered Remington Bros. Phone Beaverton 18 3221. tf Phone Tigard 2363. J ALOHA A lso C o n cre te M ixed On The Job L. H. B R A W A N D B uilder and C abinet M aker M etzger, O regon P h on e: C H erry 2029 P R O V E IT TO Y O U R S E L F YOU D O N 'T NEED A TRA D E N o H idden C harges All M akes and M odels '32s to '42s See Us B efore Y ou BUY—SELL O R T R A D E Daskalos & Williams G IA N T U SED C A R T hree Lots CENTER Garden ftauling Contractor Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons Sand, Crushed Rock and Road Gravel Route 1, Box 28, Tigard, Oregon Phone Tigard 2446 tf SE N D F O R O I R ASSEM BLY OP GO D Sunday School 10 a. m. 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic service Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Bible study Friday 7:45 p. m. Young peo­ ples service. Rev. Rilla Mae Stephens, pastor Everything For the P. E. HA GO FREE S E E D C ATAI.O G P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N CH URCH Farmington Rd. at Menlo (Beaverton) Erwin A. Oerken. Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Divine Service 10:30 a. m. B. J. Shepherd J. L. Jersey The Kind That Grow Fellowship Meeting, Friday SU. 2680 ALOHA 6617 "S E E D S " “You can't keep them 7:30 p. m. S H E P H E R D Si J E R S E Y in the ground”. Membership class, Wed. 8 p. m. E xcavatin g and Grading Butzer’s Seed Store A cordial welcome to all. Land Clearing and T rench ing General C ontracting («10 SE M all S t All Mail Orders Filled Promptly C orner S. W . 2nd and Main P ortland 4, Oregon Estimates Gladly Given by Hour or Contract ST M A T T H E W LU TH E R A N CHURCH F orm erly W est Mills P ortland 6, Or. 20 Years Experience Canyon Rd. near Sylvan For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Werner J. Fritz, Minister j We live in Washington County. Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. May 19th ! We pay taxes in Washington Sunday School 9:45 a. m. i County. We know Washington Divine Service, 11 a. m. Ser­ mon: Sardis, Alive But Dead. I County Real Estate. We can sell Welcome to St. Matthew's. 1 your home, farm, or any Real STOVE AND DIESEL OIL Estate you have. Write or call us. We'll be right out to see you. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Metered Oil Service 4th & Watson Sts., Phone: 3695 Wiggins & Hibbard, Church School 9:45 a. m. Mrs. REALTORS Nan Bourquin, Supt. DELIVERED 220 S.W. Alder, AT 8623 Morning worship 10:56 a m. Sermon “ Are You Content?” Evenings BR. 1341 tf Text: John 7:37. No M. Y. F. meeting this Sun­ P A IN T IN G & P A P E R H A N G IN G day eve, out of deference to the Work Guaranteed Bacculaureate service. W ork D one P rom ptly W.S.C.S. meets on Wednesday C A L I, C H erry 2175 11102 SW Capitol Hlwy Oil. 1318 from 10 until 3:30. 46tf B. R. STEVENS C H U R C H O F C H R IS T Hatch Inc., Portland, SUnset 1103- 2nd and Main St. 1104. I.A K K O F E E D S F O R SALE. G. W. Springer, Pastor We deliver in load lots free. Dairy 1 Morning worship and preaching feed a specialty. tf RIGH T-N O W C L E A N E R service at 9:45 a. m. Topic—Paul For General Home Cleaning in Athens. Following the sermon Tree Topping, R em ovin g, Duhev Laundry, Woodwork the Lord's supper will be observed Harm lets— -Sanitary Hedge T rim m ing ■apiece« Soap • Softer for Hand* Bible School class session 11 Out of town calls taken A SK A L L GROCERS a. m. Equip, for difficult jobs, Insured — Comes in packages Everyone is urged to attend the Estimates—References 25c — 50c — $1.00 High School Baccalaure ate ser­ L E N N ’S T R E E S E R V IC E HERMOSA PRODUCTS CO. vices. In view of this service 104 N.E. Russell Street, Portland, Oregon P ortlan d— E A st 6524 3tf there wll Ibe no Christian Endea­ ____ W E C U R E A N D SM O K E vor or evening worship service at Y O U R P O R K CUTS the church. 25 years Experience BUYERS— PACKERS Midweek Bible study and pray­ A L D E R M A R K feT — A l l Berries. Prunes, G rapes— er service Thursday 8 p. m. Study Lewis Bros. F E R T IL IZ E R , DUST, W E E V IL topic—Grace. HILLCREST GROCERY Cop. 1st and W ashington SL B AITS, A V A IL A B L E IN SEASON R. I. MacLauqhlin.Inc. » Clay Portland. AT. 5334. H * Beaverton 3271 TRACTOR W O RK SW Gabel Lane at Fairway Dr. Rev. Armltage, Pastor 10:30 A. M. “Christian Realism” Home Refrigeration and washing > Call K R. Fruit, Nut, F low erin g and Shade machine setvices. H IG H W A Y C H A P E L Trees, R oses, B erry Plants 8tf Twomblv CH. 2267. Temporarily located upstairs In Shrubs, etc. the Odd Fellows Hall. Beaverton PAPERING—fainting“ A Kalso- Large supply of peaches, apples, Orville J Poulin, Minister minlng, neat, experienced work­ pears, cherries, prunes, plums, ap­ Sunday School 10:00 a. m. man L. L. Seeley, R 2. Bx 1'80-A ricots. walnuts and filberts as well Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 as roses, flowering shrubs, and 40tf ST. C E C E L IA C H U R C H berry plants. Large orchard plant- Masses: 7 a. m. —8:30 a. m.— P A IN T IN G — Outside; our spe­ ers. Order Now while our stock Is WOOD—Good Block and Slab 10:30 a. m. cialty spray painting. Remodeling; j still complete! Our new 1946, 4§- available now. Also Sawdust an d' free estimates and reduced rates | page catalogue is now available Chipmix. Wilson Fuel Yard, Bx G E N E R A L H A U L IN G for spring. Terms available. Will upon request. T o call at our nur A LO H A C O M M U N IT Y C H U R CH 398, Beaverton 2491. Graydon D. Loree, Pastor O F A I X K IN D S A N Y T IM E go anywhere. MUrdock 4164. tf 4AT y. take highway 99W. We are Sunday School 9:50 a. m. TRACTOR W ORK Ibcate cated 17 miles southwest of P ort­ FILL DIRT FOR SALE P O CUSTOM Mary Antrim, Supt. R T A B L E G A S W A T E R PU M P P A P E R IN G A P A IN T IN G — 10 land or 1 mile past Six Corners. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. TO R E N T years experience, reasonable rates, Do not leave highway 99W. W atch L. H. Cobb Co. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. P hone First Class. Free estim ates, Call fo r our sign. Beaverton Transfer Co. H O W ARD W . .SMITH F O R S A L E — N e w Zealand W hite Beaverton 2462 rabbits, you ng does, and bu cks O ffice P h on e: B eaverton 3931 fro m pedi. stock, exeell condl., 4 388 C anyon R oa d tf lbs up, $2 up. W itch Hazel R a b ­ bit F arm , H m l S'" W itch Hazel R O B E R T G. P F A F F Civil E ngineer S ch ool o r Y ou n gs M arket, main h iw ay bet. B eaverton & Hilleboro. W rite, G eneral D elivery, B eaver­ 25 tf ton, Ore. 18 B E a con 3546, R . W H IT L O W , 019 T U A L A T IN V A L L E Y N U R S E R IE S SW H am ilton, P ortlan d 1, Ore tf R oute 3, B ox 310 Sherw ood, O regon # PAINTS I m la y ’s Fresh Mixed Feeds FISHER THORSEN PRINTS S P R A Y IN G — P H O N E F O R S A L E —G uernsey and Jersey P O W E R tf F or quality, fa ir price and heifers, you r ch oice $65 each. Got- B E A V E R T O N 2188. service ters at Scholls. 45tf V A N ’S R E F R IG E R A T IO N S E R V IC E J. B. Imlay & Sons C om m ercial — D om estic — Any R E E D V TL L E ALO H A. O R E • W A N T E D M ake or M odel ^ \ Guaranteed M otor Service D E A D or W orth less S tock picked WANTED—First Class Garage — Call Me D a y o r N ight — up F ree o f Charge Anyw here. mechanic. Rasmussen's Garage. H illsboro 3871 o r 3029 tf P rom pt Service. Call collect UN. Beaverton 3251 or 3632. 16 1221 o r U N . 4502. W estern States s R endering Co., N. C olum bia Blvd. WAITRESS WANTED—Hours 11 A H urst Ave., P ortland. (S u c­ a.m. to 4 p.m. Skyway Restaurant # MISCELLANEOUS cessor to Denley R endering Beaverton, Ore. 15 1 C om pany.) 3tf BEAUTY OPERATOR WANTED A N A P P E A L T O T H E PU BLIC Excellent opportunity and working ' Our returning service men are T IC M conditions. $1 hour and com m is- , «H In need o f tran sportation . I'm , K H t UIV» A 1 IblVl sion. 5-day week. F loren ce B eau- I doing m y best to help supply the and ARTH RITIS ty Shop, Beaverton, Phone 3241. 16 emand. I f you have a ca r you I su ffered fo r years and am so -----------------------------------------------------------are not using—o r have no real use PLOWING—Cultivating — G en- ] fo r the one you now are using— , thnkful that I found relief from eral Tractor Work. B eaverton why not bring it in today and get this terrible a ffliction that I w ill g la d ly answ er anyone w riting me 2811. 18 T O P CASH fo r it N O W . Cars also fo r Inform ation. Mrs. A nna Pautx, sold on co n sig n m e n t KELLY P. O. B ox 825, V ancouver, W ash. W A N T E D — L IV E P O U L T R Y M O TO R CO., S W C anyon R d., and Will Weigh and P ay Cash R . R . tracks, B eaverton. O rs. 49tf Pd. Adv.—NUE-OVO Laboratories A t Your Place P A IN T IN G Outside our specialty. Prompt Pickup Service F or S tove and Diesel Oil Call Spray pain ting; rem odeling. Free H arry Barne*. Ph Beaverton 3231. L. W . F O R E M A N estim ates for sprin g at reduced Rt. 1. Box 87. Sherw ood. Ore. prices. Term s. G o anyw here. Call Phone S ta fford 5140 E A st 2216. tf JUNK—Batteries, Scrap Iron, Al­ A LL A R O U N D uminum, Brass, Copper — Highest prices paid. CARPENTER W ORK O. R. NICHOLSON A SON Finish — R em odelin g — R epair Phone Beaverton 2497 for pickup. A. H A R R Y M ac IN T Y R E Zrr deliver our yard. Entrance ad- .. _ 0 -w . R o e te 1 B ox 435 P hone Beav 2828 Joins L n ion Oil Depot Bertha-Bea- ^ g p. m. - L eave Order, tf verton Hiway. 9 _______ _________________ u n K i l E c E r P P E tR T a k e ch arge o f r C E S S PO O L -S E PT IC T A N K O WN- H n O n U a S E R ^Take charge ERS ATTENTION-Added equlp- home 2 children-girl 1H yrs. Boy ^ °»,L af*e S ’i f h o a r d o f* R B E a con 2079. P hone BUSINESS SERVICES a,Iow| fMtef , ervlce Pu m P * wash septic tanks, rom m l. t f or residential. Guar w orkm anship. S ew er, connected. Cesspools end Rro* Sanitarv Service, Servire B ros Sanitary TA. 3235. Portland. 2tf Land Surveying Lots, A creage, Tracts. O rchards “ T ile D rain age” , rte. A ccurate. R eliable, R easonable B y a C om petent S urveyor PHONE CHerry 2365 Day or Nite Richard R. Pfeifer Surveyor S. W . Capitol Hill R oad (N ear 19th St B arbur B lvd.) P ortland 1, O regon De Laval S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T AN D SU P P LIE S F O R THE D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y Monroe U ri sel I FRIDAY, MAY 17. 1946 George F. Gordon Piano Tuning, Cleaning D E M O TH IN G , R E P A IR IN G Phone: ALOILA 6613 W ant a New Room? H O S I E R Y M E N D I N G o t » .* 7-DAY SERVICE . . . . I We REMOVE the SNAGS & RUNS Just put a pair in an envelope, seal it, put 6c postage on it and mail it to u*. * APPROVED OPA PRICES "Pay tha Mailman C .0 .0 ." ALL WORK GUARANTEED H & M HOSIERY MENDERS BOX 2389 Portland 14, Ore. WE MOVE TREES NOW No Loss or Set Bock Fruit, nut, shade trees and Berry Plants SHRUBS and ORNAM ENTALS Dwarf ond Espalier Fruit Trees Toke your pick of trees right from the field. Dutch Boy W o n s o v e r — the wonder-working one-cont, oil- base paint. Ready to use—no measuring, no mixing— roll it on or brush it on, in a few hours it s dry! Come in and see the lovely W o n s o v e r colors. Villa Ridge NURSERY PHONE CHerry 2928 1 1333 S.W. 64th & Barbur Blvd. CLOSED SUNDAYS PHOSPHATE FERTILIZER NO W A V A IL A B L E CA LL TIGARD 2771 TIGARD Nut Packing Co. ---- COME IN AND SEE THEM _ KINGSLEY- BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. Telephone Beaverton 3201 Beaverton Oregon C. A. GAKKEN, Manager W . E. P E G G Tigard, Oregon ! M O R T I C I A N Beaverton, Oregon Estab. 1910—Serving 35 years a p HONE B E A V E R T O N 3411 TH E VALLEY C O M M U N IT Y C H U R C H U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N ■ Double bottom plow and all equip- For Stove and Diesel Oil Call j ment to work 1 acre or lar ge tract Orchards a specialty— Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. of land. — ----------------------- By Hour or Contract FOR S A L E — 16-in. green slab wood p SHAW & '“‘ONS 2 Ms cord loads $8 cord delivered. M etzger, Ore., Cor. 61 h & Pine Reuben Johnson, Newberg phone P H O N E : C H erry 2984 tf 193-J. tf Phone Beaverton 2881 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE tf tf1 PORTLAND. OREGON 6501 NE Union 5600 NE Union WORLD BICYCLE, full size, good 5500 N. Interstate—Portland tires excellent condition. BEacon WEbster 1175 or GArfield 8432 H ID E S A WOOL, C A S C A R A — A tf I T U U DDAfi K C UT 5623. LEE BROS., O 25 SW 14 specialty. AMPLIFIER and Public Address system for rent. Phone Beaverton 17 3168. BETHEL C O N G R E G A T IO N A L t i l l R4 II Dr. Norm E. Johnson Veterinarian . FOR SALE—Lovely Antique Gold I tractor w ork Wishbone Chatelain (Brooch) set j P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 3741 with 48 gen. pearls and 1 fine dia­ W. H. S H E E L E Y mond. Now highly adored by wo- 624 E. th St. Beaverton tf men of fashion. You gladly would ' pay some jeweler $175 or more for WOODSAWING—C.J. Bowe, 11th such a rare piece. Make offer. *nd Lombard, Beaverton, Phone, 16 j Beaverton 2735. Phone ATwater 6591. 19 LATE STYLE Wood Circulating ' ___ Heater, $25; Crib mattress (Spring Ufc.LORATIVE ROCKS filled), $7; Bathinette, $7; Fine Traveling case, $7; All unused ex ! For GARDENS, WALLS, PATIOS also cept stove. 50 N. Lombard, Bea ROAD GRAVEL, TOP SOIL verton, FERTILIZER FRESH, Jersey Cow For Sale— P H O N E : C H erry 3107 tf Near Cooper Mtn. School. Rte 1, Box 909, Beaverton. 16 RUM M AGE SA L E VETERIN ARIAN Seed Store S gg LARGE LOTS for sale, fine build­ ing location facing two streets. See J. W. Baney at 7821 S.W. 30th Ave, Multnomah, 17 LANDSCAPING, Pruning. Spray­ ing, Grafting St tree surgery. W’ . A. Green, Beaverton, 2967. 53tf Chiurli Services Sunday Butzer’s e x c a v a t in g TOP SOIL - Fertilizer POWER SPRAYING FOR SALE T)R TO W CAR* call V K R M IL T E M O TO R CO.. Phone T igard 3381 tt Services L A T T E R -D A Y S A IN T S American Legion Hall Main St., Hillsboro, Ore. Sunday Schopl at 10 a. m. Sacrament meeting at 6:30 p. m. Elder J. T. S. Peterson, Branch Priest R E E D Y IL L E < O M M U N ITY P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R C H Rev. Hampton, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. G. E. Geiger, Supt. Worship Service 11 a. m. Young People's C. E. 7 p. m "STEVE* STEVEN VOLOUDAKIS (Oamocrat, an talla*) MULTNOMAH* COUNTY COMMISSIONER P r o p e r t y ow n e r, ta x p a y e r fo r 35 years. P rop rietor and successful business manager o f prominent Stevens C lean­ ers and Dyers. A good busi­ nessman for a big business job. Favors public im p rov e­ ments N O W ; enlarged in ­ dustrial payrolls. Pd A d v C B ritto n . C o m C h 7 9 1 9 N W o sh b u rn St , P o rtlo n d . O re RE-ELECT J. O. JOHNSON State Representative for Washington County Qualified by experience & training to ably represent the interests of Washington County. fUfKmcfunr ft fk.triboton * tVfRYTHING ^ 136 NW Park CHURCH OF THE NAZAREN E Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. New officers and teachers as­ suming office, with Miss Edith Watts, Sup’t. AT. 6461 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship Rev. W. B. Talt, former pastor, as guest speaker, In absence of C IN T R A LLY pastor. LOCATED There will be no evening service Close to bui tree*, due to the Baccalaureate service port a l i e n a n d walking distance in the HI. School. Prayer meeting: Wed. at 7:30PM Iron* downtown. One oil company is teaching the 4-H clubbers in its area how to repair, maintain and operate pow­ ered farm machinery. RITZ Finley & Son MORTICIAN ’ SW FOU RTH AT M O N T G O M E R A T w ater *181 Riverview Cemetery W E ST END SEJ.LW OOD B R ID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERT T H E A T R E BEAVERTON Show s E very Nlte 7 to 11:88 Rog price* Children 16c Adults 40c ! Saturday Bargain M atinee I 30 Children 09 cents Adults .20 cents A COLLECE, BUSINESS «•TR A D E SCH O O L EDUCATION FOR YOU L s g . Yes, your tuition up to $500 per ordi­ nary school year paid for 48 months o f college, business or trade school. You also receive $65 per month living allowance— $90 if you have dependents. This is the opportunity open, upon their discharge, to men over 18 (17 with parents’ consent) who enlist in the new Regular Army before October 6, 1946, for 3 years. Get »11 the facts at your U. S. Army Recruiting Station. Seturdoy BARGAIN Metiee* May 18 TMI W AY AMIAD. David N.ven Serial "Zorra * Black Whip" SUNDAY . TUESDAY Mny 19 21 MY RIPUTATION Borboro Stanwyck,, George Brent Plantation M e la d * , Cartoon - N aw i Wednesday Saturday Eve. May 22-23 j TOO YOUNG TO KNOW Joan Leslie, Robert Hutton ISLE OF Boris KortoFf, E TH E Drew D EA D Newt T R A C T O R W O R K — Plow ing, disc­ Complete Funeral Service In New Seturdoy BARGAIN Matin** May 23 ing and general garden work. J. S E P T IC T A N K S , com pleted $100, DANNY BOY, Cathedral Chapel at No E xtra coat A. L incoln. Pheme B eaverton 271^ anyw here on W est Side. 20 miles T he advertiser—Tell him yon i Riverside Is a co-op erative aseo- Bu.zy" Henry Eva Marsh from city Portland SU. 1787. 2Lf read hie m essage In U e paper. "Zorro'» B la c k W h ip " ! elation with assets o f over $800.000 **•■*•*— 614 .S. W. lh h Ave.. PORTLAND, OREGON CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS SPECIAL “ V E N T IL A T E D ” See your Building Material Dealer Portland Concrete Pipe A Products Co. 581» SW M acadam A v*„ Portland. 1 Oregon AT.