ì 1 Buy - Sell. THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET Services CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS BOO K K E E PING— W h ole or part ALL AROUND I VETERINARIAN Count eoch word, including Nome “ T V E ‘ M artin- 154 s W. A n-! Kel, Beaverton, P hone 3475. CARPENTER W O RK 15 ond oddress-O N LY 2c A WORD Dr. Norm E. Johnson U n ish — R em odeling — R epair No Phone Orders Taken J I N K —Batteries, Scrap Iron. Al- MINIMUM 25c AN ISSUE uminum, Brass, C opper - H.vh'eVt „ ,,A K R Y M C I N T Y R E Veterinarian prices paid. «»fchest Route 1 B ox 435 Phone Beav. 282S t a s i o f Beaverton Hiway 6 W e Publish the O. H NICHOLSON & SON A fter * p m ~ ~ L^ ave O rd tr. U B eaverton Portland BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE I hone Beaverton 2497 fo r pickup, X3R T O W C A R call V E R M 1L Y E 3511 COM. 9924 TIGARD SENTINEL M ULTNOM AH PRESS loins ’ m ' n m iT r d , E " trttnce ad‘ M OTO R CO.. Phone T igard 3381 tt joins Union Oil D epot— Bertha-Bea- ------ --------------------------- ------------------ A LO HA NEWS _ verton Hiway. 9 LAN D SCA PIN G , Pruning. Spray- Complete Eastern Washington County 77 ----------------------- — — ------------ ing G raftin g A tree surcerv \V and Western Multnomah County H O U S E K E E P E R — T ak e charge of Green. Beaverton. 2967. 53tf Coverage nome, 2 children-girl yrs. B oy —______________________________ _ _ _ _ _ ■------ -- school age. Sun. and som e eves. off. ,60. start? R oom , board. Phone ' T £ FOR SALE B Eacon 2079 tf * ny * n e r e on W est Side, 20 miles ------------‘ ________________ _ from city Portland. SU. 1737. Jtf F O R S A L E M ontag w ood circu ­ G LAD IO LU S BULBS BUSINESS SERVICES cesspool - sbptig tank own « lating heater, $40. 7537 S.W . 51st Large Mixture or call C H erry 1214. 15 -------------- E R S A T T E N T IO N Added equip- ---------- - -------------- — PLANT YOUR LAWN NOW ment allows faster service. We 5 0 - per Dozen EOR SA L E W ood kitchen range pump & wash septic tanks, comm L W. L. Sweek, R t. 1, B x 102, Tigard I | W ill grade ground a n d SOW or residential- Guar, w orkm anship. O ft. ti) ' | SpWCrs od i^aaerwvla Sewers Pnnncrt connected. Cesspools and lawn. Everything For th e septic tanks con stru cted . Schulz F O R S A L E —H andm ade washable Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland, slip covers fo r overstu ffed chair, | TA. 3235. 2tf Garden occasion al chair, and hassack. All | ( ■ 1 A LSO io r $8.50. Sawdust hot w ater heater ! SEN D FO R OFU F R E E I - II. B R A W A N D T R A C T O R and com plete, $5. C H erry 2225. 15 Builder and C abinetm aker S E E D C ATALO G Portland Phone CH- 2929, M etzger TEAM WORK F O R SA L E i' lly n ew wh Store fron ts; school, restaurant enam el w ood range, cop p er coils j All Mail Orders Filled EXCAVATING and Store fixtu res; school furniture; CH 3581, 2905 SW Miles St. 15 ! unit cabinets o f all kinds, includ­ Promptly TOP SOIL - Fertilizer ing kitchen cabinets. O ffice fu rn i­ FOR S A L E — D ry slab second ture rebuilt, refinished and co m ­ The K ind T hat G row grow th and old grow th w o o d c u t ! POWER SPRAYING pletely renovated. All kinds o f SEEDS" “ Y ou can 't keep them in stove lengths and delivered. ! building and rem odeling. W ood - in the grou nd” . P hone T igard 2363. 18 '48tf w orking o f all kinds. Butzer’s Seed Store F O R S A L E — R ed fryers $1 each. HAULING— Gravel, crushed rock, 426 S W A ngel St. B eaverton. 15 C orner S. \\. 2nd and Main dirt fill, sand, etc. Call C. Gred- 53tf P ortland 4, O regon 16” slab w ood $8 delivered in Bea- Rte. 3, B x 1547, O ak A ve. (2 miles vig, phone Beaverton 3186. verton-$8.50 in T igard and M ultno­ W . o ff F arm ington Rd. B eaverton. L A N D C L E A R IN G & E xcavatin g mah. $7.50 in Aloha. Im m ediate PH ON E B E A V E R T O N 2188 tf W ork done by hour or contract. delivery. H arold Keller, R te 1. F o r Stove and Diesel Oil Call Phone Portland UN. 3395 for es- H Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. C arlton, Ore. P hone B R oa d w a y timates. W ork guaranteed. 51tf TRACTOR W O RK 1986. 18 P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 3741 I*. E. H AGG U pright P ian o and bench $ 200 . W . H. S H E E L E Y Hauling C ontractor P hon e T igard 3522. B eaverton tf 15 624 E. th St. Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons STOVE AND DIESEL OIL Shallow well pump, m otor and ^ _ Sand, Crushed R o ck and tank, as is $35. Ph. T igard 3522. 15 DECORATIVE ROCKS R oad Gravel Route 1, B ox 28, T igard. Oregon Metered Oil Service I j A T E S T Y L E W ood C irculating F or G A R D E N S , W A LL S, P A T IO S P hone T igard 2446 tf H eater ........ $30 also Crib m attress (Spring fille d )........$7 i R O A D G R A V E L , T O P SO IL D E L IV E R E D B. J. Shepherd J. L. Jersey B A T H IN E T T E .......................... $7 SU. 2680 A L O H A 6617 F E R T IL IZ E R F in e T ravelin g case........... .... ........$7 SH E PH ER D & JE RSEY P H O N E : C H erry 3107 tf All unused excep t stovfc. 50 N. ! E xcavatin g and G rading L om bard, B eaverton. 15 ! L and Clearing and T rench ing RUM M AGE SALE — V IIN U k lY I L U M B E R C O . General C ontractin g Still on — P rices slashed p rior to “ A C om plete L um ber Y a rd ” Estirnates Gladly Given by 11102 SW Capitol H lw y CH. 1313 op en in g o f G ift Shop. ' Ve D eliver A nyw here M any items for sale such a s - F A IN T S - SAS1I - PLU M BIN G SE MaU St. P ortlan d 6, Or B. R . ST E V E N S L u n ch sets, C enter Pieces, Linens, 6191 — A loha, Ore tf 20 E x p e H ______l f B u tz e r ’s Seed S to re See LEE ROBINSON HILLCREST GROCERY F l o w '? i-,Vn ‘ Ser C ream er-Sugars, , S H IN G L IN G — N ew & old Br°- ph0n' — w ork. | W e live in S t r W ash in gton C o u n ty .]- Church Services Sunday ST M A T T H E W BETHEL LU TH E RA N CHURCH t O N I.R E L A T IO N A L C H U R CH W ern er J. Fritz, M inister 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, Miss M other's D ay Am arette Barnes, Supt. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. 11 a. m. W orship. D itin e Service, 11 a. m. Until the return o f our pastor, Serm on: T he Ideal Fam ily. Chaplain F ran cis Sturtevant, from E very one invited. B rin g the military service, the pulpit will be supplied by the Rev. Mr. . R . J e f­ fam ily. fery. Mr. J effrey is well know n M E T H O D IS T C H I RCH in W ashington county where he M other’s D ay served M ethodist ch urches for C hurch School 9:45 a. m. m any years; and a cord ial invi­ Mrs. Nan Bourguln, Supt. tation is extended to all to w or­ M orning w orship 10:55 a. m. ship w.tli us. Serm on: The M other H eart o f! 5:30 p. m. Junior ilgrlm F el­ God. Guest soloist Miss Shirley lowship. 6:30 p. m. Senior P ilgrim F el­ Lee M cM illan o f Astoria. I M. Y . F. T o be the guests at | lowship. the parsonage this Sunday eve at | 7:30 for devotions and fellow ship A L O H A A SS E M B L Y O F GOD W . S. C. S. m eets from 10-3:30 Special M other's D ay program will be presented Sunday at the 11 on W edn esday at the church. o'clo ck service by the Sunday C H U R C H O F T1IE N A Z \RENF. School children. L eonard C. Johnson. P astor Sunday Sch ool 10 a. m. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. 7:45 p. m. E van gelistic service. R ecogn ition will he given all i Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Bible study. F riday 7:45 p. m. Y ou n g peo­ m others In Sunday representative M others. ples service. It a. m. M orning w orship ser-1 R ev. R illa Mae Stephens, pastor vice. In the absence o f the pastor to P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N C H I R C H his annual assem bly In Salem. F arm ington Rd. at Menlo Oregon, the W ash in gton County (B eaverton ) Cam p o f G ideons will he in charge E rw in A. Gerken, P astor o f the m orning service. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. 6:30 p. m. Y ou n g P eople’s Divine Service 10:30 n. m. F ellow ship Meeting, Friday. groups. 7-30 p. m. E van gelistic service 7:30 p. m. for Special m usical service. Miss The Lutheran H our R a lly at P ortland Civic A uditorium this Edith W atts will speak to co n ­ Washington County Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m. Dr. clude the service. W ed n esday 7:30 p. ni. M ission­ ary service with reports from the Qualified by experience & deelgates to the M issionary con ­ WE MOVE TREES NOW vention. training to ably represent No Loss or Set Bock ---------------- ------ the interests of Washington Fruit, nut, shade trees and Berry C H U R C H O F C H R IS T Plants 2nd and Main Streets County. SHRUBS and ORNAM ENTALS G eorge W . Springer, P a«tor Dwarf and Espalier Fruit Trees M other's D av service with ap­ Take your pick of trees right from propriate special m u sic at 9:45 a. the field. ST. C E C E L IA C H U R C H : m. T he top ic o f serm an Suc- M asses: 7 a. m. —8:30 a. m.— ] oessful Christian M otherhood. F ollow in g the serm on, the 10:30 a. m. Third’s supper will he observer A L O H A C O M M U N IT Y C H U R C H Bible School class session 11 PHONE CHerry 2928 G raydon D. L oree, P astor m. 11333 S.W. 64th & Barbur B l v d . Christian E n deavor 6:30 p. m. Sunday School 9:50 a. m. CLOSED SUNDAYS M ary A ntrim , Supt. E ven in g w orship service with M orning W orsh ip, 11 a. m. special m usic by the orchestra at E ven ing Service 7:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m. M idw eek Bible study and pray­ er service T hu rsday 8 p. m T op ic L ove o f God. RE-ELECT J. O. JOHNSON State Representative Villa Ridge NURSERY PHOSPHATE FERTILIZER S S S S S RIGHT-NOW CLEANER F o r G e n e ra l H o use C le a n in g Coats, som e fu r trim m ed L a d ie s! County R ea l Estate. W e can sell D is h e s , L a u n d ry W oo d w o rk H a rm le s s — So n ito ry H ats, Shoes, purses, Sweaters, ! IF IT S P L U M B IN G Y O U W A N T your home, farm , o r any R eal ] Replaces Soap • So fte r for Hands S lack Suits and P ajam as. j CALL ] E state you have. W rite or call A SK A L L GRO CERS B oys— Suits, Coats, S lack Suits, BEA \ E R W e 'll be right out to see you. — Comes in packages S cou t Suits and Caps, and m any P lum bing and H eatin g C om pany . , 25c — 5 0 c — $ 1 .0 0 oth er odds and ends priced to sell. First and M ain B eaverton W ig g in s & H ib b ard , HERMOSA PRODUCTS CO. 3 0 4 N .E . R u s s e ll S tre e t, P o rtla n d , O reg on O P E N 10 A M. T O 10 P.M. D A IL Y P hone 2622 R E AT T O R S B E A V E R T O N G IF T S H O P I----------------------------------------------------------- ! 220 S.W. Alder A T 8623 A cross F rom E xpress O ffic e B A S E M E N T E X C A V A T IN G — E ven ings B R . 1341 tf BUYERS— PACKERS FOR S A L E — W ood circu la tin g | D irt M ovin g — L a n d sca p in g — I________ h eater; standard 40 gal. hot w ater F en cin g — P low in g — D iscin g 1 P A IN T IN G & l 'A l ’ E K lIA N G IN G | — AH Berries, Prunes, Grapes— tank. Davis, 370 L om ba rd St. 15 j H a rrow in g — A lso C oncrete M ixed I W ork Guaranteed F E R T IL IZ E R . DU ST, W E E V IL O n T he Job j W ork D one P rom ptly B AITS, A V A IL A B L E IN SEASON All steel w elded bod y fram e L . H. B R A W A N D | ( A L L CH erry 2175 trailer 600x16 tires. 2nd house on I B uilder and Cabinet M aker | 46tf righ t H ighland road, B ea verton .15 ] M etzger, O regon P h on e: C H erry 2929 5 H atch Inc., P ortland, SUnset 1103- M an’s g rey suit, size 38 prew ar, i Beaverton 3271 $20. L ad y's coats and dresses, size ---------------------- ------------------------------------- 1104. L A R R O F E E D S F O R SALE. 40. South H u ber near C ooper T R A C T O R .W O R K P low ing, disc- W e deliver in load lots free. D airy |------- —----------------------------------------------- Mt. S chool. P rice. 15 in& and general garden work. J. feed a specialty. _____________ j Fruit, Nut. F low erin g and Shade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ j A. Lincoln, P hone B eaverton 2713. Trees, R oses, B erry Plants T ree T opping, R em ovin g, 1 T railer sh ack on skids & built-in j tf Shrubs, etc. H edge T rim m ing cabin ets $35. 1 ch ick en c o o p 6 x 6 --------------—------------------------------------------ Out o f tow n calls taken j Large supp,y o f peaches apple8 & pen $17, 1 ch ick en coo p 4x4 and 1'IIOVE IT TO Y O U R S E L F Equip, fo r d ifficu lt jobs, Insured pears, Dears cherries, cherries. prunes, Drones plums, nlnma ap­ nn. pen $8. B ob ’s N ursery, ca ll a fter YOU D O N 'T E stim ates— R eferen ces 7:30 p. m. C H erry 1914. 16 i ricots, walnuts and filberts as well NEED A TRADE L E N N ’ S T R E E S E R V IC E as rozes, flow erin g shrubs, and N o H idden Charges 3tf P ortlan d— E A st 6524 W O R L D B IC Y C L E , full size, good __ berry plants. Large orch ard plant- A ll M akes and M odels tires excellent con dition. B E acon J ers. Order N ow while our stock is W E C U R E AND SM O K E '32s to '42s 5623. tf | still com plete! Our new 1946, 46- Y O U R P O R K CUTS See Us B efore Y ou ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! page catalogue is now available 25 years E xperience BUY—SELL OR T R A D E A M P L IF IE R and P ublic A ddress j upon request. T o call at our nur­ ALDER M ARKET system fo r rent. P hone B eaverton Daskalos & Williams sery, take highw ay 99W. W e are Lewis Bros. 3168. 17 ! G IA N T U SED C A R C E N T E R ] located 17 miles southw est o f Port- (ior. 1st and W ashington St. T hree Lots tf land er 1 mile past Six Corners. 4-QT. P R E S S U R E coo k e r fo r sale. | PORTLAND. OREGON 5600 N E Union — I D o not leave highw ay 99W. W atch P h on e Mrs. Green. T igard 3357. 15 6501 N E Union - ------------------------------------------------ : 5500 N. In terstate—P ortland H ID E S t W OOL, C A S C A R A — A for our sign. R E F R I G E R A T O R fo r sale. P hon e | W E bster 1175 or G A rfield 8432 specialty. L E E BRO S., 25 SW T U A L A T IN V A IJ ,E Y N U R S E R IE S T igard 3354 a fter 6, o r w rite F red 14 Clay Portland. AT. 5X34. tf R oute 3, B ox 310 15 W uesoh, Tualatin, Oregon. ----------------- ---------- —-— ----------------------| Sherwood, O regon Hom e R efrigeration and washing F o r S tove and Diesel Oil Call j TRACTOR W O RK m achine services. Call K. R. H a rry Barnes. Ph. B eaverton 3231. D oubie bott0ni plow and all equip- T w om biv CH. 2267. 8tf F O R S A L E 16-ln. green slab w ood "le n t to w ork 1 acre or large tract 2H co rd loads $8 cord delivered, o f land. O rchards a specialty— P A P E R IN G — A i m i n g Ka iso- & w ork ­ m ining, neat, experienced R eu ben Johnson, N ew berg phone aLOp / » t i c man L. L. Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A SU P P LIE S 193- j tf j R. SHAW & SONS Phone B eaverton 2516 Beaverton. M etzger, Ore., Cor. 6th Si Pine W O O D — G ood B lock and Slab *0tf P H O N E : CH erry 2984 tf available now. A lso Sawdust and •____ P A IN T IN G — O utside; our spe- C hipm ix. W ilson Fuel Y ard, B x cia lty spray painting. R em od elin g; 398, B eaverton 2491. D c a v c i i u i l l i a i l d l C l U U . free e8timates and reduced rates G E N E R A L H A U L IN G for spring. T erm s available. W ill IFILL DIRT FOR SALE g o anywhere. M U rdock 4164. O F A L L K IN D S A N Y T IM E L. H. Cobb Co. CUSTOM T R A C T O R W O R K & P A IN T IN G — 10 P O R T A B L E GAS W A T E B PUM P P A P E R IN G Phone Beaverton 2881 years experience, reasonable rates. TO R E N T F irst Class. F ree estim ates, Call F O R S A L E — N ew Zealand W h ite P hone B E acon 3546, R . W H IT L O W , 019 rabbits, you ng does, and bucks H OW ARD W. SMITH S W H am ilton, P ortlan d 1, Ore tf fro m pedi^ stock, excell, condi., 4 Beaverton 2462 lbs up, $2 up. W itch Hazel R a b ­ O ffice P h on e: B eaverton 3931 bit F arm , 4 mi S * W itch Hazel PAINTS 388 C anyon R oad tf S ch ool or Y oungs M arket, m a in ’ R. I. MacLaughlin,Inc. NOW AVAILABLE CA LL TIGARD 2771 TIGARD Nut Packing Co. Tigard, Oregon LAND SURVEYING Lots, A creage, Tracts, O rchards “ T ile D rainage”, etc. A ccurate, Reliable, R easonable B y a C om petent Surveyor Call P ersonally or W rite Richard R. Pfeifer Surveyor SIMM) S. W . Capitol Hill R oad (N ear 19th & B arbur B lvd.) P ortlan d 1, O regon 15 Rpavprtnn Tran^fPrCfl h iw ay bet. B eaverton A H illsboro. R O B E R T G. P F A F F 2Stf Civil E ngineer rr— — ;— -------------------. , W rite. G eneral Delivery, B eavsr- F O R S A L E —G uernsey and Jersey 0re jg heifers, your ch oice $55 each. Got- *_____ L _ -------------------------------------- ters at Scholls. ' 45tf P O W E R S P R A Y IN G — P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 2188. tf ; • W A N TE D Poppert & Welch T il l V ALLEY C O M M U N IT Y C H U R C H U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N SW Gabel Lane at F airw ay Dr. R ev. Armltage, P astor 10:30 A. M. “ Christian R ealism " IN V IT A T IO N F O R BIDS Sealed bids will be received by E leanor Zurcher, C lerk at B eaver­ ton until M ay 9th, 1946, 8 P. M. for the con stru ction o f a shop building for Union High School D istrict N um ber 10, Joint W ash ­ ington and M ultnom ah counties and will then and there be opened nnd publicly read. Bids received after the tim e fixed fo r opening will not be considered. Plans, sp ecification s and form o f con tract docum ents m ay be ex­ amined at the high sch ool office, Beaverton, Oregon, and at the o f­ fice o f Freem an and H ayslip, as­ sociate architects, 304 P ostal B uild­ ing, Portland, Oregon, and a set o f said plans, specifications, and form s m ay be obtained at the o f­ fice o f Freem an and H ayslip, as­ sociate architects, 304 Postal Build­ ing, Portland, Oregon, upon a de­ posit o f $15.00 wtiloh will be re­ funded upon the return o f the plana nd sp ecification s within a reasonable time. Each bid shall he accom panied by a certified ch eck , cash ier’s ch eck or bid bond (w ith author­ ized surety com p an y as surety) made payable to the ow n er in an am ount not less than 5 % o f the am ount o f the hid. Surety bond (or bonds) will be required In accord an ce with the term s o f the con tract docum ent. T he school district N o. 10 W ash ­ ington and M ultnom ah counties reserves the righ t to reject any or all bids and to w aive in form al­ ities. N o bidder m ay w ith d raw his bid after the h our set fo r the op en in g th ereof or- b efore award o f con tract, unless said aw ard is I delayed fo r a period exceed in g 3 0 1 days. E L E A N O R Z U R C H E R , Clerk j Date o f first publication, April 26, 1946. Date o f last publication, M ay 3, 1946. _ _ JUST ARRIVED SEAL BEAM HEADLIGHT Conversion Kits as low as 4.95 White Side Wall Rings, Set 6.95 Chrome Plated Fog Lights, Set 7.45 BASE BALL GLOVES Fielder Glove 5.4i First Base Mitt 6.95 S C O O T E R S 7.45 SCALES Special Notice FARMERS See Us . . . for TRUCK and TRACTOR TIRES RECAPPING . . . for all size tires 830 S. W. Tualatin Hiway West end of " Y " Beaverton Phone 3961 ELECT F or quality, fair price and service JUDGE M EARS C IR C U IT JU D G E DIPT. !>• r ^ ..♦* RHEUM ATISM and AR TH RITIS I s u ffe ^ d fo r years and am so thnkful that I found relief from this terrible a ffliction that I will gladly answ er anyone w riting me fo r Inform ation M rs Anna Pauitx. p . O. B ox 825, V ancou ver. W ash. - -------------- ----- ----- P<1. A d v — N U E-OVO L aboratories *or S tove and Dieeel Oil Call j H * rty Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231 5 >_ '• * A N E X P E R I E N C E D J UR I S T OVERSEAS VETERAN , ____A Riverview Cemetery W E S T EN D SE1.LW O OD B R ID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CIOTTHY Piaao Toning, Cleaning gvimplet* Funeral Service In New D E M O T H IN Q , R E P A IR IN G ° Pi . c « d * c - * * " * » ' ch * , * . « n „ E , t m ^ w r v W on v «, ral, roa(l!, lallt vear R iverside Is a eo-aparatlvs asao- 534 were diesel. elation with assets o f over $800,000 y j. y MORTICIAN * On The Highway Im lay’ ft F r iih M ixed Feeds FISHUR THORSEN PAINTS J. B. Imlay & Sons R E F R IG E R A T IO N R E E D V TLLE ALO H A. O R E S E R V IC E W A IT R E S S W A N T E D —H ours 11 C om m ercial — D om estic — Any a.m. to 4 p.m. Skyw ay R estaurant M ake or M odel D E A D or W orth less S tock picked B eaverton, Ore. 15 G uaranteed M otor Service up F ree o f C harge A nyw here. — Call Me D ay o r N ight — P rom p t Service. Call collect UN. W A IT R E S S W A N T E D -N e a t . No H illsboro 3871 or 3029 « 1221 or UN. 4502. W estern States drinker. G ood side m oney. M arried R en d erin g Co., N. C olum bia Blvd. preferred. A pply Old H eidelberg A Hurst Ave.. Portland. (S u c­ Park. B eaverton, Ore. 15 MISCELLANEOUS cessor to D enley R en d erin g svv (-OU K TII A T M O X T O O M E R For R en t F or Season— 40 acres o f C om pany.) 3tf A T water 2181 good pasture, close in. F or particu­ AN A P P E A L TO T H E PUBLIC lars call B E acon 7407. 15 Our returning service men are " FIRESTONE STORE H IG H W A Y C H A P E L T em porarily located upstairs In the Odd Fellow s Hall. B eaverton Orville .T Poulin, M in is t e r Sunday School 10:00 a. m. M orning W orsh ip, 11 a. m. I V A N 'S F ligh t Instructor at Beaverton Air- • « *" " ~ d port desires living quarters P hon e doing my best to help su pply the 2849 davs B eaverton 2849 days excerpt except M on- emand. I f you have a ca r you 15 are not using—o r have no real usa day. Harlan Wiener. _______________ for the one you now are using— P L O W IN G C ultivating — G en- why not bring it in today and get eral T ra ctor W ork. B eaverton T O P CASH fo r It N O W . Cars also 2(5i i 18 sold on consignm ent. KELLY - • M O TO R C O , S W C aayon Rd., and R. R. tracks, B eaverton, O r e 4»tf W A N T E D — L IV E P O U L T R Y W ill W eigh and Pay Cash P A IN T IN G -O utside our speolalty. A t Y ou r Place Spray painting; rem odeling. F ree P rom p t P ick u p Service L W. FO R E M A N £ rin* ^ . £ * £ ¡ 1 Term prices. T erm s s G o anyw here. Call R t. 1, B ox 87. Sherwood. Ore. EAst 221« ” P hone S tafford 5140 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FRID AY, M AY 10, 1946 W alter A. Meier the speaker. M em bership class, W ed. 8 p. m. A cordial w elcom e to all. George F. Gordon P hone: A LO H A M i l B- Co*. Comm Sec , 532 S W WORLD W A R I 4th Ave., Portland, Ore SEPTIC TANKS 4» • "Concrete" SEE YOUR BUILDING MATERIAL DEALER Portland Concrete Pipe and Product« Co. 581» s w Macadam Avs., Portland, 1, Oregon AT.