TOO LA TE TO CLASSIFY BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE C A R E O F C H IL D R E N , W atson. B ça y e y o n . . E M i= iiism 3iii= iii= iM = iii= iii= m = iii*m = iii= iM = iiisiit= iiisiii= iii= iiia m *iii= iii= iM = iii= iii= iM = i A LO H A , O R EG O N We Give and Redeem • You Can fxchonge Oa». A ppliance* Repaired and Sold 7-DAY SERVICE . . . . We REMOVE the SNAGS & RUNS W ashing Green Stomps tor Useful Articles Hers! Green Stomps os Extra Savings Here! & / / f D 6 M O R R IS O N Just put o pair in on envelope, seal it, put 6c postage on it and Repaired W AN TED — STENOGRAPH ER E X P E R IE N C E D . H O M E »CON­ S T R U C T IO N CO.. Rte. 2, B ox 53» B eaverton, P h on e B eaverton 3051. 14 mail it to us. Saw s Filed and Gummed UNFINISHED A TT R A C T IV E M achin F or K ent F or Season—40 acres o f good pasture, close in. F or particu- lars call BEa l.avvn M owers Sold & R epaired APPROVED OPA PRICES "Pay the Mailmon C.O .D ." A LL W ORK GUARAN TEED H & M HOSIERY MENDERS BOX 2389 Portland 14, Ore. DRESSING TABLES - *5.95NOW *2.91 RURAL E L E C T R IC CO HAVE V O IR Well mode kidney type dressing tables with good size drawer and side wings. finished ready to paint or stain. guest room or girl's room. COMMERCIAL and DOMESTIC WIRING HOUSE WIRING - RANGE AND W ATER HEATERS Smoothly Nice for M E R C H A N T C A L L US fo r M erchandise and Medical D E L IV E R IE S W HEN P IC K U P IS R E A D Y They add a dainty feminine touch to your room. Additions and Repairs An especially good buy ot this low price. Service WESIX and THERMADOR HOUSE HEATING UNITS JUST RECEIVED NEW SHIPMENT ELECTRIC IRONS Service Calls Promptly Taken Just Call 3031 for Action Care of Day or Night 'jtSJMli CA LL WELL MADE — STURDY FOSTORIA ELECTRIC IRON Beaverton 2262 EMERGENCY PHONES SUnset 4126 - GArfield 4207 Finished with non tarnish chromoplate, eosy to -* R 4. keep clean. Perfertly balanced, takes the hard work out of ironing. Chas, and G enevieve Stubbs (/tie/* i/rto/us coasts w it/ipauds£ | i FAMOUS ELECTRIC GREYHOUND AUTOMATIC PROCTOR ELECTRIC TRAVEL IRON CHAMPION has convenient automatic selector. P hone 3fi91 Watch for our f INSTALLATION SUNDAY Sermon Subject—-"Knowing God" A goodlooking streamlined shaped iron that Is a to use, L E O N A R D C. JO H N SO N . P astor SPEED IRON A joy ASK ABOUT OUR FOOD LOCKERS The Latest In Refrigeration Phone 6112 spere^ 4 , sturdy practicol ’ ■ “ COOL . O S IP " 1 DOMINION AUTOMATIC ELECTBIC ELECTRIC IRON 4 ROY ANDERSON'S $ West Slope Hardware * % J GARDEN SUPPLIES , F SPECIAL UNIVERSAL IRON W ITH AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL W E ’ L L H A V E T H IN G S Y O U W A N T E N T E R T A I N M E N T — t o o ..................... 11:00 A. M. Attend Church This Sunday.......A Welcome Awaits You iron with finger tip fabric control unit ond detachable handle. Small in % % . tp kfy up very little space, a perfect travel ^on.' GRAND OPENING i ^ ¡5 ^ PAINT and HARDWARE jj Open Every Sunday A. M. RAINBOW ELECTRIC CONTRACTION, h e OREGON ONION SETS 2 LBS. for 25c West Slope on Canyon Road OU R A IM — Is To Satisfy Our Customers s L WIRING • A famous Universal Iron with finger tip control and accurate heat adjustment, has COMMERCIAL — INDUSTRIAL HOUSE WIRING T H E R M A D O R ELECTRIC HOUSE HEATING UNITS popular wrinkle proof round heel that prevents wrinkling of fabric on backstroke. Has cool bakelite handle A well made quality iron that is designed to iron that fits the hand naturally. smoothly and easily. greater comfort, light 4-lb. weight. Beautiful, A ir cooled for Mission Bell Radio and Repair S e r v ic in g ....................... Radio's and Elecfrical Appliances Location Practical Estimates Gladly Given Service Calls Taken Care of Promptly For Service Call Beaverton 2481 LEAVE ORDERS AT RICHIES HARDWARE Reg. $5,95 Value Now on Sale ot ....................... « Mission Bell Service Station Beaverton, Oregon Q |™ ^ Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS This is a particularly fine value, one you'll want to take advantage of. Shower cur- * , Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay maintains more than three times the surplus required by Ore9»n more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual Insurance Lows. tains made of good quality rayon satin, water repellent in plain shades of rose, blue, yellow, green, peach. Add a luxurious touch of color to your bathroom with Open For Business one of these lovely shower curtains, size 6x6. Housewares at Wholesalers Retailers Hancock Gas — Oils POPULAR UTILITY FISH KNIFE Thrifty Prices An extremely practical knife for home use or fishing trips. Made with black plastic handle and RIFLE WEEDER ...... 3.25 GARDEN SH O V EL.....1.29 SOIL SOAKER 1. 5 & up SPRINKLER 1.98 BATHROOM SCALES 4.69 TEAKETTLE 1.49 DOUBLE B O ILER ..... 2.79 GARDEN TROW EL .19 INSECT DUSTER 1.49 PRUNING SHEAR1.49 up PARING KNIFE ............ 59 DRINKING CUP .25 CAN OPENERS ..........1.49 fine Vondaley polished blade. ALL KCNDS OF POLI5MSS FUEL PUMPS 2.59 SHOCKS New Double Lip Skillets Heavy cost aluminum skillets with double lip, h polished finish ond smart block plastic $ 3 | handle ALL BRAKE LINING 3.39 e* COMPLETE LINE OF PAINTS WALLTONE OUTSIDE WHITE RAPID DRY ENAMEL 3-Qt. Aluminum Saucepan It holds a full three quarts' Saucepan of heavy gauge oluminum with polished steel handle $1 A C ond sunray finish ....................................... J I □ 'Iff ■ ■ 5 ~ ~ — «M E M B E R YOUR EXTRA SAVINGS ARE SxH GREEN STAMPS WHEN YOU BUY HERE N ITE C A LLS — HILLSBO RO 16F14 830 S. W. TUALATIN HIGHWAY West End of " Y " ot Beoverton PHONE Beoverton 3961 Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. o f M c M i n n v i l l e Organized 1894—52 yrs. of Reliable Service New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "Every Form of Protection" Chas L. Wolker, Agent Phone 1732 Hillsboro, Oregon m = iii= m = m = iii~ iii= m ¥ iii= iii= iii= iii= itisiii= iti= iti= iii3 H i= iir£ iii= m = iii= m = iii= m MOTHER'S DAY'GIFTS Gifts. . . . for the home are always in good taste and appreciated. May we suggest a few items from our new stock of merchandise Chrome Lawn Chair Coffee Table Fire Screen Lamp Colorful Hassock Desk Swing Rocker Kitchen Stool Beautiful Mirror Bookcase Rug Davenport and Chair M A N Y O TH ER ITEM S A V A IL A B L E Friendly Service - Your Credit It Good Beaverton Furniture Co. CORNER BROADWAY Beaverton, Oregon AND WATSON PHONE 3535 = iti3 iti= H i= iM = tu = m = iii= iii3 M i= M t3 M i= m = m = M i3 "i= m = m = i)i= n i= iM = m = in = i