Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1946)
1 f V B K A V K R T O N K M T K R P ftlS f T a t Step VIST COAST Dick Kokich BARN DANCE Fndoy, May 3, 1946 M IV U T O M « T Ü F IS i Published Friday of «och week by tho Pienaar Publishing Co., at Baavarton, Oregon Entered as second-class mat ter at the postoffice, Beavertos, Ore. ■ e w iin s Office, KeOetgrise Mdg. Pfceee ■■■v rto* 2321 Pertfeod Office, 30« Saberriptiee Payable la Year ........ .......................f l • it F lin t l it t «fill Memorial Lecture it D. of 0. Eugene, (Special) The annual Dan R. lfellett memorial lecture. In honor o f a martyr to boneet Journalism, will be delivered at the University o f Oregon on the evening of lday 7 by Palm er Hoyt, editor and publisher of the Den ver Post. Mr. Hoyt, until last February was publisher o f the Oregonian, and himself a leader in the crusade, will speak on the freedom of the news. Mr. Hoyt is a graduate o f the University o f Oregon, close of IMS. He attended Linfleld college before coming to the University and served In World W ar 1, ris ing from a private to « sergeant major. H e spent his first three years in newspaper work as a telegraph and sports editor on the Pendle ton East Oregonian. In 1926 he Joined the staff o f the Oregonian He nerved successively as copy- reader, reporter, drama editor, night editor, executive news edi, tor, managing editor and for eight years, publisher. «connu studio F J ' L ~ , » j EVERT FRIDAY AID SATURDAY AM» AOOOBDION Accordion* for Rent R« Available to play for Wedding*, Partie«, etc. Studio Canyon A Howett Rd., W eet Slope, Ore. rcssrvsa the right to reject any or all bids and to waive Informal ities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for ths opening thereof or before sward of contract, unless said award is delayed for a period exceeding 30 days. E L E A N O R ZURCHER. Clerk Date o f first publication, April 26 1946. Date o f loot publication. May 3, 1946. ^ ______ ___ _ I h ORBKT «E T T IN O r ^ d t * ™ art | Many u o rm a * ply. an oM old lu»b lumberman Old Timer—One who con w- Indulges . . ___. in m «i. h « , . . horse-play on s little member when a picket meant a the side because o f s nag home. Refinement—Ability to yawn without opening your Confusion—Bachelor» bed o womans mind. " Ftatery—The thing that maxes husbands out of single men. AN IN D E PE N D EN T POSITION Have you e f t « Formerly Shady Side Dance Hall en Forest Grove-Gaston Highway Special Fishing, Hunting License A 29 per cent or more service- connected disability entitles any war veteran who is a resident of Oregon to a special rata on Gett ing end hunting licenses in this state, Veterans' A ffairs Director Hugh E. Rosson reminds disabled veterans. Ths rats is 90 cents for a fishing license, 90 cents for a bunting license and one dollar for the combination. Application is mads to the Ore gon State Game Commission, 1634 8. W. Alder, Portland. The vet eran must submit a certified or pbotostatio copy of his honorable discharge, and a statement of his disability from ths Veterans Ad ministration. He must also have been a res ident o f Oregon for a year prior to entry into service, Rosson said. The special rate applies to dis abled veterans of all wars. Application blanks are avail able at the game commission of fices; at the Department of Vet erans' Affairs, State Library build ing. Salem, or the Portland of fice at 101 Oregon building. County service officers also should have these blanks on hand, Rosson said. Ti iVs« /- Í c T - J 4- I K * OJ Come Buco ii the Meeilifht R.C. A. Victor- ^ B O ARD O F E Q U A LIZA TIO N T o the Taxpayers of Washington County, Oregon: Notice Is hereby given that the Board o f Equalisation will meet on Monday. May 13. 1946. at the Court House In Hillsboro in Wash a- i f ' ington County, that being ths sec ond Monday in May. and the G U A R A N T E E D R A D IO A ELECTRIC time and place provided by law to publicly examine the assess ment rolls for 1946 and correct A P P L IA N C E SERVICE all errors in valuation; descrip tion or qualities of land, lots or Public Address Equipment for Rent A Instilled othsr property assessed in Wash ington County. It shall be the For B«U Games, Dance*, Picnic* duty of persons interested to appear at the time and place ap Inter-Ofice Communication Systems pointed. . All claims for reduction present ed to the Board o f Equalization must be filed in the office of D f T H E C IR C U IT COURT OP the County Clerk, within 15 days THCB STATE O F OREGON FOR from the 13th day o f May. April 29. 1946. T H E COUNTY O F W ASH IN G ' * J. E. C A R PE N TE R , TO N FAR E B E AR , C H IL D R E N County Assessor. 7881 S. W . Capitol Hiway — Multnomah, Oregon W IN IF R E D LE A G R E G O R Y Plaintiff, W e never used to be able to vs. Our endeavor is to próvida an In And grandma’s glasses, but now CHerry 3184 — Ni tes & Holiday* SUnset 222S LEO A. GREGORY, creasingly better mediai« for resi- she leaves them where she emp Defendant, dents of Bosforo Washington County. ties them. No. 13711 SUMMONS TO Leo A. Gregory, Defendant In the name o f the State of Oregon , you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before four weeks from the date o f the first publtcattonof this summons, and If you fall so to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her claim, towlt: For a decree as follows: For ever dissolving the marriage con tract heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defend ant; awarding tha custody o f their minor child to the plaintiff; or JW dering the defendant to pay 360.00 ' ,<f i per month for the support of mm their minor child; awarding plain t iff $30.00 costs and $200.00 at ; '*■* torney's fees; and such othsr fur wm ther relief as to ths Court may seem Just and equitable. This summons is published by order o f ths Honorable R. Frank • Sv V Peters. Judge o f ths above en a * v>:sv f e i . i titled Court, mads and entered in said Court and cause on 10th >' $ * f* day of April, 1946. m Date o f first publication, April y m 12th, 1946. Effective with meter readings commencing A p ril 24, 1946, P G E ’i « Date o f last publication. May 10th, 1946. general commercial and industrial customer« form erly served under JOHNSON, S T E P H E N S A P A R schedule« N o. 33, 34 and 35 will be billed fo r power service under CEL* 9 Lumbermens Building, Portland P G E ’s new commercial schedule N o . 33. This new schedule reduces Oregon. ? !F J ■ ' ■ - revenues from affected customers about 8 per cent. N O T IC E TO C RE D ITO RS 1$ N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y O IV E N A m ong the “ Big Four” Pacific coast shipping, trading and indus that ths undersigned, Susie Jane Gumm. haa been appointed Ad trial centers— Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and Los A n g e le s - ministratrix with ths WIU Annex commercial electric cost* generally are lowest to the Portland area ed o f the estate of Orillle Ettie m - Tuttle, deceased, by the County including all surrounding territory served by PG E . Examine the Court o f Washington County. Ore gon. A ll persons having claims chart at bottom for comparison o f cost* in typical consumption against said estate are hereby not ified to present ths same, duly and demand brackets. verified as by law required, to ths undersigned at ths law offices Thus local business is in a favored position for using electricity o f Hope Bassett. In Hillsboro. Ore gon. within six months from the to produce more good* o f better quality at lower cost, to increase date hereof. Dated April 5. 1946. the efficiency o f office workers, to speed up and improve merchandising SUSIE JA N E GUMM Administratrix with W ill Annexed processes. The community, too, has a substantial "ed g e” in the effort H O P E BASSETT Attorney for Administratrix with to attract new business and industry which will contribute to the W ill Annexed. Date o f first publication April growth and prosperity o f the region. 9» 1949* Date o f last publication, May 3. A t a time when costs o f other items are on an upward trend, the 1 9 4 6 . _________________ cost o f electricity comes down! PO E commercial customers at the end IN V IT A T IO N FO R BIDS o f 1945 wer- paving an avorage o f 1$ cent* per kwh.— 30 per cent Sealed bids will be received by Eleanor Zurcher. Clerk at Beaver less than the 1938 average. ton until May 9th. 1946 8 P M- for the construction of a shop building for Union High District Number 10, Joint Wash ington and Multnomah counties Comparative electric Bills for Commercial Service and will then and there be opened and publicly read. Bids received in Major Pacific Coast Port Cities after the time fixed for opening will not be considered p i « » «pacifications and form or lo o 25 50 Demand, h V IO a s contract document* may be ex 10.000 20.000 1500 F W rfft use. A If Ws -tH) 5000 500 . amined at tha high scho"» Beaverton Oregon and at the of IVrllam i (N b r t l. 3 3 ).. «♦>.05 • 12.65 •23.65 • 70.05 • 140.05 • 269.05 fice o f Freeman and Haysiip. a* 185.06 317.25 •oHate architects. 304 Poatal Bulkl- Srattlr.......................... 5.76 14.40 35.55 9 2 .* * ln*. Portland. Oregon, and a set 294.50 178.60 13-55 S7.05 106.05 b.OS **an Franrieco . , . . . . . . . o f said plan*, ^jeciflcattona. and m tv be obtained at the of- 168.72 278.72 98.72 IS. 73 36.22 L m A g g r le « .,. ....... . <122 f0r^ r f £ e e m * n and Hoy-Up aw ¿octal« architect*. 304 Postal Build port Wind. Ore*«*!. a p £ t o f 31500 Which will be re funded upon the return o f the rl— - nd specifications within a -V» Ä. reason ab le time. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashiers cheek or bid bond «with suthor- tzed surety company as surety) made payable to the owner In an amount* not less than 5 * of the amount o f the bid. Surety bond Tor bond.) will be required In accordance with the term , of the RECORDS —- Cooper's Radio & Record Shop wished J— J * * specialized training? • wm Portland Area Leads ” Big Four” Coast Centers with Lowest Cost Commercial Power p o » ÏÛ Ô I* » PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY f ° T h ? ‘Z * * * d IsrArt No 10 Wash In iom and Multnomah counties , V »«"* 0 W Have established business o f y e a r ' For la formation, write FRED WILLOUGHBY r . O. Bo* 6169 Portland, 7 Ore. RH EUM ATISM and ARTHRITIS I suffered for years end am so tjmkful timt I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, p. O. Box 825, Vancouver. Wash. Pd. Adv —NUE-OVO Laboratories See Beall Flem ing Lockers V 4 On Display L nei . b y h u h tsylor - Rigby Company 7634 SW Capitol H iw a y Multnomah Day Phone CHerry Nlte Phone CHerry S004 OPENING Elite Dress Shop IN THE New Fairweather buhding 22o S. W. First Street SATURDAY MAY 1 ! ' Something N ew for B eaverton j Call on Opening D a y M rs. Edna Manxes KÜ ***** *#*» f I-corn to be I.l /.IER S COSMETIC CONSULTANT own. MUSIC RT EMMETTS OUTLAWS « NOTICE. - sV7s v i *w swsV'ièv ì êW»W¿w«WtVrsiV I The Next Kaiser-Frazer Show Will Be- May 15 W ill Start Imme diately After That, So Tsjrn In Your Car Now W hile You^ Can Still Get A Good Price For It, and . . . . Get On The Preferred D ELIV ER Y LIST You get a Very Low Num >er if you act at once, so drive your car down Toi ay and LET'S T R A D E T h e n . . Watch This S p a c e FOR D ELIV ER Y D A T E Kelly Motor Co. S. W. Canyon Road at 8. R. Tracks Kaiser-Frazer Dealer Rototillers Associated Service 24 hour service Phone 2701 Every Day