B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E Friday, A pril 26, 1946 Lt. Col. W . D. Campbell Awarded Legion of Merit ■ iii 3 iM=«i=iH=Mi 5 Jii 5 iii=iii=iii=iii 2 iii=iii=iii=in=iii=iii= 111=111=111= in = iii= m = iii¿ insili“ iH=iii=in=iiiEut 3 iii= iii= in = iii= ni= iiis n ia iii 5 in=i» You Con Ixchange Groon Stampo tor Useful Articles Herat &//tD & Green Stampo ai Extra Savings Herol M L>t. C olonel W illiam D. Campbell, A rm y o f the United States, w as aw arded the L egion o f Merit for o u t - ! standing p erform an ce of assigned , duties with the A rm y A ir Forces. T he aw ard was made recen tly at an in form al presentation at the P ort- I land A rm y A ir Base. The follow in g friends and relatives from B eaverton attended the presen-1 tation cerem on ies: Mr. and Mrs. M. W e Deliver Free Of Charge To Tigard, Beaverton, Multnomah And W ay Points | ,^nd m ^^ h * M^Barnm, Mr’"ana m ™ J. M. B arnes and son, John, and his and Friday w ife and children, P atricia, N ancy and R obert. Lt. Col Cam pbell is on a short | leave with his fam ily prior to re- j porting fo r duty in an overseas thea- ] tre. T h ey are visitin g here with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. M. H. M etcalfe. Add another closet to your home! Hollywood Crown O V E R S I Z E L * M W ARDROBE 1 % 1 _ # V ' V i n I B n * ' m 'ft II *» t X V. « Ri EttE [ <«8 1 K W ood grain finish. Full length wood framed doors swing on wood pivots. Spacious hat shelf. W o o d re in fo rce d K raftboard body. Latest type wood swivel latches Holds up to 25 garments Famous Quality Cannon 'Rapidry' Dish Towels Humidor. A Beautiful washable plastic coated panels. * Giant size. 68" x 28" x 21 VS". A Wood framed body for added strength. A Spacious hat shelf for the entire family. A Dust resistant over-lap doot con struction. * Wood swivel latches. * Wood scroll top. A Holds up to 25 garments • Wood Framed Front, Top and Bottom . • Sturdy Wooden Frame Doors Slide Up and Down, Making Everything Easily Accessible. • 3-ply Kraft-board walls. NOW for modern housewives, THE NEW, EASY WAY TO CLEAN FLOORS! G ood quality dlxh tow els b y Can non in ga y multi color stripes on that Your Credit is Good at the Beaverton Furniture Corner Broadway and Watson Beaverton, Oregon Phone 3535 LARGE SELECTION AT MAIN S T R E E T and UISTA AUE. ALOHA, O R E - Is Completed and Now Open For Business W e have installed all modern steel lockers — all equipment is fully automatic insuring even temperature at all times. COM E IN — O R D ER Y O U R LO C K ER N O W — And Inspect Our Plant. qt. size 69cts T ow els l o ; ated • Holds up to 25 garments. Size 17x82 ground. 7 Miles From Hiah Prices Ijj The Largest E-Z-DO Closet Ever Made at This Price . . . W h i z - O ff , the wonder-working new cleaner puts an end to scrubbing-brush slavery! Just spread a mixture o f W h i z - O ff and warm water over the floor; then, after a few minutes, simply rinse it off— old wax, imbedded dirt,grease, grime, and heel marks disappear as if by magic! Leaves floors really clean and primed for waxing! Works equally well on linoleum, composition and wood floors. There's nothing like W h i z - O ff for tleaning painted u ails, uoodwork, J and Venetian blmds, too! j white 11 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 1112111 = 111 = Complete with 49? E Z DO Moth ^ f Complete with J ) 49c EZ DO Moth M Humidor 48 X 28 X 21 inches Complete for Only $219.5® Golden West Frozen Food Locker Plant WARDROBE Complete with 49. E Z DO Moth Humidor New Living Room Dress Beautiful 5 piece living room ensemble in Maple One Davenport One Chair One Coiiee Table Two End Tables If you want to sell lt quick, you'll find a buyer thru a classified ad. H ov about you r subscription ? HOLLYWOOD. JR WARDROBE E state: R . B. D oughty ' N O T IC E : T he undersigned E xecu- | trix o f the estate o f R . B. D oughty, I deceased, has filed her final ac- I count in the C ounty Court o f the State o f O regon fo r W ashington County, and said cou rt has appoint ed M onday, May 13, 1946, at 10 o’clock a. m. in the Court room o f i said C ourt as the tim e and place for hearing ob jection s thereto and settlem ent thereof. Dated A p ril 9, 1946. j M aggie D oughty, Executrix. M. B. Pum p, A ttorney. — -------- SM U31 --------------- dry IN V IT A T IO N F O R BID S bids and to w aive inform alities. tion betw een May 13th, and May Sealed bids will be received by . N . o . . bidder . m ay . w , ithdraw his bid 18th, 1946, both dates inclusive. TOM C. W A TSO N , A SS E SS O R E leanor Zurcher, Clerk, at Beaverton ,a fter ,the h° u/ 8et for. th,e °P enm g County o f M ultnom ah, O regon i until M ay 9 th, 1946, 8 P. M. fo r the th 8reof or before aw ard o f con tract, 6 con stru ction o f a shop building fo r said aw ard 18 delayed fo r a Union H igh School D istrict N um ber p e,lod e L E A N O i T z U R c ' h E R C lerk ,0. J o in . and S '» LEG AL N O TICES counties and will then and there be N O TIC E TO C R E D IT O R S 1946. opened and publicly read. Bids r e - , Date o f last publication M ay3.|NOTICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that ceived a fter the tim e fixed for open -1 1946. ing will not be considered. the undersigned, Susie Jane Gumm, Plans, sp ecification s and form o f has been appointed ______ |____ A dm ih istratix con tract docum ents m ay be exam ined N O T IC E O F M E E T IN G O F C O U N T Y ! with the W ill A nnexed o f the E*s- at the high sch ool o ffice . Beaverton, B O A R D O F E tJU A LIZA TIO N tat o f Orillie Ettie Tuttle, deceased, O regon, and at the o ffice o f F reem an , ... . • . .. w by the County Court o f W ashington ! and Hayslip. associate architects. 304 ‘ '3t,ce 18 .^ere,<y g ‘ Vei) tJ?at °.n **ay , County, Oregon. All persons having ii Postal Building, Portland, O regon. ■ the 13oard o f E qualization c iaim s against said estate are here- f and a set o f said plans, sp ecifica - J at ^ h f o ff ic “ o^' th e^ A s' h>’ n otified to P ^ sen t the same, duly s tions, and form s m ay be obtained at a u en d at the o in c e o f the As- verified as by law required to th* the o ffic e o f Freem an and H ayslip, 8ess° r at C ounty Court H°u se in undersigned at the law o ffice s o f associate architects, 304 Postal Build- 01 land- Oregon, to publicly exam - Hope Bassett, in H illsboro O regon ing, Portland. Oregon, upon a deposit JT*' Vj® assessm ent rolls for said wlthin six m onths from the o f $15.00 w h ich will be refunded upon f a ty o f M ultnom ah, for the year h ereof Dated April 5 1946 the return o f the plans and sp ecifica - 1SMb- and to correct all errors in val- SUSIE JA N E GUMM tions w ithin a reasonable time. 'lat‘ on’ description or qualities of A dm inistratrix with W ill A nnexed i E ach bid shall be accom p an ied by lands, lots or oth er property assessed H O PE BASSETT i a certified ch eck, cash ier’s ch eck or 'V the A ssessor. | A ttorn ey fo r A dm inistratrix w ith bid bon d (w ith authorized surety It shall be the duty o f persons in - 1 W ill A nnexed com p an y as surety) made payable to lte re s te d to appear at the tim e and Date o f first publication A pril 5 the ow n er in an am ount not less | place appointed. Petitions fo r ad- 1946 than 5% o f the am ount o f the bid. justm ents o f assessm ents must be Date o f last publication May 3 Surety bon d (o r bonds) will be re- , presented to the B oard o f E qualiza- 194 ( 5 . q m ied in accord an ce with the term s] o f the con tra ct docum ent. _j lh e sch ool d istrict No. 10, W a sh -] IN T H E C IR C C IT C O C R T O F T H E J kngton and M ultnom ah cou nties r e STATE OF OREGON FOR TH E s c u e s the righ t to relect any o r all j C O U N T Y O F W A SH IN G TO N W IN IF R E D L E A G R E G O R Y P lain tiff, vs. •EO A. G R E G O R Y , Don Scz! more dishes faster m id leave no Defendant In the Spring A Young 1 Man’s— Cannon Dish Cloths 10c w ife td N him to get out and m ow that lawn. Make it easy on you rself fellow s. Let m e sharp m you r law nntow er « o r you. A dull! iaw ntuower is just about as effee- > tivo as an old hound dog gum m ing aw av on a hone. PH O N E 3861 Just Arrived------- 9 BOWL COVERS i 1 U T IL IT Y BAG M E T A I. C A P P ISTO L S K IT E S B A S E B A L L GI.OT KS TOY M ETAL CARS Don's Sport Shop 317 S. W . Farmington Beaverton. Oregon N ice site cotton dish cloths with contrast co lo r border. Open weave pattern nlca for washing dishes. w ood w ork and cars. Launders nicely, easy to keep clean and sanitary. 0 B flD IflN ti D t .l’ A K T M l NT M AIN » LOOK Housewares Dept. B e a v e rto n Methodist Church 4th and Watson Sts. Downstairs Location E V E R E T T L. B O W E R S , P astor Chard) School *:4* A. M q P hone 3695 nom ini WortM» 1 0:SS A. H. A S C E N S I O N S U N D A Y No. 13711 SUMMONS TO L eo A. G regory, D efendant In the name o f the State o f Ore gon. you are hereby required to appear and answer the com p lain t filed against you in the above en titled suit on or before fou r w eeks from the date o f the first publi cation o f this sum m ons, and if you fail so to appear and answ er said com plaint, for want th ereof the plain tiff will apply to the cou rt for the relief prayed fo r in her co m plaint, to-w it: For a decree as follow s: forev er disolving the m arriage con tract here tofore and now existing betw een plain tiff and d efen d an t;- aw arding the cu stod y o f their m inor ch ild to the p la in tiff; ord erin g defendant to pay $50.00 per month fo r the su p port o f their m inor ch ild ; aw arding plain tiff $30.00 costs and $200.00 at torn ey’s fees; and such other further relief as to the C ourt m ay seem just and equitable. This sum m ons is published by order o f the H onorable R . F ran k Peters. Judge o f the above entitled court, m ade and entered in said Court and cause on 10th day o f April, 1946. Date o f first publication A pril 12th, 194«. Date o f lar-t publication Mav 10th, 1946. JOH NSON. S T E P H E N S A P A R C E L Lum berm ens Building. Portland, O regon Mies B arh am Srhultze — Guest Soloiat REMEMBER Y O U R E X T R A S A V I N G S AR E S A H G R E E N S T A M P S W H E N Y O U B U Y HE RE I o f R o v City Part Sermon: Methodist Church “The Comrade Christ” M eth od!«! Youth F ellow ship 7 : 9 # P.M. A C rdlal W elcom e Awaits Y on I w. E. P E C I M O R T I C I A N Beavertea Oregon ■•tab lflO - Senrlng $5 yean P H O N * I t * -.VE RTO N 9411