I A lot of Misses haven't missed as [ much as you think they have. FOR SALE - W ANTED - BUSINESS SERVICES CASH M IS T ACCOM PANY A L L C LASSIFIED A lls Count each word, including Name and address—O N LY 2c A WORD No Phone Orders Taken M INIM U M 25c AN ISSUE Man, wife and 2 year old son want stores—Beaverton, Tigard or Mult­ nomah. Preferably near Tigard Theatre. Must be satisfactory. Phone Tigard 2394. 13 We Publish the B E A VE R TO N E N T E R P R IS E TIG A R D SE N T IN E L M ULTNOM AH PRESS A LO H A NEW S Complete Eastern Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage Watchman wanted for nights and week ends, 57 hours week. Home; Construction Co., Rte. 2, Box 53«, Beaverton, Oregon. Phone 3051. 13 | W A N TE D —Veteran attending Pa­ cific University and employed wife urgently need furnished or unfur- ! nished house or apartment. Guar- i antee excellent care. References. , W e assume no financial responsi­ bility for errors which may appear in advertisements published in these co­ lumns, but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typo­ graphical mistake occurs. • Wanted used piano bench in good condition. Call Tigard 2281, Mrs. Warner. 13 FOR SALE—Turkey hatching eggs International pick-up body, top & fenders. H. B. Ferguson. Bea­ verton, Rte. 3, Bx 1555, Oak Ave. 14 SALESLAD IES wanted for Lu- zier’s fine cosmetics and perfumes Information write P. O. Box 8162, Portland 7 or call TR lnity 8881. 11 6 only inner-spring baby mattress­ H O U SEK EEPER—Take charge of home, 2 children-girl lVi yrs. Boy school age. Sun. and some eves, off. $60. start. Room, board. Phone BEacon 2079. tf es. Beaverton Furniture Co. Call 3535. „ 13 FOR S A L E —4-wheel trailer, one I valve refacer, 2 tennis rackets pre -1 war like new 1 naval officers over ! coat, new size 38 or 40. 325 S. E. j Tucker St. Phone Beaverton 3633.13 j FOR S A L E - 1, H P . electric mo-j tor, one wood lathe with 4 ft. bed, | one set golf clubs complete with two woods and four matched Mac- \ gregor irons. Tigard 2505. 13 i FOR SALE Gar Wood steel gi i- vel body 4 yard. 6 xS ft. Wilson ( Fuel Yard on Lake Rd. between - Bertha-Beaverton Hiway and Can-; yon. Box 398, Beaverton 2491. 13; FOR SALE—Toulouse Goose eggs Phone Beaverton | for hatching. 13 2259. FRESH F IR SAWDUST Coarse) cut $5 per unit; 14-in millwood j $7.50 per cord; 4 ft slab $7.25 per cord. O & D Fuel Co. CH 3790. 13 i LA W N M OW ER good condition. Phone Beaverton 2969. 13 COGSWELL chair, two boudoir chairs, good condition. Beaverton ; 3801. 13 WOOD—Good Block and Slab i available now. Also Sawdust and i Chipmix. Wilson Fuel Yard, B x ; 398, Beaverton 2491. 15 | F IL L D IR T FOR SALE L. H. Cobb Co. Phone Beaverton 2881 ------------------- ■*■■■ —— ■ FO R SALE—New Zealand White rabbits, young does, and bucks from pedi. stock, exeell. condi., 4. lbs up, $2 up. Witch Hazel Rab­ bit Farm, H ml S*" Witch Hazel; School or Youngs Market, main hiway bet. Beaverton A Hillsboro. 25tf 1350 S T R A W B E R R Y PLA N T S fori sale—$2. per 10O—C. F. Hemrlch. ! P. O. Bx 703 Beaverton. 9th & Franklin Sts. 13 F IR E SCREENS ........... - $12:95 Beaverton Furniture Co. Call 3535 13 FO R SA LE —Guernsey and Jersey heifers, your choice $55 each. Goi­ ters at Scholls. 45tf , A large selection of Walnut and Mahogany bookcases at the Bea­ verton Furniture Co. Call 3535. 13 W ANTED W A N T E D -T r a y girl for Wash. Co. Home call Hillsboro 1911. 13 Lawn Mowed? PRO VE IT TO YO U R SELF YOU DON'T N E E ll A T R A D E No Hidden Charges All Makes and Models '32s to '42s See Us Before You BUY—SE LL OR T R A D E or some other job you want done? CA1X LOST in Beaverton Sat. evening, j Brown billfold containing identifi- j cation and currency. W. J. Sin -1 clair on bill fold. Reward. Return to 734 S. E. 7th, Beaverton. 13 Daskalos & Williams G IA N T USED C AR C E N TE R Three Lots 6501 N E Union 5600 N E Union 5500 N. Interstate—Portland WEbster 1175 or GArfield 8432 14 j R. SH AW & SONS Metzger. Ore., Cor. 6 th £ Pine PH O NE: C llerry 2984 tf ACR1 \«. t BLACKSM ITH ING . W ELD ING , | Trailors, Truck Bodies Built and ; Repaired. Fuel Oil Tanks Metal Fabricating. N IE LSE N , CH3586. 12 t Beaverton Transfer Co. G E N E R A L H A U LIN G OF A I J. K IN D S A N Y T IM E CUSTOM TR A C T O R W O R K PO R TA B LE GAS W A T E R PU M P TO R E N T Phone TR A C TO R W ORK PH O N E B E A V E R TO N 3741 W. H. SH E E LE Y 624 E. th St. Beaverton tf D E C O R ATIV E ROCKS For GARDENS. W ALLS, PATIO S also ROAD G RAVE L, T O P SOIL F E R T IL IZ E R PH O NE: CHerry 3107 tf Office Phone: Beaverton 3931 388 Canyon Road tf i V IN C E N T LUM BER CO. “A Complete Lumber Y ard” W e Deliver Anywhere PA IN TS — SASH — PLU M B IN G | Phone 6191 — Aloha, Ore tf TR A C T O R and TE A M W O R K See— I.F.K ROBINSON Rte. 3. Bx 1547, Oak Ave. (2 mile* W. off F'armington Rd. Beaverton. PHONE B E A V E R TO N 2188 tf W E CURE AND SMOKE YOUR P O R K CUTS 25 yenrs Experience A LD E R M A R K E T Lewis Bros. Coe. 1st and Washington St. PO R TLAN D . OREGON AVO N PRODUCTS will thorough­ ly train pleasant mature woman to service good territories. Write District Mgr 8235 S. E. Yamhill Portland. 151 B O O K K E E PIN G —Whole or part time E. E. Martin. 154 S W. An­ gel, Beaverton. Phone 347$. 15 W A N T E D -Office girl able to type and take dictation for school of­ fice. Phone Beaverton 3565. 13 W \NTM> — I IN l POI I I HI W ill Weigh and Pay Cash At Your Place Prompt Pickup Service L. W. FO R E M A N Rt. L Box 87. Sherwood. Ore. , Phone Stafford 5140 PO W ER S P R A Y IN G and PR U N IN G Phone BeaveTton 2188 Let Us Gas your Gophers and Moles For Information PHONE B E A V E R TO N 2188 ■ - BASEM ENT EX C AV ATIN G — Dirt Moving — Landscaping — Fencing — Plowing — Discing Harrowing — Also Concrete Mixed On The Job L H. B R A W A N D Builder and Cabinet Maker Metzger, Oregon Phone: CHerry 2629 5 Imlay’* Fresh Mixed Feeds T H E R M A D O R E LE C TR IC HOUSE H E A T IN G U N ITS Estimates Gladly Given Service Calls Taken Care of Promptly For Service Call Beaverton 2481 L E A V E ORDERS A T RICHIES H AR D W A R E N1TE C A LLS — Hillsboro 16F14 J O B V © r U . S. A R M Y B IG SALE PH O N K CHerry 2928 11333 S. W. 64th A Barbur lllvd. CLOSED SUNDAYS ALOHA. ORE V E T E R IN A R IA N B U Y E R S -P A C K E R S Dr. Norm E. Johnson Veterinarian — All Berries, Prunes, Grapes— F E R T IL IZ E R , DUST, W E E V IL BAITS. A V A IL A B L E IN SEASON East of Beaverton Hiway 6 Beaverton Portland 3511 COM. 9924 R. I. MacLaughlin.Inc. Beaverton 3271 D EAD or Worthless Stock picked up Free of Charge Anywhere. Prompt Service. Call collect UN. 1221 or UN. 4502. Westera Statea Rendering Co., N. Columbia Blvd. A Hurst Ave., Portland. (Suc­ cessor to Denley Rendering Company.) fo r General Hour* Dishes, L a u n d ry , W oodw ork H arm less— Som tory Replaces Soap • So ft or lor Heads ASK A L L GROCIRS — Com es m pock T ie s nJZM 25c — 50 c — *1 00 HERMOSA PRODUCTS TO. 304 N E. Russell Street, Portland. Oregon [--Karrs Nursery- Ornamental F'rutt, Nut, Flowering and Shade Trees, Ron«-*, Berry Plants Shrub*, ete. Large supply of psaches, apples, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, ap­ ricots, walnuts and filberts as well a* roses, flowering shrubs, and berry plants. Iairge orchard plant­ ers. Order Now while our stock Is still complete! Our new 1946, 40- page catalogue is now available upon request. To call at our nur­ sery, take highway 99W. We are located 17 miles southwest of Port­ land or 1 mile past Six Corners. Do not leave highway 99W. Watch for our sign. T U A L A T IN V A L L E Y N URSERIES Route 3, Box 310 Sherwood, Oregon DEM OTHING, R E P A IR IN G Phone: A LO H A 6613 The Selling of West Side Homes, Suburban Property and Farm Lands is Our Business W E H A V E BUYERS AND CAN SE LL YOUR P R O P E R T Y MURPHY REALTY COMPANY 7772 SW Capitol Hiway MULTNOMAH, OREGON Phone CHerry 1629 CENTRALLY OC AT EH Close to bua trans­ portation and walking distance from downtown. J. P. Finley & Son MORTICIAN De Laval SEPARATO RS — M ILK E R S CO M PLETE EQ U IPM ENT AND SU PPLIES FOR THE D AIR Y IN D U STRY Riverview Cemetery W EST END SHU.W OOD BRIDGE CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY W IR IN G Phone CHerry 1334 Piano Tuning, Cleaning SW FOURTH AT MONTGOM ERY ATwnter 2181 Residential & Commercial R E A LTO R S 220 S.W. Alder, A T 8623 Evening* BR. 1341 tf George F. Gordon FRE SH F IR sawdust; green | We Buy Watches Running or Not I. DOUGLAS slab $7.25 cord; 12” millwood $7.50; cord, 2 % cord load. O A D Fliel ! W ATCH £ CLOCK R E P A IR IN G Co. CHerry 3700. 12 | 28 year* experience Rag. under State Law of Oregon 3554 SW Falcon St., Multnomah Capitol Electric Co. 7729 SW Capitol Hiway STATION Villa Ridge Nursery J. B. Imlay & Sons RIGHT-NOW CLEANER « » RECRUITING 20% OFF’ ON Y A R D SALKS Oil All Standard Fruit, Nut, Shade Trees £ Berry I'lants. W E ALSO C A R R Y Annuals, Perennials, and Vegetable Plants For quality, fair price and service R E E D V IL L E y o H ere ' s a real opportunity for the young man who wants a good job with a future. An Army job is a steady job offer­ ing g(x>d pay, the highest security, every opportunity for promotion and a chance to see the world. You get valuable training in technical skills, gw)d food, clothing, quarters and medical care free. I f you go overseas, you get 20' , extra pay. You can retire at half pay after 20 years or retire at three- quarters pay after 30 years. And you get a J0*day vacation at full pay every year! Many other advantages not offered elsewhere. I f you are 18 to 34 and physically fit (or 17 with parents' consent), you can enlist now and qualify for one of these fine jobs in the peacetime Regular Army. You owe it to yourself to get all the facts N O W ! Apply at rJSH£R THGRSEN PAINTS Wiggins & Hibbard, I IN D U S T R IA L HOUSE W IR IN G tf P A IN T S J. L. Jersey I , and Fruit Trees ALO H A S H E PH E R D £ JER SE Y BxravaMng and Grading Shrubs, Perrenial* lan d Clearing and Trenching [Flower* & Bedding Plant* General Contracting Estimates Gladly Oiven by ROUTH. 2, BOX 1. TIG A R D Hour or Contract \< rn»H From St Anth uny » Schi.al «810 SE Man S t Portland 6. Or. MHMP 20 Years Experience W e live In Washington County. W e pay taxes In Washington County. W e know Washington County Real Estate. We can sell your home, farm, or any Real Estate you have. Write or call us. W e'll be right out to see you. j — ft ©0 ® ® „ P A P E R IN G & P A IN T IN G — 10 years experience, reasonable rates, First Class. Free estimates, Call BEacon 3546, R. W H ITLO W , 019 SW Hamilton, Portland 1, Ore tf B J. Shepherd PLO W IN G — Cultivating — Gen­ eral Tractor Work. Beaverton 2611. 18 CO M M ERCIAL W ANTED We can sell your home, farm or acreage. Have hundreds of buy­ ers that have cash. Your Wash­ ington County specialist. Located in Portland at foot of Canyon Rd t all IIK. 1475 or write W A Y N E E. N AG LE 1800 SW Jefferson, Portland 1. Ore. tf P A IN T IN G — Outside; our spe­ cialty spray painting. Remodeling; free estimates and reduced rates for spring. Terms available. Will go anywhere. MUrdock 4164. tf CESSPOOL-SEPTIC T A N K O W N­ ERS A T T E N T IO N —Added equip­ ment allows faster service. We j pump & wash septic tanks, comml. ( or residential. Guar, workmanship. ! Sewers connected. Cesspools and • septic tanks constructed. Schulz | Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland, I TA. 3235. 2tf P. E HAGG Hauling Contractor Concrete, Sand. Gravel, Masens Sand, Crushed Rock and Road Gravel Route 1, Box 28. Tigard, Oregon Phone Tigard 2446 tf ■•"W I R i N G— PA P E R IN G — Painting & Kalso- mlning, neat, experienced work­ man L. L. Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 40t.f C A R PE N T E R W O R K For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry IF ITS PLU M B IN G YOU W A N T Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf C A LL BEAVER LA N D C LE A R IN G & Excavating Plumbing and Heating Company- Work done by hour or contract First and Main Beaverton Phone Portland UN. 3395 for es Phone 2622 timates. Work guaranteed. 51tf Rainbow Electric Construction, Inc. Home Refrigeration and washing machine services. Call K. R. Twomblv CH. 2267. 8 tf F’lnish — Remodeling — Repair A. H A R R Y Mac IN T Y K E Route 1 Box 435 Phone Beav. 2828 | A fter 6 p. m. — Leave Order, t f I SH ING LING — New & old work. Remington Bros. Phone Beaverton For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry 3221. tf Barnes Phone Beaverton 3231. tf Mrs. Edna Manges In The New Fairweather Building la w n Mowers Sold £ Repaired H ID ES £ WOOU CASCARA— A specialty. LE E BROS., 25 SW Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf John J. Reiter Phone Tigard 2621 R E IT E R R AD IO £ E LE C TR IC SE RV IC E Radio Repairs All makes of Electric Equipment and W iring P. ! O. Box 743 Located with Tigard Mike Hine Paint Store tf 1 H AULIN G — Gravel, crushed rock, ' dirt fill, sand, etc. Call C. Gred- vig, phone Beaverton 3188. 58tf The Elite Dress Shop CUSTOM TR A C TO R W O R K —Let us plow your garden. Howard Wm. Smith, Johnson Rd. & Dlvls- j ion sts.. Phone Beaverton 2462 4tf P A IN T IN G Outside our specialty. [ Spray painting; remodeling. Free estimates for spring at reduced | prices. Terms. Go anywhere. Call | BAM 2216 tf BULLDOZING W O R K W A N TE D I«n d Clearing—Road Building Basement Excavating PH O NE CHerry 3437 2nd House No. of Kraft Cheese Co. 50tf H O M E ’S Opening In Beaverton of Saws Filed and Gummed D RESSM AKING £ SEW ING All kinds of Clothing Made TH ELM A DEW Tigard 2484 Appointments after Sept. 1 tf Tree Topping, Removing, Hedge Trimming Out of town calls taken Equip, for difficult jobs, Insured Estimates—References L E N N 'S T R E E SERVICE Portland— KAst 6524 3tf H O W A R D W. SM ITH Beaverton 2462 L. H. B R A W A N D Builder and Cabinetmaker Portland Phone uH. 2929, Metzger Store fronts; school, restaurant! and store fixtures; school furniture; unit cabinets of all kinds, includ- lng kitchen cabinets. O ffice furni- [ ture rebuilt, refinished and com- pletely renovated. All kinds of building and remodeling. Wood­ working of all kinds. 4Stf j £ WATCH FOR ALO H A, OREGON Washing Machines Repaired P A I N T I N G Exterior and Interior Work Ere- estimate*—work guaranteed REFERENCES M ILTO N R. D RA KE Garden Home, Oregon Beaverton 2794 CH. 1826 Double bottom plow and all equip­ ment to work 1 acre or large tract of land. Orchards a specialty— By Hour or Contract SE PTIC TA N K S, completed $100. anywhere on West Side, 20 miles from city Portland, SU. 1737. 2tf 2333 Hatch Inc.. Portland. SUnset 1103- 1104. 1AKKO FEEDS FOR SALE. W e deliver in load lota free. Dairy feed a specialty. tf O IL H E A T CO NV ERSIO N —IM ­ M E D IA T E IN S T A L L A T IO N —RE- ! C O NV ERT Your sawdust or wood! — LAND SCAPING , Pruning, Spray­ furnace into oil heat. Complete ing, Grafting & tree surgery. W. installation with 2 75-gal, tank I $226.50. Call Mr. Unger CHerry I A. Green, Beaverton, 2967. 53tf 3530, 4139 S. W. Lobelia, Portland, j — A L L ARO U ND 1, Oregon. 14 ! BUSINESS SERVICES B EAVER TO N Carl's FIXIT Shop Gas Appllanees Repaired and Sold T A IN T IN G £ I’ APLRILV.N G IN G W’ork Guaranteed Work Done Promptly C A IA C llerry 2175 46tf M ISC E LLAN E O U S AN A P P E A L TO TH E PUBLIC DAVENO used 3 months, standing 1 Our returning service men are J lamp, about 8 cords wood. Make i all in need of transportation. I'm I offer. Rte 5 Box 136, Barnes Rd. 13 doing my best to help supply the demand. I f you have a car you ! FOR SALE -Davenport and chair are not using—or have no real use $6.00; Dining table & chairs $20: for the one you now are using— High chair, bassinet, stroller, bath- why not bring it in today and get ! inette $3 each; Portland Commer­ TO P CASH for it NOW. Cars also j cial lathe and fittings for making sold on consignment. KELLY billiards $25. Lewis, 15 E. 9th st. MOTOR CO., SW Canyon Rd., and Beaverton. 13 R. R. tracks, Beaverton, Ore. 49tf | F LO W E R IN G P E R E N N IA L S 20 D IF F E R E N T V A R IE T IE S Farmington Rd near Menlo Dr. 10 Your Car Cleaned? JU N K —Batteries, Scrap Iron, A l­ uminum, Brass, Copper — Highest 1 FO R TOW CAR- call V E R M IL Y E ( prices paid. MOTOR CO.. Phone Tigard 3381 tf j O. R. NICHOLSON & SON Phone Beaverton 2497 for pickup, | V AN'S R E F R IG E R A T IO N or deliver our yard. Entrance ad­ SERVICE joins Union Oil Depot—Bertha-Bea­ Commercial — Domestic — Any verton Hiway. 9 j Make or Model Guaranteed Motor Service — Call Me Day or Night — Hillsboro 3871 or 3029 tf ‘•LASSIE” Child's Puppy LO ST— Collie 5 'j mos. old, tan with white ! collar black markings on back and tail. Junction Road. Phone Bea­ verton 2607. J. R. Hobbs. 13 The college yell of the school of I f you're goin' to uplift anything experience is silence I you'd better get unde rit. ____________ Want Your Roof Patched* TR AC TO R W O R K W A N T TO BUY home near Bea­ FOR SALE verton, transportation important. Z. C. Rechel, Washington Hotel Portland. 13 F O R SALE—Trap-Nest batteries accommodate 340 chickens. James Barlow, Nielson Road o ff Allen W A N TE D —House. Must move by Ave., Rt. 1, Bx 344, Beaverton. 11 end of May. Would like to remain 12 in Beaverton. Call 2675. FO R SALE—Turkey hatching eggs International pick-up body, top | Dark Oak Dining room set, buffet, and fenders. 14 ' extension table, 4 chairs, leather FOR SALE—Kitchen wood range. seats, excellent condition, $35. Call J. R. Dickey, Box 1147, N. Vista Beaverton 2853. 12 Ave., Aloha. 13 FOR SA LE —16-in. green slab wood 2*4 cord loads $8 cord delivered. I Reuben Johnson, Newberg phone | 193-J. tf ! TR AC TO R W O R K —Plowing, disc­ ing and general garden work. J. A. Lincoln, Phone Beaverton 2713. tf 2 bedroom unfurnished house near BEAVERTO N E N T E R P R IS E Friday, April 19, 1946_____ IS. NW Park Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra coot Riverside Is a co-operative asso­ ciation with assets of over $809.000