Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1946)
B E A V E R TO N E N T E R P R IS E Friday, April 2«, 1940 Church Services | “ No man Is born Into the world | task marked out shall die and leave I whose work Is not born with him. his errand unfulfilled." ! There is always work, and tools to ' —James Russell Lowell. | work with, for those who will, and j ----------- - ■ blessed are the homy hands of toil i “ i would take these pants,” said The busy world shoves angrily aside the discharged sergeant to the dis- the man who stands with arms ak- traught store clerk, “ but I am af- imbo until occasion tells him what rald they would chafe under tha to do; and he who watts to have his'arm s.” West Slope ACCORDION STUDIO B ETH EL CO NG REG ATIO NAL CHURCH J. G. Dickey, Interim pastor Cancer la exceeded only by h eart1 11 A - Communion Service, Re- dlseases as cause of death. It is cePtion of members, Baptisms, an- undoubtedly one of the most dread- them by the choir, and a solo by Teacher o f ed of all diseases. Lack of knowl- Willis Cady, edge Is often at the back of fear 5:30 p - M Junior High Fellowship MODERN AND o f cancer. 6:30 P. M. Senior Pilgrim Fellow- CLASSICAL ACCORDION So many people think that can-, shiP- Accordions fo r Rent cer is inherited and that it is in- Tuesday, April 30, Evening Circle curable. But It is neither. Cancer at the home of Mrs. Barbara Buffam A vailable to play for is not inherited, nor is it contagious, The speaker will be Mrs. A. C W eddings, Parties, etc. and it can be cured. It can be Haueske of China. cured, that is, If It Is discovered ------- Studio Canyon & H ow ett in time. The only thing to fear CHURCH OF CH RIST about cancer is neglect. When can-, Second and Main St. Rd., W e st Slope, Ore. cer Is detected In its early stages George Springer, Pastor and treatment Is begun at once, Morning worship and preaching The trouble with champagne is Most people call ’em hick towns life can be saved and suffering service at 9:45 A. M. prevented. Sermon Topic: "Daring To Do that it makes you see double but because there’s no place to go they feel single. shouldn’t What is cancer? It Is theuncon- Right’* trolled growth o f cells after body Following the sermon, the Lord’s tissues have ceased to grow normal- supper will be observed, ly. This wild growth eventually im Bible School class session 11:00A.M pairs the functions of organs of the C h ristian Endeavor 6:30 6*. M. body. Various things may cause [ Evening worship service with spec- this unnatural growth. Constant ir- ¡al music by the orchestra 7:30 P.M. Midweek Bible study and prayer rltatlon on a birthmark or mole may cause cancer. Long exposure service Wed. 8:00 P.M. The study to heat may cause it. Injuries to topio will be “ Judgment” women at the time of childbirth may result In cancer if the damage Is CHURCH OF TH E N AZA RE N E not corrected. Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor G U A R A N T E E D R A D IO & E L E C T R IC Heat, irritants arid Internal injur ies do not necessarily result in can A L O IIA ASSEMBLY OF GOD cer, but they may. Every precau Wheeler Avenue A P P L I A N C E S E R V IC E tion should be taken to prevent cancer by seeking medical advice PILG R IM L U TH E R A N , CHURCH Public A ddress Equipm ent for Rent & Installed in case of the sllghtese suspicion. Farmington. Rd at Menlo, Beaverton Competent medical advice should be Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. F o r B all Gam es, Dances, Picnics sought and home remedies avoided. Divine Service, 11:00 a. m. Home remedies often further the Walther eLague, Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Inter-O fice Communication Systems growth of cancer. Adult Membership Class, Thursday, ! $ Cancer does not begin with a 8: p. m. pain, so we cannot depend upon S. S. Teacher’s Class, Friday, 7:30 pain to warn of the disease. There p. m. are, however, certain danger sig A cordial welcome to all. S P E C IA L “V E N T IL A T E D ” nals. Among them are the follow Erwin A. Gerkln, Pastor ing: 1. —A sore about the mouth, ST. M A TTH E W LU TH E R A N tongue or lips which does not heal. CHURCH 7881 S. W . Capitol H iw a y — M ultnom ah, O rego n j S Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. 2. —A painless lump or thickening (formerly West Hills) in the breast, Up or tongue. Canyon Road near Sylvan | C H e rry 3184 — Nites & H olidays SU nset 2225 | J 5819 s w Macadam A v e - Portland, l Oregon a t . 8384 ^ 3. —Any change in color or size of Werner J. Fritz, iMnister a mole, wart or birthmark on the April 28th skin. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. 4. —Irregular bleeding or discharge Divine Service, 11:00 a. m. from any natural body opening. Everyone Welcome. 5. —Persistent hoarseness which Wednesday, May 1, Missionary cannot be explained by a cold or Guild and Church Council will meet other temporary disturbance. at the church, 7:30 p. m. Persistant indigestion may also be Simplicity o f manner Is the last METHODIST CHURCH a sign that cancer is developing. These signs may or may not in 4th & Watson Sts Pohne: 3695 attainment. Men are very long af raid of being natural, from the dread dicate cancer, but to be on the safe Rev. Everett L. Bowers, Pastor of being taken for ordinary. Jeffrey side a doctor should be consulted Ascension Sunday at the first appearance of any of Church School 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Nan these signs. The doctor can tell Bourquin, Supt. Nine classes offered whether cancer is developing and for the several age levels. STOVE AND DIESEL OIL prescribe treatment Immediately. Morning worship 10:55 a. m. The There are only three medically Junior Church will be resumed thi^ accepted methods for treating can Sunday. Metered Oil Service cer-surgery, X-ray and radium. Sermon: “The Comrade Christ” Only a doctor or qualified expert Guest Soloist Miss Barbara Schul- should apply these methods. tze. Lewis and Clark College choir. D E LIV E R E D I f cancer Is suspected, no time eMthodist Youth Fellowship 7:30 should be lost on fear or home p. m. remedies. In fact, if people did not Women’s Society of Christian Ser wait for suspicious signs but formed vice Wednesday 10 until 3:30. the habit of visiting their doctors ST. CECEl.lA ( 111 K O I periodically, there would be fewer Masses: 7 a. m. — 8:30 a. m. — deaths from cancer and more recov 11102 SW Capitol Hlwy C IL 1313 10:30 a. m. eries. B. R. STEVENS In many communities in the TH E V A L L E Y United States there are local Cancer COMMUNITY CHURCH Committees which will gladly answer U N ITE D F R E S B Y TE R fA N requests for Information about the SW Gabel Idine at Fairway Dr., disease. I f there is no local Cancer Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor Committee In your community, you LAND S U R V E Y IN G Services 10:30 a. m. may write the American Cancer So Lots, Acreage, Tracts, Orchards ciety, 350 Fifth Ave., New York City. Tuberculin testing us an aid in H IG H W A Y C H A PE L “ Tile Drainage” , etc. discovering TB will be discussed in «Temporarily located upstairs in the the next arUclo. Odd Fellows Hall .Beaverton Accurate, Reliable, Reasonable This artici# Is presented by the Orville J. Poulin, Minister By a Competent Surveyor Washington County Publie Health Sunday School 10 a. m. Call Personally or Write Association in the interest of better Morning worship 11 a. m. health. R F .E n viIJ .E COMMUNITY Richard R. Pfeifer P R L & B Y T R B IA N CHURCH Surveyor Rev. Hampton, Pastor Many a girl who puts up a swell 8000 S. W. Capitol Hill Road Sunday School 10 a. m. G. front In soclsty Is flat busted at Geiger, Supt. (Near 19th & Barbur Blvd.) home. Worship Service 11 a. m. Portland 1, Oregon Young People’s C. E. 7 p. m. Health For A ll Dick Kokich WEST COAST BARN DANCE EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Formerly Shady Side Dance Hall on Forest Grove-Gaston Highway R. C. A. Victor RECORDS MUSIC BY EMMETT'S OUTLAWS Come Dance in the Moonlight i CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS Cooper's Radio & Record Shop See your Building Material Dealer li! NOW... we have room for ALL of You! HILLCREST GROCERY O ur N ew All-Economy Train lir B s a v & L . to San Francisco Very Fast Schedule Leonard's & Ernest's RADIO-ELECTRIC Fur Prompt, Courteous Service MOTOR R E W IN D IN G , A P P L IA N C E R E P A IR SERVICE HOME and AUTO RADIO SERVICE We ara offering Two Day Service and a 90 day guarantee on our service work. Have you had your Radio repaired 109 Sovth Watson St. Next door to Florence Beauty shop • . . with roomy, comfortable chair ALOHA COM M UNITY CHURCH Graydon D. Loree. Pastor Sunday School 9:50 a. m. M*ry Antrim, Supt. Morning worship 11 a. m. Evening service 7:30 p. m. mBmNMBMINmBMSMSIlIBWSnSMl cars and coaches, also Tourist H O S I E R Y (economy) sleeping cars with M E N D I N G spacious lounge car and economy I — LA TTE R -D A Y SAINTS American Legion Hall Main St., Hillsboro, Ore. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Sacrament Hireling 6:30 p. m. Elder J. T. S. Peterson, Hrm v*h ’ rlest. Ss s iii I-'d us remove the Snage and RunsMI s from your llose S ijj !!! = A P P R O V E D O PA PRICES ||| s “ Pay the Mailman C. O. D.” f, ALL W O R K G U ARAN TEED Send Your Hose To III The best place to rind a helpin’ hand Is at the end of your own arm. LOW ONE W A Y AND ROUND TRIP FARES The Beaver is truly an economy train for the exclusive service of chair car, coach and tourist sleeping car passengers. The Beaver heralds the return of pre-war rail road service. STATE S E N A T O R i NEf üOt l CANj LYNCH CONDENSED SCHEDULES STOP EXCESSIVE TAXES SAFEGUARD PRIVATE ENTERPRISE REHABILITATE VETERANS jaca irwCH Save 20 10 25% on your F IR E I N S U R A N C E C O S T S Oregon Mutual PaMrtoa are NON- A s > M 8 \ IU K. Yon N E V E R pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains mora than three times tha surplus required hy Oregon m * I a n . O rego n M utual Fire Insurance Com pany OF M. MINNV1I.I.E N ew of Reliable Service Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. “ Every Form o f Protection” Arrive in San Francisco before noon. Economy meals all the way— supplemented by off-tray "Sandwich and Coffee" Service. IRc&U* Organised 1804— 40 jrrt Leave Portland and Willamette Valley cities in the early evening. Connect with the new streamlined train, the Soon Daylight, amd reach Los Angeles the same evening. H & M H osiery Menders= ü jB o x 238» P o r tla n d 14, O re .= l=lll=lll=IH=lll=m=IM=||l5|l|=|||=l||*|||=|||=r I lie JACK dining car serving low-price meals. 0J 5 A diplomat Is a guy who can say nastiest things In the nicest way. ■ t has. I . Walker. Agent Phone 1732 Hillsboro, Oregon } ÎOV# tima work •«id M l.., in an r«l«obl* S#ot. To San Francisco— all P, mi standard sleep- *n£ train with com . uxJious lounge car and dining car service. Leaves Portland in the evening and arrives San Francisco before lunch. W EST COAST To Los Angeles— accommodations for every body. Standard sleeping cars, tourist sleeping chair cars and coaches. Dining car and off-tray "Sandwich and Coffee” Service. OREGONIAN To San Francisco—an all-service train. Stand ard and tourist sleeping cars, coaches and dm>ng car and off-tray "Sandwich and Coffee” Service. Connections for Los Angeles. KLAMATH Arriving San Francisco in the early morning and connecting with the San Joaquin for Los Angeles. Carries varied accommodations— standard and tourist sleeping cars, coaches, dinrng car and off-tray “ Sandwich and Coffee” Service. Lv. Portland . . . 8:15 am Lv.Salem . . . , 1 0 : 0 5 a m Lf. Albany. . . . 10:50am Lv. Eugene------- 12:10pm Lv. Klamath Falls 6:50 pm A t . San Francisco 8:20 am 4:50 pm *6:20pm *6:51 pm 7:50pm 1:05 am 11:20 am 5:00 pm *6:30 pm *7:01 pm 8:00 pm 1:20 am 11:50 am 10:00 pm 10:15pm 11:40 pm 11:59 pm 12:20 am 12:42 am 1:25 am 1:50 am 7:05 am 8:05 am 7 JO pm 8:45 am ♦s to p » So antra in for Davis or beyond. A> the Fsst ns Csl.forms b s very «tractive trip. Let our courteous represent,,.»« r l.„ Vo«r tnp. make your train reservations and furnish you with complete itinerary Call on nhone or write your nearest Souther« Pacific Agent ' ’ pnone ° f On Display SP taylor - R igby Com pany Day I’hniM» CHerry N Ite Phone CHerry THE CASCADE Ar. Los Angeles. 7:40 pm 9:55 pm 9:55pm 9:00 am Se»» Beall Freezing Loekera • 834 8. W. ( npilnl Hlwny ...FASTER ALSO! Multnomah ?s«S i Thi Friendly Sovthjrn Pacific