Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1946)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday. April 19, 1946 Don Sez! In th« Spring A Young Man’»— wifi- tell» him to get out and mow that lawn. Vlakt- it f»*y on yourwlf fellows. Let me »loirpen your lawnmower wor you. A dull lawn mower la jnst about aa effe a - tive a« an old hound dog gumming away on a I tone. PHONE 3861 Just Arrived------ METAL CAP PISTOL* KITES BASEBALL GLOVES TOY METAL CARS Don's Sport Shop 317 S. W. Farmington Beaverton, Oregon WOOD 16” MILLRUN BLOCK and SLAB $8 Cord in 2Vi Cord Loads In Beaverton Leave Orders at JACKSON GROCERY or Phone 3894 Beaverton G LEN W O O D FUEL CO. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OK FINAL ACCOUNT No. M78 4-POINT FOOD FOR FAMINE / LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undesigned, Jane Qumm, I has been a| ¡*>mted Admit: i,it i ,,t i\ ii with the Will Annexed of the Es- [ tat of Or Ulie Kttie Tuttle, deceased, 1J by the County Court of Washington J County, Oregon. A1J p. rsona li-.vit claim« against said »state are here- | by notified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at the law offices of, I Hope B is-ett in ii, Oregon, I within 1 -om the date I hereof. Dated April 5, 194n|| SUSIE JANE GUMM Administratrix with Will Anneaed HOLE BASSETT Attorney for Administratrix with Will Annexed Date of first publication April 5, j 1946. Date of last publication, May 3.1 1946. SIMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON. ELSIE BATTKRSBY, Plaintiff vs. ARTHUR BATTERSBY, Defendant To: ARTHUR BATTERSBY, the above-named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in th » above-entitled suit on or before the expiration of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. If you so fail to appear and answer plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: A decree dissolving the marriage contract now existing between plain- tiff and defendant and permitting her to resume her former name »f Elsie Cook. This summons is published by or der of Hon. R. Frank Peters, Judge of the abeve-entitled Court, dated the 20th day of March, 1946. LOTUS L. LANGLEY. Attorney for Plaintiff, 1124 Board ef Trade Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Date of first publication March 22, 1946. Date of last publication, April 19, 194«. UNITED Easter Sunrise Service 6:15 Sunday Morning Bethel Congregational Church Garden I is the four-point program, suggested for Oregon in the leaflet now being The greatest contribution that Ore- widely distributed through the coun c i l farm families can make to : ty extension offices: famine relief is to ad- :-t production i. Reduce the use of bread and la* i-x and harvest the food other wheat foods by 40 per cent: and feud products moft needed thL . oils by 20 per cent. Stop Ijvear. according to a leaflet on the waste. I food-for-famine program just issued «. Plant home and 4-H club gar- o> the o . A. C. Extension service. dens on a wartime basis. Full coopération of fa, m homes in 3. Conserve by canning, freezing, tho foul sav ng campaign is also storing and drying enough locally imphaszed in the leaflet with def- available food for the family, inite suggestions given, while a bet- 4. Crow and harvest all food and \ ter garden on every farm <s also fee{j products in line with Oregon's shown to be highly important. Here 194c production goals. Rev. Vernon L. FwhJbach, Exec. Secretary Attention Car Owners Oregon Christian Endeavor Union Guest Speaker IM M EDIATE SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE By TRAINED MECHANIC Expert Motor Repair, Carburetor, and Ignition Service— Finest Workmanship and Fair Prices All Work Guaranteed CALL FOR ESTIM ATE i BOB'S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Beaverton Methodist Church 4th and Watson Sts. EVERETT L. BOWERS, Pastor â a L — SUA FORMERLY TONY'S GARAGE Phone 3695 850 TU ALATIN H IW AY E A S T E R 1946 Church School 9:45 a. m. Children’s Program 10 a. m. Morning Worship 10:55 a. m. Baptisms and Reception of Members Cameron Thompson of Mt. Tabor Presbyterian Guest Soloist Sermon: ‘rTHE CROW NS OF CH RIST” BEAERTON. ORE. ^ Rainbow Electric Construction, Inc. ~W I R I M G— ) Ii it's News, Tell Your Newspaper J THE FACT IS COMMERCIAL = — INDUSTRIAL HOUSE W IRING T H E R M A D O R ELECTRIC HOUSE H EATING UNITS Estimates Gladly Given By GENERAL ELECTRIC JC*tute: R. B. Doughty In the County Court of the State NOTICE: The undersigned Execu Service Calls Taken Care of Promptly of Oregon for the County of Wash trix of the estate of R. B. Doughty, ington, In the Matter of the Estate deceased, has filed her final ac of Etta May Tallman Deceased: count in the County Court of the Notice is hereby given that the un State of Oregon for Washington dersigned, as administrator dbn of County, and said court has appoint the estate of Etta May Tallman de ed Monday, May 13, 1946, at 10 LEAVE ORDERS AT RICHIES H AR D W ARE ceased, has filed his account in . J o’clock a. m. in the Court room of .. „ , . . final . _. . the County Court ot the State of -ald Court as the time and place N1TE CALLS — Hillsboro 16F14 ° reK°" ° f W “ hln*£*n JCo" nty' “ nd ! for hearing objections thereto and ! that Monday the 20th day of May HetUement thereof. 1946, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in Dated April 9. 1946. the forenoon of said day ana the Maggie Doughty, Executrix. court room of said court has been M. B. Bump, Attorney. appointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing of objec LEGAL NOTICE tions thereto and the settlement thereof. NOTICE OF BOND SALE Dated and first published April 19. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I!'16. Date of last publication May 17, 1946. That the City of Beaverton, Oregon, will receive bids until 8:00 p. m. Ap LOTUS L. LANGLEY, asH O K B san sM ® « ril 22, 1946, in the City Hall in Bea Attorney verton, Oregon, and immediately LESTER D. TALLMAN thereafter the bids will be opened Administrator de bonis non n e w TYPE by the City Council of the City of GAS TURBINE FOR PLANES. Beaverton for the sale ef its Water Bonds, Series 1946, in the atini of DOES DOUBLE JOB — $200,000.00 as follows. TURNS THE P R O P E L LE R A N D A D D S P O W E R City of Beaverton Water Bonds, Series 1946, in denominations of THROUGH A JET TO THE R EA R . E X P E R T S S A Y $1000.00 each to be dated May 1, P R O P J E T WILL P O W E R G IA N T T R A N S O C E A N IC PORTLAND STAGES, In« 1946, and to mature as follows: Amount Date of Number A IR L IN E R S O F TO M O RRO W . IT W AS D E S IG N E D Tualatin Valley Division Maturity $ 3,900.00 May 1, 1949 B Y G E N E R A L E L E C T R IC EM ~'M EERS. 1 to 3 DAILY SERVICE 3.000. 00 May 1, 1950 4 to 6 l.cuwr Beaverton for Portland | 5.000. 00. May 1, 1951 7 to 11 Via Bertha Beaverton Illway 6.000. 00. May 1, 1952 1H to 17 AM 6:38 l*M 1:0« 6.000. 00 May 1, 1953 18 to 23 C H IC K S LAUGH 7:08 l:te 7.000. 00 May 1, 1954 24 to 30 7:4« 3:4« 7.000. 00 May 1, 1955 31 to 37 4T G E R M S ! 9:00 5:0« 9.000.00 May 1, 1956 3X to 46 10 :2« 6:20 NPW “B R 0 0 D E R A T 0 R * 10.000. 00 May 1, 1957 47 to 56 11:4« 10.000. 00 May 1, 1958 57 to 66 PROVIDES G ER M -FR EE DAILY SERVICE 10.000. 00 May 1, 1959 67 to 78 A IR FOR CHICKS. AIR 10,000 00 May 1, 1960 J atavo Portland for Boaverton 77 to 86 12.000. 00 May 1, 1961 Via Bertha Beaverton Illway 87 to 98 IS P U R IFIE D WITH A 12.000. 00 May 1, 1962 AM 7 :.'i0 6:4« 99 to 110 12.000. 00 May 1, 1963 9:00 6:2« 1 1 1 to 12B G E N E R A L ELECTR/C 10:90 12.000. 00 May 1, 1964 7:W 123 to 134 G ER M IC ID A L L A M P . 11:4« 7:4« 12.000. 90 May 1, 1965 135 to 14« 9:0« PM 1:00 12.000. 00 May 1, 1966 147 to 158 AUTOMATICALLY CONTROL 14.000. 00 May 1, 1967 1 :1 « 10:2» 159 to 172 LED HEAT IS FURNISHED 11:4« 3:4« 14.000. 00 May 1, 1968 173 to 186 5: (Ml 14.000. 00 May 1, 1969 AM 1:0« 187 to 200 BY G-E CALROD HEATER. All bonds of this seaies numbered 47 l e t « ' lloav erton for Portland and above will be callable at the Via H ¿»Unti St. A Prog roan option of the City of Beaverton in 4 >00 AM 7:30 numerical order at any interest pay S !i) 6:40 ing date or dates on or after May 1, 1:00 9:40 1956. 8:80 11:00 Said bonds will be sold to the bid 9:40 PM 1*30 NEW MACHINE WILL GRILL der offering to purohase the same at 11:00 1:40 imr and accrued interest thereon and HOT DOGS AND HAMBURGERS AM 11:80 8:00 hearing the lowest rate of Interest BY ELECTRONIC HEAT. G-E ■ for the entire issue and premiums I «an •> Portland for Beaverton Twill be considered only for the pur Via Progrese and Watson St. ENGINEERS HELPED DEVELOP IT. pose of arriving at the lowest net 3:0« A.M 1:10 cost to the City of Beaverton. Each 4:2« 8:2« bid shall be in writing and. except 5:«« 9:40 any bid submitted for the State of 6:4« 11:0« Oregon or any sinking fund of the 6:2« PM 12:2« iClty of Beaverton, must be nocom- 1:4« • t>anied by a certified rhsrtl on a bHnk st \I>AY and HOLIDAY doing business in this state for 2r, This summons is published by SCHEDULES of the par value of tha amount bid. IN T il* CIRCUIT COI ItT OF THU order of the Honorable R. Frank * STATE OK OREGON FOB THE l.iHir Beaverton for Portland made payable to the City of Beaver Peters, Judge of the above entitled COCNTY OF WASHINGTON \ ia Ih'riha Beaverton Hiwaj ton, as a guaranty of good faith The court, made and entered in said I W1NIFHED UFA GREGORY City reserve» the right to reject any AM 7:4« Court and cause on 10th day of Plaintiff, April. 1946. VU W a taon SL A Prof ree« or all bide in the interest of the \« 6 «• 1 City. AM 9 00 Date of first publication April 12th. « »• I These bonds will be payable first LEO A. GREGORY, 10 '.Ml 1946. Defendant 7:4« I from the net revenues of the water • 11 :4« Date of last publication May 10th. | No 13711 SUMMONS 9 :0 « 1 system end secondarily by general I’ M 1 (MI 1946. 10 2« I Legation should the revenues be in TO Leo A. Gregory, Defendant 2 :3 « JOHNSON, STEPHENS A PARCEL! In the name of the State of Ore 3 :4 « sufficient. Lumbermens Building. Portland, gon, you are hereby required to I Legal approving »pinion of Teal, Oregon I l^-ave P ortlan d t o r B .* n « r t o n 1 Winfree, McCulloch A Shuler will be appear and answer the complaint V ia B e r th * B eaverton l l l w » r B furnished the succeesful bidder filed against you in the above en «10 I titled suit on or before four weeks A 31 8 20 R C. DOTY UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Eu- » :« • 1 9 :4 « Recorder of the City of Beaverton. from the date of the first publl- Associated 7 :0 0 I II 00 Data of first publication, April 5, cation of this summons, and If you gene. (Special) James Cameron, son S :M 1 fail so to appear and answer said . , , , . . . ... PM 12:2« 1*46. 9 40 I thereof the ot Mr and M " Cameron. Bea- Service 14« Date of last publication. April 19. coiuplaint, lor want U M 1 plaintiff will apply to the court for verton. has been appointed to act as I 8:0 0 1946. the relief prayed for in her com chairman of the architecture portion plaint. to-wit: i2iM »m sw 3iR »în T e For a decree aa follows: forever =ll! = ill5IH S 8««W B M I disolvlng the marriage contract here of the Annual Odeon student Crea- tofore and now existing 1 T H E COFFEE SHOP ,w,'*n 1 Uve Art Show, to he held on the can: 'll 2 z ff a n d defendant awarding E lit Sunday April 28. Odean will also|J| . S P E C I A L “V E N T IL A T E D ” the custody of their minor child m WK. CAT IC K mo- IS the , m g defend.i include nvusic «1 compositions — _ __ . ,ii lev $5018) per month for the up- dern dance and exhibitions of ong « \ p p y f ll i w A 1 T lP A lp r a TO PRIVATr. P A R T II* their .«(nor ■ Id awarding Inal student work in pn.ntmg sculp K O W yU U s DUMU1MIJ U 3 l C I l d i Utfd.fcM TIGARD 1*1* plaintiff $3000 coats and $300.00 at ture. ceremica and the fine arts ^ P o r t l a n d C o n c r ° t « P l M Ai Products C o . 'ilopen Every Day 7: a.m. to •: p.*" Mr Cameron, a senior, is majoring k ., , . Liquid. Iablets. Salve, Nine Drupe torney's fees, and such other farther Portland 1 Oregon xk its siu ee J > 5 J $\\ M a c a d a m avv «I AT. 8384 la architecture. , ^ relief as to the Court Caution use only aa directed. MtFMSIHRMSMFtNSHlMRMl just and equitable. For Service Call Beaverton 2481 NOTICE. PROPJET, SCHEDULE The Next Kaiser-Frazer Show Will Be May 15 Deliveries Will Start Im" mediately After That. So Turn in Your Car Now While You Can Still Get a Good Price for it. and ELECTRONIC HOT DOGS! GENERAL Ü ELECTRIC Get on the Preferred Delivery List You can get a Very Low Number if you act at once, so drive your car down Today and Let's Trade, Then Watch this space for Delivery Date Kelly Motor Co. S. W. Canyon Road at R. R. Tracks Kaiser-Frazer Dealer Rototillers 24 hoar service Phone 2701 Every Day i CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS 666 COLD PREPARATIONS 1 0