VOL. 19, NO. 12 E S T A B L IS H E D 1927 BABSON OPTIMISTIC Beaverton, Oregon, Bids Asked For Pipe And Valves For New Water Mains BOOST TOU R HOME TO W N AN D M A K E A B E T T E R P LA C E TO L IV B Friday, April 19, 1946 P. U. C. Hearing On Hall Street Crossing Set For Grade School April 30. 1,306 Signers On Petition Executive Board Of Grade School P.-T. A. Met Thursday Banks Takes Beaverton in First Game Mrs. R. H. B esm ehn P ublicity C hairm an T he E xecutive B oard o f the Bea ; verton Grade School P arent Teacher A ssociation met Thursday, A pril 11, at B abson P ark, Mass., A pril 19 I the hom e o f Mrs. W ard. Board mem ca n n ot understand w hy there is so bers present w ere: Mrs. H. B. S hof m u ch pessim ism regardin g the w orld ner, Mrs. John R obinson, Mrs. Ben The Banks B raves opened their in general. T here is little ju stifica - Boyson, Mrs. G raydon P ace and Mrs. defense title o f the Tualatin Valley R. H. Besm ehn. R oom M others pre League tion fo r m uch o f the fea r w hich Clemantina Winiger Final against R on W hitw orth's radio broadcasters are putting o u t ! — 0 sen w ere: Mrs. M. R om ig , Mrs. Riley, Beaverton Busters and took the local ov er the air. Rites Monday --- 1 Beaverton K iw anis have certainly 1 A m e r :c a n I e a i o n R a a o h a l l Mrs. C. G randy, Mrs. Berg. Mrs. team 6 4) beforell6 4 fans who - * .. .u...s , Clem entina W iniger, 79, o f K inton tack led with determ ination a w orth- j , _ “ , R egard in g the , V rlu eto. . W ard and Mrs. Drew . Miss Merle jam m ed the Grade School diam ond W e hear m uch talk that the new , died W ednesday at the hom e o f her w h i le civic p roject and are to be com - Ir&CtlC€ l o otart Monday Davies, G rade S ch ool P rincipal. 1 to watch the first gam e o f the year. W orld O rganization is to be a failure son, John W iniger, R oute 1, B ox 737. m ended on the thoroughness, w illing- I Plans for the regular m onthly busi ■ partial eviden ce is to the con - A • ll " im Beaverton. — P uneral services will be 1 [ ness and ................................ fast-action o f the grou p la in A m erican L egion baseball practice ness m eeting to be held Tuesday, It took the Braves 4 innings before trary. It is su cceed in g w onderfully, held M onday, A pril 22, at 10: A. M. rallying support fo r the opening o f will get underw ay M onday afternoon, April 23, at the Grade S ch ool A udi they m anaged to score against the T he very fa ct that all the discussions { at the St. C ecelia C atholic ch u rch in : Hall Street across the Southern Pa- accordin g to coach T om m y Ram sdell. torium at 8 P. M. w ere outlined. This B usters. The huge crow d watched A ny fellow w h o did not reach his will be the final m eeting o f the 1945- I Banks bring 4 runs in that inning are in the open fo r the entire world Beaverton. R equiem M ass will be j cifio tracks, Beaverton pitcher, Clarence to hear 1»—o f itself—a grea t forw ard offe re d by F ather Sniderhon, with 1.306 signers w ere recorded on the seventeenth birthday before Jan. 1 46 term. A s the 8th grade parents o f f step. It m akes a bad im pression to interm ent at Mt. Calvary Cem etery. 1 petition circu lated this w eek in re- o f this year and is interested in are to be guest it is planned to have (F reak ) Hime. T w o B eaverton er read o f these U. N. squabbles; but Mrs. W in ig er was born in Lucerne, I gards to this urgent problem . participating in this years’ play to as speaker one w ho will be ot »p e d a l rors in this inning helped Banks' it Is m uch better to have all discus- Switzerland, D ecem ber 28, 1866. 56 T he hearing b efore the P ublic Uti- report to the grade sch ool diam ond interest to parents w h o h a \ i children rause very much. In the seventh inning, B eaverton's A1 S chriner went sions “ on top o f the table.” years ago she was m arried to Joseph lities C om m ission will be he’ d in the at 4:00 Monday. n ow ready to enter high school. in and pitched shut-out hall for T here is m uch criticism that any W in iger and in 1913 th ey cam e over : B eaverton G rade School at 10 A. M. T here will he the election and In the last tw o innings. F or being the on e o f the five great pow ers can to O regon from Switzerland. Sur- April 30 and it is fu rth er urged that B e a v e r t o n Debate Team stallation o f o ffice rs fo r the 1946-47 first gam e o f the year fo r the Blis v eto m easures, but this w ork s to the viving are her husband, Joseph, fou r anyone w h o can possibly attend this ***. j, i f term with Mrs. P aul Patterson ters, they looked very good. Cal advantage o f the United States or sons, John, Casper, Joe, and Yost, m eeting should do so. Win Honors In Eugene W ash in gton C ounty C ouncil P resi McGatin, B eaverton shortstop, was E ngland as well as to R ussia. B e- one daughter in Switezrland, Mrs. T he tim e and th oroughness o f all | dent, as installing o fficer. It was sides, there are so m any g ood things A nna Stocker, and fifteen gran dchil- those w h o circu lated the petitions is ; A fter d efeatin g H illsboro and Mc- called to the B oard's attention that the best defensive player o f the day w h ich the U. N. ca n do, upon w hich j dren. - gratefu lly appreciated by the com - M innville in district com petition. there is a need fo r vases at the by m aking som e pretty catches of they all are in agreem ent, they had W . E. P egg j M ortuary is in care o f m ittee in charge, and the coop era- Beaverton s debate team com posed sch ool so there will be a “ W h ite E le some d a m good hit balls by the big B anks batters. D ick Durdel, tion o f the citizens in readily s ig n -■ o f Bill Springer, W allace Branch, ph ant” V ase Shower. better fo rg e t oth er m atters fo r the arrangem ents, 1 So do bring last year’s all-state catch er for Bea 1 P at M cCrum and Elwin Paxson, present. W orld peace will never be ing is recognized. alon g that vase w hich is now setting ! W ith another outlet to the business shared third place honors with Med- In the corn er on the top sh elf gath verton, also proved why he was put attained by m ere m a jority votes. Grace Sofia Harris into this position by really playing j district o f B eaverton thus m ade avail- ford Hi in the state-wide foren sic , erin g dust. T h ey m ust be unanim ous to truly heads-up ball. T he large crow d was able th the existing tra ffic “ b ottle-n eck ” contest held at Eugene, A pril 11, 12, hold and succeed. Services Tomorrow iable, e existing R efresh m en ts will he served by the biggest gathering in B eaverton's W hat A bout orld W ar ------ 111? ------ W --------- . can be sm oothed-out to som e extent ^ n d 13. the First grade m others under R oom T he State cham pions fo r 1946 is M others Mrs. C. G randy and Mrs. history. T h is Sunday the Busters O f course, w ars are not at an * uneral services fo r G race S ofia t() a now f o r a freer flo w o f tra ffic go to F orest Grove but will be back end. T here will be m ore w ars and B a r “ s ' ' i11 be held in the Chapel o f and p rov jde additional business loca- Salem high school, w h o won runner- i Drew. up honors at W illam ette tourney. 1 T he follow in g announcem ents were the follow in g Sunday on the hom e there m ay be another W orld W a r; 1 w - P egg M ortuary, Saturday, Ap- , tions. face Sheridan. Gam e In second place was E ugene and ! m ade: The C om m u n ity Chorus will diam ond to but there is n oth in g in sigh t today 1 d ^0, at 10 A. M. Mrs. H arris, fo r - ] ____________________ ______ close behind them follow ed B eaver- j sing “ The H oly C ity” on E aster Sun tim e at Forest G rove will be at w h ich m akes it probable. T he A tom mct *y of D eer Lodge, M ontana, was 2:30 on the High School field. ton and M edford. B om b is m ore lik ely to insure peace visitin g her sister, M rs. E. M cCon- School Markers Painted d ay evening at 7 o 'clo ck at the Chris ,V Baseball Fan Speaks „ ___| W inner o f the tournam ent was d e - ; tian Church. than to b rin g about w ar. T his pres- ne'*- o f R ou te 3, B eaverton. On Highway I was one o f the m any lTiiuu.eds j cided after both the affirm ative and i T he C om m unity H ealth Unit will ent talk about w ar w ith R ussia 1 Surviving are her husband, Sam State I negative sides had debated fou r hold their first meeting, T uesday Ap o f persons to w atch the Beaverton should stop. It is largely to help col- B - H arris, Sr„ and t w sons, Sam F. M aintenance crew o f the um nists sell their w ares. and D onald J., o f D eer Lodge, M on- H ighw ay Dept, painted sch ool m ark- j tim es on the question, "R esolved j ril 30. at 2 P. M. in the Grade School B uster-Banks B raves gam e here at last Sunday. I was I believe we should give the A tom *a n a - A lso her m other, Mrs. H ilda ers on the T ualatin V alley H ighw ay, that every able-bodied male citizen | Health R oom . All w h o are interest- 1 B eaverton Secret to the U. N. T he peace p o s -, B olvia and one brother, Joel L ilje- Friday, and also m arked o f f cross- j o f the United States should be s u b -: ed in this study group are urged to shocked by the con d ition the ball field w as in. I asked h ow com e fh e sibilities o f atom ic en ergy are so i b l o m o f T a co m a ; one sister, Mrs. Aili w alk lanes fo r pedestrian tr a ffic at j Ject to a year o f full-tim e m ilita r y 1 attend. hall diam ond was ln such poor great, a tom ic studies should be en- Padilla o f S tockton, C alifornia. Mrs. the dangerous E ast Street crossin g training before attaining the age o f i shape and I w as told that "the cou raged b y all nations w ith the H arris w as 45 years o f age, born to help p rotect sch ool ch ildren on j 24”. School Board would not fix the freest interch an ge o f scien tific k n o w l-! Jan uary 18, 1901; she had su ffered their w ay to and from St. C ecelia | In other fields o f speech, W allace I J. W . Whitworth In diam ond up fo r the fellow s.” This edge. N ation s never g o to w ar when a lin gerin g illness fo r m any years. parochial sch ool at this corn er in | B ranch and E lw in P axson won third | Hospital In Medford addition to silhouette equipm ent, the ! Place in extem poraneous speaking j J. W . W hitw orth, father o f R on town has not a decent place to do they are prosperous. A tom ic energy — ~~--------- ----------------- little folk s will be p rotected by a j and panel discussion, respectively W hitw orth, is in the hospital in M ed anything and surely if this town possesses the pow er to m ake every F o r m e r T e a c h e r m easure o f sa fety through the heavy j B U1 S pringer w as also a finalist in ford, Oregon. His injury consists o f has a baseball team they deserve nation prosperous. H ence I am an ______ r \ _ x / ; * . to play on a h alf-w ay decent field. op tim ist on w orld a ffairs. Keturns On Visit auto tra ffic at this point, provided. ; extem poraneous speaking. a fractured skull, a ccord in g to word Other contestants from B eaverton received by R on Thursday afternoon. ! There ought to be som ething done W e all should w o rk fo r the fou r Mrs w H. C ady o f Aberdeen, auto drivers w ill slow up near this now . All o f the entered in the three-day m eet were T here was no clue as to how he was about this right fr e e d o m s ,-b o t h intern ation ally and WashinKtoni visited wlth her mother> intersection. I D ave Cady, after-din n er speaking; hurt, hut he w as found on the street other team s ln the Tualatin Valley dom estically. W e how ever, can have MrfJ DeU c F ish er_ o v cr the w eek League play on the H igh 'V h ool freed om o f - s p ^ c h in our owm n e ig h --pnd Cad had a ch a t with Mr. M orton o f G rant P ass visited Bot> M arugg, o ra tory ; L orna Cover, in M edford in a serious condition. diam ond, hut w hy ca n ’t the Bea x i-iT n iir n rc n h 'O C borh ood w ith h ou t fo rcin g n ourselves C ora W e tb e rill at W a lk er's Dent his daughters, L oretta and Joan over hum orous readin g; M argaret H arri verton T ea m ? If the crow d o f last I«*« a ♦ruiir 'ifrAn/i 4 i • 14.u« j i son, p o61i*y rPcidin^. “good in to every hom e. A truly B E T H E L E V E N IN G C IR C L E . .. „ „ ... ., store, an old sch ool m ate at B eaver- j the w eek end. what this town can draw for base n e ig h b o r ’ p olicy requires gettin g the t<m 8choo, w hen R T ra v er was Bethel evening C ircle will meet ball, the fellow s o u g h t have a good will and con fid en ce o f all ino| , M Fisher and Cora April 30 at the hom e o f Mrs. Clar w eek's gam e was just a sam ple ot w h o live on our street. T his can- H w ere m em bers o f the second ence B uffam . Mrs. A. C. H aufske place to piny. I f an ybody who not be secured by fo rcin g ourselves d ^ ti cla8s o f B eaverton school o f Forest G rove will be speaker. reads this article or hears about It into any hom e until we are i n v i t e d . , ^ tlm e a g o . and can contribute an idea or som e I’ FC E L M E R W A L T E R S T he sam e principle applies to Mrs later taught three years THE VALLEY CHURCH OF TH E N A ZA R E N E P fo E lm er W alters, w hose hand land where the team could rent It, nations. I w ish all nations w ould B eaverJ n sch ools in the rim ary C O M M U N ITY C H U R C H was injured in France, has been please send It to the m anager o f L eonard C. Johnson, P astor let our people roam about their departm ent. U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N transferred to Dibble General H ospi the Beaverton Ball Club, R on W h it cou n tries and w ould, each year ex E A S T E R S E R V IC E S SW Gabel Lane at F airw ay Dr., tal at Menlo P ark. California, for worth, B eaverton, O regon. I know ch an ge 5,000 students with us. But 9:45 A. M. E aster p rogram by the the finnl treatm ent o f his hand. He your suggestion would he apprecia Rev. H. A. A rm itage, pastor SUNRISE SERVICE such an exch a n ge should not be Services 10 30 a. m. ...S u n day School. spent a 10-day delay on route from ted by W hitw orth. forced or bou gh t w ith m oney. W e A lasting and interesting souve- Ft. Lewis, with his fam ily In Bea- 1 A loyal Beaverton Bnseball Fan ca n n ot m ake anyone like us b y bein g ~ he Public is cord ia lly invited H IG H W A Y C H A P E L w ho is trying t« help Beaverton. "tou g h .” O ther nations are tryin g to attend the E aster Sunrise ser- T em porarily located upstairs in the " ‘ r g ‘ Ven t0 aU w h ° attend thls Sun' verton, and left F riday fo r Menlo day. out econ om ic and social experim ents v *<=e to be held in the garden o f Park. Odd F ellow s Hall .B eaverton 11:00 A. M. E aster W orsh ip Service. called “ C om m u n ism ” or “ S ocialism ." B ethel C ongregational C hurch at Safe Cracked At H. S. Orville J. Poulin, M inister R U R A L E L E C T R IC C O M P A N Y “T he R esu rrected C hrist” W e should let them do so in their 6:15 Sunday m orning. R ev. V er- Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. Robbers Not Apprehended O R G A N IZ E D BY R E T U R N E D YETS Special E aster m usic. “ R a b b on l” by ow n w a y —with or w ithout the help non L - Fishbach, E xecutive Secre- M orning w orsh ip 11 a. m. T hree men, w+10 have been friends Lehm an. o f our visitors or writers. Likew ise, tary o f O regon Christian E nd eavor To Date: Few Clues R E E f* V IL L E C O M M U N ITY 8:00 P. M. T he com m u n ity church for many years, have gone into part we are try in g out an e con om ic and "'* * be the speaker The safe at B eaverton Union H igh nership in the electric construction | P R L S B Y T B R IA N C H U R CH choir, presenting the O ratorio, “ The social experim ent called “ Free E nter- School was broken into W edn esday business ln Beaverton. T he firm to R ev. H am pton, P astor H oly City” at the C hristian Church. night, the safe cra ck er netted $181.90, Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. G. E. be known as the R ural E lectric Co. th is6' cokim n ’ to h e l p ’ '^ r n a k e ^ t h u Beaverton— Town Without but overlook ed cash In the am ount Geiger, Supt. A m erican system a su ccess with no A Flag o f $176. hook m oney on the safe shel A LO H A A S S E M B L Y O F G O D W orsh ip Service 11 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ted H etu spent a Interference fro m abroad. ves. D ick Busch, deputy sh eriff Is W h eeler A venue Y oun g P e o p le’s C. E. 7 p. m. few days In Seattle last week. w ork ing on the case, but no arrest O nly the fu tu re ca n tell w hich o f D uring the building and re m o d e l-! the above system s will ultim ately ing cam paign w hich is g o in g on at | AI.OHA C O M M U N IT Y CH URCH has been m ade to date. 10:00 A. M. Sunday School. There will not be a card party G raydon D. L oree, Pastor win ou t; but each should be given the C ity Hall, B eaverton is w ithout T w ice b efore such a robbery was 11:00 A. M. C hildren’s E aster pro in the M asonic T em ple this month. Sunday S ch ool 9:50 a. m. a fa ir ch ance to succeed if it can. a place to raise the fla g ov e r our 1 attem pted, hut each tim e the "b u r gram . M ir y A ntrim , Supt. M y ow n feelin g is that there m ay bustling little city. g la r-p roof” features o f the safe foiled 7:45 P, M. E van gelistic service. Mrs. .Organ is staving at the Ivy the attem pts, w hich leads to the be by a happy m edium betw een Com - D uring the m oving required to j M orning w orship 11 a. m. T uesday 7:45 P . M. B iblq Study. lief that this jo b was done by a pro m unism and Capitalism . C ertainly change the location o f the b u ild in g ; E ven ing service 7:30 p. m. F rid ay 7:45 P. M. Special service M artin hom e for a time. ST. C E C E L IA CH U R CH fessional safe cracker. no W orld W a r III is needed to housing the library, to m ake room | fo r G ood F rid ay with Mrs. D ora Gil A num ber o f women served at the Masses 8:25 and 10:25. settle the question In fact, the real for the con stru ction o f an addition to The com bination was cracked and man o f H illsboro, Illustrating in Shrine H ospital on Tuesday. M E T H O D IS T C l d R ( II answ er can be found on ly during the city hall building, w h ich will b e ! the lock punched out. The fram e ch alk and m usic, ‘T he garden Of around the locked d oor was peeled an era o f w orld pence. used to house the fire trucks, it was : Hh and W atson Sts P hone 3095 G e th s e m a n e ’ Mr. and Mrs. Guy A lexander were o ff to allow entry. R ev. E verett L Bowers, Pastor In previous at Yes, we h ave m uch fo r whicAi to n ecessary to rem ove the fla g pole. R illa Mae Stephens, pastor called to Seattle on Monday. Mr. tem pts It has been necessary fo r a C hurch S ch ool 9:45 a ,m. Mrs. Nan be thankful. A lth ou gh very “ noisy,” ----------------------- W oody, a brother In inw, having p a s safe expert to release the lock to Bourquin, Supt. yet international con d ition s are safer C fire Council sed away. He was buried on T ues permit use o f the safe. ST. M A T T H E W L U T H E R A N today than ever before. T he U. N. r L A T T E R -D A Y S A IN T S day. CHURCH will su cce e d : the m uch despised Wednesday, April 24 T he on ly clue has been the ap A m erican L egion Hall “ veto p ow er- m ay be an assurance M G rade S ch oo, Q pearance o f an out o f city car which Main St„ H illsboro, Ore. (form erly W est H ills) fo r peace. L et us first be tougn J Mrs. Fred G oyt entertained a , was sepn in B eaverton that night and Sunday Sch ool at 10 a. m. Canyon R o a d near Sylvan group o f eight ladies last W ednes was near the high school around the w ith out ow n people and discipline W ednesday, April 24. the Camp S acram ent m eeting 6:30 p. m W ern er J. Fritz, iM nister day afternoon in honor o f her friend j tim e the Job was pulled. In ch e ck ♦ hem that Is. let us be * ° " f h and Fire G irls C ouneil will be held in the E lder J. T. S. P eterson, Branch discipline ourselves, - a s Individuals G rade Gym in B eaverton P rie st Mrs. H. J. Girard. She served a ing the license plates it was fou n d E A S T E R SU N D A Y lovely luncheon after which bridge they» belonged to another m ake o f ca r T his will he the best sign of a gtarting at g. p A pril 21 BETHEL was played. T he Girards have T o date the autom obile has not been m uch needed spiritual awn en in t N ational aw ards and ranks will be C hildren’s Service, 9:45 a. m. C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U R CH bought a new home at W est Slope found. fo r w hich so manj- o f us are pra>- g jven deserving girls. A m usical pro Son gs and recitation s J. G. D ickey. Interim pastor and will soon be m oving there. ing. F estival Service, 11:00 a. m. gram , a skit, readings and singing E A S T E R SU N D A Y S erm on : T he M eaning o f the R e s will be part o f the program it was C. & B. Young People 9:30 a. m. C hurch sch ool Easter Mrs. Bertha W illiam s o f Aloha has an nou n ced this week. urrection. program . Bruce V. McMahon Joins gone to N ew Y ork to see her par Entertained Soloist. Mrs. M argaret Siefkes. R eedville C am p Fire grou p will at- u a m . A nthem s by the ch oir; re ents, w hom she had not seen for a Last M onday evening at the hom e O ffe rin g fo r the B uilding Fund. tend. Real Estate Firm W ith ception o f m em bers; Semyon She rode back o f Mr. and Mrs. Don Ix>ng, Miss Y ou are invited to w orsh ip at St. num ber o f years. to p ic: “ T he E aster F aith ” . , Father. J. J. McMahon 3 Npw Recordj Made with her son and w ife and baby A nnam ae entertained tw enty-five C. Sunday even in g the church will at- M atthew s Church. w ho wilt also visit Mrs. W arren W il B's. T he College and Business Y ou n g \ tend the C om m unity C horus presen- liam s parents in Minnesota. People o f the 15th Christian C hurch « S 3 , Annual Beaverton Relay, j tation o f G au l’s "T h e H oly City” . ________ ______ on So. Colum bia St., Portland. Mrs. 4 years active du ty is now associated T hree n fw records w ere estabHshed T he Sunrise union service at 6 15 P n .G R I M LU T H E R A N CHURCH V era H eckler o f Aloha and Mrs. Ensign Dan N orris visited his with his father, J. J. M cM ahan, in jn the annuaj Beaverton relay meet ln the P ra y er Garden beside the F arm ington. Rd at M enlo, Beaverton grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Miller L ong served a three course hot lun the real estate business in Beaverton. ^,e jd jagt p rjday afternoon at the church with the whole com m un ity In- Sunday School 9:45 A. M. over the week end, stopping over on cheon. M argarie Snell lead the dis M cM ahon w as discharged from the . . . s c b o o i vited. S ecretary V ernon F lsh back D ivin e Serm on— 11:00 A. M. his way to Jacksonville. Florida. He cussion on the "Six Pillars o f P a ce” . G ood F rid ay service- 8:00 P. M M arine C orp w ith rank o f SergeanL ^ e a ^ e r W s mile relay team com - j o f the C. E. State Union speaker. A fter the luncheon, ths m eeting with celebration o f H oly Com m union. has Just finished school graduating He saw a lot o f action posed o f B iget, Schm idt. Gervais as a bom bardier. A lso D ickie Miller concluded. F or the next six weeks cam pagin s and was L adies Aid m eets n^xt W edn esday C H U R C H O F C H R IS T and J. R oss click ed o f f a 3:37.5 tim e) the C. B's. will have for their dis w as over from Oregon City. G uadalcanal. at th e church, 11:00 A. M. Secon d and Main St. to cra ck ti,e old record o f 3 40.7. cussion topic, "R eligion in the N ew s \ A C ordial W elcom e to All. G eorge Springer, P astor H illsboro’s thinclads set a new Mr. and Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Sam T here will he special speakers fro m E rw in A. G erkin. P astor Union E aster Daw n Service in the m ark in the shuttle hurdles. 533 G erig m otored to Salem M onday and Lewie A C lark and R eed College Old Timer Sends New$ and the M olalia distance m eddlers garden at the C ongregation al Church Dr. Shannon o f the church will M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H report an enjoyable trip. This Is a established an 8:12 5 ‘ .me in that 6 15 a. m. E aster break f st in the From Portland con clu de these meeting after his re beautiful tim e o f year In the W il basem ent o f the C hurch o f Chriat 4tfj W atson Sts P oh n e: 3695 G eorge W . B aker, fo rm e r old sett- event. lam ette V alley when m ost o f the turn from his trip to E urope ler at B eaverton w hen the cou gars H illsboro won he 9-sc*-ool » « « » 1 30 n m R ev. E verett L. B ow ers, P astor fruit trees are In full blossom . Special E aster B ible S ch ool pro- in the near-by w ood s w oke up the by cop p in g fo u r first places and one Beautiful Orchids old "oToneer* by their w ild scream s secon d fo r a grand total o f 46 points gram n< 9 48 a m Than EA8T E R SUNDAY at m m idnight idnight—sends a few items, he to B eaverton ’s 36. Scappaose 16 and special m u sic b y the ch oir follow ed C hurch School 9:45 A. M , Mrs. Nan Mr, and Mrs. M. G eorge Stroup Mrs. Lester Squires was delightful at by the m orn in g serm on and the B ourquin Supt. m otored recen tly to the spring ly surprised W ednesday, when she M alalia 12. says the flu alm ost had him down T he C hildren's Easter P rogram m eeting o f the Oregqn United P res opened the m orning's mall to find but ate som e h orseradish and is feel T he H il-H i trackm en to o k title L ord 's Supper Sermon T o p ic: “ H e Is R isen" will be presented at 10:00 A. M byterians, rem aining over night and , a package by Clipper Air Mail con ing bully again ! He m et Bill Stitt honors in the shuttle hurdles, the Christian E nd eavor 6 30 p. m. M orning W orship 10 55 A M having as their guests enroute. taining six beautiful orchids fro m in P ortland the othgr day and a great sprint m edley the high Jump, and tim e talkin g about the g ood tim es the football th row ; a second in the T he O ra torio “ T he H oly C ity” by B aptism s and R eception o f m em bers Miss Leah Turner, new ly appoint her youngest son, Laverne Chaae, in ed Sunday School A dm inistrator o f the U. S. service now at H onolulu, at B eaverton b a ck in the gay nine- mile relay. B eaverton speed m er- A R . Gaul will be presented by the C am eron Thom pson, guest soloist ties w hen onions and horseradish * chant* won the mile relay, secon .. C om m unity C hurch C hoir in the S erm on : “T h e C row ns o f C hrist” th s W est Slope C om m unity Church T. H. were trum p Bill Stitt grew thou- in the shutt e hurdle« - - d sprint Church o f C hri*t auditorium at 8 00 y ou are urged to attend the Sun- and also as guest, Mrs G eorgs N. j Laverne enlisted for six years w ith T he fou r rem ined over Uncle Sam and has one year and a «ands o f sack s o f onions on the Bea- m edley, w hile the B e a v e rto " field 1 p. m. rise Service at 6:15 at Bethel C hurch T aylor. P rior to the verdam w hile G eorge B a k e i, was ^ien c o p r -^ »he sh otpot and a third M idweek Bible study and prayer Garden and the C om m unity Easter the m eeting and returned next day half m ore to serve. shedding tears trim m ing v j '-a d ls h nla in the football th row and high [ service T h u rsd ay 8:00 p. m. Study C ontata in the C hristian C hu rch in via the Salem -N ew berg route, up | war. he w orked at the W eed's N a- the evening. to p ic: "D e a th ” tlonal Iris Gardens, Beaverton. through the old F rench country. root* st John H ery s ranch 1890-1896 jump. T h e City o f B eaverton has adver- ; tised fo r bids from suppliers to fu r nish the necessary pipe and valves j to bring well No. 2 into use by con- j n ectin g w ith the existing w ater sys- tem. Bids are asked to be placed by ¡ the 26th o f this m onth. j --------------------- J EASTER AT THE CHURCHES Z J Z 'lS iS S Z S