* VOL. 19. NO. 11 E S T A B L IS H E D 1927 Babson Talks Facts on Our Rail Roads Norblad . Favors Natures Building 'Ve1 s‘ sl°pe Has Ma"y vv Projects Under Daylight Hours Construction BOOST Y O U R H O M E T O W N AN D M A K E A B E T T E R P LA C E TO L IV E 946 Calling All Greyhounds Portland, May 14 n Eastern Oregon hasn't anything on E astern W ashington county^-w hen a ¡» . ' W ashington. — ..... ° ......' Your Telephone Will Come In Time Advised to Investigate this Income Tax D. C.—R under w ay av on — — epresentative *-•---- -- ; . e C . u . onstruction n s ir u r a o n is unaer W h en will you get that telephone . ^ UeI ^ . ° . r.bl“ d . ^ ) in a building to be occupied by the W est hounds got the coyo“ s ¿ea t I S ^ e n c . 2 .gin g "a n sw e r talk delivered this w eek on a na- slo p e P harm acy, operated by Gill ¿ „ “ “ -Thu-td' tionw ide radio foru m p rogram de- T orrance. iy r . enin u n d . question was given tod a y by H arley Iclared his opposition to pending leg- T he W est Slope L um ber C om pany. B. F. •• it D. Sirene sounds for „ "F ire J. Barber, m anager o f the W est 1 tfme °n l ° da>'Ught Sa' ing w f ‘ ®h have recently erected a large but jf resWe" in EaMm n W a 'h - C oast T elephone C om pany. T he en tire telephone industry, he reported, • . | retail yard, have just about com p let- 1 in wtn»» . ... . . . , Babson Park, Mass., A pril 12. Next M onday. A pril 15, is the dead- 1 .V * nlOS‘ 0 f . us th e matt.e r o f ed ‘ be b u ild in g. A new fro n t is be- se c o n d s lo n g e r ^ J lu h ea r a is con cen tratin g its efforts on filling Fi/k e A building, ,,,1.1 i m . e and ..... 1 a ■. "era n d 8c h'nr!il* * himrir-a« W ar cam e to the rescue o f the d ayl**ht savin g tim e is one o f per- ing put on the o ffic the num erous requests fo r new ser- '*ne fo r veterans alon g w ith the — J- — • - in tr a ffic and 80nal con ven ien ce” said Norblad. gleam ing white coat o f paint has hgaa”,d ,£iir i ‘ d °f g,,T ivlce- i general public to file their state railroads. The decline with the *“ farm er . it “ is “ a serious vevn been Kivcn given m the entire l)ation o ()f f tho th nu»nv° Vnhhlt 1 An im portant this direction Rosson, , ................* Y -----. e en ure yard building DUiiaing ; nntion ,.Qkk,,(o inni step in m is a irectlor ! incom e tax i “ * returns, "eiurns, H n u ugh g n E. EJ. n o earnings w hich had persisted since . but with his livelihood, and the fen ce surrounding the yard. . .. . .. . ' ,, ‘ . y "'a s the recent con feren ce between departm ent o f veteran s’ a ffa iii dl- the 30 s ceased. V olum e o f tra ffic in terference Mrs. Clara B. F rench is rem odeling h H . .. . _ the executive com m ittee o f the U .S rector, cautioned today. and net in com e reached new peaks. Som e living in cities and tow ns en- „ J, M ultnom ------ Assn. * --- — - * Because o f $3,000 «•» -w , ii ... ah „•» Sta- k » ,. In d e p e n d e n t T elephone and H ow ever, the real w orth o f rail se jo y the extra hour o f daylight but her residence and the real estate o f- »u n i Ut .. m ___ 1 _____ . - . ...1 „I, .. .» _____ . exem ption gra n i dlum next sum m er- l i o fficia ls o f equipm ent m an u factu r ed all veterans fo r each year in curities m ust be judged, not on past, we should realize that this is m ere- flee In W’ est Slope. lon g n ow —the races begin this ly a m atter o f pleasure to us while A residence c is being fo r J. A ing con cern s. w hich they served one day o r more, but on lu future uv. uu iu re p erform en orm a an n ces. Sever- S e v e r -; *_ uc,llo built u ve&r on Mav 14 al things must be considered when * ‘ h f 1 u * if0? * ? 1®» ® d ' S' HiIler' real estate dealer- west o f | J Th dog racing people are a iol- The loCal c o m Pany ia a m em ber most veterans will have no incom e m aking a decision on railroad e a r n -, rU? l 10n ° f hU w ork 8Chedule.’* South Slope. ly grou p and a flne^bunch o f s n o rt. o f the I " d*P«ndent grou p w hich c o m taxes to pay, but th ey m ust at least ing p ow er:—volum e o f tra ffic, o p e r -! . in g r e s s can not ch ange the laws T he building is under w ay o f a ¿ h e a d y the boys ue m oving in and prises m ore than 6000 telePhon e com - (He returns if they com e under one ating expenses, taxes, bond interest ? f " a‘ ure nor tel1 an . ° rego.n dairy house being con tru cted by the W est , h greyhounds are barkinu for gar !’anies throu ghou t the United States, o f the follow in g classification s list- and rate charges. i herd to change its habits. A farm - Slope C om m u n ity C hurch fo r the B J re a nk tor Kar i a Speed — -» ------ - - .------ - o f the m e e t -1 ed by the tax com m ission, w as - the keynote lie and ham burger. T ra ffic O utlook er 3 w ork ing d ay is hard enough pastor's occu p an cy. ing. and plans were perfected fo r ex ! I. E very resident having a net in- pediting delivery and installation o f com e, including service pay, o f $800 V olum e o f freight tr a ffic varies in ' " ‘ thout ™,r ^ , ‘ n g to “ a k ® ,U k n y ----------------------------- telephones, sw itch boards and other or m ore for the year 1942, 1943 or proportion to business activity. B e -' m ° r e . d lfficu lt- N orblad further equipm ent essential to op eratin g a 1M4 and $750 or m ore for the year fore the war, their com p etitors stated- _ m odern com m un ication system . i 1945, if single, or if m arried and (trucks, autom obiles, pipe lines, s h ip -1 r, C ong^ ssman Jam es Fulton, of ping and airplanes) had cut into the " n ^sy^van ia- author o f the pending Although the industry has u n d e r-: n° l living with husband or wife, railroads’ revenue. H ow ever, the le£ islatlon . spoke in fa v or o f the ¡taken the greatest m odernization and I 2. E very resident h aving a net in- I expansion program in its h is to r y ,, conn«, including service pay, o f $15, w ar helped the railroads and hurt ! Pr°P osal- Mr. B arber pointed out that the m a - iw or m ore fo r any year, if m arried the other carriers. T he railroads, | j jo r ob jectiv e at present is to pro- and living with husband or wife. m oreover, need no tim e to adjust J A »» J A» them selves to peacetim e operations. '-*00^1 A t t t ? n u a n c t * A t I vide at the earliest possible date to | 3. E very resident h avin g a gross _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ those w h o have been w aiting for com e, including service pay,of $4, A pent-up dem and fo r goods, with Rod And Gun Club Meeting This week, A pril (th to 13th, P o r t - : mm W A A ll j A il B. J it, ho added: 000 o r m ore regardless o f net incom e the greatest cash reserve in m any x/i __i i • /-< land observes Visiting^ Nurse W eek. j “ T he telephone industry has been ! It’s easy fo r the veteran to file, years, should insure g ood business Membership Growing con ju n ction with N ational K n ow E xpenditures totaling m ore thnn faced with unusual d ifficu lties. F or Incom e tax o fficia ls in Salem said activity and thus a large volum e o f he last m eeting ° o f the B eaverton Y o u r P ublic H ealth Nurse W eek. $2,893,000 will be made in the next exam ple, norm al additions to the all the veteran need d o is m ost freight. Passenger tr a ffic should a l - . as " e a tended April m arks the 44th A nlyersary o f few years by hom e ow ners on farm s com p a n y ’s plant have not been pos- cases Is to w rite a letter to the tax so be good fo r a while in spite o f ^ d d G ° b auto and air com petition . an. met ing o anyone the visitin g N urse A ssociation, the ancj ,n gnlau com m unities o f W ash - ’ sible fo r nearly five years. D uring com m ission sh ow ing these three The Federal R eserve B oard's Index e . S ( ,v ,n elt P>ogram. ea- oldest organization o f its kind on jn gton County to Improve present this tim o there has been a trem en- things: o f Industrial P roduction sh ow s an ‘‘ m "£ T e vvo ‘‘ v3 “ 10 ' \ es‘ Coast, and ° n c w hich is eiectric service and hom e plumbing, dous increase in the dem and fo r ser- 1. Date he entered the service. L i n ! ! He ! , y f H recogn ized n ation ally for outstanding T hese outlays w iu mean addition- vice.” ! 2. T he date he w as discharged. increase from 110 in 1929 to 171 in — - -- - e s an s e iiic e t o the public. aj incom e to p ractically every local “ W e have been faced w ith sh ort-i 3. H is in com e fo r each year in 1941. In line with these increases, A nglers Club. M artin spoke on the P ost-w ar an tin- business and will finance a u d u d iu itio n -! | " ages o 4 f iiitiio m aterials and 1111 men, as well service. railw ay freigh t tr a u ffic jum ped to a l <« rj, «Hatin' tu,u i/>V» ! a ■ _ « j 4 4 ua it . ju u ip cu LU c . « « j * j P ortland, , fa , cin g uoiucoa <niu w in m u tiic c a uu n co u t laio emit 11, as w rit , a t i v new prew ar peak in 1941 with an in- , v' ,* 2 . m !'Ua . Pr®ce d f n‘ ‘?d r *se ln population aj wiring, bathroom im provem ents as other recon version problem s. T he His letter will be accepted as an crease o f 25 billion ton-m iles carried y u e , '»»-in-.rA ‘ ' CS b. rth rate: a ser,ous shortage an(j new electrical equipm ent for telephone instrum ent Itself is on ly < incom e tax return, officia ls said, over those in 1929. It certainly seem s : ' U n lim ited ” . \ : o f . d° cto r ® and tl-ained nurses, crow d the cou n ty’s 9,407 farm and r u r a l , five per cent o f the equipm ent nec- The com m ission is receivin g such let- that the railroads could count upon | tV ^'vrnim whirli" ed A .T Pltalf. , aTV l c r o " 'dpd ' iv'iafr hom es already served with electrl- essary to give service. In som e in- ' ters at the rate o f 40 and 50 a day, at least their prew ar gross tr a ffic ^ conditions, finds the services o f this clty accord in g to a study released i stances, arrival o f new instrum ents counting those askin g fo r tax in for- w hich gave them $500.000,000 net in ® C om m unity Chest A gen cy as im- b the x ile Council o f A m erica. will make installation possible; in mation, they said. 194 L . 11 : r ! „ n nrt P0 rtan t n ° w as during the w ar years In troduction o f running w ater i n - ! oth er cases the com p an y must have I T hey added that an y disability T he D epartm ent o f C om m erce esti- p l f l l l d equipm ent, outside j pensions paid veterans by the vet- in P nrîÎ W e ll' baby c ln ‘ c8’ °P en *very- stallation o f tiled bathroom s and re- central o ffice m ates a “ Gross N ational P ro d u ct” o f ,.mH t] relative th > W iliam d ” 6' lo^ atcd ^^n . . ‘ b a AV. placem ent o f out-m oded plum bing plant facilities (such as cable, wire, 1 erans adm inistration are not taxable, $ This could d ^ecently re la t.ie to the W iliam - R ose City, E ast Portland, Mt. Scott. fixtu res head the list o f mogt Want- etc.) and additional m an pow er." $150,000,000,000 fo fo r r 1947. 1947. T his could Incom e tax returns, or requests fo r ette closu re problem . Sellw ood C ouch, A lbina and W ood - (,d fa rm home fea tures, D P . Forst produce an increase in railroad gross Mr. Barber expressed appreciation inform ation, should be addressed to law n districts. A special ....... P '° g ,a m i ch airm an o f the C oun cil’s R esiden- fo r the patience and earnings over 1941 o f 5 per cen t fo r co-operation the State T ax C om m ission, State O f- arranged by the E m ergen cy Mater- jtia l con stru ction Com m ittee, re- show n by those w aiting fo r service, T ice Building, Salem. P erson al as- 1947. This is especially interesting jyi Recently Dischareed m t y a n d In fan t Care D epartm ent o f yeal#<j Dne ,n flv e farm fam ilies when we note that the 1944 figure for ” , e n * 1^ ,5 L n “ r 5 e a and assured that the telephone C om -i sistance also will be given either at the State B oard o f Health Inform s th hout the nation plan bath. our Gross National P rod u ct w as $195,- From Military Service pany is doin g everyth in g in its pow - the Salem o ffice , or in P ortlan d at servicem en s wives o f the care avail- im provem ents, he said, 000,000,000. T hus w e can get a 5% _. . „ . er to m ake their w ait a short o n e .! R oom 709, O regon Building, F ifth from needed in increase in railroad earnings even 1 1 hf . f° llo'v'n g nam ed m en fro ... able to them, and sends their n a m es' AddUional w irin g . is - ----------- ... and Oak Streets. with a decline o f $45,000,000,000 in to- tbe St^ te4Uo i O regon - bave been dl8' to ‘ he V isitin g N urse A ssociatm n 8° : r,ra(.ticallv every farm h o me with Gov’t. App/oves Fund» tal national incom e. P redictions. Charles P er n “ nU” e m 8y ma & h° mC electricity, a ccord in g to the study. _ „ T h e Holy City” By th erefore, point to a greater volum e \ B ^ V E R T O N — F ra n k Charles P er- calL , IA huge m arket likewise exists f o r i F o r Planning Of Sewage SeC°nd ClaSS' Rt' 2 B0XI , T he o rg L a n iza tion s bedside m .)kinK nlachil)ea> qu ick freezing Drainage O f Beaverton o f railw ay tr a ffic du rin g the next I Y . . . nursing . . Community Chorus Easter few vears than in the Deak Deace- 601- program has been expanded to take units, electric m otors, baby ch ick j tim e year o f 1941 T IG A R D — E dw ard Jam es Otte, ETM . care o f patients in the m iddle-in- brooders and other equipm ent. I W ord w as received this w eek o f i Sunday Evening H ighcr C osts Inevitable secon d class, R t. 1, B ox 133. com e as well as the low er-incom e E xpenditures in the cou n ty arc the approval by the federal govern - i A short O ratorio “ T he H oly C ity" \\re must, how ever, rem em ber that T I G A R D -H e r b e r t W . M iller, A E T M . brackets, R egistered nurses will part o f $38,562,000 program to be m ent o f an appropriation o f $10,550 ! by Gaul w in be presented by the B E A V E R T O N —T-4 Dan. E. Lucas, help all w h o require h om e-nursing “ *' j _ j 1 - 1 - ' ------ 1 — -• - ----- - ! r there has been a 20% Increase in care a ccord in g to Mrs. R obert C uad« r ‘ akt’n by O regon farm and ru- fo r the detailed planning o f a sew-1 B eaverton C om m unity Chorus E aster wages since 1941 w hich will absorb R oute 2, B ox 230. o f the A ssociation ral hom e ow ners in the next five age disposal p roject and Sundav evening. evening. S100 000 000 in 1947 A n ric» ris» n S H E R W O O D — Sgt. W illard R . Yates, Bishop. P resident o f the A ssociation .,a , " „a An 2« . , .» P t, d ra in a g e ; , Sunday i.iuu.utxi.uuu in 1947. A price rise in __a p , . , „ ». years, the study revealed. An es- propect for the City o f B eaverton. T h i s will h o t h e n n l v c h u r c h item s s essential essential to to the thp milrnnHci Fioute 4, B ox 5, T-4 E dw in » . Piittcr- F am ilies able to do so can pay $ • to q / vi nnn /-»*« etmiiar im . ..o o ci.id ; ‘ ^ . item railroads, snrh such ^ sun. n u u ie «. ^ a visit. The services o f the visit- “ nlated on sim ilar Im- T his adv.ee w as received from t h e , vtce Ea, ter evening as all the ch ur- as lumber, steel and coal, will add sor1, B oute 1, B ox —9. t .. . . . . . dd T IG A R D — P fc E lm er L. M ulvaney, in g Nurses are provided free to p n w em im U to present e ectric s e r -f tw o O regon Senators im m ediately ches plan to parUcipate. T his pro to the increased costs due to wages. 1 u this f e e . vice will be spent in the nation follow in g its approval. ! gram will clim ax the ’w eek ’s Union those “ unable to m eet this fee, The grea ter operating e fficie n cy at- ^ ox 285A, R ou te 2. These funds are made available 1 Services’ through funds allocated by the P o r t -( d u n n g that ttm e’ tained during the w a r carried ov er ' | to com m un ities where problem s exist T he Chorus la made up o f m em bers land C om rnunuy m unity 4;nesi. Chest. into peacetim e econ om y should help r . . i i •»«.l lancl 'Jom , KKJ.I.Y I M O T O R CO. B U Y S L O T : to assure that a proper system will f rom a ][ f be churches, and has been overcom e the w age increases granted Fortunately, Little Damage E xp ectant m others, con valescen t t q s T A R T B lJIL D IN G s o o x , be developed w hich adequately and p racticin g diligently fo r tw o m onths betw een 1941 and 1946, a m ou n tin g R y Fire At Beaverton patients, the aged and in lrng p; efficien tly solves existing oroblem s. under the able leadership o f Mr. W il W ’ e --------- must 1 ask ourselves, *- how- r i . • »»/ j j acutely ill, anyone in need o f honn I>,t 56, Steele’s A ddition was pur | tbe p roject is not developed the u . to 20%. V —*----------*— — nursing care m ay secure ,t by call- ch „ sed this w eek by ja c k K elly o f " , under Cady ever, how v m m uch uch m m ore ore w w ages ages will be Electric Wednesday ing the V isitin g Nurse A ssociation — K eilv M otor — ^i_ Co . fo — r 't »»._ h e ->»- site - o » f »».«i- their c ' ly 18 u antler ,luc‘ no obligation, h o w e v e r,; T here are tw o short Indies ch oru s increased during the next year o r tw o. A stubborn fire dam aged a small at B R oa d w a y 0551. In addition, the y buUding to house a eom plete ' f ,b e J?2®8 t ! r im * num ber8> " A t Kventide It Shall Be F ixed C harges L ow er W e find that the $500,000.000 net V N A adv‘ 80ry^ s e r v ic e ^ « m f i l d - m odern I n ^ f a c i l i t i e s and sh ow room ? ptp<1' . . ,b p G , t y _wiU. bav ^ to r^ a'; L igh t” , and "F o r Thee, O Dear. Dear for th e Sh^ iiser*F Y a ze*n^ u tom ob >Ues burse the Kovernm ent fo r the a m ou at I C ountry” , and one ladies ch oru s with '• ’ in com e o f 1941 with the w age and ‘ on Eleptric Shop H W pd" eSdayn, m ° L r ' ance (alway9 Ur der a Pbysiclan s di; for the K.nser-FTdzer au tom oou ts e x pended in the original survey. bass and soprano solo parts "L ist 1 nrice increased w hich will have o c - 1 in g ’ and ser,ous d a ma Re " as nar' rection ). to all m others on the R ototillers, etc. T he C herubic H ost” , and a double cu rred since that date wil be highly row ly averted b y tb e action o f tbe health, diet, habit and trainin g o f Thfi lot included 292 hiw ay fron t- . I » C -« k ch oru s num ber “ Let T he H eavens R e lnadeauate to meet 1947 operating fire d '-P ^ttn ent. tbpir children, instructions in car R „ C a n y o n R o a d Juat beyornl the The Journey Into Faith inadequate to m eet 1947 operating jo ic e ” . Several full chorus num bers expenses S tarting fro m undeterm ined sour^ |nR fo r patients In the horn,k disease prM ent location o f Dr N orm an E. Film At Congregational expenses. I I f f railroad net incom e is o f m ixed voices and three solos co m ^ P K„ » » „s in e s »e tiv itv c e s" the fire cre P‘ undi r the waUs prevention, and the prevention of Johnaon. C ,-J , lU lm k » plete the program . A m on g the so lo W ork on the building is expected Lhurctl Sunday INlgllt m ust6 re'm aln ^ w e*?'above"the o f / bp 'T e 'a t ^ b l f t T h e h e a t T h e K lr,h rr ‘ b f * f U° " fr ° m pa“ entS ists tak in g part are: Mrs. J. C. M c- _______ . to start Im m ediately. vel and an increase in rates will be aot to ° g r * £ ,bu5 th e j h^at_ °f_ ^ ® com m u n icable diseases T his Sunday evening at 7 p. m. the Cam m on. Mrs. R obert Zim brick, Mr. fire was su fficien t to dam age som e Y ou n g P eople o f the C on gregation al H arris Hansen, Mr. H arry Carlson - le tily - , visiting ---------------- * £ ■ ‘ 1 • " “ “ S ' J Z 2 S J S i w l '. v ------------ --------- — a n — d ' com p public is in a m ood to accept such ruined a g ood garden hose. Fnrtu- . » ..n n t« - Elite Dress Shoppe Plans C hurch are presenting u 'e second in and Mr. L ester Little, F ortu - a phonjnjr the V isitin g nr..,— N urse A ssocia is any reader’s guess. ia series o f religious Il'-n s: "T h e ( i „ ali it prom ises to be a very TnS& m uch stron g- nate,y tw o b a rcels o f oil stored there Uon 0 f f ice s. 1008 S. W . Sixth Ave. Opening Soon T he railroads are | Journey In to F aith ” . : special and fine Easter m usical pre- did not ignite. B roadw ay 0551. er position now than in prew ar T he E lite Dress Shop, to be oper- j T he picture is a story o f inrents ■ sentatlon. years, since they have used $2,500,-j ated by Mrs. E dna Manges, will be l«‘a d ‘ "K ‘ o ‘ he cru cifix ion o f C hrist., ----------------------------- 000.000 o f their w ar earnings to decrease , . R parV i Baseball Sunday------- open ju st at soon as con stru ction o f A story th at will stay with you fo r ; A L O H A -H U B E R their debt. Consequently, their fixed L*- ^heSter Deactl l / a l t n n XT. , K1 rl i O , Observing Public Health Week Visiting Nurses «4' Friday, April 12, Beaverton, Oregon, charges have perhaps declined $200,- Coming Home 000,000 a year. T h ey have also in- “ theTr ' net w ork in g capital A nother W ash in gton County boy from a 1941 level o f $600,000.000 to is expected hom e soon. Lt. Chester « “ (iOOOOOOOO in 1946 ¡B each , U. S. A rtillery, from the P a - Jr 1 io c ific is am on g the G. I ’s. on board 1» is evident that railroad net earn- the ^ E rnestine K ora n d o” w hich is jnPe Wiii hinee on both higher rates due to d ock at San F rancisco this ami an expanded volum e o f tra ffic week. Lt. ! ’• h has forw arded Tf the next several years fa v o r both hom e quite a collection o f w ar sou- these fa ctors railroad net incom e venters from the P a cific, including _ _ should rem ain fa irly good. H _ ow ever, rifles. Jap sabres, sw ords and num - 1. it smart to bet ’'on the possibility erous other Jap equipm ent on dis- o f both higher rates and a high vol- play at B each ’s M arket in B eav- ume o f tr a ffic w hen railroad securi- erton. ties are now selling so com paratively h ig h ? Taxi Service Started In Silver Tea of Bethel No. 20 Job’ Daughters. Given --------- s ------------„ _ . Sundav In Masonic Temple p ie te ^ " A t ‘ t h e Mpresent "tim e c*ert°a?n Dr. Garson L. Kane, recently dis- charged from the arm y dental corps ^ / t h e rar.k o f M ajor, has taken o ffic e space in the building on the corn er o f Firrt and W atson S ts. In the same building con tain in g the of- of ^ c E and H . E Mason. , - I Mr and Mrs. John Green. M r and get a better pair o f Mrs Bill Green and daughter Elale. N ow you can ie . In m the w.e U S A than you o f V ancouver. W ashington, and Mr. spectacles , . tn G erm any, even when that a nd Mrs. W m . B rooks o f Hazel Dale, cou ntrv was produ cin g Its best, the w ere guests o f the G eorge W atsons Department o f oC m m erce says. o f A loha Sunday. Art Lessons Popular with Army Regulars in Paris f s » E veryon e is invited to com e to the j School Notes m aterials necessary to the instalia- ^ X g ^ M u T e a n T en joy b T h o u r ' Uene Olson o f the 4th grade has tion o f the w indow glass is retard- ^ y been ln the Jones H ospital for a few Ing its com pletion. P’_________________ days. All the children have written ' W h en open the new dress shoppe . .. . , . letters to her. will feature ladies dresses, sweaters. A n n u a l H e a l t h L / i n n e r skirts, lingerie, purses and hats. It Meeting W e|| Attended A rdythe Johnson o f the 6th ffrade is planned to feature ch ild re n s w e a r , " » j l s ill at her home with rheum atic ' in the near future. T he annual din jjer m eeting o f the fever. H er class m ates are m aking j — y— _ _ 1JJt . | W ash in gton C ounty P ubllo -----------, H ealth | a Joke book fo r her. ______ j ---------- A com bination alum inum KTidalf*, , jA-saoctattor» waa held T u esday eve-1 skillet, roasting dish and platter I* nlnK at the F orest G rove C hristian ! T h e Eighth graders from N orth ------ am on g a m an u factu rer’s new P™>- Church with P resident Clyde Y o u n t ' .V ? ?* * "* "* to vUlt our e‘«h th 1 ducts fo r better living. o f H illsboro presiding. grad e today. D r R ich a rd R . M organ. C onsu lt-, M „ dred w m ia m a w ithdrew from Beaverton— Home Owned T a x i? Y es sir, B eaverton has its own taxi service w hich was inaugu- rated a w eek ago and operated by 7 — - 1 w H. Brenner, w h o has been a resi- The Silver T ea fo r m em bers or dpnt q { B eaverton f o r a num ber o f the E astern Star and M asonic L od£ e years. w as given last Sunday afternoon y A m on g the service to be included B ethel No. 20, o f Job's Daughters. the new operating com pan y, will T he T em ple w as beautifully de^ °r* be m erchandise and m edical pickup ated with sprin g flow ers, cand e- ^ delivery service. light and elaborate silver services 4 -------------------------, — P ou rin g were M esdames Guy "»r! _ , n n«n . H. Shofner. H arry B row nrigg. F. L D r . G a r s o n L . K . a n e U p e n s M cG eorge M J Beeler and H a^ y Dental Offices In W righ t. T he girls o f J o b s daugh- ters «erved and presented a delight B e a v e r t o n fu l m usical afternoon. r u ir d iT n and F rancis Livermore G uardian H0* " r M iss M argaret j R Talbert Queen. H ost » m Dr. J. K A ssociate Guardian. Guard, Mrs. E. H M a .iers. Secretary- IF-------Jupe-Pluve Approves T he Tualatin V alley Baseball Lea- pue wU1 hold its first gam e o f the season in B eaverton Sunday, that is, if the w eather will “ d ry up” . B eaverton ’s baseball club has had a WPek ---- o f entertainm ent prior to the open in g of the league . Monday niifht there was a p a rty , W, ! night they w ere entertained, and to night there is another party sched- uled. Sunday w e’ll have to be ou t at the park at 2:30 and see if the w eek of w as too m uch fo r the boys. Home Building, Modernizing Benefits County m ms " n!. i / l T n ^ y of " and C lark C ollege, P ortland, waa the 'g u e st speaker. Miss Jane A llen ,' I field organ ization secretary o f the | O regon T ubercu losis A ssociation eval uated the yea r’s w ork under Mrs. , Zola M organ as C ounty E xecutive ! secretary. T h e F ollow in g o ffice rs w ere elected fo r the ensuing year; P resident, Mr. Clyde Y ou n t, H illsboro; V ice P resi dent, Mrs. M. C. M cK ercher, B eaver ton ; 2nd V ice President, Mrs. B. E. B righam , F orest G rove: Secretary, Mrs. J. E. May, F orest G rov e: T rea surer, Mrs. C laren ce Maas, H iltshoroi D irectors, Mrs. Ja ck Annand, T igard : Mrs. C. O. Mabee, A loh a ; Mr. C. J. Flnke, M asonic Hom e, F orest Grove. T h os attending the m eeting from B eaverton w ere: Mrs. M. C. M cK er- cher, Mrs. F ran k R ossi, Mrs. A lbert H ighbe and Miss M erle Davies. ------ * s * St ar Pinochle Club RPD MA-37S The overoee cWilioe rarely ♦ortnae to offend oity of th, 0ft school« in for.» Th. .oldier* b«»y of fheir *o«el. oro membars cf th* Army 0 » 0««i>atK .n m i-r o p e . U m ort now eflsrsd toe ’ ’Gyardten »1 Victory. m I adetafm nel arpcrf.n rt.w ’ nut ‘ hird grade and ach oo, in p o rtian d. — ha. entered Rebekah Meeting T he B eaverton R ebekah L odge will hold their regular m eeting Tuesday, A pril 16 at 8 o'clock . T he Past N oble Grands and ch arter m em bers will be ho.iored guests and are In vited to be there. A social hour will follow . MRS. T. W . B LAK EN E Y WINS MANY A W A R D S AT PORTLAND PRIMROSE SHOW Mrs. T. W . B lakeney o f R ou te 1, BPaVerton took m any prizes at the annual prim rose show In P ort- |and A special aw ard o f outstanding specim en plants was given to Mrs. other honors she received w ere: First j prize fo r her double white in the T he Star P in och le Club m et Tues- acaulis grou p ; in the polyanthus ¡d a y at the hom e o f Mrs. D ashney grou p ; first prize fo r the rose shades, 1 after a delicious dessert luncheon 2 bronze and pastel; second prize for | tables w ere in play. Prizes goin g to , her white seedling and first prize for | first: H attie I-a Due, travelin g prize ¡th e purple seedling, to Mable Castell and low to R uth De Mrs. B laken ey also took second Haan. T h e next m eeting will be at prize fo r individual floral arrangs- th s De H aan hom e. ments.