Trust Truth, not error: and Truth will give you all that belongs to the • ¿u la of freedom. Mary Dakar Eddy BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday. April 5, 1946 E lll= lll£ lll= lll3 1 IIS U I5 lll5 IM = lll^ lU = M I= lll= IIIS m = lll= M I= IM = lll= lll= lll5 (ll£ III= lll= lll= lll= lll = M=lMHlll = m = |ll= m = m = lll= U l= m 5 IIIS IH = m = ll Yea Can (achanga 'e Give end Redeem Green Stampe a i (e tra Savings Here! Articlaa N ew , M o d ern , 3-Pc. W alnut V en eer B E D R O O M SUITE • H a n d so m e ly g ra in e d full double bed e L a rg e , ro o m y, fo u r-d ra w e r chest • G o rg eo u s v a n ity w ith tru e -re fle ctio n h e a v y p la te -g la ss m irro r Men Recently Released From Military Service FORT LEWIS, Wash.—Among the soldiers honorably discharged from the service at the Separation Center here yesterday were the following Oregon men: T-3 Robert B. Murphy, Rt. 1, Box 695. Beaverton Cpl. Karl Doern, Rt. 3. Box 842; T-4 Kenneth A. Erickson. Rt. 1, Box 867, both of Beaverton Thirteenth Naval District Head quarters, Seattle, W a sh — Discharged this date from the Navy under the point system: Lieutenantfjg) Morris ----- Behind ------ Your Bonds L ie s th e M ight o f A m e ric a U SE OUR C O N V E N IE N T C R ED IT TERM S A truly beautiful modern designed bedroom suite. Each piece has satin finish, in grained walnut veneer. Now is a good time to take advantage of this marvelous op portunity to replace your old bedroom furniture with an attractive modern set at a price well within your budget. . . These sets are sturdily constructed of finest woods. Designed to enhance your room. Note the beau tiful matched graining on drawer fronts and bed panels. It’s a real opportunity for you to buy a handsome mod em walnut veneer bedroom suite at a splendid saving — and on the easiest terms. We suggest an early visit to our furniture department, we have only a limited number of these “•i ’J i N a T&' v suites to sell at this special price, j All three pieces — bed, chest and f& vanity — priced at only $ 9 9 . 5 0 . • Com panion M atching Bench O ptional at Matching Nightstand Is O ptional at Introducing the Revolutionary New Serta 7A Box Spring and M attress STEEL WILL HELP Steel—a billion dollar industry in Pennsylvania — will pour millions into the Nation to guarantee the Savings Bonds in which Americans invest. Its production in this state alone is said to equal that of any other nation. Mills must turn out materials for ships, railroads, build ings for the world’s reconstruction. Vital industries in all parts of the Nation must have its output. U. S. Irtamry Vepjrtmtiil The Altar Society of St. Anthony’s Church met at the home of Mrs. Robert Forsman on Thursday. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the City,(formerly Town* of TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Beaverton hereby calls for payment all of its bond« numbered 43 and F O R S A L E Fresh Gv.< nsey cow. above or the Refunding Water Phone Beaverton 2373. 10 Bond 3 , Series 1940, which bonds bear date of the 10th day of February 1940, on the 10th da> of May, 1946. All LEGAL NOTICE holders of said bonds are her^>y notified to present the same for payment on or after said date at the office of the City Recorder in the City of Beaverton, Washington Countv. Oregon. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the City of Beaverton will not be liable for the payment of inter est upon any of said bonds from and after the 10th day of May, 1946. DATER This 5th day of April, 1946 R. C. DOTY Recorder of the City of Beaverton Date of Publication April 5, 1946 NOTICE TO CREDITOR1* 1 to 3 $ 3,000.00 May 1, 1949 4 to 6 3,000.00 May 1, 1950 7 to 11 5,000.00.....May 1, 1951 12 to 17 6,000.00.... May 1, 1952 18 to 23 6,000.00 May 1, 1953 24 to 30 7,000.00__ May 1, 1954 31 to 37 7,000.00 May 1, 1955 38 to 46 9,000.00 May 1, 1950 47 to 56 10,000.00 May 1, 1957 57 to 66 10.000.00 May 1, 1958 67 to 76 10,000.00 May 1, 1959 77 to 86 10,000.00 May 1, I960 87 to 98 12,000.00 May 1, 1961 99 to 110 12,000.00 May 1, 1962 111 to 122 12,000.00 May 1, 1963 123 to 134 12,000.00 May 1, 1904 135 to 146 12,000.00 May 1, 1965 147 to 158 12,000.00 May 1, 1966 159 to 172 14,000.00 May 1, 1967 173 to 186 14,000.00 May 1, 1968 187 to 200 14,000.00 May 1, 1969 All bonds of this series numbered 47 and above will be callable at the option of the City of Beaverton in numerical order at any interest pay SIMMONS ing date or dates on or after May 1, 1956. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Said bonds will be sold to the bid STATE OF OREGON FOR THE der offering to purchase the same at COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, par and accrued interest thereon and ELSIE BATTERSBY, Plaintiff bearing the lowest rate of interest for the entire issue and premiums will be considered only for the pur pose of arriving at the lowest net cost to the City of Beaverton. Each bid shall be in writing and. except any bid submitted for the State of Oregon or any sinking fund of the City of Beaverton, must be accom panied by a certified check on a bank doing business in this state for 2% of the par value of the amount bid, made payable to the City of Beaver ton, as a guaranty of good faith. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids in the interest of the City. These bonds will be payable first from the net revenues of the water system and secondarily by general j Elsie Cook, taxation should the revenues be in- j This sum sufficient. | der of Hor Legal approving opinion of Teal, of the abc Winfree, McCulloch A Shuler will be , the, 20th ds furnished the successful bidder. i ] R. C. DOTY j Attorney ft Recorder of the City of Beaverton. Trade Bldg Date of first publication, April 5, Date of 1 1946. 1946. Date of last publication, April 19, Date of 1946. 1948. W E WAVE MO * / F S " O R "4A /¿)S* O R "Ö UTS' f W E S E L L FR ES 'H M EA T£ C W O iC E, T E N D E R a x CUTS' & & '***% » 5 'Ja ML - ^ w ? 1' ^ L H i k V Shoulder Cuts of , \ A Brand New Idea in Luxurious SLEEPING C 7 Q A l Both Placa» Complots EQUIPMENT 3 > r T .V 1 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF BOND CALI. V ». o s a Shoulder Cuts of Grade A Lamb Skinless Weanies Triple AcHon Box Spring 1 , A resilient innerspring unit, insu lated and upholstered, adjusts to tha body and cushions it perfectly. Staple Cotton Mattress 7. Filled with long fibre white staple cotton for luxury. Weighs only 26 lbs. Easy to turn every day for extra cars and extra buoyancy. _________ Swifts Premium Type No. 2 Save With Nucoa ALBERS LB. 15.060 Cuits Vitamin A tn Every Pound HOZ PKG. Extra Good to Serva With Those Premium Weanies QT DIAMOND Quiek or Regular SAFETY EDGE Large I’ kg. Pan Toasted for Extra Flavor CANS Cream of Tomato N e w , C om fo rta bl e C h o ic s o f C H A IR or RO CKER Q P ^ 7 * 7 3 1’horr is magic in the right chair, especially when they are as nice as these cricket chairs. They bring an air of liveable charm and delightful coziness to any room. Stur dily constructed of solid Eastern hardwood in maple finish . . . seat and back have vrell- padded, comfortable cushions that are re versible ,. cove m l in gay floral prints with full attractive flounces. Choice of many a n d W a y P o in ts P ro m p tly filled. Cream Them With NEW PEA:. CAI I ^OR v i a CORPI. ESS KOIX