Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1946)
Friday, April S, 1946 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE W E HAVE A PUMP ------ Stanley W. Netherton, Publisher Published Friday of each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, Oregon. Entered as second-class mat ter at the pestoffice, Beaverton, Ore. Subscription Payable In Advance One Year _ ..... .......................... _...$1.00 Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg. Phone Beaverton 2321 Portland Office—308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder. Phone ATwater 6501 I f . ml** P 0 B LIS H|E l i 4-SWpgi *TI 0 N Pur Use In Pumping Out Base H O H T I O I A Y Beaverton, Oregon Eitab. 1910—Serving 35 years PHONE BEAVERTON $411 We wlM p«M»p It for you — er well rent you the pump. HAROLD A. PETERSON 666 BEAVERTON Beaverton Transfer FOR SA LE —Pre-wa- davenport and chair. Evenings after 5:3C. Rt. 1, Bx 71, Murray Ave. Mrs. Gillenwater. 10 WOOD FOR SALE Old growth ant' second growth cut 16 Inches. Prompt delivery. CHerry 9043. 10 Liquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops Caution use only as di re«-ted. 3130 Call US for Estimates Phone 2 4 6 2 388 Canyon Hoad, Bear orton I Carl's FIXIT Shop ALOHA. OREGON 8 Pieces for One Price Saws Filed and Gummed Opening of West Coast RARN DANCE April 12 and 13 and Every Fri. and SaL Formerly Shady Side Dance Hall On Forest Grove-Gaston Highway Music Ry Emmett's Outlaws Come Dance in the Moonlight < y h o ne ’ FOR SALE Black mare 1300 lbs. j age 7 yr. Gentle and a pet. Will work double or single. Heavy well made work harness used very little and implements. Phone Daly, Tigard 3483._______________ 10 ANYTHING left over 8 weeks will be sold for repair cost, on Monday April 8. KEPLIN DAVENPORT CO, Beaverton. 10 EVERYTH IN G For The Field und Home Garden FRUIT, NUT, SHADE TREES DW ARFS. ESPALIERS ORNAMENTALS Berry Plants Annuals and Perennials Vegetable Plants s w w .^ w B e a v e R t o n 3 5 3 ’ 5 ~ BROADWAY AT WATSON Villa Ridge Nursery PHONE CHerry »928 11333 S. W. 6th Xi Barbur Blvd. CLOSED SUNDAYS George F. Gordon Piano Tuning. Cleaning DEMOTHING, REPAIRIN G i: Phone: ALOIIA 6613 Let's Tackle Inflation You don’t want your savings to melt away I Or the value of your life insurance le dwindlel Yet that is what inflation can do to all Rf ua. T herefore, thoughtful people everywhere are concerned with ways to smother it before it gets out of hand. One major cause of inflation m a short* age of goods when people have money to spend for things they want. That eeuae can be eliminated by the of goods — fast — in quantity. . BUT THBRI’S A BOTTLENECK During the war there wasn’t enough labor and materials to meet the needs of war and still produce all the civilian goods people wanted and could buy. Therefore price controls on civilian goods were substituted for competition to keep price« down. Today this country has all the labor and materials necessary to turn out the things people went. Yet goods are still scarce. Store shelves ere trill bare. The national pocketbook continue* le bulge. Inflation grows. Get Paid White Poe teem How would you like to step into a job that gives you good pay . . . gives you an opportunity to study one or more of 200 skills and trades, includ ing such advanced sciences as avia tion, radar, television, electronics, radio, jet propulsion, atomic science . . . permits you to travel to the tar corners of the world . . . gives you 30 days’ vacation with pay a year? A 3-year enlistment in the Regu lar Army means that you can choose your arm or branch of service and your overseas theater. It means thorough training in the skill of your choice. And it means that, under the GI Bill of Rights, if you enlist for 3 years, you may have 48 months of college, or business or trade school education, with tuition up to $500 per ordinary school year paid and $65 a month living allow ance ($90 if you are married) paid by the Government. WORLD TRAVEL! COLLEGE ED U C A T E! INVESTIGATE TODAY! NO OBLIGATION Match this against other opportunities open to you today. It's one you can’t aftord to miss I Get all the facte at your nearest Army Recruiting Station. 614 S. W. 11th Ave Portland, Oregon Dick Kokich Teacher of MODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION Accordions for Rent Available to play for Weddings, Parties, etc. Studio Canyon & Howett Rd.L West Slope, Ore. II W hy? Because price controls in peace time hinder the production of goods. Business cannot live by producing at a loss. And so, goods that can’t be made to sell at the prices fixed by the government just don't get made. Treteiap—Worfei Trete! West Slope ACCORDION STUDIO While We Can Y o u douft want your dollars to Hu/ less ind less and lass t act 10 ,-u z' in ç. -¿eï th e Woms. P , 4 L A I>11:S gray -“ t i iped suit. ......, wool, size 16; two formats, blue | satin and chiffon, size 14, and blue taffeta size 16. Call CH 3608. | $ 149 . n W A N T E D - Feed Oats any kind Interstate Feed A Seed. 8025 NE Uniun Ave. lfUrdOCk 9582. 10 W ANTED — Furnished apt. in Multnomah. No children or pets. Call Johns Market. 11 ! 1 Metal coil Spring 1 Mattress I charm tread Rug la l\ l v W ANTED Man A W ife to car# foi elder Ij lad). Rose Newman Cedar St., Beaverton. 1« W ANTED to Rent — Furnished house or duplex. Vet, wife and i baby forme) Mult, residents. GA | rfield 7831. 11 , VANITY CHEST BED NIGHT STAND BENCH # • BALED CLOVER and grass hay for sale $2G ton; Oliver mowing machine (runs in oil) No. 80 good condition. Tigard 2190. 10' FOR SALE - Black giant buck rabbits also Rhode Island Red hatching eggs small flock. Please phone Fred Weller Tigard 2481. 10 FOR SALE—Large metal ward robe trunk, like new $45. Two all wool women's suits, size 12 each with extra skirt. Women « new . walking shoes size 5. Simmon’s day bed, like new $15. See at Rte. j 2, Bx 1095, J. Hansen, on Tualatin Hiway across from Catholic B oy’s School. 101 Including 5 pc. Bedroom set Washing Machines Repaired Too Late to Classify 1 'OR SALE 132 Chcv Coupe $195 ca¿h. CHerry ICS: evenings. 10 COLD PREPARATIONS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Lawn Mowers Sold A Repaired I £ USE ments, etc. (¡as Appliances Repaired and Sold W . E. P E G G When you have read the Bible yo i will know it is the word of God I iwcauw you will have found It t h ; to your own heart, your own hap I'mesa and your own duty. Woodrow Wil.-on ;ri III! Nor will the raising of price ceilings solve the problem. When coats and selling prices are subject to change at any mo ment by government action, production has to be on a day-to-day basis. That means uncertainty . » . reduced output. . . more inflation. X-RAY S iR V E Y OF C0RSETRY The X-Ray at left »hewn how an ordinary cornet can crowd the stomach and other organs downward. In the X-Ray on the right see how Splrella Natural Support lifts thin same woman's stomach S '2 Inches - relieving stretched muscles, protecting health, and restoring healthful lines. ISN ’T THIS THE A N SW ER? Remove price controls on manufac tured goods and production will step up fast. The Splrella Cometiere can show you Doctors' X-Ray« proving the advantages of Splrella Natural Support. Without obllgatlsn she will he glad to show you how a Splrella Health Support can help you keep fit for these busy times, while feeling ar.d looking your best as well. Goods will then pour into the market and, within a reasonable time, prices will adjust themselves naturally —as they al ways have — in line with the real worth of things. Competition has never failed to pro duce thia result. This is the way you can get the goods you want at prices you can afford to pay. Please think this over. Then tell your representatives in Congress what you be lieve should bC'done. You owe it to your self . . . and to your country’s welfare. I [ National Association of Manufacturers IIT'S SMOTHER INFIATION.../I pastear d addressed to the Saturnal .4 ssoriatUn e f Manufacturers, 14 W t it 49th Street, .Wer York 20, S . Y ., rill bring year cep y i f a booklet explaining in detail why price centrals cause in flatten. M ETA L. FOUNTAINE 1*. O. BOX 4233 FORTi-AND 8. ORE. Phone BEacon 6181 * CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS SPECIAL "V E N T IL A T E D " See your Building Material Dealer Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. 5819 SW Macadam Ave., Portland. 1 Oregon AT. 8384 (deal Cleaners W hy not favor your own city and community by taking all your clothes to the ID E A L CLE \N- ERS. OUR M O TTO : GOOD SERVICE GOOD CLEANING SATISFIED Cl KTOMKR8 4 Days Service 621 Canyon Hiway & Cedar St.. Beaverton J