I Jr., Rt. 2. Beaverton. Men reported discharged from navy 'reparation centers at Bremerton, are: .¿m=lll = IH=lll=IU2IU3IM9IM3Ht2ll CHURCH OF THE NAZAKK.VE Curtis Riley. AEM first class, Rt. Leonard C. Johnson, Pa tor After completing the i crvice with 3, Eox 1400, Beaverton; Gordon P. 9 43 a. m. Sunday School. the armed forces the following men Pastor. SI’ Third class, Rt. 1. box It a. in. Morning worship. Rev. have been disc'naiged fiom the ser 33. Tigard; Otto F. I^eopold, BM. Y m Ce« ■«change Beaverton; Patrick J. Calhoun, MoM- Richard T. Taylor, Evan, speaking. vice. 6 30 p. m. Young People’s Serv. Those reported as having com M second class, Rt. 3. Beaverton; Er 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic service. pleted the'.i dut;. v.-.th the army are: nest A. Graf, Jr., S third class, Rt. 2, G reen Stam p« Closing services of these Pre-Eas R-Sgt. Melvin M. Boyer. Box 61, Beaverton; and Frank C. Jellison, Rt. ai Ixtra ter evangelistic servioes, Rev. Tay Aloha, Oregon: Sgs. Paul E. Grimm, 1, and Roald B. Madland, F first Saving* Herat lor speaking. Bo\ loo, Aioha; Cpl. Robert L Blood- , class, Rt. 1. Tigard. Wed. 7:30 p. m. Midweek prayer | worth. Rt. 2. Box 163. Beaverton; meeting. Miss Joy Fleenor cut her arm on ; p fc Daniel J. Gasiorowski, Rt. 2, NEW STORE HOURS: 9:30 TO 5:30 Box 218. Beaverton, T-5 Warren E. the inside of the wrist while trying ST. CECELIA CHURCH Dr. Beard Rt. 1. Box 559. Beaverton; to open a window at school. Masses 7:30, 8:30 and 10:30 p. m. T-5 Clifford L. Hampton. Rt. £. Box Herbert Mason had to take four W e D e liv e r FREE O F CH A RG E to Tigard/ Beaverton/ M ultnom ah an d W a y Points j 307 Tigard; Cpl. Herbert B Halock, stitches. VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH Box 111, Aloha; Sgt. Loren E. Broad, <C~ E v e ry T u e sd a y , T h u rsd ay and Frid a y . United Presbyterian I Rt. 3. Box 142 and T-4 Fled Torek, I H. A. ARMITAGE, Pastor MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS ARE PROMPTLY FILLED . . . PHONE AT 3124 I 10:3® a. m. Sermon—All Things BETHEL to All Men. Meetings held in Ga CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH bel school. J. G. Dickey, interim pastor Sunday 9:45 a. m. Church School. Sunday 11 a. m. Services: Topic, "The Approach to the Cross,” an them by choir. 3 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship meet at church, ready for drive to Park Rose. BEAVERTON Wed. 12:30 p. m. Women’s Aid So. 8 p. m. Lenten study in Pilgrim room. BEAVERTON ENTERPIUSE Friday, March 2» 19«« Church Services r+ ' P O Men Recently Discharged F r o m T h e S ervice 5 - M O R R i SON Ritz Theatre Marvelous assortment of famous Wool o’ the West Blankets, the KIND YOU W A N T — M ADE OF FINEST lOO^r VIRGIN WOOL . . . Blankets that are luxurious, that have warmth and amazing sturdiness. Big buoyant Blankets, closely woven with deep fluffy nap . . . Exquisitely bound with rayon satin or finished with sturdy whipped ends . . . Choose from beautiful new shades. U SE O U R C O N V E N IE N T L A Y - A - W A Y B E D D IN G D EPA R TM EN T P LA N M A IN FLO O R T el. 2482 METHODIST CHURCH 4th and Watson Sts. Phone 3696 Rev. Everett L. Bowers, Pastor Church School 9:45 a .m. Mrs. Nan Shows every Night 7 to 11:30 Bourquin, Supt. Morning worship 10:55 a. m. "What i I REGULAR PRICES is my Impediment? or the Crimson j D f Q f l i p t Children 16c Adult« 40c Stain. See display ad in this issue, j ( J( IC U lv l Mr. David Henderson, guest soloist Special Saturday Matinee 1:30 from Portland. Methodist Youth Fellowship at 7:30 Show changes Sunday 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 p. m. in the church. W.S.C.S. Wed. 10 to 3:30 p. m. We Can't the Weather, Mar. 27 to 30 — Wed. to Sat. Eve. ’ CHURCH OF CHRIST Second and Main St. George Springer, Pastor Roy Rogers — Gabby Hayes Morning worship 9:45 a. m. Sermon “Christian Relationships." “ ESCAPE IN THE DESERT” Following the sermon, the Lord’s supper will be observed. Helmut Dantine, J. Sullivan Bible School 11 a. m. NEWS C. E. 6:30 p. m. Evening service 7:30, special music. Midweek Bible study Thurs. 8 p. m. Topic—"Indifference.” Sat’day—Bargain Matinee— Mar. 30 ’’THE MAN FROM OKLAHOMA” “MALE ANIMAL" Canyon Rd. near Sylvan Werner J. Fritz, Minister Fourth Sunday in Lent Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Mar. 31 to April 2—Sun. to Tues. Divine Service 11 a. m. Sermon—“The Healing Powei of ! “ WONDERMAN" Technicolor The Cross. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Missionary Danny Kaye Guild and Council meet at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Schoeler, 3551 Annapolis x E. Burnside. News and Cartoon Confirmands meet Friday 3 p. m. Serial--Zorra’s i I m m Black m m Whip mmm mm e mm - ton's “ Complete Shopping Cen ter” will soon be ROARING WITH VALUES. OUR WEST HILLS LUTHERAN CHURCH Henry Fonda WE can tell yeu that Beaver complete modernization and storewide revamping will soon be completed and with additional space made available thru the change, we will offering you more and better merchandise than ever before. II) WALKER'S -a Valley View Service Station We Specialize In M O T O R T U N E -U P A N D B R A K E R E P A IR Lubrication — G as — Oil W e s t Slope — Open 7 to 11 — W o r k Guaranteed I i “The ’Whole Family’ Stora” { j j j 1 I The Complete Shopping Center Î j Ì î j Beaverton 3461 j BEEF BOAST Shoulder Blade Cuts of A & A A Grade Beef .................. LB MAKE THINGS' ^tOURSELF^ | COLORED HENS < 5 *FO C K O U R B CANNED GOODS* • Wool o’ tlu- Went North Star Shasta 72x90, made °eH E LF/R C rfC C fl ^ ID eD U of 100'; all wool, trimmed with rich 6-in rayon satin binding. Dusty Rose, Blue, Green, Gold. • Wool o’ the West Arctic RO YAL Luxurious Blanket of 100% #<| A r i Virgin Wool, luxuriously trim- ^ l * f e D I mrd with fl inch rayon satin bindtni Comes In Dusty Rose, Blue, Green, Goli P rt 72x90, made of warm 100', Virgin Wool, finished with stitched edge. White background with gay red, blue and gold stripe. EXTRA CHOICE for roasting, or fricassee. ..... .................IJJ T LINK SAUSAGE mcc For That Sunday Morning Breakfast ....................... — LB DEL MONTE—Early Garden PEAS FANCY DRIED 2 £.* PRUNES 2 lbs. 2 7 c ASK OUR DOZEN PRICE SA W BRAND ft# f t j DEL MONTE— Cream Style ÜLI0DL O'THE WEST 2 CORN 29e WE ARE READY ASK OUR DOZEN TRICE — With all good things you want NEW WEST APPLE Juice 29 — With Suggestions For All Occasions — With Lowest Possible Prices Consistent With Good Merchandising VOGUi 100' Virgin Wool, size 72x QF 90, with attractive 6-inch ^ J A e T D ravon satin binding. Dusty Ruse, Gold and Blue N E T H IR LA N D Rich Jacquard pattern, size ( s a 72x90, of finest 100', Virgin Wool, finished with practical stitched edge. Dusty Rose, Blue. Green. Gold. FRESH FRUIT and VEGFTABLES LONG — TENDER Carrots 2 -IS THE TOPS FOR ANY SALAD NAME Calavos 2 for 27' ADDRESS SEEDLESS ARIZONA GRAPEFRUIT 5 For UTAH-TYPE Celery 12' NAME OF BI.ANKET H EALTH RAT Attractive 100", Virgin Wool R A P Blanketwith nicefl-lnch saUn * binding Sue 72x90 in Rose. Blue. Green and Gold. CASH ^ U R L I T V be M R R K E T EAST BEAVERTON JÜN CTIO N Û T U Î CANYON POAD OWNED AND OPERATED BY ED RIDDI F. AND MILES TEN EYCK