BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, March IB, 1946 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Stanley W. Netherton, Publisher K IL L T O GET W IF E —"Put Uriah in the front of the battle where he U sure to be killed." So ordered King David back in Bi ble times., David ordered it, the captain did it, and Uriah was slain then David took the man's wife to Valley View Service Station ; N e w S e r v ic e 1 W e H o m S a liz » In Published Friday of each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, S T .L , tS d .h "T d T , m Lot PS : : I Oregon. Entered as second-class mat ed this deed. David repented with j ter at the postoffice, Beaverton, Ore. deep sorrow but he must do more to be back in God’s favor. He must Subscription Payable in Advance One Y ear......................... ............. $1.00 offer up a slain sacrifice—say a lamb from the flock and its blood Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg. upon the altar, for—"I have given you the blood upon the altar to Phone Beaverton 2321 Portland Office—308 Panama Bldg., make a covering for your soul".— So of old, it was the 3rd and Alder. Phone ATwater 6591 BIBLE. blood of lambs upon the altar. Then came Christ arid hear—•Behold: The Lamb of God taketh away the sin of the wot Id." Taken away, O rec ] o © N l WS(! A P E R blotted out, purged away, Davids R a t i o n sin and ours also, for the blood of P ublishers Jesus Christ, Gods Son. cleanssth us from all sln.--BIBLE. Davids, before Christ and ours now. , _ Settle it in your he ¡t > ,u’ KA sins are blotted out and God breath- es his eternal life unto your d ad j J 111 » < ! KM \l < IINTKK IOI! soul and puts your name in the, 9 B EAVER TO N 3130 Book of Life. * ONE The sins of your life-Lme ^ Call US for Estimates put away. TWO Old sin habits ! k broken up. THREE You to be S raised to glory on Resurrection ^ Morn. k W . E. P E G G M OTOR T U N E -U P AN D BRAKE REPAIR Lubrication — Gas — Oil W est S lo p e -O p e n 7 to 11 - Work Guaranteed FOR RESIDENTS A N D BUSINESS MEN OF BEAVER TO N A N D V IC IN IT Y Phone Beaverton Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS 2462 Oregon Mutual Policies are NON- ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay more than the premium on the far-« of the p«Uey. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three time« the surplus required by Oregon Insurance Laws. The Beaverton Transfer Co. Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company OF McMINNVILLE Organised 1894— 40 yrs. of Reliable Servlc« t has. L. Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 "Every Form of Protectioa" Office 388 Canyon Road Operated by Howard William Smith Hillsboro, Oregon ALL TYP E S OF H A U L IN G : HAROLD A. PETERSON M O R T I C I A N Beavertea, Oregon Estab. 1910—Serving 35 years PHONE BEAVERTON S4U H O U SEH O LD FURN ISH ING S Rainbow Electric Construction, Inc. M ERCHANDISE OF A L L K IN D S I- DELIVERED OR PICKED-UP A N Y T IM E • - W I R i N G— CO M M ERCIAL McChe.mey Rd. Portland, Oregon This space paid for by a Seattle — IN D U STR IA L H O U SE W IR IN G WE MAKE IT EAST Estimates Gladly Given D O N ’T LET SH OR TAGE OF M O N E Y STOP YO U R R EM OD ELING , REPAIR OR A D D I Service Calls Taken Care of Promptly TIO N PROJECT. 0 For Service Call Beaverton 2481 A P P LY A T OUR OFFICE FOR AN F. H. A. T IT L E 1 LO AN. EASY M O N H L Y P A Y M E N T S N1TE CA LLS — Hillsboro 16F14 See L’s F o r :— P rep ain ted Shakes A sphalt Shingles Roll R oofing O ver-the-top G arag e D oors and H a rd w a re L E A V E ORDERS A T RICHIES H A R D W A R E SEPTIC TANK KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. “Concrete” S E E YO U R BU ILD IN G M A T E R IA L D EALER Portland Concrete .Pipe and Products Co. W 9 SVV Macadam Ave., Portland, 1, Oregon Floor Sanding and Finishing AT. 8384 Phone Beaverton 3201 j T n » r >,- ira PROGRESS FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS IF IT ’S PLUM BING You Want . PROGRESS Lsckers Now Available BEAVER For Particulars — Phone Beaverton 2385 5 HORRY F. ELIANDER Heaters, Pumps, Septic Tanks, etc. BEAVER PLUMBING | 3pen from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. & HEATING CO. First and Main, ENBOLL NOW Beaverton Phone 2622 FAYE BROADWELL FREE ESTIMATION SCHOOL OF DANCE G. Q. WHITE Classes Every Monday GRANGE HALL, ALOHA j Registration Monday, Mch. 18 \ 1 to 6 P . M . \ Tap, Ballet Acrobatics, ^ Toe, Baton Twirling AT CALL PLUMBING & HEATING CO. S Kay Schlund, Outstanding Dancer and Baton ^ Twirling Champion of Multnomah county, a t Faye Broadwell pupil. C. A. B A K K E N , Mgr. 7505 N. Fessenden Street ITIONE: UN 1181 Plant an ad in this home town newspaper and watch your business develop. YOU'RE TAKING THIS PAPER! But How About Your Neighbor? Ask Him to Subscribe THE OLD JUDGE SA Y S. . . Fruit, Nut, Flowering and Shade Trees, Roses, Berry Plants « Shrubs, etc. Large supply of peaches, apples, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, ap ricots, walnuts and filberts as well as roses, flowering shrubs, and berry plants. Large orchard plant ers. Order Now while our stock is still complete! Our new 1946, 40- page catalogue is now available upon request. To call at our nur sery, take highway 99W. We are located 17 miles southwest of Port land or 1 mile past Six Corners. Do not leave highway 99W. Watch for our sign. TUAJ-ATIN VALLEY NUR8ERKS Route 3, Box 310 Sherwood. Oregon De Laval SEPARATORS - MILKERS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR THE DAISY INDUSTRY ilkmekCrifell- e » t, IV fS Y THING D A IR Y M A N 1 f . M i l l AM O This n a p re v ie w o f a p ictu re w e 're try in g to sp e e d to eve ryo n e still w a itin g fo r tele p h o n e service. But it w ill ta ke some time to m ake this pictu re a re a lity . W e still cannot g e t a ll the equipm ent necessary to p ro v id e service. A n d w e d o not h a v e sufficient tra in e d personnel to Instoll w hat equipm ent w e co n o btain . S o w e ask just a littta m ore o f th a t w onderful co o p e ra tio n you h a v e given us. W e prom ise the w a if w on't b e too long. WEST COAST TELEPHONE CO. 138 N W P a rk C m .-I A I T l AVI < n y AT. M€1 USE TED "Clem and ! rcre word.. • ’ *. you l' . . i that ru w moi.o chronic aL-'-hci.c, Judge. Understand y. a saw it before we did." OLD J I D G E ■'Well. . . it’s true tv. • <f us never rec a case as extreme as thrt in real life because they are so few and far between. Hut it decs point out one tr chronic alcoholics are abnormal \\ ; 1 we’ ve got to change our ideas about i.o.v to help them." CLEXt: "In what way. Judge?" OI.D JVDGF. "W e’ ve got to realize that drinkers ere suffering from more than a craving for alcohol. According to p ; chintrists r»rd medical men -♦ n -- of our [TCw.! universities, the «ucoiioi.v . l ^ ck {" rfon. The study of hundreds of cases ms he ¡3 suffering frorrLSome physical, sot.. 1 or emotional condition...just as in the ca<e o! that poor chan in the picture. Fortunately, they represent only a very snuil percentage of those who” TED: "Is anyt' rg being done to really help these foil:«. Judge?" (■’ D J l DGL: " ' . e s . . . a great deal in c thro.-g'.KJUt the country. And with i : C'c.vrrt. n of toe beverage ¿{tillers ' : ' ?" eere’ y want Lieu- product used only in moderation.” * COLD PREPARATIONS Liquid. Tableta, Salse, Noae D rope lauUoa use e o i) as direcSed. fili «Jrr . tkrt 4..* * •-*, / m.